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What Role Do Statistics Play in


April 23, 2020

Whether we realize it or not, statistics are at work all around us. From healthcare to
business to education, statistics in everyday life are used to identify, analyze and affect
ideas and behavior. Some of the most interesting statistics are applied in the political

An online MS in Applied Statistics from Michigan Technological University prepares

students for careers in politics that involve statistics.

10 Uses of Statistics in Politics

Behind the scenes in every arena of politics, statisticians are generating information that
fuels political theory, campaign strategy, and policy development. Here is a glimpse into
10 uses of statistics related to political systems.

1. Public Information
Citizens of a given community, state or nation need to know and understand how their
government functions. Beyond mere knowledge, they want to interpret how political
structures, policies, and practices impact their lives. In democratic societies, these
citizens exercise their voice by voting.

Election polls and public opinion polls are key tools in collecting and disseminating
public information. The Pew Research Center, a leader in conducting public research,
says that the primary purpose of election polls is public understanding (source).
A critical element of communicating public information is the media. Writers, reporters
and other media personnel rely on statistical reports to inform and educate their
audiences. The media is also a forum for calls to action – challenging individuals and
groups to act as agents of change.
Another aspect of information-sharing is in the sphere of formal education. Teachers in
public and private schools—from primary to university levels—depend on applied
statistics in teaching political science and public policy. Consider, just as an example,
how many textbooks and educational websites include graphs and charts generated by

2. Election Forecasts
During any election season, media channels clamor for the most current and accurate
forecasts of the expected results. Statisticians develop complex models that consider
numerous dynamic factors to deliver the most likely predictions.

FiveThirtyEight, an internet initiative hosted by ABC News, for example, is on a mission

to give objective reviews of projected election outcomes (source). The organization has
been making these predictions for years, with increasingly advanced analytics.
Most recently, the 538 site (named for the total number of electors in the electoral
college) has developed a sophisticated model for predicting the results of the 2020
Democratic primary. Beyond traditional forecasting factors, this new model incorporates
simulations for polling swings and state-by-state effects (source).
As data scientists discover new ways to collect and interpret data, election forecasting
continues to evolve. Forecasts are important to the general public, the news media, and
the candidates.

3. Political Campaign Strategy

Political candidates spend huge sums of money on election campaigns. While the public
primarily sees funding spent on advertising, there are other critical – and costly –
financial aspects, too. One large chunk of spending is statistical research that leads to

All election spending is measured by the Federal Election Commission and then
reported to the public by third parties. For the 2019-2020 election cycle, through
February 21, 2020 (prior to Super Tuesday in the Democratic primaries), candidates
spent $163,636,308 in the category of strategy & research (source).
Research in political elections has ramifications for every aspect of a candidate’s
campaign. Examples of interesting statistics that lead to actionable information include
the following:
 Public opinion that affects a candidate’s position on issues
 Voter attitudes that influence campaign messaging
 Demographics that determine targeting
 Media habits and preferences that drive advertising placement

Applied statistics can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of a political campaign,
and this creates high value for the role of statisticians.

4. Microtargeting in Elections
One particular aspect of campaign strategy has emerged in contemporary context.
Microtargeting is a technique that relies on statistical methods to draw conclusions
about individuals frombig data. By linking variables in the raw data, data scientists now
have the ability to identify consequential patterns that can be applied to predict
response on particular issues (source).
Using big data, modern political campaigns have unprecedented access to huge
volumes of information about voters. Unlike politics of the past, today’s campaigns can
target individuals with tailored messages based on their preferences and interests
(source). Microtargeting can even draw increased turnout among non-traditional voters

5. Public Policy
Statistical information drives planning and decision-making in public policy, and major
organizations have been established to facilitate these processes. Federal statistical
agencies are charged with collecting and analyzing data across major government
entities such as the Commerce Department, the Education Department and the Labor

Here are just a few of the ways these statistical agencies contribute to policy analysis
and development:

 The National Center for Health Statistics conducts population and provider surveys to
collect information on topics such as nutrition, family growth, and hospital care. This
information is used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to influence
governmental policy related to improving health (source).
 The Bureau of Labor Statistics tracks data such as inflation, consumer spending, and
employment. The BLS serves public and private sectors to inform decisions for
policymakers, businesses, and individuals looking for jobs (source).
 The Bureau of Justice Statistics studies crime and judicial systems through such
practices as interviews with crime victims and evaluations of the justice system.
Findings are used to fight crime and to regulate efficiency (source).

6. Economic Regulation
A nation’s economy is incredibly complex, with countless variables affecting the cycles
of a myriad of interrelated systems. Economic regulation is an intricate interaction
between governmental and market forces.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis provides essential statistics about the economy
that inform all three branches of government and private sectors. A world leader in
economic statistics, the BEA accumulates and analyzes data, devises analytical
methods, and communicates information from findings (source).
These are some ways BEA data affects the economy (source):
 The BEA produces some of the world’s most notable statistics, such as gross domestic
product (GDP). This information influences the government’s decision-making about
economic issues like taxes and interest rates. The data is also used by market leaders
to communicate key indicators to investors and to implement strategy.
 Location-based measurements by the BEA drive federal action. The U.S. government
distributes hundreds of billions of dollars, and allocations are affected by regional
statistics such as census data.
 International financial information is also developed and disseminated by the BEA. This
affects trade negotiations, price indexes and international market shares for private

7. Legislation
Public opinion and congressional action are closely connected. It is important for
legislators to listen to the people they represent — the people who elected them to

Members of Congress receive large volumes of communication from constituents. With

the ever-increasing use of technology, the number of contacts from citizens is steeply
rising, too. Office staff members are tasked with receiving all this input and translating it
to information that reflects the whole (source).
Further, lobbyists represent special interests of the people. As lobbyists seek to
persuade legislators, one key resource they use is quantitative information. The
receiving lawmaker applies this information in the broader context to more clearly
understand issues and potential outcomes of proposed legislation.

8. Diplomacy and International Initiatives

In the United States, managing relationships with the leaders and citizens of other
countries is a function of the Department of State. Diplomacy promotes American
interests while building positive relationships with other nations. Data analysis in foreign
affairs strengthens diplomacy by providing useful information for programming and
policy decisions.

Data in diplomacy has been studied by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Some
identified application examples include (source):
 Evaluation of international aid or lending based on a comparison of detailed levels of
 Global health initiatives based on tracking of mortality rates.
 Fighting human rights violations based on data collected by non-profit groups.
The Brown University library provides links to data sets with international statistics. Data
includes topics from industry to politics to education and more (source). This is the type
of information used by scholars and diplomatic leaders.

9. Social Science Research

The Social Sciences provide a foundational understanding for improving social systems
and building communities. For every public personality leading change in society, there
are players in the background studying and catalyzing movements. Statistical
information is a core resource for social scientists.

Organizations that provide statistics in everyday life are critical to social science
research in politics. Political categorization, such as studies by the Pew Research
Center, gives insights about the underlying perspectives and values among the citizens
of a political state (source). This work depends on statisticians to develop, execute and
communicate research.
Similarly, American National Election Studies produces statistical reports that measure
various traits and motivations of the U.S. electorate. For example, the ANES Guide
includes interesting statistics such as the following (source):
 Social characteristics like gender, education and occupation.
 Public opinion on matters of policy like government health insurance and military
 Evaluation of political candidates.
 Involvement in politics.

10. Government Accountability

In democratic societies, accountability to the people is a core value. Governments,
therefore, rely on factual, systematic information to guide decision making.

In the United States, the Federal Statistical System includes 107 agencies in various
governmental capacities. There are 13 primary statistical agencies which receive a bulk
of federal funding.

Federal statistical agencies are charged with delivering unbiased information to the
public, businesses, and governments. Government leaders use these statistics to
determine funding allocations and to guide the development of federal policies and
programs (source).
Private statistical organizations are also an important component of assuring
accountability in government.

Statistica.com, for example, calls itself the “fact destination.” The company supports a
variety of research, including public opinion on elected officials as well as policy and
procedural issues (source).
OpenGov is an industry-leading company that provides resources for governments to
build trust with constituents. Products equip users to present complex reports, engage
audiences for feedback and then analyze that engagement (source).

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