Collaborative Software Developmentwith Git Hub Projects
Collaborative Software Developmentwith Git Hub Projects
Collaborative Software Developmentwith Git Hub Projects
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3 authors:
Stefan Tübben
University of Applied Science and Arts Dortmund
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All content following this page was uploaded by Marius Golombeck on 05 January 2019.
1 Introduction
2 Research
Moreover alarming from a methodical point of view is the lack of social research regarding
collaboration-intensive software development and its associated socio-technical issues [9].
The identification of these problems beforehand is critical, as well as a thorough
understanding of the whole collaborative software development process [10].
Collaborative systems can help identify and solve these problems, as they support
standardized already proven work processes [11].
The term collaborative system is often associated with so called groupware, as they are
in fact synonyms as the following definition from the early 1990’s indicates:
“Collaborative systems or groupware are computer-based systems that support groups of
people engaged in a common task (or goal) that provide an interface to a shared
environment.” [12]. Following this definition, you can see the emphasis on people as
opposed to more technical definitions, that are often found among classic single-user
Figure 1 - Phases recommended for the introduction of collaborative systems1
Step 1: First of all, you should promote the project goals and objectives of this methodical
change [15]. Research indicates that the rate of acceptance rises when employees are
involved early in the change process, so they have a feeling of participation and the
possibility to understand the need for the system change [15, 16]. Employee tend to see
effects on their known workflow negatively, therefore a strategy of obscurity may lead to
a further fundamental attitude of rejection [17]. Once a more favourable degree of
acceptance has been reached, the change should be executed as quickly as possible [15].
Strategies like a parallel adoption2 or big bang3 seem intuitionally superior to an
incremental adoption4 in this regard.
Step 2: Once the implementation of this change has been completed, a phase of analysis
is advised [15]. The identification of the changes, their effect on the projects culture and
processes, followed by a corporate discussion with the affected employees could lead to
improvement of the initial concept [15]. While the possibilities of changes are rather small
through the usage of standard software [20], even the rejection or approval of small
possible variations within the workflow could lead to a sense of common responsibility,
as opposed to another rise of shadow IT5 [22]. If specific steps of the process are skipped,
its effort doesn’t justify the observed benefits.
Step 3: The implementation of these variations bring along costs and impacts as well as
the need for a plan of specific introduction [15]. These aspects need to be defined, changes
scheduled and quickly executed similar to the introduction of the initial collaborative
Adapted from [15]
The implementation of a new software system while running and using the old system in
parallel is referred to as parallel adoption. [18]
The term big bang is borrowed from the introduction of new enterprise resource planning
systems and means the implementation of a new software system in one single go. [19]
As opposed to the parallel adoption, the incremental means the gradually replacement of an old
software system with a new system. [18]
Shadow IT is the use of IT-related hardware or software by a department or individual without
the knowledge of the IT or security group within the organization. This phenomenon is often
associated with the existence of insufficient official processes within an organization and a loss of
control. [21, 22]
system [15]. Changes that lead to an unviable project need to be rolled back and changes
with a positive effect should be taken to the next iteration of changes [15].
Step 4: The change or introduction of central new collaborative system demands above-
average commitment of all participants in addition to tasks in the day-to-day operations
[23]. This has to be a phase of settling, where neither scheduled analyses, further changes
or planned discussions should take place. In favour of long term beneficial working
environment, phases of lesser organizational stress should be integral [24].
After the first four steps have been successfully completed, a phase of constant reiteration
of steps two, three and four, should be implemented in the projects culture [15]. As
requirements of a project may shift throughout development phases, even once positively
perceived processes could become a threat for the project’s success.
At first we identify general strategic issues. In this regard new requirements are difficult
to implement into the whole project structure, as soon as the original scope of the project
has been set [26]. Solutions for collaborative system need to take this into account and
use social-technical models and mechanisms to solve these conflicts.
Secondly, cultural issues are the main driving forces for interpersonal conflicts within a
project [26]. Since a lot of cultural backgrounds with different needs and communication
styles collide constantly, personal resentments grow and influence the productivity within
the project team enormously [26].
Similar, but not identical to the second issue, is the problem of inadequate
communication [26]. Especially during the early development phases the amount of
communication needed to clarify the scope, destination, approach and details of a project
is too high to use virtual forms of communication efficiently instead of a local meeting
[27]. While this problem usually changes as the project progresses to downstream
development stages, it’s still both difficult and important to find the right form of
communication for specific circumstances [28].
Project and process management issues appear when the members of a team lose their
common perception of a projects status. This is also known as desynchronization [26].
For example, physically detached teams interpret milestone definitions differently. As
group “A” could interpret the milestone of a working module as an alpha tested working
module, the group “B” would interpret the very same milestone as only finished when
beta tests have successfully been conducted. Even this seemingly trivial example could
lead to significant delays during the production process and the unavoidable delay of
subsequent partial projects on a critical path, as soon as these too modules are joined.
Typical for the complex environment of software development processes are technical
issues, that could appear due to the innovative character of the developed software or
because of production related issues, that appear within a network of decentralised
developers [26]. A possible example would be unreliable and slow connections within the
project network or incompatibility of development environments [31].
Code: The key function of GitHub® is Code Management. The code-page can be
considered an overview of your projects code. Here you are able to manage source code,
commits, branches, releases and contributors.
Figure 2 - The code-page of Bootstrap, showing various core elements of GitHub®
and/or developers, as well as create milestones. Powerful filter options allow you to
maintain an overview of the project development status.
Figure 3 - The issues-page of Bootstrap
Pull Requests: The concept of pull requests originates from Git, where it represents a
user (you) requesting another developer from the repository (e.g. the project admin) to
pull a branch from your repository to their repository.
Imagine two repositories and two branches. The developer, who is contributing to the
feature branch now requests the admin of the official project repository to pull his branch
(feature). Comparing a pull request to a simple merge, a pull request has the advantage
that it initiates a discussion around the content that is staged to be pulled, before it gets
integrated into the main codebase.
Wiki: In GitHub® wikis are being used to create and host software documentation.
While you are able to use the comment function from commits, or the comment function
from issues to annotate your code in a quick and simplified way, you are able to write
an extended documentation of your project here. Keeping the documentation in close
alignment to the code helps maintaining a software project and keeping it up-to-date.
Figure 4 - An example of the Wiki function of GitHub®
Figure 5 - The insights-page of GitHub®
For an efficient development process project management and software development need
to be connected as tightly as possible.
GitHub® Projects has been introduced in October 2016 for organisations on GitHub®
and has since been made available for regular users. The idea is to “manage projects in
the same place you keep your code” [34].
You start by creating a new project where you are able to select a project template.
GitHub® Projects focuses heavily on the Kanban software development methodology for
project management and improving interaction. It has originally been thought up by
Taiichi Ohno, an engineer at Toyota with logistics and manufacturing background, whose
aim it was to improve manufacturing efficiency [35]. Kanban literally translates to “visual
signal” and has since found manifold application, especially in software development and
project management [36].
Kanban uses “cards” to manage work items. Every work item is represented on a separate
card and every team member is able to view them on the project board and follow
Figure 6 - Example showcase of a kanban board in GitHub® Projects
In GitHub® Projects you are able to choose Kanban templates, like basic or automated
(with or without reviews), as well as bug triage or start without a template. These pre-
configured templates help you get a head start in your project.
After creating a new Project - with or without the support of a template - you are being
offered the following functions.
Figure 7 - GitHub® Projects functions
Task Management: Any type of work can become a project task. Take issues, bug
reports, to-do lists or ideas as examples. Task Management includes project management
related functions, like being able to prioritize, sort and assign work like you would in
project management.
Status Sharing: Many software development projects include working with people
abroad, or at least not in the immediate vicinity. Every card on the project board
contains a unique URL so the cards can be shared in the project team. Furthermore, the
cards can be discussed in the team and these discussions can be introduced to the project
Wrap Up: Often overlooked and not deemed as important as the aforementioned
elements, the wrap up process, in the ending stages of the project, plays a large role in
project management today. Taking the lessons learned from a project, and having a clear
closing line helps with future projects. Additionally, past projects are being stored on
GitHub® Projects, so that in future projects you will be able to look back and see exactly
what has happened, even if its lodged deep in the project details.
planning code or projects. Due to the paradigm shift towards a more agile development
approach, this idea has become more and more common in the past couple of years. To
evaluate the increase in popularity it is appropriate to compare the social coding
approach to a non-collaborative team development approach as well as to a lone
development approach. We must first define these three different approaches [37, 38].
Social Coding: Social, agile, team-driven development approach with active, keen
communication between project members.
We now compare these three approaches with the following criteria we have determined
to be suited best for comparison.
Level of Collaboration: Measures the level of possible collaboration from factors like
code sharing and issue management.
Agility / Reaction Speed: Measures the reaction speed to structural project changes.
Transparency and project management synchronization depend largely on the personal
Non collaborating teams struggle in terms of agility, manageability and project
management sync. They do have the ability to complete a higher workload, as they are
a team after all. However, the collaboration issues will cause problems, especially with
project management sync.
In theory, teams utilizing social coding reach the highest level of collaboration. The level
of agility is medium, but depends largely on the team size. While being easier to handle
than non-collaborating teams, collaborating teams are harder to manage than lone
developers. The project management sync is high when utilizing proper social coding
instruments, which also guarantee a high level of transparency.
4 Conclusion
We have described the basics of collaborative systems and shown the common issues in
software development. Afterwards we presented GitHub® as a collaboration platform for
software development. We compared lone development with non-collaborative team
development and team development with social coding emphasis.
Our findings are that the shift towards collaborative forms of software development is
justified, as a collaborative, social approach towards software development projects with
a close connection to project management allows for a fast reaction time, high
transparency, and good manageability. GitHub® provides an excellent base for
collaborative development and is therefore suggested by us for small and large scale
development projects.
However, the project members must follow the agile project management approach and
actively communicate with each other to collaborate well. Only then the team is really
able to benefit from the collaborative software development idea and the project can
5 Outlook
As the basic technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning mature, the
amount of companies that are able to use these technologies continues to grow. In our
opinion these technologies will play a major role in the future of collaborative software
Starting with the possibility of better real time translations, that might help international
teams to use synchronous forms of communications while using their own language to
express their thoughts, might help tremendously during the discussion of complex
problems. Another great possibility lies within the further automation of basic
programming tasks, such as the generation of interfaces between modules of
simultaneously working developer groups or the generation of test units.
The great benefit of an automated approach in this regard, is that the team is able to
focus on the project on a higher level without losing precious resources during the
development of easily standardized code brackets. This way the customer experience
centric approach of agile development is emphasized, development cycles can be
shortened and the quality through the usage of machine learning algorithms and
automatically conducted test procedures improve.
Despite these practical improvements during the development process other trends like
the continued growth of outsourcing endeavours and self-employed developers will lead
to a further rise in physically detached software development teams. Extrapolating these
trends, more and more employees will work from home with a whole new range of
demands for collaborative systems, since the motivation of employees in non-bureau
environments tend to be harder to begin with.
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