Stoffman 1
Stoffman 1
Stoffman 1
Investor Behavior
Noah S. Stoffman
Doctoral Committee:
Associate Professor Tyler G. Shumway, Chair
Professor Miles S. Kimball
Associate Professor Uday Rajan
Assistant Professor Feng Li
Assistant Professor Kathy Z. Yuan
c Noah S. Stoffman
For my parents
The work presented here would not have been possible without the help of my
Ryan Israelsen, Amiyatosh Purnanandam, Amit Seru, Sophie Shive, and Clemens
I thank each of the members of my dissertation committee for their time and
the dissertation process, but has also become a good friend. The first chapter of
this dissertation was written jointly with him and Amit Seru, and I am grateful to
I also thank Jussi Keppo, who helped obtain the data set used throughout this
dissertation, and explained some of the idiosyncracies of the Finish stock market.
Table of Contents
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1 Hypotheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2 Data and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.1 Data description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.2.2 Complications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3.1 Investor interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.2 Daily returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.3.3 Vector autoregressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.3.4 Alternate horizons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.3.5 Returns following trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
List of Tables
3.10 Institutions’ Response to Individual Trading . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
List of Figures
Chapter I
individuals that is difficult to reconcile with the classical view of a rational homo
from costly behavioral biases. These biases may affect not only the performance
of individual investors, but also aggregate to cause price distortions. Given the
critical role for prices in capital allocation, such distortions could be economically
The three papers presented in this dissertation explore different aspects of this
issue. Chapter I examines whether individual investors learn from their trading
experience to avoid a particular behavior bias and improve their returns. If indi-
vidual investors suffer from behavioral biases but quickly learn to avoid them as
they become more experienced, then the average degree of bias in the population
estimates of the speed of learning suggest that biases would quickly die out in the
population, but the results presented here suggest that in fact the speed at which
individuals learn is much slower. The relatively slow speed at which investors
learn suggests that we cannot rule out the possibility that individual investors
actually affect stock prices. This is explored in Chapter II. In particular, I exam-
ine in which direction prices move when trading occurs between two individu-
als, between individuals and institutions, or between two institutions. I find that
prices move in the direction of institutional trading. That is, when individuals
buy shares from institutions, prices fall; and when individuals sell shares to indi-
viduals, prices rise. These results are consistent with the notion that individual
investors supply liquidity to institutions, and not that individuals actively move
examine whether these trades earn higher ex post returns, and I find that they do.
This indicates that while many individual investors may generate poor invest-
ment performance, at least some individual investors are able to trade on infor-
mation. The technique presented here could also be used to estimate the level of
1.1 Data
In each of the studies presented here, I use a data set that includes the com-
plete trading records of all individual and institutional investors in Finland over a
nine-year period. The remarkable richness of these data allow a uniquely detailed
market. The data come from the central register of shareholdings in Finnish stocks
for the clearing and settlement of trades in Finland. Finland has a direct holding
system, in which individual investors’ shares are held directly with the CSD. Since
our data come from the CSD, they reflect the official record of holdings and are
but held in street name by a brokerage firm are identified as belonging to the indi-
vidual, and shares for each individual are aggregated across brokerage accounts,
regardless of whether they are held in street name. This allows a clean identifica-
tion of which type of investor owns shares. Grinblatt and Keloharju (2000, 2001a,
2001b) use a subset of the same data, comprising the first two years of our sam-
ple period.1 The data include the transactions of nearly 1.3 million individuals
and firms, beginning in January, 1995 and ending in December, 2003. Summary
While our dataset includes exchange-traded options and certain irregular eq-
ducted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange, which is owned by OMX, an operator of
stock exchanges in Nordic and Baltic countries. Trading on the Helsinki exchange
begins with an opening call from 9:45–10:00 a.m., and ends with a closing call from
The transaction data include the number of shares bought or sold, correspond-
ing transaction prices, and the trade and settlement dates, although trades are not
zip code, and language are also included, as are initial account holdings at the
Only the direct holdings and transactions of individuals are available. This
means that for an individual who directly trades shares of Nokia and holds a
Finnish mutual fund that owns shares of Nokia, we will observe only trades in the
former. The trades of the mutual fund are included in the dataset, but are identi-
fied as holdings of the mutual fund company, and cannot be tied to the individual.
However, our wealth calculations allow us to compare the importance of the in-
individuals hold 12.6 percent of all equity held by Finnish investors, including fi-
9.6 percent during our sample period. The majority of equity is held by the gov-
ernment (34.7%) and nonfinancial firms (33.4%), although these investors trade
relatively less and may do so for strategic reasons that are not directly linked to
Chapter II
Learning By Trading
Academics have recently shown interest in the investment behavior and per-
formance of individuals, a field that has been called ‘household finance’ by Camp-
bell (2006). Over the past decade, several researchers have documented a number
found evidence that some individual investors are more informed or skilled than
so, to what extent do investors improve their ability and to what extent do they
learn about their inherent ability? And how quickly do investors learn? In this
and the strength of the behavioral bias known as the disposition effect.2 We corre-
1 Coval, Hirshleifer, and Shumway (2005) document significant performance persistence among
individuals. Ivković and Weisbenner (2005) find that individuals place more informed trades in
stocks of companies located close to their homes, and Ivković, Sialm, and Weisbenner (2006) show
that individuals with more concentrated portfolios tend to outperform those who are more diver-
sified. Linnainmaa (2007) finds that individuals who trade with limit orders suffer particularly
poor performance.
2 The disposition effect is the propensity of investors to sell assets on which they have ex-
perienced gains and to hold assets on which they have experienced losses. The effect was
late performance and disposition with investor experience and investor survival
specific ways in which investors can learn. First, in the spirit of classical learning-
by-doing models (Arrow 1962, Grossman, Kihlstrom, and Mirman 1977), investors
might improve their ability as they trade. Second, as investors trade they might
realize that their inherent level of ability is low and decide to stop actively trading.
This decision to either continue or stop trading is a feature of the recent learning
model of Mahani and Bernhardt (2007). In our analysis we take either of these two
To clarify the model of learning we have in mind, consider the case of an in-
dividual who decides to begin trading. The investor must decide which of the
take seriously. She could consult standard news sources, internet sites, invest-
ment newsletters, and neighbors or friends. She might also consider the advice of
brokers, news analysts, authors of books and magazines, and finance professors.
To the extent that these sources fail to agree completely, individuals must deter-
mine how much decision weight to assign to each source. Moreover, the quality
first proposed by Shefrin and Statman (1985), and was subsequently documented in a sample
of trading records from a U.S. discount brokerage firm by Odean (1998). The effect has been
found in other contexts, including in Finland (Grinblatt and Keloharju 2001a), China (Feng and
Seasholes 2005, Shumway and Wu 2006), and Israel (Shapira and Venezia 2001); among profes-
sional market makers (Coval and Shumway 2005), mutual fund managers (Frazzini 2006), and
home sellers (Genesove and Mayer 2001); and in experimental settings (Weber and Camerer 1998).
We focus on the disposition effect because it is a robust empirical finding and it is relatively easy
to measure.
of these sources is likely to differ across individuals: some investors may know
executives at a firm, while others will not. As investors begin trading, they can
learn to which of the various sources they should pay more attention. This can
ticular sources. Instead, they will learn that they have no useful information and
will stop trading actively, choosing instead to invest in a passive investment such
as an index fund.3 This is also a type of learning, but rather than improving her
This example helps to elucidate the two types of learning we examine in this
chapter. First, investors may learn in such a way that their ability improves, per-
ceptibility to the disposition effect with their experience. Second, investors may
learn about their ability, perhaps by learning whether they have access to useful
information sources. Because investors who learn that their ability is poor will
cease to trade, we identify this type of learning by examining attrition in our data.
Once we control for unobserved individual heterogeneity and attrition, any learn-
ing that remains will be of the first type, a direct improvement in ability. Since we
track individuals over time—both their survival rates as well as their performance
3 This example is very similar in spirit to well-known ‘bandit’ problems. For example, Bolton
and Harris (1999) study the strategic interaction of agents in an experimentation game. In our set-
ting, we can think of investors as being randomly assigned slot machines with different unobserv-
able expected payoffs, and experimenting to learn what the payoffs are. The random assignment
is analogous to the assignment of inherent ability.
and their level of the disposition effect—we are able to differentiate between these
two types of learning. Ours is the first paper to identify and measure both types
of learning.
not correspond to the experience of any particular type of investor. Measuring the
investors learn quickly and there is low turnover in the population of investors,
behavioral biases are unlikely to significantly affect asset prices. Moreover, if they
learn relatively quickly then the ‘excessive’ trading documented by Odean (1999)
and Barber and Odean (2001) may be justified, because investors may optimally
choose to trade more actively if they know they will improve with experience.
Finally, policy makers should consider the speed at which individuals learn when
The type of learning we observe, besides being important from a theory per-
spective, also has significant implications for policy. For instance, if investors can
significantly improve their ability from experience then investor education ini-
then screening mechanisms, or tests that measure and reveal inherent ability, have
more value than education. Finally, thinking about both the speed and the type
of learning, has implications for market efficiency. For example, if many inexperi-
enced investors begin trading around the same time, and they learn slowly, their
We test our hypotheses with a remarkable dataset that includes the complete
trading records of investors in Finland from 1995 to 2003, including more than 22
mate disposition and calculate performance at the account level. Our disposition
estimates indicate that a median individual in our sample is 2.8 times more likely
to sell a stock when its price has risen since purchase than when its price has
fallen. We exploit the panel structure of our data to examine whether individual
investors learn to avoid the disposition effect and improve their performance as
they trade. In particular, we estimate the mean return and the disposition effect
for each account and year in our sample and relate these estimates to experience,
We measure investing experience with both the number of years that an in-
vestor has been trading and with the cumulative number of trades that an in-
vestor has placed. Of course, investors may gain experience by actively trading
securities and observing the results of each trade. If this is the primary way in
which investors learn, then cumulative trades will predict future investment per-
formance and the disposition effect. However, investors may also learn by observ-
ing market quantities and considering the outcomes of hypothetical trades based
on, for example, a particular information source. If this is the primary way that
investors learn, then years of experience will be a better predictor of investment
level. We show that in a simple model of learning, performance improves and the
mately 40 basis points (bp) over a 30-day horizon, and a reduction in the dispo-
and survivorship effects are likely to significantly affect these simple estimates,
tion model that allows for individual fixed effects. The Heckman selection model
is a two-stage instrumental variables model that adjusts for the possibility that
variables that satisfy the necessary exogeneity conditions—that is, they are likely
to affect the probability of an investor remaining in the sample, but are unlikely to
their effect on survival. The first variable is an indicator for whether the indi-
vidual inherited shares in the previous year due to the death of a relative. We
conjecture that an individual who inherits shares is more likely to trade in the
future, perhaps because their wealth has increased, or perhaps because the new
4 It
is also possible, of course, that investors learn by considering the returns to hypothetical
trades before they ever start trading. If this is the only way in which investors learn then we will
find no evidence of learning by trading.
shares cause them to pay more attention to the stock market. This satisfies the
The second variable is the variation in the returns across all positions taken by
are those who are more likely to cease trading. Moreover, more successful in-
vestors continue to trade actively. We also find that adjusting for survivorship
and heterogeneity in our learning reduces our learning coefficients by about one-
their trading ability with experience, they primarily learn about their own inher-
ent trading ability and they cease to trade if their ability is low.
Some evidence about learning by trading exists. Feng and Seasholes (2005)
over time, estimating that for sophisticated investors the disposition effect is es-
consistent with the findings of Frazzini (2006), which shows that mutual fund
managers, who trade substantially more than most individuals, display a signif-
icant disposition effect. Furthermore, since Feng and Seasholes (2005) do not ad-
just for heterogeneity and attrition, it is impossible to tell whether their estimates
imply that a particular investor who trades 16 times will no longer exhibit the dis-
position effect or whether they imply that most investors who exhibit the disposi-
tion effect will cease trading before they place 16 trades. Nicolosi, Peng, and Zhu
(2004) show that the trading performance of individuals appears to improve with
portfolio return by about two percent per year (or about 0.8 bp per day) over a
3-year period. This seems quite large. Again, it is not possible to tell whether
this estimate is driven by the most successful investors surviving or by the least
While our tests have some features in common with existing papers, they differ
from the literature in a number of important respects. First, unlike other papers,
our tests use measures of performance and estimates of the disposition effect that
This allows us to control for investor heterogeneity and survivorship effects and
allows us to separate the two types of learning as well as to estimate the speed
of learning. It also ensures that each observation in almost all of our tests is an
average or regression coefficient for one individual in one particular year. Thus,
we can be sure that our results hold for the average active investor. Put another
weight in our estimates. Finally, using only one observation per person per year
reduces the likelihood that our standard error estimates are incorrect because of
correlation among our regression residuals. Given the unique features of our data
and our test methods, the results of our hypothesis tests add significantly to the
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 2.1 describes the hy-
potheses we test and our statistical methods, while Section 2.2 provides detail on
our data. Section 2.3 discusses our results and Section 2.4 concludes.
We test three hypotheses in this chapter. Our first hypothesis (H1) is that in-
derstanding how investors learn by trading. Our second and third hypotheses
clarify the type of learning in H1. Our second hypothesis (H2) is that investors
learn about their inherent ability by trading, and our third hypothesis (H3) is
that investors learn to improve their ability over time. Of course, if H1 is false,
individuals stop trading if they realize their ability is low. Once we control for
unobserved individual heterogeneity and attrition, any learning that remains will
support H3—that is, it suggests that individuals learn to directly improve their
prior belief for each of these predictions is that investors both learn about their
inherent ability and learn to improve their ability. This section motivates and de-
scribes our tests in more detail. It also describes some of the statistical methods of
our tests.
is a significant challenge. Our data, like others that are available, do not include
measure the return for the investor’s entire portfolio. This is made more diffi-
cult by the fact that the amount of money an individual has invested in equities
often fluctuates significantly over time. Since we cannot accurately measure port-
compare the performance of one investor who holds a stock for one week and
earns a holding period return of 3 percent to that of another investor who holds a
stock for one year and earns a holding period return of 15 percent.
the individual’s returns. In particular, we calculate the returns earned by the pur-
choose to examine 30-day returns because the median holding period in our data
is 39 trading days, but all of our findings remain unchanged if we use a 10-, 45-, or
length of the actual holding if it is shorter than 30 days. That is, the 30-day return
Pj (t + min(s, 30))
Ri,j (t) = − 1,
Pj (t)
where Pj (·) denotes the stock’s closing price adjusted for splits and dividends, t
denotes the purchase date, and s denotes the actual holding period.
over similar holding periods while ensuring that the actual selling decisions of
capture the value of short-term signals that the investor may have received. Look-
ing over longer horizons would introduce considerable noise into our return esti-
To adjust for risk, some of our results use risk-adjusted returns (or alphas). We
use a four-factor model to adjust returns for known risk factors. In addition to
(SMB, HML, and UMD; see Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997)). To con-
struct the HML and SMB factors, we augment our data with information from
standing and book value of equity using definitions as similar as possible to those
Each quarter, we sort firms into deciles independently along three dimensions:
(price per share divided by book value of equity per share), and past returns (over
position in the top half of stocks by market capitalization, and a short position in
the bottom half. The high-minus-low (HML) portfolio consists of a long position
in those stocks in the top 30 percent of market-to-book, and short position in stocks
position in stocks in the top decile of past return performance, and a short position
in stocks in the bottom decile. We use the overnight interbank lending rate in
Finland as a proxy for the risk-free rate. Beginning in 1999, this is equivalent to
of the risk-free rate on the daily returns of the four factor-mimicking portfolios
and a constant. To ensure that our estimates are not contaminated by well-known
We use the estimated factor betas from these regressions to calculate risk-
adjusted daily returns for each stock, and we use these adjusted returns in the
risk adjusted return is defined as
αi,t = Ri,t − β iM RMRFt + βSi SMBt + β iH HMLt + βU
i UMDt , (2.1)
where Ri,t denotes the raw return of stock i on date t, β iM is stock i’s market beta,
βSi is the beta on the size factor (SMB), β iH is the beta on the value/growth factor
(HML), and βU
i is the beta on the momentum factor (UMD). The returns RMRF,
SMB, HML, and UMD are the returns on the market portfolio, and the three
risk-adjusted returns, which we can then use instead of raw returns in several
of our tests. As with the raw returns, we calculate holding period returns over a
fixed interval of 30 days, but truncate the holding period at the length of the actual
holding period.
Given our measure of performance, we perform a few tests to be sure that it has
similar properties to the measures used previously, such as poor investor perfor-
Prediction 1. Individuals with more investment experience have better investment per-
turn over the 30 trading days following each purchase. Our primary experience
variables include the number of years that an investor has been in our data and
the cumulative number of trades the investor has placed. We include a quadratic
term for each experience variable to allow investors to learn more slowly over
time. Notably, evidence for this prediction is consistent with investors learning
H2 and H3. Later in the chapter we adjust for individual heterogeneity and po-
tential survivorship bias. Results of the tests related to performance are presented
in Section 2.3.1.
with experience is the disposition effect. Previous researchers have measured the
a discount brokerage firm. Grinblatt and Keloharju (2001a) model the decision to
sell or hold each stock in an investor’s portfolio by estimating a logit model that
includes one observation for each position on each day that an account sells any
security. Days in which an account does not trade are dropped from their analysis.
As Feng and Seasholes (2005) point out, a potential problem with these and
similar approaches is that they may give incorrect inferences in cases in which
capital gains or losses vary over time. Hazard models, which have been exten-
ogy, are ideally suited to our setting. Feng and Seasholes (2005) implement a
parametric hazard model. However, they pool their data and estimate the haz-
ard regression only once for all investors together, ignoring most individual-level
heterogeneity and any survivorship bias. Since our focus is on estimating dispo-
sition at an individual level, we estimate the hazard regression for each investor
and year. Implementation of the hazard model uses all data about the investor’s
trading and the stock price path, rather than just data on days when a purchase
or sale is made. That is, it implicitly considers the hold-or-sell decision each day.
This improves our disposition estimates, and gives us more power with which to
del the probability that an investor will sell shares that he currently holds. We
count every purchase of a stock as the beginning of a new position, and a position
ends on the date the investor first sells part or all of his holdings. Alternative
Proportional hazard models make the assumption that the hazard rate is
Here, the hazard rate, λ(t), is the probability of selling at time t conditional on
holding a stock until time t, and φ(t) is referred to as the baseline hazard. The
term exp( x (t)0 β) allows the expected holding time to depend on covariates that
vary over time. In our specification, each of the covariates changes daily. Since
we estimate the hazard model for each investor-year, the baseline hazard rate de-
scribes the typical holding period of just one investor in one particular year. The
Cox proportional hazard model does not impose any structure on the baseline
hazard, and Cox’s (1972) partial likelihood approach allows us to estimate the
β coefficients without estimating φ(t). The method also allows for censored ob-
servations, which is important in our setting because investors have not always
closed a position by the end of a given year. Details about estimating the propor-
The particular specification we use for investor i’s hazard to sell position j is
n o
λi,j (t| xi,j (t)) = φi (t) exp βdi I ( Ri,j (t) > 0) + βri R̄ M,t + βsi σM,t + βV V
i M,t . (2.3)
The key variable in this regression is I ( Ri,j (t) > 0), an indicator for whether the
total return on position j from the time of purchase up until time t is positive.
Investors who suffer from the disposition effect are more likely to sell when this
condition is true, so they will have positive values of βdi . In the rest of the chapter,
we refer to βdi as the ‘disposition coefficient.’ The total return variable includes
any dividends or other distributions, and is calculated using closing prices on all
days, including the date of purchase. We use the closing price on the purchase
date instead of the actual purchase price to ensure that our results are not con-
5-day moving averages of market-level variables to ensure that we are not cap-
market returns (σM,t ), and market volume (VM,t ). We repeat this estimation via
maximum likelihood each year from 1995–2003 for each individual i who places
noise, we use weighted least-squares (WLS) regressions where the weight given
disposition coefficients. The standard errors used in this calculation are calculated
We perform a few tests on our disposition coefficients to be sure that our mea-
sure has similar properties to the measures used previously. In particular, for
with more disposition have inferior investment performance. However, our main
Prediction 2. Individuals with more investment experience have a weaker disposition
rience measures. As in our performance results, we use the number of years that
an investor has been in our data, and/or the cumulative number of trades to mea-
sure experience. Also similar to our earlier tests on performance, support for this
prediction is consistent with H1, but it does not allow us to differentiate between
H2 and H3. Again, later in the chapter we adjust for individual heterogeneity and
Our empirical strategy differs from that of Feng and Seasholes (2005), who
estimate one large hazard model with all investors pooled together. Their hazard
model includes an experience variable, and an interaction term of I ( Ri,j (t) > 0)
with their experience variable. We avoid this approach because it gives inordinate
statistical weight to investors who trade frequently. To see the sort of problem that
this approach might generate, suppose that investors trade according to different
styles. Some investors trade like day traders, exploiting short-term supply and
demand imbalances, while others trade like fundamental analysts, looking for
inferences we make about learning will be driven by the types of investors who
of a select few individuals to the whole population. While we avoid this sort of
problem by making an individual-year the unit of observation, we estimate a few
hazard models with the Feng and Seasholes (2005) method to allow comparison
ences about learning and to test H2 and H3. Through wealth effects, significant
fact there is none. More important, simple models that neglect survivorship may
provide evidence consistent with investors learning, but they will not be able to
determine whether poor investors actually improve their ability or simply drop
out after learning about their inherent inability. To avoid these problems, we care-
fully control for investor heterogeneity and survivorship bias. We use two meth-
ods to disentangle the two effects. First, we control for time-invariant unobserved
(or learning about ability) affects our inferences about learning by using a modi-
The classic Heckman model involves a two-stage procedure. In the first stage,
in the second stage. In the second stage, the regression of interest is estimated
with an adjustment for survivorship bias. We modify this procedure to account
for both survivorship bias and individual heterogeneity, adopting the empirical
strategy of Wooldridge (1995), which modifies the Heckman model to allow for
fixed effects. Intuitively, this approach accounts for survivorship by estimating the
selection model every year and including the inverse Mills ratios (the conditional
probability that an individual would not cease to trade) of each selection equation
counted for in this method by running the learning regression in first differences.
where λi,t are the Inverse Mills ratios from a year t cross-sectional probit model
(the selection model) and d2t , . . . , dTt are year dummies. Including these variables
in the learning regression accounts for the impact of the selection equation. Note
the individual ceases to trade in a given period. The probit regressions include a
constant, linear and quadratic experience terms, the number of different stocks the
investor trades, the individual’s average return in the previous year, and the indi-
use the following variables: (1) a dummy variable for whether an investor inher-
ited shares in the previous calendar year; and (2) the cross-sectional standard de-
both these variables are likely to satisfy the necessary exogeneity conditions—that
is, they are likely to affect the probability of remaining in the sample, but are un-
For our first instrument, we conjecture that an individual who inherits shares
is more likely to trade in the future, perhaps because their wealth has increased,
or because the new shares cause them to pay more attention to the stock market.
This satisfies the exogeneity condition since inheritance of shares from a relative
individual. In the data, when an investor dies and shares are transferred to an heir,
it appears as a transaction with the account of the deceased selling shares and the
account of the heir purchasing shares. A special code identifies the transaction as
an inheritance. In our sample death transfers are evenly spread over the sample
(ranging from 62 in 1995 to as high as 443 in 2003). Our second instrument is the
variation in the returns across all positions taken by an account in the previous
and we conjecture that an investor with more variable performance is more likely
to stop trading. Again, there is no reason to believe that the consistency of an in-
vestor’s past performance should directly affect changes in his future performance
or disposition effect.
We construct the sample to be used in the selection model as follows. An ac-
count observation is added to the selection sample if it places one or more trades
in a given year. This differs from our main sample, where we require investors to
have placed at least seven round-trip trades in order to estimate either the average
in the selection sample until 2003, which is the end of our data. In some years,
an account will have placed enough round-trip trades to be included in our haz-
ard regressions, so the data will include a performance average and disposition
estimate for this account. However, each year we will also have data on many
accounts for which we do not have performance and disposition estimates. If es-
timates are available, we treat the account as having been selected into our data.
heterogeneity and survival in our data. For these to be the important, the hetero-
geneity for which we want to control must be at least partially observable. This
We test this conjecture by sorting investors into subsamples based on various char-
acteristics that are ex-ante likely to be related to their financial sophistication. For
daily portfolio value), by whether or not they trade options, and by several other
each subsample, testing whether there is a significant difference between the ex-
to estimate our simple learning regressions, and we look at the experience co-
We examine this prediction by estimating our learning regressions once again, this
We also include year fixed effects to adjust for time-series variation in average
market returns. We compare the coefficients of our fixed effects regression to the
Prediction 5. Many new investors will cease trading within a short period of time. Those
We examine this prediction by looking at the rate at which investors who are in
our sample in one year (having placed seven or more round-trip trades that year)
traders will trade with more intensity is a feature of standard learning models
like that of Mahani and Bernhardt (2007). In this model, investors do not initially
know their type. As investors trade, they update their subjective probabilities of
being skilled, learning about their inherent ability. Investors with a sufficiently
low probability of being skilled eventually cease trading while those that survive
increase the intensity of their trades. We examine the intensity part of this pre-
diction by looking at the typical pattern of trading volume for a new account that
continues to trade.
with the modified Heckman (1976) correction. It is important for us to control for
survivorship bias, since it is clear that investors with weaker performance will be
less likely to continue trading long enough for us to estimate their performance
in future periods. Comparing the results of our simple models to those that cor-
rect for survivorship allows us to estimate what fraction of learning by trading
is driven by learning about inherent ability (H2) and what fraction is driven by
2.2 Data
The data used here are discussed in Chapter I. In addition to those variables,
we use the data to create proxies for wealth and measures of investor sophistica-
tion. To construct a proxy for wealth, we use opening balances and subsequent
trades to reconstruct the total portfolio holdings of each account on a daily basis.
market portfolio value for each investor. We also calculate the average value of
investors who trade options are likely to be more familiar with financial markets.
This is particularly true in our setting because many of the options in our data are
not include options trades in our estimates of disposition, we use whether an in-
vestor ever trades options as a proxy for sophistication. We also count the number
of distinct securities traded by an investor over the sample period, and use this as
Table 2.1 provides summary statistics for the new accounts in our dataset. New
accounts are accounts that place their first trade in 1995 or a subsequent year.
(That is, they have no recorded initial positions.) Panel A includes all new ac-
counts that place at least one trade during our sample period (1995–2003), while
Panel B gives results only for those new accounts for which we are able to es-
timate the disposition coefficient at least once. We only attempt to estimate the
in a given year, although even with this restriction the procedure to maximize the
likelihood function does not always converge. The last two rows of each panel are
indicator variables, taking a value of one if the investor: (a) trades options; or (b)
Comparing Panels A and B, it is apparent that the subset of investors for whom
disposition coefficients are available is somewhat different than the larger popu-
lation. By construction, the accounts in Panel B place more trades, but they also
have larger portfolios, trade larger amounts of money, trade in a wider selection
of securities, and are somewhat younger. As well, investors for whom we can es-
timate disposition are more likely to trade options (17%) than the overall sample
(3%). Since we are only able to estimate disposition for investors who trade with
some frequency, this likely results from the fact that investors who trade options
Figure 2.1 shows the number of accounts (including both new and existing ac-
counts) that place one or more trades in each year. There is considerable variation
in the number of accounts placing trades over time, from a low of 54,196 accounts
a similar pattern. We discuss entry and exit from the sample in more detail in the
next section.
2.3 Results
results of our tests relating to performance in Section 2.3.1 and to the disposition
learning and whether our tests that adjust for heterogeneity change our learning
performance measure has similar properties to the measures used in the literature.
Previous papers, in particular Odean (1998), have shown that average investor
performance is worse than that of the market portfolio. Poor performance by av-
erage investors is also a prediction of the model in Mahani and Bernhardt (2007).
This motivates our first test—on average, individuals do not earn returns in excess
of the market return. We test this hypothesis by calculating the average return to
this average at a 30-day horizon (using our convention of using a shorter holding
period if the individual sells the stock before 30 days) yields an average return
net of the market of −4.9 percent. At a 60-day horizon, the average net return
is −10.1 percent. At both of these horizons, returns net of the market return are
While the average performance of individual investors is likely to be quite
poor, Coval, Hirshleifer, and Shumway (2005) shows that some individuals per-
persistence in investor performance in three related ways. For the first approach,
we regress each investor’s average 30-day return in year t on the investor’s av-
erage return in year t − 1 and year fixed effects. Using year fixed effects adjusts
for time series variation in average market returns. The estimated coefficient in
this regression is 0.183 (p < 0.0001), very statistically and economically signifi-
cant. Our second approach is to calculate each investor’s average return in two
disjoint time periods, 1995–1999 and 2000–2003. We then calculate the Spearman
rank correlation between the return series from the first period with that from
the second period. This correlation is 0.164 (p < 0.0001), again quite statistically
and economically significant. Our third test method involves sorting investors in
each year into performance quartiles, and then plotting the average performance
of each of those quartiles for the next several years. This plot, which appears in
Figure 2.2, again gives evidence that the most successful investors in the past con-
tinue to outperform the least successful investors for at least a couple of years.
Results calculated with alphas instead of raw returns are qualitatively the same.
better investment performance. For now, we test this prediction by simply re-
slow down over time) and some control variables, ignoring any individual het-
erogeneity or survivorship bias. Columns 1 and 2 of Table 2.3 report the results
100 trades increases returns at slightly over one-fourth of this rate. Again, results
estimated with alpha instead of raw returns are quite similar (unreported). While
these estimates are encouraging, the speed of learning they imply seems almost
per year. While we observe some heterogeneity in investor ability (or some perfor-
mance persistence) it is not nearly large enough to justify these large coefficients.
The disposition effect is quite large in our data. To give an idea of the eco-
nomic significance of the effect, we present some aggregate evidence of the effect
in our data. Figure 2.3 is a plot of the relation between the propensity to sell an
existing position (the hazard ratio) and the position’s holding period return. To
generate this plot, we group all investors and estimate one hazard model each
year. We group the data for this procedure so we can estimate a model with many
covariates, but almost all of the tests that follow are based on individual-level
results. Rather than using only one indicator variable as in Equation (2.3), we
use 20 dummy variables corresponding to different 1 percent return ‘bins’ in this
model. In Figure 2.3 we plot the dummy variable coefficients by year. The sum of
baseline hazard rate to give the actual conditional hazard rate. The conditional
hazard ratio is remarkably similar across years. The plot shows an obvious kink
in the hazard ratio near zero: investors are clearly more likely to sell a stock if
it has increased in value since the purchase date. This provides strong support
for the presence of a disposition effect in aggregate, consistent with the extensive
sample, and we run the regression for each investor-year to generate a separate
disposition coefficient whenever possible. While this filter drastically reduces our
sample size, it is necessary to ensure that our coefficients of interest are identified.
investors for whom we have estimates. There are 18,042 observations in our panel,
and the number of observations each year rises considerably in the first half of the
sample and then declines somewhat in the latter part of our sample. The median
implies that the median new investor in our data is e1.04 = 2.8 times more likely
to sell a stock whose price is above its purchase price than a stock that has fallen
Using the estimated standard errors for each investor, we can classify estimates
as significant or not at any given confidence level. The last two columns of Panel A
disposition coefficient at the 10 percent level. Over our entire sample period, 41.8
zero. Panel B gives summary statistics for the other coefficients in the hazard
Before we can consider whether investors learn to avoid the disposition effect,
we need to argue that the effect is in fact a behavioral bias. Theoretically, there is
no particularly well accepted model, either rational or irrational, that produces the
disposition effect. It is difficult to imagine a rational model that can produce the
selling a stock increases in the stock’s unrealized return, but it is difficult to think
return becomes positive—that is, a model that predicts a ‘kink’ at zero, as show in
Figure 2.3.
It is also difficult to design a model in which traders with the disposition ef-
fect have the characteristics that our traders have. In particular, one necessary
condition for disposition to be a behavioral bias is that investors with more dispo-
ment performance, investors with the effect would have little incentive to learn to
avoid it. To get a sense of how returns vary with disposition, we examine average
investor returns across quintiles of the disposition coefficient. In this sort, the dis-
position coefficients are always estimated one year before the average returns are
correlated in any way. For each quintile, Figure 2.4 graphs the average return
earned by investors over different horizons from the purchase date. Returns are
substantially higher in the lowest disposition quintile than in the highest dispo-
sition quintile. For example, in the 30 days following a purchase, a stock’s price
est disposition quintile. The differences between high- and low-quintile average
returns range from 17 bp at the 10-day horizon to 131 bp at the 45-day horizon.
These differences are both economically and statistically large. These results are
consistent with the claim that individuals with high disposition effect coefficients
have relatively poor investment performance. They are also consistent with the
disposition effect being a behavioral bias that investors want to learn to avoid.
this conjecture by estimating the disposition effect at the investor level in adjacent
time periods. Each set of estimates comes from a completely disjoint dataset. Any
trades that are not closed at the end of the first period are considered censored
in the model estimated with first period data. Therefore, any trades that are not
closed at the end of the first period are completely ignored in the model estimated
with second period data. We explore the stability of disposition coefficients by es-
timating the rank correlation of account-level disposition coefficients over the two
periods, testing whether the rank correlation is significantly different from zero.
year t and their coefficient in year t − 1 to be 0.364, suggesting that there is a fair
Taken together, Figures 2.3 and 2.4, Table 2.2 and the correlation in the previous
paragraph provide strong evidence that the disposition effect is a widespread and
economically important behavioral bias that is present in each year of our study.
avoid the disposition effect, testing our main prediction related to disposition.
variables, those variables squared, and some control variables. Columns 3 and 4
of Table 2.3 present our results for the disposition learning regressions. To reduce
the weight given to disposition coefficients that are not estimated very precisely,
we estimate the regressions with weighted least squares, where the weights are
proportional to 1/Var ( βd ) from our hazard regression in Equation (2.3). The base
case (Column 3) shows that disposition declines with experience (β 1 < 0). More-
over, investors tend to slow down in their learning as they gain experience since
β 2 > 0. Frequent traders, investors who trade more securities, and investors who
earned higher returns in the previous year all have lower levels of disposition, but
even with these controls our base results are qualitatively unchanged.
Column 4 indicates that an additional 100 trades reduces the disposition co-
3. In other words, a year of experience or 100 trades have approximately the
Economically, however, our results suggest that investors learn relatively slowly.
0.05. To provide some context for this estimate, note that the unconditional me-
As discussed in Section 1.2, we also estimate the yearly hazard models pre-
sented in Table 2.4, which are comparable to the model of Feng and Seasholes
(2005).8 These estimates are from pooled hazard models estimated each year, in
which all individuals are treated as if they were just one person. Experience is
interacted with an indicator for whether the price is above the purchase price,
These models again give evidence of learning. However, the learning coefficient
estimates are quite variable over time (0.149 to 0.063), and they are statistically
insignificant in three of the nine years. Furthermore, the average disposition co-
This suggests that, depending on the period chosen, an additional year of experi-
8 These regressions are essentially the same as the empirical strategy employed by Feng and
Seasholes (2005), except we use a proportional hazard regression rather than the parametric
Weibull model. Our indicator variable is the same as their ‘Trading Gain Indicator’ (TGI). The
experience variable we use for this model is the total number of trades placed before the current
trade, rather than CumulTrades, which is the total number of trades placed in previous calendar
ence corresponds to a reduction in the disposition coefficient of approximately 10
percent to 25 percent, significantly higher than our regression estimate. Table 2.4
also lists the number of observations available each year, and the fraction of the
observations that are censored, or the purchased stocks that are not sold by the
The low level of the average disposition effect, the high variability in the an-
nual learning estimates, and the high level of learning found both by Feng and
Seasholes (2005) and in our implementation of their model suggest that there are
significant differences between our approach and theirs. One important difference
those who place a large number of trades have the same weight in our analysis
as those who place seven or eight trades. In Feng and Seasholes (2005), an indi-
we estimate learning over a much longer period of time, since Feng and Seasholes
(2005) only have about two years of transactions data. Thus, the year-to-year vari-
ation in the annual estimates in Table 2.4 is much less of a concern for our analysis.
confirming that our priors are correct and demonstrating that there is significant
heterogeneity in the data. We also estimate the simple learning regression for dis-
position and returns for each group, predicting that the less sophisticated investor
groups will learn faster than the more sophisticated investor groups. Importantly,
βd , because of concerns about measurement error. That is, the most extreme dis-
position estimates are likely those with the most error, and we would therefore
expect these accounts to see a decrease in disposition in future years, even if these
investors are not really learning. To avoid sorting on measurement error, we fo-
cus instead on observable variables that are ex-ante related to performance and
Each row of Table 2.5 displays the mean of the disposition coefficient and the
average returns (or performance) of each group, as well as the regression coeffi-
the calculations. Results for disposition are shown in Columns 1 and 2, and for
sophisticated if they trade options, have significant wealth, are men, or have had
relatively good past performance.9 Looking at the table, it is clear that the means
for each of our sophistication subgroups is significantly different, and each change
in the mean across subgroups is of the sign we expect. We also expect that less so-
phisticated investors will learn faster than more sophisticated investors. In each
pair of rows of the table this prediction is confirmed. In most cases there is a clear
9 We classify investors who make excess profits that are in the top quarter of the entire market
in the first two years of their trading as ‘winners.’ Our results are not sensitive to alternative
definitions of winners, such as using a one- or three-year classification period, or above-median
excess returns.
difference between the unsophisticated investors, who learn to avoid the disposi-
tion effect at a rate of about 10 percent per year, and sophisticated investors, for
It is also plausible that investors learn more when the market in general is not
doing well. During periods of high market returns, investors’ incentives to learn
about their biases could be reduced if they attribute their success to their ability,
similar to the behavior modeled in Zingales and Dyck (2002) in the context of me-
dia and bubbles. Thus, we should find that investors are more likely to learn when
the markets are not doing well rather than when they are. To test this we define
the state of the market as an ‘up-market’ if the excess return on a broad Finnish
negative. In the last two rows of the table we re-estimate our base regressions for
each of the two states of the market and find that, as we hypothesized, individuals
learn to avoid the disposition effect primarily when the market is not doing well.
These results are consistent with Prediction 3 and suggest that there is substan-
tial heterogeneity both in initial ability (performance and disposition) and in rates
of learning. It is unsophisticated investors and investors who start out with poor
returns who learn most. These results suggest that considering heterogeneity in
ing individual fixed effects in our learning regressions. We also control for market
cluding year fixed effects in the regressions. Specifically, we estimate:
where αi is the individual specific fixed effect, γt is the time fixed effect and Xi,t
are other controls. The performance results, reported in Columns 1 and 2 of Ta-
ble 2.6, suggest that an investor with one year of experience will earn 22 bp more
similar increase in returns comes from an additional 400 trades. The disposition
these regressions, Column 4 suggests that 100 trades reduces the disposition co-
in Table 2.3, we find that the learning estimates after controlling for individual
fixed effects fall roughly by one-half. Consistent with Prediction 4, this suggests
that though investor performance improves and disposition declines with expe-
In this section, we explore our data for potentially important survivorship ef-
fects. For these effects to be important, there must be significant attrition in the
data. In other words, many new investors should cease trading within a short
period of time. The model of Mahani and Bernhardt (2007), which suggests that
attrition is driven by investors learning about their inherent ability, also predicts
that those traders who remain will trade more intensely over time.
We first present some overall attrition evidence by examining the rate at which
investors who are in our sample in one year (having placed 7 round-trip trades in
one year) fail to place any trades during the rest of our sample period. Since the
rest of the sample period changes from year to year, the earlier years of our sam-
ple period provide more reliable estimates of true exit rates than the later years.
Figure 2.5 shows that attrition is a significant feature of our data. Approximately
25 percent of those traders who enter the sample in one year fail to ever trade
again. Of traders who trade for two or three years, about 5 percent permanently
with both the number of trades placed and total trade value as dependent vari-
ables, and experience and year dummy variables as explanatory variables. Includ-
ing year dummies ensures that market-wide changes in stock characteristics will
not contaminate our results. We plot the results of these regressions in Figure 2.6.
The plot clearly shows that, conditional on survival, trading intensity increases
over time. This supports the part of Prediction 5 that has to do with trading inten-
sity, which is consistent with the model of Mahani and Bernhardt (2007).
In some of our last sets of results, we carefully account for a survivorship effect
individual time invariant heterogeneity. Results from the selection model, with
two-step efficient estimates of the parameters and standard errors, are given in
Table 2.7. The first-stage selection model uses 30,218 observations, while the
second-stage regression (in first differences) use only 6,511 observations in the
We estimate the first-stage regression for each year and construct inverse Mills
ratios for each year. For brevity, we only report one set of pooled first-stage esti-
mates in Column 1 of Table 2.7. Results for each of the years are qualitatively sim-
ilar to those reported. We find strong evidence that as investors get bad returns
they cease trading. In particular the estimate on R̄t−1 is positive and significant.
The estimate is also economically meaningful and suggests that, keeping other
deviation increases the probability that the individual will cease to trade next pe-
riod by around 15 percent. This is strong evidence for H2. As low ability investors
trade, they learn about their inherent ability and cease trading. More successful
The other coefficient estimates reported in the first column of Table 2.7 also
seem sensible: investors are more likely to remain in the sample and trade if they
hold relatively diversified portfolios and have relatively more trading experience.
Importantly, coefficient estimates for both of our instruments are statistically sig-
nificant and of the predicted sign. Specifically, inheriting shares increases the
probability that the individual will continue trading the next period and higher
variability in past performance increases the probability that the individual ceases
to trade. Both the instruments also have an economically significant impact. For
instance, keeping other variables at mean levels, inheriting shares increases the
probability that the investor will continue trading in the next period by 5 percent.
In line with Prediction 6, we find that accounting for selection has a significant
Table 2.7 to the simple model reported in Table 2.3, the coefficient on YearsTraded
in Column 3, the coefficient is reduced by slightly more than 50 percent. The joint
tests of statistical significance of the inverse Mills ratios in Columns 3 and 4 also
yield almost the same coefficients, but regressions that include both variables are
Our results suggest that accounting for selection is important and significantly
account for something on the order of one-half to three-quarters of the learning es-
timates found in simple and aggregate models. This translates directly into slower
10 The coefficients on YearsTraded in these regressions must be viewed with caution. Because
the change in YearsTraded is always equal to exactly one year, the coefficient on YearsTraded can
only be identified if we leave the fixed effect for one year out of the regression. We leave the fixed
effect for 1997 out of the regression, so the coefficient we report can be thought of as the learn-
ing coefficient for that year. For robustness, we also estimate standard Heckman selection models
without either individual or year fixed effects. The coefficients on YearsTraded in these models
are 0.31 in the performance regression and -0.019 in the disposition regression. Both of these coef-
ficients are marginally statistically significant (at 10 percent). The magnitude and significance of
these coefficients is consistent with our other results.
learning than that inferred from simpler models. Taking the disposition-learning
in the simplest model, an improvement of about 0.03 in the model with individual
model. Roughly speaking, if it takes about 100 trades to improve about 4 percent
in the simple model, it takes about 200 trades to achieve the same improvement
Our estimates suggest that the fraction of learning that is driven by investors
learning about their inherent ability (i.e., H2) by trading is large. After adjusting
for this type of learning, the portion of learning that is due to investors learning
to improve their ability over time (i.e., H3) is significantly different from zero, but
not excessively large. In other words, there is support for H3, though accounting
trading. Overall, our findings are consistent with the three hypotheses that were
In this section we conduct some additional tests related to our main predic-
tions. First, it is possible that the performance improvement with experience that
we find is not entirely due to learning of the types we considered but rather due
to a change in the risk preferences of investors over time. To address this possi-
bility, we estimate our learning regressions with risk-adjusted returns (or 30-day
alphas) instead of raw returns, and we regress the average factor betas of stocks
purchased by investors on experience and our control variables. Our regressions
also control for survivorship and individual and year fixed effects. The results
of our regressions appear in Table 2.8. The table clearly shows that risk-adjusted
returns improve with experience, with a coefficient that is actually larger than the
factor betas makes it clear why this is the case. With more experience, investors
are actually both improving raw returns and taking less risk, or purchasing stocks
with lower factor betas. This result is particularly strong for the market (RMRF)
and size (SMB) factor betas. Thus, it appears very unlikely that our raw return
Second, in unreported results, we substitute the market return for each stock’s
return to see if individuals learn to time the market. If investors are learning to
identify good times to buy then the market as a whole will tend to increase after
their purchases; if instead they are learning to select stocks, we will not find evi-
dence of learning when we look only at market returns. In fact, we find that the
we also conduct the tests on survivorship using the Wooldridge (1995) method,
taking data on investors who resume trading after ceasing to trade for a few years
(the tests reported in the last section had dropped such investors, using only ob-
servations in two consecutive years). Including these investors increases the sam-
ple by around 250 observations in the second stage but does not affect the nature
of the results reported. Fourth, all of the results on disposition remain qualita-
tively unchanged if we include a ‘December dummy’ in (2.3) or remove partial
sales from our sample. This rules out tax-motivated selling or rebalancing as pos-
sible explanations for the disposition effect. Finally, in all the fixed effect regres-
sions that control for individual heterogeneity, we cluster the standard errors at
the individual level and find that our results are unaffected.
2.4 Conclusion
ing the period 1995–2003. We correlate performance and disposition with investor
experience and investor survival rates to determine whether and how investors
learn by trading. We find that performance improves and the disposition effect
ity by trading and learning to improve their ability over time by accounting for
investor attrition. We find that a substantial part of this learning occurs when
investors stop trading after learning about their inherent ability rather than con-
tinuing to trade and improving their ability over time. By not accounting for
who continue trading learn slowly and there is great deal of turnover in the in-
financial markets. Agents do not learn fast enough to make it impossible for bi-
ases to affect asset prices. Second, while it would be wonderful to know how
quickly investors who cease to trade would learn if they chose to continue trad-
ing, we have no way to estimate this speed. If we assume that those who continue
trading learn more quickly than those who cease to trade, policy makers might
enhance welfare by devising screening mechanisms, or tests that measure and re-
veal inherent investing ability. Allowing unskilled investors to learn of their poor
ability without incurring significant costs might be more valuable than encourag-
ing people to become active investors. Third, an open question in the literature
is why there is such high trading volume, particularly among seemingly unin-
formed individual investors. Our results indicate that such trading may be ratio-
nal; investors may be aware that they will learn from experience, and choose to
trade in order to learn. Our results also suggest that differences in the expected
many inexperienced investors begin trading around the same time, their trades
tent with the recent results of Greenwood and Nagel (2007), and the more general
Table 2.1: Summary Statistics
This table presents summary statistics for our data. Panel A includes all individual accounts in our
data that started trading during the sample period. Panel B gives results just for those accounts for
which we are able to estimate at least one disposition coefficient. We only estimate the disposition
coefficient if an individual has placed at least seven round-trip trades in a given year. Number
of trades is the total number of trades placed by an investor during the sample period. Average
portfolio value is the average marked-to-market value of an investor’s portfolio using daily closing
Table 2.2: Disposition Estimates
This table reports a number of summary statistics for our estimates of the disposition effect. βd is
the coefficient in the hazard regression,
n o
λi,j (t| xi,j (t)) = φi (t) exp βdi I ( Ri,j (t) > 0) + βri R̄ M,t + βsi σM,t + βV
i VM,t .
We estimate this model for each account-year with seven or more round-trip trades. Panel A re-
ports on the cross-section of coefficients estimated each year. The columns labeled ‘positive’ and
‘negative’ report the proportion of investors with a statistically significant coefficient, where signif-
icance is measured at the 10% level using standard errors obtained from the maximum likelihood
estimation of the hazard model. Panel B provides information for all the variables in the hazard
model, where βr , βs , and βV are the coefficients on 5-day moving averages of market returns,
market returns squared, and market volume, respectively.
Table 2.3: Simple Learning Model: Estimates at Individual Level
where the dependent variable is either the investor’s average 30-day return following purchases
( R̄i,t+1 ) or the investor’s disposition coefficient (βdi,t+1 ). Experience is measured by either years of
experience (YearsTraded) or cumulative number of trades placed (CumulTrades). Xi,t is a vector
of controls including the number of trades placed by the individual in a given year (NumTrades),
the number of securities held by the individual in a given year (NumSec), and the individual’s
average total daily portfolio value (PortVal). Data are from the period 1995 to 2003. Standard
errors are in parentheses, and ∗∗∗ , ∗∗ and ∗ denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.
Dependent Variable
R̄i,t+1 βdi,t+1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
YearsTradedt 0.414 -0.050
(0.160)∗∗∗ (0.014)∗∗∗
Table 2.4: Simple Learning Model: Disposition Estimates at Aggregate Level
This table presents learning estimates from pooled proportional hazards models, using a method similar to that of Feng and Seasholes (2005). Each
year we pool the trades of all investors, treating them as if they were just one individual and estimating one learning coefficient for the entire
population. The model is,
λ(t) = φ(t) exp{ β 1 I ( Ri,j (t) > 0) + β 2 Exper + β 3 Exper2 + β 4 Exper[ I ( Ri,j (t) > 0)] + β 5 Exper2 [ I ( Ri,j (t) > 0)]},
where Exper is measured in years since first placing a trade and I ( Ri,j (t) > 0) is an indicator variable that takes a value of one when a stock has
increased in price since its purchase date. For brevity, only the β 4 coefficient estimates are reported. Estimated β 5 coefficients are all insignificant. We
also report the number of trades, or observations, considered by the model (in thousands of trades), the percentage of observations censored (trades
not closed by the end of the year), and the number of accounts contributing observations to the model. Standard errors are in parentheses, and ∗∗∗ ,
∗∗ and ∗ denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively.
Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
β4 -0.074 -0.093 -0.096 -0.149 -0.031 -0.013 -0.063 -0.069 -0.123
(0.039)∗ (0.062) (0.031)∗∗∗ (0.022)∗∗∗ (0.024) (0.011) (0.011)∗∗∗ (0.012)∗∗∗ (0.012)∗∗∗
Trades 6.6 14.5 26.6 44.6 99.6 251.9 161.9 115.6 131.8
Censored 16% 19% 19% 19% 17% 16% 17% 18% 20%
Accounts 384 713 1360 2412 4953 11585 7445 5416 6056
Table 2.5: Heterogeneity in Learning
This table reports both means and simple learning coefficient estimates from regressions of the
yi,t+1 = α + β 1 YearsTradedi,t + β 2 YearsTraded2i,t + δXi,t + γt + ei,t ,
conditioned on a number of variables that ex-ante might be correlated with trader sophistication.
The variable of interest is either the disposition coefficient (βdi,t+1 ) or returns ( R̄i,t+1 ). For brevity
we only report β 1 coefficients in the table. We classify investors as ‘Trades options’ if they trade
in options at any point during our sample. Similarly, investors are classified as ‘wealthy’ if they
are in the top 25th percentile of average portfolio value. We define the state of the market as ‘up’
if the excess return on a broad market index is positive, and ‘down’ if it is negative. Finally, we
classify investors who make excess profits that are at or above the 75th percentile of all investors
in the first two years of their trading as ‘winners.’ We include year dummies in all the regressions.
Data are from the period 1995 to 2003. Standard errors are in parentheses and ∗∗∗ , ∗∗ and ∗ denote
significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. All group means are significantly different at 1%
Dependent Variable
βdi,t+1 R̄i,t+1
Classification Mean YearsTraded Mean YearsTraded N Obs
No options trades 1.17 -0.096 -0.81 0.501 26698
(0.024)∗∗∗ (0.184)∗∗∗
Table 2.6: Learning with Individual Fixed Effects
This table reports estimates of regressions of the form
Dependent Variable
R̄i,t+1 βdi,t+1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
YearsTradedt 0.249 -0.010
(0.401) (0.038)
Table 2.7: Learning with Survival Controls
This table reports estimates of selection model regressions with the fixed effects modification developed by Wooldridge
(1995). The regressions are of the form
where λi,t are the inverse Mills ratios from a year t cross-sectional probit model (the selection model) and d2t , . . . , dTt are
time dummies. Including these variables in the learning regression accounts for the impact of the selection equation. The
joint test of ρt = 0 for t = 2, . . . , T is a test of whether survivorship bias is a concern. The probit model reported in Column
1 is estimated with data from all of the years of the sample pooled together, but the inverse Mills ratios in the second stage
estimates are estimated separately each year. The regressions in Columns 2 and 3 are estimated with all the variables in first
differences, except the inverse Mills ratios. These first differences add fixed effects to the model. Experience is measured by
years of experience (YearsTraded) and cumulative number of trades placed (CumulTrades). The dependent variable in the
second stage is either the individual’s average return in the following year, R̄i,t+1 , or the individual’s disposition coefficient,
βdi,t−1 . Xi,t is a vector of controls including the number of trades placed by the individual in a given year (NumTrades),
the number of securities held by the individual in a given year (NumSec), and the individual’s average total daily portfolio
value (PortVal). R̄t , the investor’s average return, is excluded from the return regression due to the econometric problems
that arise when lagged dependent variables are included in fixed effects models. Additional variables in the first stage
selection model are I (Inherit = 1), an indicator variable for whether the investor inherited shares in year t, and σRt , the
standard deviation of the investor’s returns. Data are from the period 1995 to 2003. Standard errors are in parentheses, and
∗∗∗ , ∗∗ and ∗ denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.
I (Inherit = 1) 0.191
σRt -0.617
Table 2.8: Risk Taking and Experience
This table reports the results of fixed effect selection model estimates of regressions of various
performance and risk measures on experience measures. The method of these regressions and
their associated first-stage estimates are described in Table 2.7. The dependent variables include
each investors average 30-day risk adjusted return (alpha), and each investors average beta coef-
ficient on four factors—RMRF, SMB, HML, and UMD. These betas are estimated in the standard
way, as described in the text. Each regression includes the control variables and inverse Mills
ratios described in Table 2.7, but only the experience variables coefficients are reported in this ta-
ble. Standard errors are in parentheses, and ∗∗∗ , ∗∗ and ∗ denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10%
Dependent Variables
Coefficient 30-day α β on RMRF β on SMB β on HML β on UMD
YearsTraded 0.58 -0.034 -0.016 0.0544 0.0073
(0.41) (0.0108)*** (0.0039)*** (0.0435) (0.0250)
Figure 2.1: Participation By Year
This graph shows the number of accounts that place one or more trades in each year, including
both accounts that exist at the beginning of the sample and new accounts. There is considerable
variation in the number of accounts placing trades over time, from a low of around 54,196 in 1995
to a high of 311,013 in 2000.
Figure 2.3: The Disposition Effect in Aggregate
This graph shows how the propensity to sell a stock depends on the stock’s return since purchase.
Each line plots the regression coefficients from one hazard regression modeling the conditional
probability of selling a stock. The coefficients correspond to dummy variables for return ‘bins’
ranging from [−10, −9) percent to [9, 10) percent. In each year, there is a pronounced kink near
zero, and the hazard increases rapidly for positive returns.
Figure 2.4: Returns by Disposition Quintile
This figure shows average 10-, 20-, 30-, and 45-day returns following a purchase for each dis-
position quintile. Returns are calculated using the approach discussed in the text. Raw returns
are reported here, but the results for risk-adjusted returns are not qualitatively different. Returns
earned by the lowest quintile (1) are higher than those earned by the highest quintile (5).
Figure 2.6: Trading Intensity and Experience
This figure shows how trading intensity changes with experience. Intensity is measured as the
number of trades placed (dark blue) and the total value of trades placed (light blue; in 10,000’s
of EUR). Results are demeaned by calendar year to adjust for year fixed-effects. We report results
beginning in the investor’s first full calendar year in the sample.
Chapter III
makers (Glosten and Milgrom 1985, Kyle 1985). An important question in eco-
nomics, dating back at least to Keynes (1936) is to what extent prices are dis-
torted by noise traders.1 Friedman (1953) argues that rational, informed investors
fer, Summers, and Waldmann (1991) show how noise traders can have long-term
effects on prices, and Shleifer and Vishny (1997) and Abreu and Brunnermeier
(2003) explain why arbitrageurs may be unable to take advantage of known mis-
pricing. If noise traders distort prices, then prices must move in response to their
Who are the proverbial noise traders? While they may have an exogenous
“liquidity” motive for trade, Black (1986, p. 531) defines noise trading as “trad-
tional valuation a few months hence, rather than the prospective yield of an investment over a
long term of years. . . ”
dence that individual investors play this role.2,3 For example, individual investors
make remarkably poor investment decisions. In the data used in this chapter,
over the subsequent year. In sharp contrast, stocks heavily bought by institutions
outperform stocks heavily sold by 9.0% (see Table 3.1). There are two possible
explanations for these results, which have been previously documented in other
data. One, offered by Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2006) and Hvidkjaer (2006), is
that individual investors push prices away from fundamentals; the subsequent
second, supported by Kaniel, Saar, and Titman (2008) and Campbell, Ramadorai,
from individuals and sell overvalued stocks to individuals, and prices subse-
quently move toward fundamentals. Under the first explanation, individuals dis-
tort prices; under the second, institutional demand for trading is met by individ-
In this chapter, I use the complete daily trading records for all trading in Fin-
contrast to the existing literature, I identify how much trading occurs not only be-
2 See Barberis and Thaler (2005), especially Section 7 and the references therein.
3 Throughout this chapter, I use the terms “individual” and “household” investors interchange-
ably. In all cases, I am referring to individual traders, and not institutional investors or professional
4 The first story in particular also requires a considerable amount of herding among individual
investors. I provide estimates on the degree of in-group correlation for individual investors below.
Several coordinating mechanisms could explain this herding. For example, individuals may notice
prices falling and choose to purchase because they think it’s a good buying opportunity. This may
be thought of as a price-based mechanism. Another example would be retail brokers acting to sell
inventory by encouraging clients to buy shares.
tween individuals and institutions, but also within each group. I document that in-
stitutions are about half as likely to trade with individuals as they are to trade with
other institutions. This is particularly interesting given the herding that has been
1999), which would mean that trading between groups is very common—if all
institutions are buying, they cannot buy from other institutions. Second, I show
that prices move consistently when institutions trade with individuals. In particu-
lar, when individuals buy shares from institutions, prices decline; and when they
sell shares to institutions, prices increase. Of course, this implies that prices fall
when institutions sell shares to individuals, and rise when institutions buy shares
from individuals. In other words, institutions move prices and individuals supply
liquidity to meet the trading needs of institutions. I confirm these results at daily,
weekly, and monthly horizons, and with vector autoregressions. Third, I show
that when prices move as a result of trading among individuals, they are more
likely to revert than after trading between individuals and institutions or between
two institutions. This price reversion is consistent with individuals being unin-
formed. Moreover, I show that these price reversions occur because institutions
subsequently trade with individuals in a direction that moves prices back toward
previous levels.
My data include the complete daily trading records of all households, finan-
cial institutions and other entities that trade stocks on the Helsinki stock exchange
between 1995 and 2003. There are three notable features of these data that make
them particularly well-suited to examining the relation between trading and price
changes. First, the data include account identifiers that classify the investor as
investor classification as there is in datasets available for the U.S. Second, whereas
data available in the U.S. are either available quarterly or from proprietary data-
sets covering small samples of traders and/or short time periods, the Finnish data
record all transactions placed each day by each investor. This allows me to analyze
data cover a nine-year period for the entire Finnish stock market. The sample in-
cludes both the “bubble” period in technology stocks during which many Finnish
stocks rose dramatically, as well as periods before and after this rise. This helps
ensure that the results are generally applicable to a variety of market conditions,
1999) and Barber and Odean (2000, 2001) can result either because they trade
Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2006) and Hvidkjaer (2006) present evidence that the
trading of individual investors moves prices, which then slowly revert. Because
of constraints on the data available for the U.S. market, these authors adopt a
clever strategy to identify the trading of individual investors: they examine the
and classify this as the trading of individuals. Barber, Odean, and Zhu show that
that either individuals or institutions could be initiating these small trades. The
tion that individuals initiate these trades. This could raise concerns about the
generality of the results found in these papers. Indeed, in contrast to these results,
Kaniel, Saar, and Titman (2008), Campbell, Ramadorai, and Schwartz (2008), and
Linnainmaa (2007) all find that individual investors supply liquidity to meet in-
The remainder of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 3.1 develops the
3.1 Hypotheses
As discussed above, the low returns earned by stocks following high levels of
buying by individuals could arise either from individuals pushing prices above
order that gives others the option to trade, Kaniel, Saar, and Titman (2008) note
that practitioners think of a buy order placed when prices are falling, or a sell
order placed when prices are rising, as supplying liquidity, regardless of whether
the trader submits a limit or market order. This is the sense in which I use the term
“liquidity provision” in the chapter. Individual investors may not set out to pro-
vide liquidity to institutions, actively posting limit buy and sell orders and taking
the spread as compensation for their services; rather, they may respond to price
changes caused by institutional trading and end up supplying liquidity. One way
this can occur is if individuals have “latent” limit orders—prices at which they
plan to buy or sell in the future—and these orders get triggered by price move-
ments. For example, individuals who suffer from the disposition effect are more
likely to sell a stock after seeing its price rise.6 Grinblatt and Han (2005) show that
Before stating the hypotheses, it is useful to consider possible price paths sur-
rounding a trade, as shown in the stylized examples in Figure 3.1. The figure
shows four price paths following a trade at time t0 . In the top two graphs, the
trade is buyer-initiated. The bottom two graphs depict seller-initiated trades. The
left two graphs show trade between an informed buyer and an uninformed seller,
while the right two graphs show trade between an uninformed buyer and an in-
formed seller. When the trade is initiated by an uninformed trader, prices sub-
sequently revert, as seen in the northeast and southwest quadrants. If the trade
initiator is informed, however, no such reversion takes place. This price reversion
nent price impact of informed trades, uninformed trading causes immediate price
changes to compensate liquidity providers, but expected future cash flows have
not changed.7 The reversion can stem from bid-ask “bounce,” and is critical to
the estimation of liquidity measures such as Roll’s (1984) spread and Pastor and
Given the poor performance of individual investors discussed above, the ques-
tion studied in the chapter is whether individuals demand liquidity and actively
move prices (top right of Figure 3.1) or supply liquidity as prices move (bottom
left of the figure). If institutions are more likely to be informed, and individuals
provide institutions liquidity in the sense defined above, then this stylized exam-
7 See Glosten and Milgrom (1985), Kyle (1985), Easley and O’Hara (1987), Campbell, Grossman,
and Wang (1993), Llorente, Michaely, Saar, and Wang (2002), Chordia and Subrahmanyam (2004),
and Avramov, Chordia, and Goyal (2006), among others.
ple leads to a number of hypotheses. First, when institutions trade with individu-
trast, evidence against Hypothesis 1 would indicate that institutions supply liq-
uidity. To test this hypothesis, I regress daily returns on a set of variables that
summarize the amount of trading that took place between each investor group
on each day. I also test the relation using weekly and monthly horizons. Details
Section 3.3.2.
Second, the stylized examples in the Figure 3.1 indicate that prices will change
predictably after trading, depending on which types of investors caused the price
change. In particular,
Hypothesis 2. Price reversion is more likely following days when individuals trade with
Tests of this hypothesis are similar to those of Hypothesis 1, but instead of ex-
groups, I investigate how returns change in the period following trading by in-
whether negative autocorrelation in daily returns is stronger following days when
more trading takes place between two individuals than days when more trading
the price movement by trading in a direction that pushes prices back to previous
levels. That is, we would expect institutions to cause the price reversion by trading
Hypothesis 3. Institutions react to price changes caused when individuals trade with
each other by subsequently trading with individuals to move prices back toward previous
To test Hypothesis 3, I examine the relation between institutional trading and the
previous day’s proportion of individual trading interacted with the price changes.
I use a regression framework to test (a) whether institutions are more likely to sell
to individuals following days that have both high returns and more intragroup
individual trading; and (b) whether institutions are more likely to buy from indi-
viduals following days that have both low returns and more intragroup individual
trading. Details of the estimation procedure and results for Hypotheses 2 and 3
3.2 Data and methods
In this section, I begin by describing the salient features of the data used in
this study. I then discuss the procedures I use to classify investors into different
The data used in this chapter are discussed in Chapter I. Summary statistics
relevant for this chapter are presented in Table 3.2. The data include the transac-
tions of nearly 1.3 million individuals and firms, beginning in January, 1995 and
ending in December, 2003. For accounts that existed prior to 1995, opening ac-
count balances are also included, making it possible to reconstruct the total port-
folio holdings of an account on each day. While the dataset includes exchange-
traded options and certain irregular equity securities, I focus on trading in ordi-
nary shares. After excluding trading in very thinly-traded securities,8 there are
more than 37.5 million trades in the data, including 10.7 million trades by 583,518
unique household accounts. The remaining trades are placed by financial insti-
certain other organizations. Because all trading is recorded in the data, it is possi-
ble to construct measures of trader interaction that are not feasible with datasets
3.2.2 Complications
There are a number of complications that arise when working with these data
is not possible to determine the order in which trades took place within a day.
Second, while each transaction is identified as either a buy or a sell, the absence
of quote data makes it impossible to identify which side initiated the trade, as is
typically done with the quote-based algorithm of Lee and Ready (1991). Never-
this investor must be initiating trades; an investor who sells shares into a rising
market cannot be setting prices. To be more precise, since every transaction re-
quires both a buyer and a seller, there is a sense in which both the buyer and the
that the initiator of a trade causes the price change; indeed, this is the identifying
Third, the investor group classification is not always correct because of the
these accounts in Section 3.2.2. A related issue is that financial institutions that
act as market-makers are not separately identified in the data. In Section 3.2.2, I
Fourth, there is no direct match between the buy-side and sell-side of a trans-
action. For each trade, at least two observations are recorded in the data: one
purchase and one sale. However, some trades are comprised of shares purchased
or shares sold by more than one account, and in these situations there can be more
than two records per trade. For example, if investor A buys 100 shares of Nokia
and investor B sells 100 shares at the same price, they may have traded with each
other, but no link between these transactions is reported in the data. This neces-
sitates using a technique to identify the amount of trading that occurs between
Nominee accounts
register with the CSD. Instead, they may trade in an account that is registered
individuals can appear to be trading by the nominee institution. This is also true
of American Depository Receipts (ADRs), which many Finnish firms have. For
example, if an individual in the U.S. trades shares of Nokia’s ADR on the NYSE,
it will be classified in the CSD data as a trade by the institution that serves as a
Since the focus of this chapter is on examining the differences in the price im-
pact of trading among groups of investors, it is important to deal with this mis-
more difficult to find differences in the price impact of trading by different groups,
theless, I adopt the following approach to identify accounts that are likely to be
nominee or ADR accounts. First, I require an institution to own at least ten per-
cent of the total shares outstanding before considering it to be acting as a nomi-
nee. Then, for each stock and day, I calculate the number of trades and quantity
I then count the number of days in a month in which the institution accounts for
more than ten percent of both the number of trades placed and the quantity of
shares traded. Finally, I classify as a nominee any institution with ten or more
such days in a month. While the specifics of this procedure are somewhat arbi-
trary, it generally identifies only a few accounts that serve as nominees for each
security, which is expected. Moreover, the results in this chapter are not sensitive
For the main analysis in this chapter, I focus on individuals and institutions
tify certain institutions and individuals that trade particularly actively, effectively
day. While the motivation for such trading may differ, this type of trading may
ior of individual day traders in this market.) Traders who act as market-makers
sold shares in the same company on the same day. Occasionally, there are cases
where an account buys and sells shares, but the amounts traded are different by
orders of magnitude. For example, an account may purchase 5000 shares and sell
5 shares of one stock. It is unclear why this would occur, but it is probably not
correct to call this trader a market-maker. Therefore, I require the amount pur-
for it to be classified as a market-maker on that day. (The results are not sensi-
five trading days in a particular month, I treat it as a market-maker for the entire
month. The results in the chapter are unchanged if I exclude only accounts acting
estimate the amount of trading that occurred between and within groups. For
example, suppose trading on one day for one stock at one particular price is sum-
marized as follows:
Shares Shares
Bought Sold
Group A 250 450
Group B 2000 1800
Group C 250 250
Total 2500 2500
While we cannot be certain how much trade occurred between or within each
occurs in proportion to the amount of buying or selling accounted for by each
group. Of the 250 shares purchased by Group A, we would therefore estimate that
450/2500 = 18% (45 shares) were purchased from other members of Group A,
1800/2500 = 72% (180 shares) were purchased from members of Group B, and
so on. Continuing with this example, we would estimate the amount of trading
Buyer A B C
A 45 180 25
B 360 1440 200
C 45 180 25
This estimation strategy conditions on the actual amount of purchases and sales
by each group; we are not assuming that investors from each group randomly
choose to buy and sell. Instead, we are assuming that, given the actual number of
shares sold by a group, the probability of selling to any other group that bought
shares is proportional to the relative amount of shares purchased and sold by each
possible that members of Group A did not purchase any shares from other mem-
bers of Group A, although the estimate is that 45 shares were traded within this
group. However, the procedure can yield an exact identification of the amount
of trading that occurred between two groups. In the example, as is frequently the
case in the data, one group (B) accounts for much of the purchases and sales. Since
Group B accounts for so much of the trading, much of the trading must have oc-
curred within this group—there simply is not enough selling by Groups A and C
to meet the large demand for shares from Group B. In fact, by applying the proce-
dure for each price at which the stock traded in a day and then aggregating to get
a daily measure, I maximize the frequency with which this happens. Especially
for all but the most frequently traded stocks, it is common for groups of investors
to have only purchased or sold shares, but not both, at a particular price; it is
therefore frequently possible to know with certainty exactly how much trading
An alternative method to determine how much trading occurs within and be-
tween groups involves establishing bounds on how much trading could have oc-
curred. Referring again to the example, note that Group A investors could have
traded no more than 250 shares with other Group A investors, since Group A only
bought 250 shares in total. Similarly, intragroup trading in Group B could have
been no more than 1800 shares. But since total purchasing by Groups A and C
amounts to only 500 shares, Group B investors must also have sold no fewer than
1800 − 500 = 1300 shares to other Group B investors. Therefore, intragroup trad-
ing for Group B must have been between 1300 and 1800 shares. Since any amount
of trading within these bounds could be used as the estimated amount of trading,
using the mean seems sensible. In the example, this value is quite close to the
value estimated using the technique above—1550 vs. 1440, or 62% vs. 58% of to-
tal trading. When applied to my data, these two methods generally provide very
9 Suppose that institutions purchased 800 shares and sold 1000 shares, and that individuals pur-
chased 200 shares but sold no shares. The institutions must have sold 200 shares to the individuals
and 800 shares to other institutions—there is no ambiguity here, and no estimation is required.
similar estimates of trade interaction, so the results reported below are generated
from the first approach, which is somewhat less complicated. The results are not
3.3 Results
I turn now to presenting the results of the chatper. I begin by quantifying the
amount of trading that occurs among investor groups. Institutions and individ-
ual investors account for a large proportion of total trading, and it is certainly
possible that trading by either of these groups could have important prices ef-
weekly, or monthly horizon and inter- and intragroup trading quantities. Returns
are higher when institutions buy shares from individuals, and lower when insti-
tutions sell shares to individuals, suggesting that institutions move prices. This
indicates that, on average, institutions are informed and individuals are not. To
vector autoregression (VAR). The VAR allows me to estimate price impact func-
tions for each of the groups in the data. Next, using transaction prices, I show that
institutions buy stocks at higher prices than do individuals when returns are high,
and sell at lower prices than do individuals when returns are low, which provides
show that price reversion is more prevalent when intragroup trading by individ-
uals is high. Moreover, the price reversion is caused by the subsequent trading of
Table 3.3 shows the amount of trading that is accounted for by each of the
four largest groups of traders. The omitted groups are Government agencies,
Nonprofit organizations, and Registered foreigners; for most stocks on most days,
these groups account for a negligible amount of total trading. The total amount of
in Row 1) or as a percent of the value of shares traded (Row 2). The combined
approximately 95% of all trading. About 40% comes from institutions, and about
by number of shares traded, and 17.4% by value, indicating that individuals tend
Using the total proportion of trade from each group, it is possible to calculate
the amount of trading we would expect to occur within and between each group.
The results of this exercise, using the percent of trading by shares (Row 1) is re-
ported in the table under the heading “Expected % of all trading.” For example,
since financial institutions account for 38.1% of all trading, 0.3812 =14.5% of all
trading should be between two institutions. Similarly, the amount of trading that
where we multiply by two because either the institution can buy from the indi-
The lower panel of Table 3.3 shows the estimated amount of trading that oc-
curred between and within groups, using the technique described above in Sec-
tion 3.2.2. That is, in contrast to the “expected” percentage in the top panel, we
now condition on the actual amount of buying and selling by each group on each
day, rather than total trading volume alone. There are several notable differences
between actual and expected trading. Institutions trade more with each other, and
less with individuals, than expected. As well, individuals trade more with other
positively correlated. This means that trading between groups should be quite
common—if all individuals are buying, they cannot trade with each other. The
results presented here show that the previous findings mask an important fact: a
great deal of trading occurs between two individuals or between two institutions.
In these data, individuals are more than twice as likely to trade with other indi-
viduals than their trading volume would suggest, and only 9.3% of trading takes
corporations and ADRs, we see that institutions are about half as likely to trade
arated into buying and selling. A matrix showing the expected proportion of buying and selling
separately would be symmetric, with the off-diagonal elements equal to one-half of the reported
off-diagonal elements.
What explains the discrepancy between the actual and expected amount of
trading among individuals? There are several possibilities, each of which could
partially contribute to the result. First, institutions can arrange large block trades
with each other away from the regular limit-order book, so for a fixed amount of
trading, less volume will take place between individuals. Second, as in the model
of Easley and O’Hara (1987), informed investors might only trade when there has
likely to trade when no information event has occurred, and any trading by indi-
viduals will tend to be with other individuals. Indeed, Easley, Engle, O’Hara, and
Wu (2002) find that uninformed orders are clustered in time, but also that unin-
formed investors avoid trading when informed investors are likely to be present.
A related explanation is offered by Barber and Odean (2006), who document that
individual investors are more likely to trade following events that get media at-
It is worth noting at this point that the amount of trading coming from each
group determines how much power I will have to find a relation between group
trading and price changes. For example, if almost all trading came from institu-
tions, then it would be difficult to find a relation between price changes and the
trading of any group because returns (the left hand side variable in my regres-
sions) would vary, but the proportion of trading from each group (the right hand
side variable) would not. The percent of trading reported in Table 3.3 suggests
The results in Table 3.3 are calculated using data aggregated from all stocks
in the sample. In the Finnish market, a few stocks account for much of the trad-
ing volume and market capitalization. Notably, the largest stock, Nokia, makes
up 36% of the total stock market capitalization on average during the sample pe-
riod (ranging daily from 16% to a high of 64% at one point in 2000). On average,
Nokia accounts for 57% of the value of daily trading (ranging from 3% to 95%).
To confirm that the reported results apply to Finnish stocks in general and are not
driven by Nokia or a few other large stocks, I first calculate a time-series average
of the daily interaction estimates for each stock, and then examine cross-sectional
statistics for these means. This procedure puts equal weight on each stock’s aver-
age interaction estimates. These results are reported in Table 3.4. Across the 106
for an average of 14.7% and 19.3%, respectively, confirming that intragroup trad-
ing is important across stocks. Trading among individuals ranges from 0.1% to
60.6% of all trading; the smaller numbers come from large actively-traded stocks
from smaller, less-liquid stocks. It is interesting to note that the range for trading
ally an important part of trade volume, although it never accounts for more than
The data presented in this section show that individuals account for approx-
imately one-fifth of trading in the Finnish stock market. This is certainly suffi-
ciently large for the trading of individual investors to have substantial price ef-
fects. About half of individual investors’ trading is with other individuals, and
half is with institutions. In the next section, I examine which type of trading is
vestors in the market, I examine the relation between returns and the proportion
of trading within and between investor groups. In particular, I estimate the re-
where the notation A/Bi,t represents the proportion of trading that is accounted
for by investors from Group A purchasing shares from investors in Group B. “Ind”
and “Inst” denote individuals and institutions, respectively. For brevity, I focus in
the remainder of the chapter only on the trading of individuals and institutions.11
Since not all investor groups are included in the regression, the A/B trade vari-
ables do not sum to one, and including an intercept does not result in perfect
11 The main conclusions are not altered if I include the other investor groups. In particular, the
price impact estimates for nonfinancial corporations and nominee accounts lie between those of
individuals and institutions, and the estimated coefficients for individuals and institutions are
basically unchanged if these additional groups are included.
I begin by estimating the regression at a daily horizon, and later confirm that
similar results obtain using weekly or monthly data. If trading between members
of Group A and Group B (possibly the same group) leads to price changes, then
ficient for the relevant combination of trade will be significant. If no group has a
consistent effect on prices, then the four trade variables will be economically small
and statistically insignificant. The lag return, Ri,t−1 , is included to control for the
I estimate regression (3.1) using the approach of Fama and MacBeth (1973) in
two ways: averaging results from time-series regressions by stock or from cross-
timates, which may be autocorrelated. Therefore, I use the robust standard er-
ror calculation of Newey and West (1987) with five lags, which corresponds to
one week of trading.12 The adjustment for autocorrelation is unnecessary for the
cross-section of estimates obtained from the first approach. Estimating the regres-
sion separately along each dimension allows me to check whether the results are
regression with clustered standard errors yields similar results, but could suffer
from a bias due to the lagged dependent variable, so I do not report these esti-
12 With 2184 daily observations, the rule of thumb noted by Greene (2005, p. 267) calls for
b 2184c = 7 lags, and the significance level of all results is unchanged by using the longer lag
Coefficient estimates for regression (3.1) are presented in Table 3.5, and provide
and institutional investors in the market. Panel A reports results where the A/B
trade variables are calculated as the proportion of total trade volume each day,
and Panel B uses trade variables calculated as the proportion of daily turnover
(shares traded divided by number of shares outstanding) each day. Results from
the stock-by-stock regressions are denoted “FM by stock,” and the day-by-day
above in Section 3.2.2, a large portion of trading comes from institutions trading
with other institutions and households trading with other households. To date,
the literature has not been able to address the importance of price changes that oc-
cur during this trading. The results in Table 3.5 bear directly on this question. The
ilarly, trading between individuals does not yield significant results, although 27%
of stocks yield statistically negative coefficients. That is, there appears to be little
in the way of price changes when trading takes place within each investor group.
The estimated coefficient of 0.0316 is highly significant, and fully 61% of the re-
negative. And when individuals buy from institutions, prices fall: the coefficient
yield statistically positive coefficients, with none significantly negative. The cross-
reported in the table under the heading “C.S. Std. Dev.” These values can be
standard deviation increase in the Inst/Ind variable (that is, institutions buying
basis points (bps). This is economically large relative to an average daily return of
sults, suggesting that the result is not driven solely by either time-series or cross-
can be seen by looking at the results in Panel B. Across both panels and both
specifications, the result that is consistent is that prices increase when individuals
sell shares to institutions, and prices decrease when individuals buy shares from
Another approach to examining the relation between group trading and subse-
(1991). There are a number of benefits to this approach. First, allowing the trade
variables and returns to depend on lags of each other provides a way to examine
potentially complicated dynamics among the variables. Second, the lag structure
of the VAR allows me to plot contemporaneous price impact and subsequent price
changes. These plots are the empirical analogue of the stylized price paths shown
in Figure 3.1.
notation A/Bi,t denotes the proportion of trading in stock i on date t that comes
from Group A purchasing shares from Group B, and “Ind” and “Inst” denote
individuals and institutions, respectively. The reduced-form VAR for each stock,
i, is
yi,t = ∑ Φk yi,t−k + ei,t . (3.2)
k =1
estimate a dynamic structural VAR (see Hamilton (1994, Section 11.6)). In partic-
ular, triangular factorization of the error covariance matrix, Σ ≡ E(et e0t ), yields a
lower-diagonal matrix, A0 , with ones on the principal diagonal such that A0 ΣA00 =
A0 yi,t = ∑ Ak yi,t−k + ηi,t , (3.3)
i =1
where Ak = A0 Φk and ηt = A0 et . The shocks in this system are uncorrelated,
since E(ηt η0t ) = E(A0 et e0t A00 ) = Σd . Moreover, since A0 is lower-diagonal, this
Ind/Indi,t = ∑ A1k yt−1 + ηi,1t , (3.4a)
i =1
Inst/Insti,t = ∑ A2k yt−1 − a21Ind/Indi,t + ηi,2t , (3.4b)
i =1
Ind/Insti,t = ∑ A3k yt−1 − a31Ind/Indi,t − a32Inst/Insti,t + ηi,3t , (3.4c)
i =1
Inst/Indi,t = ∑ A4k yt−1 − a41Ind/Indi,t − a42Inst/Insti,t − a43Ind/Insti,t + ηi,4t ,
i =1
Ri,t = ∑ A5k yt−1 − a51Ind/Indi,t − a52Inst/Insti,t
i =1
Here amn denotes the (m, n)th element of A0 , and A jk denotes the jth row of Ak .
Since the order in which the variables appear in the yi,t vector determines which
theoretical reason to put returns last, but the order of the trade variables is less
obvious. I therefore confirm that all the results below are unaffected by permuting
Methods to estimate VARs in panel data are not well-developed. Therefore, in
the spirit of Fama and MacBeth (1973), I separately estimate the dynamic struc-
tural VAR for each stock and then take cross-sectional means of coefficient es-
errors of these means. I choose ten lags (p = 10) by examining the Akaike Infor-
mation Criterion for the VAR. While a lower-order VAR fits well for some stocks, I
fit the same model to all stocks to ease comparison of results. Estimating a model
with five lags yields results that are substantially the same as those reported here.
then used to calculate estimates of the Ak coefficient matrices. This is repeated for
each of the 106 stocks in the sample, and Table 3.6 summarizes the results from
these regressions for k = 0, 1, 2. For brevity, higher-order lags and the constant
Controlling for complex serial correlations does not alter the results reported
variables are very close to those reported in the previous table. In this specifica-
tion, there is also evidence that returns are negative when individuals trade with
each other: the Ind/Ind variable is negative and significant. The magnitude of
tent with bid-ask bounce is quite prevalent in these data. The amount of within-
ample, at the first lag (k = 1), the autocorrelation coefficients range from 0.0964
for the Inst/Inst variable to 0.1493 for the Ind/Inst variable, and all are significant
at the 1% level. This pattern holds for higher-order lags and for all of the variables
except returns.
The coefficient estimates from the VAR can be used to construct impulse re-
sponse functions, which are the empirical analogue to the stylized price paths
presented earlier in Figure 3.1. That is, I calculate the effect of a one standard de-
viation impulse to each of the elements of the orthogonalized shocks, ηi,t , one at a
time. For example, to see the effect on returns of a shock to Inst/Ind I use equa-
tions (3.4d) and (3.4e) to estimate the increase in returns caused by a one standard
Results from applying this procedure to the return equation of the VAR are pre-
sented in Figure 3.2. The figure plots the price impact function for the variables
Inst/Ind (solid line), Inst/Inst (short dash), Ind/Ind (long dash), and Ind/Inst
(dash-dot). Time is measured in trading days, so the ten lags that are plotted cor-
respond to two weeks of trading. The graph begins at time −1 to show the price
impact in the first day relative to the previous day’s close. A one standard devia-
associated with a return of −12 bps, but prices subsequently revert. Comparing
these empirical price impact functions to the stylized examples in Figure 3.1 in-
dicates that when institutions purchase shares from individuals or sell shares to
individuals they are informed traders demanding liquidity from individuals. This
result is clearly not consistent with individual investors actively moving prices.
Table 3.7 presents results for estimation of regression (3.1) over different trad-
ing horizons. Panel A shows results when the trading percentage variable and
returns are calculated over weekly horizons, and Panel B shows results calculated
at a monthly horizon. At these longer horizons, the results remain consistent with
what was found in the daily regression. Daily returns are contemporaneously
higher when institutions purchase shares from individuals and lower when they
sell shares to individuals. There is little or no price effect from intragroup trading
tions is stronger when they sell to individuals than when they buy from individ-
It is interesting to note that the magnitude of the effect on returns (in absolute
terms) is greater when institutions sell to households than when institutions buy
from households, especially at the monthly horizon. That is, institutions appear to
have larger price impact when they sell to individuals than when they buy from
individuals. Campbell, Ramadorai, and Schwartz (2008) find a similar asymme-
try, and suggest that it could stem from the reluctance of institutions to use short
sales.13 This asymmetry is not apparent in the daily results presented earlier, per-
haps because daily returns are small and can be affected by institutions with small
A potential concern with the daily results presented above relates to the timing
of trades within the day. It is possible that trading by individuals moves prices,
and that institutions subsequently trade at those new prices, but that institutional
trading does not actually affect prices. For example, suppose individuals trade in
the morning at prices above the previous day’s close, and when institutions see
prices increasing they act as momentum traders and decide to buy shares. Their
buying, however, could occur at prices that are not higher than the prices set by
shares on days when prices rise, but institutions did not cause the price change.
The strength and robustness of the results above suggest that this scenario
lower than when they sell shares. Nevertheless, an additional test to rule out this
possibility is in order. Unfortunately, the transactions in the dataset are not time-
13 Their argument is as follows: if institutions wish to increase their exposure to a particular risk
factor, they may buy stocks that load strongly on that factor. If their buying causes price increases
in one stock, they can purchase shares of another stock that also loads on the factor, thereby reduc-
ing their overall price impact. However, if an institution wishes to decrease its exposure to a factor
and is reluctant or unable to use short sales, it can only sell stocks it currently owns. This forces
the institution to sell more aggressively the stocks it owns, and could lead to larger price impact.
stamped, so it is not possible to examine the order in which trades were placed
and the path prices took within the day. However, we do observe trade prices for
individuals purchase and sell shares, and the relation between these prices and
contemporaneous returns.
To understand this test, suppose that on a particular day, a stock trades only at
two prices, $10 and $11. Suppose further that both Groups A and B bought at $10
and sold at $11, but only A bought at $11. If the closing price is $11, it can only be
because Group A moved the price; Group B did not purchase any shares at $11,
so they could not have caused the price to move up to that level. That is, since
Group B bought at a lower price than did Group A—and prices increased—it is
not possible for Group B to have caused prices to move. This suggests that we can
test whether one group moves prices by examining the relation between returns
and the difference in the purchase or sale prices of individuals and institutions.
The point of this exercise is not to determine trading profits within a day, since we
are not comparing one group’s purchase and sale prices; rather, we are looking at
whether one group purchased stocks at higher prices than did another group on
days when prices rose, or sold stocks at lower prices on days when prices fell.
This test also allows us to differentiate intraday price movements from close-
to-open price movements. For example, suppose the opening price is above the
previous day’s close, but then remains flat during the day. If most trading just
happened to come from institutions buying shares from individuals, the earlier re-
gressions would find that institutions buy from individuals when prices increase—
but the price change happened entirely when the market was closed. This intra-
day test, however, would find that individuals and institutions both bought at the
Of course, stocks typically trade at more than two prices on one day, so I
look instead at the average price at which institutions and individuals buy or sell
shares. Specifically, I test the relation using Fama-MacBeth estimation of the re-
b̄i,t − b̄i,t = β 1 · 1{ Ri,t >0} + β 2 · 1{ Ri,t <0} + ei,t (3.5)
s̄i,t − s̄i,t = β 1 · 1{ Ri,t >0} + β 2 · 1{ Ri,t <0} + ei,t , (3.6)
where b̄ and s̄ denote the average purchase and sale prices, respectively, for stock
tively. The indicator function, 1{·} , takes a value of one only when the condition
b̄i,t − b̄i,t = α + β 1 · 1{ Ri,t >0} | Ri,t | + β 2 · 1{ Ri,t <0} | Ri,t | + ei,t (3.7)
s̄i,t − s̄i,t = α + β 1 · 1{ Ri,t >0} | Ri,t | + β 2 · 1{ Ri,t <0} | Ri,t | + ei,t . (3.8)
Excluding intercepts in this second set of regressions is unnecessary. In each of
these regressions, it is important to scale the prices so that the magnitude of the
estimates may be compared across stocks, which is key to the Fama-MacBeth ap-
proach. Therefore, I scale the price difference by each stock’s average trade price
for that day. Scaling by the average closing price in the previous week yields
Estimates of regressions (3.5)–(3.8) are presented in Table 3.8. The results are
when returns are positive, institutions purchase shares at higher prices than indi-
viduals purchase shares, but on days when prices are negative, there is no statis-
tical difference between the purchase prices. Economically, there is clearly a large
difference between the coefficients on positive- and negative-return days (25 bps
compared to 2 bps). Similarly, on days when returns are negative, institutions sell
at lower prices than do individuals (Column 3). On the sell side, the economic
magnitude of the difference is not as large as it is for purchase prices, but there is
still a very large statistical difference. Columns 2 and 4 present results for simi-
lar regressions, but here we allow the effect size to vary with the level of returns.
The statistical differences are even stronger in this specification. The economic
magnitude of these estimates is not particularly large: when a stock has a positive
return of 1%, institutions purchase shares at about 6.5 bps above individual pur-
chase prices. Nevertheless, the magnitude of the difference between positive and
These results convincingly show that prices move in response to institutional
prices rise, institutions buy shares at higher prices than do individuals, and when
prices fall, institutions sell shares at lower prices than do individuals. In either
case, prices are clearly not being pushed up or down by individuals. Combined
with the evidence presented in Section 3.3.2 for daily, weekly, and monthly hori-
The second hypothesis to be tested is that price reversion is more likely fol-
possible that when the bulk of trading is between individuals, without much in-
stitutional trading, prices are pushed away from fundamental values. If this is the
for stock i on date t. “Inst” denotes financial institutions, and “Ind” denotes indi-
vidual investors. Pairs of groups represent purchasing of shares by the first group
from the second group. For example, “Ind/Inst” is the proportion of trading ac-
If returns tend to revert after days when individuals trade with other individ-
uals and returns are either high or low, β 1 should be negative. As shown in the
results presented in Table 3.9, this is precisely what we find. The negative rela-
Moreover, there is no such effect for intragroup institutions trading—β 2 is not sig-
nificantly different from zero in either set of regressions. Consistent with the VAR
results presented above, the estimates in the last two lines of Table 3.9 show that
to be days when prices decline—are followed by further price declines. And when
institutions buy shares from individuals—which are days when prices increase—
prices tend to increase further on the following day. That is, prices revert less than
usual when there is more intragroup trading; they revert more when individu-
als trade with other individuals or when institutions trade with other institutions.
These results strongly support Hypothesis 2, that price reversion is more likely
after intragroup trading by individuals than after trading between the groups.
within the groups. In particular, it is possible that institutions react to the price
relation between institutional trading with individuals on date t and intragroup
for stock i on date t. The dependent variable in regressions (3.10) and (3.11) is
either Inst/Indi,t or Ind/Insti,t —that is, the proportion of trading accounted for
Suppose trading on date t − 1 came largely from individuals trading with other
individuals, and that returns were positive. If this trading moved prices above
from individuals on date t and more likely to sell shares to individuals on date
regression (3.11). As shown in the estimation results presented in Table 3.10, this
prediction is borne out by the data. Institutions are less likely to buy shares from
individuals (Panel A) and more likely to sell shares to individuals (Panel B) if more
bined with the results in Table 3.9, these results indicate that if prices are moved
leads prices to revert. This evidence provides strong support for Hypothesis 3.
3.4 Conclusion
This chapter studies the relation between returns and trading by individual
and institutional investors. I show that trading between individuals and insti-
tutions is relatively uncommon, but that these trades consistently lead to price
changes. In contrast to the recent work of Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2006) and
Hvidkjaer (2006), I find very little evidence of price effects from the trading of
individual investors trading with other individuals, price reversion is more com-
mon than when they trade with institutions. Moreover, this reversion is caused
trading leads to price changes. First, if prices are determined primarily by traders
behavioral biases, then features of the return series, such as volatility and covari-
ance with macroeconomic variables like consumption may be spurious. This is of
among these variables. Second, a large literature seeks to understand the per-
the difficulty of determining whether trading by mutual funds causes price move-
ments. I find that the trading of mutual funds and other institutions moves prices,
sults do not rule out the possibility of further price movements allowing funds to
earn profits.
In contrast to previous papers, the results presented here are calculated with
daily data. At this relatively high frequency, it is apparent that price movements
move when individuals trade with each other, they quickly revert. This suggests
that while there may be short-term price effects caused by individual investors,
Table 3.1: Stock Returns Following Trading by Institutions and Households
This table presents average returns to stocks in the year subsequent to trading by institutions and
individuals, separated by the rank of each group’s buying pressure. In June and December of each
year, firms are assigned to one of three portfolios for each group based on the proportion of buy
volume for that group, Bi,t /( Bi,t + Si,t ). The table reports the returns to these portfolios over the
subsequent year. t-statistics are presented in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5%
and 1% levels is denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
Institutions Households
Table 3.2: Summary Statistics
This table provides summary statistics for the data. The sample period is 1995–2003. The “Nomi-
nees/ADRs” group is identified using the technique explained in Section 3.2.2. “Other” includes
Government Agencies, Nonprofit Organizations, and Registered Foreigners. The number of ac-
counts and total number of trades are shown in the first two columns, respectively. The remaining
columns present averages for per-trade, per-day, or per-account data.
Table 3.3: Trader Interaction
This table shows the amount of trading (in percent) that occurs in total and between the different
investor groups. The expected amount of trading between groups is calculated assuming random
interaction in proportion to the percent of total trades based on number of shares traded presented
in the first row. The actual amount of trading is estimated using the technique discussed in the text.
The total number of shares traded between each group is calculated for each stock/day during the
period 1995–2003. The percentages do not sum to 100% because the trading of certain groups that
account for very little total trading volume is omitted.
Table 3.4: Trader Interaction—Cross-Sectional Statistics
This table shows the average amount of trading (buying and selling, in percent) that occurs between
the different investor groups. The amount of trading is estimated for each stock/day using the
technique discussed in the text. The time-series average is then calculated for each stock, and the
table reports cross-sectional statistics for those means (N = 106 stocks).
Table 3.5: Returns and Group Interaction—Daily
This table presents the results of the regression
where the notation A/Bi,t represents the proportion of trading that is accounted for by investors from Group A purchasing shares from investors in Group B. “Ind” and “Inst” denote
individuals and institutions, respectively. Panel A reports results where the A/B trade variables are calculated as the proportion of total trade volume each day, and Panel B uses trade
variables calculated as the proportion of daily turnover (shares traded divided by number of shares outstanding) each day. The regression is estimated using the Fama-MacBeth (“FM”)
approach in two ways: averaging results from time-series regressions by stock or from cross-sectional regressions by date. t-statistics for the FM by date regressions are calculated using
standard errors robust to heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation using the Newey and West (1987) adjustment with five lags. The columns labeled “Sig. at 5%” report the percentage
of regressions in which the coefficient is significantly negative or positive at the 5% level. Cross-sectional and time-series average standard deviations of the independent variables are
reported in the columns labeled “C.S. Std. Dev” and “T.S. Std. Dev,” respectively. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
FM by stock FM by date
Sig. at 5% C.S. Sig. at 5% T.S.
Estimate t-stat Neg. Pos. Std. Dev Estimate t-stat Neg. Pos. Std. Dev
Panel A: Proportion of Daily Trading Volume
Intercept 0.0022 3.72∗∗ 0% 44% 0.0011 3.16∗∗ 20% 26%
Ri,t−1 -0.0634 -5.89∗∗ 52% 17% 0.0011 -0.0837 -11.46∗∗ 28% 11% 0.0009
Buyer: Seller:
Institutions Institutions 0.0092 1.35 8% 11% 0.1481 0.0003 0.50 4% 4% 0.1691
Households 0.0316 5.36∗∗ 0% 61% 0.1151 0.0189 16.09∗∗ 2% 11% 0.1180
Households Institutions -0.0423 -4.74∗∗ 72% 0% 0.1145 -0.0172 -12.70∗∗ 11% 3% 0.1130
Households -0.0025 -0.24 27% 0% 0.2002 -0.0023 -4.41∗∗ 9% 6% 0.2306
Panel B: Proportion of Daily Turnover
Intercept -0.0020 -8.45∗∗ 42% 3% -0.0008 -3.06∗∗ 24% 19%
Ri,t−1 -0.0791 -8.86∗∗ 58% 7% 0.0011 -0.1338 -19.87∗∗ 36% 7% 0.0009
Buyer: Seller:
Institutions Institutions 0.0026 4.57∗∗ 0% 42% 0.9767 0.0011 3.69∗∗ 4% 10% 0.7566
Households 0.0481 4.29∗∗ 1% 76% 0.5838 0.0390 19.62∗∗ 2% 27% 0.3728
Households Institutions -0.0339 -3.24∗∗ 48% 5% 0.2920 -0.0167 -10.15∗∗ 20% 6% 0.2782
Households 0.0479 2.54∗ 2% 69% 0.3204 0.0033 2.27∗ 14% 18% 0.4697
A0 yi,t = ∑ Ai yi,t−k + ηt ,
k =1
where yi,t = (Ind/Indi,t , Inst/Insti,t , Ind/Insti,t , Inst/Indi,t , Ri,t )0 . The notation A/Bi,t denotes the
proportion of trading in stock i on date t that comes from Group A purchasing shares from Group
B, and “Ind” and “Inst” denote individuals and institutions, respectively. A0 is the lower diagonal
matrix from the triangular factorization of the error covariance in the reduced-form VAR (equa-
tion (3.2)). Separate regressions are estimated for each of the 106 stocks in the sample. The table
reports cross-sectional averages of coefficient estimates for k = 0, 1, 2. Standard errors, calculated
from the cross-sectional distribution of the coefficient estimates, are reported in parentheses. For
brevity, the constant terms and lags of order three and higher are omitted. Statistical significance at
the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
Elements of yi,t−k
Equation Ind/Ind Inst/Inst Ind/Inst Inst/Ind Return
Ind/Ind – – – – –
Inst/Inst -0.1303 – – – –
Ind/Inst 0.0592 -0.0041 – – –
(0.0255)∗ (0.0054)
Inst/Ind 0.0859 -0.0074 -0.1091 – –
(0.0325)∗∗ (0.0087) (0.0057)∗∗
Return -0.0161 0.0059 -0.0433 0.0344 –
(0.0046)∗∗ (0.0041) (0.0070)∗∗ (0.0064)∗∗
Ind/Ind 0.1489 -0.0201 0.0064 0.0002 -0.0135
(0.0074)∗∗ (0.0093)∗ (0.0073) (0.0069) (0.0213)
Inst/Inst 0.0227 0.0964 0.0415 0.0488 -0.0303
(0.0200) (0.0057)∗∗ (0.0089)∗∗ (0.0063)∗∗ (0.0174)†
Ind/Inst 0.0061 0.0181 0.1493 -0.0083 -0.0560
(0.0077) (0.0060)∗∗ (0.0062)∗∗ (0.0039)∗ (0.0130)∗∗
Inst/Ind 0.0113 0.0339 -0.0045 0.1451 0.0231
(0.0067)† (0.0094)∗∗ (0.0035) (0.0116)∗∗ (0.0131)†
Return 0.0047 0.0044 0.0019 -0.0048 -0.0680
(0.0057) (0.0026)† (0.0024) (0.0020)∗∗ (0.0107)∗∗
Ind/Ind 0.0773 -0.0093 0.0054 0.0013 0.0191
(0.0066)∗∗ (0.0133) (0.0073) (0.0063) (0.0163)
Inst/Inst -0.0157 0.0521 0.0005 0.0249 0.0107
(0.0242) (0.0044)∗∗ (0.0094) (0.0091)∗∗ (0.0157)
Ind/Inst 0.0119 0.0096 0.0760 -0.0103 -0.0516
(0.0051)∗∗ (0.0044)∗ (0.0057)∗∗ (0.0037)∗∗ (0.0132)∗∗
Inst/Ind 0.0004 0.0110 0.0056 0.0696 0.0567
(0.0056) (0.0045)∗∗ (0.0039) (0.0050)∗∗ (0.0119)∗∗
Return 0.0023 0.0011 0.0010 -0.0006 -0.0260
(0.0025) (0.0015) (0.0018) (0.0030) (0.0055)∗∗
Table 3.7: Returns and Group Interaction—Weekly and Monthly
This table presents the results of the regression
where the notation A/Bi,t represents the proportion of trading that is accounted for by investors
from Group A purchasing shares from investors in Group B. “Ind” and “Inst” denote individuals
and institutions, respectively. Panels A and B report results for regressions using data aggregated
into weekly and monthly observations, respectively. The regression is estimated using the Fama-
MacBeth (“FM”) approach in two ways: averaging results from time-series regressions by stock
(Columns 3 and 4), or from cross-sectional regressions by date (Columns 5 and 6). t-statistics for
the FM by date regressions are calculated using standard errors robust to heteroscedasticity and
autocorrelation using the Newey and West (1987) adjustment with five lags. Statistical significance
at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
FM by stock FM by date
Estimate t-stat Estimate t-stat
Buyer: Seller:
Financial institutions Financial institutions 0.0320 1.14 0.0011 0.42
Households 0.1882 3.87∗∗ 0.0630 8.37∗∗
Buyer: Seller:
Financial institutions Financial institutions -0.0866 -1.13 -0.0197 -0.77
Households 1.1009 5.01∗∗ 0.1689 3.12∗∗
Table 3.8: Returns and Group Interaction—Intraday Price Evidence
This table presents results from Fama-MacBeth regressions
b̄i,t − b̄i,t = β 1 · 1{ Ri,t >0} + β 2 · 1{ Ri,t <0} + ei,t
s̄i,t − s̄i,t = β 1 · 1{ Ri,t >0} + β 2 · 1{ Ri,t <0} + ei,t ,
where b̄ and s̄ denote the average purchase and sale prices, respectively, for stock i on date t, and
superscript I and H denote institutions and households, respectively. The indicator function, 1{·} ,
takes a value of one only when the condition in curly brackets is true; otherwise it is zero. Results
for these specifications are presented in Columns (1) and (3), respectively. Columns (2) and (4)
show results for an alternative specification in which the price difference is allowed to vary with
the magnitude of the return, | Ri,t |. For each stock and day, the average price at which individuals
purchase (sell) shares is subtracted from the average price at which institutions purchase (sell)
shares. This difference is used as one observation in a time-series regression for each stock. The
table reports the mean coefficients estimates, with t-statistics (in parentheses) derived from the
cross-sectional distribution of coefficient estimates. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1%
levels is denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
Dependent Variable
b̄i,t H
− b̄i,t I − s̄ H
s̄i,t i,t
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Table 3.9: Returns Following Trade
This table presents results for the regression
for stock i on date t. “Inst” denotes financial institutions, and “Ind” denotes individual investors.
Pairs of groups represent purchasing of shares by the first group from the second group. For ex-
ample, “Ind/Inst” is the proportion of trading accounted for by individuals buying shares from fi-
nancial institutions. The regression is estimated using the Fama-MacBeth (“FM”) approach in two
ways: averaging results from time-series regressions by stock (Columns 2 and 3), or from cross-
sectional regressions by date (Columns 4 and 5). t-statistics for the FM by date regressions are
calculated using standard errors robust to heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation using the Newey
and West (1987) adjustment with five lags. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is
denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
FM by stock FM by date
Estimate t-stat Estimate t-stat
Ind/Indi,t−1 × Ri,t−1 -0.2534 -4.09∗∗ -0.1840 -3.50∗∗
Inst/Insti,t−1 × Ri,t−1 0.0103 0.36 0.0443 1.26
Intercept 0.0011 5.41∗∗ 0.0009 2.52∗
Ri,t−1 -0.0281 -2.63∗∗ -0.0559 -6.62∗∗
Ind/Indi,t−1 -0.0012 -1.31 -0.0009 -1.19
Inst/Insti,t−1 0.0006 1.18 0.0004 0.72
Ind/Insti,t−1 -0.0018 -2.55∗ -0.0033 -5.84∗∗
Inst/Indi,t−1 0.0022 3.09∗∗ 0.0013 2.37∗
Table 3.10: Institutions’ Response to Individual Trading
This table presents results for the regressions
Ind/Insti,t = α + β 1 · Ind/Indi,t−1 Ri,t−1 + β 2 · Inst/Insti,t−1 Ri,t−1 + γ · Controls + ei,t ,
for stock i on date t. “Inst” denotes financial institutions, and “Ind” denotes individual investors. Pairs of groups repre-
sent purchasing of shares by the first group from the second group. For example, “Ind/Inst” is the proportion of trading
accounted for by individuals buying shares from financial institutions. The dependent variable in Panel A is the proportion
of trading that comes from individuals purchasing shares from institutions (Ind/Insti,t ), and in Panel B it is the proportion
of trading that comes from institutions purchasing shares from individuals (Inst/Indi,t ). The regression is estimated using
the Fama-MacBeth (“FM”) approach in two ways: averaging results from time-series regressions by stock (Columns 2 and
3), or from cross-sectional regressions by date (Columns 4 and 5). t-statistics for the FM by date regressions are calculated
using standard errors robust to heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation using the Newey and West (1987) adjustment with
five lags. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by † , ∗ , and ∗∗ , respectively.
FM by stock FM by date
Estimate t-stat Estimate t-stat
Intercept 0.1240 21.45∗∗ 0.1020 48.13∗∗
Ri,t−1 0.0557 1.67† 0.1645 2.34∗
Ind/Indi,t−1 0.0239 2.81∗∗ 0.0519 7.10∗∗
Inst/Insti,t−1 0.0016 0.44 -0.0241 -7.28∗∗
Ind/Insti,t−1 -0.0643 -11.14∗∗ -0.0180 -3.88∗∗
Inst/Indi,t−1 0.2180 22.09∗∗ 0.2780 47.83∗∗
Intercept 0.1186 19.21∗∗ 0.0847 42.22∗∗
Ri,t−1 0.0308 0.89 -0.0116 -0.20
Ind/Indi,t−1 0.0416 5.55∗∗ 0.0984 14.26∗∗
Inst/Insti,t−1 0.0106 2.88∗∗ -0.0150 -4.57∗∗
Ind/Insti,t−1 0.2452 24.36∗∗ 0.3032 61.63∗∗
Inst/Indi,t−1 -0.0483 -10.48∗∗ 0.0005 0.13
Number of observations 151324 151324
Number FM of regression 106 (stocks) 2184 (days)
Figure 3.1: Stylized Timeline of Price Path Around Trade
This figure shows alternative price paths following a trade. The trade takes place at time t0 . In
the top two figures, the trade is initiated by the buyer, and the price immediately increases. In the
bottom two figures, the trade is initiated by the seller, and the price immediately decreases. If the
trade initiator is uninformed, prices subsequently revert. If the trade initiator is informed, there is
no such reversion.
Uninformed buyer Informed buyer
Price Price
6 6
Buyer- P
Initiated p0 p0
- -
t0 Time t0 Time
Price Price
6 6
Initiated p0 p0
- -
t0 Time t0 Time
Figure 3.2: Cumulative Price Impact Functions
This figure plots the accumulated orthogonalized impulse response function for the structural dy-
namic VAR in equation (3.3),
A0 yi,t = ∑ Ai yi,t−k + ηt ,
k =1
where y = (Ind/Ind, Inst/Inst, Ind/Inst, Inst/Ind, Return)0 and A0 is the lower diagonal matrix
from the triangular factorization of the error covariance in the reduced-form VAR (equation (3.2)).
The graphs show the cumulative effect on returns (in basis points) of a one standard deviation
shock (ηi,t ) to each of the trade variables during the trading day that occurs between time −1 and
time 0. Returns are calculated using closing prices each day. Inst/Ind (solid) is the proportion
of trading accounted for by institutions purchasing shares from individuals; Ind/Ind (long dash)
represents trading between two individuals; Inst/Inst (short dash) represents trading between two
institutions; and Ind/Inst (dash-dot) represents individuals purchasing shares from institutions.
Cumulative Return (bps)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Trading Days
Inst/Ind Inst/Inst Ind/Ind Ind/Inst
Chapter IV
tunately, there are very few real-world settings where these decisions and their
economic consequences are directly observed at the individual level. One setting
that has proved fruitful for examining such decisions and outcomes is financial
markets. In a series of seminal papers, Odean (1998, 1999) and Barber and Odean
large discount brokerage firm in the U.S. Subsequently, a large literature has de-
The main stylized fact that emerges from this literature is that individuals
make poor investment decisions. For example, individuals trade too much, gener-
ating transaction costs without increasing their returns; they make bad choices, as
stocks they sell subsequently earn higher returns than stocks they buy; and they
1 Some representative papers from this literature include Grinblatt and Keloharju (2000, 2001a,
2001b), Benartzi (2001), Goetzmann and Kumar (2008), Ivković and Weisbenner (2005), Ivković,
Sialm, and Weisbenner (2006), and Feng and Seasholes (2005).
hold on to their losing stocks but sell their winning stocks, which is a sure way to
good investment decisions. I find that the results of previous papers are correct,
this literature: that post-purchase returns are lower than post-sale returns (Odean
1999). I show that while this is indeed the case unconditionally, it is not the case
when we consider those investment decisions that are more likely, ex ante, to be
Broadly speaking, there are two reasons an investor might buy or sell a stock:
vestor may have earned income that she wishes to save, and chooses to invest in
equities. Or she might have unexpected costs, and chooses to sell some securities
to generate the needed cash. In both of these examples, the investor either pur-
chases one or more stocks or sells one or more stocks; she does not transfer money
from one stock to another. Suppose instead that the investor chooses to sell one
stock she owns and use the proceeds to purchase another stock. In this case, she
may have received information that causes her to believe the asset she owns is
going to decline in value, or that the stock she chooses to buy is going to increase
in value; in either case, it is clear that she believes the stock she buys will earn a
higher return than the stock she sells. That is, she is forced to place an “extra”
trade relative to what she would have done if she were not cash-constrained.2
The economic intuition that comes from these examples suggests a way to
liquidating their holdings in one stock and then using the proceeds to purchase
another stock, it is more likely that these transactions are motivated by informa-
tion than other transactions. I use this intuition to identify informed trades among
individual investors. When an investor sells shares in one stock and subsequently
purchases shares in another stock, within a short period of time, I call this a “sub-
stitution” trade. Obviously, not all of these trades are perfectly informed, but
the results below provide strong evidence that this classification does capture a
I show that the post-purchase and post-sale returns to substitution trades are
significantly better than the returns for non-substitution (“regular”) trades. This
finding suggests that investors are not as bad at making investment decisions as
this chapter is related to the work of Coval, Hirshleifer, and Shumway (2005), who
find that a subset of investors are able to beat the market consistently, and Seru,
2 Alternatively, she may not believe that the stock will earn a higher return than stocks she
already holds, but wishes to rebalance her portfolio to change the riskiness of her holdings. The
extent to which this is true will make it more difficult for me to find the results I report below.
Shumway, and Stoffman (2007), who find that investors learn to avoid behavioral
The present study is also related to the recent work of Alexander, Cici, and Gib-
son (2007), who find that liquidity-motivated investment choices of mutual fund
managers earn lower returns than trades that are more likely to be motivated by
by investor fund flows and those that are not, and use a similar argument as I do
here to claim that the latter trades are more likely to be informed. For example,
they note that a fund manager who purchases a stock even when investors are
withdrawing money from the mutual fund is likely to believe strongly that the
stocks. They find that managers do, in fact, beat the market on these trades, and
I also show that the pattern of returns before and after regular trading differs
from that surrounding substitution trades. When substitution trades are domi-
nated by purchases, prices rise and do not subsequently revert. In contrast, prices
stitution and non-substitution trades. These results complement the recent work
of Barber, Odean, and Zhu (2006), Hvidkjaer (2006), and Kaniel, Saar, and Titman
(2008), all of whom examine the relation between individual investor order flow
A particular strength of this chapter is that I document consistent results us-
ing two large datasets from different countries over different time periods. This
adds considerable support the notion that the finding reflects a result of general
economic behavior, and not a quirk of one particular setting, or a statistical fluke.
the main datasets used in this study. I outline my methods and present results in
The present study contributes to the growing literature on the relation between
Obizhaeva (2007) examines the price impact of trades by institutions that are
quently occur after a change in the portfolio manager, and the author provides
evidence that transition purchases are informed while sales are likely to be liquid-
ity motivated.
and Titman (2006) provide evidence that trading by institutions causes the ob-
turns. In addition, they find evidence in support of the notion that institutional
investors are better informed than other traders, and that their information is in-
San (2007) also uses 13(f) filings to conclude that individuals earn higher re-
turns than institutions during the period 1981 to 2004. A potential problem with
this approach, however, is the assumption that traders who do not file 13(f) reports
are individuals, while in fact this group would include hedge funds and smaller
and Metrick (2001), who find that aggregate institutional performance is better
than individual performance by 0.67% per year, and that this difference is driven
more by demand shocks caused by institutional preferences for liquid stocks than
Kaniel, Saar, and Titman (2008) analyze trades placed by individuals in NYSE
stocks during 2000–2003. They find that individuals are contrarian at a monthly
horizon: they purchase stocks after recent declines and sell after recent increases.
Moreover, they document positive excess returns in months following high levels
4.2 Data
records from investors at a large discount brokerage firm in the United States.4
3 The Securities Exchange Act requires institutional investment managers who exercise invest-
ment discretion over securities having an aggregate fair market value on the last trading day of
any month of at least $100 million to file a 13(f) report within 45 days of the end of each calendar
quarter. These institutions are required to report only those positions of greater than 10,000 shares
or $200,000 in market value. See
4 I thank Terry Odean for sharing these data.
This data set contains 3.1 million observations, covering the trades of 126,488 ac-
account identifier, a security identifier (CUSIP), trade date, number and price of
I use the CUSIP to merge the trade data with data from the Center for Re-
search in Security Prices (CRSP). I extract the return series, ret, to calculate post-
transaction returns, as discussed below. This variable includes both the capital
In this section I discuss my methods, and present the results. I first examine the
and confirm the results of Odean (1999) in different datasets. These results are
“unconditional” in the sense that I am not classifying the trades in any way before
that are more likely to be informed (“substitution” trades), and show that the pat-
tern of returns for these trades is, in fact, quite different. While unconditionally
the returns following a purchase are lower than the returns following a sale, sub-
stitution purchases earn higher returns and substitution sales earn lower returns
4.3.1 Unconditional post-transaction returns
to examine the return of stocks purchased and sold subsequent to the transaction
date. Therefore, for each transaction, I calculate the post-transaction holding pe-
riod return, Ri,j,h , for investor i’s jth transaction over a horizon of h trading days.
return index that includes dividend payments. To ensure that my results are not
affected by bid-ask bounce, I calculate returns using the closing price on the day
These post-transaction returns in the U.S. data are summarized in Table 4.1
for purchases and sales, separately. Odean’s (1999) finding that post-sale returns
are higher than post-purchase returns is confirmed in these data, which partially
overlap with the data used in that study. For example, in the 63 trading days
(3 months) following a trade, average returns are 3.34% for purchases and 3.88%
for sales, for a 54 basis point difference. As Odean points out, this implies that
they had simply abstained from trading. It is also interesting to note in this sample
that individuals were approximately 20% more likely to purchase shares than to
The results in Table 4.1 are calculated using the same approach as Odean (1999).
That is, returns are aggregated across all accounts without first aggregating by
each account. Therefore, the post-purchase returns of one investor are being com-
pared to the post-sale returns of another investor. If subsets of investors have
different skill levels, and are present in the data over different time periods, this
approach could lead to incorrect inference. In order to rule this out, I repeat the
where the αi are individual fixed effect and 1{·} is a dummy variable. The regres-
different levels of skill. Results from these regressions are shown in Table 4.2. Ac-
although purchases still significantly underperform sales. For example, at the 84-
day horizon, buys underperform sells by 45 basis points, compared to the 56 basis
conventional levels.
Second, I calculate average buy- and sell-returns for each account, and then
calculate the difference in means for each account before taking the cross-sectional
mean across all accounts. This approach is designed to examine whether any par-
sales. The results from this approach are shown in Table 4.3, and are again quite
similar to those already reported. Means in Panel A are equally weighted, and
in Panel B are weighted by the number of trades made by the account. Panel
C reports equally weighted means excluding all accounts that placed fewer than
ten trades. With the exception of the 5-day return in Panel C, all results are sig-
nificantly negative at the 1% level. The weighted average results in Panel B are
probably the most conservative, and are very close to the coefficient estimates in
Table 4.2.
The results presented in this subsection confirm the findings of Odean (1999).
These results are robust to using various statistical approaches, and are confirmed
in the Finnish data set.5 In the rest of this chapter, I ask whether these results con-
tinue to hold when we differentiate between trades that are likely to be informed
comprising at least two different stocks, where a purchase of one stock is followed
by a sale of another within two to five trading days. Moreover, the total value of
shares purchased must be “close” to the total value of shares sold, where “close”
is defined as within two to 25 percent of the value traded.6 These are trades where
the investor has made a clear decision to substitute one security for another.
Transaction Date Stock ID Buy/Sell Value Traded
reported in Table 4.4 for the U.S. data. The criteria for classification become less
selective as we increase the number of days in the window, or how close the value
of shares purchased and sold is (denoted “Cutoff” in the table), so the number of
substitution trades increases as we move down and to the right in the table. If
we look only at transactions that occur within one of each other and where the
are classified as substitution trades. At the other end of the spectrum, 33.1% of
occur over a 15 day period, and having a purchase value within 25% of the value
of shares sold.
It is difficult to gauge how reasonable these numbers are, although some guid-
ance is available from the existing literature. Using a structural model similar to
that of Glosten and Milgrom (1985), Easley, Kiefer, O’Hara, and Paperman (1996)
estimate the probability of informed trading in a number of large NYSE-traded
stocks. Their estimation procedure uses only data on the total number of buyer-
and seller-initiated transactions in a stock on each day, and therefore includes the
trades institutions, which are likely to make up the bulk of trading in most large
stocks. They obtain estimates on the order of 15% of trading being informed. Since
For the remainder of this chapter, I use the 2-day/5% criteria for classification.
That is, a trade is classified as a substitution trade if there are no more than two
days between the first transaction and the last transaction, and if the total value of
shares purchased does not differ from the total value of shares sold by more than
5%. While this choice is somewhat arbitrary, I confirm in unreported tests that
the results are not sensitive to this particular choice of parameters. The general
pattern of these unreported results is that they are weaker as we lengthen the
and sale amounts. This makes sense, since more and more trades are likely to be
Results presented in the existing literature, and confirmed above, show that
investors on average make the wrong trading decisions: they purchase stocks
that subsequently decrease in value, and sell stocks whose prices subsequently
when we consider those trades that are more likely to be informed (that is, the
“substitution” trades). Results from the U.S. data are presented first, and then the
The key result of this chapter comes from regression tests of post-transaction
where R denotes returns, Buy is a dummy variable that takes a value of one for
purchases and zero for sales, and Substitution is a dummy variable that takes a
value of one when a trade is classified as part of a substitution trade, and zero
the fact that all regressors are dummy variables. As such, the coefficients corre-
spond to changes in the mean value of the dependent variable for different con-
stellations of the dummy variables. The average post-sale return for a trade that
sale. The average post-sale return for a substitution trade is α + β 2 , whereas the
action term corresponds to the difference in the difference between post-sale and
post-purchase returns for regular trades and substitution trades:
U.S. data
Panel A of Table 4.5 shows the results of four separate regressions as in (4.2)
with the U.S. data. Importantly, standard errors are calculated using the robust
“sandwich” estimator with clustering at the stock or fund level. This approach
sense because many individuals may hold the same stock at the same time. Using
clustered standard errors drastically cuts the effective degrees of freedom in the
model, and may be overly conservative, since it seems reasonable to argue that
The coefficient on the Buy dummy is reliably negative, which again confirms
that post-purchase returns are lower than post-sale returns. At a one year hori-
zon, a stock increases on average 16.32% following a sale, and 14.3% following a
purchase (2.02% less). For all horizons, these differences are highly statistically
As noted above, the most relevant estimate is the coefficient on the interaction
term, Buy × Substitution. Even with the clustered standard errors, this coefficient
is positive and highly statistically significant at each horizon, indicating that the
tion trades compared to regular trades. Moreover, at each horizon the interaction
coefficient is larger than the coefficient on the Buy dummy, so the worse perfor-
mance of purchases than sales for regular trades is actually reversed for substitu-
tion trades. This can be seen in the row labeled β 1 + β 3 : for example, at the one
year horizon, while a regular buy earns on average 2.02% less than a regular sell,
a substitution buy earns 39 basis points more than a substitution sell. The p-values
for the F-statistics associated with these coefficient sums are reported in square
brackets. Except for at the 3-month horizon, these results are not significantly
greater than zero, but a one-sided test against a null hypothesis of β 1 + β 3 < 0 is
turns is coming from for the substitution trades. The Substitution coefficient is
negative, so substitution sales earn lower returns than regular sales; this is consis-
tent with the notion that substitution trades are made by investors with informa-
tion about which stocks to sell. The difference between a Substitution Buy and a
Regular Buy is given in the row labeled β 2 + β 3 . Here the statistical evidence is
much weaker, although it appears that the results are somewhat stronger at the
longer horizon. At the 1- and 3-month horizon substitution purchases earn no
more than 9 basis points less than regular purchases, and at the 6- and 12-month
horizons substitution buys earn 26 and 66 basis points more than regular buys.
trades at identifying which stocks to sell, but only somewhat better at choosing
which stocks to purchase. One potential explanation for this asymmetry is that
identifying a stock to sell from the relatively small number stocks currently held
is easier than identifying a stock to purchase from the much larger set of stocks
that the investor does not currently hold. Another possibility is that short sale
prices, so individual investors can receive negative information about a stock they
currently hold that isn’t yet reflected in prices. Positive information, on the other
To ensure that the results presented so far are not driven by especially illiquid
stocks, Panel B of Table 4.5 presents estimates from the same regressions, but the
sample is restricted to just those stocks whose price is above $5. The results here
tle more the possibility that short sale constraints make it easier for individual
investors to identify stocks to sell than stocks to buy. Higher-priced stocks are
somewhat less likely to have binding short sale constraints, although perhaps only
for Substitution buys are higher in the more liquid stocks of Panel B, and post-
sale returns are lower for the more liquid stocks. For example, at the 12-month
horizon, the difference between Regular sales and Substitution sales is 175 basis
points using the entire sample, but 130 basis points for the higher-price sample;
and the difference between substitution buys and regular buys is 66 basis points
for the entire sample, but 82 basis points for the restricted sample. This is consis-
tent with the short sale constraint story: for the stocks in Panel B, which are less
likely to have binding short-sale constraints, investors are not as good at choos-
ing which stocks to sell but better at choosing which stocks to buy than the entire
Finland data
Turning to the Finnish dataset, Table 4.6 presents results from the same type of
In particular, there is a strong negative effect of the Buy dummy, so for non-
substitution trades, purchases are followed by lower returns than sales. Again,
the effect is reversed for Substitution trades: the interaction coefficient is highly
chases are followed by 13.78% lower returns than sales for Regular trades, but
Substitution purchases are followed by 31 basis points higher returns than Sub-
stitution sales, as shown in the row labeled β 1 + β 3 . The difference for regular
tution trades. And as in the U.S. data, the improvement in returns for substitution
trades in Finland comes primarily from the sell side: Substitution purchases are
followed by somewhat higher returns than regular purchases, although the dif-
ference is insignificant, but substitution sales are followed by much lower returns
than regular sales, as can be seen by examining the substitution dummy coeffi-
The results presented in this section provide strong evidence for the notion that
Substitution trades are motivated by information much more than other trades.
The evidence is remarkably consistent, especially considering the data are from
and the substantially different structure of the two markets (approximately 2 mil-
lion observations and 11,000 stocks in the U.S. and 6 million observations and 149
stocks in Finland).
to display different time series properties than other trades. For example, if these
price impact. We would also expect these trades not to be related to past returns
in a way that uninformed trades may be (if, for example, investors without infor-
I begin by calculating an aggregate Buy Ratio for substitution trades and non-
substitution trades. For each stock and each day (or week), I count the number of
substitution buys and substitution sells. The substitution Buy Ratio is the number
the buy ratio for regular trades is calculated as the total number of regular pur-
chases divided by the total number of regular trades. I then estimate the regres-
where BRi,t denotes the Buy Ratio for stock i at time t. The substitution Buy Ratio
Estimated regression coefficients for β are reported in Table 4.7. Each cell
window are reported in Panel A, and those using one week are reported in Panel
B. Consider first the estimates in the column labeled “0” in Panel A. There is no
significant relation between the regular buy ratio and contemporaneous returns.
In contrast, there is a strong relation between the substitution buy ratio and con-
temporaneous returns. That is, the higher is the substitution buy ratio, the more
we expect prices to increase; no such relation exists for the regular buy ratio. This
is again consistent with the notion that substitution trades are more likely to be
no effect.
Further evidence in support of the claim that substitution trades are more in-
formed than regular trades is provided by the next four columns of the table. In
the days following a high regular buy ratio, returns are significantly negative,
are apparent in the days following a high substitution buy ratio, suggesting that
price impact on day 0 is permanent. Looking at the four days preceding the buy
ratio calculation, there is no evidence that the level of substitution buying or sell-
ing is related to previous returns. There is, however, some evidence that regular
purchases are more likely to follow negative return days. This is borne out in the
Panel B shows coefficient estimates for the same types of regressions, although
the buy ratios are now calculated using all regular or substitution trades within
a week (Monday to Friday). The significant differences between the return re-
sponse of stocks to the two types of buy ratios shown in Panel A are again found
in Panel B. At the weekly horizon, there is still a highly significant price response
to the contemporaneous substitution buy ratio, but also a highly significant price
response in the opposite direction to the regular buy ratio (column “0”). In other
words, weeks in which substitution trades are predominantly purchases are weeks
with high returns, and weeks in which regular trades are dominated by purchases
are weeks with low returns. Moreover, when returns have been low in the past
four weeks, the regular buy ratio is higher, indicating contrarian trading behav-
ior among regular trades. Substitution trading, on the other hand, is momentum
trading in the sense that it is higher when the previous week’s return is higher.
And as in the daily results, there is evidence of a price reversal following regular
The pattern of results in Table 4.7 provides strong evidence that substitution
trades are fundamentally different from other trades. In particular, the results are
consistent with the substitution trades being informed and regular trades being
what we see for the substitution and regular trades. We might also expect un-
purchase shares after a price decline because these are interpreted as a “buying
opportunity.” We would not expect strong effects of this sort for informed trad-
ing, and again, this is what we find for the regular and substitution trades, respec-
4.4 Conclusion
This chapter presents a simple method for classifying the trades of individ-
that liquidity trading is likely to show up as purchases or sales of stocks and not
moving money from one stock to another, I claim that trades are more likely to be
informed when they involve selling shares of one stock and using the proceeds to
I implement this classification procedure in two large datasets from the U.S.
and Finland, covering 1991–1996 and 1995–2003, respectively. The datasets are
quite different; for example, investors in the U.S. sample trade upwards of 11,000
different securities, while investors in the Finland data trade 149 securities. De-
Moreover, when substitution trades are dominated by purchases, returns are sig-
nificantly positive, indicating a price impact. This price impact is not subse-
While the results in this chapter provide substantial evidence that some in-
cated classification methods using more of the available data are possible. Such
informed and uninformed investors in financial markets, and have the potential
to greatly improve upon existing measures such as Easley, Kiefer, O’Hara, and
Paperman’s (1996) “PIN” measure. These and other issues are the focus of contin-
uing research.
Table 4.1: Post-Transaction Returns in U.S. Data—Summary Statistics
This table presents summary statistics for returns subsequent to purchases and sales. The unit of
observation is a transaction, and N denotes the total number of observations. Returns are calcu-
lated as the increase in a cumulative return index (including all payouts) beginning the day after
a transaction, and over the horizon specified in each column. 5 days corresponds to one week, 21
days to one month, and 252, 504, and 756 trading days correspond to one, two, and three years,
Mean 0.0030 0.0129 0.0334 0.0440 0.0646 0.1516 0.3650 0.5834
Std. Dev. 0.0812 0.1454 0.2490 0.2852 0.3540 0.5432 0.9445 1.2487
25th Pctl. -0.0295 -0.0591 -0.1012 -0.1138 -0.1350 -0.1592 -0.1610 -0.1142
50th Pctl. 0.0000 0.0072 0.0214 0.0256 0.0356 0.0863 0.1951 0.3132
75th Pctl. 0.0315 0.0762 0.1434 0.1709 0.2162 0.3464 0.6267 0.9131
N 821,835 810,397 783,176 770,705 734,680 628,436 467,639 344,860
Mean 0.0036 0.0156 0.0388 0.0496 0.0736 0.1758 0.3954 0.6327
Std. Dev. 0.0675 0.1410 0.2392 0.2757 0.3469 0.5373 0.9081 1.2798
25th Pctl. -0.0268 -0.0534 -0.0917 -0.1037 -0.1175 -0.1259 -0.1182 -0.0689
50th Pctl. 0.0000 0.0091 0.0256 0.0308 0.0437 0.1099 0.2269 0.3543
75th Pctl. 0.0298 0.0750 0.1456 0.1724 0.2180 0.3691 0.6715 0.9574
N 678,394 666,379 637,962 625,747 596,415 507,254 371,564 271,042
Table 4.2: Post-Transaction Returns in U.S. Data—Regression Tests
This table presents regression results for the fixed-effects regression
where αi is the individual-specific intercept, and 1{·} is an indicator function. t denotes the date
of the transaction, and m ∈ {1, . . . , 70} is a month index number. Post-purchase returns are lower
than post-sale returns if β < 0. The number of observations used in the regression is denoted N
Table 4.3: Post-Transaction Returns in U.S. Data—Cross-sectional Means
This table presents the cross-sectional means of an individual’s average post-purchase return minus
that individual’s average post-sale return. Horizons are measured in trading days, with 5 days
corresponding to one week, and 756 days to approximately three years. Num. Accts is the number
of unique accounts used in the cross-sectional calculation. In Panel A, a simple average is calculated
across all accounts. Panel B restricts the analysis only to those accounts that place at least 10 trades.
Except where otherwise noted, all means are statistically different from zero at the 1% level.
Table 4.4: Trade Classifications
This table shows the percentage of trades classified as substitution trades. ‘Days’ is the window of
days within which transactions must take place to be classified as substitution trades, and ‘Maxi-
mum Buy/Sell Difference’ is the largest allowed difference between the value of trades sold and
the value of trades purchased. For example, 5.1% of transactions are classified as substitution
trades when we require all transactions in a substitution trade to be within a two-day period and
also that the total value of shares purchased and shares sold be within 2% of each other.
Table 4.5: Post-Transaction Returns in U.S. Data
This table presents the results of the regression
where R denotes returns, Buy is a dummy variable that takes a value of one for purchases and zero for sales, and Substitution is a dummy variable
that takes a value of one when a trade is classified as part of a substitution trade, and zero otherwise. 56% of transactions are purchases. A trade is
classified as a substitution trade if all transactions occur within one trading day of each other, and the total value of shares purchased is within 2%
of the total value of shares sold. Using this classification, 4.7% of transactions are classified as being part of a substitution trade. Stock returns are
calculated as the increase in a cumulative return index (including all payouts) beginning the day after a transaction, and over the horizon specified
in each column. Mutual fund returns are calculated from monthly returns reported in CRSP beginning in the month after the transaction. Standard
errors, which are robust to correlation within stocks and mutual funds, are in parentheses. The number of clusters used in the robust standard
error calculation is reported below the number of observations. β 1 + β 3 is the difference in the post-transaction return for a Substitution Buy and
a Substitution Sell. β 2 + β 3 is the difference in return for a Substitution Buy and a Regular Buy. p-values for these F-tests are in square brackets.
Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by ∗ , ∗∗ , and ∗∗∗ , respectively.
Post-Transaction Return Horizon
1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Mean of dependent variable 0.0119 0.0325 0.0623 0.1494
where R denotes returns, Buy is a dummy variable that takes a value of one for purchases and zero for sales, and Substitution is a dummy variable
that takes a value of one when a trade is classified as part of a substitution trade, and zero otherwise. 50% of transactions are purchases. A trade is
classified as a substitution trade if all transactions occur within one trading day of each other, and the total value of shares purchased is within 2%
of the total value of shares sold. Using this classification, 3.2% of transactions are classified as being part of a substitution trade. Stock returns are
calculated as the increase in a cumulative return index (including all payouts) beginning the day after a transaction, and over the horizon specified
in each column. Standard errors, which are robust to correlation within stocks and mutual funds, are in parentheses. The number of clusters used
in the robust standard error calculation is reported below the number of observations. β 1 + β 3 is the difference in the post-transaction return for a
Substitution Buy and a Substitution Sell. β 2 + β 3 is the difference in return for a Substitution Buy and a Regular Buy. p-values for these F-tests are
in square brackets. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by ∗ , ∗∗ , and ∗∗∗ , respectively.
Post-Transaction Return Horizon
1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Constant 0.0345∗∗∗ 0.1338∗∗∗ 0.1313∗∗∗ 0.0938∗∗∗
(0.0067) (0.0212) (0.0147) (0.0337)
Buy -0.0193∗∗∗ -0.0787∗∗∗ -0.1114∗∗∗ -0.1378∗∗∗
(0.0080) (0.0225) (0.0187) (0.0280)
Substitution -0.0203∗∗∗ -0.0744∗∗∗ -0.1113∗∗ -0.1495∗∗∗
(0.0038) (0.0143) (0.0160) (0.0148)
Buy×Substitution 0.0217∗∗∗ 0.0845∗∗∗ 0.1180∗∗∗ 0.1409∗∗∗
(0.0059) (0.0179) (0.0183) (0.0204)
β2 + β3 0.0014 0.0101 0.0067 -0.0086
[0.0647] [0.4200] [0.2963] [0.5342]
β1 + β3 0.0024 0.0058 0.0066 0.0031
[0.7147] [0.6074] [0.6905] [0.9155]
Number of observations 6,242,331 6,242,331 6,070,921 5,633,849
Number of stocks/funds 149 149 149 149
Mean of dependent variable 0.0248 0.0928 0.0732 0.0214
Table 4.7: Returns and Aggregate Buy Ratios
This table presents the results of a regression of stock returns in a given period (days or weeks in Panels A and B, respectively) on either the Buy
Ratio formed from aggregate substitution trading, or the Buy Ratio formed from aggregate non-substitution (regular) trading:
where BR denotes the Buy Ratio, defined as the ratio of the number of purchases to total number of trades. Separate regressions are run for each time
horizon and the Buy Ratio constructed either from regular trades, or from substitution trades, is used, so each cell displays the results of a separate
regression. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by ∗ , ∗∗ , and ∗∗∗ , respectively.
Panel A: Days
Regular Buy Ratio -0.0001 -0.0002 -0.0001 -0.0001 0.0001 -0.0003 -0.0002 -0.0003 -0.0002
(0.0001) (0.0001)∗∗ (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001)∗∗∗ (0.0001)∗∗ (0.0001)∗∗∗ (0.0001)∗∗
Number of Observations 771,153 769,743 769,077 770,579 770,684 770,069 769,491 770,163 771,516
Informed Buy Ratio 0.0002 0.0002 0.0003 0.0000 0.0005 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003
(0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002) (0.0002)∗∗∗ (0.0002) (0.0002)∗ (0.0002) (0.0002)∗
Number of Observations 177,512 177,167 176,984 177,628 177,311 177,042 177,193 177,170 177,546
Panel B: Weeks
Regular Buy Ratio -0.0045 -0.0049 -0.0061 -0.0077 -0.0078 0.0006 0.0001 0.0003 -0.0000
(0.0003)∗∗∗ (0.0003)∗∗∗ (0.0003)∗∗∗ (0.0004)∗∗∗ (0.0004)∗∗∗ (0.0003)∗ (0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003)
Number of Observations 455,671 456,528 457,383 458,322 459,444 459,698 459,089 458,502 457,867
Informed Buy Ratio 0.0001 -0.0010 -0.0011 0.0024 0.0111 0.0004 -0.0007 0.0009 -0.0000
(0.0006) (0.0006)∗ (0.0007) (0.0008)∗∗∗ (0.0010)∗∗∗ (0.0005) (0.0005) (0.0005)∗ (0.0005)
Number of Observations 98,001 98,161 98,310 98,469 98,745 98,838 98,751 98,665 98,581
Table 4.8: Returns and Aggregate Buy Ratios
This table presents the results of a regression of weekly stock returns on either the Buy Ratio formed from aggregate substitution trading, or the Buy
Ratio formed from aggregate non-substitution (regular) trading:
where BR denotes the Buy Ratio, defined as the ratio of the number of purchases to total number of trades. Separate regressions are run for each time
horizon and the Buy Ratio constructed either from regular trades, or from substitution trades, is used, so each cell displays the results of a separate
regression. Statistical significance at the 10%, 5% and 1% levels is denoted by ∗ , ∗∗ , and ∗∗∗ , respectively.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Regular buy ratio -0.0120∗∗∗ -0.0136∗∗∗ -0.0223∗∗∗ -0.0457∗∗∗ 0.0018 0.0025∗∗∗ 0.0017∗
(0.0014) (0.0017) (0.0023) (0.0035) (0.0013) (0.0008) (0.0009)
Substitution buy ratio 0.0012∗∗ 0.0011∗∗ 0.0036∗∗∗ 0.0039∗∗∗ 0.0019∗∗∗ 0.0008 0.0012∗∗
(0.0005) (0.0005) (0.0006) (0.0008) (0.0005) (0.0005) (0.0006)
Constant 0.0068∗∗∗ 0.0083∗∗∗ 0.0116∗∗∗ 0.0240∗∗∗ -0.0010 -0.0011∗∗∗ -0.0012∗∗
(0.0007) (0.0009) (0.0012) (0.0020) (0.0007) (0.0003) (0.0005)
Lag return 0.0508∗∗∗ 0.0734∗∗∗ 0.0898∗∗∗ 0.0642∗∗∗ 0.0662∗∗∗ 0.0209 0.0126
(0.0113) (0.0201) (0.0228) (0.0202) (0.0240) (0.0284) (0.0109)
Number of observations 36,278 36,376 36,743 38,185 38,032 36,663 36,357
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