Era Digitala Prin Matematica
Era Digitala Prin Matematica
Era Digitala Prin Matematica
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1. Introduction
What is digital transformation? According to Ebert and Duarte [1], Digital Trans-
formation (DX) is “about adopting disruptive technologies to increase productivity,
value creation, and the social welfare”. The above definition is quite general meaning
that DX can be adopted in many circumstances and by many actors: governments
(from local to national level), multilateral organizations, industries. Digitalization,
and in particular the concept of Digital Twin, has applications in many different fields
[2]: Health, Meteorology, Manufacturing, Education, Cities and Transportation, and
Indeed, DX is having a huge impact on society at large. For instance, concerning
labour force, a report from the World Economic Forum [3] states that by 2025, as a
consequence of digitalization, 85 million jobs will be destroyed, while 97 million new
jobs will be created worldwide. Thus, new competencies and skills will be necessary in
a digitally transformed world. Among the top skills listed in the WEF report are the
following: Critical thinking and analysis, Active learning and learning strategies,
Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities
• Big Data: the huge amount of data collected every moment on the system are a
powerful tool to understand the process, and extract information.
• Cloud: the data collected has to be stored properly and safely and made available
to the users; the user, in turn, may operate on the data through, for instance,
simulations to understand what is happening on the system under control.
But one of the most important technologies enabling the Digital Transformation is
Mathematics. Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization methods (MSO) have demon-
strated their usefulness for solving problems in real life: forecast of air pollution,
image processing, filtration processes, cultural heritage conservation, just to mention
a few. MSO are becoming very important in a digitalized world, since they make it
possible to extract information and knowledge from the data collected. In fact, in the
last years research have developed new mathematical tools to be applied, for example,
in Digital Twins [6, 7]. And some authors have talked explicitly of an “Era of Mathe-
matics” [8].
This paper will give an overview of the mathematical tools that can be applied in a
digitally transformed enterprise. It is organized as follows. Section (2) will describe
the two main approaches of applied mathematics to digitalization: Physics-Based and
Data-Driven. We will depict the main differences and how they can be combined to
increase their effectiveness, with an example from an Industrial case. Section 3 will
introduce some tools from linear algebra that can be applied to process collected data.
Finally, in a concluding section, we will summarize our points and stress the impor-
tance of promoting Mathematics towards Industry.
Applied Mathematics Tools in Digital Transformation
The Digital Transformation implies the use of mathematical models and methods
to take advantage from the (possibly huge) amount of data collected by an enterprise
about its own processes. When an enterprise wants to digitalize its processes it may
apply a physics-based approach or a data-driven approach. The above approaches
imply different methods to deal with a problem, each one with its pros and cons [9].
In recent years, however, Hybrid methods have been developed building on the two
approaches. The hybrids have been developed in such a way to sum up the advantages
of both model-based and data-driven approaches while reducing the disadvantages.
2.1 Physics-based
where ui is the outcome of the mathematical model, di is the data collected by the
sensors, and N is the number of data collected. If the residual exceeds a given
threshold, then the system does not “behave properly” and some countermeasure has
to be implemented.
Physics-based models can be powerful tools to create a Digital Twin. They can give
great support in the first design of the digital system; in fact, they can give useful
information on the processes to be described without great moles of data. As an
example, physics-based modeling can give a first idea on what variables shall be
Physics-based models are characterized by transparency: this makes straightfor-
ward the interpretation of results.
Generalization is another important characteristic of PB models. The underline
assumptions, as well as the approximations due to the development of the model
determine the extent to which a model, can be generalized to other cases not previ-
ously considered. In general, in a PB approach, the limits of applications of a model are
known in advance and this makes clear the range of problems it can describe.
One of the main problems of such an approach is the complexity of the resulting
system of equations; in the presence of multiple processes interacting with one
another (multi-physics systems) and at multiple spatial and/or temporal scales (multi-
scale systems), the difficulty in solving the equations will increase very rapidly. Some
techniques have been developed, such as Reduced Order Modeling, to diminish model
Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities
and computational complexity and end up with a more manageable system of equa-
tions, while maintaining the accuracy of results [10].
Nevertheless, such an approach is the one that permits a automotive industry to do
crash test only via numerical simulations and new applications of the PB are growing
up. For example, we are now able to simulate the whole heartbeat where all the
physical parts (electrophysiology, the passive and active mechanics of the cardiac
muscle, the microscopic force generation in sarcomeres, the blood flow in the heart
chambers, and the valve dynamic) concur to the final simulation, see [11].
PB approaches have been applied also in the field of building automation: in [12]
the authors focused on predictive maintenance of biomass boilers trying to minimize
user discomfort.
2.2 Data-Driven
Data-Driven (DD) approach implies the use of methods from Machine Learning or
even Deep Learning to exploit directly the data collected by sensors on system per-
formance. Artificial Intelligence tools are suitable when very high amounts of data are
available and can be used to find hidden patterns in the sample that cannot be
discovered otherwise. Such a pattern can be refined whenever new data are collected.
In such a way, we can say that the tool “learns from experiences”.
The methods applied are diverse and comprises the following:
The main advantage of the DD approach is the ease with which the solutions can be
found, compared with the first principle approach. They have proven to be a very
good alternative to PB models. If enough data are available, tools like neural networks
can find hidden structures in very complex problems, where it is difficult to describe
exactly the underlined physical structure. To give an example in the field of Material
Sciences, in [13] the authors developed a Neural Network to simulate a Cellular
Mechanical Metamaterial (CMM) and compared the performances with Direct
Numerical Simulations (DNS), usually applied in this kind of problem. While the DNS
needs about 105 Degrees of Freedom and 5 102 s to describe the mechanical proper-
ties of CMM, the Neural Network scheme needs only 290 DoF and about 6 to 8 s to
provide a solution.
The ability to generalize a DD model is very limited. A DD model can describe
circumstances only spanned by the data already available. It will need a large
number of new data to take into account a more general setting. The need for
(possibly large) amount of information is an overall limit to the development of the
DD approach; sometimes, one does not have sufficient data to describe properly a
given process.
Applied Mathematics Tools in Digital Transformation
Reduced Order Model coupled with Baysian state estimation to allow a small aircraft
to adjust dynamically its trajectory.
Hybrid methods have been applied to describe a spring-mass system subjected to
damping that evolves according to multiple time scales [24]; such an application
is relevant for many industrial settings and is generally very difficult to solve
of data through sensors allows the elaboration of a database that also includes a sort
of forecasting model: this increases the knowledge of the ongoing process and helps
in prediction.
The use of hybrid approach helps to meet the targets of predictive maintenance:
• Fault diagnosis
• Fault forecast
• Intelligent decision
• Intelligent maintenance.
Now we consider how the tools coming from linear algebra can manage to solve
the problems considered in the previous section. We consider both problems, namely
the search of a model that can justify some available data and the case where the
model is given and some prediction is done via numerical computations. What we
present next is inspired by [27, 28], where readers can find full details of the topics
introduced in this section.
First, we consider that a dataset is given; instances xðiÞ , yðiÞ are known ∀i ¼
Find w ∈ Rd such that Dw Y ≈ 0
Linear System PB
Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities
When a model is given, this is used to predict the behavior of the quantity of
interest for forecasting, i.e., in unseen cases. Mathematical models are relations
involving, in many cases, operations that are not tabled or easily computable. In order
to understand how the tools of applied mathematics apply in such cases, we can start
from a general formulation where the quantity of interest is a u ∗ (an unknown
function in the general case or a vector/scalar) that is the solution of a problem:
P ðu ∗ , δÞ ¼ 0 where δ are the given data.
Find α ∈ R such that uðxi Þ α j f j xðiÞ yðiÞ ≈ 0 ∀i ¼ 1 … M
uðxÞ ¼ Nj¼1 α j f j ðxÞ, i.e., u is a linear combination of N fixed functions f j ðxÞ. The
This problem is exactly in the same framework as the ones seen in the previous
section: a matrix problem where the matrix is the so-called collocation matrix
Φ ∈ RMN , Φ j,i ¼ f j xðiÞ .
Remark. The choice of the functions f j strongly affects both the quality of the
solution and the ability to solve the discrete problem easily. Usual choices are poly-
nomials or piece-wise polynomial functions. Nevertheless many systems of functions
can be used instead and the results on the capability to approximate general functions,
known as the Universal Approximation Theorem (UAT), are available. One of the
reasons why the Neural Network (NN) functions are widely used in numerical
approximations is due to the fact that there are available UAT results in this case. We
remark that in the general case of NN also some parameters inside the functions can
be tuned so that the overall determination of the network is a nonlinear optimization
Moving from the approximation of a given function to different scientific models,
we encounter the case of equilibrium laws based on first principles, as described in the
previous section on Physics-Based approach. Also in this case the unknown is a
function but in this case, the model is written as a solution to a mathematical problem
P ðu ∗ , δÞ ¼ 0 that involves some operators applied to the unknown function: deriva-
tives and/or integrals (that are linear operators) and eventually nonlinear transfor-
mations. (The problem of interpolations described at the beginning of this section can
Applied Mathematics Tools in Digital Transformation
• instead of considering exact modeling approximate the operators and look for
solutions in particular cases, ad example in fixed sites ) P N ≈ P.
Applied mathematics tools aim to introduce methods that translate the original
model in some approximation that is consistent with the original formulation and
gives an accurate approximation of the unknowns. The initial problem P ðu ∗ , δÞ ¼ 0 is
then reformulated in an approximate way (P N ≈ P) and the sought solution is an
approximation of the mathematical solution (u ≈ u ∗ ). The final resolution step, in
most cases revels in the resolution of a linear problem as the ones seen before.
Because many problems seen in this excursus are finally modeled via linear systems,
we aim to present some of the ingredients that can be used for the resolution of linear
systems. The problem written in (Linear System PB) is the one that we aim to solve.
As commented, the unknown vector w has to solve the problem of interpolating
ð jÞ
the available data with a linear function, i.e., if Di , j ¼ 1, … , d are the features of
P ð jÞ
the i th individual and Y i is the output, then w j are such that j w j Di should be
close to Y i ∀i ¼ 1, … , M. The first case that we consider, is the one where we have
more parameter to fix than available information, so that the number of features d is
greater of the number of individuals M; the problem is also referred as overpara-
First of all we introduce the rank r ≤ d of the matrix D: this is the number of
columns of the matrix that are linearly independent, i.e., columns that cannot be
written as a linear combination of the other ones. Thinking of the matrix as a collec-
tion of features from individuals, the rank would be the number of information that
we collect that are linearly independent. Because our aim is to find the coefficients w j
that solve the linear system, if we call Dð jÞ the j th column of D, the linear system can
w j D ð jÞ
be written as Y ≈ 0 thus only columns that are linearly independent
give useful information for the determination of the w. The real dimensionality of the
problem, the number of degrees of freedom that can be sought, is then the rank of the
An important feature when data are collected with some error—or “noise”—is that
the rank of the matrix could be affected by this error: some columns can be linearly
independent only for effect of the randomness of the noise. Then, a different prelim-
inary analysis—the so-called feature selection—that reduces the dimension of the
columns could be necessary. One possible way to proceed is by exploring the Singular
Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities
Value Decompostion of the matrix and, in particular, the order of magnitude of the
singular values. All these procedures that avoid the presence of redundancy on the
feature collection, end up with the so-called active features. When this preprocessing
of the data is done, we need to solve the problem of the determination of d ∗ ≤ d
coefficients w ∗ to be fixed from the M linear equations: a linear problem of the type
D ∗ w ∗ Y ≈ 0. If d ∗ is still greater or equal to M, the problem—which is referred as
square if d ∗ ¼ M or underdeterminated if d ∗ > M- has always an optimal solution,
i.e., a solution to the matrix problem D ∗ w ∗ Y ¼ 0. If the problem is square, the
solution is unique. It has more solutions when d ∗ > M: to select between these solu-
tions we can introduce the square problem ðD ∗ ÞT D ∗ w ~ ¼ ðD ∗ ÞT Y, where ðÞT stands
for the transposed matrix. Such equations are referred as “normal equations” for the
non-squared linear problem. The solution w ~ solves a square linear system and is one of
the possible vectors w ∗ .
Overdetermined linear problems are the ones where the number of features (or
active features as described above) are less than the number of individuals, that is, the
number of rows of the matrix M; the problem is also referred as overfitted. To focus on
such an overdeterminated case, we can focus on the scalar case, where d ¼ 1. The
coefficient w ∈ R is, then, the slope of the straight line that we want to construct in order
to give a law of direct-proportionality between x and y: wxi ¼ yi . This problem admits a
solution only if M ¼ 1 or if the points xi , yi are aligned (and aligned to ð0, 0Þ).
In the general cases, in order to solve the linear problem D ∗ w ∗ Y ≈ 0 one has to
introduce an optimality condition and try to solve the problem of “best fit”. After
some computation, what turns out to be a good solution is the solution of the normal
equations as introduced in the underdeterminated case.
4. Conclusions
What about the need for companies of such technologies? What we experience
every day is that new technologies are deeply changing markets, as if this is “second
wave of digital transformation”. In fact, Robotics, Machine Learning, Big Data and
Artificial Intelligence are becoming more and more common.
Using properly DX, companies have the opportunity to optimize operating costs
and thus increase process efficiency via new services. Additionally, the digitalization
of company data produces the so-called “digital capital” made of huge amounts of
information from various sources, which increases the possibility to settle out predic-
tive models. This allows companies to better meet customers’ needs. DX is the present
for companies that aim to remain competitive, and the use of simple mathematical
tools opens up great opportunities in unexpected fields.
However, Enterprises are not completely aware of this point and how they would
benefit from the application of Mathematical research in their daily operations. In the
last few years, a new professional figure emerged world wide to promote:
• Industry-Academic Collaborations.
The above role is played by the Technology Translator. A Technology Translator has
strong competencies of Mathematical research and on the other hand good knowledge
Applied Mathematics Tools in Digital Transformation
of industrial processes; thus, he/she is the right person to talk both with mathemati-
cians and enterprises. Since Academics and Industrialists have different languages,1
the need has emerged for a professional figure that can translate Industrial problems
in mathematical terms enabling the cooperation among the two world. There are
several Institutions in Europe employing Technology Translators. In Italy, the
National Research Council of Italy promotes the project Sportello Matematico per
l’Innovazione e le Imprese.2 The main objectives of Sportello Matematico are: Promoting
Mathematical Technologies as source of Industrial Innovation; Activating
cooperations between Enterprises and Research Centers; Facilitating the employment
of Mathematicians in Industry [31]. The work of Technology Translators contributes
to the change of perspective required by the complex challenges of Digital
This is also related to the fact that Industry and Academia have different objectives and timescales.
Author details
2 Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo “Mauro Picone”, Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche, Rome, Italy
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Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities