2 Minute Challenge

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Effective Coaching Feedback





1. Who are you having the coaching conversation with?

I am speaking with Kyo for the coaching conversation.

2. Step 1: State what you have observed.

Every team member must feel included in offering their opinions and thoughts, and

everyone must be present at every meeting for this team to operate at its peak efficiency. This

may necessitate arranging team sessions to accommodate everyone. Kyo, I am concerned that

you have found it challenging to attend team meetings for some justifiable cause, making you

feel like you are no longer a part of the team. What remedies can you provide to optimize this

team's performance and include each teammate in meetings and decision-making?

3. Step 2: Anticipate a response.

Kyo: Due to the scheduling of meetings, which I am unable to attend since I have to drop

my child off at school each morning, which conflicts with the timing of the group meeting, I

never once have felt like a member of this team. I am in no position to offer you any remedies

on this one as long as we have members of the team like Mike who think that meetings can

be effectively held by hearing important people's perspectives.

4. Step 3: Remind of the goal.

I know how stressful it may be to perform in an atmosphere where you feel that your

opinions on some crucial choices are not valued or that you have been excluded from the

team because of your domestic duties. Everyone has obligations to fulfil, but that does not

exclude coordination and reaching an understanding. We should constantly look for ways to

contribute to the team by having our opinions heard since we are a team. I am aware that

meetings are not arranged in a way that includes you. However, whilst carrying out a task, I
am confident the other teammates would pay attention to your significant contributions and

ensure they included you in all group meetings to get your opinions.

5. Step 4: Ask for a solution.

Now that the issue of meeting schedule has been acknowledged, would you mind serving

as the moderator to plan team meetings that include each team member and alter meeting

timings as necessary to meet deadlines for finishing meetings and tasks allocated in


6. Step 5: Agree together.

We thus agree that you may plan team meetings such that each team member can attend

every meeting moving forward. Making sure everyone is heard and has the freedom to

express their opinions on a certain issue will help the team operate as effectively as possible

when everyone is guided to work together in a specified way.

7. Step 6: Follow Up.

Kyo that sounds amazing, all right. Let's check in next week to assess the quality of

similarly held meetings, team performance so far, and most importantly, whether or if team

coordination has improved. Since you are now the meeting moderator, you should choose the

date and time for this follow-up meeting and let me know the same.

8. Summarize the difference between how a traditional and inclusive manager

would handle the situation.

When team members disagree, a conventional manager will attempt to mediate by using

logic and persuasion (Fu et al., 2022). For instance, a conventional leader could disregard the

disagreement between Kyo and Mike about whether team members should be included in

meetings to make decisions quickly and efficiently, even if certain team members' opinions
are not necessary. Because setting objectives and completing tasks are more crucial for

conventional leaders.

Instead, an inclusive manager would design a plan for how he wanted to engage with

his teams, laying out specific requirements for each team member, individually and

collectively (Fu et al., 2022). To improve team productivity, he will aim to promote the

workspace as a safe area where workers are encouraged to discuss their concerns and ideas.

For instance, I offered to listen to Kyo's complaints that she was being stereotyped. Still, I

also made an effort to end the argument between Kyo, Mike, and Tom by suggesting Kyo

serve as the meeting's moderator to conduct meetings with the participation of the entire team

and schedule them in advance to meet the deadline.


Fu, Q., Cherian, J., Ahmad, N., Scholz, M., Samad, S., & Comite, U. (2022). An Inclusive

Leadership Framework to Foster Employee Creativity in the Healthcare Sector: The

Role of Psychological Safety and Polychronicity. International Journal of

Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4519.

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