Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Total Marks
There are two major configurations of control systems: open loop and closed loop. We can
consider these configurations to be the internal architecture of the total system shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 2: Block diagrams of a control system. a. Open Loop system. b. closed loop system
System Representation
In order to design and analyze a system, we need a mathematical model that describes the
relationship between input and output of a system such as shown in figure 3.
A differential equation (DE) can describe the relationship between the input and output of a
system. The form of the differential equation and its coefficients are a formulation or
Many systems can be approximately described by this equation, which relates the output:
controlled variable, c(t), to the input: reference, r(t), by way of the system parameters, a i and bj.
Notice that Eq. above separates the output, C(s), the input, R(s), and the system, which is the
ratio of polynomials in s on the right. We call this ratio, G(s), the transfer function.
The command one uses now is ilaplace. One also needs to define the symbols t and s.