Art 41
Art 41
Art 41
2, 2020
ISSN 2285-5750; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769; ISSN Online 2393-2260; ISSN-L 2285-5750
The research objective was to demonstrate the use of soil fauna groups as a tool for monitoring of the “Springs Complex
of Corbii Ciungi” protected area (the IUCN category 4), Dâmboviţa County, Romania. Some ecological indicators were
quantified: taxonomic diversity, numerical abundance, dominance, evenness, equitability, Acari/Collembola ratio;
Oribatida+Mesostigmata/Prostigmata+Astigmata ratio; correlations between the investigated communities and
environmental factors (soil layer thickness, air temperature and humidity, soil temperature and moisture, soil pH, soil
penetration resistance, exposure, slope, amount of organic carbon, total N, soil nutrients and the vegetation cover).
Transects located near the water sources, were characterised by biological indicators with higher values. There was a
significant interdependence between environmental variables. They influenced the abundance and distribution of the
edaphic taxonomic groups. Statistical multivariate analysis showed that certain edaphic groups (from a total of 34
taxonomical taxa) are dependent especially on soil moisture e.g. Lumbricidae, Collembola and Oribatida.
correspondence analisys (CCA) (Hammer et al., L., Amorpha fruticose L., Urtica dioica L.,
2001). Lythrum salicaria L., Carex riparia L. and
The six transects investigated were positioned as Salix purpurea L.
• transect T1 was located near the first spring Abiotic environmental factors
(at 5 m distance) at 44.524361 N and In total, 30 soil samples were analysed for
25.512138 E, at an altitude of 122 metres, on environmental and soil chemical variables. The
a slope of 20% and with South-east exposure. environmental were: litter-fermentation layer
The investigated habitat is scrub. The thickness (OLF); humus layer thickness (OH);
dominant plant species were: Euonymus soil layer thickness (OS); air temperature (T0C),
verrucosus Scop., Rosa canina L., Cornus air humidity (H%); soil temperature (T0C), soil
sanguinea L., Ligustrum vulgare L. and moisture (M%); soil pH (in aqueous suspension
Prunus spinosa L. 1:2.5; SR 7184-13: 2001; PTL 04); soil pene-
• transect T2 was located at 20 metres distance tration resistance -SPR (PSI), measured with
from a spring, at 44.524069 N and 25.512155 penetrometer STEP Systems GmbH; exposure
E, at an altitude of 120 meters, on a slope of and slope. At the same time, quantified
5% and with South-east exposure. The chemical analyses were: the amount of organic
investigated habitat is a meadow. The carbon (humus: wet oxidation; STAS 7184/21-
dominant plant species were: Alopecurus 82; PTL 12); total N (Kjeldahl method; STAS
pratensis L. and Sanguisorba officinalis L. 7184/2-85; PTL 09); PAL (extractable
• transect T3 was located at 5 metres distance phosphorus) was also analysed in ammonium
from the second spring, at 44.523185 N and acetate-lactate; STAS 7184/19-82; PTL 19P);
25.512108 E, at an altitude of 120 metres. KAL (potassium extractable in ammonium
The investigated habitat is scrub. The acetate-lactate; STAS 7184/18-80; PTL 22) and
dominant plant species were: Rosa canina L., mobile forms of Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn (using atomic
Cornus sanguinea L., Euonymus verrucosus absorption spectrophotometry, SR ISO 11047:
Scop., Ligustrum vulgare L. and Prunus 1998, PTL 32).
spinosa L.
• transect T4 was located at 20 metres distance The biotic factor investigated was vegetation
from the second spring, at 44.523663N and coverage (%) on each soil sample.
25.511809 E, at an altitude of 120 metres, on
a slope of 5% and with South exposure. The RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
investigated habitat is a meadow. The
dominant plant species were: Alopecurus Analysis of the thickness of the soil layers from
pratensis L. and Sanguisorba officinalis L. the six transects showed that the humus layer
• transect T5 was located at 1 metre distance was the best represented. The highest value of
from the rivulet Lisandru-Vlăduţ, at this parameter was recorded in T5, but the litter
44.521888 N and 25.511166 E, at an altitude and fermentation layer was well represented in
of 123 metres, on a slope of 10% and with T1, and the soil layer in T6. The quantification
South exposure. The investigated habitat is of the vegetation coverage indicates a maximum
scrub. The dominant plant species were: value of 100%, in T4 (Table 1).
Rubus caesius L., Viburnum opulus L.,
Table 1. Thickness of the soil layers (cm) and the
Cornus sanguinea L., Aegopodium vegetation coverage (%) from transecs (T) in “Springs
podagraria L., Corylus avellana L. and Rosa Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019
canina L.
T OLF (cm) OH (cm) Os (cm) Veg.cov. %
• transect T6 was located at 2 metres distance
T1 5 ±1.87 4.8 ± 1.48 0.2 ± 0.44 15.4 ± 4.56
from the Neajlov river, at 44.519222 N and
T2 2.9 ±1.24 7 ± 1.22 72 ± 37.01
25.514583 E, at an altitude of 115 metres, on T3 3 ± 1.58 7 ± 1.58 32 ± 14.76
a slope of 15% and with South exposure. The T4 3 ± 0.70 7 ± 0.70 100 ± 22.1
investigated habitat is riverine scrub. The T5 1.8 ±1.89 8.2 ± 1.89 2 ± 0.44
dominant plant species were: Lysimachia T6 0.48 ±0.32 9.52 ± 0.32 28 ± 13.33
vulgaris L., Cirsium arvense L., Salix fragilis
The highest values of the air and soil Table 4. Macroelements from soil transects (T) of “Springs
temperature were recorded in T4, and the lowest Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019
in T5. Air humidity and soil moisture were T PAL (mg/kg) KAL(mg/kg)
highest in T5, and lowest in T4 (Table 2). T1 11.76 ± 6.64 230.3 ± 40.57
T2 7.92 ± 4.16 183.65 ± 29.48
Table 2. Air temperature and humidity, soil temperature T3 21.48 ± 9.96 106.18 ± 29.86
and moisture from transects (T) in “Springs Complex of T4 8.36 ± 4.80 195.42 ± 36.01
Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019. T5 20.56 ± 13.20 102.53 ± 20.31
T6 76.36 ± 39.96 97.66 ± 36.20
T Tair (0C) Hair (%) Tsoil (0C) Msoil (%)
T1 22.82 ± 0.38 72.8 ± 2.28 16.78 ± 0.71 62.4 ± 4.62 Table 5. Microelements from transects (T) of “Springs
T2 25.72 ± 2.29 63.1 ± 4.92 20.62 ± 2.94 41.18 ± 5.37 Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019.
T3 26.7 ± 0.46 66.8 ± 2.16 19.42 ± 2.39 55.76 ± 6.30
T Zn(mg/kg) Cu(mg/kg) Fe(mg/kg) Mn(mg/kg)
T4 31.24 ± 0.811 55 ± 5.78 23.44 ± 6.37 28.68 ± 9.88
T1 2.18 ± 0.29 1.96 ± 0.42 260.28 ± 138.11 10.44 ± 1.64
T5 21.8 ± 0.59 76.2 ± 2.58 16.58 ± 0.43 69.32 ± 3.88
T2 0.87 ± 0.25 2.61 ± 0.32 60.58 ± 16.36 4.42 ± 1.46
T6 28.24 ± 1.10 62 ± 4.58 20.02 ± 1.18 49.24 ± 4.27 T3 4.09 ± 2.83 1.2 ± 0.47 123.54 ± 43.45 8.92 ± 6.5
T4 1.44 ± 0.40 2.11 ± 0.19 43.86 ± 15.43 5.42 ± 0.61
With regard to soil penetration resistance, the T5 3.55 ± 2.03 0.9 ± 0.36 87.2 ± 52.68 9.28 ± 1.60
most resistant soils were in T4 and T2. The most T6 2.74 ± 1.20 1.99 ± 0.44 128.42 ± 61.23 27.72 ± 12.73
acid soil was recorded at T1 and on opposite at
T5 and T6, where the quantity of nutrients was Samples from T1 and T5 were the most humus-
higher in comparison with T4 and T2 (Table 3). rich (the quantity of organic carbon), whereas
Although soil pH is a good indicator of the total nitrogen and the C/Nt ratio showed
balance of nutrients, electrical conductivity maximum values in T3 and T5 (Table 6).
reflects the amount of nutrients available in the The C/Nt ratio is a sensitive indicator of soil
soil. Only nutrients that are water-soluble are quality. It is considered an indicator of the
"available" for plant absorption. In strongly mineralisation capacity of nitrogen. A ratio
acidic soils, Al and Mn become highly mobile greater than 15 (C/Nt> 15) may slow the rate of
and available to plants, being toxic to them, decomposition of organic matter and organic
while Ca, P and Mg are not available to plants. nitrogen, limiting microbial activity, while a low
In strongly alkaline soils, P and most micronu- ratio may accelerate the rate of decomposition.
trients become less mobile (Pagani et al., 2014). The presence of organic matter is a favourable
Electric conductivity had high values in T5 and factor for development of edaphic invertebrate
T6, but low values in T2 and T4 (Table 3). populations (springtails, nematodes,
enchytraeids, etc.), which in turn represent the
Table 3. Soil penetration resistance (SPR), electric food source for predator groups (such as mites)
conductivity (CE) and soil acidity (pH) from transects (Klarner et al., 2013).
(T) in “Springs Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected
Area, 2019 Analysing the C/Nt ratio of the soil from this
protected area, we found that a slower rate of
T SRP (PSI) CE (µS) pH (unit pH)
decomposition of organic matter was recorded
T1 170 ± 0.60 96.72 ± 24.16 5.62 ± 0.42
in T3 and T5, although this process is not very
T2 250 ± 0.16 47.72 ± 11.15 6.54 ± 0.09
pronounced and the ratio did not greatly exceed
T3 66 ± 0.55 154.68 ± 97.32 6.86 ± 0.32
the value of 15 (Table 6).
T4 270 ± 0.49 38.52 ± 7.76 6.58 ± 0.29
T5 94 ± 0.57 282.6 ± 112.30 7.1 ±0.43
Table 6. The content of organic carbon (Corg) and of
T6 110 ± 0.33 301.8 ± 207.22 7.33 ± 0.38 total nitrogen (Nt) from soil transects (T) of “Springs
Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019
For soil nutrients (macro and microelements), T Corg.(%) Nt (%) C/Nt
the following results were obtained: P had the T1 5.14 ± 0.55 0.42 ± 0.05 14.24 ± 1.04
highest concentrations in T5 and T6; K in T1 and T2 1.83 ± 0.28 0.17 ± 0.01 12.26 ± 1.26
T4; Zn in T3 and T5; Cu in T2 and T4; Fe in T1 T3 11.41 ± 6.9 0.83 ± 0.42 15.53 ± 1.69
and T6; and Mn in T1 and T6. In general, the T4 1.98 ± 0.28 0.2 ± 0.02 11.56 ± 0.67
lowest values of these nutrients were found in T5 8.53 ± 3.63 0.61 ± 0.21 15.92 ± 1.75
T2 and T4 (Tables 4, 5). T6 1.40 ± 0.61 0.15 ± 0.08 11.82 ± 2.58
From the taxonomic point of view, the biolo- where the soil moisture was high (e.g. T1, T3,
gical material revealed the presence of 34 T5, T6). Similar trends were observed in the
groups. These were classified in eight diversity of soil invertebrate groups. The lowest
taxonomic classes: Oligochaeta (ord. values of these two parameters were obtained in
Haplotaxida), Nematoda, Diplopoda (ord. T2 (17 taxonomic groups with 306 individuals)
Iulida), Chilopoda (ord. Lithobiomorpha, and in T4 (20 taxonomic groups with 176
Geophilomorpha), Malacostraca (ord. Isopoda), individuals).
Entognatha (ord. Collembola, Diplura), Insecta The same trend was found in the totals of insect
(ord. Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, larvae and immature stages of mites (which is an
Hemiptera, Psocoptera), and Arachnida (ord. indicator of the viability of the studied
Trombidiformes, Sarcoptiformes, ecosystems), with maximums in T3 and T5
Mesostigmata, Araneae, Pseudoscorpionida) (Tables 7 and 8).
(Table 7). The numbers of insect and mite larvae The numerical abundances of the soil taxonomic
were evaluated at the same time. In total, 4180 groups were evenly distributed in T2 and T4. In
individuals were identified, from which 350 a few transects some taxonomic groups were
were immature mites and 107 individuals were notably dominant in terms of numerical
insect larvae. The highest numerical abundance abundance (in T5 and T6) e.g. Collembola,
was recorded in the following taxonomic Oribatida, Opiidae and Mesostigmata.
groups: Collembola (1108 individuals), Dominance, evenness and equitability indices
Oribatida (969 individuals), Opiidae (540 showed similar trends (Table 8).
individuals) and Mesostigmata (769 The Acari/Collembola ratio was another useful
individuals); in contrast Nematoda, biological indicator for monitoring the quality of
Chrysomelidae, Erytraeidae and Belbiidae were terrestrial habitats dependent of groundwater
each represented by a single individual). and surface water. The recorded values of this
Those taxonomic groups most abundant in the ratio were higher than 1 in all six investigated
protected area reflect soils rich in organic transects, with the highest value (12.10) in T2
matter. From a trophic point of view, these (Table 8).
taxonomic groups participate directly in the Turning to the OM/PA ratio, small values were
decomposition of organic matter, and the recorded if the mite communities were
presence of a favourable habitat leads to high negatively influenced by an abiotic disturbance
populations, which in turn are a source of food factor. The values of the OM/PA ratio were
for other invertebrates (such as Mesostigmata). markedly higher in T1 and T5, and lowest in
Examining spatial variation over the study site, meadows (T2 and T4), where the soil humidity
the highest numbers of soil invertebrates were was lower and the distance to the water sources
recorded from transects located close to the longer (Table 8).
different water sources (springs or rivulet),
Table 7. Numerical abundance of taxonomic groups from transects, in “Springs Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected
Area, 2019
Taxa Short name T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Phylum Annelida
Class Clitellata
Subclass Oligochaeta
Order Haplotaxida
Family Lumbricidae Lum 1 8 2 1 1
Family Enchytreidae Enc 3 5 1 12
Phylum Nematoda Nem 1
Phylum Arthropoda
Sub-phylum Myriapoda
Class Diplopoda Dip 2 1 1 1
Ord. Julida Iul 1 5 14 1 5
Class Chilopoda
Ord. Lithobiomorpha Lit 3 1 1 12 1
Ord. Geophilomorpha Geo 2
Sub-phylum Crustacea
Class Malacostraca
Ord. Isopoda Iso 6 1
Sub-phylum Hexapoda
Class Entognatha
Ord. Collembola Col 103 20 146 28 621 190
Ord. Diplura Dip 4
Class Insecta
Ord. Hymenoptera
Family Formicidae For 10 5 2 4 7 2
Ord. Coleoptera Cole 4 3
Family Staphylinidae Sta 1 2 1 3 2
Family Chrysomelidae Chr 1
Ord. Diptera Dip 1 1 1
Ord. Hemiptera
Superfamily Aphidoidea Aph 20
Ord. Psocoptera Pso 2 2 26
Insect larvae Ins l 12 18 12 7 28 30
Sub-phylum Chelicerata
Class Arachnida
Superorder Acariformes
Ord. Trombidiformes
Subord. Prostigmata
Family Trombidiidae Tro 1 1 3
Family Bdellidae Bde 2 1 1 6
Family Cunaxidae Cun 17 4 8
Family Johnstoninidae Joh 2 3 5 2
Family Labidostommidae Lab 4 2
Family Tetranychidae Tet 2
Family Erythraeidae Ery 1
Ord. Sarcoptiformes
Subord. Oribatida Ori 105 35 212 33 545 39
Family Opiidae Opi 102 92 18 12 219 07
Family Bellbiidae Bel 1
Subord. Astigmata
Family Acaridae Aca 2 5 37 6 6 2
Family Scutacaridae Scu 2 3 2
Ord. Mesostigmata Mes 67 19 222 42 371 48
Mites immatures Mi im 32 68 95 20 118 17
Ord. Pseudoscorpionida Pse 2 4 1
Taxa Short name T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Ord. Araneae Ara 1 1
Numerical abundance (ind.) 454 306 792 176 1985 476
Number of taxa 20 17 21 20 23 17
Table 8. Soil biological indicators from “Springs from which we obtained a classification of
Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019. several taxonomic invertebrate groups related to
Soil fauna
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Total the three types of water source (spring, rivulet
No. of and river):
taxonomical 20 17 21 20 23 17 34
groups • transects T2 and T4, located in meadows, were
454 306 792 176 1985 467 4180 characterised by communities of Diplopoda,
Dominance 0.18 0.17 0.20 0.14 0.22 0.24 Formicidae, Cunaxidae and Araneae.
Shannon 1.94 2.14 1.89 2.27 1.74 1.82 • transects T1 and T6, located closed to the water
Evenness 0.35 0.50 0.31 0.48 0.25 0.36 sources (rivulet and Neajlov River) were
Equitability 0.65 0.76 0.62 0.76 0.55 0.64 characterised by Staphylinidae, Erytraeidae,
A/C 3.09 12.10 4.04 4.21 2.04 1.07 Insect larva, Lythobiomorpha and Opiidae.
OM/PA 22.83 5.65 8.86 5.80 87.31 15.33 • transects T3 and T5 were characterised by
Oribatida, Mesostigmata, Coleoptera,
In order to explore how the invertebrate fauna is Lumbricidae, Acaridae, Oribatida,
grouped according to the proximity of the Pseudoscorpionida and respectively by
analysed transects to water sources, we Collembola, Diptera, Scutacaridae,
performed a correspondence analysis (CA), Nematoda (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Correspondence analysis (CA) between identified taxonomical groups and analysed transects
from “Springs Complex of Corbii Ciungi” Protected Area, 2019.
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matter (C/Nt) and soil acidity positively directly inorganic matter decomposition (Figure
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