Marketing EMBA

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I Book Priniples o¢ Markefti i Philp Kettles G —Fobetig— = lt E lymotoy iio loop of @ worl ov phrase, Soke — —sdenved of (afth Hong “escola (market place cr mevchon#) <— ee -_ spo i ; SFoducl, & Gene Beg ox trdongi Be _ HA preduct is tangyble jim Mat ik fod on market for t_ i ocq ui Sto aifentn ov Cansumphion . ‘nel 4 Stig rangle anise, fron He eatpit a, ore ev moe Individuods . i 7 Whet_ is Maxketing. The i “teutehng Aofers t0 thik a company undertake 7 promote GE buyny ov dellirg of procutt o Serie 7 = iY Ving adtthgs to alfrad” an tudliene Yo Compan’ L produd “" fo Broadly. “Soul & maswgerta) rocen fy wilut prebivvdwals — - Be oq. obluh chal they need & Wary Fong torah | B exchanging, Value fr ofhers ? Nav mead St iinvotver buildyg proftable, Value Laden excha Aeferfonsluss uth eee 29 = Phocew, —> engage eafrmes _bulld velatfonshey Creok cusforne Value —» jn nde, Yo capline oan fe SNaafehihg..: Voces of “ef op cusftney Meeds on Wank yo achive og © permet pals ”* (BS Scanned with CamScanner > sates of fet depriv > Bose physital needs for food, clothe, lav Saftey ~ Ce Sous) neds for bolorying' & offectbgn ——> | fo Kowledye & supekp. m humgh needs ——> dh ey Son . Demancls Wher. bac ed de bus yng power, war demands 39 Clindeustond curstome, needs, Warts _E& demands Cooter vale: how mak a produt vv Sowy'ee is uy to Customer, _ | ¥ TER a mewn yf al He Cesk, & benef Qnocialed wile ae produf Pr Sovice Srie, Qualil, Doct), Marketing, , € Consumers Consider, —y manéhary time energy emotenal tests Cutfomer Sods faction - a H sprue, [> produce [Service featare tai proviole pktowabk, fexol “Consumpiton Aclated fulfilment, | Saitisfd costed dup agi, ful cbtiers . Storkehng. Focon —Creatig & Caplothg, Cosfoe Vaao” Undevitand marke a corfomen neaols Wants Scanned with CamScanner Date. 5 has —> Product, Seevites & Experienos- Some “‘Conbhattoat pyoduch, Sexvite Info, & 2Aperien, i CHferes! to a. market to Satis}. os need ev ward. i F Include Sewicas — migit be fitang be Z donet Sault, bonkitg atbine hotel, soldi i ede sate rien ee Relat, y X focusing erly on product —>nlet_ Sewie, A ¥ fade of pezing. mere weritiy Fo Sp preclurk Than too benefit. & KApentncos. _prechiced . Eye ‘pBhcps : Thayketns, occur prep. decide to Sai fy ROY < needs & works (Rough exchange aekmenshyps Exchange it he act Gf obtiinnrg a obvleck BOT from Sonne by efferirg someting im wfarn : ¥ Sat of actusl & péteretal buyers & product ov Seuvite.. H Butgexk share a ParttleY need or want Thay Can be S2A SFA fhrough ©1Chirge. Alectios haps. | | Ynunaghg moakeh bung, about profitable. Customer Lefadtonsheps . CD phisophy _ulkse main —focus is providing, 7 costimer dotiSfatin ” Scanned with CamScanner Poronco- bjo_Sellins EZ MMokefing sg PPE 6 ft Bo Bs [ es ob eR =a Beg B Sele Buihg. Salling. produchs ov Seanhck wat cafe, So Foch on fave Tr Gelling, > Fous on sell | rt IE ine prBduct Fanchion| 25 Company mace product | PF look at Customer Wale & | Ie hak Howl fo Sell « | pefeumes—> lien make produ. Tous | Foe to produce mow & mow Foc on band SeLegnifion a products “brand Image. v | Fest Selling mairtouns iz | Einphasixe”on creating. KE | Censuimer Tesh « Vithwh of—cusfomner Srategy, Pash Stile is used | Pull StoaPiy 1b wed Scanned with CamScanner 7 Dgial gles) from onli OD technolo: = \dmaulphane apps to Social media, have. Enpotuneds Ensues t & made markehg a tuo ulay appa ; Jn additiny tasfome, Avaforshiy” managenad, dys marketer must alto deal € wilh wotone Autioylips — Types 4 Markehrg, Ln termedhins | i> “igen “be Broken? WMeschod Wheelers be Roselle . Disbibutn 2 finde! Uhdesalley . Trodforal & Onbine Kefai res . aja, Ea L eager: axl di 4g os 2 ofitbe Kelehon hep se ee ‘ git gel oe creating, dliverty | ca Mopprin "customor vole . Selecta, Castmers ToS The mpg mus, decide. wham 7 wal) Serve. he By ‘ailing RE market rato Seamer 4 cusforness (Moke Susiteh by) Beleditg web ith Seguent aS pp oft angel MMaw M i Scanned with CamScanner Ont Wd if i ‘ ‘1 ing, Monragement wank to en prot will eet nog nee 4 aa. papal . Ty OIL 5 aT DRE lf eager mater q a i on * Coston conlead serge & sespord_prilosoply . a de fad ght products for yet cashes. I ¢ Lo | = “Feu. Ino Consumes Favor. ro ducts hat 0 Coe ——> $F, 0g Shedd fous cratig. produth (impos | Comp fo gal Top produd (ol Quah drawback’: . «lad b movken a. @ Consurneas Ore pre Cons ous Tr Tide, fans — el eo ea (Cong ergs Fah) alli : & ta conlumers wort buy —y Yalers fim undodakes (dea. large sake _ ll & promBtion eff # Sieetied ia cols ta Gans, Fat TK eS # Adopted when ry hos Copious 9° intrtey —> warged teduihen 4 Wink bot in Sheil teen . . ; Diawhacks « ve —_— : @ Jgnows custome. ack. > ditegard castrmer neeab/uanfs . = Mage Selling -—7 canes hus nick (Me dog tome bultyy | Froducfin Con . [a [A Bike —> Consumers favor calle, Be dffrrdalke pyoducfs- on _lnprovly- produchon + disp bufron » Lenove acon 7 fing myopia, a Ppl. Fyn? he © RIK oF navrow 4 Scanned with CamScanner Date a 7 Chooshg a Value. propoyh SF bran bl rae i ition is Set Sat y_b ene fh ov value — See : : noakeh et Segment z gee bupers ih qieeps be Seger tujhh tt needi & arth . 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Fiz mut lend each Computer —pranaaing Contino, twlattorships & Coptaring. ag ig Cate, Waships Se Cope Custom, Value # Casbeomee Relat omship manage Crerall procex of “building Be mauhlecinna, profitable custome, Geek," Supenin, estore Valve & Cotton aalationshps 6 it deak willy — al aspects 4 acqusting Cagaging & (fieu ing customers, . { & ; ¥ Customer Value and. Setifedtone: | logo bullirg, [esting cuftrey folafioskps € lead. seperie caste value” selifaction | ! i — legal castomers ge largey share . | Lb Shiver tuxfornee “pesceived se | mer Ve @— Ne culemeds Culuatin of ER digfesuco: bo all op Be. densi (Re att agiallve fo [he t copelise ales aie Scanned with CamScanner ~Key Acvound snanapeus CK 401) Date Casfimen Satisfaction a I | Depend on ploducfs percaved petfermance Rafah oa” | buyers Cipecfations ” 7 Pod performance ¥ 4 Hen Casforney el Spree Ser formana. mathes cstome, _datSfttc > Peformance exenedy Speco = gD - L = pielghied tales Tact ey, male pet shes will af ners @ Lnese cosh fli om <> _Powble By Tring pe. fo Incteme Fourie ~§ Cesfomer Relation hip Torok & Tools : 8 Custimey Relationships —> levee he =z Low Margin, Customers, = a in ans Company's fred Cos aie up Medan = Eats mujrtajneol . at ‘mass advoctting fm (Rm . as =i Few high rnd gin customer. +o Facibtake “ikem individually . i | Create foul pattrershaps © silt Key curhoner. ze | Dharma ale Ldistbutry a Cake apts Todogt Digital | Soul Media’. | Castine Kulak oo kip Bull "4 Tools. Je Wersiter, omlineadr & Uideos modle ads apps, & [blog to ine COmnunites % ott Cour) medio, ae ce copa > fon wos on mary marketing. te bread Beamer —_ Ty's compar — online media, Soual medi. te Aedtne Mer. ‘ pre engage, Lusfomer. 20 ilra dng. Scanned with CamScanner Date Old Marketing — —> Markehng brands to consumers New Marketins —> customer” Engagement markefng, 16 — foleing ditch 2% cerfinours ccsfomes Lo ' [Fees on Custirnoe Manoged Retorshepil. Custimey Generateo! Marketing . [_T fim > custome. qeromted Markehrg, . YT tinct WI kN Kop wel” Castres [emgelves cy fle Tre Shaping, Heit. on, : brand. xpenenos ev hie % fees. etre, Relationship Manageme - Yad ng Cesky. wilh! oad nite & oubide ke Company to jointly. engage & bn" mow tale fo Custody! SNarkehng Channels, Corsi fh 4 ASB bute Aelailoss cijer, —> Comedon channel] Be Sepply. Chote. G ling channel Kaw mural Fo final procufs . Clay cay) Captrring Value. from Cafaners OT Narketing "procon —> engaging cusfores, bullling customer Aclahonitiyy “Cy craig 3." delverihg. Saperioy Customer Value uy : “ Frel Sp) > Creating Superin customer value, Loyal FP buymoe 7 ¢ =e es Castine. 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Joikehng.. Ubirg Abyrled morkere. food Such a oka | calmedin mbbil® apps, @ ads, online video, erraif & bh i ai Hine, Wa te obi ie sl Icldl © a 12 COSMAS Woro- —_ dees , SS yt Tal Boe 7 2 Geof ing) (Parbiles oven — Whodie Markelna, d t —__postest growing Channel r rz étinulate_jmmediate. buy) make. thipping easier, Cm, — bvanck Kperene. i -_ Rak Rita Ow InvestrevT) tt pefemune rreapure wed © Caluate OF efffatney ov] = protabilg of ar ied yy 2 Compare ike “fiteny of a ruber), Eifferoid live treaty, VOL = Carrel Value y Inverte Cost 4} Jove,t cat of Ervorbment. Scanned with CamScanner —=— Lompany & Mauka Staley’ * — Crear Ahsws hay i. Stmey cheaper-fo ke an fd Cun = eae pee PIKSP Gn i Gane, iv Ke i [4 Ss Product , Pre, Place. | Premetion . re Depend on” Tipe & Cuba” E | Fieducd = Gui, Vackaginy Design , Brand Novi, J Wie —> Real! price | Raymer Plana , Discounk Geli form — Fometon epertAds Advedtsihg, Public telefon. p poswal Belling, Place. SRL hadi on dtrbition , delitey 5 downloads, | Cover ICT Cham; tr cashan, rants, WamapotFion, Buildiia, Band Equity Through « Custoner Driven SNorketing Ty — | Jtarketers Gaudio” Cloely witk ohen insible & alfa [He five fe engage: cutee & Crea Value fran hem Brand eouiby, _id [wifes fe Malia pramiim Thal a copay. genni fan wo Preduct silk Cocoontkalla. nome uhor Comper’ fo Gentnc Gurl iL ee 5 | eee] Single lorgut benuy, vidio braced al | Sauls Centficak, Preasion , Wl Kew Obseyaforg- y pony Wide Sfrafes/ | Sfiakqie Planning. % Shatea¢ ——~ Leng Ferm H evevall culms & jnteah& IE mean acbitunge them | a3 X + flanning —> Procen of, making pland for somelting . 4 SS _plecon #f developing, & maindainng, a sbrategic fit] ble Re 2 > on goals & caprils a 1b changing. /makelng ‘eppadunr Tes | SS 1 ig CSpot ‘Sppouim ities in externa envvormed . Scanned with CamScanner “¥ Lalinet of Ou pps What it wants to accomphch,. | felorgov eniifonont . _ Bei shaatd be nose oalenled. (Sattfying “ol ?mer need) KE Should be Mmemirgfol & Speufire gt motnachig frat To accelarake re wild’s tronaitton “fb Seutasnaoe enegs? [a Spread _jctas" iat S7e comect Ke tueld’s profenrorals fo make Hem mow produ fre. B-sucefal C To help people do mew, fel batter, live Fengen IKEC[ “Te _ sere fingers Hck good fosd to all cufanes Vitcdehatb] "To make. delkinu feel Pood moments etsy fr evenne." Se jective = — 7 Someticing, you Plan acl ie. Kn object ‘ V4 Goal > Win & elyective, Wink fouayels ewe ee a Cie aman line Gale Topline ] ei4n/ Busines > Celoctton burintsed & produtt (het make up KC “ buaints potfotio- he best & ike Whe fet fits bost PE Compands Hrengihes & ~ woakneyer to eppodlnifies th_envilonnerd Busine Portfolio Plning ~ _invehes Qcfeps * TO Me Corpony map aralyze- Ife carent bunines pofotio & determing, — Tas Buh AG Coal Ae CasVey a TE Ton, ov no Pwermad- OL math chapes re fale pode by deteliing. Sfrattge, for growlk- Se dawn vores na Scanned with CamScanner A pot fells =p =plannig —metkod traf cahaha 7 la 5 SBU's" tin’ erm oul Anode be nak a kel shaw. Stonelie of Pelfole Pralysis _— Seanad om rd Xe ¥Tmewt tn Revannea ox maka, + Tolerate negative cash fh’ t F Minimize jmosnet Prove aolati. market shar ' ¥ Condime hike row. /€ poifive K hvest Defensively yn Soseuriey he peeoae Scanned with CamScanner a Seiffoto Fholyss PManagered Aaluafes (y= pug 3, bus ties snot rnoke P Company Wl : Date Risblns aiff Mealy, Approadlss sr Den tel about” felt = Coabied approaches have, Lontations. ' — Shox * ] TP ser ae, Mo growls , hgh Slare burner - They need high tnretmerch { 7 Th Financ tha Kapri Grouce « | ~e Sasha EC youll slows Cow —> Tarn inte Cash Crops | ~ Col C a | ~e oot hugh ghare besinenes ov products "© eifolojch Succewpud SBUS Teed [eis investment hold market a 0 Prodine lok of cath —> Tb bil be cupport obit SBUc, i ~ bw Shave busines uni in hifte greuth markets | ~ © Weod lefs 4 Investntnts yo hol Share, | 7 © Management need po take Selevarl QuisTion Mark © yest aie | grewik, low Share businemer & preduds . ES eg re eee enough cast fo _masnfain Oemsefies bal\ not “pie: large, Galton j “o ‘Divest_ — Unless He produkt are, Compl ry- b enh _ploducts & ares wed for a compete pupae, 7 bilby i DewBhopina nage fou Groulk & Downsitiny , Comping Should conider ME file. K Companice Need Growslhe . Fork need fo Weritfy. , Croliake , 2 soled mathe pods Z Lay dwn Stealeg_| fow ae Fem . Scanned with CamScanner cir ree peg bool fou identify. Company's. grout eppockinite me DAY MITIWitTF isis; = eck | | Ext \Warkel ~ Baduel ews pred ou let fa Morket | __phesfeatt on pete product New ‘Weekes | Derejopment Moke. Penehration ~~ jE Genpong growth by increashg sales “rent p voduedS fo carrend, maki) _ sas iy >the, Os, mend rele bade fella. St & eetng. new ping, new market 1 Spf =f wie @New bel ic ~Moykels.— nae | ¥oduet Devel ment, e Compas Wifi by y- offeng. © modli viied ste av new eats fou warren ma News prod in cerrvendt market, = en cation P cml ren Hi p_stavlirg. up ov rig businese ocfde, Ease cuneate products eae FI anni gesting “an Bil, Castes uy - Siar ket Plays ele) th “obey toate peng © Market provides. dl philssop da. 1 Sasinenh Vai often, ie, dempa rap departs. a Conpa yes | ale. Nom f ) ae corrjeu out oe enatng, ‘actuals devgu produce, markat , deliver. Views welk each deparhnent per forms ume bul ako ay how wall Ike varibus a_depec Conrclino fe . wave) : so Scanned with CamScanner aa Shoah Strazogy. & Marketing Mtr. cat, é DAY |MiT)WiTTFIsTs) | are. oy ee i Cons must | givice. a yn She cpp ae see lle sleh a) “Tog ov product fo obey ye clear, ailie — & desirable. place Te! fd coping, pred fs tn nin of Tov get Conmumens ia Positioning. defines piers. yew produit Sfonda dn Aolahiraty _ “olfers offenns. Simla products &Y seajees fv market pie < as ucla rnc ‘ Consumen : 7 & | | oY | Di dation . PR es ng Ihe market Hy Of oe Create Vellue, ee eager . a 1 [4 Psok Nlavkeping ] alt! ele prabibit Preduch fea daistl fc, silep __ Pri © Pecembilt tend actuate. | UP, : & ~ Ruiaronens-> © Ly ~ ae oe infeed zeal | Sag ik eth wt teManketng ici rg ee m cc i 0 om ee pales Eatin pe Ken hg" i Pralyss, Planning, Emplemevder aa Bigs enueatinn , “cot og | ur. PogeNo.[__] —— _ g ee Scanned with CamScanner or l DATE DAY (MITIWITIFISTS) — Frlemad { Capanhiies, Weary patie. & Scovel fies 5 a hap Tie Company. dere ifs Custormecs ASE Sneed Umitation 2. Exferra) ~ foe = conpable fe & fo “eaplesF ih och, 4 u aE veal fai actos —>challerge AC np. a keto Prony a Chess revhehey Abafeqes —>he/p allarnr ool 7 — Sieakeirg Spakgy Fyecutive. Sum _- fe _ Morkehns. inplemerTadion Current Hovketing SiGahren, ~~ sttrketing Plan Baieg —) MorkGirg. Pereorele- 8 Dee Leupinine, Wi down date 8 true qnsimits & pattems . 2 ye feb he # niche ov ong ie predu ee os Vrodact. - rape a pf Uy — — VNUs “Shakil - ay thinet ds —_— _ arket Wey want 72 een va nea Coriolen, _ Nefluavleing oe ~_ Direct Mah 11g lalin Tras tink offide, ,— Dhod/p re Sing. ao #7). Prana, Kain &E Bratng _ Osayet Page No. Scanned with CamScanner J go ] a iy ret all Epirus ee Jes all age | gdou close to e Co camp Ka Wer osifiy oti a f buck. 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