Review Questions
Review Questions
Review Questions
10. It is important because time is of the essence in most
police work.
A. constant availability B. patrol operations
C. police visibility D. patrol officers
14. Its method is consisting of the fixed post, line beat, and
random patrol, and it is restricted to small areas and is used to
deal with special problems of prevention and repression.
A. fixed surveillance B. beat patrol
C. bicycle patrol D. foot patrol
16. It is the most extensively used and the most effective means
of transportation for police patrol.
A. moving patrol B. mobile patrol
C. vehicle patrol D. jeep patrol
18. While it is true that the patrol officer cannot detect the
desire of the criminal, yet, they can destroy the opportunity to
commit a crime, in police patrol operations, this refers to the
phenomenon as:
A. psychological atmosphere of omni-presence
B. elimination of desire, capability and opportunity
C. repression of criminal activities
D. arrest of offenders and delinquents
19. The patrol officer to be seen alert and constant patrolling
to make his presence psychologically be felt despite of his
physical absence, hereby creating, EXCEPT:
A. feeling of trust and confidence to the police
B. feeling of security on the part of the citizen
C. ensuring public safety D. serve & protect
34. Where __________ are needed such as in large area that must
be covered by few foot patrol officer, the speed of a mobile car
allows them to service the whole area and do so efficiently.
A. speed & stealth B. speed & safety
C. speed & mobility D. speed & maneuverability
35. It has been used for parade and crowd control for centuries;
its height and size has a strong psychological advantage in
dealing with unruly mobs.
A. horses B. mobile
C. bicycle D. foot
38. It is a new policing concept that combines the familiarity,
thrust and sense of belongingness characterized by the “beat cop”
with the expertise of the professional policing model.
A. community-oriented policing system
B. problem-oriented policing system
C. New COPS on the Block
D. police beat system
44. New COPS on the Block will provide __________ to keep watch
over the assigned area.
A. twenty-four hours patrolling
45. The policeman will be the role model player for the
community to emulate, and he will perform public safety services
through the following, EXCEPT:
A. elimination of actual opportunity
B. police communication systems
C. police intelligence analysts
D. police-community relations
47. It is necessary to get the desired information to the
receiving party without having the message later re-checked over
the air for possible errors.
A. clarity B. specificity
C. brevity D. accuracy
57. A 25 watts radio transceiver usually installed at the
tactical operation center of the police station. The message is
transmitted done by pressing the push-to-talk button.
A. handheld radio B. mobile radio
C. base radio D. none of these
58. This is a routine call, and it is to be answered by
observing all the traffic laws, the red lights and siren will not
be used in this type of code.
A. Code 2 B. Code 1
C. Code 3 D. Code 0
62. All things being equal, __________ has the supreme authority
and priority on police communications.
A. radio control B. ground commander
C. radio operator D. desk officer
65. While the people need the police, the police are more in
need of the full support from the people, for __________ to
A. policing activities B. police functions
C. investigative functions D. law enforcement
67. It is a simple activity whereby policemen who have just
finished, as well as those due to start of their tour of duty are
made to stand in formation at the police unit or office.
A. announcements of duties B. de-briefing
C. roll call training D. guard mounting
68. This is principal duty of every officer and members of the
police organization.
A. observance of human rights at all times
B. to serve and protect the community-members
C. proactive and reactive policing activities
D. protection of life, liberty and property
69. Its need cannot be over emphasized, owing to the fact that
the police cannot single-handedly solve the problem of
criminality in the country considering its deficiencies in
organic manpower and resources.
A. police-community relations
B. citizen-police partnership
C. effective patrol operations
71. This is the art of using and solving codes and ciphers, and
it came from the Greek kryptos, meaning hidden, and graphia,
meaning writing.
A. cryptography B. cryptanalysis
C. encoding D. deciphering
A. cryptography B. deciphering
C. decoding D. cryptanalysis
A. failure to understand B. failure to give way
C. failure to listen D. failure to hear
B. intra-departmental communication
C. inter-agency communication
D. intra-agency communication
86. It is not a favorable situation for any single segment of
society, and the police officer should avoid developing an
insulated barrier between them and the other stakeholders.
A. ostrocism B. delineation
C. isolation D. integration
91. This contains two TV type screen, one is the Video Data
Terminal which shows all the information about the request for
service, including a case number, time of arrival, priority and
radio code.
A. operation center B. command operations center
C. command base operation D. command dispatch console
95. It has been with use for some time as a medium of education,
but its use as a means of police communications system is
relatively new.
A. police communications B. police technology
C. police radios D. police television
Prepared By:
Noted By:
OIC, CJE Dept.