Emree 5march-1

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The passage discusses different medical studies and patient cases. It focuses on dermatological conditions and includes questions related to studies, diagnoses, and treatment plans.

Tinea versicolor

Contact dermatitis

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

<3 Keep us in your prayers please<3

We are not 100% sure that these are the exact questions repeated. WE tried our best.
& do forgive if there are any errors or mistakes, I am human

EMREE 5 MARCH: (questions repeated from 295, 19Feb )

1. 2 groups of patients, separated into 2 groups, 1 of them previously received omega 3
(exposed), the other never used omega 3 (non exposed) and they were followed forward in
time. What type of study? Cohort Study
2. Calculate the sensitivity of depression test - TP/ (TP+FN) = 75%
3. Something about intercept (what it means for coefficient for pregnant women)? WE DON’T
A. Mean value when all x=0 when all variables are 0
B. All the variables were zero – the shortest gestation age is 37.9 weeks
C. Median of gestation period – strong association between 4 parameters – no interpretation
D. Mean of gestational period
The average length of pregnancy is 37 (37.9) weeks if all variables are 0?
4. Patient came with a skin rash, doctor said it was normal and ignored a nurse that said it looks
serious, after discharge, the patient came back to hospital and died , what kind of error -
Negligence or Malpractice
5. Radiologist was writing a report for a patient, and almost wrote it for the wrong patient but
before submitting he noticed and corrected mistake - Near miss
6. 50 year old male, past history of hypertension, previous echo showed EF of 65%,
coming for operation, what will u do before the operation - nothing, echo, ECG, stress
7. Patient who is currently asymptomatic, had previous of chest pain/syncope, nothing
else abnormal, what will you do - exercise stress test, echo, holter, ecg
8. A male patient came complaining of an itchy skin rash at the area of his belt. What is the most
likely diagnosis? A picture was provided
A. Contact dermatitis
B. Allergic dermatitis
9. A patient has scaly lesions on both her legs and axilla covering around 10% of her body
surface area. Koebner phenomena was seen. How will you treat her? (psoriasis)
A. Topical mometasone + oral prednisolone
B. Topical clobetasol + calcipotriol
C. Topical emollients
Moderate (since 10%) so topical combination therapy is used.

10. A patient presented with a skin rash. On examination, he had small scaly hypopigmented
patches on his chest and back. Diagnosis?
a. Tinea versicolor
11. A boy had itchy lesions on his hands (between the webs) and on extensor surfaces, trunk, and
neck that worsened at night. His sister had the same complaint. On examination, he had
tracks under his skin. How do you treat them?
A. Tar soap
C. Hydrocortisone lotion
D. Permethrin 1% cream
12. Which of the following indicates a poor prognosis for this skin manifestation?
A. Size > 6 mm
B. Thickness
C. Color variation
D. Irregular border
E. Asymmetry
13. What type of diuretic will you avoid in patients with hyperkalemia (K level = 5.8)?
A. Spironolactone (potassium-sparing)
B. Furosemide
C. Hydrochlorothiazide
D. Acetazolamide
14. What lab value should you monitor in a patient taking ACEinhibitor?
we don’t remember the options but it was potassium and creatinine or potassium alone idk

15. A patient has tingling sensation & muscle twitching post-thyroidectomy. What do you give
A. IV calcium gluconate
B. Vitamin D3
C. Thyroxine
D. Fortified milk
16. A woman comes in complaining of disturbed vision that is affecting her daily activities. She is
having difficulty driving and has had many close calls because of that. On examination, she
has milky nipple discharge on manipulation of her breasts. Her prolactin level was 90. What is
the first line for managing her hyperprolactinemia?
a. Dopamine antagonist
b. Dopamine agonist (bromocriptine)
c. Surgical resection of the tumor (definitive)

17. A 35-year-old patient was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer (2x2.5 cm). Management?
A. Lobectomy & isthmectomy
B. Near total thyroidectomy with radioactive iodine

18. Pediatric patient with diabetes inspidus, what will you tell the parents - Urine specific gravity
will be low, serum osmolality high, hypernatremia, (just learn how DI looks in labs)
19. Patient who is compliant to sulfonylurea (dose increased after first follow up), lost 4 kgs,
changed lifestyle, but still HbA1c was 9%, what will you do - stop sulfonylurea and start
20. Patient wants to lose weight and control blood sugar - study anti diabetic drug and find out
which one helps losing weight
21. Patient is a child, with serious condition, parents refused and want him to be treated by a
religious scholar/sheikh what do you do?
A. Bring the sheikh to the hospital to convince the parents to approve the treatment
B. Get legal help from authorities to help save the patient and ignore the parents
C. You as a doctor don’t treat because the parents refused
D. You as a doctor will go with the parents opinion and discharge home
22. A patient was diagnosed with cancer but did not want anyone to know. The doctor respected
her wishes. What ethical principle was applied?
A. Respecting the patient’s autonomy
B. Non-maleficence
C. Beneficence
(if autonomy is not there, choose confidentiality) in this exam as long as we remember autonomy
wasn’t an option.
23. A lady delivered a baby with hearing loss, cataracts, microcephaly, and hepatosplenomegaly.
She is a new immigrant to the UAE from South Africa, and she did not take any medications
during her pregnancy. How can she avoid this in her future babies?
A. Rubella vaccination before conception
B. Take folic acid
C. Avoid illicit drugs
D. Genetic testing
24. General surgery - very similar to Q7: A 70-year-old man was admitted for a surgical
procedure. 10-days post-op, when he tried to mobilize for the first time, he developed sudden
unilateral pleuritic chest pain associated with dyspnea and diaphoresis. It subsided on its
own. He was afebrile. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pulmonary embolism
B. Bronchiectasis
C. Atelectasis
25. What is the first symptom of acute appendicitis?
A. Generalized abdominal pain
B. Fever
C. Nausea
D. RLQ pain
26. 60-year-old male presents with an ulcer over the medial malleolus, varicose veins, and
hyperpigmentation. His left calf muscle was mildly swollen but not tender. Next step?
A. Bed rest
B. Compression bandage
C. Topical antibiotics
D. Heparin
E. 80 mg Enoxaparin

27. A male has a venous ulcer over the medial malleolus associated with hyperpigmentation,
visible superficial veins, and mild non-tender calf swelling. He has history of varicose veins but
no history of DVT. Diagnosis?
B. Cellulitis
C. Osteomyelitis
D. Neuropathic ulcer

28. A multiparous woman came with bulging in the abdomen while tensing. No hernia & no
tenderness. Diagnosis? Recti divarication / diastasis
29. A patient has an ulcer that causes pain with hunger that improved after eating. He has been
gaining weight. Where is the ulcer located?
A. Body of the stomach
B. First half of the duodenum
C. Jejunum

Multiple pancreatitis questions

30. A 60 y/o male patient, chronic alcoholic, is complaining of epigastric pain radiating to the
back. It is associated with clay-colored stools, weight loss, and jaundice. O/E, he has
epigastric tenderness, and an epigastric mass is felt. Diagnosis?
A. Cancer of the head of the pancreas
B. Colon cancer
31. Patient with pain in RUQ that radiates to the back, better on leaning forward, mildly jaundiced,
Murphy sign positive, with fever what is the cause - Gallstones , or cholecystitis
32. Patient with RUQ pain radiating to back, high amylase, US abdomen showed gallstones but
no cholecystitis ?
33. Patient that travelled to Mexico and developed non bloody diarrhea, ate vegetables, meat etc

A. enter toxic E. coli
B. Staph aureus
C. Salmonella typhi
D. Shiga toxin
34. A patient has hepatosplenomegaly, night sweats, and weight loss. Labs show anemia &
thrombocytopenia. His blood film showed immature granulocytes in different stages of
maturation. He also has low ALP levels. Diagnosis?
C. Leukemoid reaction

35. 30-year-old female G7P0A6, smokes cigarettes & drinks alcohol, presented to the
clinicbecause she is worried that her baby has Down Syndrome. US shows nuchal
translucencyof 5.2 mm. Triple marker screen showed FP, estradiol, and hCG. Which of
thefollowing will make you proceed to amniocentesis?
A. Alcohol
B. Smoking
C. Nuchal translucency
D. Triple marker screen (results not consistent with a specific disorder)

36. An expecting couple is worried that their child will have Down Syndrome as their relative had
just given birth to a child with Down’s. Best investigation? Amniocentesis at 15-16 weeks
37. A pregnant lady with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is on 0.125 thyroxine. She was stable before
pregnancy but is now having symptoms. Her T4 is normal but her TSH is high. Next step?
A. Increase thyroxine dose to 0.175
B. Reassure her that these are symptoms of her pregnancy
C. Take FNA
38. What ECG changes are seen in pregnancy?
A. Left atrial hypertrophy
B. Left axis deviation
C. Left strain
D. Left ventricular hypertrophy

39. A pregnant lady presents with diarrhea and is diagnosed with giardiasis. How do you manage
her? Paromomycin
40. How does labor affect the umbilical artery flow & the intervillous spaces? No change in either
41. A pregnant lady was 38 weeks of gestation. She was given diazepam 5mg last night and
received indomethacin 37 mg today. CTG afterwards showed FHR of 190 bpm & reactive.
Afterwards, she received IV magnesium sulfate and IM pethidine which further decreased the
FHR to 150 bpm. Which drug does not (or is the least likely) to decrease the baby’s heart
A. Pethidine
B. Diazepam
C. Magnesium sulfate
D. Indomethacin
42. A middle-aged female had ovarian cancer that was removed. Her menarche
was at 17 y/o & she has been taking COCPs in between pregnancies (for a
total of 5 years). What increases her chances of getting endometrial cancer?
a. COCPs
b. Theca cell tumor
c. Menarche at 17
d. Multiparity

43. A pregnant female at 16 weeks of gestation presents with mild dragging pain in the left iliac
fossa. O/E there is an adnexal mass. US showed a 10 x 15 cm, multiseptated, hyperechoic
cyst with calcifications in the left ovary (complex cyst). The right ovary is normal.

A. Laparoscopic / open cystectomy as soon as possible

B. Laparoscopic / open cystectomy at 28 weeks
C. Open cystectomy + C/S at 38 weeks
D. Open/ laparoscopic cystectomy 2-weeks post-partum

44. A lady presents with heavy vaginal bleeding. USS showed a submucosal
fibroid measuring 4x4 cm. Lab investigations revealed iron deficiency anemia.
What is the best management?
A. Laparoscopic myomectomy
B. Hysteroscopic myomectomy
C. Observation with iron supplement
D. Hysterectomy
E. GnRH agonist

45. A G3P3 47 y/o patient presented with post-coital bleeding. O/E, she has a
fibroid about the size of 8-10 weeks of gestation. Speculum examination
revealed cervical lesions. Pap smear / colposcopy showed moderate dysplasia
& biopsy shows severe dysplasia. What is the management?
A. Ablation of cervical lesion
B. Hysterectomy
46. A lady comes complaining of fever & a vulvar mass. O/E there is a 3x4 cm
lesion on the posterior side of her left labia majora (Bartholin cyst / abscess)
that is red & tender. Best management?
A. Aspiration & drainage
B. I&D with antibiotic coverage
C. Oral antibiotics
D. IV antibiotics
47. Women presented with discharge was white frothy, hyperemic inflammatory cervix, high pH
5.8 so trichomonas
48. A 45-year-old lady, known case of uterine myoma, came complaining of vaginal spotting
(intermenstrual bleeding) for 3 months. O/E there is a myoma 8 weeks in size. Endometrial
(pipelle) biopsy showed proliferative endometrium. Next step?
A. Pelvic US
B. Diagnostic hysteroscopy
C. Cyclic hormonal therapy
D. Total hysterectomy

49. A 50-year-old female, P8, menopausal for 5 years, came complaining of

brownish vaginal discharge not related to intercourse (PMB). Pap smear 3
years ago was normal. She has history of coronary artery disease and angina.
Physical and bimanual examinations were normal but showed atrophic vagina.
US showed endometrial thickness of 2 mm (or 4 mm). What is the next step in
A. Colposcopy
B. Endometrial US
C. Endometrial biopsy
D. Estrogen cream

50. A couple come in for infertility investigations. On history taking, you find out
that the husband has recurrent pneumonia, recurrent bronchiectasis, and
pancreatic problems. He is taking pancreatic enzymes, vitamins, and
prophylactic antibiotics. What is the best next investigation?
A. Semen analysis
B. Sweat chloride test
C. Alpha-1-antitrypsin
D. Hysteroscopy
51. A P1+0 young lady is complaining of infertility. She had 1 previous delivery
that was complicated by bleeding and she went into hypovolemic shock. She
was also using cocaine in that pregnancy. She has a low hormone profile.
What is the cause of her infertility?
A. Meig’s syndrome
B. Sheehan syndrome
C. Asherman syndrome
52. A woman with PCOS features (hirsutism, obesity, amenorrhea for 4 months)
was worried that she did not get pregnant after 18 months of her marriage.
She also recalls that her last periods were very heavy. What is the initial
A. Metformin
B. Clomiphene citrate
C. Exercise & 10% weight loss

53. A women presented with sudden intense urge to urinate and involuntary loss of urine,
diagnosis? urge incontinence
54. A 4 y/o child has fever, ear pain, and rhinorrhea. O/E she has cervical
lymphadenopathy & a mobile eardrum. Management?
A. Paracetamol
B. Amoxicillin
C. Decongestant
D. Grommet insertion
55. A 4-week-old baby is brought by his mother due to vomiting after eating. The
vomitus is non-bilious and not associated with diarrhea. He is eager to feed. On
abdominal examination, there is an olive-like mass. Diagnosis?
A. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
B. Intussusception
56. A 14-month-old boy was delivered 8-weeks preterm. The mother brought him
as she is concerned that he is not developing like his siblings did. She reports
that he only says “baba” and “mama” and has just started walking unassisted.
He is unable to turn pages. What do you do?
A. Explain to the mother that it is normal for a preterm to be delayed
B. Hearing and visual field testing
C. Reassure the mother that his growth is fine
D. Refer him to psychiatry
E. Evaluate him for autism
57. A girl has iron deficiency anemia. Which parasite can be the cause?
A. Pinworm
B. Pig tapeworm
C. Hookworm
D. Fish tapeworm
58. What is the mode of inheritance of thalassemia?
A. Autosomal dominant
B. Autosomal recessive
C. X-linked recessive
59. A child had a VP shunt placed when he was 3 years of age. He presents with a fever. What is
the best way to measure his temperature?
A. Rectal
B. Tympanic
C. Axillary
D. Oral
60. macrosomic baby born to a diabetic mother had a glucose level of 3.2 (or 3.4) mmol. What do
you do?
A. Encourage the mother to breast feed him (2.5 mmol and above)
B. Repeat glucose in 2 hours
C. 5% dextrose
D. 10% dextrose
61. A newborn baby was found to have hyperbilirubinemia, anemia, and hypoproteinemia
(hemolytic anemia in the first 24 hours). He is the 3rd baby to a mother with O – blood who is
also antiglobulin +. She had no antenatal care during this pregnancy. The father’s blood group
is unknown. What is the blood type of the baby?
A. B +
B. A +
C. AB –
D. O +
E. A –
62. A 3-day-old term, breast-fed infant is brought by the mother who reports that the child has not
been active and not feeding well. She also notices jaundice, which was not present at birth
and is increasing. On examination, the temperature is 35.4°C, and the liver is palpable 2 cm
below the costal margin. Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Rhesus isoimmunization
B. Inadequate breast milk
C. Congenital biliary tract obstruction
D. Sepsis (indirect hyperbilirubinemia; negative Coomb’s)
63. A 4-day-old neonate has abdominal distension and delayed passage of meconium (day 3). He
did not pass any stool after the meconium. X-ray shows small and large bowel loops.
A. Volvulus
B. Intussusception
C. Hirschsprung’s disease
D. Malrotation

64. A child is missing school because of abdominal pain. The pain usually resolves
by the afternoon, and he is fine on the weekends. She tells you that when at
school, she feels like something terrible will happen. She also has nightmares
and asks her mother to sleep with her. Diagnosis?
A. Separation anxiety
B. Social phobia
C. Hypochondriasis

65. 5 year old girl, her dad died 2 months, started having severe tantrums, and keeps saying
when dad comes back , always needs her blanket with her, and never leaves mom alone,
always clinging, what will you do –
a. encourage mom to talk with her daughter about finality of death
b. ask mom to go see a child psychiatrist because this maladaptive
c. tell mother it is normal grief
d. encourage mom to punish bad behavior
66. Question about testicular torsion, very clear it has been 5 hours, prehn sign negative (but
prehn is not sensitive nor specific so ignore lol) what do you do? 🡪 surgical exploration
67. A 12 y/o boy presented with abdominal pain, joint pain, and hematuria. Attached is a picture
of a child with a rash. What is the diagnosis? Henoch Schoenlein Purpura
68. A child has the clinical picture of HSP. What is the best next investigation to do for her? Stool
occult blood
69. A 45-year-old man presents with a mass on the right side of the face. The mass was first
observed three months ago but has recently become visibly larger. He feels pain over the
mass and is unable to blow a whistle. Clinical examination shows that the mass is likely to be
the parotid gland. An oral examination shows a foul-smelling discharge from the duct of the
gland and gentle probing shows that it is stenosed at the meatus. Which of the following
features suggests that the mass might be malignant?
a. Presence of pain
b. Recent enlargement
c. Facial nerve palsy
d. Stenosed duct meatus

70. An elderly lady was admitted with myoclonus, weakness, incontinence, speech defect,
confusion, and decreased eating. She has history of valvular disease. Investigations reveal low
albumin. What is the cause of her functional decline?
a. End-stage dementia (corticobasal dementia) – the low albumin is d/t malnutrition
b. End-stage renal disease
c. End-stage liver disease
d. Age-related disability
e. End-stake stroke
71. TYPICAL SCENRIO OF MYSTHENIA GRAVIS DISEASE What is the pathophysiology of this
condition? NMJ disease
72. A man with proteinuria developed DVT. What is the cause? anti-thrombin III

73. A diabetic patient with stage 3 CKD presents with acute pain in the 1st metatarsophalangeal
joint. On examination, the joint is red & swollen, and he is unable to fully flex the big toe. An
acute attack of gout. What is the best treatment option for his acute attack?
A. Allopurinol
B. Colchicine
C. NSAIDs (diclofenac sodium)
D. Steroids
E. Indomethacin
74. What do you see on joint aspiration pseudogout – pyrophosphate
75. A patient presented with a purpuric rash. He has no previous history of URTI or abdominal
pain. On examination, he has palpable purpura. Investigations revealed low complement (C3 &
C4). He is hepatitis C positive. Hepatitis B is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. IgA nephropathy
b. Membranous nephropathy
c. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
d. Mixed cryoglobulinemia

76. An 18-year-old boy came back home after spending a night at his friend’s house. His mother
noticed that he was anxious, restless, sweating, and had increased lacrimation. She brought
him to the ER where he was complaining of fatigue and a headache. No appetite changes. He
was mildly hypertensive, and his pupils were dilated. His speech was intact, and he denied
taking any drugs. What drug did he take?
A. Alcohol (withdrawal)
B. Glueinhalation
C. Amphetamine
D. Cocaine
E. Opioids
77. A 30-year-old male presented with flu-like symptoms, rhinorrhea, irritability, and sweating.
These symptoms are most likely due to withdrawal of which drug?
A. Amphetamine
B. Opioids
C. Cannabis
78. Trauma Question 8 – RTA abdominal xray was done, air levels shown. – laparotomy
79. A patient passed a stone and got it, what to do? Chemistry of the stone
80. A 60 y/o male complains of nocturia. He also has urine dribbling during the day with
weakening of the urine stream. He has a history of UTI a few months ago. PR examination
revealed a smoothly enlarged prostate gland. Most likely diagnosis?
a. Benign prostatic hypertrophy
b. Prostate cancer
c. UTI
d. Bladder cancer
81. Pulmonology- she have birds at home Or work in a place that has a lot of birds, atypical
pneumonia, (chlamydia pistacci) – treatment ? sorry we couldn’t recall the options.
82. A 58-year-old recently retired man presents with shortness of breath. He has been smoking
20 cigarettes / day since he was 20 years old and has been working in building construction
sites. He also gave history of working in an insulation piping company. On examination, he
had lower limb edema. CXR was done and showed left lateral calcified pleural plaques
(thickened lung wall) and basal fibrosis. What is the most likely diagnosis? Asbestosis
(mesothelioma – cancer of the pleura)
83. A woman came to you with sudden onset of chest pain and hemoptysis. This was preceded
by 2 days of lower limb swelling and pain. She is known to be hypertensive and diabetic (on
glyburide). She is also taking OCPs. The patient tells you that she had just come from the USA
after a 16-hour flight. She was there for her mother’s funeral as she passed away from
complications of breast cancer. What is the most likely cause of her symptoms? Long flight

84. Pulmonology - chest x-ray – middle lobe consolidation same as this picture.

85. A 72-year-old man is brought in by his son for decreased appetite and lack of interest in
previous activities. He says that his father no longer responds when his grandchildren greet
him, and he is unable to do basic tasks. His short-term memory is intact, but they noticed that
he calls his grandchild by his son’s name. The son has recently moved his father to live closer
to him 2 months ago. Diagnosis?
A. Age-related senile dementia
B. Alzheimer’s disease
C. Major depressive disorder
D. Multi-infarct dementia
86. A man got a new job as a representative but is anxious to present seminars. He has managed
to avoid 3 seminars so far and is thinking of quitting his job. Diagnosis?
A. Simple anxiety
B. Social phobia
C. Agoraphobia
D. Panic disorder
87. She drove into a road and she had an accident 6 months after, she has flashbacks, avoiding
that road, contemplating suicide – TYPICAL PTSD PRESENTATION
88. A patient came complaining of difficulty in coping after his girlfriend broke up with him. He is
upset because he doesn’t even know why she left him. On further questioning, he says that
she told him that she is tired of making decisions for him. He tells you that she used to decide
where they would go, what they would eat, what house they would buy. He tells you that he
needs to have a new girlfriend as soon as possible. What disorder does he have?
A. Dependent personality disorder
B. Narcissistic disorder
C. Acute stress disorder

89. Patient diagnosed with lumbar disc prolapse came after one week with increased pain and
one episode urinary incontinence last night, no perianal sensory issues or other issues..
what’s the cause
a. cauda equine
b. exacerbation of the disc prolapse
c. new disc prolapse
90. Patient had a displaced radial fracture that was reduced in the ER. X-ray was done and
showed good alignment. Later on, he came with loss of sensation of the thumb and index
fingers. X-ray now shows displacement. What should you do?
a. Analgesia and send home
b. reduce in the ER then idk maybe call neurosurgery
c. take back to surgery
91. Child 1 year can't sit unsupported and poor hand grasp but can say mama baba what do you
tell the mother
a. child has obvious motor delay and we need to do further evaluation
b. child is ok don't do anything
c. has global development delay
d. child has both motor and language delay but it will resolve with time something like
92. Question about new thrombolytic drug vs placebo which reduced morbidity in MI - what is the
most important qn to answer?
a. Power of the study
b. how many patients in the study actually had an MI
c. 1 year outcome of the patients
d. if the trial was blinded.
93. Mother brought her 8-month-old infant asking for MMR vaccine because they want to travel to
endemic area. Options: give MMR now and don’t count, give all MMR and no need later, give
MMR IgG, no need to give MMR for endemic area, explain that child can’t take MMR before 1
year of age 🡪 I chose explain that child can’t take MMR before 1 year of age
94. Polytrauma case has fracture sub-capital neck of femur, splenic contusion without active
bleeding, fracture of 6th rib, currently stable with thoracic and GS opting for conservative
management, what to do next ? options: admit under ortho for 24 hours observation followed
by fixation, urgent surgery for the femur fracture fixation, admit under ortho for 24 hours
observation followed by fixation, discharge and give date for fixation 🡪 I chose urgent fixation
because sub-capital fractures have high risk of avascular necrosis
95. Patient taking anti-HTN has repeated syncope, his ECG is normal, no palpitations no SOB no
chest pain no AMS no symptoms other than the syncope. Cause? Options included:
orthostasis, anemia, arrhythmia 🡪 Orthostasis (takes nitrates + alpha blockers)
96. 70-year-old Woman who fell she is independent lives alone with no problems and no
symptoms. What to do? Options included: Medication review, live with family, hearing and
balance, alcohol rehabilitation 🡪 Medication review
97. In a cohort study what do you use to measure correlation between FEV1 value and body
weight? Options included: relative risk, linear regression, chi square 🡪 Linear regression
98. Blood in urine after URTI 🡪 PSGN. How do you manage? Steroids, conservative, fluids, other
options 🡪 conservative (mesh fluids because aslan we worry about overload in PSGN)
99. Intermittent headache and worsening vision (bitemporal loss) with growth chart attached (we
could not see the growth chart lol ) which investigation to carry out, options included: brain
MRI, karyotyping 🡪 BRAIN MRI
100. What is NOT an indication of mastectomy options were: T2 that is HER2 -, far from
healthcare facility where there is no follow up, positive resection margins, multifocal masses 🡪
by elimination it was T2 that is HER 2 neu negative, cause all other options are indications for
101. Patient with vertigo, Rinne test normal in both ears, Weber test lateralization to the left,
options included:
a. Left vestibular schwannoma
b. Labyrinthitis
c. left sided otosclerosis
d. right sided otosclerosis
e. right vestibular schwannoma
102. Diabetic patient having blurred vision gradually started 2 weeks back, on fundoscopy has
dot and blot hemorrhages with clear vitreous, ocular pressure is 18 and 20, what's the cause
of blurred vision options included
a. central retinal vein occlusion
b. retinal detachment
c. macular edema
d. vitreous hemorrhage
103. Patient with binge eating followed by vomiting, feels she’s overweight although her BMI is
16.5, options included: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder 🡪 ANOREXIA
NERVOSA (BMI less than 18)
104. What should you monitor in a patient who’s taking lithium what tests should you order?
A. regular renal tests
B. regular liver function tests
C. regular cardiac enzymes
D. regular pulmonary function tests
Lithium excreted renally, has low therpautic index and causes nephrogenic DI
105. Patient presented with urinary incontinence, Dementia, gait apraxia, MRI showed
ventriculomegaly and periventricular hyperintensity, what is the diagnosis 🡪 normal pressure
106. 18 year old for the past 2 years has been more isolated, not socializing, no positive
schizophrenia symptoms, but decreased affect, poor hygiene; not taking care of himself, no
friends, etc = schizoid
107. Patient who is a healthy man that likes to run, came complaining of pain in the thigh,
specifically in the area of the greater trochanter, pin point tenderness, no other symptoms,
what will you do –
A. NSAIDs and activity modification
B. steroid injection in the trochanteric bursa
C. x ray
108. Patient is a healthy woman that presented to the ED due to back pain, she was lifting
heavy furniture while moving houses, she says the pain radiates from her lower back to the
back of her legs, what will you do next –
A. MRI of the spine
B. x ray of the spine
C. NSAIDs and return to activity
109. Patient with obvious ankylosing spondylitis, he says his lower back hurts, they even
mention tenderness in the sacroiliac joints, and it happened before but this is an acute attack
what will you give
A. Methotrexate
B. Prednisolone
C. tnf-alpha
D. cyclosporine
110. Patient came with third trimester bleeding, what will decrease her mortality –
A. PV examination
B. Abdominal US to check placenta position
C. IV fluids
D. blood transfusion
E. admission
111. Patient with tingling in lateral aspect of forearm and reduced brachial and brachioradialis
reflex — Know the dermatomes distribution – answer was C6
112. Patient rights under seha- which one is true
a. Something about patient can review all their past medical records
b. Non locals are not treated as locals
c. You have the right to go to any physician you want even if the complaint isn’t
related to the speciality
d. The right to be treated by the best doctors of your choosing
You can answer this question with what you feel is right :)


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