6.1. General
‘The engine cooling system is subject to rust and
cavitation attacks. To minimize the severity of
this condition, an anti-corrosive agent can be
‘added to totally clean and limpid coolant water.
‘An ant-freeze solution is also required to prevent
{freezing of the coolant in the cold weather.
6.2. Engine coolant
‘The coolant should be clean and free from any
corrosive chemicals such as chlorides, sulohates,
or acids. It should be kept slightly alkaline with a
pH value ranging from 8.5 to 10.5 generally, any
water that is suitable for drinking can be used,
with treatment, as described below.
Protection against corrosion
Supplemental Coolant Adsitive is required to
protect the cooling system from fouling, solder
blooming, and general corrosion
‘The use of antifreeze is also recommended as
DCA4 concentrations are dependent upon the
presence of antifreeze, Antifreeze also interacts
with DCA4 to provide greater corrosion and pro-
lection against cavitation
Procedure for treating coolant
1. Add the required amount of water to mixing
‘container and dissolve in the required quantity of
2. Add the required amount of antifreeze, if used,
to the water solution and mix thoroughly.
3. Add the coolant to the coaling system.
Cold weather protection
Antifreeze must be added to the coolant where
there is any possibilty of freezing to protect the
engine from damage due to coolant freezing,
A.50% antifreeze / 50% water mixture Is recom
mended because DCA4 concentrations are
dependent upon the presence of antifreeze. The
dosage of DCA4 must be increased to higher
concentration if antifreeze is not added to the
coolant. Low-silicate antifreeze is recommended.
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6.3. Engine warming
There are thermostatically controlled water jacket
hheaters operating from the main’s supply. There
are fitted into the cooling system. And they
maintain the temperature of the coolant in cold
Anheater alone, fitted inthe raciator, will not be
adequate for starting or preventing freezing, so
fan antifreeze mixture should be used
Warning: The valves on the heater infout pipe
‘must be turn on all the times to avold dry-burning,
after installation it has to be checked, Only it can
be turn off during maintenance or replacement