Mohr 1994
Mohr 1994
Mohr 1994
Rudolf Janoschek
2.1 Apparatus
2.2 Reagents
All reagents were of analytic reagent grade. The buffer used in this work
contained O-04 M sodium acetate, O-04 M boric acid, 0~04 M sodium dihy-
drogen phosphates and U-1 M sodium sulphate. The pH was adjusted
using 170 N sodium hydroxide and 6 N sulphuric acid. Column chro-
matography was performed with Silica gel 60 (63-200 grn, Merck). The
membranes used for immobilization were transparent overhead foils
(Hewlett Packard, prod. no. 17703T). The films cansisted of a layer of
cellulose acetate (10 pm thickness) fixed on to a transparent polyester
support (Mylar).
2.3.6 Z-Hydroxy-I-[4-(2-hydroxyethyZsuZphonytf-phenylazof-naphthafe
This was obtained following the procedure for 4 above; m.p. 241°C
methanol-water (1 : 1).
‘H-NMR (DMSO): S (ppm) 844 (d, 1 H), 74-8.0 (m, 8 H), 6-76 (d, 1
H), 4.93 (t, 1 H), 3-74 (q, 2 H, --CH,), 3-52 (t, 2 H, --CH,). MS:
m/z (%): 356 (42%, M’+); 143 (lOO%, base peak). Calc’d for C,,H,,N,O$:
C, 60.69; H, 4.53; N, 7.86; found: C, 60.55; H, 4-61; N, 7-78.
228 G. J. M&r, T. Werner, 0. S. WolQbeis,R Janosehek
the reason why 2 shows a pE;, of 9.05 a value which is distinctly higher
than that of 1 (8.32).
Column chromatography was used to separate the compounds, but
yields were not satisfactory and the procedure was tedious. Therefore, an
attempt was made to obtain pure isomers by modification of the synthe-
sis. It was found that by increasing the pH, more his-azo and or&o-azo
dye were formed. However, there was always a mixture of all three iso-
mers. Therefore, diazotation of 1-hydroxynaphthalene was performed in
acetic acid. In this case, the product was almost pure para-azo dye (1)
which could be purified by repeated recrystallization. When 8-hydroxy-
quinoline was diazotized in acetic acid with GMl, para coupling was ex-
clusively, observed (dye 5). The other couplings were performed using
1-hydroxynaphthalenes, which only allowed one possible isomer to be
formed. Thus, potassium 1-hydroxynaphthale~e-2-sulphonate gave 3,
and sodium 1-hydrox~apthalene-4-s~phonate gave 4.
In case of all 2_hydroxynaphthalenes, coupling occurs only in the l-po-
sition (6, 7, 8), and hence there are no problems with respect to isomers
and their separation.
With 1-aminonaphthalene, coupling was performed in ethanol to give
the pure para-azo compound (9). Similarly, 1-aminonaphthalene-4-
sulphonate and N,N-dimethylaniline gave only one product: dye 10 was
exclusively obtained from 1-aminonaphthalene-4-sulphonate, and 11
from ~,~-dimethylaniline.
Absorption Maxima (in nm), Molar Absorbances (E), and p& Values of Dissolved
(l-11) and Membrane-immobilizedDyes (Ml-MU) at 21’C
The phenol PC forms of dyes l-8 are usually yellow or orange, and the
deprotonated forms red or purple. A change from the conjugate acid to
the base form of para azo dyes (1,3,5) results in a significant colour
change from yellow to purple. There is little overlap in the absorption
spectra (Fig. 2).
Synthesis of reactive vinylsulphonyl azo dyes 235
H @ -o-
\ /
H2S04 cont.
N \-, SO,-CH=CH,
H / \ N4 -u-
%- \ /
Scheme 2
Fig. 2. Absorption spectra of dissolved and immobilized 3 in the acid and conjugate
base forms, respectively, showing the conjugate base to be the one with the longest wave-
length absorption: A, membrane M3 in acidic form; B, membrane M3 in conjugate base
form; C, dye 3 in acidic form; D, dye 3 in base form.
0.00 3
370 510 660
Fig. 3. Absorption spectra of dissolved and ~mobi~~ 7 in the acid and conjugate
base form, respectively: A, membrane M7 in acidic form; B, membrane M7 in conjugate
base form; C, dye 7 in acidic form; D dye 7 in base form.
Synrhesis ofreactive Y~yi~Fho~y~ azo dyes 237
more planar structure (in the protonated form) via hydrogen bonds
(2,4,6,7,8,10) show absorptions that are shifted to longer wavelength.
Therefore, the colour change is from orange to purple-red.
The pk’, values of 1 and 2 are quite similar (8.32 and 9.05, respectively)
whereas that of 6 is considerably higher (11.26). This is surprising, because
the similarity in the structures of 2 and 6 suggests similar p& values
(Fig. 4). In order to elucidate this observation, deprotonation energies of
model compounds l*, 2* and 3* were calculated. In contrast to the re-
spective dyes (1, 2 and 6), they lack the 2-hydroxyethylsulphonyl group.
This is acceptable because such groups are known not to significantly
affect the pK, Hence, calculations were greatly simplified. Figure 4 gives
the structures of model dyes l*, 2*, 6* and the respective anions (l-, 2-,
3-). AM1 cal~ulations15 were conducted using the MOPAC6 programI
on a STARDENT Titan 3040 computer. The structures were optimized
in a planar arrangement of the nuclei (C, symmetry). Different conform-
238 G. J. Mohr, T. Werner, 0. S. Wolfbeis, R. Janoschek
4H &P &z
I* 6s
I+ OH-
I+ OH-
I :I
Fig. 4. Model structures l*, 2* and 6* (derived from 1, 2 and 6, but without the 2-
hydroxyethylsulphonyl groups) and their conjugated bases (anions) l-, 2- and 3-,
Calculated Heats of Formation (AH, in kcal/mol), Deprotonation Energies
(Al?,, in kcal/mol) of Model Dyes l*, 3* and 6*, and of Respective Anions,”
and pK, Values of Dyes 1, 2 and 6
Dye AH, 4 PK
6. Jiang, W., Zhu, Z. & Chen, K., Dyes and Pigments, 10 (1989) 217-37.
7. Smiles, S. & Stewart, J., Org. Synth., Collective 1 (1942) 7-9.
8. Baker, B. R., & Querry, M. V., J. Am. Chem. SOL, 38 (1949) 413-24.
9. Heyna, J., & Schumacher, W., US Pat. 2657,205 (1953); Chem. Abstr. 48
(1954) 3,037i.
IO. Burba, P., Lieser & K. H., Angew ~~romu~. Chem., 50 (1976) 151-6 1.
11. Werner, T. & Wol~eis, 0. S., Freseni~’ J. Anal. Chem., 346 (1993) 564-8.
12. Holobar, A., Weigh B. Ii., Trettnak, W., Benes, R., Lehmann, H.,
Rodriguez, N. V., Wollschlager, A., O‘Leary, P., Raspor, P. & Wolfbeis, 0. S.,
Sensors & Actuators, Fart i3, Bll (1993) 425-30.
13. Cattermann, L. & Wieland, T., Die Praxis des organischen Chemikers, de
Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 1982, p. 605.
14. Fieser, L. F., Org. Synth., Collective 2 (1943) 39.
15. Dewar, M. J. S., Zoebisch, E. F., Healy, E. F. & Stewart, J. J. P., J. Am.
Chem. Sot., 107 (1985) 3902.
16. Stewart, J. J. P. & Seiler, F. J., Res. Lab. US Air Force Academy, Colorado
Springs CO 80840, 1990.