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Requirements For Small-Scale Embedded Generation

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Conditions and application process to

become an embedded generator in the
Municipality of (municipality)

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February 2020

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 1

i. Information on this document ......................................................................................................... 5
ii. Glossary & Definitions .................................................................................................................... 6
iii. Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 7
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Indemnity, Legal Requirements & Curtailment ............................................................................... 8
2.1. Legal and Illegal Connections to the municipal electrical network .......................................... 8
2.2. Generation Curtailment ........................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Right to adapt rules & regulations ........................................................................................... 9
2.4. Right to deny access ............................................................................................................... 9
2.5. Contract with the municipality .................................................................................................. 9
2.6. Transfer/change of ownership ................................................................................................. 9
3. General Guidelines - Small Scale Embedded Generators ........................................................... 10
3.1. Registration or Generation licence ........................................................................................ 10
3.2. All SSEGs shall be net consumers ........................................................................................ 10
3.3. Applicable technical standards .............................................................................................. 10
3.4. Testing of Inverters ................................................................................................................ 10
3.5. Islanding / Anti-Islanding installations ................................................................................... 11
3.6. Battery or other Storage ........................................................................................................ 11
3.7. Fire safety and emergency shut-off switch ............................................................................ 11
3.8. Dead Grid safety Lock ........................................................................................................... 11
3.9. Qualified installers ................................................................................................................. 12
3.10. SSEG Sign-off on Commissioning ..................................................................................... 12
3.11. Decommission of SSEG system ........................................................................................ 12
3.12. Eskom grid connection ...................................................................................................... 13
3.13. SSEG applications from sub-tenants or other non-municipal customers .......................... 13
3.14. Off-grid system................................................................................................................... 13
3.15. Advice for the customer ..................................................................................................... 13
3.15.1. Load profile management to maximise benefit to the customer ................................. 13
3.15.2. Roof strength for PV installations ............................................................................... 14
3.15.3. Installer experience and accreditation ........................................................................ 14
4. Metering ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4.1. Metering installation and reverse power flow/ feed-in to the municipal electrical network .... 14
4.2. Adaption of electrical metering installation ............................................................................ 15
4.3. Refunds of electricity already pre-purchased ........................................................................ 15
5. SSEG connection criteria ............................................................................................................. 15
5.1. Shared LV feeders ................................................................................................................ 15
5.2. Dedicated LV feeders ............................................................................................................ 16
5.3. Cumulative SSEG capacity and impact on LV and MV networks ......................................... 16
5.4. Grid impact studies ................................................................................................................ 16
6. SSEG Tariffs ................................................................................................................................. 17
6.1. Residential SSEG Tariff......................................................................................................... 17
6.2. Commercial and Industrial SSEG Tariff ................................................................................ 17
6.3. Billing Period.......................................................................................................................... 17
6.4. Connection Costs .................................................................................................................. 17
6.5. Increased Costs..................................................................................................................... 18
6.6. Time-of-Use Tariffs ................................................................................................................ 18
7. Approvals required from other municipal departments ................................................................. 18
7.1. Buildings/Planning department .............................................................................................. 18
7.2. Other Approvals..................................................................................................................... 18
8. Who pays for what? ...................................................................................................................... 18
9. SSEG application process ............................................................................................................ 19

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 2

10. Changes to existing approved systems .................................................................................... 20
11. ANNEX A: Grid Impact Study Overview ................................................................................... 20
General grid impact studies.............................................................................................................. 20
Requirements for more complex Grid Impact Studies...................................................................... 21
Studies to conduct ............................................................................................................................ 21
Study outcomes................................................................................................................................ 22
Cumulative impact of SSEG ............................................................................................................. 22
Further Information ........................................................................................................................... 22
12. ANNEX B: New Owner/Account Holder Declaration ................................................................. 23

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 3

Disclaimer and Indemnity
The information contained in this document is for information purposes only and to guide stakeholders
regarding the requirements and application process of the Municipality of (municipality) in connecting
embedded generation to the municipal electricity network. The opinions expressed are in good faith and
while every care has been taken in preparing this document, and the authors make no representations
and give no warranties of whatever nature in respect of these documents, including but not limited to
the accuracy or completeness of any information, facts and/or opinions contained therein.


This document was The development of the SALGA facilitated and Sustainable Energy
based on the document was funded contributed to the Africa contributed to
GreenCape SSEG by GIZ’s support development of the and compiled the
guideline for Western programme for standard AMEU standard AMEU
Cape municipalities renewable energy in documentation documentation
South Africa

AMEU Working Group on standardised SSEG documentation:

Johannesburg Tshwane eThekwini Nelson Buffalo City Mangaung - Cape Ekurhuleni

– City Power Mandela Centlec Town

Contact details: AMEU: 011 061 5000

SALGA: 012 369 8000

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 4

i. Information on this document
Purpose of the The purpose of this document is to guide stakeholders regarding the requirements
document and application process of the Municipality in connecting all forms of embedded
generation to the municipal electricity network.
The need for this The parallel connection of any generator to the municipal electrical network,
document however powered, has numerous implications for the local Municipality. It shall
therefore be regulated and managed. This document serves to:
• Ensure the safety of the municipal staff, the public and the user of the
SSEG installation.
• Uphold the power quality of the municipal electricity network
• Clarify metering and billing requirements and options
• Balance municipal revenue impact to enable continued operation of all
municipal functions
In addition, municipalities are faced with low carbon development imperatives and
economic growth challenges. SSEG can play a role in both of these areas, and
the document therefore also serves to:
• Promote the development of the SSEG industry by creating a conducive
environment for growth.
Scope This document covers:
• The connection SSEG installations to the municipal electrical network
• Installations up to 1MVA (although different conditions apply above or
below 350kVA – see later)
• Installations connected to low voltage networks
• installations where customers remain net consumers (consume more
electricity from the grid than they generate on average)
This document does not cover:
• Systems with a generation capacity above 1MVA (anyone wanting to
connect a SSEG system greater than 1MVA should engage with the
municipality to determine their requirements before commencing with any
• Wheeling regulations
• The connection of SSEG to the Eskom electrical grid.
• Systems connecting to MV and HV networks (although the NRS 097-1
standards covering MV and HV connections are not complete, such
systems may be approved by the Municipality, but are likely to require
grid impact studies and should be discussed separately with the
• Installations where customers are net generators (generate more than
they consume on average)

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 5

Defining small Small-scale embedded generation (SSEG) refers to power generation
scale embedded installations less than or equal to 1MVA/1000kVA which are located on
generation residential, commercial or industrial sites. SSEG is in contrast to large-scale
generation units that generate large amounts of power, typically in the multi-
Megawatt range.

A SSEG customer generates electricity on the customer’s side of the municipal electricity
meter, where the generation equipment is connected to, and synchronised with, the
municipal electricity network (i.e. ‘embedded’).

Who this This document will assist all relevant stakeholders involved in the commissioning,
document is for installation, management and ownership of a SSEG system, with generation
capacity less than or equal to 1 MVA (1000 kVA), to the municipal electrical
network. It is intended to provide guidance in this regard to:
• SSEG project developers
• Residential and commercial property owners
• SSEG installers
• Energy consultants commissioned to design SSEG systems
• Municipal officials involved in SSEG generation
• Registered technical personnel who are involved in SSEG

ii. Glossary & Definitions

Alternating current The flow of electrical energy that follows a sine wave and changes direction at a fixed frequency
(i.e. it ‘alternates’). Most residential and commercial uses of electricity require alternating
Direct current The flow of electrical energy in one constant direction. Direct current is typically converted to
alternating current for practical purposes as most modern uses of electricity require alternating
Anti-Islanding The ability of an SSEG installation to instantly and automatically disconnect the SSEG
installation from the municipal electrical network whenever there is a power outage in the
municipal electrical network, thus preventing the export of electricity to the municipal electrical
network from the SSEG installation. This is done primarily to protect municipal electrical network
workers who may be working on the electrical network and who may be unaware that the
electrical network is still being energized by the SSEG.
Bi-directional meter A meter that separately measures electricity flow in both directions (import and export)
Customer In the context of this document, customers who also generate shall be referred to as
“customers”, although in effect they are generators.
Generating capacity The maximum amount of electricity, measured in kilovolt Amperes (kVA), which can flow out of
the generation equipment into the customer’s alternating current wiring system. This is therefore
the maximum alternating current power flow which can be generated by the system in its current
Grid-tied An SSEG installation that is connected to the municipal electrical network either directly or
through a customer’s internal wiring is said to be “grid-tied”. The export of energy onto the
municipal electrical network is possible when generation exceeds consumption at any point in
Inverter A power device that converts direct current to alternating current at a voltage and frequency
which enables the SSEG installation to be connected to the municipal electrical network.
Isolated A section of an municipal electrical network which is disconnected from all other possible
sources of electrical potential is said to be isolated

Load profile The profile or curve showing the variation of the customer’s rate of electricity consumption (or
demand) over time.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 6

Low-voltage Voltage levels up to and including 1 kV (1kV= 1000 Volts)
Medium-voltage Voltage levels greater than 1 kV up to and including 35 kV.
Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng or This refers to a professional engineer, professional technologist or professional engineering
Pr Techni Eng technician who is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
Reverse power flow The flow of energy from the customer electricity installation onto the municipal electrical network
(i.e. export) as a result of the instantaneous generation exceeding the instantaneous
consumption at the generation site in question.
SSEG Connection The terms and conditions governing the connection of the SSEG installation to the municipal
Contract electrical network accepted by the customer
Small Scale embedded A small-scale embedded generator for the purposes of these guidelines is an embedded
generator or SSEG generator with a generation capacity of less than or equal to 1000 kVA (1MVA).

Stand-alone generator/ off- A generator that is not in any way connected to the municipal electrical network. Export of
grid generator energy onto the municipal electrical network by the generator is therefore not possible.

iii. Abbreviations
AC Alternating current
AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
DC Direct current
ECSA Engineering Council of South Africa
EG Embedded Generation/Generator
HV High Voltage
kVA kilo-Volt Ampere (unit of apparent electrical power, often similar in magnitude to kW)
kW kilo-Watt (unit of electrical power)
kWp kilo-Watt peak (the rated peak output of solar PV panels)
LV Low Voltage
MV Medium Voltage
MVA Mega-Volt Amperes (1000 kVA)
MW Mega-Watt (1000 kW)
NERSA National Energy Regulator of South Africa
NMD Notified Maximum Demand
PV Photovoltaic
SSEG Small Scale Embedded Generation/Generator
VAT Value Added Tax

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 7

1. Introduction
Due to increases in the price of electricity from the national grid and a steady decline in the price of
decentralised generation options such as solar PV small-scale embedded generation (i.e. ‘rooftop’ type
systems), decentralised generation sources such as SSEGs are becoming financially more attractive
in South Africa. Increasingly such systems are being installed by businesses and residences. It is
therefore important that approval procedures are established and standards are adhered to by
municipal distributors to regularise this fast changing situation.

Municipal distributors are obliged to ensure that distribution grid power quality and safety standards are
upheld to protect municipal staff working on the municipal electrical network, to protect the public in
general, and to protect municipal infrastructure. Also, the potential revenue impact of accelerating
SSEG installations needs to be managed. This requires changes to current tariff structures, in particular
residential tariffs.

The above needs to be balanced with municipal obligations to embrace low-carbon energy and green
economic growth opportunities, so a user-friendly framework around installation application and
approval is important to promote the growth of this sector. Such a framework will also minimise systems
being installed without going through official channels, thereby potentially not meeting required safety
and quality standards.

Municipalities play a vital role in facilitating the necessary regulatory environment to enable the
establishment and growth of the SSEG market. This document outlines the municipal requirements and
processes for prospective SSEG installations to connect to the municipal electrical network such that
the above factors are balanced.

2. Indemnity, Legal Requirements & Curtailment

2.1. Legal and Illegal Connections to the municipal electrical network
Customers wishing to connect SSEGs legally to the municipal electrical network shall be required to
follow the normal application procedure as detailed in this document and comply with the regulations
and standards listed herein.

The Municipality’s Electricity Supply By-Law (as promulgated) and national regulations state that no
electrical generation equipment may be connected to the municipal electrical network without the
express consent of the Municipal Electricity Distributor.

Failure to obtain this consent constitutes an offence which could lead to a fine and/or imprisonment.
Furthermore, the installation may also be in contravention of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
(1993), for which punitive sanctions also apply.

Customers found to have illegally connected an SSEG installation to the municipal electrical network
(either before or after their electricity meter) shall be instructed to have the installation disconnected
from the municipal electrical network. Should the customer fail to have the SSEG disconnected from
the municipal electrical network, the Municipality shall disconnect the electricity supply to the property.

In cases where unauthorised reverse feed-in takes place which results in the meter reversing to the
benefit of the customer, the municipality may institute action to recover lost revenue and relevant
punitive fines will be applicable.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 8

No exemption from any of the Municipality’s requirements shall be granted for “retrospective

2.2. Generation Curtailment

In the event of operating conditions resulting in municipal electrical network parameters not meeting
statutory minimum quality-of-supply standards it may become necessary to impose peak generation
limits on embedded generator installations. It is expected that these limitations would be of a temporary
nature, applied only during abnormal system conditions or low load periods.

2.3. Right to adapt rules & regulations

In the event of provincial or national legislative changes to the regulatory environment, or other technical
developments, it may become necessary to implement changes to the municipal requirements which
SSEGs are to comply with. The Municipality will take into account the implications for existing
customers of such changes, and will require these only where grid safety or other important criteria are
potentially compromised. All SSEGs, new and existing, will be obliged to comply with such changes,
and will do so at their own cost.

2.4. Right to deny access

Customers wishing to install an SSEG system, regardless of generation capacity, must complete the
relevant sections of the application process in full, and written approval to commence must be received
from the Municipality before installation of the SSEG commences. The Municipality needs to ensure
that, amongst other considerations, the SSEG installation can be accommodated on the municipal
electrical network and that the total SSEG capacity of the municipal electrical network has not been
exceeded, considering parameters in the NRS097-2-3 and other applicable standards. Equipment
should not be purchased prior to obtaining written approval from the Municipality to commence, as
approval of the SSEG as proposed by the applicant is not guaranteed and the Municipality shall not be
held liable for equipment expenses in such cases.

Where proposed SSEG systems are not approved by the Municipality, the Municipality will provide
information to the customer on amendments to the proposed system required, and/or advise on
conditions to be met, for it to be acceptable to the Municipality.

2.5. Contract with the municipality

All SSEG customers are required to enter into an SSEG contract with the municipality. The document
General Terms and Conditions: Contract for Connection of an Embedded Generator is available on the
municipal website or from municipal electricity department offices. In signing the SSEG Application
Form, the customer agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions in this document.

2.6. Transfer/change of ownership

If a transfer of the property and/or change of ownership of the electricity accountholder takes place, the
new owner needs to sign the declaration in Annex 12, which must be submitted to the electricity

Alternatively the SSEG installation shall be decommissioned as set out in paragraph 3.11.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 9

3. General Guidelines - Small Scale Embedded Generators
This section covers important considerations in terms of the Municipality’s SSEG rules and regulations
that apply to all customers, including residential, commercial and industrial customers, who wish to
connect a SSEG system, with a generation capacity no greater than 1 MVA (1000 kVA), to the municipal
electrical network.

Anyone wanting to connect systems over 1 MVA shall not be able to connect under the conditions in
this document and should approach the municipality directly to discuss the way forward. It is likely that
grid impact studies will be necessary in these circumstances, amongst other work. In addition a
generating licence issued by NERSA shall be required before connection of systems over 1MVA are

3.1. Registration or Generation licence

In terms of the Electricity Regulation Act (2006), any person that owns or operates a generation facility
is required to obtain a generation licence to be issued by NERSA unless otherwise exempt as per
Schedule 2 in the Act. In the event that the owner or operator is exempt from the obligation to obtain a
generation licence, the person must still register the generation facility according to NERSA
requirements (as published).

If a generation licence is required in terms of the Electricity Regulation Act (2006) then it is the
customer’s responsibility to interact with NERSA to obtain such. The Municipality is obliged to report to
NERSA on a regular basis regarding all municipal electrical network connected generation and it is also
obliged to disconnect generators that are not adhering to regulations.

3.2. All SSEGs shall be net consumers

All SSEG installations shall consume more energy than they produce over a consecutive 12-month

3.3. Applicable technical standards

Most of the technical requirements that SSEGs are required to comply with are covered in the following

1. NRS 097-2 series: Grid interconnection of embedded generation: Part 2 Small Scale
Embedded Generators, in particular:
a. NRS097-2-1: Utility interface
b. NRS097-2-3: Simplified utility connection criteria for low-voltage connected generators

In addition, SSEG installations are to comply with the following standards, legislation and regulations:

1. South African Renewable Power Plant Grid Code (although the NRS 097-2 series cover most
issues relevant to SSEG)
2. NRS 048: Electricity Supply – Quality of Supply
3. SANS 10142-1 and 10142-1-2: The wiring of premises (as amended and published)
4. SANS 474 / NRS 057 : Code of Practice for Electricity Metering
5. Municipal Electricity Supply by-law

3.4. Testing of Inverters

Until such time as a SABS mark is issued for inverters, the Municipality shall require proof in the form
of test certificates, of type tests having been successfully carried out by a third party testing authority

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 10

certifying compliance of the inverters with NRS097-2-1 (and NRS097-2-2 when published). The use of
inverters without such certification is not permitted, both in new and existing installations. The
installation of reverse feed blocking does not exempt the customer from providing the NRS097-2-1

In general, the test certificate must be for the current version of NRS097-2-1. The municipality reserves
the right not to accept test certificates for old versions of NRS097-2-1.

The certification body must be SANAS accredited or be recognised by the International Laboratory
Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) in terms of ISO/IEC
17025:2005 for photovoltaic systems. The accreditation bodies must provide accreditation
documentation for the specific test location.

The customer should require the inverter suppliers to provide the necessary certification before the
equipment is purchased.

3.5. Islanding / Anti-Islanding installations

All SSEG installations are required to have an anti-islanding function (immediate disconnection when
there is a general power outage) as stipulated in the NRS 097-2-1. Certification to this effect is required
of inverters (see 3.4 Testing of Inverters).

Should the inverter or SSEG installation have the facility to both comply with the NRS 097-2-1
requirements for grid-connected systems (including anti-islanding requirements) AND operate in
“islanded mode” where the SSEG installation supplies power to a portion of the customer’s electrical
grid during a general power outage, the islanded system shall be effectively isolated from the municipal
electrical network during islanded mode operation.

If the SSEG installation is to be configured as a standby supply after isolating from the municipal
electrical network (in which case it becomes an ‘alternative supply’, not an embedded generator any
longer) using a break-before-make changeover switch, a registered person in terms of the Electrical
Installation Regulations (2009) shall issue a Certificate of Compliance to the owner if the generator is
to be connected to the existing internal wiring of the property. Requirements of SANS 10142-1 apply.

3.6. Battery or other Storage

Battery or other storage may be included in the SSEG configuration. Where it is connected in standby
power supply mode (i.e. it is not configured to provide power in parallel to the SSEG but only to operate
in islanded mode) the provisions for ‘island mode’ generators in Section 3.5 Islanding / Anti-Islanding
installations apply.

Where storage is connected such that it can provide power onto the network, for example through a
storage/battery inverter (even only to feed into the customers wiring which is in turn connected to the
municipal network), the storage/battery inverter shall be NRS097-2-1 certified, and such a certificate of
compliance provided to the municipality.

3.7. Fire safety and emergency shut-off switch

Emergency disconnection switching shall be in accordance with NRS 097-2-1.

3.8. Dead Grid safety Lock

Dead Grid Safety Lock shall be in accordance with SANS10142-1-2 (as published).

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 11

3.9. Qualified installers
The municipality recommends that customers installing solar PV SSEG use industry accredited
installers under a third party quality assurance such as PV Green Card: A SAPVIA (South African
Photovoltaic Industries Association) endorsed programme to ensure the quality and safety of PV
installations (www.pvgreencard.co.za), or P4 quality assurance certification (https://pqrs.co.za/the-pv-
quality-assurance-program/). The municipality intends to make such industry accreditation a
requirement in future.

3.10. SSEG Sign-off on Commissioning

Until SANS 10142-1-2 ‘The wiring of premises; Specific requirements for embedded generation
installations connected to the low voltage distribution Network in South Africa’ is published, upon
commissioning, all SSEGs shall be signed off as follows:


Up to 30kVA - chosen
(for PV) Industry Accredited Installer* signoff option
ECSA registered Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng
Over 30kVA –
ECSA registered Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng
Up to 100kVA - chosen
(for PV) Industry Accredited Installer* signoff option
ECSA registered Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng
Over 100kVA –
ECSA registered Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng
Up to 1MVA (all SSEG) chosen
(for PV) Industry Accredited Installer* holder signoff option
ECSA registered Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng on all systems
Up to 1MVA (all SSEG) chosen
ECSA registered Pr Eng or Pr Tech Eng on all systems option
SIGN-OFF OPTION 5: (own text) Tick

* - such as PV Green Card

Upon the publishing and implementation of the SANS10142-1-2, a registered person in terms of the
Electrical Installation Regulations (1993) with appropriate knowledge and experience in applying the
SANS10142-1-2 (acceptable to the Municipality) will be adequate to sign-off all SSEGs.

3.11. Decommission of SSEG system

The Municipality requires notice of any SSEG installation which has been decommissioned. The SSEG
installation must, at the owners' cost, be disconnected from the municipal electrical network by the
removal of the wiring that connects the SSEG with the municipal electrical network and a
decommissioning report filed (on the prescribed form) – including the provision of a Certificate of
Compliance to confirm disconnection.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 12

3.12. Eskom grid connection
Customers residing within the municipal boundaries, but located in Eskom’s area of supply, need to
apply to Eskom for consent to connect the SSEG installation to the Eskom electrical grid. The
municipality will not be involved in this process.

3.13. SSEG applications from sub-tenants or other non-municipal customers

The municipality will only engage with applications from their existing or new customers. Where an
SSEG installation is intended but the person purchases electricity from a re-seller (e.g. landlord/lady),
for example, not directly from the municipality, the application will need to come from the re-seller who
is a municipal electricity customer.

3.14. Off-grid system

Stand-alone generators (not connected to the municipal electrical network in anyway) do not need
permission from the Municipal Electricity authority. However, approvals from other Departments may
still be necessary (e.g. Building), and it is the responsibility of the owner to comply with any such

3.15. Advice for the customer

3.15.1. Load profile management to maximise benefit to the customer

Customers will generally find it most financially beneficial to ensure that they utilise as much of the
generated electricity as they can and avoid or minimise reverse power flow. With solar PV SSEG, for
example, with a residential SSEG installation, loads such as geysers and pool pumps could be shifted
to the middle of the day when solar generation is typically at its highest – between mid-morning and

Alignment between load and SSEG (PV) generation


Excess/Export kWh

Purchases from
Summer Baseline

Solar PV Generation
01 0
03 0
04 0
06 0
07 0
09 0
10 0
12 0
13 0
15 0
16 0
18 0
19 0
21 0
22 0

Time (24h)

Figure 1: Load profile management - alignment between load profile (red line)
and SSEG (PV) generation (grey line).

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 13

Misalignment between load and SSEG (PV) generation
Excess/Export kWh

Purchases from

Summer Baseline

Solar PV Generation
Time (24h)

Figure 2: Load profile management - misalignment between load profile (red

line) and SSEG (PV) generation (grey line).

3.15.2. Roof strength for PV installations

Customers should ensure that their installer has checked the load (weight) bearing capacity of the roof
on which the PV panel installation is to take place. In some cases this may involve obtaining an
engineer’s report on the roof strength.

3.15.3. Installer experience and accreditation

Customers are advised to check that the installer they intend to use has adequate competence and
experience to undertake such projects. For solar PV SSEG third party quality assurances such as PV
Green Card or P4 can be used:
• PV Green Card: A SAPVIA (South African Photovoltaic Industries Association) endorsed
programme to ensure the quality and safety of PV installations (www.pvgreencard.co.za).
• P4 quality assurance certification (https://pqrs.co.za/the-pv-quality-assurance-program/).

4. Metering
4.1. Metering installation and reverse power flow/ feed-in to the municipal
electrical network
“Customers installing SSEG shall have a bi-directional SSEG approved meter. chosen
The Municipality shall provide and install the requisite meters at the customer’s option

Until the municipality has a specific SSEG tariff in place which is approved by
NERSA, reversed feed will be allowed but will not be compensated for (note that
this is a temporary situation pending the operationalising of SSEG tariffs).”


“Customers installing SSEG shall have a bi-directional SSEG meter which is chosen
approved by the municipality. Customers should enquire with the municipality option
regarding suitable meters before purchasing them. The meter will be procured
and paid for by the customer.

Until the municipality has a specific SSEG tariff in place which is approved by
NERSA, reversed feed will be allowed but will not be compensated for (note that
this is a temporary situation pending the operationalising of SSEG tariffs).”

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 14


Conventional credit or prepayment meters are not allowed to run backwards.

4.2. Adaption of electrical metering installation

The Municipality reserves the right to require customers moving onto an SSEG tariff to adapt their
electrical installations in such a way that the metering is located in a kiosk in the road reserve. The
municipality will inform prospective SSEG customers accordingly should this be required.

4.3. Refunds of electricity already pre-purchased

Where applicants currently have prepayment meters, these will need to be replaced with meters
appropriate for SSEG systems and tariffs. Refund of Prepayment meter (PPM) units when a customer
changes to the SSEG tariff and has an appropriate meter installed will not be given. The customer
should therefore delay the installation of an SSEG-appropriate meter until the units purchased are used.
Otherwise units purchased on the PPM will be forfeited.

5. SSEG connection criteria

Simplified SSEG connection criteria are specified in the NRS 097-2-3, and applications for systems that
fall within these parameters are likely to be easily processed by the Municipality, and only in rare cases
will require grid impact studies in their assessment. Such parameters include:
• Systems not larger than 350kVA
• Connecting to a LV network

Applications to connect SSEG installations which exceed the parameters of the NRS097-2-3 but do not
exceed 1MVA will also be accepted by the Municipality, but may require specialist grid-impact studies
in their assessment. The Municipality will advise the customer of such needs after the application form
is received.

There are different criteria for simplified connection in shared and dedicated LV feeders, as described
below (for details see the relevant sections of the NRS097-2-3):

Note that the below is a summary of parts of the NRS097-2-3 (2014), and is provided for
information purposes. The parameters and criteria in the latest version of the NRS097-2-3 may
differ from the below and, where this is the case, they supersede the below information. It is
therefore important to consult the latest version of the NRS097-2-3 as the criteria therein will be
used to assess the SSEG application.

5.1. Shared LV feeders

The NRS 097-2-3 specifies that the maximum individual generation limit in a shared LV feeder (which
applies to most small commercial and residential situations) shall not exceed 25% of the consumer’s
NMD, and be up to a maximum of 20kVA. The following SSEG size limitations are derived from NRS
097-2-3 for Shared LV connections.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 15

Table 1: SSEG size limitations - NRS 097-2-3 for Shared LV connections

Service connection
No. of Phases Service Circuit Breaker Size (A) per phase Maximum Total Generation Capacity of SSEG (kVA)
1 40 2.3
1 60 3.5
1 80 4.6
3 40 6.9
3 60 10.4
3 80 13.8
3 100 17.3
Notes to table:
• To determine if you have a single-phase or three-phase connection, check the main circuit-breaker on the
distribution board. A single-phase supply will generally have a single main circuit-breaker, and a three-
phase a triple main circuit-breaker. If in doubt consult an electrician.
• ‘Maximum total generation capacity’ refers to the total output capacity of the generator. For PV systems
in particular, this refers to the maximum output of the inverter. Due to system losses this is typically 10 to
20% lower than the maximum output of the PV panels, which is specified in DC kilo-Watt-peak (kWp).
The system designer/installer will provide guidance here.

If SSEG generation capacity is 4.6 kVA or less, a single-phase inverter can be installed even if the
customer has a three-phase connection. Systems above 4.6 kVA are required to be balanced across
the phases.

5.2. Dedicated LV feeders

On dedicated LV feeders the maximum generator size is limited to 75% of the NMD.

5.3. Cumulative SSEG capacity and impact on LV and MV networks

Should the cumulative installed capacity of an SSEG installation be such that it may impact negatively
on local LV or MV network functioning, as per the stipulations of NRS097-2-3, the municipality will not
allow further SSEG connections until they can be demonstrated to be undertaken without such negative
impact. Increasing the SSEG carrying capacity on feeders may require network hardware upgrades.
Specialist grid impact studies may be requested of the new SSEG applicant to demonstrate this, even
if the system size falls within the NRS097-2-3 parameters.

5.4. Grid impact studies

Should the SSEG being applied for exceed the parameters in the NRS097-2-3 (Simplified Connection
Criteria), a Grid Impact Study is likely to be requested by the municipality before the application can be
assessed. Content and coverage of such a study may vary depending on the circumstance.1

Should such impact studies be required by the municipality, details of method, data and payment
requirements should be discussed with the municipality. Responsibilities of the municipality (who has
the network data) and the customer in completing the study will also need to be clarified. Even in the
case of SSEG with no reverse feed, scenarios such as Load Rejection may still need to be assessed
in the study.

Note that studies undertaken in the City of Tshwane indicate that there is considerable capacity on the network
for PV SSEG penetration beyond NRS097-2-3 levels without adverse impact, and future revisions of the
NRS097-2-3 may extend the scope for PV penetration without impact studies as more information emerges.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 16

Further information on Grid Impact Studies is given in Annex A, and more detailed guidelines can be
found in Recommended practice for assessing the connection of small generators based on renewable
energy sources to low-voltage and medium-voltage municipal grids (Moeller & Poeller Engineering, May
2018 – Final Draft).

6. SSEG Tariffs
The Municipal SSEG tariffs, once approved by NERSA, will be available on the municipal website or
from the electricity department offices on request. Tariffs are updated annually. Where SSEG tariffs
have not yet been approved by NERSA, reverse feed will be accepted but will not be compensated for.

General information on SSEG tariffs is given below:

6.1. Residential SSEG Tariff

The Residential SSEG tariff comprises 3 parts:

Fixed charge: This comprises (1) a Network charge, which ensures that fixed costs associated with
maintaining and operating the municipal electrical network are recovered through appropriate
charges, and (2) a Service charge that covers the fixed costs associated with providing a retail
service network (metering, billing, customer call centre) are recovered through appropriate
service charges.
Energy charge (c/kWh): The variable cost associated with the volume of energy consumed is
recovered through appropriate charges. This is billed on a per kWh basis and may be simple
(Flat or Inclining Block tariff) or complex (Time of Use or other tariff).
Export (Feed-in) rate (c/kWh): The customer should be compensated for energy provided back onto
the network through an export tariff.

6.2. Commercial and Industrial SSEG Tariff

Commercial and industrial customers that are on tariffs which already have a fixed service charge and
network demand charge will retain this tariff structure, and an export (feed-in) generation tariff
component will be added for reimbursement for energy exported onto the municipal electrical network.
Customers on a tariff that does not include fixed service/network charge and demand charge will be
changed to an appropriate tariff.

Commercial and Industrial customers should note that the demand charge component of the tariff is
unlikely to change after the installation of the SSEG because the monthly maximum demand is unlikely
to reduce due to the regular occurrence of cloudy weather.

6.3. Billing Period

The daily service charge along with charges for consumption and credits for feed-in shall be billed
monthly (as is done for other Municipal services e.g. water and rates). Any credits from excess SSEG
generation in a particular month will be rolled over to the following month. Credits will not be paid out
to the customer.

6.4. Connection Costs

The Municipality may stipulate a connection cost to be paid by SSEG customers prior to system
generation approval. This will be reflected in the currently applicable tariff schedule.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 17

6.5. Increased Costs
The Municipality bares no responsibility should the customer’s electricity bill increase due to changes
in the applicable tariff. It is up to the customer to ensure that they understand the financial implications
of having an SSEG installation installed and the applicable tariffs.

6.6. Time-of-Use Tariffs

Time of Use tariffs are considered best practice for both consumption and export (feed-in) tariffs, and
municipalities may increasingly move to such tariffs over time.

7. Approvals required from other municipal departments

Approvals required of other municipal departments are to be obtained prior to submission of the SSEG
application form, and reflected on the form.

7.1. Buildings/Planning department

No building plans are required to be submitted provided the SSEG installation does not project more
than 1.5 m, measured perpendicularly, above the roof and/or not more than 600mm above the highest
point of the roof. If the above parameters are exceeded then full building plans, including an engineer’s
endorsement, are required. A relaxation in terms of the Zoning Scheme Regulations may also be
required under either one or both of the above circumstances.

Ground-mounted systems: no building plans are required to be submitted provided the panel(s) in its
installed position does not project more than 2.1 metres above the natural/finished ground level. Full
building plans are required where any part of the installation projects more than 2.1 metres above the
ground level.

7.2. Other Approvals

SSEG installations covered by this document do not require Environmental Impact Assessments2.
For generators that produce noise or air pollutants (e.g. diesel generators), approval from Municipal
departments is required (e.g. health, environment).

8. Who pays for what?

The customer is responsible to pay for the following:
§ The supply and installation of meters (in accordance with the Municipality’s metering policy)
§ Connection charges (if applicable)
§ Specialist municipal electrical network impact studies - if required (details of payment amounts
are to be discussed with the municipality)
§ Any changes required to the municipal electrical network upstream of the connection point as a
result of the SSEG installation.
§ Specialist test that are required, e.g. Inverter testing
§ Any other costs associated with obtaining approval for the SSEG connection to the municipal grid

Large-scale embedded generation installations would require environmental authorisation (EA) in terms of the
NEMA 2010 EIA Regulations if they generate > 10 MW electricity. In addition the electrical transmission
infrastructure that may be associated with a large scale embedded generation system would also require EA if it
has a capacity of 275 kV or more within an urban area, or more than 33kV outside urban areas.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 18

9. SSEG application process
The Application for the Connection of Embedded Generation form shall be completed for all applications
to connect an SSEG installation to the municipal electrical network. The forms are available on the
Municipality’s website or from the electricity department offices.

§ Step 1: Obtain the Application Form

- Visit the Municipality’s website and download the relevant application form/s or request the
forms from the electricity department offices.

§ Step 2: Complete application form for the connection of SSEG

- The Municipality requires that the application form/s be signed by the current electricity
customer/account holder.
- Details of the proposed installer shall also be provided.
- The applicant may need support from the proposed installer or registered personnel in
completing the application form.
- By signing the application form the customer agrees to the General Terms and Conditions:
Contract for Connection of an Embedded Generator (this document is available on the
municipal website or on request from the electricity department offices).

§ Step 3: Obtain permission from other Municipality departments

- The electricity department requires prior approval of the proposed SSEG installation from
other departments as stipulated in the form (e.g. buildings department). All such approvals
must be reflected in or submitted with the application form.

§ Step 4: Submit completed application form/s and attachments

- Form/s shall be submitted to the relevant contacts at the electricity department.
- Attachments to the application include an initial design circuit diagram (for >100kVA
systems) and the inverter certification of compliance with NRS 097-2-1.

§ Step 5: Installation commencement upon approval from the municipality

- After due consideration of the application, the applicant will be informed in writing whether
the application has been successful or not.
- If further information or grid studies are required by the municipality, the applicant will be
notified thereof.
- Once notified of a successful application, the applicant may commence installation (it is
advised that the applicant does not pay for any equipment until municipal approval to install
is granted in writing, as such approval is not guaranteed).

§ Step 6: Commissioning and documentation to be submitted to the electricity

- Commissioning of the SSEG installation shall be undertaken by a competent person, who
shall complete and sign off the SSEG Installation Commissioning Report.
- In addition to the SEG Installation Commissioning Report, there is a list of other
documentation specified on the Commissioning Report for submission with the Report,
- Final as-built circuit diagram
- Inverter type test certificate according to NRS 097-2-1.
- An electrical installation Certificate of Compliance as per SANS 10142-1 (and SANS
10142-1-2 when published).
- All completed documentation shall be submitted to the relevant electricity
department office.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 19

§ Step 7: Inspection of installation if necessary
- The Municipality shall inspect the SSEG installation if they deem it necessary, although
this is unlikely in the case of a residential application.

§ Step 8: Approval granted to connect to the municipal electrical network and

generation commences
- If all of the above is satisfactory, the Municipality shall install the necessary meter, or check
that such is installed.
- Approval to connect the SSEG installation to the municipal electrical network shall be
provided by the electricity department to the customer, in writing, together with any
operation and other requirements deemed necessary.
- Once this is done, the change to the SSEG tariff shall be implemented if applicable.

10. Changes to existing approved systems

SSEG installations that have previously been approved by the municipality but where changes to
the SSEG are planned, will require the following:

A new application shall be completed when the following is intended:

- An expansion in the SSEG capacity
- A change in the SSEG configuration (e.g adding storage with synchronisation capabilities
in parallel to the existing EG)
A new commissioning process needs to be undertaken, and a new Commissioning Report
completed, when the following changes are made:
- Significant components are replaced (i.e. inverter, anti-island device, dead grid safety lock,
other protection equipment) but system capacity is not increased
- A system is moved but no changes to capacity or significant components are made (i.e.
inverter, anti-island device, dead grid safety lock, other protection equipment)

11. ANNEX A: Grid Impact Study Overview

In cases where an SSEG application falls outside the simplified connection criteria in NRS097-2-3, it
may be necessary to conduct grid impact studies. These studies will assess whether the grid or
electrical network remains within prescribed technical limits3 after the connection of the SSEG. The
municipality will provide specific requirements in this regard. Some general information is below.

General grid impact studies

For most SSEG systems connecting to LV networks grid impact studies can be relatively simply
undertaken – often with only hand calculations - and do not require detailed grid simulation. They can
thus be undertaken by municipalities without such power system simulation software. More detailed

As a minimum these limits should be in line with the South African Grid Code (SAGC), Distribution Code and
the SAGC Requirements for Renewable Power Plants

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 20

guidelines on assessing such impacts can be found in Recommended practice for assessing the
connection of small generators based on renewable energy sources to low-voltage and medium-voltage
municipal grids (Moeller & Poeller Engineering, May 2018 – Final Draft).

Requirements for more complex Grid Impact Studies

Where more complicated grid impact studies are required, power system simulation may need to be
undertaken using appropriate software.

The SSEG application should indicate the generator4 technology, rating (size) and proposed connection

The municipality will be required to utilise their geographic and operational knowledge of the network
to determine the areas that could potentially be affected by the SSEG. In order to conduct the studies
the municipality will need to have a representative model of the network affected in the format required
by the simulation software tool.

As a minimum, the model should contain the following data for the affected network:

▪ Line and cable parameters (resistance, reactance and capacitance) for the affected network
▪ Transformer impedances and tap settings for all affected transformers
▪ Accurate load data for the affected network
▪ Accurate representation of the impedance and fault contribution of surrounding network(s)
▪ Parameters of any other equipment installed in the affected network e.g. capacitors and reactors
▪ Parameters of any other SSEG installed in the affected network
▪ Any approved planned network changes / upgrades in the affected network

Studies to conduct
The studies as summarised in Table 2 are normally conducted to assess the impact of SSEG
connection. In some cases, more detailed studies may be required (e.g. if it is a voltage constrained
network, voltage stability studies may be required); however, those are not addressed in this document.

Table 2: Grid impact studies to be conducted

Type of study Parameters to check
Equipment thermal loading within limits
Load flow Steady state voltages within limits
Note any significant changes in power flow direction
Ensure that circuit breaker and other protective equipment ratings
Fault level assessment
are not exceeded
Protection co-ordination Ensure all protection settings are relevant
Magnitude of voltage variations due to intermittent generation
Power quality assessment Harmonics

It is important to conduct these studies for a number of plausible boundary conditions and ensure that
for all scenarios, the network remains within technical limits. As a minimum, these boundary conditions

A Grid Code Compliant generator should be assumed for purposes of the grid impact studies

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 21

- Peak load, maximum generation
- Light load5, maximum generation
- Peak load, minimum generation
- Light load, minimum generation

The accuracy of the load assumptions is critical in obtaining credible results.

Study outcomes
If the studies show that the SSEG will not have a negative impact on the network, the applicant can be
given the go-ahead to connect.

If the studies show that the SSEG could potentially have a negative impact on the network, further
studies will be required to determine the scope of the network infrastructure changes / upgrades
required to maintain network integrity.

Cumulative impact of SSEG

As penetration levels of SSEG increase, their impact will no longer just be localised.

It is important to take stock every “x” kW or every “y” months to check the cumulative impact of
embedded generation in MV and LV networks.

A database of all approved and commissioned connections, as well as the related MV/LV transformer
from which they are supplied is key to such a study. A study would then be conducted to assess the
overall network integrity with all the SSEG operational under various load and generation scenarios.

Further Information
More detailed guidelines can be found in Recommended practice for assessing the connection of small
generators based on renewable energy sources to low-voltage and medium-voltage municipal grids
(Moeller & Poeller Engineering, May 2018 – Final Draft).

If the SSEG is PV, the minimum daytime load will be required – not the absolute minimum

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 22

12. ANNEX B: New Owner/Account Holder Declaration

In the event of transfer of property and/or ownership, the below Declaration is to be signed by new
owner / account holder:

Declaration regarding the SSEG system located at:

Property Erf number:
Physical address:

Township / Suburb / Farm: Post code:

Site GPS coordinates: Latitude (dd mm ss) S ° ‘ `´

Longitude (dd mm ss) E ° ‘ `´

Name of
Electricity Account
Telephone Number: Land: Mobile:

Email Address:

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

I, the Customer (Account Holder) acknowledge that I have read and understood the General Terms and
Conditions: Contract for Connection of Embedded Generator and that by signing this application form, I agree
to be bound by the General Terms and Conditions: Contract for Connection of Embedded Generator, should
approval for the Embedded Generator be granted by the municipality. A copy of the General Terms and
Conditions: Contract for Connection of Embedded Generator can be found on the Municipal website or is
obtainable from the electricity department offices on request. Any amended terms and conditions found on the
aforementioned website will form part of the terms and conditions of the General Terms and Conditions:
Contract for Connection of Embedded Generator, to which terms I, the Customer, agree to be bound. The
information provided in the SSEG Application Form accepted by the Municipality also forms part of the General
Terms and Conditions: Contract for Connection of Embedded Generator.

Customer (Account Holder) Signoff:

___________________________ ____________ _______________________

Name Date Signature

The declaration must be submitted to the electricity department.

Small Embedded Generation Requirements 23

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