Introduction To Dermatology: Marwa El-Samongy
Introduction To Dermatology: Marwa El-Samongy
Introduction To Dermatology: Marwa El-Samongy
Marwa El-Samongy
Lecturer of Dermatology and Venereology
Tanta University
Functions of the Skin:
• Protective covering for the body and internal organs.
• Immunological functions
Histology of the skin
The skin consists of two layers:
1- Superficial layer (Epidermis)
❖Another layer of connective tissue loose in texture lies
beneath the dermis (Hypodermis), and provides fixation of
the skin and allows a great deal of its movement.
4- Stratum lucidum
5- Stratum corneum
-Fibrous tissue -Collagen
Its superficial layer forms upward projections called dermal papillae. The
epidermis in between these dermal papillae is called rete ridges .
The dermis contains sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It
contains also blood vessels and nerves. The latter pierce the basement
membrane to reach the epidermis while the blood vessels cannot do so. So,
the epidermis is a non-vascular stratified epithelium.
Dermatologic Lesions
Primary Secondary