CARLL NETflix Reviewer
CARLL NETflix Reviewer
CARLL NETflix Reviewer
Data communications (DC) is the process of using computing and communication technologies
to transfer data from one place to another, or between participating parties. DC enables the
movement of electronic or digital data between two or more network nodes, regardless of
geographical location, technological medium or data contents.
Some common types of data communications technologies include telecommunications,
computer networking and radio/satellite communication.
Data communication usually requires the existence of a transportation or communication medium
between the nodes wanting to communicate with each other, such as copper wire, fiber optic
cables, or wireless signals.
DCE - Data Communication Equipment is used at the sending node
Half-Duplex Communications - information can go both ways, but not at the same time.
Serial Data Communications - is widely understood in networking. It means that the data is
packaged into units, and then sent serially to the receiver by the sender.
Data communication also relies on various types of protocols, depending on the environment in
which the messages sent. Internet protocols like FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol )and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) were developed in order to
optimize data communications over the Internet.
For the Internet, the traditional model has been client/server architecture.A client/server
architecture consists of stations that are ‘clients’ or consumers, and stations that are
‘servers’ or producers. The client makes the request of the server, and the server returns
a result.
4.Star Topology - all nodes are connected to a central hub using a communication link.
Each node needs a separate wire to establish a point-to-point connection with the hub,
which functions as a server to control and manage the network.
5.Tree Topology - nodes are arranged in a configuration that resembles a tree’s leaves, branches,
and trunk. Endpoints, or ‘leaves,’ are connected to mid-level nodes or ‘branches’ linked to the
tree’s ‘trunk.’ The trunk is the backbone connection that links multiple mid-level nodes.
6.Mesh Topology - all the nodes are interconnected and can send and receive their data and relay
data from other nodes.
7.Hybrid Network Topology - as the name suggests, features characteristics of multiple other
topologies. The creation of such a configuration depends on the requirement of the network.
Daisy Chain Topology - links nodes in a sequence. Data is transferred from one node to the next
until it reaches its destination. The two types of a daisy chain network topology are linear daisy
chain and ring daisy chain.
Best Practices for Choosing a Network Topology
1.Understand your network requirements
2.Seth the budge wisely
3.Don’t compromise on reliability
4.Account for scability
5.Ensure effective implementation
Network Services
Computer systems and computerized systems help human beings to work efficiently and explore
the unthinkable. When these devices are connected together to form a network, the capabilities
are enhanced multiple-times. Some basic services computer network can offer are.
Directory Services
These services are mapping between name and its value, which can be variable value or fixed.
This software system helps to store the information, organize it, and provides various means of
accessing it.
Accounting- In an organization, a number of users have their user names and passwords
mapped to them. Directory Services provide means of storing this information in cryptic
form and make available when requested.
Authentication and Authorization- User credentials are checked to authenticate a user
at the time of login and/or periodically. User accounts can be set into hierarchical
structure and their access to resources can be controlled using authorization schemes.
Domain Name Services- DNS is widely used and one of the essential services on which
internet works. This system maps IP addresses to domain names, which are easier to
remember and recall than IP addresses. Because network operates with the help of IP
addresses and humans tend to remember website names, the DNS provides website’s IP
address which is mapped to its name from the back-end on the request of a website name
from the user.
File Services
File services include sharing and transferring files over the network.
File Sharing - One of the reason which gave birth to networking was file sharing. File
sharing enables its users to share their data with other users. User can upload the file to a
specific server, which is accessible by all intended users. As an alternative, user can make
its file shared on its own computer and provides access to intended users.
File Transfer - This is an activity to copy or move file from one computer to another
computer or to multiple computers, with help of underlying network. Network enables its
user to locate other users in the network and transfers files.
Communication Services
Email - Electronic mail is a communication method and something a computer user
cannot work without. This is the basis of today’s internet features. Email system has one
or more email servers. All its users are provided with unique IDs. When a user sends
email to other user, it is actually transferred between users with help of email server.
Social Networking - Recent technologies have made technical life social. The computer
savvy peoples, can find other known peoples or friends, can connect with them, and can
share thoughts, pictures, and videos.
Internet Chat - Internet chat provides instant text transfer services between two hosts.
Two or more people can communicate with each other using text based Internet Relay
Chat services. These days, voice chat and video chat are very common.
Discussion Boards - Discussion boards provide a mechanism to connect multiple
peoples with same interests.It enables the users to put queries, questions, suggestions etc.
which can be seen by all other users. Other may respond as well.
Remote Access - This service enables user to access the data residing on the remote
computer. This feature is known as Remote desktop. This can be done via some remote
device, e.g. mobile phone or home computer.
Application Services
These are nothing but providing network based services to the users such as web services,
database managing, and resource sharing.