A18 Environment Kérdés Válasz

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1.What environmental problems worry us nowadays?

1. Nowadays the main problems are the greenhouse effect, deforestation, rivers being
diverted, dams being built, erosion, rapid consumption of resources and commodities, and
pollution of air and water.

2. What causes the greenhouse effect?

2. Because of the accumulation of industrial pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and CFCs, less
heat can leave the atmosphere and the trapped heat makes the temperature rise. These
gases reflect the sun's longwave radiation back to earth thus warming the atmosphere. This
process is similar to how the glass of greenhouses makes them warm.

3.What is the most important consequence of the greenhouse effect?

3.The most important consequence of the greenhouse effect is the warming of the earth
which causes elimate changes and melts polar icecaps.

4. What does global warming mean?

4. Global warming means the increase in the world's temperatures. The greenhouse effect
and the depletion of the ozone layer are believed to be its main causes.

5. What is ozone?
5. Ozone is a poisonous gas with a strong smell. It is a form of oxygen with three atoms
instead of two. Near ground level it causes photochemical smog and acid rain.

6. What is the ozone layer?

6. The ozone layer is the upper part of the atmosphere, from 15 to 50 kilometres, above the
Earth surface. This is the place where most atmospheric ozone gathers absorbing harmful
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Industrial pollutants damage the ozone layer, so holes
appear, especially over the Antarctic. These industrial pollutants include methane, carbon
dioxide and CFCs. The latter, that is, chlorofluorocarbons, are used in air conditioners,
refrigerators, spray cans and production of plastics. Decrease in ozone and increase in the
harmful radiation can cause more cases of skin cancer and cataracts and can harm crops,
animals and fish.

7. How can we protect the ozone layer?

7.The ozone layer can be protected only by international cooperation. People should stop
producing and using harmful products that damage the ozone layer. It's a difficult task
because the long life of the chemical gases released into the atmosphere will continue
damaging the ozone layer. Scientists say that a molecule of chlorine remains in the
atmosphere for as long as 100 years, During that time, it destroys tens of thousands of
ozone molecules.

8. What could the melting of the polar caps result in?

8.The melting of the polar caps results in the rising sea-levels. It will flood populated areas
and agricultural land.
9. What can be done to save the endangered species?
9. Hunting all the endangered species must be forbidden. It must be constantly checked that
people respect laws and regulations. The commerce of products prepared from these animals
must be banned and those caught on selling or buying these products must be severely
punished. The natural habitat of endangered species must also be protected.

10. What measures should be taken to make sure wildlife is not destroyed?
10. I think more regular inspections are needed. Those people who are caught on hunting or
capturing protected animals must be severely punished.

11. What dangers do the forests in Europe have to face?

11. There are acid rain and airborne pollutants, and felling trees to gain timber for building
construction, furniture, paper, toys, etc. which endanger forests in Europe.

12. What can be done to protect our forests?

12. Industrial pollution and overexploitation of the forests must be drastically decreased.
People should be aware of how important the forests are for life. They shouldn't waste
paper and they should recycle as much as possible. Trees should be planted in the place of
those that were felled.

13. Why do people destroy the rain forests?

13. People fell trees because they can sell the timber at a good price. On the place of former
forests they can produce crops and raise cattle. In some areas they even build settlements
and roads.

14. Why is destroying the forests so dangerous?

14. Deforestation leads to the increase in the glObal warming trend and drastic climatic
changes. The change in rainfall patterns brings permanent drought to agricultural regions.
Another danger is erosion, which leads to a reduction in crop yields and destruction of
populated areas. Aceording to studies, about half of the world's woodlands have disappeared.
With deforestation, the natural habitat of species gets destroyed and animals and plants
disappear. It can lead to serious problems in producing medicine since it is said that more
than half of the medicine used in the world is prepared using these species.

15. What endangers the seas?

15. The seas are endangered by industrial and other forms of pollution, such as oil spills from
tankers and oil rigs. Some of the species living in seas are becoming extinct because too
many are caught and killed.

16.How would you reduce pollution in your town?

16. I would have laws and regulations respected by industries and I would make those who
break these regulations pay enormous fines. I wouldn't perrnit factories to operate without
proper waste disposal processes. I would inform people how important recycling is and create

facilities for recycling. For example, I would place selective rubbish collectors in housing
estates and in other residential areas. I would pay a refund for all kinds of containers like
cans, bottles, and boxes.

17. What do you do to protect the environment?

17. I use only ozone- and environment-friendly products. I try to recycle whatever I can, for
example, I use both sides of paper to write or print on. Fortunately, there is a selective
rubbish container close to our house, so I take bottles, newspaper and plastic containers

18. What do vehicles run on?

18. Most vehicles run on petrol or gas. Recently car manufacturers have launched cars
operating with electricity. There is research going on how other energy sources, such as
solar energy and water, could be used for running vehicles.

19. How could people be encouraged to use unleaded petrol?

19. I would decrease the price of unleaded petrol to motivate people to choose it.

20.Are the rivers and lakes in Hungary clean?

20. As for the lakes, their quality has been improved recently since factories have been
stopped from letting their waste into the water. Rivers are in worse situation because the
biggest ones just flow through the country. If they are polluted before flowing into Hungary,
we can't do too much.

21. Is it possible to reverse the pollution of rivers?

21. Yes, it is. There are several examples for it all over the world. I have read about what
was done to clean the River Thames. When it was so polluted that all wildlife rejected it, the
London Council rebuilt the sewage treatment plants. Stricter government legislation
penalised factories for dumping untreated waste in the rivers in the country. As a result of
all this, different kinds of species retumed to the River Thames, even salmon, which is said
to like only extremely clean water.

22. How can industry be discouraged from polluting?

22. The penalties must be increased so drasticalIy that it would be more profitable for
companies to invest in building waste treatrnent processes rather than pay fines.

23. How is garbage collection organised in your town?

23. Garbage is colIected twice a week. You can put everything that you don't need, including
furniture, faulty electricai appliances and clothes, in front of your house and then the council
colIects them. In some places there are selective rubbish containers but there aren't
enough of them in the town.

24. What is your opíníon about colleeting paper?

24. I find it useful because colIected paper can be recycled. I think more people would
collect paper if they got a higher refund.

25. What can be recyded?
25. Almost everything can be recycled, like plastic bottles, paper, clothes, cans, and metal.

26. How could recycling be made more efficient?

26. I think more containers should be placed not only in towns but in vilIages. People should
get a refund and they should be inforrned about what they can do for the environment.

27. When shopping, do you pay attention to getting environment-friendly goods even if
they are more expensive?
27. Unfortunately; in Hungary there are only a few products with the label
environmentfriendly product. So even if I would like to choose these products, I don't really
have the chance.

28.What should parents do to bring up envíronment-minded children?

28. The most important factor is setting a good example. If children see that their parents
care about the environment, they will consider it important too.

29. What is hazardous waste?

29. Hazardous waste is atoxic by-product of industries which presents potential threat to
people or the environment. Nuclear waste, batteries, some chemicals, etc. are examples of
hazardous waste.

30. What happens to hazardous waste?

30. There are companies that take over, treat, store or dispose these harrnful by-products.
Firrns and even countries are ready to pay enorrnous sums of money to get rid of hazardous
waste so these companies very good profits.

31. What renewable energy sources do you know of?

31. I have heard of solar energy; wind, tidal power, and geotherrnal energy. Renewable
energy sources generate electricity in an environment-friendly way. These resources are
replaced naturally or controlled carefulIy so they can be used without the risk of running out
of them.

32.Why is it that so little solar energy is used in Hungary?

32. I think it's rather expensive to set up solar panels and people are sceptical about
everything new.

33. Where can wind power be utilized?

33. Wind power can be utilised in places where it's windy. In Denmark, Holland and Belgium it
has long been used with modem technology, not only in the form of the traditional windmills.
I have heard that in Britain they have tried building wind farms. Many people oppose them
saying that they are noisy; costly; inefficient, unreliable, dangerous to birds and destroy the

34. What can solar energy be used for?
34. Solar energy is used for heating houses and heating water. It is also to gain energy for
operating satellites and spacecraft.

35.Which non-renewable energy sources can you think of?

35. Fossil fuels, that is, oil, gas and coal, and wood are non-renewable energy sources.

36. What is Greenpeace?

36. Greenpeace is an ínternaticnalerganisation that fights for the protection of the
environment and takes non-violent action to achieve its aims. They often go out in small boats
to stop people from killing whales or throwing poisonous material into the seas. They also try
to stop trains carrying nuclear waste.

37. What is your opinion about it?

37. I think in principle Greenpeace's aims are good but I don't always like their methods.

38.Do you agree with the Greens protesting against power stations, building plants, etc?
38. In my opinion it's good that there are organisations that try to do something to protect
the environment, though I sometimes find them too aggressive. Their protests attract
people who join them only for the sake of hooliganism.

39. What is the giant panda the emblem of?

39. The giant panda is the emblem of the WWE The letters stand for World Wide Fund.
This organisation used to be called World Wildlife Fund but when they extended their
activities to protecting the whole earth, they changed the name.

40. What endangered species do you know of?

40. I know that sea turtles, whales, African elephants and pandas are protected.

41. What is your opinion about zoos?

41. Unfortunately, there are zoos where the animals are kept in very small cages and in very
bad conditions. The animals don't get proper food, they don't have enough room to move and
they die soon. On the other hand, there are zoos and safari parks where the animals have
space to move and are taken care of properly. In these places the visitors can see not only
what the animals look like but the way they behave and move.

42. What is your opinion about animals performing in circuses?

42. I don't really like animals in circuses because I can only think of how bad they must feel.
They don't have proper cages and food. They spend their time learning and performing
different tricks. They are even punished and beaten when they are not good enough.

43. How effectively are wild animals protected in Hungary?

43. In Hungary more and more regulations are enacted to protect wild animals. Both hunting
and keeping them are strictly regulated, so the situation is getting better.

44. Have you heard about people hunting for protected animals in Hungary?
44. Yes, unfortunately you can hear of cases of foreign hunters who kill hundreds of
protected birds. The legal procedures against these people are getting more severe.

45. Is the protection of domestic animals adequate in Hungary?

45. Unfortunately, there is news quite often about how badly people treat their domestic
animals. This news is mostly about pets who have escaped from their cages and attacked
somebody. I was shocked to hear about a person who loeked his pet in the boot of his car and
let the dog out only once a day when it got some food. Sometimes there are reports on
farmers who keep too many pigs or cows in a sty or shed because they expect more profit.

46. What do you think about having pets?

46. I think having pets means a big responsibility. You have to consider that pets need daily
care and attention and become like members of the family. It's so sad to see so many
abandoned pets.

47. What kind of pets do you like?

47. Ilike dogs most of all but my parents don't allow me to keep one because we live in a fiat
on the fourth fioor. So I got some fishes for my birthday and I take care of them regularly.
I give them food, clean the aquarium and sometimes put some toys into it. My friend is a big
guinea pig fan and he always has some to give as presents. My grandmother lives alone, so I
think it was a good idea of my parents to give her two cats.

48. Where would you buy a pet?

48. It depends on the pet. I would buy fish, hamsters, guinea pigs and birds in a pet shop. If
I were to buy a dog or cat, I would either tum to an acquaintance or a pet charity

49. What is important to bear in mind if you want to acquire a pet? 49. You must
consider that the pet will live together with you. You will have to take care of it every day.
You will have to feed it, give it to drink, take it to the vet if necessary, and so on.

50. Do you believe in organic food?

50. I think they are healthy because the producers don't use any artificial chemicals either
when they are growing the vegetables, fruits and animals or when processing them. In most
of the cases they are expensive as they can't be produced industrially.

51. Do you believe that happy hens lay better eggs than those bred in industrial
51. Yes, because they eat the kind of food that they would eat if they were free. I think the
eggs are also better because the hens don't suffer from stress due to being kept in small

52. What do you think causes more and more people being allergic?
52. I think the main reason is pollution, so the immune system of people is getting weaker
and weaker.

53. Do you think more bypass roads should be built around towns?
53. Yes, bypass roads are good because the big trucks and other vehicles can avoid town
centres. It means that both the pollution and the noise decrease in the inner parts of the

54. Why is it dangerous to lie in the sun at midday?

54. Sunbathing at midday is dangerous because the sun's ultraviolet radiation is the highest
at that time. The ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer and other diseases.

55.What is hay fever?

55. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen that irritates the nose, eyes and throat. The
symptoms include runny and itchy nose, itchy and watering eyes and sneezing.


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