MONEMVASIA - Nhess 12 1823 2012
MONEMVASIA - Nhess 12 1823 2012
MONEMVASIA - Nhess 12 1823 2012
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Abstract. The paper presents the kinematics of rock insta- The main scope of the paper is the presentation of a new
bility of a high limestone promontory, where the Monem- rock-fall risk rating system, which is based on morphologi-
vasia historical site is situated, in Peloponnese in Southern cal and structural criteria of the rock mass and on vulnera-
Greece. The instability phenomena poses a significant threat bility and consequences. This system is applied for the risk
to the town located at the base of the slope. Rockfall episodes assessment of the rock slopes on the Monemvasia historical
occurred in the past due to the relaxation of the high cliff, site. The archaeological site of Monemvasia in South Pelo-
whereas significant undermining of the castle frontiers has ponnese, consists of a historic city situated at the foot of a
been observed at the slope crest. 60 m limestone rock cliff and an ancient and a medieval city
The predominant types of instability are of planar, wedge as well as the castle at the slope crest (Figs. 1 and 2). The
and toppling failure of medium to large blocks. In order to site is a typical example with high impact of rockfalls. The
investigate the existing stability conditions and decide upon city at the foot is inhabited and attracts many visitors under a
the protection measures, stability and rockfall analyses were high risk.
carried out for numerous slope sections under different load- The structural conditions of the slope are mainly charac-
ing conditions and protection measures were suggested. terised by the relaxation of the face of the slope due to its
A rock-fall risk rating system is proposed, which is based high inclination, the spacing of discontinuities allowing the
on morphological and structural criteria of the rock mass and formation of large blocks prone to fall and the lack of per-
on vulnerability and consequences. The rating system is ap- sistency of the discontinuity planes, which results in insta-
plied for individual sections along the slope and a risk map bilities only in specific parts of the slope. Fortunately there
was produced, which depicted areas having different degree are a lack of weak zones, which could result in large shear
of risk against rockfall occurrences. failures.
The identification of similar comparable conditions re-
sulted in the division of the slope in 5 areas, presented in
Fig. 1. Additionally, cross-sections were drawn in specific
1 Introduction locations in order to assist in the stability analysis (denoted
as A to Z and shown in Fig. 11). A general assessment of the
The impact of rockfalls on archaeological sites and histor- rockfall hazard was presented by Marinos et al. (2009).
ical monuments in the Greek territory is significant, since Rockfalls existed long before the development of the city
most of the landscapes are mountainous and the sites are usu- in the ancient time, as evidenced by the foundation of several
ally found near or on steep rock slopes. Geotechnical prob- ancient structures on large fallen blocks of rock as well as
lems related to slope instability and the protection of histor- the abundance of rock fragments on the slope foot. In the
ical sites in Greece have been addressed by several authors recent years a number of severe rockfall events have occurred
(Marinos and Koukis, 1988) and recently, among others, by (Fig. 3a).
Marinos et al. (2002) and Marinos and Rondoyanni (2005).
The hazard of rockfalls is obviously higher in areas with in-
tense seismic activity, where earthquakes are the principal
triggering factor (Marinos and Tsiambaos, 2002).
Fig. 1. (a) Panoramic view of the rock promontory, (b) close view of Monemvasia historical site.
Fig. 3. (a) View of fallen rock blocks in area of section D (b) overhanging blocks in area of section Z. Range of volumes: 1.5 to 5 m3 .
Fig. 4. Stereographic projection of main discontinuity sets and slope faces. Slope faces are denoted in red.
3 Rockfall analysis
3.1 General
Fig. 10. Photo of a section of the slope having hanging blocks with very large dimensions.
Fig. 11. Risk zonation of rock slope based on proposed rockfall risk rating system.
volume of 1 m3 has fallen in 2010, whose trajectory (detach- Since the volume of the rocks varies, an analysis was car-
ment location and run-out distance) was known (as shown in ried out for a range of rock block volumes 2 m3 and 3 m3
Fig. 8). and for a range of block detachment heights (between 20 and
From the present analyses, it is evident that the values 50 m). The total kinetic energy, which is produced by the
of coefficients of restitution are close to those proposed by falling rock blocks, as calculated at the different sections of
Robotham et al. (1995) and Richards et al. (2001) for lime- the slope, does not exceed 2500 kJ and only in some loca-
stone rocks. tions, as in sections C and Z, with blocks having a volume
The values of the coefficients of restitution, as determined greater than 2 m3 resulted in total kinetic energies greater
by the different methods, are presented in Table 1. From the than 2500 kJ. The results of the rockfall analysis for differ-
back analysis it was found that the rolling friction angle is ent sections of the slope are presented in Table 2, together
equal to 32◦ . with the maximum impact energy at the location of the bar-
rier under consideration and the impact effect of rockfalls for
each section.
3.3 Results of analysis
The analysis was performed using the software RocFall of 4 Slope stabilization
Rocscience Inc (1998). The coefficients of normal and tan-
gential restitution for the limestone were determined as pre- The necessary support measures can be divided into two cat-
sented earlier. The initial velocity of the falls was taken equal egories: (a) those which apply an external force on the rock
to 0.48 m s−1 due to seismic triggering (based on the accel- face e.g., tensioned rock anchors and/or patterned rock bolts,
eration coefficient of the area according to the Greek Earth- and (b) those which offer protection once the rockfall oc-
quake Resistant Regulations, 2004). An example of the anal- curs, mainly rockfall barriers. Other support measures, such
ysis in Section C is shown in Fig. 9. It is evident that the as grouting of rock joints with associated drainage, construc-
installation of a barrier in locations with an adequate catch- tion of buttresses in overhanging areas and removal of un-
ment area can protect the structures and human activities at stable blocks are not always applicable or very difficult to
the foot slope. construct on high rock cliffs.
It should be noted that the width of the zone, just be- The application of tensioned anchors or pattern bolting
hind the barrier, is very decisive for the impact energy since in the locations where large individual blocks exist (or spot
this portion of the slope provides considerable damping and, bolting for smaller ones) at the slope crest is adequate. The
therefore, loss in energy. In some locations, such as in the application of sprayed concrete is not acceptable due to the
area between sections D and E, there is no space behind the archaeological restrictions of the area. The same is true for
barrier resulting in enhanced impact energy. In such cases, the installation of steel nets in a number of locations.
the rockfall barriers in the analysis were installed on the slope As mentioned earlier, the scale of some potential failures
face in order to arrest potential falling blocks before their tra- is such, that no stabilization measures can minimize or with-
jectory impacts the houses at the slope foot. draw the risk of a potential rockfall after their application.
Table 3. Categories of parameters defining the risk and weight of each category.
Even high-energy rockfall barriers would prove insufficient, Some authors have proposed systems that are applicable
as in the case of the rock block shown in Fig. 10 detached to natural slopes, but most are specific oriented. Bolin et
from the cliff. A possible support solution, in this case, al. (2009) have proposed a new assessment system for rock-
would be to install tensioned wire-rope cables around the fall risk (ASRFR) in the Wu Gorge area in China, which con-
rock block to resist its movement. siders seven factors for hazard and eight factors for conse-
5 Rockfall risk assessment Another approach for the calculation of risk is presented
by Corominas et al. (2005) while Guzzetti and Reichen-
5.1 General bach (2004) have used a methodology based on rockfall haz-
ard maps produced by three-dimensional rockfall trajectories
The assessment of rockfall risks along roads and on other to determine risk along a part of the transportation network
human activities is of great importance (Budetta, 2004). In of Central Italy.
order to assess rockfall risk, a number of rating systems have The Austrian Service for Torrent and Avalanche Control
been developed. (Tartarotti, 2011) proposed a simple risk classification sys-
Just to mention, Pierson et al. (1990) have developed tem which relies on four parameters, namely: (a) the proba-
the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS), which is most bility of presence of an event, (b) vulnerability of structures,
widely accepted. A similar system is that proposed by (c) the probability of occurrence, and (d) the process and en-
Pritchard et al. (2005), who developed a rating methodol- ergy class of a rockfall.
ogy which is applied to predict rockfall risk along railways.
McMillan and Matheson (1997) have developed the Rock 5.2 Proposed rockfall risk rating system
Slope Hazard Index (RSHI) system for highway rock slope
inspection in Scotland. Santi et al. (2009) have proposed a The rockfall risk rating systems in literature are well docu-
modification to the Colorado Rockfall Hazard Rating system, mented, but are mostly devoted to reasonable assessment of
developed initially from Andrew (1994) for highway slopes the relative hazards due to rockfalls from cut slopes adjacent
in Colorado. Hungr and Evans (1999) have applied quantita- to highways and railways. In the present study, a rockfall risk
tive risk analysis for determination of total risk on highway rating system is proposed which is mostly applicable to the
and railways in British Columbia, which is based on data calculation of rockfall risk of natural and man-made slopes
on the magnitude and frequency distribution of the rockfall and encompasses all those parameters, which are considered
hazards. Hungr et al. (2003) have proposed a new rockfall important for this purpose. It defines twenty (20) rating pa-
hazard rating system for use along a railway line, again with rameters, grouped in four (4) major categories according to
a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) procedure. the hazard and consequences, with a different weight in the
Vandewater et al. (2005) have proposed a rockfall hazard assessment of the total risk.
system for highways giving emphasis on the contribution of The weight for each category varies, depending on the im-
geological factors. portance of the parameters involved. More specifically, cate-
Most of the existing systems use hazard and consequence gory A is given a weight of 25 % to the total risk score of a
categories. These systems give a reasonable assessment of slope, while B 25 %, C 10 % and D is given 40 %.
the relative hazards due to rockfalls from cut slopes adjacent The first category of hazard, category A, involves parame-
to highways and railways. Thus, they include also the con- ters, related to the geometry of the slope (angle, height, slope
ditions of the anthropgenic cuts and not just those of natural roughness and vegetation) and the height of the rockfall re-
slopes. lease areas. Category B parameters refer to the geological
Table 4. Parameters of all categories and rating of proposed rockfall rating system for natural rock slopes to define risk.
Table 4. Continued.
Category/ (Multiply rating
Parameter parameter Rating with weight
weight factor factor of
Few types of
All types of Most types of A number of types of Access very
19. Slope accessibility stabilization
D/5 % stabilization possible stabilization possible stabilization possible difficult
Rating 10 15 30 60 100
High; frequent Very high, constant
Negligible; no human Moderate human
20. Potential result of impact and Low; areas of little human presence, human presence,
structures and presence; low
value of structures D/20 % human activity numerous densely inhabited
permanent activities frequency of houses
houses areas
Rating 10 15 30 60 100
Total Score (Maximum 100)
Risk Class Total weighted Risk Indicative protection measures (the choice is site specific)
score 1–100
I < 20 Very Low Not necessary. May be sparse spot interventions.
II 21–40 Low In limited extent
III 41–60 Medium Light measures (such as bolts, nets, removal of unstable blocks,
simple light fences)
IV 61–80 High Combination of active (such as bolts, anchors) and passive (such
as nets, wire rope cables, buttress walls, fences removal of
unstable blocks) measures
V 81–100 Very High Critical state of stability, combination of generalized or/and
strong active and passive measures. Residual risk to be
and rock mass conditions of the slope. These parameters The proposed risk rating system has been developed on an
describe the condition of the rock discontinuities, the intact empirical basis, with the weight of categories and parameters
rock strength, presence of karst and the block volume and and the parameter rating, based on reasonable geoengineer-
number of potential blocks. Category C parameters relate ing judgment and reasonable facts. The proposed risk system
to the potential triggering factors (rainfall, seismicity of the was designed with special emphasis on rating of natural rock
area) and drainage conditions of groundwater on the rock sta- slopes, which pose a rockfall hazard on human structures and
bility. Category D parameters refer to the consequences – activities, such as in the case of the historic city of Monem-
impact on structures and associated elements, as well as the vasia.
accessibility of the slope. The categories and their weight in Each parameter has an internal, exponential, increase of
the total risk score are presented in Table 3. rating, between 10 and 100, as one moves from favourite
to adverse conditions. The parameter is rated and then is
Table 6. Application of proposed risk rating system for the Monemvasia historic site high limestone cliff (The value in parenthesis is the
unweighted rating for each parameter).
multiplied by a respective weight factor. Finally, the total Based on the rating method proposed, a slope with the
risk score is calculated by summing the individual score of highest risk will have a total weighted score of 100 in a 10 to
each parameter. The parameters of each category, the weight 100 scale. In order to classify the risk against rockfalls and
factor for each parameter and their rating are presented in decide on protection measures, the proposed risk classifica-
Table 4. tion of rock slopes has five categories, very low to very high
risk, as presented in Table 5.
6 Rockfall risk assessment for Monemvasia rock slope optimized protection. Therefore, the application of active
support measures, such as bolts and wire rope nets will be
The Rockfall Risk Rating system was applied at selected lo- necessary.
cations along the rock cliff of Monemvasia, since the param- In order to calculate the potential risk of the rockfalls, a
eter rating differs for each slope area. The locations coincide rating system for natural rock slopes was proposed and the
with the topographical sections (A to H, Fig. 11) as presented locations with maximum risk are defined. This system in-
previously. The application of this risk rating is shown in Ta- volves 20 parameters, appropriately weighted, grouped in
ble 6. categories according to the geometry of the slope, the ge-
The parameters that vary from one location to another are: ological conditions, the potential triggering mechanisms of
(a) the volume and number of rock blocks, (b) the spacing the rockfall and the consequences of the hazard. Support
and persistence of discontinuities, (c) the height of the re- measures suggestions associated with the proposed risk rat-
lease area, (d) the width of the available catchment zone, and ing assessment. An application of the proposed system is
(e) the existence of structures or human activity at the un- presented for the Monemvasia cliff. The proposed system
derlying area. The slope height and angle of Monemvasia has to be further developed and ratified by back analysis for
slopes do not vary significantly. As it can be seen from the the optimum adjustment of the weight of the big variety of
application of the risk system, 10 parameters out of 20 have parameters involved.
the same rating for the Monemvasia slope.
The result of the application is a risk zonation of the cliff Acknowledgements. The research is the result of a project of the
against rockfall occurrence, presented on the risk map shown National Technical University of Athens funded by the Greek
Ministry of Culture.
in Fig. 11. The map depicts the areas having a medium and
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