Unit-5 Software Coding & Testing: .1 Code Review (Coding Concepts)

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Software Coding & Testing

• In general, coding means set of guidelines for a specific programming language. Coding is what makes it possible
for us to crate computer software, applications, websites etc.
• In the simple term, coding is telling a computer what you want it to do, which involves typing in step-by-
step commands for the computer to follow.
• Objective of coding transform the design document into high level language code and unit test this code.
• Input to the coding phase design document (module structure and data structure algorithms).
• Good software development organizations normally require their programmers to have some well-defined and
standard style of coding that is coding standards.
• Coding standards, sometimes referred to as programming styles or coding convention.
• The purpose of coding standards :
 It gives a uniform appearance to the codes written by different engineers.
 It enhances code understanding.
 It encourages good programming practices.
• Coding standards list several rules to be followed and coding guidelines provide general suggestions.
• Good software development organizations usually develop their own coding standards and guidelines
depending on what best suits their organization and the type of products they develop.
5.1.1 Coding standards :
• Software coding standards are language-specific programming rules that greatly reduce the probability of
introducing errors into your applications, regardless of which software development model (iterative, waterfall,
extreme programming, and so on) is being used to create that application.
• The use of global should be limited.
• Contents of the headers preceding codes for different modules
 Name of the module
 Date in which module is created
 Author's history
 Global variables used in the module
• Naming conventions for global variables, local variables, and constant identifiers.
• Error returns conventions and exception handling mechanisms.
5.1.2 Coding guidelines :
Some of the coding guidelines are listed below.
• Do not use a coding style that is too clever or too difficult to understand.
• Do not use an identifier for multiple purposes.
Software Coding & Testing

• Each variable should be given a descriptive name indicating its purpose.

• The code should be well-documented.
• The length of any function should not exceed 10 source lines.
• Do not use 'goto' statements.
5.1.3 Characteristics of good coding :
• Simplicity - a code should be simple and easy to understand.
• Readability - a programmer should write simple code, which is easily readable by the user.
• Good documentation - code should be properly documented with header, comments, meaningful variable
names etc. Software documentation can be classified into internal and external documentation.
• Transportability - a program should be easy to transport to different environments and computers.
• Usability - a code should have error recovery techniques that help the users for using the software or program.
5.1.4 Code review (rLkheûký, íkÃkkMkýe) :
• Conducting reviews is one of the important activities of system verification.
• Code review for a model is carried out after the module is successfully compiled and the all the syntax errors
have been eliminated.
• According to IEEE standards, a code review is ''a process or meeting during which code is presented to
project personnel, managers, users, customers or interested parties for comments or approval.''
• Vulnerabilities in the code are found in this meeting and the quality of the code should be improved.
• Code reviews are extremely cost-effective strategies for reducing errors and to produce high quality code.
 Advantages of code review
• It improves code quality.
• It improves code readability.
• It improves the planning and estimation of project.
• Knowledge sharing is possible by code review.
• It helps us in improving domain expertise.
 Classification of code review
• Code reviews can be classified into Formal review and Informal review.
 Formal reviews are conducted at the end of each life cycle phase. They are held when the author believes
that the product is error free.
• Results of the formal reviews are documented.
 Informal reviews are conducted on as-needed basis. They may be held at any time, serving the purpose of
brainstorming session and no agenda set.
• Results of the informal reviews are not documented.
 Techniques of code review
• Two main techniques for code review are carried out on the code of module :
i. Code walkthrough
ii. Code inspection
Software Coding & Testing

(i) Code walkthrough

• Code walk through is an informal code analysis technique proposed by Fagan.
• This technique can be used throughout the software lifecycle to assess and improve the quality of the software
• A Code Walkthrough is an informal meeting where the programmer leads the review team through his/her code
and the reviewers try to identify faults.
• In the process of code walkthrough, after a module has been coded, successfully compiled and all syntax errors
eliminated, a few members of the development team are given the code few days before the walk through
meeting to read and understand code. Each member selects some test cases and simulates (çkLkkðxe) execution
of the code by hand.
• Members note down their findings and discuss them in the meeting.
• Several guidelines are produced in the meetings and accepted as examples.
• Some of the prerequisite guidelines are the following.
The team performing code walk through should not be either too big or too small. Ideally, it should consist
of between three to seven members.
Discussion should focus on discovery of errors and not on how to fix the discovered errors.
 Advantages of code walkthrough
• It is useful for the people if they are not from the software discipline; they are not used to or cannot easily
understand software development process.
• It improves project team communication and morale of team members.
• It's an excellent educational medium for new team members.
• If it is done right, it can save time and improve quality over the project lifecycle.
 Limitations of code walkthrough
• The main disadvantage is that it takes more time.
• As this technique is informal, the documentation of this process is not done.
(ii) Code inspection
• Code inspection is a formal, efficient and economical method of finding faults in design and code proposed by
Fagan [1976].
• The goal of code inspection is to identify and remove bugs before testing the code and to discover the
algorithmic and logical errors.
• During code inspection, the code is examined in the presence of certain kinds of errors, in contrast to the hand
simulation of code execution done in code walk through.
• Coding standards are also checked during code inspection.
• Good software companies list some common types of errors and these are discussed during code inspection
to look out for possible errors.
• An inspection team consists of four persons who play the role of moderator, reader, recorder and author.
• Moderator : he is a technically knowledgeable person. He leads the inspection process.
• Reader : the reader takes the team through the code.
Software Coding & Testing

• Recorder : he notes each error on a standard form.

• Authors : he understands the errors found and try to solve unclear areas.
 Following is a list of some general programming errors which can be checked during code inspection
• Jumps into loop (in case of nested loop)
• Non terminating loops.
• Array includes out of bound.
• Improper storage allocation.
• Use of uninitialized variables.
• Mismatch between actual and formal parameters.
• Use of incorrect logical operations.
• Control flows and computational expressions.
 Advantages of code inspection
• List all potential design flows. That makes software code maintainable and less costly.
• A detailed error feedback is provided to individual parameters.
• It makes easier to change in the code.
• As this technique is formal, proper documentation of this method is done.

 Code walkthrough is informal technique lead by an author while

code inspection is formal technique lead by moderator.
 Code walkthrough and code inspection both are static testing


• Software documentation is an important aspect of both software projects and software engineering in general.
• It could be paper document (manuals, broacher etc) or an electronic document (text written inside code). Paper
documents are called external documents and electronic documents are called internal documents.
• Software documentation can be defined as, an artefact ({kLkð MkŠsík) whose purpose is to communicate
information about the software system to which it belongs.
• Software documents work as an information repository for software engineers.
• It could be the part of the software (internal) and it can be available offline (external).
• When various kinds of software products are developed then not only the executable files and the source code
are developed but also various kinds of documents such as users' manual, software requirements specification
(SRS) documents, design documents, test documents, installation manual, etc are also developed as part of any
software engineering process.
• Two main requirements for good documentation are it is complete and up-to-date.
Software Coding & Testing

 Advantages of good software documentation

• Good documents enhance understandability and maintainability.
• Reduce effort and time for maintenance.
• Provides helps to users for effectively use of system.
• Good software documents helps in handling manpower turn over.
• Good software documents help the manager effectively track the progress of the system.
• Different types of software documents can be classified into two parts
1. Internal documentation
2. External documentation
1. Internal documentation
• It's a part of the source code itself.
• Internal documents are included in the syntax of the programming languages.
• Internal documentation is provided through appropriate module headers and comments embedded in the source
• The main objective of the internal documentation is to provide help to the user and the programmer to get a
quick understanding of the program and the problem to modify the program as early as possible.
• It is also provided through the useful variable names, module and function headers, code indentation, code
structuring, use of enumerated types and constant identifiers, use of user-defined data types, etc.
• Internal documents not only explain the programs, or program statements, but also help programmers to know
before any action is taken for modification.
• Good internal documentation appropriately formulating by coding standards and coding guidelines.
2. External documentation
• These documents take place outside of the source code. It is provided through various types of supporting
documents such as users' manual, software requirements specification document, design document, test
documents, etc.
• External documents which focuses on general description of the software code and is not concerned with its
• It includes information such as algorithms used in software code, dependencies of code in libraries, format of
the output produced etc.
• External documents have two types : one for the users and one for those who wants to understand how the
program works.
• It makes the user aware of the errors that occur while running the software code.
• All external documents are produced in orderly manner.
• The basic goal of any software development is to produce software that has no errors or has few errors. As
we know that faults can occur during any phase of software development cycle.
• Verification is performed at output of each phase, but some faults are likely to remain undetected and they can
affect the whole software.
Software Coding & Testing

• Testing is relied on to detect these faults. Testing is itself an expensive activity.

• If program fails to behave as expected, it needs to be debugged and corrected. For that testing is done.
• Testing is the process of executing a program to locate an error.
• Testing a program consists of providing the program with a set of test inputs (or test cases) and observing if
the program behaves as expected.
• Aim of testing to identify all defects existing in a software product.
• A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding undiscovered errors.
 Some commonly used terms associated with testing are :






• Error : Error is a kind of mistake. This may be a syntax error or misunderstanding of specifications. Sometimes
it may be logical error.
• Fault : An error may lead to one or more faults. More precisely a fault is the representation of an error.
• Bug : A software bug is an error or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect
or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.
• Failure : When software is unable to perform as per the requirements, it is called failure. Failure occurs when
a fault executes. This is a demonstration of an error (or defect or bug).
• Defect : Defect is defined as the deviation from the actual and expected result of application or software
 Some other testing terms are :
• Test case : Test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system
under test works correctly or satisfy requirements.
This is the triplet [I, S, O], where I is the data input to the system, S is the state of the system at which the data
is input, and O is the expected output of the system.
Software Coding & Testing

• Test suite : This is the set of all test cases with which a given software product is to be tested.
• Testing is four stage process :
Unit testing subsystem testing system testing acceptance testing.
• Initially all the modules are tested individually by their programmers, then interactions between these modules
are tested (integration testing), then whole system as a single component is tested and finally the system is tested
against users' data for final approval from the users.
 Difference between verification and validation

Verification Validation

Verification is the process of confirming that Validation is the process of confirming that
software meets its specification. software meets customers' requirements.
Verification is the process of determining Validation is the process of determining
whether the output of one phase of software whether a fully developed system confirms to
development confirms to that of its previous its requirements specification.
Verification is concerned with phase Validation is concerned with final product be
containment of errors error free.
Verification "are we doing right ?" And Validation "have we done right ?"
Verification comes before validation. Validation comes before verification.
It is static testing. It is dynamic testing.
Cost of verification is less. Cost of validation is more.
Verification does not include the execution of Validation includes the execution of code.

Both strategies are used to finds defects in software project, but in different way, Verification is used to identify the
errors in requirement specifications & Validation is used to find the defects in the implemented software application.
 Design of test cases
• We must design an optimal test suite that is of reasonable size and can uncover as many errors existing in the
system as possible.
• Testing a system using a large collection of test cases that are selected at random does not guarantee that all
of the errors in the system will be uncovered.
Example :
int x, y; - Invalid test suit :
take values of x and y {(x=3, y=2), (x=8, y=4), (x=18, y=12)}
from user - Valid test suit:
if (x>y) then {(x=3, y=2), (x=4,y=5)}
x is greater;
y is greater;
Software Coding & Testing

• Systematic approach should be followed to design an optimal test suit. Each test case is design to detect
different errors.
• There are mainly two approaches to systematically design test cases :
Black box testing White box testing
• In the black-box testing approach, test cases are designed using only the functional specification of the
software, i.e. without any knowledge of the internal structure of the software.
• So, black-box testing is known as functional testing.
• In the white-box testing approach, designing test cases requires thorough knowledge about the internal
structure of software.
• So, the white-box testing is called structural testing.
 Testing in the large vs. testing in the small
• Software products are normally tested first at the individual component (or unit) level. This is referred to as
testing in the small.
• After testing all the components individually, the components are slowly integrated and tested at each level of
integration (integration testing). Finally, the fully integrated system is tested (called system testing).
• Integration and system testing are known as testing in the large.
 Levels of testing
• There are three levels of testing :
o Unit testing : it is first level of testing and individual module is tested.
o Integration testing : combine the modules and test their detailed structures.
o System testing : the whole system is tested ignoring the internal structure of the system.

Unit testing Integration testing System testing

Figure 5.1 Level of testing

5.3.1 Unit testing :
• Unit testing is the first level of testing.
• It is the process of taking a program module and running it in isolation form from the rest of the product.
• Unit testing is undertaken after a module has been coded and successfully reviewed.
• Unit testing (or module testing) is the testing of different units (or modules) of a system in isolation.
Software Coding & Testing

• This testing is a white box testing methodology.

• Purpose of unit testing is to validate that each unit of the software code performs as expected.
• Unit testing is done during development phase.
• A complete environment is needed to execute the unit testing on the module.
• Following steps are needed in order to test the module
o The procedures belonging to other driver module which contains non-local data structure.
o A procedure belonging to the module which is working as stub module.
o A procedure belonging to the module which is under test.
• The calling module and called module should be unit tested.
• An issue with the unit testing is that unit testing is done as a part, not the whole system. But in execution, one
module may use other modules that have not been developed yet. For that dummy modules are needed.
• Due to this, unit testing often require driver and/or stub modules. The role of driver and stub modules is
described in below figure.

• Driver plays the role of "calling"

Input Output
module and getting test data and
(test data) generating the result. It contains
non-local data structure.
Driver • Stub modules are "dummy"
module modules that are used in placed
of actual modules to facilitate unit
data testing.
Module under test • So, if module X uses services of
another module Y that hasn't been
developed, then for unit testing of
X, some stub module N is written
Stub Stub Stub for module X.
• The need of stub module can be
Figure 5.2 Unit testing avoided.

 Advantages of unit testing :

• Improve the quality of the code.
• Finds the software bugs early.
• One of the main benefits of unit testing is that it makes the coding process more agile. (ÍzÃke, Mkh¤ yLku MkwÔÞðÂMÚkík)
• It simplifies integration testing.
5.3.2 Black box testing :
• This method is also called behavioural testing or functional testing.
• It is a testing method where test cases are designed using only the functional specification of the software, i.e.
without any knowledge of the internal structure of the software.
Software Coding & Testing

•Functionality of the black box is understood completely in terms of its inputs and output.

Input test Output test

System under test data

Black Box Testing

Users doesn't know the internal working of the system

Figure 5.3 Black box testing
• Black box testing treats the software as a ''Black Box'' - without any knowledge of internal working and it only
examines the fundamental aspects of the system. While performing black box test, a tester must know the
system architecture and will not have access to the source code.
• The example of black box testing is search engine. You enter text that you want to search in the search bar,
and results are returned to you. You don't know the specific process or algorithm of searching.
• There are number of techniques that can be used to design test cases in black box testing method, which are
listed below.
Equivalence Class Partitioning

Boundary Value Analysis


Black Box Testing Cause-Effect Graph

Orthogonal Array Testing

All Pair Testing

State Transition Testing

Among all of the above, we will discuss only those techniques which are very successful in detecting errors.
 Equivalence class partitioning
• In it, the domain of input values (input test data) to a program is partitioned into a finite number of equivalence
• So the behaviour of the program is similar for every input data belonging to the same equivalence class.
Software Coding & Testing

• The main idea behind defining the equivalence classes is that if one test case in a class detects an error all other
test cases in the class would be expected to find same error.
• To implement this technique two steps are required.
(i) The equivalence classes are identified by taking each input condition and partitioning in into valid and
invalid classes. For example, if an input condition specifies a range of values from 1 to 100, we identify
one valid equivalence class (1 to 100); and two invalid equivalence classes ( < 1 ) and ( >100 ).
(ii) Generate test cases using the equivalence classes identified in the previous step. Now perform testing on
both valid and invalid equivalence classes.

and System
Invalid inputs used test

Input domain Output domain

Figure 5.4 Equivalence partitioning

• The aim is to choose at least one element from each equivalence class.
• The following are some general guidelines for designing the equivalence classes :
 If the input data values to a system can be specified by a range of values, then one valid and two invalid
equivalence classes should be defined.
 If the input data assumes values from a set of discrete members of some domain, then one equivalence
class for valid input values and another equivalence class for invalid input values should be defined.
 If the input value is Boolean, then one valid and one invalid equivalence classes should be defined.
• For example, for a program that supposes to accept any number between 1 and 99, there are at least four
equivalence classes from input side. Like :
i. Any number between 1 and 99 is valid input.
ii. Any number less than 1 (includes 0 and all negative numbers).
iii. Any number greater than 99.
iv. If it is not a number, it should not be accepted.
 Boundary value analysis (BVA)
• Generally errors are occurred at boundary of domains rather than centre of domain.
• This is because test cases closer to boundary have more chance to detect errors.
• For this reason, boundary value analysis technique has been developed.
• In this technique, selection of test cases performed at the edges of the class. Suppose we have an input variable
x with a range from 1 to 100. The boundary values are : 1, 2, 99, 100.
• Consider a program with two input variables x and y. These input variables have specified boundaries as :
a x b
c y d
Software Coding & Testing

• Both the inputs x and y are bounded by two intervals [a,b] and [c,d] respectively. For input x, we may design
test cases with values a and b, just above a and also just below b. for input y, we may have values c and d,
just above c and just below d. These test cases have more chance to detect an error. Like :
y y
d d

c c
x x
a b a b
''Each dot represents a test case and inner rectangle is the input domain.''
• Basic idea of BVA is to use input variables values at their minimum, just above minimum, a nominal value, just
below maximum and at their maximum.
• BVA test cases are obtained by holding the values of all but one variable at their nominal value.
 Example :
• The test cases for BVA in a program with two input variables x and y that may have any value from 100 to
300 are:
(200,100), (200,101), (200,200), (200,299), (200,300), (100,200), (101,200), (299,200) and (300,200).
(given in below figure).

100 200 300
Input domain

''Thus for a program of n variables, BVA yields 4n + 1 test cases.''

 Robust testing
• It is an extension of boundary value analysis.
• In this type of testing, the extreme values are exceeded with a slightly greater than the maximum and a value
slightly less than the minimum. This is shown in below figure.


100 200 300
Software Coding & Testing

• For this technique, if a program of n variables, then BVA yields 6n + 1 test cases.
Test cases are : (200,99), (200,100), (200,101), (200,200), (200,299), (200,300), (200,301), (99,200),
(100,200), (101,200), (299,200), (300,200), (301,200).
 Advantages of black box testing
• It is Efficient for large code segment.
• Tester doesn't need to know the internal structure of the system.
• Tester perception is very simple.
• Programmer and tester are independent of each other.
• Quicker test case development.
 Disadvantages of black box testing
• It is inefficient testing.
• Without clear specification test cases are difficult to design.
• Only a selected number of test scenarios are actually performed. As a result, there is only limited coverage.
''Black box testing is also known as close box testing and opaque testing.''
5.3.3 White box testing :

Input Output

Testers have to know the internal

structure of the system

Figure 5.5 White box testing

• This method is concerned with testing the implementation of the program.
• The aim of this testing is to investigate the internal logic and structure of the code. That is why white box testing
is also called structural testing.
• In white box testing it is necessary for a tester to have full knowledge of source code.
• Some of the synonyms of white box testing are glass box testing, clear box testing, open box testing, transparent
box testing, structural testing, logic driven testing and design based testing.
• There are six basic types of testing : unit, integration, function/system, acceptance, regression, and beta. White-
box testing is used for three of these six types : Unit, integration and regression testing.
• There are many white box strategies available, in which one is stronger than another. When two testing strategies
detect errors that are different, then they are called complementary.
• The concepts of stronger and complementary testing are schematically illustrated in given figure.
Software Coding & Testing

Types of errors detected

by testing A


Types of errors detected A and B are

A is stronger strategy by testing B complementary
than B

• If we test program while it is running, it is called dynamic white box testing, and if we test the program without
running it, only by examining and reviewing it then it is called static white box testing.
• Test cases are designed in this method are based on program structure or logic. Example of white box testing
is circuit testing. As in electric circuit testing, the internal structure is checked.
• Test cases generated using white box testing can :
 Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once.
 Exercise all decisions whether they are true or false.
 Exercise internal data structure of the program.
• The different methods of white box testing are illustrated in below figure.

Statement coverage

Branch coverage

Condition coverage

White Box Testing Path coverage

Data flow based testing

Mutation testing

 Statement coverage :
• The statement coverage is also known as line coverage or segment coverage.
• The principal idea behind the statement coverage strategy is that unless a statement is executed, it is very hard
to determine if an error exists in that statement.
• It aims to design test cases so that every statement in a program is executed at least once.
Software Coding & Testing

• Statement coverage is also known as node testing.

• However, executing some statement once and observing that it behaves properly for that input value is no
guarantee that it will behave correctly for all other input values.
Example :
int x, y; For this code test case should be :
if x > y
printf(''x is greater''); {(5,4), (4,5)}
printf(''y is greater'');




In above figure, we can see that all the nodes (A to G) have been tested by designing test cases in two different ways.
All nodes are covered, that's why this strategy is called node testing.
 Branch coverage :
• In it, test cases are designed to make each branch condition to assume true and false values in turn.
• Branch testing is also known as edge testing as in it, each edge of a program's control flow graph is traversed
at least once.
• Branch testing guarantees statement coverage, so it is stronger testing strategy than statement coverage.
• We can take above example for branch testing as well.
Example :
int compute_gcd(x, y)
int x, y;
For this code test case should be:
1 while (x! = y){
{(x=3,y=3), (x=4,y=3), (x=3,y=4)}
2 if (x>y) then
3 x= x - y;
4 else y= y - x;
5 }
6 return x;
Software Coding & Testing









In above figure, we can see that test cases are designed in a way that every edge has been covered at least one.
All the edges are covered that's why this testing strategy is called edge testing. At a particular time the edge which
is examined is shown using bold arrow.
 Note : Using statement and branch coverage user generally attains 80-90% code coverage, which is
 Condition coverage :
• In this method test cases are designed to make each component of a composite conditional expression to
assume both true and false value.
• For example, consider the following code :
1. READ X, Y
2. IF(X == 0 || Y == 0)
3. PRINT '0'
In this example, there are two conditions ' X = 0 and Y = 0. Now test cases should be designed in a way that
all conditions get TRUE and FALSE.
Test case 1: (X=0, Y=5)
Test case 2: (X=5, Y=0)
• Condition testing is stronger than branch testing.
• For a composite conditional expression, if n components are there, for condition coverage ' 2n test cases are
• In condition coverage, test cases are increasing exponentially with the number of components. Therefore, a
condition coverage based testing technique is practical only if n (the number of conditions) is small.
 Path coverage :
• Path testing is used for module or unit testing.
• It requires complete knowledge of the program structure.
• The effectiveness of path testing deteriorates (ûk{íkk ½xðe) as the size of the software under test increases.
Software Coding & Testing

• It is not useful for system testing.

• This type of testing involves :
 Generating a set of paths that will cover every branch in the program.
 Finding a set of test cases that will execute every path in this set of program path.
 Data flow based testing :
• Data flow-based testing method selects test paths of a program according to the locations of the definitions and
uses of different variables in a program.
• For a statement numbered S, let
DEF(S) = {X/statement S contains a definition of X}, and
USES(S) = {X/statement S contains a use of X}
• Ex For the statement S:a=b+c;, DEF(S) = {a}. USES(S) = {b,c}
 Mutation testing :

Software Mutant

Test Suite Execution


Figure 4.6 Mutation Testing

• Mutation testing is a type of white box testing which is mainly used for unit testing.
• In it, software is first tested by initial test suit built from different white box techniques, and then mutation testing
is taken up.
• Main idea behind this technique is to make few changes to program at a time. In this type of software testing
where we mutate (change) certain statements in the source code and check if the test cases are able to find
the errors.
• Each time a program is changed, it is called mutated program and effected change is called a mutant.
• After comparison of the results of original and mutant programs, if the original program and mutant programs
generate the same output, then that the mutant is killed by the test case. Hence the test case is good enough
to detect the change between the original and the mutant program. If the original program and mutant program
generate different output, Mutant is kept alive. In such cases, more effective test cases need to be created that
kill all mutants.
• Major disadvantage of mutation testing is it is very expensive to compute as large number of mutant can be
• It is not suitable for manual testing.
 Advantages of white box testing methods
• Reveal (çkíkkððwt, Wòøkh fhðwt) hidden errors in the code.
• White box testing is very thorough as the entire code and structures are tested.
Software Coding & Testing

• Testing can start early in SDLC even if GUI is not available.

• Out product will be qualitative if white box testing is successful.
 Disadvantages of white box testing methods
• White box testing can be quite complex and expensive.
• It is time consuming as it takes more time to test fully.
• It requires professional resources.
• In-depth knowledge about the programming language is necessary to perform white box testing.
5.3.4 Control Flow Graph (CFG) :
• A control flow graph describes the sequence in which the different instructions of a program get executed. In
other words, a control flow graph describes how the control flows through the program.
• In order to draw the control flow graph of a program, all the statements of a program must be numbered first.
The different numbered statements serve as nodes of the control flow graph.
• An edge from one node to another node exists if the execution of the statement representing the first node can
result in the transfer of control to the other node.
• The CFG for any program can be easily drawn by knowing how to represent the sequence, selection, and
iteration type of statements in the CFG.
• Below figure summarizes how the CFG for these three types of statements can be drawn.

Sequence Selection Iteration

1. a=5 1. if (a>b) 1. a=5
2. b=a*5 2. print(a is greater) 2. while(a>0) {
3. else print(b is greater) 3. print(a)
4. print(a+b) 4. a=a-1 }
5. b=a;

2 4

2 3

Software Coding & Testing

• Using these basic concepts, the CFG of Euclid's GCD computation algorithm can be drawn as shown.

GCD algorithm CFG for GCD algorithm

1. while (x != y)
2. { if (x > y) then
3. x=x-y
4. else y=y-x 2
5. }
6. return (x) 3 4

Figure 4.7 CFG

 Path
• A path through a program is a node and edge sequence from the starting node to a terminal node of the control
flow graph of a program. There can be more than one terminal node in a program.
• Path coverage requires the coverage of linearly independent path.
 Linearly independent path
• Linearly independent path is defined as a path that has at least one new edge which has not been traversed
before in any other paths.
• If a path has one new node compared to all other linearly independent paths, then the path is also linearly
• Sub path is not considered as a linearly independent path.
 Cyclomatic complexity
• McCabe's cyclomatic complexity defines an upper bound for the number of linearly independent paths through
a program.
• It is very simple to compute.

 Cyclomatic complexity is software metric used to measure the complexity of a

program. This metric measures independent paths through program source code.

• Cyclomatic complexity can be calculated with respect to functions, modules, methods or classes within a
• It is practical way to determine maximum number of independent path in the program.
Software Coding & Testing

There are three different ways to compute the cyclomatic complexity.

 Method 1 :
• Given a control flow graph G of a program, the cyclomatic complexity V(G) can be computed as:
V(G) = E - N + 2
(where N is the number of nodes of the control flow graph and E is the number of edges in the control
flow graph.)
• In above figure 4.6cyclomatic complexity according to method 1 is:
V(G) = 7 - 6 + 2 = 3
 Method 2 :
• Another way of computing the cyclomatic complexity V(G) is
V(G) = Total number of bounded areas + 1
any region enclosed by nodes and edges can be called as a bounded area.
• In above figure 4.6, we can see two bounded area. So cyclomatic complexity is :
V(G) = 2 + 1 = 3
 Method 3 :
• The cyclomatic complexity of a program can also be easily computed by computing the number of decision
statements of the program. If N is the number of decision statement of a program, then the McCabe's metric
is equal to N+1. In our example, we can clearly see there are two decision statements available (while loop
and if statement). So the cyclomatic complexity is : 2 + 1 = 3.
 Difference between Black box testing and White box testing :

Black box testing White box testing

• Synonyms of black box testing are functional • Synonyms of white box testing are structural
testing, close box testing, data driven testing testing, glass box testing, clear box testing,
and opaque testing. open box testing, logic driven testing.
• No need to know internal structure of the • Internal structure of the system must be
system. known.
• It is concerned with results. • It is concerned with details and internal
workings of the system.
• Performed by end users and also by testers • Normally done by testers and developers.
and developers.
• Granularity is low. • Granularity is low.
• It is least exhaustive and time consuming. • Potentially most exhaustive and time
• Not suited for algorithm testing. • It is suited for algorithm testing.
• Example : search engine. • Example : electrical circuit testing.
Software Coding & Testing


• The documentation which is generated towards the end of testing or during the testing, it is the test summary
reports or test documentation.
• It provides summary of test suits which has been applied to the system.
• It specify how many test suits are successful, how many are unsuccessful and what is the degree of successful
and unsuccessful.
• Test documentation should be followed the IEEE standards 829.
• Test documentation should includes : scope, approach, resources and schedule of the testing activity to identify
the items being tested, the features to be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, responsible personnel and
the associated risks.

Test Plan

Test Design

Test Procedure Test Case

Description Description

Test Execution

Test Incident
Test Log

Test Summary Report

• A test design specification/description to identify the features to be tested and associated tests.
• A test case specification/description to define test cases identified by test design specifications.
• A test procedure specification to specify the steps for executing a set of test cases.
• A test item transmittal report to identify the test items being transmitted for testing.
• A test log' to document the generated results.
• A test incident report to document occurred events during testing process.
• A test summary report to summarize the results of the testing activities and to provide evaluation of these

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