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Kang Youwei

Kang Youwei - Wikipedia

Kang Youwei | Chinese scholar | Britannica

Hundred Days of Reform | Chinese history | Britannica



Kang Youwei 康有爲 (www.chinaknowledge.de)

View of A Tale of Two Utopias: Kang Youwei’s Communism, Mao Zedong’s Classicism and the
“Accommodating Look” of the Marxist Li Zehou (uni-lj.si)

Kang Yu-wei | Encyclopedia.com

Kang Yuwei | Encyclopedia.com

Kang Youwei 康有为 - China Facts (wentchina.com)


Kang Youwei's Da Tong Shu - YouTube

Unifying the World? Kang Youwei’s Vision of the Global in Datong Shu – MO3351 Doing and
Practicing Transnational and Global History (transnationalhistory.net)

ZongFang Li- Honors Thesis.pdf (rhodes.edu)

"Kang Youwei and Institutional Confucianism" - Reading the China Dream

Eden najpomembnejših intelektualcev poznega obdobja dinastije čing

19 marec 1858 Foshan, Gunadong, Qing rojen

Mladga ga pošeljo se učit za keju (nek test za uradnike k ga on ful ni maru in je reku da je outdated)
da bo postou uradnik

The period of study with Chu Tz'u-ch'i ended in late 1878, when K'ang experienced an emotional
crisis. He suddenly sensed that his preoccupation with pedantic Confucian learning was suffocating
his intellectual talents. He shut himself into his room and sat in solitary meditation, causing his
friends to think he had gone mad. This retreat from the world ended after he suddenly received
mystical enlightenment. "I perceived suddenly," he wrote later, "that I was in an all-pervading unity
with Heaven, Earth, and all things. I beheld myself as a sage and laughed for joy. But thinking of the
sufferings of mankind I suddenly wept in sorrow."
Now believing himself a sage destined "to set in order all under Heaven," K'ang broadened his
studies to include governmental organization and political geography; he also read extensively in
Mahayana Buddhism. Curious about the Western nations, he visited Hong Kong in 1879 and in 1882
toured the foreign concessions in Shanghai. Greatly impressed by the cleanliness and orderliness in
these cities, he realized that the Europeans were different from the "barbarians" of Chinese
antiquity. And in 1882 he began seriously studying the West through the relatively meager literature
on the subject then available in Chinese.

Piše da so »old texts« fake in da je biu konfucij reformist, demokrat, hotu enakost. Obe knigi prepove
čing imperij Pač basically je nekakšn protestant konfucijanizma, interpreta ga v novem smislu

1879 obišče hongkong-developa interest za zahod, 1882 gre v peking nrdit tist exam, kup zahodne
knige v šanghaju- influence protestantizma + misionarjou

Useen proti krščanstvu, prav da bo barbariziralo kitajsko, hoče reformirat konfucijanizm in all that
shit (biograry odstavk 2 vir 4)

Proti spajanju nog

Podpirou ustavno monarhijo v stilu japonske

Vodi Gongche Shangshu- za reforme proti treaty of Shimonoseki, za nadaljevanje vojne z japonsko,
premik glavnega msta v xi'an in modernizacijo vojske – faila ampak začne politično zbujevanje v

founded the Society for the Study of National Strengthening, the archetype of political parties in
modern China. The society was suppressed in 1896.

Piše časopise za reforme, hoče tko dobit pozornost cesarja

Cesar ga skupi z drugimi reformisti povab v vlado, da izvede reforme= reforma stotih dni

Državni udar, cesarica vdova ciši, ustavi reforme

Zbeži na japonsko kr ga hoče ciši ubit, hoče nazaj cesarja Guangxu (on tut hoče reforme) zato začne
nek movement

Ciši umre, Puyi postane l.1908 cesar, l.1912 revolucija, republika, kang še vedn podpira ustavno

Datong Shu tut Da Tongsu pa Da Tong Shu idk neznam kitajsk pač use tri
varjante sm vidu

aka knjiga veličastne enotnosti, utopična vizija sveta (govori o nekm konceptu »great unity« v

Kang proposed a utopian future world free of political boundaries and democratically ruled by one
central government. In his scheme, the world would be split into rectangular administrative districts,
which would be self-governing under a direct democracy but loyal to a central world government.
There would also be the dissolution of racial boundaries. Kang outlines an immensely ambitious
eugenics program that would eliminate the "brown and black" racial phenotype after a millennium
and lead to the emergence of a fair-skinned homogeneous human race whose members would "be
the same colour, the same appearance, the same size, and the same intelligence + druge stvari so na
eng.wikipediji some weird mešanica confucianizma socializma pa monarhije seriously what drugs was
he taking)

Kang's support for the Guangxu Emperor was seen as reactionary by many Chinese intellectuals, who
believed that Kang's book was an elaborate joke and that he was merely acting as an apologist for
the emperor as to how a utopian paradise could have developed if the Qing dynasty had been
maintained. Others believe that Kang was a bold and daring protocommunist, who advocated
modern Western socialism and communism. Amongst the latter was Mao Zedong, who admired Kang
Youwei and his socialist ideals in the Da Tongshu. Seriously sploh se ne mormo zment kva je ta tip

Generally considered as a “utopia”, the book is rather a world history describing the past, present
and future of humanity: as if moved by an inevitable mechanism, Kang claims, the world will evolve
through the Three Ages (derived from the Confucian Book of Rites) from Chaos to Equal-ity and
Peace, finally attaining the state of Datong, or Great Concord.5 States will erase their borders
and boundaries and a one-world government will grow to a global scale the ideal model of the
Zhou. No races, no languages, no nations nor armies, no difference between men and women
nor discrimination against homosexuals, no poverty nor exploitation. No private interest (si 私) nor
private property: everything will be public and common (gong 公) again.

Modern Chinese scholars now often take the view that Kang was an important advocate of Chinese
socialism. Despite the controversy, Da Tongshu still remains popular. A Beijing publisher included it
on the list of 100 most influential books in Chinese

3 stage: voditeljev, družine, zakonske zveze, upiranja nadrejenim, privatne lastnine, pogrebov,
družbenih razredov

Pač I don’t even know wtf istočasno so ga usi sovražl pa usi maral pa istočsano je somehow
zagovarjou pa biu proti more or less vsaki ideji basically full of shit


Idk neki podobnega budizmu o trpljenju


Also nrdiu je some weird ranking religij sveta in pač je reku da bojo une k so bl dol (krščanstvo pa
islam) izumrle

KALIGRAFIJA-tut mal je riso pismenke čuj

V štokholmu je kupu otok in je po njem poimenovan

Umru je k je biu str 69 nice

1883 hoče abolishat foot binding v svoji vasi

1890 odpre šolo v guangzhou-u

1897 Confucius as a reformer changing the institutions based on the teachings of the old times

To suggest substantial changes to the imperial system of Qing dynasty

the book dresses up the otherwise conservative Confucius as someone who is full of enterprising
spirit and advocating democratic ideas and a notion of equality.[10] According to Kang, Confucius
was a visionary of institutional change who articulated a concept of progress that had been obscured
by Old Text scholars.[11]

In sum, he tried to transform Classicism (ru, generally translated as Confucianism)2 into a progressive
and evolutionary ideology capable of serving China in the search for her own “modernity”

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