Acid Phosphatase
Acid Phosphatase
Acid Phosphatase
REF 1100005
4 x 10 mL
R1. Reagent 1 x 40 mL
R2. Reagent 1 x 20 mL Colorimetric method
R3. Reagent 4 x 10 mL
R4. Reagent 1 x 3 mL
For in vitro diagnostic use only
The method is based on the hydrolysis of -naphtyl phosphate
1,2 Specimens not preserved in this manner are unsuitable for analysis.
at pH 5.0 by acid phosphatase (ACP) to produce -naphtol and ACP activity in preserved serum is stable for 4-5 days at 2-8ºC.
inorganic phosphate. The pentanediol acts as a phosphate
acceptor increasing the reaction sensitivity. INTERFERENCES
The -naphtol reacts with Fast Red TR*, to produce a coloured
complex directly proportional to the activity of the ACP in the Lipemia (intralipid 1,25 g/L) may affect the results.
sample. Bilirubin (1,25 g/L) may affect the results.
-Naphtyl phosphate + H2O -Naphtol + Pi Hemoglobin may affect the results.
Other drugs and substances may interfere5-6.
pH 5,0
-Naphtol + Fast Red TR Azo dye MATERIALS REQUIRED
* Diazotized 2- Amino-5-chlorotoluene Photometer or spectrophotometer with a thermostatted cell
compartment set at 30/37ºC, capable of reading at 405 nm.
The sample tested in the presence of L-tartrate inhibits the Stopwatch, strip-chart recorder or printer.
prostatic acid phosphatase of the total ACP activity.
Cuvettes with 1-cm pathlength.
Pipettes to measure reagent and samples.
R1 Citrate buffer. Sodium citrate 110 mmol/L, 1,5-pentanediol
220 mmol/L, pH 5.2. 1. Preincubate working reagent, samples and controls to reaction
R2 Citrate/Tartrate buffer. Sodium citrate 110 mmol/L, 1,5- 2. Set the photometer to 0 absorbance with distilled water.
pentanediol 220 mmol/L, L-tartrate 110 mmol/L, pH 5.2. 3. For Total acid and/or Non-Prostatic acid tests pipette into
labelled cuvettes:
R3 ACP sustrate. Powder. -Naphtyl phosphate 12.5 mmol/L,
Fast Red TR 1.25 mmol/L, after reconstitution.
TUBES Total Non-Prostatic
R4 Stabilizer. Acetate buffer 5 M/L, pH 5.2.
Working reagent R1 1.0 mL -
STORAGE AND STABILITY Working reagent R2 - 1.0 mL
Sample or control 100 L 100 L
Store at 2-8ºC.
All the kit compounds are stable until the expiry date stated on the 4. Mix gently by inversion. Insert cuvette into the cell holder and
label. Do not use reagents over the expiration date. start stopwatch.
Store the vials tightly closed, protected from light and prevented 5. Incubate for 5 minutes and record initial absorbance reading.
contaminations during the use. 6. Repeat the absorbance readings exactly after 1, 2 and 3 minutes.
Discard If appear signs of deterioration: 7. Calculate the difference between absorbances.
- Presence of particles and turbidity. 8. Calculate the mean of the results to obtain the average change
- Blank absorbance (A) at 405 nm > 0.400 in 1cm cuvette. in absorbance per minute (A/min).
QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFIED LINEAR CHEMICALS, S.L.U. Joaquim Costa 18 2ª planta. 08390 Montgat (Barcelona) SPAIN
ISO 9001 ISO 13485 Telf. (+34) 934 694 990; E-mail: [email protected] ; website: NIF-VAT:B60485687
1. This method may be used with different instruments. Any
application to an instrument should be validated to demonstrate
Reaction temperature 37ºC 30ºC
that results meets the performance characteristics of the method.
It is recommended to validate periodically the instrument. Contact
Total ACP, up to 6.6 U/L (110 nkat/L) 7.0 U/L (278 nkat/L) to the distributor for any question on the application method.
Prostatic ACP, up to 3.5 U/L (108 nkat/L) 2.6 U/L (43 nkat/L) 2. Clinical diagnosis should not be made on findings of a single test
result, but should integrate both clinical and laboratory data.
If the values are found outside of the defined range, check the
instrument, reagents and procedure.
Each laboratory should establish its own Quality Control scheme
and corrective actions if controls do not meet the acceptable
QUALITY SYSTEM CERTIFIED LINEAR CHEMICALS, S.L.U. Joaquim Costa 18 2ª planta. 08390 Montgat (Barcelona) SPAIN
ISO 9001 ISO 13485 Telf. (+34) 934 694 990; E-mail: [email protected] ; website: NIF-VAT:B60485687