Skills Based Hiring Sourcing Hiring Playbook
Skills Based Hiring Sourcing Hiring Playbook
Skills Based Hiring Sourcing Hiring Playbook
What’s Included:
◇ Business case for taking action Steps To Get Started
◇ Step-by-step guidance to get started Step-by-step guidance and helpful tips from
◇ Helpful tips from leading employers leading employers
◇ Case study
1. Identify a shortlist of priority jobs. Start with 1-3 jobs
◇ Tools and resources
that you expect to hire for in the next year and where
you’ve had a hard time recruiting a diverse applicant pool.
Business Case
2. Work with managers to identify skills
Inclusive job descriptions increase diversity and
required for the job. What skills do new
improve applicant quality.
hires need to have in order to succeed in the
◇ 5x better hiring: Research shows that hiring for skills is role? Include both technical or industry-
5x more predictive of job performance than hiring for specific skills and softer skills like
education and 2.5x more predictive than hiring for work communication and teamwork.
Tip: Free tools like the Skillful Job Posting
◇ 42% more responses: Job descriptions that use gender-
Generator, Skills Engine, and O*Net offer
neutral language lead to 42% more responses and a two- lists of skills mapped to job titles.
week faster hiring time than those that use masculine-
language (e.g., assertive, dominant, competitive). 3. Distinguish between required and
preferred skills. Which skills are most
◇ Increased equity: Women tend to apply to jobs only
important to succeed in the job? Which skills
when they meet 100% of the job requirements, while
does a new hire need to have on day one?
men will apply if they meet 60%. Similar gaps exist for
Rank the skills in order of importance
candidates of color.
(low/medium/high). Then, divide them into
◇ 2.5x more engagement: Workers who strongly agree
skills that the candidate must have on day
that the job description was a good reflection of their job one and ones that can be taught on the job.
are 2.5x more likely to be engaged as an employee. Important skills that a candidate must have
on day one are required skills. The rest are
preferred. Embed descriptions of each
competency in your job post. Use clear, plain
language that avoids industry jargon.
Tip: Instead of specifying the exact
software used at the company (e.g., Taleo),
list the type of software (e.g., Applicant
Tracking System). Also, each job
description should have at most 10 skills.
Too many skills can turn off applicants and
de-emphasize the skills you need most.
longer and more explicit statements. Here’s an groups, interviews, and job shadowing to identify
example from IBM: “IBM is committed to creating a the skills most essential for success in training and
diverse environment and is proud to be an equal on the job. They then redesigned their interview
opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will process to focus on a call simulation test that
receive consideration for employment without regard assesses those critical skills.
to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or ◇ The Impact: 25% decrease in attrition during
expression, sexual orientation, national origin, training. Scores on the assessment also became
genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.” You can good predictors of performance. JetBlue is now
find other examples from leading employers here. Be working to extend a skills-based approach to all
sure to run any customized statements past a lawyer customer-facing roles. Learn more.
to ensure compliance with EEOC regulations.
7. Collect feedback from candidates and new hires TOOLS AND RESOURCES
to inform further revision.
8. Make it easy for candidates to apply, and keep ◇ Create a customizable skills-based job posting:
them engaged through the process. Keep • Skillful Job Posting Generator (Free)
◇ Identify potential skills tied to your role
applications simple and any pre-screen assessments
brief (5-10 minutes). Give candidates the option to • SkillsEngine (Free); O*Net (Free)
share their skills as part of the application. Where ◇ Analyze job postings for bias:
possible, leverage technology to make skill and job • Gender Bias Decoder (free); Ongig; Textio;
suggestions to help candidates highlight their skills TapRecruit; Talvista
and identify positions they may be qualified for. Keep ◇ Compare a traditional vs. skills-based posting
candidates informed of their status via email or SMS. (Appendix figures 1 and 2)
funding to help support employers who hire 2. Embed diversity metrics into compensation plans
from specific populations, including veterans, and performance objectives. Ensure that diversity
ex-felons, and people on federal assistance. objectives are included for all involved in the hiring
process, including HR, hiring managers, and executives.
These objectives should include increasing diversity of
applicants and new hires as well as pay gaps,
promotions, and retention. Increasing diversity and
removing bias requires a team effort. Where possible,
consider hiring a chief diversity officer to help oversee
this work, but be sure that diversity goals are collectively
measured and not placed on one person or department.
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Source a Talented and Diverse Applicant Pool 4
STEPS TO GET STARTED (cont.): 8. Offer benefits that your target prospects value.
Fundamental benefits like a living wage, health insurance,
3. Run targeted referral programs. Referrals are and paid sick days and family leave ensure workers can
widely used to build recruiting pipelines. However,
take care of themselves while remaining productive at
because people tend to have social groups similar work. Beyond that, use surveys and focus groups to
to themselves, they risk homogenizing rather than
understand how employees and applicants value different
diversifying workplaces. Instead of generic
benefits. Consider expanding education, transportation,
referrals, consider a targeted program to share and family benefits. Highlight opportunities for upward
your diversity goals, progress toward meeting
mobility and training programs (and tuition assistance)
them, and value you see in creating a more available to workers to help them advance. Explore
diverse workplace (see Pinterest case study).
offering flexible holidays to support workers of different
4. Leverage employee resource groups (ERGs). faiths. Communicate the compensation, benefits,
ERGs can help spot potential bias in the workplace culture, and broader social mission of your work
recruitment process and identify new recruitment in your job descriptions and promotional materials.
channels. Engaged individuals can also help attend
recruitment events, blog about their experiences at CASE STUDY: PINTEREST
the organization, or attend conferences. Offer
additional compensation or budgets for ERGs to In 2015, Pinterest tweaked its referral program by
perform these extra duties. challenging members of the engineering team to refer
“10x more candidates from underrepresented ethnic
Tip: Here are some tips to protect ERG
backgrounds and 2x more women over the next six
employees from feeling tokenized.
weeks.” This simple ask to be more aware of diversity
5. Expand your sourcing channels. For campus “increased the percent of referrals from underrepresented
recruiting, partner with a more diverse set of talent by 55x, and referrals of women by 24% in just six
colleges, and, where possible, develop diversity- weeks.” Learn more.
focused internships or co-ops. Post your jobs on
diversity-focused job boards (see tools section for a
list to get you started). Foster relationships with TOOLS AND RESOURCES
community-based organizations, affinity groups, Population-specific job boards for applicants:
and networking groups. Disabled: Gettinghired, Recruit Disability, Hire Autism
6. Build your own local pipeline. There are many Veterans: Veteran Recruiting, Hire Purpose
ways to get involved in training local talent: Criminal records: 70 Million Jobs
• Partnering with local education providers to: LGBTQ: Out for Undergrad, Pink Jobs, Campus Pride,
1) Ensure the curriculum reflects your skill needs, Out & Equal
2) Train educators on the latest technologies, or
3) Help offset training costs Black and Hispanic: Jopwell,, PDN
Recruits, iHispano, Black Career Network, Black Jobs,
• Establishing paid pre-employment training
programs, including apprenticeships, co-ops, Hispanic/Latino Professionals Association (HLPA)
and internships Female: Fairygodboss, PowerToFly, Career Contessa –
• Developing and delivering role-specific training focus on millennials, Female Executive Search – focus
programs in the community and online on C-level candidates, The Mom Project
Look for local intermediaries who work to connect Immigrant and refugee: Upwardly Global, Amplio
employers and educators and can walk you Recruiting
through different options for getting involved.
Lists of top diverse institutions:
7. Recruit from roles outside your industry with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs),
highly transferable skills. Expanding beyond the Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Women’s colleges,
target role or industry opens up huge pools of Tribal colleges
talent exposing new ways of thinking and problem
solving. Look for roles with related skills even in Campus recruiting: Door of Clubs – platform to
different industries. For example, a waiter or engage college clubs
bartender likely has strong skills in customer Diversity hiring platforms: Opportunity@Work;
management and organization that could translate Seekout; Mathison; YUPRO; Turning Basin Labs
into a role as a salesperson or executive assistant.
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Source a Talented and Diverse Applicant Pool 5
Screen to Identify Most-Qualified Candidates
Effectively And Inclusively
You’ve done the work to recruit a diverse applicant pool. How do you ensure you select the best candidates? How
do you prevent bias from screening out talented, diverse candidates and creating a homogenous interview slate?
Research shows that screening – whether via manual resume reviews or automated processes – is prone to “like-
me” or affinity bias.
This quick-start checklist builds on learning from leading employers and researchers to provide easy-to-follow
guidance on how to reduce bias in the screening process in order to identify the best candidates for the job.
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Screen to Identify Most-Qualified Candidates Effectively And Inclusively 6
2. Consider masking name in resume and application
reviews. Many employers remove or hide bias-prone In 2013, Clifford Chance, a major UK law firm,
identifiers on resumes like name, address, and implemented college-masked hiring to increase
college. This further focuses reviews on skills and representation beyond the most elite
prevents “like-me” bias from creeping in. One study universities.
found that when orchestras switched to blind ◇ The Problem: After reviewing a study that
auditions in the 1970s, the odds of a female candidate revealed that attending one of the UK’s elite
getting selected increased by 30%. universities was a de facto requirement for
working at the firm, leaders at Clifford Chance
decided to make a change. They knew that
• One challenge with masked reviews is that they limiting hiring to a narrow set of universities
remove opportunity for cultural context and can end was homogenizing their workforce and
up reinforcing bias (e.g., women are more likely to preventing them from reaching top talent. As
take time off from work when they have young one senior employee put it: “We’re looking for
children, leading to a gap in their work history). the gems and they’re not all in the jeweler's
• Where possible, have two or more people with
different backgrounds / roles review resumes. ◇ The Solution: The firm adopted a college-
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Screen to Identify Most-Qualified Candidates Effectively And Inclusively 7
Inclusive, Skills-Based Interviewing and Selection
The interview process is one of the points in the recruiting process in which the greatest number of qualified,
diverse candidates are unintentionally screened out as interviewees select candidates most like themselves. This
process inhibits diversity efforts and prevents employers from hiring the best talent for the role.
This quick-start checklist builds on learning from leading employers and researchers to provide easy-to-follow
guidance on how to reduce bias in the interviewing process in order to identify the best candidates for the job.
Business Case • Each question should focus on evaluating one specific skill.
Interviews that focus on skills lead • Each required skill from the job description should be
to better, more diverse hiring. evaluated either via a question or assessment.
◇ Better understand the candidate’s • Use behavioral questions that ask how a candidate has
skill set and areas for growth, acted in the past (e.g., tell me about a time when…) and
enabling informed hiring decisions situational questions that ask how a candidate would
and customized onboarding. respond to a situation (e.g., What would you do…).
◇ Make it easier to compare • Test questions with a diverse set of stakeholders to identify
candidates’ abilities. sources of bias or confusion. Avoid culturally specific terms
◇ Minimize like-me or affinity bias and trivia.
that encourages interviewers to
prefer candidates like themselves. 2. Focus on “cultural add” not “cultural fit”. Cultural fit
Even when hiring managers are evaluations tend to reward like-me biases. Instead, ask
trained to be objective, they are interviewers to consider how a candidate’s background might
more likely to view male bring something new to the organization.
candidates favorably and offer
them higher salaries. Tip: To combat the like-me bias, some companies tell
interviewers to avoid asking about interests and background.
Others ask interviewers to begin each interview by affirmatively
highlighting something on the candidate’s resume that they have
in common, which can make the candidate more comfortable.
◇ Case study
1. Use reference checks to better understand the
candidate’s learning style, management style, and
other needs or accommodations that the new hire
Business Case might need. In addition to evaluating the candidate’s
Getting employees up to speed quickly skills and experiences, late-stage reference checks
boosts performance and retention conducted before extending offers can provide insights on
◇ Effective onboarding programs increase the candidate to set the stage for effective onboarding.
productivity by over 70% and retention by 2. Leverage evaluation materials to identify areas of
up to 82%. focus for onboarding. Interview and assessment
◇ Only 12% of workers feel that their evaluation rubrics should highlight skills where the
company does onboarding well. new hire is relatively weaker. Make sure to address
◇ 58% of organizations say onboarding is those areas first during onboarding.
focused on paperwork and processes,
3. Write out an impact plan for what the new hire will
wasting opportunities to get new hires up
accomplish at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. Even within
to speed and engaged.
the same role there can be variation on expectations
◇ Negative onboarding experiences make
depending on the team and events occurring at the
new hires 2x more likely to look for new business. Work with the manager to develop a refined
opportunities. set of tasks that the new hire will be expected to
execute as they get on board.
The recruiter role provides support in all processes and efforts to find and maintain relationships with all
candidates. They draft hiring materials, source candidates for open positions, conduct screening, and
interview candidates. They track information on applicants, arrange interviews, and build working relationships
with hiring managers, HR staff, and community partners.
◇ Sourcing qualified candidates from various channels (e.g., online, job fairs, community partners).
◇ Drafting and refining hiring documents including job postings, screening guides, and interview guides.
◇ Preparing, coordinating, and conducting reference checks and screening, and phone and in-person
◇ Evaluating applicant eligibility and qualifications for employment.
◇ Engaging and collaborating with HR manager and hiring manager to understand open positions and long-
term talent needs.
◇ Evaluating and using new sourcing techniques to identify, cultivate, and attract qualified candidates.
◇ Answering questions regarding the interview process, assessments, eligibility, salaries, benefits, etc.
◇ Requires a BA/BS in related field
◇ Minimum of 1 year of experience working in a recruiting environment
◇ Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills; friendly, tactful, good negotiator, ability to influence
◇ Analytical skills
◇ Ability to manage the entire hiring process (from sourcing to offer stage) in an efficient and effective
◇ Experience with Workday ATS (Applicant Tracking System) application
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Appendix: Figure #1: Traditional Pedigree-Based Job Posting 13
TITLE: Recruiter
The recruiter role provides support in all processes and efforts to find and maintain relationships with all
candidates. They draft hiring materials, source candidates for open positions, conduct screening, and
interview candidates. They track information on applicants, arrange interviews, and build working relationships
with hiring managers, HR staff, and community partners.
◇ Sourcing qualified candidates from various channels (e.g., online, job fairs, community partners).
◇ Drafting and refining hiring documents including job postings, screening guides, and interview guides.
◇ Preparing, coordinating, and conducting reference checks and screening, and phone and in-person
◇ Evaluating applicant eligibility and qualifications for employment.
◇ Engaging and collaborating with HR manager and hiring manager to understand open positions and long-
term talent needs.
◇ Evaluating and using new sourcing techniques to identify, cultivate, and attract qualified candidates.
◇ Answering questions regarding the interview process, assessments, eligibility, salaries, benefits, etc.
◇ Interview and Assessment Techniques – Develop structured interview guides and use assessments to
evaluate skill sets of applicants.
◇ Process Improvement – Monitor and evaluate recruiting processes and update recruiting and sourcing
methods to improve the quality of candidates and reduce time to hire.
◇ Interpersonal Skills – Guide conversations to assess applicants’ eligibility and qualifications in person and
over the phone; build relationships with community partners to hire their clients/students.
◇ Judgment and Decision Making – Assess eligibility and qualifications of applicants during recruitment,
screening, and interviewing; partner with HR and hiring managers to decide on new hires.
◇ Writing – Communicate clearly in writing as appropriate in email, digital platforms, and hiring documents
(e.g., job postings).
◇ Employment Law – Have knowledge on legality for acceptable conduct and questions during interview and
hiring process; understand employment eligibility.
◇ Recruitment Software – Ability to use Application Tracking Systems to track applicants for multiple open
◇ Persuasion – Persuade top candidates online and at job fairs to apply to our positions.
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Appendix: Figure #2: Skills-Based Job Posting 14
Technical vs. Interpersonal Skills
Technical Skills
These skills are specific to an industry or job. These skills are the technical skills a person
needs to perform narrowly defined tasks and duties.
Interpersonal Skills
These skills are professional knowledge and skills that are transferable from one job to
another and across industries.
Trainable Non-Trainable
Job Duties
Preferred: Required:
Preferred: Preferred:
Required Skills
These skills are necessary to perform essential job duties at the specified level and there is no
capacity to train; therefore, a candidate must have them on day one to complete job
Preferred Skills
These skills can be trained during onboarding and/or are used to perform non-essential
job duties.
Souring & Hiring Playbook. Appendix: Figure #3: Skill Comparison Guide 15