Endorine System

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Structure and Function of -response hormones Pineal body

Endocrine System -metabolism hormones -Produces the hormone

Exocrine vs. Endocrine -and more…. melatonin which regulate daily
Exocrine – release products sleep-wake cycle or seasonal
(enzymes) into ducts rhythms associated with
-e.g.) Sweat, tears, digestive existing light conditions.
juices -Melatonin:
-Target tissues: hypothalamus
Endocrine – directly to -Functions: plays a role in
bloodstream; NO DUCTS onset of puberty and controls
-e.g) Hormones circadian rhythms. Light affects
its function.
Endocrine System
Glands – release products to
the bloodstream directly.
Hormones – products deliver
messages to body
-Chemical messengers
secreted by
endocrine glands, and
transported by the
Structure and Functions The
Endo. System
Target cells – have specific
receptors for specific

The Endo. System GENERAL

Homeostasis exists when
-Maintains homeostasis by there
regulating the production of is a
chemicals that affect most
functions of the body.

-Secretes substances that aid

the nervous system.
balance of
-Important regulator of growth Hypothalamus
substances. Endo. conditions
and development. -Structure located above the
are due to either hypo (too
pituitary gland that translates
little) or hyper (too much)
Endocrine system releases nervous system impulses into
secretions of substances
hormones endocrine
-growth hormones system messages.
-sex hormones -Controls pituitary secretions.
Glands and Their Hormones
ANTERIOR (front) -Secretes parathyroid
PITUITARY GLAND hormone, which affects the
1.Growth Hormone – amount of calcium in the
stimulates growth and blood.
metabolic function. -Raises blood calcium level.
2.Prolactin – stimulates milk
production and PARAthyroid Glands
secretion. -PTH-Parathyroid hormones
3.Follicle Stimulating -Increases the making of
Hormone – stimulates Vitamin D in the body.
the production of ova and -Causes bones to release
sperm. calcium and phosphate
4.Luteinizing Hormone – -PARATHORMONE – raises
stimulates ovaries and the blood calcium level.
Pituitary Gland 5.Thyroid- Stimulating Pancreas
Master gland Hormone–stimulates -Produces the hormones
-Controls the other endocrine thyroid gland. insulin and glucagon. Insulin
glands regulates transportation of
Growth Hormone (GH) Thyroid sugar, fatty acids, and amino
-Too much – gigantism -Produces hormones that acids into the cells.
-Too little – dwarfism regulate body metabolism -Insulin lowers blood sugar
Antidiuretic (ADH) (thyroxin). level.
-Stimulates kidneys to keep -Lowers blood calcium level -Glucagon raises the blood
water (calcitonin). sugar level.


PITUITARY GLAND 1. Too little thyroxine – Thymus Gland
-releases neurohormones hypothyroidism -The thymus gland, located
made in hypothalamus behind your sternum and
1. Oxytocin – stimulates the a. Depression, attention, between your lungs, is only
contraction of uterus and memory problems, weight active until puberty.
mammary gland gain.
cells. -After puberty, the thymus
-The hormone involved in 2. Too much thyroxine – starts to slowly shrink and
inducing labor during hyperthyroidism become replaced by fat.
childbirth. a. Agitation, irritability, &
-Hormone involved in bonding. weight loss. -Your thymus gland reaches its
-Hormone involved in maximum size when you're a
relationships. *Goiters – Growths on thyroid teenager. Then, it starts to
-Might be deficient in Autism. gland shrink slowly. By the time you
2. ADH – promotes retention turn 75 years old, your thymus
of water by kidneys. Parathyroid gland turns to fat.
-Thymosin is the hormone of 2. Aldosterone regulates Acromegaly
the thymus, and it stimulates mineral such as Na, Ca, and - hyper GH during
the development of Water balance in the adulthood
disease-fighting T cells. blood. - gradual enlargement or
-helps regulate your blood pH elongation of facial
(how acidic or basic it is) by bones and extremities,
controlling the levels of hands, feet, and jaws.
electrolytes in your blood.
3. Androgens such as Pituitary Dwarfism
Testosterone - Hypo GH before 25
-influence the development of - aka proportional
male secondary characteristics dwarfism
- Usually normal mental
-Adrenal Medulla (inner) & sexual functions
1. Adrenaline &
Noradrenaline both help to Thyroxine – increases
trigger physiological changes metabolic rate
to improve the “fight or flight” Overactive
response - Goiter
to stress and emergency. - Hyperthyroidism
- Grave’s Disease
- Goiter
- Hypothyroidism
- Myxoedema (adults)
Adrenal glands
(top of the kidney) - Cretinism (kids)

-Produce about 30 hormones 1. )Calcitonin – lowers blood

-Adrenal Cortex (outer) Ca level
1. Cortisol helps control your Overactive
body’s use of fats, proteins - Tetany
and Underactive
carbohydrates. It also - Kidney Stones
suppresses inflammation, - Osteoporosis
regulates your blood
pressure, increases blood DISEASES: 2.)Parathormone (PTH) –
sugar and helps control your raises blood Ca level
sleep-wake cycle. Your Gigantism Overactive
adrenal glands release cortisol - An excessive growth of - Kidney Stones
during times of stress to help the long bones caused - Osteoporosis
your body get an energy boost by hypersecretion of the Underactive
and better handle an GH hormone before 25. - Tetany
emergency - extreme skeletal size
3.) Insulin – decrease blood - sluggish, weight gain;
sugar - slowing of body Diabetes Mellitus
levels function - Insulin allows glucose
Overactive to transfer into cell
- Hypoglycemia Cretinism - Hypo insulin OR target
- Hyperinsulinism (insulin - hypo thyroid hormone cell insensitivity to
shock) during early insulin
Underactive development - Lack of insulin
- Hyperglycemia -aka deformed dwarfism
- Diabetes - retarded mental INDICATIONS!
development; facial puffiness; - Polyuria
HYPERTHYROIDISM lack of muscle coordination Over urinating
- hyper thyroid hormone - Polydipsia
- nervous, tremor, weight Goiter Thirsty asf
loss, excessive hunger; - lack of iodine in diet - Polyphagia
fatigue; irritability - enlargement of thyroid Hungry af
Tetany Myxoedema
- hyper thyroid hormone - Puffiness (swelling) ASSESSMENT:
- painful muscle spasms, - Fatigue - List activities that contribute
tremors, or muscular - Obesity to the endocrine system
contractions - Dry, thickened skin diseases.
- Result of low calcium - Mental impairment
levels in the blood - Thin, brittle hair Reasons why diabetes is a
- Leads to poor calcium Winter depression common disease to the
absorption; chronic - Hyper melatonin Filipinos at present.
diarrhea; repeated - Usually in winter when
vomiting of gastric acid; days are shorter Give two hormones that have
and hyperventilation, a (sunlight inhibits opposite effects.
hysterical form of over melatonin)
breathing - Aka Seasonal affective 4. Why are endocrine glands
disorder (SAD) also called ductless gland
Graves disease - sadness resulting from
- hyper thyroid hormone exaggerated melatonin 5. What will happen if you
- inherited or possibly effects eliminate / remove the entire
autoimmune - exposed to endocrine system in our
- weight loss, high-intensity light human
nervousness, body systems?
increased heart rate, Diabetes insipidus
exophthalmos goiter - hypo or insensitivity to 4. Factors that affect the
ADH functions of the endocrine
Hypothyroidism - decrease in kidney’s system.
retention of water
- hypo thyroid hormone - excessive urination 5. Why is adrenaline called
- excessive thirst emergency hormone?

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