Paper - II: Group B: Unit-V: Pedagogical Approaches
Paper - II: Group B: Unit-V: Pedagogical Approaches
Paper - II: Group B: Unit-V: Pedagogical Approaches
5.1 Introduction
The word „Education‟ has been derived from the Latin word „Educare‟. Meaning of
„Educare‟ is to bring up or to raise the child mentally and physically.
In other words, it means to lead out the best in the child or to guide. Others are of the
opinion that education is derived from Latin word „Educatum‟ which means the act of teaching
or training.
Operationally, Education can be defined as an overall development of a complete
personality. Educationists are defining education in various dimensions. So, for all round
development of child education is important which comes through teaching and learning. In this
context, they used the term pedagogy which means teaching and learning both.
Pedagogy is a term used in educational writing but its meaning is assumed to be self-
evident. Many of the strategies that have been developed to redress inequity in school have
targeted classroom practice and teaching as an important site of change.
5.2 Objectives
After completing this unit, learners will be able to :
Pedagogy is an art
From the very beginning education was given the status of art –– the art of teaching, of
leading children to knowledge which shows that the profession of educator first started in
Ancient Greece. Before that, the slaves were performing the role of educator. The slaves were
engaged to take the master‟s children to school, take care of their physical appearance and take
part during the play. Socrates was considered to be the founder father of education. (5th century
Pedagogy is a science
The development of scientific field as sociology and psychology is accompanied by the
emergence of pedagogy as an applied science. Pedagogy is now treated as a science with the
feeling that it guides the process of teaching and learning. So, it is a field of science that tells us
how to teach. It‟s not coincidence that we have used the subjunctive mood here, since pedagogy
– as the science of teaching and learning – is not a fully-formed discipline, thereby leaving room
for other educational sciences, a plural science. It became clear over time that the exotic science
known as “Pedagogy” could not be soluble there.
Allied Concepts
5.3.1 Teaching
Concept of Teaching
A concept is meeting but the image formed regarding an object, people or idea. It is the
result of our direct and indirect experiences which we gain about objects, people or ideas and it
is same for the concept of teaching. Concept of teaching means all those which we know about
teaching in terms of its meaning, it froms the other similar concepts and activities. Hence, to
know regarding the concept of teaching in totality, we have to look it from the following angles:
Understanding its meaning and defining it;
Knowing about the nature and characteristics of teaching;
Comparing teaching with other similar concepts;
Knowing about the relationship between teaching and learning;
Discussing about the analytical concept of teaching.
Since, it is designed within a social context and, therefore, is related to the social
structures, cultural environment, values and ideals of the people, society and the government. All
these factors always have flexibility and dynamism. So, the meaning and definition of teaching
always change depending on the need of time, place and society. Due to this various definition
of teaching are as follows:
H.C. Morrison (1934): Teaching is an intimate contact between a more mature personality and a
less mature one which is designed to further the education of the latter. (Khan, 2011)
B.O. Smith (1960): Teaching is a system of actions intended to product learning. (Khan, 2011)
N.I. Gage (1962): Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behaviour
potential of another person. (Khan, 2011)
B.O. Smith (1963): Teaching is a system of actions involving an agent, an end in view, and a
situation including two sets of factors – those which the agent has no control (class size, size of
classroom, physical characteristics of pupils etc.) and those that he can modify (way of asking
questions about instruction and ways of structuring information or ideas gleaned.) (Khan, 2011)
Clarke (1970): Teaching refers to activities that are designed and performed to produce change
in student (pupil) behaviour. (Khan, 2011)
Thomas F. Green (1971): Teaching is the task of a teacher which is performed for the
development of a child. (Khan, 2011)
5.3.2 Instruction
For any activity or work, instruction is a must, and for education, it plays the vital role.
It is nothing but the transfer of learning from one person to another. By instruction, direction is
given and told how to do something.
The term instruction is often used to describe the most
rudimentary programming commands. For example, a computer's instruction set is the list of all
the basic commands in the computer's machine language.
Education is the result of going to school and learning values and acquiring culture
where as Instruction is when you teach someone how to do a particular thing. Teacher when
teaches about any subject in various methods, then it is called „teaching‟. But when the teacher
directs the students how they can implement this in various processes then it is known as
„instruction‟. For example, teaching medicine, carpentry or management.
notion of “instruction” is the doctrine that students must believe what teachers say. Fundamental
to teaching is that they should question and quarry and challenge and harry it.
5.3.3 Indoctrination
When ideas, doctrines, attitudes and cognitive approaches are forcibly applies then the
process is called Indoctrination. Humans are social animal inescapably shaped
by cultural context, and thus some degree of indoctrination is implicit in the parent–child
relationship, and has an essential function in forming stable communities of shared values.
Education is a process which involves in seeking the facts and learning the truth and then
act. But indoctrination, people are influenced to believe facts without their operation; one can be
indoctrinated into a political party, a cult or a belief system.
Relating teaching and Indoctrination
Education involves in seeking facts and learning about what is the truth and what is not.
Indoctrination is aimed at influencing people to believe in facts, without being able to back up these
newfound facts with anything but opinion.
5.3.4 Conditioning
Conditioning, in physiology, is a behavioural process whereby a response becomes more
frequent or more predictable in a given environment as a result of reinforcement. Early in the
20th century, through the study of reflexes, physiologists in Russia, England, and the United
States developed the procedures, observations, and definitions of conditioning. After the 1920s,
psychologists turned their research to the nature and prerequisites of conditioning.
Conditioning is a form of learning. In this process, in which-
(1) a given stimulus (or signal) becomes increasingly effective in evoking a response or
(2) a response occurs with increasing regularity in a well-specified and stable environment. The
outcome will be determined by the type of reinforcement applied. When two stimuli are
presented in an appropriate time and intensity relationship, one of them will eventually induce a
response resembling that of the other. The process can be described as one of stimulus
substitution. This procedure is called classical (or respondent) conditioning. Three types of
learning are- i) classical conditioning, ii) operant conditioning, and iii) observational
learning. Both classical and operant conditionings are forms of associative learning, in which
associations are made between events that occur together.
Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning in which reinforcement occurs
only after the organism executes a pre-designated behavioral act. When no US is used to initiate
the specific act to be conditioned, the required behaviour is known as an operant. When it occurs
regularly, it is also regarded as a conditioned response. B.F. Skinner, the American
psychologist, studied spontaneous (or operant) behaviour through the use of rewards
(reinforcement) or punishment. For example, a hungry animal will respond to a situation in a
way that is most natural for that animal. If one of these responses leads to the reward of food, it
is likely that the specific response which led to the food reward will be repeated and thus
learned. The behaviour that was instrumental in obtaining the reward becomes especially
important to the animal. The same type of conditioning can also be applied to an action that
allows the animal to escape from or avoid painful or noxious stimuli.
5.3.5 Andragogy
Andragogy is methods and principles used for adult education. The word comes from
the Greek andr-, meaning "man", and agogos, meaning "leader of"; which means "leading man" and
"pedagogy" means "leading children".
Two primary understandings of "andragogy" are:
Some authors used this term to allow discussion of contact between self-directed and self-taught
Critical Pedagogy comes from critical theory, which is concerned with the idea of a
Society in which people have political, economic, and cultural control of their lives. “Thinkers of
critical theory believe that these goals are satisfied only through emancipating oppressed people
which empowers them and enables them to transform their life conditions. It is the first step for
critical pedagogy. The major hurdle of critical pedagogy is with criticizing the schooling in
capitalist societies. As per Gor awareness raising and rejection of violation and discrimination
against people are the major goals of critical pedagogy.
The most celebrated critical educator Paulo Reglus Neves Freire influenced critical
pedagogy very much. Freire was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was a leading
advocate of critical pedagogy. He is best known for his influential work, Pedagogy of the
Oppressed, which is considered one of the foundational texts of the critical pedagogy movement.
As per Vandrick, The major goal of critical pedagogy (CP), is to emancipate and
educate all people regardless of their gender, class, race, etc. Gadotti (1994) also feels that
pedagogy is of major interest for Freire by which he seeks to change the structure of an
oppressive society. In Kanpol‟s views, CPrests on the belief that every citizen deserves an
education which involves understanding the schooling structure by the teacher that would not
permit education to ensue. Freire (1970) distinguishes between banking education and problem
posing education. In the traditional view of education, teachers know everything and the students
know nothing. Teachers deposit knowledge in students and never ask them to question that
knowledge. The students comply whatever content the teacher chooses. Teacher is authority and
students are obedient to authority. In this model students are the receivers. They receive,
memorize and repeat. They are not asked to use this knowledge to the current problems and
injustices in the society and improve the society. They get a positive role in this approach. Freire
terms this approach as banking model of education because it is like depositing of money in a a
bank. This model mirrors the structure of an oppressive society in which the oppressed and the
oppressors are divided. It advocates fixation of reality. So it is a vehicle for continuing the
political oppression and working against liberation or emancipation. (Aliakbari1, M. & Faraji, E. 2011)
b) Culture of Silence
According to Freire, the system of dominant social relations creates a 'culture of silence'
that instills a negative, silenced and suppressed self-image into the oppressed. The learner must
develop a critical consciousness in order to understand that this culture of silence is created to
oppress. A culture of silence can also cause the "dominated individuals [to] lose the means by
which to critically respond to the culture that is forced on them by a dominant culture." Social
domination of race and class are interlaced into the conventional education system, through
which the "culture of silence" eliminates the "paths of thought that lead to a language of critique.
To fulfill the goal of creating not only a better learning environment, but also a better
world, Freire‟s practice required implementation of a range of educational practices and
processes. He himself is of the opinion that this was not merely an educational technique but a
way of living in our educative practice.
As per critical demographic theory, education or learning as an on-going, two-way,
dialectic process that is built around the experiences of the student and allows for critical
thinking and action to help students grow. In a truly democratic school, students are given the
chance to express their views on the basis of their experiences and interests which are given due
respect while planning for their continuing growth. Traditional hierarchies must be broken down
and teachers must also be learners (particularly learning from their students) and being critically
reflective about their practice to bring about conscientization. Teachers become facilitators to
help students as they: share experiences and learn from each other; undertake critical inquiry and
create their own plans of action. The importance of dialogue (between students, teachers,
administration, parents and community) must be given priority. Tension between opposing
conditions (subject and object, the individual and world, the word and the world) is seen as
barrier for growth. As Freire states “the subjectivity and objectivity thus join in a dialectical
unity producing knowledge in solidarity with action, and vice versa.”
In CP, curriculum is based on the idea that there is no one methodology that can work
for all populations. Bartolome feels that since all decisions related to curricular and material to
be studied are based on the needs and interests of students, so there is not fixed curriculum or a
programme. Degener also feels that on the basis of the experiences and realistic of their lives, the
curriculum is framed. This curriculum is transformative, that is, it fosters students‟ acquisition of
the necessary strategies and skills that help them become social critics who are to make decisions
which affect their social, political, and economic realities. Kessing- Styles (2003) also confirms
that CP covers understanding curriculum as political text at the center of which, she believes, lies
the social and political critics of everyday life.
On the basis of authentic materials such as TV, commercials, video movie, etc. (Which
are representative of the culture that are to be examined by the students), CP lesson plan should
be prepared. Kincheloe argues that texts and their themes should be provided by both teachers
and students who bring their experiences for study and place that knowledge with the context in
which they work. According to Okazaki , the content should be immediate and meaningful to
students in order to make them aware of both the reproductive nature and the possibility of
resistance to problematic content. The authentic materials help students link their knowledge to
existing problems in society and take necessary actions for its improvement. This transformation
practices help students develop skill in reflection and action that allows them to recognize and
work against oppressive conditions in society. Ares feels that special attention is required to be
paid to students‟ cultural heritage, practices, knowledge, and languages for enabling
transformative practice. It is also emphasized that the aim of transformative practice is social
In this approach teachers are viewed as problem posers. However Dewey feels that
learning through problem solving and practical application leads students to take a more active
role in determining their experiences and positions within society. Kincheloe and McLaren
(1994) maintain that teacher must empower his or her students by raising their awareness of
reproducing process of an inequitable status quo in schooling and offer societal institutions. As
per Giroux, the teachers are Transformative Intellectuals who have the knowledge and skill to
critique and transform existing inequalities in society. This role is learn from students, appreciate
their viewpoints and to take part in the dialogical process. As per Giroux, by creating appropriate
conditions, teachers by creating appropriate conditions, teachers enable students to become
cultural producers who can rewrite their experiences and perceptions. They also help students
learn from each other and to theorize and understand how to question the authoritarian power of
the classroom.
The purpose of the educator and the educated, the leader and the followers in a dialogue
between equal partners is called praxis. It is defined as “the self-creative activity through which
we make the world. The requirements of praxis are theory both relevant to the world and
nurtured by actions in it, and an action component in its own theorizing process that grows out of
practical and political grounding”. Bridging the gap between theory and transformational action
in the aims of Praxis in education that means the connection of education with social
transformation is done by praxis. According to Freire, praxis is action and reflection,
interpretation and change. He also thinks, Critical consciousness is brought about not through
intellectual effort alone but through praxis.
What is Science?
As per Kothari Commission‟s report, “Science is universal and so can be its benefits. Its
material benefits are immense and far-reaching industrialization of agriculture and release of
nuclear energy, to mention two examples-but even more profound is its contribution to culture”.
In simple words, science is the investigation and interpretation of natural phenomena which occur in
our daily life. Thus Science is simultaneously a body of knowledge and continuous, self evaluative
process of enquiry.
Observation Facts
Experimentation Concepts
Reasoning Generalization
Process Product
It is indicated that products (concepts, facts etc.,) are derived from process (observation
and experimentation) and that these products lead to further process. So it is said that science is a
continuous search for new knowledge through continuous inquiry. From the above relationships
by saying that „Science is both a body of knowledge (Product) and method of inquiry (Process)‟.
It is one of the specialized characteristics of science.
a) Concept of Teaching
Concept regarding anything is nothing but the general notion, popular opinion and the
image that we form about any object; people or idea .It is the result of our direct and indirect
experiences which we gain about object, people or ideas. The same is true for the concept of
teaching. By the term „concept of teaching‟ we know or ought to know about teaching in terms
of its meaning, nature, and characteristics and all those which can distinguish it from the other
similar concepts and activities. Hence, if we intend to know thoroughly about the concept of
teaching , we have to look it from the various angles as follows :
In each and every sphere of life systematic, disciplined and organized planning always
very essentials to do any task successfully in our life. Proper planning of any work helps us to
utilize our time and energy on the part of human and material resources. Same way it is equally
needed for the process of teaching and learning. A teacher has to warm up herself for teaching
effectively and efficiently. An organized work always gives good result as he/she is fully
prepared to be taught in the class. To educate herself teacher had to plan for the full academic
session. This is further classified into different categories. For the benefit of teacher and student
it can be planned in different scheme, such as-1) yearly planning, 2) unit planning and 3) daily
lesson planning. There are many requirements mandated by the school system regarding the
Teaching has been repeatedly emphasized that good and effective teaching stimulates
the learners to think and motivate them learn further. Teaching needs a technique. Teacher has
to create learning situation so that the child feels the inner urge to know, to think and to do.
Intelligent planning is key of success for the learners. Teacher is already ready with blueprint
which helps us in the efficient, economical and smooth conduct of teaching learning activity.
Teacher should go through and through of the topic and make huge other questions connected
with the topic and make the class interesting for the learners to learn properly.
Origin of Lesson Plan:
A great psychologists Gestalt is known as the origin of lesson plan. His theory of learning
has a great influence on human learning. As per him the learner perceives a thing or a problem or a
situation in totality or as a whole. In learning of student a unit esxecute a vital role in understanding
the whole concept. Thus, the whole is perceived part by part. Meaningful activities are related to one
another within a unit. These activities provide, purposeful learning experiences and the learner
understands the whole concept. There are two approaches of teaching plan. The first approach is
propounded by Herbart. He stresses on the content and information‟s in a plan. The second approach
is given by John Dewey and Kilpatrick. They have emphasized on the experiences of learner rather
than information.
2. Teacher‟s aims and objectives more clearly helped him to delimit within his
field of work.
9. It also helps to control the students behavior, to identify suitable place during the
10. The classroom teaching activities are determined with the consideration of
individual differences during the lesson planning.
11. It also helps to develop confidence and teaching activities satisfactorily between
student and teacher.
13. It also develops the power of reasoning, decision making and imagination
between student and teacher
15. According to I. K. Davies, “Lessons must be prepared for here is nothing as fatal
to a teacher‟s progress as unpreparedness”.
1. Preparation
2. Presentation
3. Association or comparison
4. Generalization
5. Application
4. Introduction
5. Statement of aim.
6. Presentation
7. Explanation
8. Black-board summary.
In this step trainee teacher point out the date, period, class with its section, subject and
topic to be taught at the top of his lesson note and concentrates on the content of a particulars
Each and every school subjects have their own general objectives. Student‟s standard of
class, the general aims and objectives are varied according to the subject.
3. Specific Objectives –
During the 40-45 minutes period the teacher mentioned the specific objectives for fulfill
the main aims of the topic. The specific objective may be knowledge, skill and appreciation.
4. Introduction –
5. Statement of Aim –
The statement of aim should be clear cut, concise and free from unknown words.
Introduction of the lesson should be effectively done. Then the aim will automatically emerged
out .
6 Presentation -
Begning of the class introduction of the topic is very necessary. Later presentation should
be done with the help of developing questions. Questions should be arranged according to the
teaching procedure adopted.
7. Explanation -
Discussion of the previous questions and answer in simple form is done or presented if
student are not able to answer this questions the teacher is supposed to explain the element or
concept by giving explanation.
8. Black-board Summary —
In the beginning before starting the lesson some usual entries should be done such as date,
period, and duration of the period, class, section and subject on the top of the black-board. Black
board summary should include the main points of lesson, important terms, difficult words,
formulas definitions explanations etc. In case of mathematics teaching blackboard is
indispensable. As mathematics can be clarified only through writing because explanation not
9. Recapitulation or Application –
In this step questions are asked by the teacher for practice. . It helps the teacher to know
how far he has succeeded in the attainment of objectives. Going through this step student‟s
knowledge and progress is developed or not is understood.
At last home work is given to the student on the same topic . As practice is very
necessary, so according to Herbartian lesson plan practice is must. And above mentioned steps
should be followed.
Different criteria are based on learning and teaching approaches. As present teaching
and learning approaches are considered based on „individual‟ or „group‟. According to
constructivist design model is oriented towards one person or student is called individual and
several people learning in a small or large group of students is called group based
In regard to learning and teaching process if model contents the capacity for designing
both individual and group then it can be named with dual purpose.
Ther are many teaching learning models based on this approach. Some of them are listed below:
7. Multiple interpretations
8. Multiple manifestations
1. Observations in authentic activities-
Number of researches has been done in this matter. Observation in authentic activities is
very important as if they only memorize students cannot do the work appropriately There is
problem in science educators should do some authentic observation so that they could construct
their own frames.
2. Interpretation construction-
Learners cannot simply reproduce transmitted knowledge but have to construct it by
themselves. Teachers have to create learning environments where students have opportunities to
construct their interpretation of new information. A proper understanding of creative nature of
scientific knowledge can help students actively engage in the interpretation construction process.
3. Contextualizing prior knowledge
The contextualization intends that students access background and contextual materials
of various sorts to aid interpretation and argumentation. So, the students should use their own
relevant prior knowledge to interpret some phenomena in a certain context.
4. Cognitive conflict
It is recognized that the demonstration of discrepant events is only one of the many steps
for students to process conceptual change.
5. Cognitive apprenticeship
Constructivist teacher are very different from so called traditional teacher, who are
simply information providers. Teachers should give proper situated guidance when facing
students various interpretation. On the other hand they emphasize the importance of the
cognitive apprenticeship guided by teachers.
6. Collaboration
Collaborative group learning can promote students achievement, motivation and
attitudes towards learning. Educators should encourage students to be collaborative in
observation, interpretation and contextualization.
7. Multiple interpretations
Students can collectively construct various interpretations for a natural phenomenon,
and they can together evaluate these views and further decide which one is most useful and
meaningful in explaining this phenomenon in the particular context.
8. Multiple manifestations
Educators also suggest that when learning a new scientific conception, showing its
fruitfulness is a necessary condition for student‟s conceptual change. Students acquire
transferability by seeing multiple manifestations of the same idea at different times and in
various contexts.
Teachers College, Columbia University has been collaborating with the Dalton School (a
K-12 independent school in New York City) on the Dalton Technology Plan. The general aim of
this plan is to develop a digital knowledge-base and information infrastructure for all aspects of
the K-12 educational experience, and to implement educational strategies designed to make use
of this infrastructure, enhancing significantly an already excellent educational experience.
Specifically, it is describe how these constructive design principles apply to the Archaeotype
program used in class 6 th grade history, to the Galileo programme used in 11th and 12th grade
science(particularly for students not scientifically oriented), and the Playbill programme used in
10th grade English at the Dalton School. Archaeotype is a computerized archaeological
simulation. Developed as a network-based multimedia alternative to the textbook bound class
curriculum in the Ancient World, Archaeotype provides students with a collaborative and
interdisciplinary environment in which to uncover and interpret the past by presenting primary
sources, both textual and artifactual, as evidence for the students' construction of history.
In the Archaeotype program, students study ancient Greek and Roman history by using
observations of simulated archaeological digs to construct interpretations of the history of these
sites, while drawing upon a wide variety of background information. The Archaeotype program
prepared a programme (implemented in supercard on Apple Macintosh computers)and presents
the students with a graphic simulation of an archaeological site, then the students study the
history of the site through simulated digging up of artifacts, making various measurements of the
artifacts in a simulated laboratory (Observation), and relating the objects to what is already
known using a wide variety of reference materials (Contextualization). The students work
cooperatively in groups (Collaboration), while the teacher models how to deal with such a site
then fades her involvement while coaching and supporting the students in their own study efforts
(Cognitive Apprenticeship). The students develop ownership of their work by developing their
own interpretations of the history of the site and mustering various kinds of evidence for their
conclusions (Interpretation Construction). By arguing with the other students and studying
related interpretations in the historical literature, they get a sense of other perspectives (Multiple
Interpretations). By going through the process a number of times bringing each contextual
background to bear on a number of different artifacts, the students learn and understand the
many ways that the general principles behind what they are doing become manifest (Multiple
This approach can be applied to Study Support Environment programs in widely different
fields of study -- namely, history, science and literature. In addition to learning specific content,
students using these programs acquire generalizable interpretation and argumentation skills.
Thus, constructivist design framework is useful both for guiding design and for producing
valuable learning results.
5.6.3 5E Method
The 5E is describe the phase of learning for all age groups. It is a instructional model
based on constructivist approach in learning. Constructivist approach is based on the believe that
learners are actively involved in a process. Each of the 5Es such as Engage, Explore, Explain,
Elaborate, and Evaluate.
Research made by John Dewey and Jean Piaget influenced in development of informal
education and childhood development. Dewey's idea of influential education suggests that
education must engage with and enlarge experience and the exploration of thinking and
reflection associated with the role of educators. Piaget's role in the constructivist teaching
suggests that we learn by expanding our knowledge by experiences which are generated through
play from infancy to adulthood which are necessary for learning. Their theories are now
encompassed in the broader movement of progressive education. Therefore, children learn best
when they are allowed to construct a personal understanding based on experiencing things and
reflecting on those experiences.
One of the primary goals of using constructivist teaching is that students learn how to
learn by giving them the training to take initiative for their own learning experiences.
The instructional model is based on constructivist learning theory. This theory suggests
that students learn best when they are allowed to work out explanations for themselves over time
through a variety of learning experiences structured by the teacher. Students use their prior
knowledge to make sense of these experiences and then make connections between new
information and their prior knowledge. To help them make the connections between what they
already know and new information, teachers will organise each Primary Connections unit into
five phases – Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.
Through the use of short activities that promote curiosity and helps them to engaged
in a new concept. This task creates connections between past and present learning experiences
expose prior connection and organize student thinking current activities.
(c) Explanation
This phase focuses student‟s attention on a particular aspect and explore experiences
provide opportunities to demonstrate their conceptual understanding, process, skill or behaviour.
And explanation from the teacher may guide them towards a deeper understanding.
(d) Elaboration
In this step students apply their understanding of the concept by conducting additional
activities. Students through new experiences develop deeper and broader understanding more
information and adequate skill.
(e) Evaluation
In this phase teachers get opportunities to assess their ability and to evaluate student‟s
progress toward achieving the educational objectives.
A national vision of science teaching and learning is being promoted that accentuates
the need to restructure science education. Several national reform documents illustrate the need
to make science classrooms across the country active and inquiry based environments. With
much research to support inquiry-based teaching and learning, many teachers are opting for this
non-traditional teaching approach. The incorporation of learning cycles in the classroom aids
teachers in the pursuit of the development of effective inquiry-based science lessons. The 5E
Instructional Model serves as a flexible learning cycle that assists curriculum developers and
classroom teachers create science lessons that illustrate constructivist, reform-based, best
teaching practices.
control of their lives. “Thinkers of critical theory believe that these goals are satisfied only
through emancipating oppressed people which empowers them and enables them to transform
their life conditions. The most celebrated critical educator Paulo Reglus Neves Freire influenced
critical pedagogy very much. Freire was a Brazilian educator and philosopher who was a leading
advocate of critical pedagogy. He is best known for his influential work, Pedagogy of the
Oppressed, which is considered one of the foundational texts of the critical pedagogy movement.
Science has been derived from the Latin word “Scientia” which means knowledge. It is a
systematizeds body of knowledge which may pertain to any subject. Scientific teaching is
a pedagogical approach used in undergraduate science classrooms whereby teaching and learning
is taught with the same rigor as science itself. Concept regarding anything is nothing but the
general notion, popular opinion and the image that we form about any object ,people or idea. It is
the result of our direct and indirect experiences which we gain about object, people or ideas. The
same is true for the concept of teaching. Life is a journey of learning starting from childhood to
every stage of aging. Teaching & learning is interrelated to each other in a process where
learning plays a key & significant role to the learner & teacher both. With the context of
relationship between teacher & learner it needs to be mentioned that these two terms "teacher" &
"learner" are as much as relative to each other also it is not essential for teaching to be ended
with some kind of learning. In each and every sphere of life systematic, disciplined and
organized planning always very essentials to do any task successfully in our life. An organized
work always gives good result as he/she is fully prepared to be taught in the class. Teacher
should go through and through of the topic and make huge other questions connected with the
topic and make the class interesting for the learners to learn properly. In the process of teaching
lesson planning is foremost important. The need and importance of lesson planning has lots of
values and advantages. According to the Herbartian School of Pedagogy, the five formal steps
are as 1. Preparation, 2. Presentation 3. Association or comparison,4. Generalization5.
Application. In education, the Interpretation Construction (ICON) Design Model is said ICON.
The Information Construction (ICON) model contains seven stages, such as Observation,
Interpretation Construction, Contextualization, Cognitive Apprenticeship, Collaboration, Multiple Interpretations,
Multiple Manifestations. The 5E is describe the phase of learning for all age groups. It is a
instructional model based on constructivist approach in learning. Constructivist approach is
based on the believe that learners are actively involved in a process. Each of the 5Es such as
Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.
Q. 9. Write a short note on „ICON‟.
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