M - Phil in Yoga
M - Phil in Yoga
M - Phil in Yoga
(w.e.f. 2016-2017)
The M. Phil course will be one year duration divided into two semester caring total 300
1. Theory Paper: For regular students each theory paper will be of 75 marks and duration of theory
paper will be 3 hours. In each theor4y paper 10 Questions are to be set and candidate has to
attempt only 5 Questions. All questions will carry equal marks.
2. The seminars and one book review will be evaluated by the Department teachers/staff council.
Basic knowledge of Diet and Health based norms of Swara Yoga and possible areas
of research, Yogic Therapy- its concepts, scope and principles. Possible areas of
research with examples for therapeutic research on physiological, psychosomatic
and psychological disorders. Relationship of Yogic therapy with some important
Alternative therapies and possible areas of its research with examples.
Form, principles and methodology of Yogic education for primary, high/ higher
education in schools and colleges, their possible areas of research. Essential
elements for implementation of Yogic education in schools /colleges and their
implications and their possible areas of research. Role of Yogic Education in Social
problems, Administrative problems, Physical Education, Games & Sports and Moral
Education; and their possible areas of research
Basic Concepts: Meaning, Nature and Application of Statistics, Nature and Scales or
levels of Measurement
Graphical Representation of Data: Frequency Polygon and Histograms
Measures of Central Tendency: Calculation of Mean, Median and Mode (Ungrouped
Data and Grouped Data)
Measures of Variability: Range, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation
The Normal Distribution: Meaning, Properties and Applications of Normal Probability
Curve (NPC)
1. MS Office, M S-Word: Text formatting, M.S. Power Point: Creating presentations and adding
2. Introduction to Internet. Usage of Webs as a tool for literature survey.
3. Use of E Journals,
4. Use of E- library.