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PT_COMP composite template ..........................................................................................................................................3
PT_COMP quick config parameters ....................................................................................................................................5
PT_COMP faceplate (PTC_FP) ............................................................................................................................................7

Index ...................................................................................................................................................9


PT_COMP composite template

PT_COMP composite template

The PT_COMP composite template is used to compensate a measured flow based on

measured pressure and/or temperature. The compensation can be used for gas or liquid
streams where flow is measured using either a differential pressure flowmeter or a mass
flowmeter. Flow compensation of a gas stream can be based on measured pressure,
temperature or both. Compensation for liquid flow is based on measured temperature,
using a linear relationship between temperature and density.

Inputs to the block are the measured flow, pressure, and temperature. The block output is
the compensated flow. The status of the compensated flow is that of the measured flow. If
the status of the measured pressure or temperature is other than Good, the reference
(calibration) value is used in the calculation when applicable. This effectively disables
compensation based on that input when the status is not Good. Status transitions are
bumpless in downstream control blocks.

The compensation factor is calculated as follows:

Gas Stream

Liquid Stream

If the flowmeter is the differential pressure type, the compensation factor is the square
root of the above equations.

You create a usage of this composite template by placing a custom block on the module's
function block diagram. From the Special Items palette in Control Studio, drag the Custom
Block icon onto the diagram. Give the block a usage name and select the block type as
Linked Composite. Reference the existing object by browsing to the PT_COMP template.

This block can be configured using either Control Studio or DeltaV Explorer or from the
faceplate in DeltaV Operate, provided the user has the Restricted Control security key.
There is a dynamo for this composite function block in the frsFncblk Dynamo set in DeltaV
Operate's configure mode.

PT_COMP composite template

PT_COMP quick config parameters

PT_COMP quick config parameters

Table 1: Quick Config Parameters for PT_COMP

Parameter Description
ABS_PRESS_CF The absolute pressure conversion factor. The value required to convert
the gauge pressure to absolute pressure, in engineering units. The de‐
fault value is 14.7.
ABS_TEMP_CF The absolute temperature conversion factor. The value required to con‐
vert the temperature to degrees Rankine or Kelvin. If the temperature is
measured in degF, use 459.69; if degC, use 273.16. The default value is
COMP_HI_LIM The compensation high limit. The default value is 1.1, which limits the
maximum compensated flow to ten (10) percent higher than the meas‐
ured flow.
COMP_LO_LIM The compensation low limit. The default value is 0.9, which limits the
minimum compensated flow to ten (10) percent lower than the meas‐
ured flow.
COMP The compensation type. Can be either Pressure, Temperature, or both.
The default is both Press‐Temp.
DENSITY_B The density intercept value. Represents the intercept of the density
curve. Used in calculating the actual density of the liquid when the FLU‐
ID parameter is set to Liquid. The default value is 63.27. The default val‐
ue is for water with temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit
DENSITY_M The density slope value. Represents the slope of the density curve. Used
in calculating the actual density of the liquid when the FLUID parameter
is set to Liquid. The default value is ‐0.015. The default value is for water
with temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit (degF).
FLUID The fluid type. Select either Gas or Liquid. The default value is Gas.
METER The flowmeter type. The default value is Differential Pressure (Diff
Press). Select the flowmeter type as either Differential Pressure or Mass
Flow. The compensation factor is a square root function whenever the
meter type is Diff Press. You must linearize the flow prior to this block if
the meter type is differential pressure, for example, either in the field
device or AI function block.
REF_DENSITY The flowmeter calibration density. Enter the flowmeter calibration den‐
sity. Temperature compensation of flow is done using a linear relation‐
ship between temperature and density. The actual density is calculated
from temperature using the slope (DENSITY_M) and intercept DENSI‐
TY_B) of the linear relationship. The default values are for water with
temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit (degF). If the liquid is not
water or units are not degF, enter values for the slope and intercept.
The default value is 62.37.

PT_COMP quick config parameters

Table 1: Quick Config Parameters for PT_COMP (continued)

Parameter Description
REF_PRESS The flowmeter calibration pressure. Enter the calibration pressure if the
COMP parameter is set to Pressure or Press‐Temp. This value is expec‐
ted to be relative, for example, PSIG as opposed to PSIA. The calibration
pressure should be in the same units as the measured pressure. The de‐
fault value is 50.
REF_TEMP The Flowmeter Calibration Temperature. Enter the calibration tempera‐
ture if the COMP parameter is set to either Temperature or Press‐Temp.
This value is expected to be relative, for example, DEG C as opposed to
DEG K. The flowmeter calibration temperature should be in the same
units as the measured temperature. The default value is 60.

PT_COMP faceplate (PTC_FP)

PT_COMP faceplate (PTC_FP)

The following figure shows the faceplate in DeltaV Operate configured for a gas stream.
The value fields at the top of the faceplate indicate status by the background color (Good‐
Gray, Uncertain‐Orange, Bad‐Red). The Pressure and Temperature value fields are visible
based on the configured compensation type (COMP). The Compensation Factor under
Limits is the actual ratio of the compensated flow to the measured flow. The other fields
are configuration fields visible when the fluid type (FLUID) is Gas.

Figure 1: PT_COMP Faceplate with Fluid as Gas

PT_COMP faceplate (PTC_FP)

The following figure shows the faceplate in DeltaV Operate with configuration fields visible
when the fluid type is Liquid.

Figure 2: PT_COMP Faceplate with Fluid as Liquid

Pressing the button at the bottom opens the module faceplate configured as a property of
the module. As a default this is the generic module faceplate, MOD_FP.IAF.


P flowmeter calibration density 5
parameter flowmeter calibration pressure 5
absolute pressure conversion 5 flowmeter calibration temperature 5
absolute temperature conversion 5 flowmeter type 5
compensation high limit 5 fluid type 5
compensation low limit 5 PT compensation 3
compensation type 5 PT_COMP
density intercept value 5 faceplate 7
density slope value 5

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