Comprehensive Personal Fitness Plan
Comprehensive Personal Fitness Plan
Comprehensive Personal Fitness Plan
2. I fully understood all the exercise principles, basic fitness concepts, and exercise
prescription guidelines that I will be utilizing in in planning and implementing my fitness
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
III. Step 2. Identify Your Needs Using Self-Testing Activities and Setting Fitness Goals
Use your results obtained from your previous self-assessment to determine your ratings.
If you took more than one self-assessment for one component of physical fitness, select the
rating that you think best describes your true fitness for that fitness component. If you were
unable to do a self-assessment for some reason, just indicate “No Results”.
Current Status Fitness Category Goal
Components Test Result Fitness Category Fitness Goal
Body Composition Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Excellent Excellent Excellent
Flexibility Poor Poor Marginal
Muscular Strength and Endurance Marginal Marginal Good to High
Chart 2: Lifetime Physical Activity Selection (please see the sample below)
Active Sports and
Lifestyle Activities Min./Day Active Aerobics Min./Day Min./Day
Walking 60-100 mins Aerobic Dance Fitness Badminton 120 mins
Yard Work Biking Mountain Climbing
Gardening Jogging or Running 60-100 mins Karate
Active House work 60 mins Swimming Arnis
Biking as means of Bowling
Jump Rope Activity
Other: Stair Climbing (indefinite) Table Tennis
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
Flexibility Reps/Sets Muscular Fitness Reps/Sets
Calf stretch Upper Extremity
Hip and thigh stretch -Push ups
Groin stretch - Pull ups
Hamstring stretch Lower extremity
Back stretch (leg hug) - Lunges
Trunk twist - Squats
Pectoral stretch Core Exercises
Arm hug stretch - Dead Bug Series
Overhead arm stretch - Bird Dog Series
Other: Other:
Other: Other:
Other: Other:
This is to acknowledge and certify that the data provided herein are true and correct.
Note: In addition to this document, you are required to submit a narrative report of the summary of
your activities from day 1 to the last day. and/or a 2-3 minute VIDEO SUMMARY to be submitted as
your final requirement.