A18 Environment Kérdés Válasz
A18 Environment Kérdés Válasz
A18 Environment Kérdés Válasz
5. What is ozone?
5. Ozone is a poisonous gas with a strong smell. It is a form of oxygen with three atoms
instead of two. Near ground level it causes photochemical smog and acid rain.
8.The melting of the polar caps results in the rising sea-levels. It will flood populated areas
and agricultural land.
9. What can be done to save the endangered species?
9. Hunting all the endangered species must be forbidden. It must be constantly checked that
people respect laws and regulations. The commerce of products prepared from these animals
must be banned and those caught on selling or buying these products must be severely
punished. The natural habitat of endangered species must also be protected.
10. What measures should be taken to make sure wildlife is not destroyed?
10. I think more regular inspections are needed. Those people who are caught on hunting or
capturing protected animals must be severely punished.
facilities for recycling. For example, I would place selective rubbish collectors in housing
estates and in other residential areas. I would pay a refund for all kinds of containers like
cans, bottles, and boxes.
25. What can be recyded?
25. Almost everything can be recycled, like plastic bottles, paper, clothes, cans, and metal.
27. When shopping, do you pay attention to getting environment-friendly goods even if
they are more expensive?
27. Unfortunately; in Hungary there are only a few products with the label
environmentfriendly product. So even if I would like to choose these products, I don't really
have the chance.
34. What can solar energy be used for?
34. Solar energy is used for heating houses and heating water. It is also to gain energy for
operating satellites and spacecraft.
38.Do you agree with the Greens protesting against power stations, building plants, etc?
38. In my opinion it's good that there are organisations that try to do something to protect
the environment, though I sometimes find them too aggressive. Their protests attract
people who join them only for the sake of hooliganism.
43. In Hungary more and more regulations are enacted to protect wild animals. Both hunting
and keeping them are strictly regulated, so the situation is getting better.
44. Have you heard about people hunting for protected animals in Hungary?
44. Yes, unfortunately you can hear of cases of foreign hunters who kill hundreds of
protected birds. The legal procedures against these people are getting more severe.
49. What is important to bear in mind if you want to acquire a pet? 49. You must
consider that the pet will live together with you. You will have to take care of it every day.
You will have to feed it, give it to drink, take it to the vet if necessary, and so on.
51. Do you believe that happy hens lay better eggs than those bred in industrial
51. Yes, because they eat the kind of food that they would eat if they were free. I think the
eggs are also better because the hens don't suffer from stress due to being kept in small
52. What do you think causes more and more people being allergic?
52. I think the main reason is pollution, so the immune system of people is getting weaker
and weaker.
53. Do you think more bypass roads should be built around towns?
53. Yes, bypass roads are good because the big trucks and other vehicles can avoid town
centres. It means that both the pollution and the noise decrease in the inner parts of the
55. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen that irritates the nose, eyes and throat. The
symptoms include runny and itchy nose, itchy and watering eyes and sneezing.