Loan Foreclosure Letter
Loan Foreclosure Letter
Loan Foreclosure Letter
09 Feb 2023
This is with reference to your request for full prepayment of your GROWTH SALARIED PERSONAL FLEXI LOAN loan with us, please find below the details of your loan
account and the amount payable as on 09 Feb 2023
Loan Account No 6W4GDFFT290791
Amount ( in Rupees)
Principal Outstanding 2,00,100.00
Bounce charges 0
Refunds 0
*Payment made after 17-02-2023 is subject to further interest/charges as per contractual terms.
Instant access to your loan details
Know your loan details on Chat with BLU to make Type HELP & send to
Google Assistant. Say OK online payment, access e- 9227564444 to get your
Google , talk to Bajaj statement and more. latest Statement of Accout
Finance via SMS
You may also avail our IVR services at 8698010101 to avail instant resolution to your queries or visit our nearest branch. This is not a toll-
free number and normal call charges will be applicable.
1. Any excess amount will be refunded within 7 working days from the date of loan closure.
2. Credit Rating details will be updated within 45 days with Credit Bureaus
3. In case of a linked loan account number, please ensure that is also foreclosed.
4. Above calculation is based on the assumption that your last month installment has been cleared.
5. The above mentioned amount is valid subject to clearance of all the cheques/installments/online
payments made till date.
6. Please note that your loan will be foreclosed from the date of receipt of payment (in case of Cash).
Cash payment is acceptable only up to an amount of Rs.1.99 lacs. For flexi loans only online payment
is accepted.
7. For DD payments,loan will be foreclosed after payment realization and for cheque payments,loan will
be foreclosed from the date of cheque clearance.
8. We request you to kindly carry this letter at the time of pre-closing the loan and make the payment
through a Demand Draft/Cheque favoring BAJAJ FINANCE LIMITED, Payable at your nearest local
branch or login to our website and pay through our Customer Portal Experia.This
may vary basis the loan availed.
9. # For Flexi loans, the total withdrawable amount means the total loan amount that you can withdraw as
per your assigned amount/limit. For all other loans, this is the Principal Outstanding amount.
Bajaj Finance Limited
Thank you for choosing Bajaj Finance Limited as your financial partner.
This is a computer-generated automatic emailer. Hence, it does not carry any signatures
Corporate Office: 4th Floor, Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office, Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road, Viman Nagar,