Parents Welfare Act After It Lapsed Into Law
Parents Welfare Act After It Lapsed Into Law
Parents Welfare Act After It Lapsed Into Law
has allowed the enactment of Republic Act No. 11861 or the Expanded Solo
Parents Welfare Act after it lapsed into law.
The new law affords additional benefits to millions of Filipinos who are deemed solo
parents on top of the privileges already extended to them under RA 8972 which was
enacted more than two decades ago.
Another welcome is the amendment of the period of abandonment for the abandoned
spouse to be considered a solo parent. From one year, the period has been reduced to
six months.
Prior to the enactment of the expanded law, solo parents may avail themselves of
seven days of paid leave only after rendering service for one year. Now, even after six
months as an employee, a solo parent may already avail of the parental leave.
Educational benefits are also extended to solo parents by mandating the DepEd,
CHEd, and TESDA to provide scholarship programs for solo parents and a full school
scholarship for one child of a solo parent, upon meeting the qualifications set forth by
the government agencies involved.
The Expanded Solo Parents Act also entitles a solo parent to:
Monthly cash subsidy of P1,000 for minimum-wage earners or those with less
10-percent discount and exemption from VAT on certain products such as infant
milk, food, and other medical supplements, under certain conditions.
Automatic philhealth coverage such that the government shall cover the premium
contributions of the qualified solo parents.
As a fitting tribute to solo parents who are not just heroes, but also superheroes in
their own regard, the law also declares the third week and third Saturday of April of
every year as Solo Parents Week and National Solo Parents Day, respectively.
Additional benefits
According to the Implementing rules and Regulations (IRR), solo parents are entitled
to the following additional benefits:
Scholarship for parent and one child up to age 21
20% discount on hospital bills for solo parents
For those earning less than P250,000 annually, a 10% discount and an exemption
from value-added tax on goods for children up to six years old such as food,
micronutrient supplements, sanitary diapers, medications, vaccines, among other
health needs
15% discount on school supplies
Cash subsidy for solo parents earning minimum wage or less from their local
government provided parent is not a beneficiary of another cash assistance
Solo parents with a child or children in school will be prioritized for enrollment
for cash aid under the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, provided their
income is minimum wage or below.