Unit 2 IA Outline
Unit 2 IA Outline
Unit 2 IA Outline
Title: Respiration
Materials: arthropods collected from under a rock, boiling tube, cotton wool, spatula, calcium
hydroxide powder, retort stand and clamp, capillary tubing, rubber bung, water,
measuring cylinder.
1. A spatula full of calcium hydroxide was added to a boiling tube and a small piece of damp
cotton placed approximately 2 cm above the calcium hydroxide.
2. Four (4) different species of arthropods were placed on the damp cotton wool.
3. One end of the capillary tube was inserted through the hole in the rubber bung into the
boiling tube.
4. The tip of the other end of the capillary tube was submerged in a measuring cylinder
containing a known volume of water.
5. the apparatus was left to stand and observations recorded for one (1) hour
6. The distance moved by the water in the measuring cylinder up the capillary tube was
measured and recorded every 20 minutes using a timer and a ruler.
Title: Transpiration
Materials: measuring cylinder, distilled water, dropper, oil, four (4) young shoots from
meristematic portions of plant, plastic bag, electric fan, cotton wool.
1. 40ml of distilled water was poured into four (4) measuring cylinders labelled A – D.
2. Four (4) cuttings of fresh, embryonic portions of a plant were made and placed in each
measuring cylinder.
3. The new volumes were recorded and a dropper used to remove the excess water from the
measuring cylinder to bring the volume back to the initial 40ml
4. A dropper was then used to add a few drops of oil to the surface of the water in the
measuring cylinder to create a waterproof seal to prevent evaporation.
5. A cotton wool was placed at the top of the measuring cylinder to hold the plant in place
6. Apparatus A was placed in bright light; B was placed directly in front of an electric fan to
generate air movement/high wind speed; C was enclosed by a wet transparent plastic bag to
create high humidity; and D was placed on the Lab table under normal room conditions.
7. The change in volume of water in the measuring cylinder was recorded every 20 minutes for
1 hour.
1. The pulse rate of the volunteer was checked and recorded for three (3) consecutive minutes
while seated/at rest.
2. The volunteer was asked to run laps around the room for one minute.
3. The pulse rate was checked and recorded after exercise for consecutive minutes until the
pulse rate returned to the initial pulse rate at rest.
Problem Statement: People who are moderately active will likely have a resting heart rate similar
to the rest of the population -- 60 to 100 beats per minute. Professional
athletes, on the other hand, can develop extraordinary cardiovascular
efficiency. A very fit person may have a resting heart rate as low as 40 beats
per minute. According to "National Geographic," the resting heart rate of
five-time Tour de France winner Miguel Indurain was once recorded at 28
beats per minute