Comprehensive Personal Fitness Plan

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Final Performance Task

Comprehensive Personal Fitness Plan

Name: Deala, Khris Jose Jr L. Section: BS Arch 1-3 Date: February 04, 2023 Group no. 1
Purpose: To establish a comprehensive fitness plan of lifestyle activity and to self-monitor
progress in your plan. (note: you may want to read again the basic concept and exercise prescription for before
accomplishing this activity).
I. Exercise Clearance
1. Is it safe for you to participate in an exercise program?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No (If no, please, contact you doctor or instructor for further assistance)
[ ] with some limitations
[ ] others, please specify
Note: for any queries and assistance don’t hesitate to contact yout instructor/teachers for assistance.

2. I fully understood all the exercise principles, basic fitness concepts, and exercise
prescription guidelines that I will be utilizing in in planning and implementing my fitness
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

II. Step 1. Establishing your reasons

Write down some general reasons for developing your physical activity plan. Setting
goals requires more specific statements of goals that are realistic and achievable. For people
who are engaging in physical activity and exercise but not on a regular basis stage for a specific
type of activity, it is recommended that you write only short-term physical activity goals (no more
than 4 weeks).
1. I want to strengthen my muscular strength and endurance since I did poorly in my fitness
2. I have good cardio but I still want to strengthen it.
3. I want to maintain my weight.

III. Step 2. Identify Your Needs Using Self-Testing Activities and Setting Fitness Goals
Use your results obtained from your previous self-assessment to determine your ratings.
If you took more than one self-assessment for one component of physical fitness, select the
rating that you think best describes your true fitness for that fitness component. If you were
unable to do a self-assessment for some reason, just indicate “No Results”.
Current Status Fitness Category Goal
Components Test Result Fitness Category Fitness Goal
Body Composition Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Excellent Excellent Excellent
Flexibility Poor Poor Marginal
Muscular Strength and Endurance Marginal Marginal Good to High

IV. Step 3. Selecting Activities

In Chart below, indicate the specific activities you plan to perform from each area of the
physical activity pyramid. If the activity you expect to perform is listed, note the number of
minutes or reps/sets you plan to perform. If the activity you want to perform is not listed, write
the name of the activity or exercise in the space designated as “Other.” For moderate activities,
active aerobics, and active sports and recreation, indicate the length of time the activity will be
performed each day. For flexibility, indicate the number of repetitions for each exercise.
Note: Please be mindful of the current situation (Covid-19 Pandemic) in selecting your activities. Choose
activities which are applicable given the situation, facilities, materials and most specially it follows guidelines set by

Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1: Movement Competency Training

Rhene A. Camarador, Janvier B. Mantala, Lisa D. Camarador, Jose Andres Serrano III,
John Mark N. Nero, & Christian Paul B. Trance
the government with this time of pandemic.

Chart 2: Lifetime Physical Activity Selection (please see the sample below)
Active Sports and
Lifestyle Activities Min./Day Active Aerobics Min./Day Min./Day
Walking 60-100 mins Aerobic Dance Fitness Badminton 120 mins
Yard Work Biking Mountain Climbing
Gardening Jogging or Running 60-100 mins Karate
Active House work 60 mins Swimming Arnis
Biking as means of Bowling
Jump Rope Activity
Other: Stair Climbing (indefinite) Table Tennis
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
Flexibility Reps/Sets Muscular Fitness Reps/Sets
Calf stretch Upper Extremity
Hip and thigh stretch -Push ups
Groin stretch - Pull ups
Hamstring stretch Lower extremity
Back stretch (leg hug) - Lunges
Trunk twist - Squats
Pectoral stretch Core Exercises
Arm hug stretch - Dead Bug Series
Overhead arm stretch - Bird Dog Series
Other: Other:
Other: Other:
Other: Other:

V. Step 4. Making an Activity Plan

In chart below, indicate the activities that you choose from chart no.2. Also, specify time
for the day you expect to perform the activity or exercise. Shade the circle once you
accomplished the spcific activity
Chart 3: My Personal Physical Activity Plan (please see the sample below)

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Active House
Walking & Work
Jogging Flexibility* & Walking & Flexibility* & 8:00am Walking 6:30am
Week 1 Fitness*
6:30am Core Exercises Jogging Core Exercises
7:00pm 6:30am
7:00pm O Rest Day
6:30am Badminton
Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks
I was not able to
perform the
I was not able to
planned We had a family
play badminton
exercise due to day with kids at
due to other
bad weather. I the park
just perform
core exercises.
* Perform the specific exercise you checked in chart 2

VI. Step 5. Monitoring and Evaluation

Make copies of My Personal Physical Activity Plan chart (one for each week that you
plan to keep records). Each day, make a check by the activities you actually performed. From
time to time check your goals to see if they have been accomplished. At some point, it will be
necessary to reestablish your goals and create a revised activity plan. From time to time give
feedback, updates, and motivation to your teammates/group mates for them to achieve their
goals. Positive reinforcement is highly needed.


Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1: Movement Competency Training

Rhene A. Camarador, Janvier B. Mantala, Lisa D. Camarador, Jose Andres Serrano III,
John Mark N. Nero, & Christian Paul B. Trance
After performing your plan for a specific period of time, answer the question on the
space provided.

How long have you been performing the plan? 14 days

Conclusions and Implications

1. In several sentences, discuss your devotion to your activity plan. Have you been able to stick
with it? If so, do you think it is a plan you can do for a lifetime? If not, why do you think you are
unable to do your plan?
- I am devoted to my fitness plan because the tasks are just easy. I am contented with
Body Composition and my goals at the end of this fitness plan is to make sure that I will
maintain my body. I think that I will be able to stick with it because it is just cardio and I
am constantly playing volleyball and badminton with my friends.
2. In several sentences, discuss how you might modify your plan in the future.
- Since I am taking architecture, I might adjust the fitness plan into Flexibility centric
exercises. I might also add some Muscular Strength exercises because architecture is a
physically and mentally draining course.
3. In general, what have you learned on doing this kind of activity? Explain your answer.
- What I learned in this activity is that, the intensity of your exercise doesn’t matter at all.
Maybe it does, when you have bigger goals but if you are not doing it right and doesn’t
follow the intensity that your body can take, it will not help you at all. Also, getting low
intensity exercises doesn’t mean that your body can handle it easily. Based on my
experience, I am only walking for the past few days but my legs and foot hurts. The fact
that I am only doing low intensity exercise, it questioned me why my legs and foot hurts.
I realized that I may be doing light exercise but I am doing it for too long. Just like I’ve
said, intensity doesn’t matter but execution does. Walking for too long and too far made
me feel uncomfortable after doing it for days, so I adjusted my speed of walking and
added some rests while doing the exercise.

This is to acknowledge and certify that the data provided herein are true and correct.

________Khris Jose Jr L. Deala/ February 18, 2023_________

Signature over printed name/ Date

Rosario L. Deala/ February 18, 2023

Signature over printed name/ Date

Note: In addition to this document, you are required to submit a narrative report of the summary of
your activities from day 1 to the last day. and/or a 2-3 minute VIDEO SUMMARY to be submitted as
your final requirement.

Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1: Movement Competency Training

Rhene A. Camarador, Janvier B. Mantala, Lisa D. Camarador, Jose Andres Serrano III,
John Mark N. Nero, & Christian Paul B. Trance
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Walking Walking Walking Walking Walking
Week 1 5:00 PM
Rest Day 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM
Active House Work
Muscle Endurance Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work
Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks
Today is my rest day
since we have a wholeday
class. Although it is
supposedly my rest day, I went to Navotas Green
I went to Navotas Green I went to Fisher Mall and
our afternoon subjects I recorded my PETA for I didn’t get a chance to Didn’t get a chance to Park once again to walk. I
Park to get some fresh air. run some errands. I also
didn’t conduct any this subject. Our assigned walk outside because it is walk outside because I kinda cheated on this day
I also went to City Hall to bought art materials for
discussions so I walked exercise is Plank Series. raining. have to finish my plates. because I also ate street
meet my friends. my plates.
and played some foods along the way.
volleyball with my

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Walking Walking Walking Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging, Walking Badminton
Week 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Running, Badminton Running, Badminton 6:00 AM 5:00 PM
2 Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Badminton
Active House Work Active House Work 5:00 PM
Active House Work
Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks
I was supposed to raise
On this day, I went to SM my exercise intensity but I Just like in Day 12, I didn’t I woke up early since I am We scheduled another
Sangandaan to find Just like the other day, I didn’t get a chance get a chance to raise my done with most of my badminton game. I ask
I went to same destination clothes. I didn’t find went to Navotas Green because I only have 2 exercise intensity because deadlines. I met my them politely to join me
as Day 7. My legs and anything so I went to Park and do my thing. hours of sleep. I just walk I am not getting enought friends and play some since this is the last day of
foot hurts. Divisoria to continue my around to atleast sleep. So, I have to stick badminton. my fitness plan.
shopping. compensate to that. on walking.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Walking Walking Walking Walking Walking Walking Walking, Badminton
Week 3
5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM
Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work Active House Work
Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging, Walking, Jogging,
Week 4 Running, Volleyball Running Running Running Running Running, Badminton Running, Badminton
5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM

Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks Remarks

Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1: Movement Competency Training

Rhene A. Camarador, Janvier B. Mantala, Lisa D. Camarador, Jose Andres Serrano III,
John Mark N. Nero, & Christian Paul B. Trance
My Personal Physical Activity Plan (Template)

* Perform the specific exercise you checked in chart 2

Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1: Movement Competency Training

Rhene A. Camarador, Janvier B. Mantala, Lisa D. Camarador, Jose Andres Serrano III,
John Mark N. Nero, & Christian Paul B. Trance
Physical Activity Towards Health and Fitness 1: Movement Competency Training
Rhene A. Camarador, Janvier B. Mantala, Lisa D. Camarador, Jose Andres Serrano III,
John Mark N. Nero, & Christian Paul B. Trance

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