2023 Madison County Fee Schedules

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Madison County Building & Zoning 2.

Fee Schedule
Erosion & Sediment Control
**Permits valid for one year**
E&S Land Disturbing Permit $300 + $200 each additional acre
E&S Control Plan Review $200 + $100 each additional acre
**(Payable at plan submission) **
Agreement in Lieu of plan (Single Family Dwellings) $150.00
E&S Bond (Agreement in lieu of plan for single family dwellings) $1,000.00
Land Disturbing Permit Renewal 50% of initial fee
Supplemental Plan Review 50% of initial fee
Re-inspection Fee (after 1st inspection) $100.00
**For purpose of computing fees, disturbed area shall be rounded to the
next whole acre up to 10 acres. After 10 acres, additional acreage is 50%**
Application for Rezoning (Zoning Map Amendment) $2,000.00
**Minimum charge of >10 ac.; Add. $100.00 per acre over 10**
Comprehensive Plan Amendment $1,500.00
Proffer/Conditional Zoning Amendment $2,000.00
Zoning Text Amendment $400.00
Special Use Permit (SUP) $500.00
(SUP), Telecommunications Facility $1,500.00
**Additional fee: Consultant Review (Cost)
Zoning Certification Letter $50.00
Board of Zoning Appeals
Variance Request $250.00
**Appeal $300.00
Agricultural Structure Permit $50.00
Zoning Permit (Accessory Structures) $50.00
Zoning Permit (New Dwelling/Commercial Structures) $100.00
Subdivision Fees
Boundary Line Adjustment Plat/Physical Survey Plat $350.00
Family Division Plat $350.00
Subdivision Plat, Minimum fee $850.00
**Additional, Per Lot $150.00
Site Plans
Site Plan Review/Approval, Minimum Fee $500.00
Additional Fee, Per Disturbed Acre $150.00
Permit Refunds
50% of permit fees may be refunded with written request by the owner/agent.
Plan review fees and state levy are non-refundable.
Reinspection Fees
To be assessed when work is not approved, work not completed after requested, approved
plans not on site or previously failed inspection not corrected.
Madison Co., School Board, Parks and Recreation Authority, Fire Department and Madison Co. Fair are
exempt from permit fees. 18


Madison County Building and Zoning 2.

Fee Schedule
New Construction/Remodel - $.18 per sq. ft. OR $75.00 Minimum
Above Ground Pool (Electrical Included) $125.00
Change of Contractor $100.00
Chimney/Fireplace $75.00 per unit
Code Modification $75.00
Demolition $75.00 per unit
Electrical/Upgrade $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Hot Tub/Spas (Electrical Included) $100.00
In Ground Pool (Electrical Included) $200.00
Mechanical $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Permit Renewal $50.00
Plan Review/Plan Amendment $50.00
Plumbing $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Reinspection Fee $100.00 ea.
Solar (Electrical Included) $5 per $1,000 est. cost/$75.00 min.
Temporary Occupancy Request $50.00
Working w/out Permits Double Permit Fees
New Construction/Remodel - $.20 per sq. ft. OR $75.00 Minimum
Amusement Devises $125.00 ea.
Change of Contractor $100.00
Change of Use $100.00
Code Modification $75.00
Comm. Plan Amendment $60.00
Comm. Plan Review $300.00
Comm. Swimming Pool (No Electrical) $225.00
Comm. Trade Review/Plan Amendment $50.00 ea.
Demolition Permit $75.00
Electrical $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Elevator/Escalator $125.00
Fire Suppression/Alarms $.02 per sq. ft../$150.00 min.
Mechanical $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Mobile Office Trailer $75.00 per unit
Plumbing $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Range Hood/Suppression $75.00 per unit
Reinspection Fee $100.00 ea.
Renewal Fee $75.00 ea./$300. Max
Signs (Elec. Included) $75.00
Solar (Electrical Included) $6 per $1,000 estimated cost
Tent/Air Support Structure $75.00/Electrical $40.00
Working w/out Permits Double Permit Fees
Building Code Board of Appeals
Any appeal or matter considered by the Building Code Board of Appeals $350.00 19


A. FY24 Madison County Animal Control and Animal Shelter
Animal Shelter Fees
Small domestic animal such as a dog or cat:
Impoundment fee ........................................................................................................................... $12
Boarding Fee ......................................................................................... $5 per day or portion thereof
This board fee shall be waived in the event the small domestic animal is claimed by its owner within 24
hours of its impoundment.
Dog adoption fee............................................................................................................................ $95
Cat adoptions ................................................................................................................................. $75

Large domestic animal such as a horse, cow, goat, sheep, or pig:

Impoundment fee ........................................................................................................................... $15
Board fee .......................................................................................... $10 per day or a portion thereof
Trailer fee .......................................................................................................................... $50 per use
Adoption fee................................................................................................................................... $45

Dog Tags
Per County Ordinance, $10.00 for the lifetime of the dog, including all male dogs, unsexed male dogs, female
dogs and unsexed female dogs

No kennel tags are issued by Madison County

No dog tag is required for guide dog for a blind person, hearing dog for a deaf/hearing impaired person, service
dog for a mobility impaired person.

Dog tags can be purchased from the Treasurer’s Office.

B. FY24 Building and Zoning Fee Schedule

Erosion & Sediment Control

**Permits valid for one year**
E&S Land Disturbing Permit $300 + $200 each additional acre

E&S Control Plan Review $200 + $100 each additional acre

**(Payable at plan submission) **
Agreement in Lieu of plan (Single Family Dwellings) $150.00
E&S Bond (Agreement in lieu of plan for single family dwellings) $1,000.00
Land Disturbing Permit Renewal 50% of initial fee
Supplemental Plan Review 50% of initial fee
Re-inspection Fee (after 1st inspection) $100.00
**For purpose of computing fees, disturbed area shall be rounded to the
next whole acre up to 10 acres. After 10 acres, additional acreage is 50%**
Application for Rezoning (Zoning Map Amendment) $2,000.00
**Minimum charge of >10 ac.; Add. $100.00 per acre over 10**
Comprehensive Plan Amendment $1,500.00
Proffer/Conditional Zoning Amendment $2,000.00
Zoning Text Amendment $400.00
Special Use Permit (SUP) $500.00
(SUP), Telecommunications Facility $1,500.00
**Additional fee: Consultant Review (Cost)
Zoning Certification Letter $50.00
Board of Zoning Appeals
Variance Request $250.00
**Appeal $300.00
Agricultural Structure Permit $50.00
Zoning Permit (Accessory Structures) $50.00
Zoning Permit (New Dwelling/Commercial Structures) $100.00
Subdivision Fees
Boundary Line Adjustment Plat/Physical Survey Plat $350.00
Family Division Plat $350.00
Subdivision Plat, Minimum fee $850.00
**Additional, Per Lot $150.00
Site Plans
Site Plan Review/Approval, Minimum Fee $500.00
Additional Fee, Per Disturbed Acre $150.00
Permit Refunds
50% of permit fees may be refunded with written request by the owner/agent.
Plan review fees and state levy are non-refundable.
Reinspection Fees
To be assessed when work is not approved, work not completed after requested, approved
plans not on site or previously failed inspection not corrected.
Madison Co., School Board, Parks and Recreation Authority, Fire Department and Madison Co. Fair are
exempt from permit fees.


Fee Schedule
New Construction/Remodel - $.18 per sq. ft. OR $75.00 Minimum
Above Ground Pool (Electrical Included) $125.00
Change of Contractor $100.00
Chimney/Fireplace $75.00 per unit
Code Modification $75.00
Demolition $75.00 per unit
Electrical/Upgrade $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Hot Tub/Spas (Electrical Included) $100.00
In Ground Pool (Electrical Included) $200.00
Mechanical $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Permit Renewal $50.00
Plan Review/Plan Amendment $50.00
Plumbing $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Reinspection Fee $100.00 ea.
Solar (Electrical Included) $5 per $1,000 est. cost/$75.00 min.
Temporary Occupancy Request $50.00
Working w/out Permits Double Permit Fees
New Construction/Remodel - $.20 per sq. ft. OR $75.00 Minimum
Amusement Devises $125.00 ea.
Change of Contractor $100.00
Change of Use $100.00
Code Modification $75.00
Comm. Plan Amendment $60.00
Comm. Plan Review $300.00
Comm. Swimming Pool (No Electrical) $225.00
Comm. Trade Review/Plan Amendment $50.00 ea.
Demolition Permit $75.00
Electrical $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Elevator/Escalator $125.00
Fire Suppression/Alarms $.02 per sq. ft../$150.00 min.
Mechanical $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Mobile Office Trailer $75.00 per unit
Plumbing $.07 per sq. ft./$75.00 min.
Range Hood/Suppression $75.00 per unit
Reinspection Fee $100.00 ea.
Renewal Fee $75.00 ea./$300. Max
Signs (Elec. Included) $75.00
Solar (Electrical Included) $6 per $1,000 estimated cost
Tent/Air Support Structure $75.00/Electrical $40.00
Working w/out Permits Double Permit Fees


Building Code Board of Appeals

Any appeal or matter considered by the Building Code Board of Appeals $350.00




C. FY24 Madison County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fees

1. All users of the Madison County transfer station shall be subject to the fees below unless
specifically exempted by the Madison County Board of Supervisors.

Madison County, including the Madison County School Board and the Madison County
Parks and Recreation Authority, and the Madison County Fair are exempted.

2. Madison County Residents Only: Residential bagged trash: No charge

a. Hang tag will be provided at no charge
b. One small bulk item permitted per week at no charge (less than 25 lbs)
c. Additional or replacement tags $5.00 with a limit of 2 per household

3. Small home-based Madison County businesses and non-profits may dispose up to 6 - 30

gallon bags per week. Anything over 6 bags will be charged at the established rate per ton.
A hang tag will be provided at no charge

4. Appliances with Freon (refrigerator, air conditioners) ...................................... 20.00 each

a. Small refrigerators less than 48" tall ................................................................ $10

5. Tires .................................................................................................. $3.00 each

6. Furniture if mixed in with bags can be charged by the unit at:

a. Small items (furniture appliances, debris less than 20 lbs) ........................... $2.00
b. Medium items (furniture appliances, debris less than 50 lbs) ....................... $5.00
c. Large items (furniture appliances, debris more than 50 lbs) ....................... $10.00
d. Mattress or box spring ........................................................................... $8.00 each

7. All other trash (commercial, bulk, etc.) will be weighed and charged at $65.00 per ton

8. Brush & woody debris ............................................................................ $65.00 per ton

Free brush months (October & March) for residential brush only.

9. Should the scale be inoperable please refer to the "Scale Inoperative Procedure of 12-9-

10. No charge for single stream or scrap metal recycling (not appliances)

11. Items that may have a reclaimed value (re-use) may be held separately by the facility and
reclaiming by residents or non-profits. This is only as space permits, is for residential use
only and is not to be resold. The County is not responsible for and makes no warranty or
representation as to condition or use of any items reclaimed.

12. No hazardous materials accepted

13. Payment is by cash, check or a charge account may be set up once approved.


14. Large quantities of recycling may be accepted however rates and logistics shall be
negotiated in advance and subject to the Board of Supervisors approval.

D. FY20 Emergency Communications

Secondary structure addresses (ref. Res#2018-12 approved on September 25, 2019) ........................$50.00


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