Waning Crescent On 16 May 2020 Saturday: Appareil Dentaire Adulte
Waning Crescent On 16 May 2020 Saturday: Appareil Dentaire Adulte
Waning Crescent On 16 May 2020 Saturday: Appareil Dentaire Adulte
on 16 May 2020
Appareil Dentaire
17 18 19 20 21 22* 23
Offre Zen Week-End Plus
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Moon in Pisces
Moon is passing about ∠17° of Pisces tropical
zodiac sector.
at 17:39
Moderate tide
There is medium ocean tide on this date. Sun and Moon
gravitational forces are not aligned, but meet at very
acute angle, so their combined tidal force is moderate.
Draconic month
18 days since the beginning of current draconic month
in Gemini, the Moon is navigating from the second to
the final part of the cycle.
Syzygy in 6 days
In 6 days on 22 May 2020 at 17:39 in Taurus the
Moon is going to be in a New Moon geocentric
conjunction with the Sun and thus forming the next Sun-
Moon-Earth syzygy alignment.
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