Gros 2004 A Two Step Mechanism For Myotome Fo
Gros 2004 A Two Step Mechanism For Myotome Fo
Gros 2004 A Two Step Mechanism For Myotome Fo
Jérôme Gros,1 Martin Scaal,1,2 before undergoing myogenic differentiation. In later em-
and Christophe Marcelle* bryogenesis, muscle masses separate into epaxial
Laboratoire de Génétique et Physiologie du (deep back) muscles, and hypaxial (abdominal and ap-
Développement pendicular) muscles. While the dermomyotome is com-
Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille posed of proliferative polarized epithelial cells which
CNRS/INSERM express dermomyotome-specific genes, the early myo-
Université de la Méditerranée tome comprises postmitotic myocytes which express
13288 Marseille muscle-specific genes and are observed as mono-
France nucleated elongated cells aligned parallel to the embry-
onic axis. Thus, myotome formation implies a highly
coordinated combination of cell migration from the der-
momyotome into the myotome, drastic changes in cell
shape together with an arrest of the cell cycle and the
Summary activation of muscle-specific genes.
The morphogenesis of the myotome has been exten-
The study of the morphogenetic cell movements un- sively studied (Kahane and Kalcheim, 1998; Kahane et
derlying myotome formation in the chick embryo has al., 1998, 2001, 2002; Cinnamon et al., 1999, 2001; Denet-
led to the emergence of highly controversial models. claw et al., 1997, 2001; Denetclaw and Ordahl, 2000;
Here we report a real-time cell lineage analysis of Ordahl et al., 2001; Venters and Ordahl, 2002; reviewed
myotome development using electroporation of a GFP in Brent and Tabin, 2002). However, despite the use of
reporter in newly formed chick somites. Confocal anal- the same animal model—the chick embryo—and similar
ysis of cell movements demonstrates that myotome techniques of investigation—lineage studies using lipo-
formation involves two sequential steps. In a first philic fluorescent dyes DiI and DiO—the results lead to
phase, incremental myotome growth results from a two distinct models.
contribution of myocytes derived solely from the me- The first model states that the myotome is generated
dial border of the dermomyotome. In a second phase, by two permanent stem cell systems, one located at the
myocytes are produced from all four borders of the border of the dermomyotome closest to the neural tube,
dermomyotome. The relative distribution of myocytes named the Dorso-Medial Lip (DML), and one in the Ven-
demonstrates that the medial and the lateral borders tro-Lateral Lip (VLL). The DML is the main source of the
of the somite generate exclusively epaxial and hypaxial epaxial myotome, while hypaxial muscles derive from
muscles. This analysis also identified five myotomal the VLL (Denetclaw et al., 1997; Denetclaw and Ordahl,
regions, characterized by the origin of the myocytes 2000; Venters and Ordahl, 2002). Both borders first gen-
that constitute them. Together, our results provide a erate a thin sheet of muscle fibers. In a second phase,
comprehensive model describing the morphogenesis new fibers are deposited in a superficial-to-deep direc-
of the early myotome in higher vertebrates. tion; they originate mainly from the DML and the VLL,
with a minor contribution from the rostral border (RB)
and the caudal border (CB) of the dermomyotome (De-
netclaw and Ordahl, 2000). In this model, cells from the
DML and the VLL translocate into the myotome, where
Somites give rise to all the skeletal muscles of the body,
they directly (i.e., without preliminary migration) elon-
with the exception of head muscles (Christ and Ordahl,
gate to reach the RB and the CB. The myotome expands
1995). Newly formed somites comprise an outer epithe-
medio-laterally: older myocytes are displaced laterally
lial layer, surrounding a central cavity, the somitocoele.
as newer ones arise at the DML and the VLL. This mode
In a few hours, the ventral portion of the somites disag-
of myotome growth was named incremental growth.
gregates into a ventral mesenchyme, the sclerotome,
Such a model implies that progenitors within the stem
that gives rise to axial cartilages and bones. The medial
cell population become gradually further apart from their
wall and the dorsal portion of the somite (i.e., the dermo- progeny in the myotome, resulting in a “non-coherent”
myotome) remain epithelial. Soon after, the medial wall myotomal organization (Denetclaw et al., 2001).
folds under the dermomyotome, thereby initiating the In the second model, the early myotome is believed
formation of the primitive skeletal muscle, the myotome. to be formed by two consecutive waves of cells. The
As somites further differentiate, the myotome grows first wave originates from cells present at the medial
from a supply of cells emanating from the dermomyo- wall of the epithelial somite. These cells are proposed to
tome (Christ et al. 1978). Limb and girdle (i.e., appendicu- constitute a population of postmitotic “pioneer” muscle
lar) muscles derive from progenitors located in the lateral progenitors that, upon somite dissociation, bend under-
dermomyotome that migrate into the limb mesenchyme neath the dermomytome and migrate toward the RB.
There, they elongate toward the CB and form the first
*Correspondence: [email protected]
myocytes (Kahane et al., 1998; Kahane and Kalcheim,
These authors contributed equally to this work. 1998). Myocytes derived from pioneer cells were found
Present address: Institut für Anatomie und Zellbiologie, Freiburg later in development in both epaxial and hypaxial mus-
University, Freiburg, Germany. cles, leading to the hypothesis that pioneer cells act as
Developmental Cell
a scaffold upon which subsequent progenitors organize of the somite (i.e., where putative pioneer cells are lo-
(Cinnamon et al., 1999; Kahane et al., 2002). These arise cated) and directly dorsal to it, in the future DML (Figure
from a second wave of cells emanating from all edges 1A and Supplemental Figures S2A and S2C). During the
of the dermomyotome but entering the myotome only next 2 days of incubation, a continuous flow of myocytes
from the RB and the CB (Kahane et al., 1998, 2002; was produced (Figures 1B and 1C) that resulted in a
Cinnamon et al., 1999, 2001). Cells from the second massive labeling of the entire medial half of the myo-
wave were observed to elongate among older pioneer tome. During the time of the experiment (i.e., 48 hr),
myofibers; this mode of myotome formation was thus GFP-labeled cells remained within the DML (arrowheads
named intercalating growth (Kahane et al., 1998; Cinna- in Figures 1B and 1C and Figure 3C). This shows that
mon et al., 1999). Through this process, the relative DML cells act as a population of self-regenerating pro-
position of the progenitors within the dermomyotome genitor cells that divide to give rise to both DML cells
is maintained with their progeny in the myotome and and myocytes, as previously shown (Denetclaw et al.,
defined as “coherent” (Kahane et al., 2002) myotomal 2001; Venters and Ordahl, 2002).
growth. To determine whether dermomyotomal cells translo-
To resolve these discrepancies, it was important to cating from the DML directly elongate toward the RB
re-address this issue with a lineage analysis technique and the CB or first migrate rostrally and only then elon-
that would allow the examination of the morphogenetic gate, we have designed an ex vivo system of embryo
cell movements underlying myotome formation in real- culture on solid substrate that allows one to follow in
time and with a high cellular resolution. Here, we have real-time GFP-expressing cells under the confocal mi-
utilized the electroporation of a GFP reporter construct croscope (Supplemental Figures 3A–3C). Images taken
in chick somites (Scaal et al., 2004). By combining this at different incubation times show a number of progeni-
with time-lapse confocal microscopy, we obtained high- tors growing bidirectionally to reach the RB and the CB
resolution images which demonstrate that all borders of (Figures 1M and 1N). Moreover, we never observed that
the dermomyotome give rise to myocytes. We identified GFP-positive cells undergo longitudinal migration prior
two phases in the formation of the myotome: during a to the formation of myocytes. These data demonstrate
first phase of incremental growth, the myotome expands that myocytes from the DML elongate directly into the
solely from the translocation of dermomyotome cells myotome without transient migration toward the rostral
through the DML. Once in the myotome, these cells, somite border.
with no prior migration, elongate to reach the RB and We then electroporated the lateral portion of the epi-
the CB. After this initial period, myocytes from the cau- thelial somites I to V. Three hours after electroporation,
dal, the rostral, and the ventro-lateral borders enter the GFP-positive cells were specifically located in the lateral
myotome, in a phase that combines incremental growth portion of the somite (Figure 1D and Supplemental Fig-
at the DML and VLL and coherent growth at the RB and ure S2B). After 24 hr, GFP-positive cells were observed
the CB. An analysis of the distribution of myocytes from within the VLL and in the myotome (Figure 1E and Sup-
the four borders demonstrates that DML-derived myo- plemental Figure S2D). Due to the thickness of tissues
cytes exclusively colonize the epaxial myotome, while in the lateral domain, a confocal examination of myocyte
the VLL generates solely hypaxial myotome. Further- elongation could not be performed in live embryos; how-
more, we provide evidence for the existence of five myo- ever, the observation of myocytes that have not yet
tomal regions, characterized by the origin of the myo- reached the RB and the CB (red arrowheads in Figure 1E)
cytes that constitute them. implies that VLL-derived cells elongate bidirectionally to
form full-length myocytes. After 48 hr, numerous GFP-
positive myocytes were added from the VLL (Figure 1F).
GFP-labeled cells remain within the VLL during the time
of the experiment (arrowheads in Figures 1E and 1F and
The technique of in vivo electroporation allows high-
Figure 3G), indicating that the VLL is also composed of
efficiency electroporation of the somitic tissues without
self-regenerating progenitor cells.
disruption of their normal development (Supplemen- The rostral and the caudal portion of newly formed
tal Figure S1 [ somites were electroporated with the GFP-expressing
content/full/6/6/875/DC1]). Here, we have targeted a re- vector. After 8 hr, cells within the RB and the CB specifi-
porter construct coding for the cytoplasmic form of GFP cally expressed GFP (Figures 1G and 1J and sections
to the somite borders and examined the morphogenesis in Supplemental Figures S2E and S2F). After 28 hr, we
of the myotome as development proceeds. observed that many full-sized myocytes had formed
from the CB, while fewer arose from the RB (Figures 1H
Myocytes Are Generated from All Borders and 1K). Closer examination (Figure 1O) shows that in
of the Dermomyotome addition to full-length myocytes, many cells have left
To investigate whether the DML generates myocytes, the epithelial dermomyotome and entered the myotome;
we electroporated the medial portion of somites I to V after 48 hr, a considerable number of GFP-positive myo-
of 25- to 30-somite stage embryos with GFP (to facilitate cytes have formed from the RB and the CB (Figures 1I
comparison between experiments, we electroporated and 1L). This indicates that most if not all cells which
interlimb [i.e., thoracolumbar] somites throughout this leave the rostral and caudal epithelial borders of the
study). At the time of electroporation, all cells of the dermomyotome differentiate into myocytes. As was
epithelial somite are equally susceptible to electropora- shown at the VLL and the DML, GFP-positive cells re-
tion and GFP expression is detected as early as 3 hr mained in the RB and the CB as long as 24 hr after
after manipulation in cells located within the medial wall electroporation (arrowheads in Figures 1H and 1K).
A Two-Step Mechanism for Myotome Formation in Chick
Two Sequential Phases in the Formation myocytes from the CB first appeared 24 hr after electro-
of the Myotome poration (E3.5), at S XVI (Figures 2B and 2F). This implies
During the course of the experiments described above, that all myocytes present in somites younger than S XVI
we observed that if all borders of the dermomyotome in a E3.5 embryo derive solely from the DML (Figures 2K
generate myocytes, they initiate this process at different and 2O). The RB generated myocytes next, consistently
levels of the embryonic axis. To precisely determine the with a delay of 4–6 hr when compared to the CB (S XVIII;
respective timing of myocyte formation from the four Figures 2C and 2G). Finally, full-sized myocytes from
borders, embryos were electroporated as above and the the VLL were observed at S XX (Figures 2D and 2H).
first sign of full-length myocyte formation was recorded. These data (summarized in Figure 2Q) demonstrate that
This analysis showed that myocytes were first generated during a first phase, myotome expands solely from the
from the medial somite 13–14 hr after somite formation translocation of dermomyotome cells through the DML;
(Figures 2A and 2E), corresponding to somite IX (S IX, this translocation takes place concomitantly with a dor-
where S I is the newly formed somite, etc.) in a 3-day- salward growth (i.e., in the direction of the neural tube)
old embryo (E3). In an E3 embryo, S IX is also the first of the dermomyotome (Denetclaw and Ordahl, 2000).
somite that stains positive for the MF20 antibody, which Through this process, older myocytes are displaced lat-
recognizes full-sized myocytes (Figures 2J and 2N), thus erally by newer ones arising at the DML, thus resulting
confirming the accuracy of our GFP analysis. Full-sized in an incremental myotome growth. From S XVI onward,
A Two-Step Mechanism for Myotome Formation in Chick
the myotome is composed of myocytes of mixed origins: entire thickness of the myotome in both the epaxial and
DML- and VLL-derived myocytes added to the myotome hypaxial myotome (Figures 3E and 3I), implying that they
by incremental growth, while the rostral and caudal bor- intercalate with DML- or VLL-derived myocytes, as sug-
der cells contribute to the expansion of the myotome gested previously (Kahane et al., 1998; Cinnamon et al.,
by coherent growth. 1999). This refutes the hypothesis of a stratified myo-
tome, where DML- and VLL-derived myocytes have
Differential Contribution of Each Border been proposed to form a primary layer associated with
of the Dermomyotome to the Formation the dermomyotome while rostral- and caudal-derived
of Epaxial and Hypaxial Muscles myocytes would lie deeper, close to the sclerotome (De-
The electroporation technique results in the extensive netclaw and Ordahl, 2000).
labeling of somitic border cells, allowing a global analy-
sis of the distribution of myocytes emanating from the Discussion
four borders. To analyze the respective contribution of
the four somitic borders to the formation of the myo- Myotome formation is a crucial step of skeletal muscle
tome, we electroporated embryos at E2.5, incubated assembly, during which the organization of muscle cells
them for 48 hr, and analyzed, on transverse sections, into dorsal and ventral masses and the orientation of
the distribution of GFP-labeled cells in the myotome. muscle fibers in the antero-posterior axis of the embryo
The myotome is composed of an epaxial and a hypaxial are defined within each segment. The complexity of the
domain; in chick embryos, the border between the two morphogenetic movements during this process and the
domains has been defined by their position relative to technical challenge that this analysis represents in
the notochord (Figure 3B) and to an indentation of the higher vertebrates has led to divergent interpretations
body wall (Supplemental Figures S1B″ and S1C″; Spörle, of this dynamic process. The combination of the electro-
2001; Brent and Tabin, 2002). According to these mor- poration of a GFP reporter gene with real-time in vivo
phological criteria, we have divided the myotome into confocal examination enabled us to identify single cells
an epaxial and a hypaxial domain, which were each within somite borders and to follow them during their
arbitrarily subdivided into three regions (a to c, epaxial; translocation into the myotome. In comparison, due to
d to f, hypaxial; Figure 3B). In each region, the quantity membrane turnover, DiI labeling rapidly results in a par-
of GFP staining was evaluated. ticulate labeling of cell membranes which renders the
This analysis demonstrated that DML- and VLL-derived identification of individual cells extremely difficult. With
myocytes colonize the medial and the lateral half of these approaches, we have been able to unequivocally
the myotome, respectively (Figures 3C and 3G). This is determine the morphogenetic movements underlying
confirmed by whole-mount examination of electropor- early myotome formation in the chick, thereby solving
ated embryos (compare Figures 1B and 1C to Figures 1E a long-standing controversy in the field (Figure 4).
and 1F). Our data further show that while DML-derived
myocytes distribute uniformly within the epaxial domain Myotome Formation: Four Sources,
(Figures 3C and 3D), VLL-derived myocytes are concen- Two Phases, Five Regions
trated in the lateral two-thirds of the myotome, leaving Our results provide the immediate demonstration that
a region (d) virtually devoid of VLL-derived myocytes the formation of myocytes from the four borders of the
(Figures 3G and 3H, see also Supplemental Figure S1C″). dermomyotome is a direct process: cells from the epi-
While whole-mount preparations had shown that thelial borders translocate within the myotome and, with
myocytes originating from the RB and CB colonize the no prior migration, elongate in the AP axis of the embryo
epaxial and the hypaxial myotome (Figures 1G–1L), to form full-sized myocytes. At the DML and VLL, this
transverse sections demonstrated that they are not dis- elongation is bidirectional, while at the RB and CB it
tributed evenly along the medio-lateral axis of the myo- is unidirectional.
tome. Rather, they preferentially colonized a central re- In addition, our data provide important information
gion of the myotome (regions c and d) where 69 and on the dynamics of this process. We present a global
76%, respectively, of the overall GFP labeling was ob- analysis of the sequence of events during myocyte for-
served (Figures 3E, 3F, 3I, and 3J). mation at the four somite borders and their respective
Together, these data demonstrate that the contribu- contribution to myotome growth. This revealed notable
tion of the different borders of the somite to myotome features: the first is that myotome growth can be divided
growth is uneven along its medio-lateral axis. They pro- into two phases: (1) an initial phase where myotome
vide evidence for the existence of five myotomal regions, expands only in its epaxial domain and from a single
characterized by the origin of myocytes that constitute source, the medial somite, and (2) a second phase,
them. The majority of myocytes in regions a and f are where the myotome develops in the epaxial and the
derived from the DML for a and the VLL, respectively; hypaxial domains through the combined contributions
region d is composed of myocytes of rostral and caudal of myocytes from multiple origins (Figure 4A). This sub-
origin; the remaining two regions are formed of myo- division into two distinct phases emphasizes the primor-
cytes of mixed origins: DML-, rostral-, and caudal- dial role that the medial somite, and in particular the
derived for regions b and c; VLL-, rostral-, and caudal- DML is playing in the initiation of myotome growth, a
derived for region e. notion that was suspected from the morphological stud-
On transverse sections, we observed that myocytes ies of somite differentiation (Kaehn et al., 1988; Denet-
from the RB and the CB are distributed throughout the claw et al., 1997) and from the analyses of the expression
Developmental Cell
Figure 3. Differential Contribution of the Border of the Dermomyotome to the Formation of Epaxial and Hypaxial Muscles
(A and B) Bright field (A) and schematics (B) of transverse sections through an interlimb somite 2 days after electroporation (at E 4.5). At this
stage, only the DML and the VLL remain epithelial. (B) shows the three epaxial and the three hypaxial regions utilized to determine the
distribution of GFP-positive cells within the myotome. (C, E, G, and I) Transverse sections representative of the results obtained after medial
(C), caudal (E), lateral (G), and rostral (I) electroporation. In red, myotome staining with MF20; in green, GFP-positive cells. (D, F, H, and J)
Distribution of GFP-positive cells in each of the myotomal regions. Blue bars represent the average of ten results; standard deviations are
indicated. The quantity of GFP staining was counted in each region by determining (with Photoshop) the number of pixels in the GFP/green
channel. The asterisk in (C) shows GFP-positive cells from the DML migrating beneath the ectoderm to form dorsal dermis.
patterns of the muscle determination factors Myf5 and de-epithelialize (Figure 4B). Our analysis of the relative
MyoD or of the Myosin Heavy Chain (Marcelle et al., contribution of the four borders to myotome formation
2002, for review, and Figure 2). At present, the relation shows that the medio-lateral axis of the myotome is
between the initial and the second phase is unclear. The composed of five regions, characterized by the source
second phase could depend upon the completion of the of the myocytes that constitute them (Figure 4B). The
initial phase: previously published data do not clarify existence of subdomains in the myotome had been pre-
this point, since the DML was shown to be either neces- viously proposed, based on the analysis of gene expres-
sary and sufficient (Ordahl et al., 2001) or largely dis- sion patterns in the mouse myotome (Spörle, 2001), and
pensable (Kahane et al., 2002) for myotome growth. Al- from the study of regulatory regions of the Myf5 gene,
ternatively, the myotome formed during the initial phase which demonstrated that Myf5 transcription in the cen-
could serve as an organizing scaffold for myocytes from tral myotomal domain is under distinct regulatory control
different origins. Further studies will determine whether (Hadchouel et al., 2003). From our data, it is tempting
or not the first and the second phase are interdependent. to hypothesize that the morphological basis for these
Two days after myotome formation was initiated at molecularly distinct subdomains is the source of the
the DML, this process is nearly complete. The dermomy- myocytes that compose them.
otome, including the RB and the CB, has dissociated in Finally, our finding that the epaxial and the hypaxial
its central region and the VLL and DML are soon to myotomes are composed of mixed populations, some
A Two-Step Mechanism for Myotome Formation in Chick
emanating from the DML and the VLL and others from results from a complex choreography of cell transloca-
the RB and the CB, has important implications for our tion and myocyte elongation occurring at the epithelial
understanding of myogenic differentiation in higher ver- dermomyotome borders. Since the dermomyotome is a
tebrates. Thus, analyses of the factors responsible for temporary structure that disappears through progres-
epaxial or hypaxial muscle formation should take into sive de-epithelialisation, myocyte generation from the
consideration not only the signals that activate the myo- borders is a time-limited process. We propose to name
genic program at the medial or lateral extremities of the “primary myotome” the end-product of the morphoge-
somite, as was done in most studies to date, but also at netic process described here (shown in Figure 4B), en-
their rostral and caudal edges. This should considerably compassing all the postmitotic, mononucleated myo-
change the way that early myogenic specification is cytes generated by the four epithelial borders of the
studied in the future. dermomyotome. The mechanisms underlying the next
steps of myotome growth, i.e., the emergence of a popu-
lation of proliferation-competent myoblasts and their
Pioneer Cells in the Chick Myotome?
fusion to primary myocytes to form multinucleated myo-
We demonstrate that DML- and VLL-derived myocytes
fibers, remain to be understood at the molecular and
occupy nonoverlapping domains in the myotome. This
the mechanistic levels.
clearly refutes the hypothesis that cells originating from
the medial epithelial somite cross the epaxial-hypaxial
Experimental Procedures
border to form a scaffold for further myotome develop-
ment (Cinnamon et al., 1999; Kahane et al., 2002), but Electroporation and Confocal Imaging of Somitic Tissues
it is in agreement with lineage studies using quail-chick The electroporation procedure, equipment, and vectors used here
chimeras and DiI labeling techniques (Ordahl and Le have been recently described (Scaal et al., 2004). For observation
Douarin, 1992; Denetclaw et al., 1997; Denetclaw and of tissues at elapsed times, embryos were fixed in formaldehyde,
Ordahl, 2000) and with the analyses of LaacZ clones cleared in 90% glycerol/H2O, and examined with a Zeiss LSM 510
confocal microscope. Image stacks (50–100 m thick) were treated
in mouse, that demonstrated that the epaxial/hypaxial
with Metamorph (Universal Imaging Corp.) and Imaris (Bitplane) im-
border is set at the time that somites form (Eloy-Trinquet age analysis software for image visualization and 3D reconstruction.
and Nicolas, 2002). Since cells derived from the medial For time-lapse examination of somite morphogenesis, the embryos
epithelial somite (1) do not serve as a scaffold on which placed on a solid substrate (see below) were examined with a Perkin
the entire myotome organizes and (2) participate, in a Elmer “Ultra View” confocal head attached to a Leica upright motor-
continuous process indistinguishable from the DML ized microscope.
cells, in the formation of the epaxial myotome, it is our
view that the term “pioneer,” which has been employed Culture of Embryos Explanted on Solid Substrate
The substrate is composed of Agarose 1% supplemented with
to characterize their putative specificity, is misleading.
HEPES-Buffered RPMI (GIBCO-BRL) and 10% Fetal Calf Serum.
In addition, it is confusing in the context of pioneer The embryo and its extraembryonic membranes are transferred,
muscle cells identified in zebrafish. dorsal side up, on the agar. Embryos have been cultured on such
In conclusion, early myotome formation in the chick substrate for 48 hr without noticeable abnormalities.
Developmental Cell