Respiratory Sleep Medicine: Handbook
Respiratory Sleep Medicine: Handbook
Respiratory Sleep Medicine: Handbook
Anita K. Simonds
Wilfried de Backer
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Anita K. Simonds (London, UK)
Wilfried de Backer (Antwerp, Belgium)
Stefan Andreas Michel Lecendreux Winfried Randerath
Chiara Baglioni Patrick Levy Dieter Riemann
Ferrán Barbé Marie Marklund Renata L. Riha
Maria R. Bonsignore Juan Fernando Masa Daniel Rodenstein
An Boudewiyns Walter T. McNicholas Silke Ryan
Gary Cohen Josep M. Montserrat Zoltan Tomori
Viliam Donic Mary J. Morrell Ha Trang
Athanasios Kaditis Gimbada B. Mwenge Johan Verbraecken
Miriam Katz-Salomon Arie Oksenberg Stijn Verhulst
Brian D. Kent Paolo Palange Maria Pia Villa
Eric Konofal Dirk Pevernagie
Matt Broadhead, Jonathan Hansen, Sarah Hill, Sharon Mitchell,
Victoria Morton, Elin Reeves, Rachel White
ISBN 978-1-84984-023-1
Contributors vii
Preface xi
Get more from this Handbook xii
List of abbreviations xiii
Sleep history 84
Silke Ryan and Walter T. McNicholas
Differential diagnosis 87
Walter T. McNicholas
Questionnaires on sleep 91
Brian D. Kent and Walter T. McNicholas
Predisposing factors 95
Maria R. Bonsignore
Diagnostic algorithms 100
Josep M. Montserrat, Ferrán Barbé and Juan Fernando Masa
Quality of life 107
Maria R. Bonsignore
Surgical and anaesthesia risk assessment 111
Maria R. Bonsignore
Comorbidity assessment 115
Maria R. Bonsignore
Polysomnography 120
Renata L. Riha
Assessment of daytime sleepiness 131
Renata L. Riha
Cardiorespiratory monitoring during sleep 136
Maria R. Bonsignore and Juan Fernando Masa
Chapter 6 - Treatment
Index 237
Anita K. Simonds Wilfried de Backer
NIHR Respiratory Disease Biomedical Dept of Pulmonary Medicine
Research Unit University and University Hospital of
Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Antwerp
Foundation Trust Edegem, Belgium
London, UK [email protected]
[email protected]
Stefan Andreas Chiara Baglioni
Pneumologische Lehrklinik Dept of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Universität Göttingen Freiburg University Medical Centre
Göttingen, Germany Freiburg, Germany
[email protected] [email protected]
Gimbada B. Mwenge Arie Oksenberg
Centre for Sleep Medicine and Sleep Disorders Unit
Pneumology Department Loewenstein Hospital –
Université Catholique de Louvain Rehabilitation Center
Brussels, Belgium Raanana, Israel
[email protected]` [email protected]
“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never
pass into nothingness; but still will keep a bower quiet for us, and a sleep
full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing...” John Keats
The ERS Handbook of Respiratory Sleep Medicine furthers the ERS HERMES project to
Harmonise Education in Respiratory Medicine for European Specialists. Sleep medicine
is truly multidisciplinary, and yet the huge expansion in sleep medicine facilities over the
past two to three decades can be attributed to the recognition of and need to manage sleep
disordered breathing, particularly obstructive sleep apnoea. The field is therefore of very great
importance to respiratory physicians and respiratory team members, who are instrumental
in running many European sleep laboratories. Moreover, treatment methods for obstructive
sleep apnoea and nocturnal hypoventilation with continuous positive airway pressure
and noninvasive ventilation have improved and diversified, and the links between sleep
disordered breathing and co-morbidities are now much better understood, making it an area
with an extensive and growing evidence base.
This handbook is part of the planned development of a training programme in sleep
medicine, following the creation of a syllabus and curriculum in respiratory sleep medicine.
Its aim is to help physicians and trainees meet the curriculum requirements. However, it
covers the field extensively with detailed reference to nonrespiratory disorders and paediatric
sleep medicine. As such, it is a valuable resource for any practitioner from a respiratory,
neurology, cardiology, dental or ENT background who sees patients with sleep disorders,
and needs an up-to date reference book that covers succinctly the causes, diagnosis and
management of these conditions.
The Editors are very grateful to the ERS Task Force in Respiratory Sleep medicine, and other
contributors who have written the chapters; and to the ERS staff who helped coordinate both
the Task Force and the book.
Get more from this Handbook
By buying the ERS Handbook of Respiratory Sleep Medicine, you also gain access to the
electronic version of the book, as well as an accredited online CME test.
You’ll also be able to take the online CME test. This handbook has been accredited by
the European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology (EBAP) for 8 CME credits.
List of abbreviations
Neuroanatomy and
neurobiology of sleep
10 1
Olfactory Upper
bulb 13 airway
12 14
2 3 • Histaminergic
• Serotonergic
4 • Noradrenergic
5 • Cholinergic
• Orexinergic
b) • Glutaminergic
• GABAergic
1 Pineal
c) 2 Pons
Upper 3 Medulla oblongata
airway 4 Spinal cord
5 Pituitary
6 Tuberomammillary
7 Preoptic area
8 Hypothalamus
9 Corpus callosum
10 Cerebral cortex
11 Hippocampus
12 Thalamus
13 Midbrain
14 Cerebellum
Figure 1. a)Wakefulness-, b) NREM sleep- and c) REM sleep-generating neuronal systems in the rat brain.
Descending projections to the respiratory and hypoglossal motor neurons in the medulla are also shown.
Solid lines indicate active neuronal groups and projections, respectively. Dashed lines and decreased
symbol size indicate suppressed activity. Lines terminating with an arrow indicate excitatory projections,
lines terminating with an oval indicate inhibitory projections and lines terminating in a diamond indicate
mixed excitatory and inhibitory projections for acetylcholine. The progressive suppression of hypoglossal
motor output to genioglossus muscle from wakefulness to NREM and REM sleep is illustrated by reduced
line thickness. Figure adapted from Horner (2008), with permission from the publisher.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hours of recording
Figure 2. A typical overnight sleep hypnogram illustrating the sleep cycles that occur overnight in a young
male. REM sleep is seen approximately every 90 min and there are occasional brief arousals from sleep.
switch (McGinty et al., 2000). This is an NREM sleep is conventionally divided into
all-or-nothing process that prevents the three or four stages according to the
occurrence of intermediate conscious guidelines laid out by the American
states. At sleep onset, neurons in the Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2007. These
ventrolateral pre-optic area (VLPO), stages approximately represent the depth of
anterior hypothalamus and basal forebrain sleep and are analysed using standardised
are activated and inhibit the arousal criteria (see chapter 5).
systems detailed previously. In particular,
the VLPO neurons containing the In adults sleep is most often initiated
inhibitory neurotransmitters c-aminobutyric through NREM sleep and is marked by
acid (GABA) and galanin, project to (and synchronisation of EEG activity (for further
inhibit) the wake-promoting regions of the description of the EEG that defines the
ascending reticular system (Sherin et al., stages of sleep see chapter 5). The overnight
1998) and the descending brainstem sleep patterns in a healthy young adult are
arousal neurons (fig. 1b). shown in figure 2. NREM predominates
early in the night with episodes of REM
REM sleep occurs with activation of sleep occurring in approximately 90-min
cholinergic neurons in the laterodorsal and intervals. The 90-min NREM–REM cycle is
pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei. This repeated approximately three to six times
cholinergic activation occurs when during the night, and the duration of REM
withdrawal of the aminergic arousal systems sleep increases as the night progresses. The
(noradrenergic neurons in the locus preferential occurrence of NREM sleep
coeruleus and serotonergic neurons in the (particularly slow-wave sleep) early in the
dorsal raphe nuclei) produces disinhibition. night is coincidental with sleep
This causes the release of acetylcholine, homeostasis, while the predominance of
which triggers the increased neural activity REM sleep later in the night is thought to be
that is a feature of REM sleep. Suppression associated with the circadian rhythm of core
of motor activity, the other marker of REM body temperature.
sleep, is generated by glutamate-mediated
activation of descending medullary reticular Sleep cycles in ageing Sleep is essential for
formation relay neurons (fig. 1c). The life in humans. Total sleep deprivation over
activity of these neurons is inhibitory to 2–3 weeks impairs thermal regulation,
spinal motor neurons via the release of energy balance and immune function,
glycine and to a lesser extent GABA eventually causing death. The requirements
(Reinoso-Suarez et al., 2001). for sleep vary with age. In infants, active
(REM) sleep dominates in the first 1–
The cycle of wakefulness and sleep The 2 months of life. After 3 months NREM
transition from wake to sleep can be difficult sleep begins to dominate, and by 5 yrs of
to determine as there are typically brief age adult sleep stages are established. The
periods of drowsiness with transient bursts percentage of REM sleep is reduced to adult
of wakefulness before sleep consolidation. levels by 10 yrs of age.
sleep is not documented despite the
25 ●
disrupted synchronisation of neuronal
activation may occur as a result of an age-
● ●
15 ●
related decline in the neural systems that
● ● ●● regulate sleep. An increase in the lighter
10 ●
r=0.852 sleep partially compensates for the loss of
deep sleep (Van Cauter et al., 2000) but
5 p<0.00001 there is also a reduction in the number of
sleep spindles and K complexes. The
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 duration of REM sleep tends to remain
Age yrs constant throughout adulthood (Landolt
et al., 1996), although a reduction in the
Figure 3. The influence of age on the number of proportion of REM sleep has been reported
arousals (awakenings o3 s) per hour of sleep. by some (Van Cauter et al., 2000).
Reproduced with permission from Boselli et al.
(1998), with permission from the publisher.
Further reading
In adults, optimal sleep duration varies. N Aserinsky E, et al. (1953). Regularly
Sleep restriction to ,5 h a night causes a occurring periods of eye motility, and
reduction in psychomotor vigilance (Dinges concomitant phenomena, during sleep.
et al., 1997), a decline in mood and Science; 118: 273–274.
motivation and a worse performance on N Boselli M, et al. (1998). Effect of age on
memory tests. Increasing sleep opportunity EEG arousals in normal sleep. Sleep; 21:
up to 10 h a night improves cognitive 361–367.
function. Most estimates suggest that 7.5– N Dijk DJ, et al. (2000). Contribution of
8.5 h of sleep are required for optimal circadian physiology and sleep home-
performance. ostasis to age-related changes in human
sleep. Chronobiol Int; 17: 285–311.
Ageing influences sleep cycles, with older N Dinges DF, et al. (1997). Cumulative
people reporting that they experience sleepiness, mood disturbance, and psy-
difficulty in maintaining sleep and increased chomotor vigilance performance decre-
awakenings (fig. 3). Morning preference also ments during a week of sleep restricted to
4–5 hours per night. Sleep; 20: 267–277.
increases with age (Taillard et al., 2004);
N Horner RL. (2008). Neuromodulation of
however, this may be due to changing work
hypoglossal motoneurons during sleep.
schedules or variation in social activities, as
Respir Physiol Neurobiol; 164: 179–196.
well as changes in the physiological N Iber C, et al. (2007). The AASM Manual
requirements for sleep (Dijk et al., 2000). for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated
The increased number of arousals per night Events: Rules, Terminology and Technical
may be a consequence of the decline in the Specifications. 1st Edn. Westchester,
neural systems that regulate sleep or an age- American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
related change in the arousal thresholds to N Klerman EB, et al. (2004). Older people
external stimuli. Interestingly, although awaken more frequently but fall back
older adults experience more awakening asleep at the same rate as younger
during sleep, they do not seem to have any people. Sleep; 27: 793–798.
more problems returning to sleep once N Landolt HP, et al. (1996). Effect of age on
awake (Klerman et al., 2004). the sleep EEG: slow-wave activity and
spindle frequency activity in young and
By the age of 75 yrs there may be no deep middle-aged men. Brain Res; 738: 205–212.
sleep. The loss of the deep sleep with
Control of breathing during sleep and are anatomically distinguished from other
wakefulness respiratory neurons within the ventrolateral
column by expression of neurokinin-1
Neural control of breathing Neurons with receptor (NK1R) (Gray et al., 1999). The
respiratory-related activity are located within gradual loss of the preBötC NK1R-expressing
the ventrolateral medulla in a column neurons may explain why SDB is prevalent in
extending from the facial nucleus to the some people. Studies of human post mortem
upper spinal cord in animals (fig. 1). When tissue have anatomically identified a cluster
isolated, these neurons are able to maintain of NK1R-expressing neurons within the
rhythmic motor nerve output. A bilateral reticular formation of the caudal brainstem
cluster of ventrolateral medullary neurons, and this is presumed to be the site of the
known as the preBötzinger Complex preBötC in humans (Lavezzi et al., 2008).
(preBötC), is essential for this
rhythmogenesis (Smith et al., 1991). A A second cluster of respiratory neurons in
critical subpopulation of preBötC neurons the brainstem has also been identified.
Ventral to the facial nucleus and rostral to
the preBötC, these neurons are called the
Key points retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) in adults and
the parafacial respiratory group (pFRG) in
N Neurons with respiratory-related neonates (fig. 1). The anatomical
activity are situated in the boundaries and functional significance of
ventrolateral medulla. these neurons are still under debate and
appear to depend on the experimental
N Sleep onset is associated with a conditions under which the studies are
reduction in the wakefulness drive to performed. The pFRG neurons may have a
breathe, chemosensitivity and primary role in rhythm generation by
metabolism; such that ventilation falls controlling the timing of inspiratory bursts.
and PaCO2 increases above the They are also opiate-insensitive, a property
apnoeic threshold. that distinguishes them from the opiate-
N Patency of the upper airway is sensitive neurons within the preBötC. The
determined by airway size, negative impact of opiates on respiratory rhythm-
intraluminal pressure, extraluminal generating neurons is of interest because of
pressure (such as adipose tissue) their wide spread use in pain control.
and compliance.
The RTN is comprised of glutamatergic,
N Susceptibility of the upper airway to chemosensory interneurons that can be
collapse during sleep is increased by anatomically identified by expression of the
the sleep-related reduction in lung NK1R and the transcription factor Phox2b
volume and the reduction in reflex (Mulkey et al., 2004). The RTN neurons are
activation of the upper airway not rhythmically active, but they are
dilator muscles. chemosensitive and stimulation in vivo
increases ventilation during wakefulness.
Phox2b) results in a loss in CO2/pH VII BC rVG cVG
sensitivity and lethal respiratory abnormalities LRN
at birth (Dubreuil et al., 2008). Clinically,
mutation of the PHOX2B gene (which RTN/pFRG preBötC
encodes the transcription factor Phox2b)
causes congenital central hypoventilation
Figure 1. A parasagittal section through the
syndrome (CCHS). Future histological medulla and caudal pons highlighting the
studies will determine whether Phox2b- anatomical arrangement of respiratory neurons
positive neurons in the facial motor nucleus, within the ventrolateral medulla. The
which is presumed to be the site of the human ventrolateral respiratory column (VRC), including
RTN, are deficient in CCHS patients. the Bötzinger complex (BC), preBötzinger
complex (preBötC), rostral ventral respiratory
Control of breathing at the wake/sleep group (rVG) and caudal ventral respiratory group
transition Sleep onset is associated with a (cVG) are shown in pink. The RTN/pFRG and
loss of the wakefulness influences on preBötC, the regions discussed in this chapter, are
breathing, changes in chemosensitivity, and highlighted in red. CB: cerebellum; LC: locus
a sleep-related reduction in metabolism that ceruleus; NTS: nucleus of the solitary tract; NA:
combine to produce the blood gas changes nucleus ambiguus; LRN: lateral reticular nucleus;
described later in this section. The term VII: facial motor nucleus; SO: superior olive.
‘wakefulness drive to breathe’ describes the Taken from McKay et al. (2010), with permission
influence of cerebral activity on the regulation from the publisher.
of breathing. Recent brain imaging studies
have shown that the primary and sensory
The shape of the pharyngeal lumen has been
cortices, basal ganglia and thalamic nuclei are
studied by looking at the anteroposterior
implicated in volitional and behavioural
and tranverse diameters at these levels. The
control and activation of these centres are
factors that influence the prevalence of OSA,
presumably lost during sleep. The ability to
such as obesity, age and sex may change the
maintain stable breathing during sleep onset
upper airway anatomy.
is a function of how the respiratory control
system responds to ventilatory perturbations The shape of the oropharynx and
that occur at this time. hypopharynx becomes more spherical
Anatomy and function of the upper airway (compared with the normal oval shape) with
increasing BMI, mainly due to a decrease in
Anatomy The upper airway can be divided the transverse axis. Moreover, in lean OSA
into the nasopharynx (from cranial base to patients the anatomy of the upper airway is
posterior border of the hard palate), the correlated with the AHI, indicating that the
oropharynx (from posterior border of the anatomy of the upper airway in obese
hard palate to the tip of the soft palate) and patients is only one of several factors
the hypopharynx (from the tip of the soft influencing the upper airway occlusion
palate to the tip of the epiglottis). (Mayer et al., 1996).
Figure 2. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the upper airway from CT and MRI scans. L: larynx; O:
oropharynx; P: pharynx. Reproduced from De Backer et al. (2008), with permission from the publisher.
activation will contribute to the upper airway directly, or by lowering lung volumes.
collapsibility, which can be measured using Weight loss can reduce active Pcrit by
the critical closing pressure. This recovery of active neuromuscular control.
measurement is based on the principle that
the upper airway can be modelled as a Visceral adiposity is related to a decrease in
collapsible segment or Starling resistor. The neuromuscular control by an increase in the
collapsible segment is subject to the amount of circulating inflammatory
surrounding or critical pressure (Pcrit) that cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor
determines the collapse. The airway (TNF)-a, TNF-a receptor I, interleukin (IL)-6
collapses when the intraluminal pressure and IL-1b. In addition, inflammation of the
drops below the Pcrit. Elevations in Pcrit in upper airway structures themselves may
OSA patients can be related to anatomic lead to cell infiltration and remodelling of
factors and/or disturbances in the extracellular matrix in the upper airway
neuromuscular control. Passive Pcrit producing neurosensory deficits. The latter
may impair protective reflex responses to
(measured shortly after reducing upper
negative intraluminal pressures and, thus,
pressure) and active Pcrit (after a longer time
also compromise the neuromuscular
period of pressure drop when
responses (Schwartz et al., 2010).
neuromuscular activation occurs in
response to the airflow obstruction) are Anatomy as a predictor of therapeutic
generally considered to be different interventions All treatments for OSA that
measurements. Active Pcrit reflects increase upper airway volume will help to
neuromuscular activation, while passive Pcrit protect the airway from collapse. Measuring
reflects collapsibility related only to upper airway volume, however, is not
anatomic characteristics. Active responses sufficient to predict the response to
that can compensate for high passive Pcrit treatment since some interventions may
are blunted in OSA patients. Thus, OSA increase overall upper airway volume, but
patients have disturbed passive and active still induce an increase in upper airway
Pcrit. Obesity may enhance passive Pcrit resistance, by narrowing the upper airway at
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330
Time min
Figure 1. Sleep recording evidencing a close correlation between ECG high frequencies (as measured by
HRV) and delta activity in the EEG. Reproduced from Jurysta et al. (2003), with permission from the
publisher. Delta P: delta EEG power; nu: normalised units; HFnu: normalised high frequency.
quite the same as the true systemic pressure detecting acute changes in blood pressure
and are affected by hand position. It is associated with sympathetic activation
therefore not accurate at determining absolute during arousal and with the pulsus paradoxus
blood pressure recordings, but it is very good generated by the high pleural pressure
at tracking changes in blood pressure. swings (Pitson et al., 1998) encountered in
increased upper airway resistance during
PTT and peripheral arterial tonometry Pulse sleep (Argod et al., 2000). Many of the
transit time (PTT) is the time taken for the changes in measured PTT in response to a
arterial pressure wave to travel from the large inspiratory effort appear, in fact, to be
aortic valve (measured by the ECG R-wave) due to lengthening of the PEP rather than of
to the periphery (measured by finger the true PTT. PTT is a marker of inspiratory
photoplethysmography). With rises in blood effort (amplitude of the oscillations in time
pressure, the arterial wall tension increases with respiration) (Pitson et al., 1998) and of
and becomes stiffer and, hence, transmits autonomic activation at point of arousal (dip
this pressure wave more swiftly. PTT is in baseline level corresponding to surge in
therefore inversely correlated to changes in blood pressure at apnoea termination)
blood pressure (Smith et al., 1999). Using (Pepin et al., 2005).
the ECG R-wave as the starting point for PTT
inevitably creates a small error as the pre- Peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) was
ejection systolic period (PEP) will also be introduced into the field of sleep medicine
included in the interval measured. The PEP by Pillar et al. (2002). Upper airway
may also be affected by factors that obstruction (O’Donnell et al., 2002) and
influence blood pressure and not necessarily arousals (Pillar et al., 2003) have been
in the same direction as the true PTT. As a shown to be adequately identified by this
consequence, PTT is not particularly good at technique. This led to the concept of a
predicting absolute beat-to-beat blood screening technique (Penzel et al., 2004;
pressure values as there is a tendency of the Zou et al., 2006). In addition, the PAT
relationship between PTT and blood technique enables REM sleep recognition
pressure to drift over time (Smith et al., (Lavie et al., 2000; Dvir et al., 2002;
1999). This does not affect its ability to Herscovici et al., 2007). This
detect short-term changes in blood pressure plethysmographic technique measures
and PTT has been shown to be capable of peripheral arterial tone. The device envelops
18.0 ● ●
(Somers et al., 1995; Grassi et al., 2005) ■
Johan Verbraecken
Arousal Arousal
Airflow Airflow
Effort Effort
Ribcage Ribcage
Effort Effort
Abdomen Abdomen
Effort Effort
Oesophageal 0
Oesophageal -200
pressure -40 pressure -40
-60 -60
(cmH2O) (cmH2O)
100 100
Sa,O2 75
Sa,O2 75
10 s 10 s
Arousal Arousal
Airflow Airflow
Effort Effort
Ribcage Ribcage
Effort Effort
Abdomen Abdomen
Effort Effort
Oesophageal -200
pressure -40 pressure -40
-60 -60
(cmH2O) (cmH2O)
100 100
Sa,O2 75
10 s 10 s
Figure 1. Different presentations of apnoeas and hypopnoea. a) Central event; b–d) obstructive events.
or more central apnoeas per hour of sleep. A last group in the spectrum of SDB is called
The disorder should not be better explained sleep-related hypoventilation/hypoxaemic
by another current sleep disorder, medical syndrome. Sleep-induced hypoventilation is
or neurological disorder, medication use, or characterised by elevated PaCO2 of
substance use disorder. Many patients with .45 mmHg while asleep, or
CSAS have mild hypocapnia or disproportionately increased relative to
normocapnia, but rarely hypercapnia and levels during wakefulness. This group
hypoventilation are also observed. A comprises idiopathic sleep-related
periodic pattern of waxing and waning of nonobstructive alveolar hypoventilation,
ventilation with periods of hyperventilation congenital central alveolar hypoventilation
alternating with central apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, and sleep-related hypoventilation
is termed Cheyne–Stokes respiration (CSR). due to a medical condition (pulmonary
According to the ICSD-2 manual CSR can be parenchymal or vascular pathology, lower
considered if: a) polysomnography shows at airway obstruction, neuromuscular and
least 10 central apnoeas and hypopnoeas chest wall disorders). Obesity
per hour of sleep in which the hypopnoea hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is
has a crescendo–decrescendo pattern of probably the most common clinical
tidal volume accompanied by frequent presentation of this syndrome. This disorder
arousals from sleep and derangement of is defined as the association of obesity
sleep structure; b) the breathing disorder (body mass index .30 kg?m-2) and SDB
occurs in association with a serious medical with daytime hypersomnolence and
illness, such as heart failure, stroke, or renal hypercapnia (PaCO2 .45 mmHg) in the
failure; c) the disorder is not better absence of any other respiratory disease.
explained by another current sleep disorder, There is however no commonly accepted
medication use or substance use disorder. definition for OHS.
Although symptoms are not mandatory to Different definitions have been published by
make this diagnosis, patients often report the AASM for the different entities of SDB
excessive daytime sleepiness, frequent (ICSD-2 versus AASM Scoring Manual),
arousals and awakenings during sleep, which may complicate the understanding of
insomnia complaints, or awakening short the problem. In this article, the ICSD-2
of breath. criteria have been used. The Task Force of
Johan Verbraecken
OSAS is highly prevalent and represents an death from any cause in middle-aged adults,
increasing part of clinical respiratory especially men. OSA is closely related to
practice in developed countries. OSAS is increases in body weight and, as a result,
now recognised as one of the most common there is a tendency to produce or worsen
chronic respiratory disorders in adults, with upper airway obstruction during sleep.
only asthma and possibly COPD having a Upper airway collapse is multifactorial.
higher prevalence. Questions about risks, Upper airway size, which is significantly
diagnosis and treatment options are of affected by obesity and craniofacial
importance to both the clinician and to characteristics, is known to play a major
healthcare policy makers. As the medical role. The pathophysiological basis of OSAS
community and the general public have is also partly genetic in origin, to which
become more aware of the relationships acquired factors, such as obesity, also
among snoring, excessive daytime contribute. Increased upper airway
sleepiness, cardiovascular disease and collapsibility and impaired neuromuscular
OSAS, physicians are seeing an increasing response both contribute, as well as
number of patients with these problems. pharyngeal neuropathy, ventilatory
Excessive daytime sleepiness is one of the instability and described more recently,
major symptoms. Untreated OSA has possible fluid shift towards the pharynx. It is
dangerous health consequences. Severe obvious that OSAS has different phenotypes
OSA is associated with an increased risk of and that there are substantial sex differences
and important ageing effects. Moreover, the
condition carries significant morbidity and is
associated with an increased risk of
Key points hypertension, arrhythmias, myocardial
infarction, stroke, metabolic and
neurobehavioural consequences.
N OSAS is now recognised as one of the
most common chronic respiratory
disorders in adults. Further reading
N Physicians are seeing an increasing N Decramer M, et al. (2011). Chapter 1.
number of patients with OSAS. Prevention. In: European Respiratory Road-
map. Sheffield, European Respiratory
N Untreated OSA has dangerous health
Society; pp. 9–26.
consequences. N Lévy P, et al. (2011). Sleep apnoea syn-
N Upper airway collapse is drome in 2011: current concepts and future
multifactorial. directions. Eur Respir Rev; 20: 134–146.
N McNicholas WT, et al. (2010). Sleep
N There are substantial sex differences apnoea: Introduction. Eur Respir Monogr;
and important ageing effects. 50: vii–ix.
Johan Verbraecken
The narrowing or occlusion of the upper decrease internal skull volume being found
airway (UA) during sleep has been to correlate with OSAS. Reported differences
attributed to several factors. An abnormal are a retroposition of the mandible or the
anatomy of the UA, pathological and maxilla, micrognathia and differences in
insufficient reflex activation of UA dilator hyoid bone position. These findings are
muscles and increased collapsibility of the confirmed by the high prevalence of OSA in
passive UA have all been demonstrated to patients with craniofacial disorders.
occur and contribute to the UA collapse. UA
dysfunction in OSA is a progressive In addition to narrowing of the airway by the
evolution, starting with snoring and flow lateral pharyngeal walls caused by oedema
limitation, that can lead to mechanical and fat deposition, enlargement of the
traumata that progressively injure the UA tonsils, uvula or tongue can contribute to
tissues. Recently, it has been shown that UA the occlusion of the UA during sleep. The
collapse occurs during the terminal phase of latter are not the classical risk factor for
the expiration preceding the apnoea. OSAS in adults (although they are in
children), but it can be expected that
Craniofacial and upper airway morphology
increased soft tissue sizes will decrease
Several studies have correlated skeletal airway lumen dimensions and increase the
dimensions with the prevalence and severity risk of OSAS.
of OSAS, with anatomical variations that
Moreover, recent evidence has
demonstrated that a fluid shift from the
lower limbs to the upper airways takes place
Key points in OSA at night, contributing to UA oedema.
With detailed MRI techniques, it has been
N OSAH patients are characterised by a demonstrated that the volume of the tongue
compromised upper airway anatomy, and the lateral walls are an independent risk
involving more than one specific site factor for sleep apnoea, while the variations
in most patients, with abnormal in the velopharyngeal area during the
collapsibility, leading to a passive respiratory cycle are greater in apnoeic
narrowing at the end of expiration. patients than in controls. However,
structural narrowing of the UA at one
N OSAH patients have a sleep-induced
specific location is unlikely to be a major
loss of compensatory mechanisms
cause of OSA. Studies have shown that
(high upper airway muscle activity,
the UA collapse is not restricted to one
negative pressure upper airway reflex).
place, but is a dynamic phenomenon
N Ventilatory control (loop gain) and starting at a particular level and spreading
sleep instability (arousal threshold) caudally. UA obstruction involves more than
contribute to upper airway instability. one specific site of the upper airway in the
majority of patients.
Stefan Andreas
N How often have your breathing pauses cardiovascular sequelae of OSA discussed
been noticed? later mainly apply to this cohort. The female
N Are you tired during wake time? OSA phenotype is less archetypical: male
N Have you ever fallen asleep while driving? bed partners are less likely than females to
N Do you have high blood pressure? report snoring and apnoeas to a medical
professional. Furthermore, symptoms
Since daytime sleepiness is important, a experienced by female OSA patients are less
specific questionnaire, such as the ESS, specific and include insomnia, headache
should be used. The ESS comprises only and mood disturbance. Thus, female OSA
eight items on a four-point scale. patients are less likely to be diagnosed and
Questionnaires and clinical impression treated than males. Similarly, the elderly
alone, however, have limited sensitivity and (.70 yrs of age) will present with less
specificity, and the diagnosis is usually specific history and daytime symptoms
obtained by polygraphy or PSG. Other more (Martinez-Garcia et al., 2009).
objective tests to evaluate daytime Unsurprisingly, comorbidities have a large
sleepiness, like the MSLT or the MWT, are impact on daytime sleepiness and quality of
covered in detail in ‘‘Assessment of daytime life in the elderly.
sleepiness’’, later in this book. Although
sleepiness is difficult to quantify, it is Physical examination
important to decide whether CPAP
treatment should be instituted to treat On physical examination, heart rate, blood
daytime sleepiness. Furthermore, the effect pressure and smoking status must be
of CPAP on objective measures such as determined. Since obesity is the main
blood pressure clearly depends on the treatable cause of OSA (Foster et al., 2009),
degree of daytime sleepiness (see measures of obesity, such as weight, height,
‘‘Obstructive sleep apnoea: treatment’’). BMI or neck circumference, must be
evaluated. For example, a neck
Generally, it should be kept in mind that circumference .48 cm indicates a
most research has been performed in 50– substantial risk of having OSA. There are
60-yr-old, clearly overweight male patients simple clinical prediction models that allow
with moderate-to-severe OSA. Thus, the estimation of the likelihood of OSA using
symptoms and neurobehavioural and these simple measures in addition to sex
Stefan Andreas
Winfried Randerath
Central apnoeas may appear in patients with The pathophysiology of CSA due to
increased or decreased ventilation. hyperventilation is not yet fully understood.
Hypoventilation syndromes include Nevertheless, several pathophysiological
diseases with reduced central respiratory aspects can be described including the loop
drive or the inability to translate breathing gain of the ventilatory response, the apnoea
impulses into thoracic movements. These threshold and the instability of the
include disorders of the central nervous respiratory control systems during sleep.
system such as inflammatory or ischaemic During wakefulness, ventilation is primarily
diseases of the brain stem, neuromuscular regulated by behavioural factors. In contrast,
diseases (e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) during sleep, it is mainly influenced by
or thoraco-skeletal disorders (e.g. metabolism, the production and elimination
kyphoscoliosis). Central apnoeas appear of CO2. While an increase in PaCO2
during sleep in these patients as the (hypercapnia) stimulates ventilation,
ventilatory drive and muscle function are breathing is diminished during hypocapnia.
more severely reduced during sleep NREM sleep physiologically reduces
compared with the wake state. ventilatory drive and V9E. Thus, CSA appears
predominantly during NREM sleep. The
influence of the carbon dioxide level is
alleviated during REM sleep as muscle
activity and arousability are reduced.
Key points
Loop gain
N Central disturbances due to
hyperventilation and hypoventilation The ventilatory control system can be
should be discriminated. compared to a loop gain known from
engineering. The actual PaCO2 is influenced
N Central disturbances due to by any disturbance of respiration, e.g.
hypoventilation appear in diseases stimulation of ventilation by noise, pain or
with reduced respiratory drive or cortical impulses. V9E can be described as
failure of thoracic movements. the plant gain, where increases or decreases
N Central disturbances due to in V9E result in variations in CO2. These
hyperventilation depend on changes are measured at the feedback gain,
overshooting of the ventilation, represented by the chemoreceptors in the
changes of the apnoea threshold and ventilatory system. The perception of these
increased chemosensitivity. variations can be influenced by a circulatory
delay in cardiovascular disorders. The
N Central disturbances are closely chemoreceptors stimulate the respiratory
related to HF, atrial fibrillation and control system in the brain stem, the
brain infarction. controller gain, which urges the plant gain
(lungs and thorax) to change ventilation.
Further reading
The typical clinical findings of patients with N Arzt M, et al. (2006). Sleepiness and
OSA are daytime sleepiness, neurocognitive sleep in patients with both systolic heart
deficits and limitations in daily life. These failure and obstructive sleep apnea. Arch
symptoms of disrupted sleep may also Intern Med; 166: 1716–1722.
characterise CSA. However, often they are N Hastings PC, et al. (2006). Symptom
not noticed and mentioned spontaneously burden of sleep-disordered breathing in
by the patient. Subjective measures of mild-to-moderate congestive heart failure
daytime sleepiness often show less patients. Eur Respir J; 27: 748–755.
limitation in CSA patients compared with
Renata L. Riha
Dirk Pevernagie
Pre-morbid Acute insomnia Early insomnia Chronic insomnia
Figure 1. The Spielman model or 3P model of insomnia (see text for explanation). The threshold line
delineates the level above which insomnia is severe enough to become a prominent complaint. AU:
arbitrary units. Reproduced from Spielman et al. (1991), with permission from the publisher.
for most of the night, while PSG shows little arousal or directly interfere with sleep.
or no abnormalities in the hypnogram. Common examples are irregular sleep/wake
Formerly, this condition was known as sleep scheduling, use of nicotine or caffeine or
state misperception. It is currently unknown engaging in activities that are not conducive
whether the complaint is based on the to sleep (working on the computer, watching
patient’s inadequate awareness of being exciting movies, etc.).
asleep, or whether there is an, as yet,
unidentified intrinsic disturbance of sleep. Insomnia due to a drug or substance
Because the suspicion of unawareness may implies an inappropriate use of prescription
compromise the patient’s credibility, the medicine, recreational or illicit drugs.
term misperception is no longer used. Typically, the insomnia will remit following
discontinuation of the substance.
Idiopathic insomnia is diagnosed when the
inability to sleep persists from early life and Insomnia due to a medical condition is a
no major periods of spontaneous sustained term used in the context of a comorbid
remission have occurred. Idiopathic insomnia medical disorder. Although complaints
is a prototype of a sleep disturbance that is about sleep are often present in various
due to predisposition (constitutional factors), medical conditions, this diagnosis is
with little or no contribution of precipitating restricted to patients in whom insomnia is
or perpetuating factors. caused by the medical disorder and is
associated with significant distress that
Insomnia due to mental disorder refers to requires specific medical care.
sleeplessness that occurs in the course of a
psychiatric disease. This insomnia is Insomnia that is not related to substance
thought to be caused by that disease and is abuse or known physiological conditions
severe enough to cause distress and to (nonorganic insomnia) or that is related to
warrant special treatment. unspecified physiological conditions
(organic insomnia) are the last entities of
A diagnosis of inadequate sleep hygiene is the ICSD-2 insomnia classification. These
made when voluntary behaviour impairs diagnoses are typically used when further
adequate sleep. Such activities may induce assessment is required to identify
Renata L. Riha
Renata L. Riha
Hypersomnias of central origin comprise a Narcolepsy can exist either with or without
number of entities which are listed in cataplexy, or as a consequence of a medical
table 1. The best studied, and in some condition (secondary narcolepsy) (table 3).
respects defined, primary hypersomnia is
narcolepsy with or without cataplexy. Cataplexy is virtually pathognomonic of the
Secondary causes for hypersomnia should disease, with all voluntary skeletal muscles
always be excluded prior to making a being affected. However, presentation can
diagnosis of primary hypersomnia, which range from only slight weakness of the arms,
includes narcolepsy with or without legs or facial muscles to severe episodes of
cataplexy, recurrent hypersomnia, Kleine– weakness. Most patients will be aware of
Levin syndrome and idiopathic symptom onset and can generally adopt a
hypersomnia. Psychiatric and organic safe posture at the onset of the attack,
disorders, including head injury, can also making injury rare. Other features of
lead to excessive daytime sleepiness. With narcolepsy to be aware of, in addition to
rare disorders, referral to a specialised sleep those listed in table 2, are an increased
clinic for confirmation of diagnosis and tendency of developing REM behaviour
management advice is always advisable. disorders (RBD): an association is seen in
7–36% of patients and is higher in patients
Narcolepsy with cataplexy (Nightingale et al., 2005).
Presenting features The term narcolepsy was Pathogenesis A canine model for narcolepsy
first used in 1880 by Dr Jean-Baptiste- was first described in 1973 and has been
Edouard Gélineau, to describe a patient with used in narcolepsy research subsequently.
sleep attacks, excessive daytime sleepiness In Doberman Pinschers and Labrador
and episodes of muscle weakness triggered Retrievers, the condition is autosomal
by emotions. Table 2 outlines the classical recessive with complete penetrance. This
symptoms of narcolepsy. observation led to the discovery of a
mutation in the gene coding for the
Narcolepsy has a prevalence of 25–50 per hypocretin-2 receptor, suggesting that
100,000 people with no sex preponderance. hypocretin may be involved in the disease
The age of onset is variable, from early pathogenesis (Lin et al., 1999).
childhood to mid-50s. Epidemiological
studies have shown two peaks of onset at Hypocretin Hypocretins (also known as
ages 15 and 36 yrs (Longstreth et al., 2007). orexins) were described only in 1998 (de
It is often unrecognised and many patients Lecea et al., 1998). Two forms of hypocretin
may be labelled with other neurological or are currently known to exist (hypocretin-1
psychiatric disorders before a diagnosis is and -2), produced by a specific set of
made, causing a delay in diagnosis of up to neurons in the lateral hypothalamus that
6 yrs from the onset of symptoms project to the olfactory bulb, cortex,
(Longstreth et al., 2007). thalamus, hypothalamus and parts of the
brainstem. Projections in the brainstem, to with narcolepsy with cataplexy, but is only
the laterodorsal and pedunculopontine present in 40% with narcolepsy alone
tegmental nuclei, and pontine reticular (Mignot, 1998). The clinical relevance of
formations are considered important for these abnormalities is unclear, with variable
sleep regulation. Recent studies suggest associations between ethnic groups and
that hypocretin is important to maintain subtypes of narcolepsy. The evidence for an
vigilance, by exerting excitatory effects on autoimmune process is currently not
the monoaminergic and cholinergic systems definite, although case reports of narcolepsy
in the cortex and hypothalamus (Tsujino commencing after streptococcal infections
et al., 2009). An imbalance in both of these or vaccinations are highly suggestive.
systems may lead to narcolepsy. Both
animal and human studies have supported The pathogenesis of cataplexy remains
this hypothesis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) unclear at the present time.
studies of patients with narcolepsy show low Diagnosis Although sleepiness is difficult to
or undetectable levels of hypocretin, and define objectively, a clear history of
post mortem studies have identified subjective sleepiness with an eyewitness
hypocretin-ligand deficiency in the where possible (for the cataplexy), will
narcoleptic brain (Peyron et al., 2000). In greatly assist with diagnosis.
addition, patients with narcolepsy
demonstrate reductions in their baseline A note of caution! Many cases have been
energy homeostasis with resulting obesity described of non-organic, or ‘‘pseudo’’
and type-II diabetes mellitus, both partly narcolepsy, often in association with
regulated by hypocretin (Nishino et al., drug-seeking behaviour. The International
2001). This suggests that the metabolic Classification of Sleep Disorders 2nd
changes are directly linked to the Edition (ICSD2) criteria suggest that
pathophysiology of the condition, rather narcolepsy with cataplexy ‘‘should, wherever
than being related to excessive sleepiness possible’’ be confirmed with PSG and
or inactivity. MSLTs. In the absence of cataplexy, a PSG
and MSLT are mandatory to confirm the
One important clinical marker for diagnosis of narcolepsy.
narcolepsy is the presence of altered human
leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene complexes. Recent guidelines (Littner et al., 2005;
For example, one specific marker (HLA Billiard et al., 2006) support the use of
DQB1*0602) is found in 90% of patients objective and subjective monitoring of sleep
duration at least 1 week prior to in-lab Overnight PSG may demonstrate features
investigation (using sleep diary and consistent with narcolepsy, including short
actigraphy), followed by an overnight PSG REM latency, sleep fragmentation,
prior to daytime testing using the MSLT. increased stage 1 sleep and excessive slow-
Sleep deprivation and medications can wave sleep towards the end of the night.
adversely influence the outcome of the MSLT. Urinalysis for drugs commonly abused is
also helpful, as these drugs can also
Table 3. Common causes of secondary narcolepsy. influence the outcome of the MSLT and
overnight PSG.
Lesions affecting the hypothalamus
Head trauma On the MSLT, a sleep latency ,8 min with
two sleep onset in REM periods (SOREMPs)
Multiple sclerosis
(REM periods within 15 min of sleep onset)
Myotonic dystrophy is considered to be consistent with
Parkinson’s disease narcolepsy (fig. 1) (Billiard et al., 2006).
Prader–Willi syndrome However, recent studies have shown that
15% of cataplexy patients will not have
Paraneoplastic encephalitis
SOREMPs or shortened sleep latency on
Niemann–Pick type C disease MSLT (effectively a negative test) (Mignot
Sarcoidosis et al., 2002), while patients with OSA may
Coffin–Lowry syndrome present with MSLT data that is consistent
with narcolepsy (Aldrich et al., 1997).
Figure 1. MSLT showing four sleep onset REM periods with a multiple sleep latency of 0.8 min. Black:
REM sleep; green: N2 sleep; yellow: N1 sleep.
Renata L. Riha
Circadian rhythmicity has been (PER1, PER2 and PER3), the CLOCK gene
demonstrated in all human cells and and two cryptochrome genes (CRY1 and
regulates integral physiological processes CRY2). Deletion or mutation of these genes
such as core body temperature and leads to abnormalities in circadian rhythm
hormone secretion, including cortisol, when tested under constant conditions (Dijk
prolactin and growth hormone (Sack et al., et al., 2009, 2010; Viola et al. 2007; Wulff
2007a). There is significant interindividual et al., 2009). Several human families have
variation as a result of age, sex and been identified with specific abnormalities
morningness/eveningness preference. The in these genes affecting circadian
latter reflects an individual’s preferences for rhythmicity. However, there is currently no
timing activity and correlates with timing of evidence to support routine genetic testing
the individual’s circadian pacemaker. to establish the basis of these disorders in
Morning types, in contrast to evening types, general clinical practice (Sack et al., 2007a;
schedule sleep earlier and experience earlier Hofstra et al., 2008; Sack et al., 1992;
peaks in alertness and performance during Morgenthaler et al., 2007).
the ‘24-h period’ (Sack et al., 2007a; Hofstra
et al., 2008). Recent, exhaustive reviews and guidelines
have been published by the American
The differences between morningness and Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM) on
eveningness are partly the result of the use of actigraphy and other tools for
genotype. Several genes have been identified evaluating the various circadian rhythm
in animal studies affecting the expression of disorders (summarised in table 1)
autoregulatory translation–transcription (Morgenthaler et al., 2007).
feedback loops, including the Period genes
There is insufficient evidence currently to
recommend routine measurement of
Key points circadian rhythm utilising tools other than
actigraphy and sleep logs/diaries in the
N DSPS is typified by an exaggerated majority of disorders. However, dim light
‘night owl’ pattern of sleep and wake- melatonin onset (DLMO) and core body
fulness; ASPS is the opposite of DSPS. temperature have proven useful in
diagnosing and assessing free running
N FRD is common in blind individuals. circadian disorder (FRD), which affects up
N In irregular sleep/wake syndrome, to 50% of blind individuals (Sack et al.,
there is an absence of a well-defined 2007b; Skene et al., 2007).
sleep/wake cycle and there is no major
sleep period. Recommendations published on the therapy
of circadian disorders highlight the fact that
N Shift work disorder is common in 24-h there is still much to be learned about the
societies and can lead to significant intrinsic pathophysiology governing them
morbidity. endogenously, and the degree to which
exogenous factors determine their onset,
Thu 06 Nov
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Sleep difficulties are a pervasive problem for consistent with the definition of insomnia in
many patients suffering from psychiatric the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
conditions. This is especially true for Mental Disorders (DSM) IV (American
depression and anxiety disorders, but also Psychiatric Association, 2000) as difficulties
holds for schizophrenia, eating disorders, in initiating or maintaining sleep or
alcoholism and bipolar disorder. Sleep nonrestorative sleep accompanied by
difficulties can be present as objectively decreased daytime functioning lasting for at
measured alterations in sleep architecture, least 4 weeks. Historically, insomnia
as well as insomnia, hypersomnia, delayed symptoms have been conceptualised as a
sleep phase, reduced sleep need, consequence of psychopathology. However,
nightmares and nocturnal panic attacks both clinical and research evidence
(Harvey, 2011). The most frequently demonstrates that this is not the case.
encountered symptoms are, however, those Insomnia is now considered as an
independent diagnostic entity, which shares
underlying psychophysiological factors with
many psychiatric conditions and which
Key points might play an important role in the
causation and maintenance of
N Sleep difficulties consistent with the psychopathology.
symptoms of insomnia are a clinical
predictor of major depression and Sleep difficulties and depression
may play an important role in the
causation and maintenance of Impairment of sleep has been associated
psychopathology in general. with affective disorders, and especially
major depression. Up to 80% patients with
N Sleep is important for the maintenance depression have sleep complaints
of adaptive emotion regulation and consistent with insomnia. Moreover,
reactivity and alterations of the symptoms of insomnia often present before
emotional system have been found in the first onset of a depressive episode and
patients with insomnia compared with may persist into remission and recovery,
healthy controls. even after adequate treatment of
N The addition of psychological treatment depression. The close link between the two
for insomnia in the standardised conditions suggests that they are not
intervention protocols of many randomly associated. More than 40 studies
psychiatric conditions could improve have been published evaluating the question
the efficacy of these interventions. of whether insomnia is a predictor of the
development of depression (reviewed in
N Chronic insomnia occurs in ,10% of Riemann, 2009 and Baglioni et al., 2010a).
the adult population. Psychiatric A recent meta-analysis summarised
illness and SDB are the most quantitatively the results of the available
common comorbidities. longitudinal epidemiological studies
between 1980 and 2010 (Baglioni et al.,
FIGURE 1. Odds ratio of developing depression for people with insomnia versus those with no sleeping
difficulties. (Based on data from Baglioni et al., 2011.)
Chronic disturbances in sleep and sleep/wake frequency, type and time of onsets of
patterns are very common, although symptoms. A potential relationship to
frequently under-reported by affected external factors, such as environmental,
subjects. In addition, medical and other social or medical influences, also needs to
healthcare professionals are generally less be understood and evaluated, and every
aware of sleep disorders and their history must include details on medication,
management than of conditions arising caffeine, alcohol and illicit drug use.
during wakefulness. The assessment of sleep
disorders requires an understanding of The first step in obtaining a history is to
normal sleep and how it may alter in differing assess the patient’s complaint or reason for
circumstances, and also with disorders that seeking attention, i.e. primary insomnia,
affect the nature of sleep. This knowledge excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) or
needs to guide the patient interview, and a abnormal breathing behaviour or
thorough sleep and medical history is the first movements during sleep. Furthermore, the
history should establish when the problem
and most important step in the diagnosis and
began and whether there was any
management of sleep disorders.
relationship to an external factor.
A sleep history involves more than a
Detailed questionnaires have been
description of a patient’s sleep and is
developed to cover important questions that
actually a sleep/wake history with an
need to be asked and that can serve as a
evaluation of the entire 24-h period. This
road map for planning the direction of the
involves recording of alertness and
interview. It often includes a scale of
tiredness, occupation and leisure hours, in
alertness, such as the ESS. Completion of a
addition to details of rest and sleep.
sleep diary for 1–2 weeks may give
Particular attention should be paid to the
important indications of sleep habits, sleep
hygiene and daytime symptoms, and is
especially useful in the assessment of
insomnia or daytime sleepiness of unknown
Key points
cause. This typically includes the recording
of bedtime, time asleep, nocturnal
N A detailed longitudinal sleep history is awakenings, rising time, daytime naps and
the most critical part of the consumption of substances that may affect
assessment of subjects with sleep alertness.
N A sleep history involves assessment of The patient often has little or no awareness
the whole 24-h sleep/wake pattern. of the problem and, therefore, it is highly
desirable to conduct an interview with the
N The elicitation of a collateral history is patient’s bed partner or caregiver or, in the
often crucial in the assessment of a case of a child, with the parent or teacher.
subject with a sleep disorder. The bed partner can provide vital
information regarding sleep behaviour,
UARS: upper airway resistance syndrome; RLS: restless legs syndrome; PLMD: periodic limb movement
Walter T. McNicholas
The other presentation of EDS is much less The clinical evaluation of EDS may be
common and consists of sudden onset of difficult since subjective sleepiness scales
sleep episodes. These episodes are abrupt, may be unreliable, either because of the
brief and unexpected and have been patient’s lack of perception of the true extent
reported to occur during active situations of the problem, or alternatively, a desire to
such as driving, eating, talking, walking, or minimise the problem because of concern
while speaking on the telephone. It is about possible occupational consequences
unclear whether these episodes, often of EDS, such as driver licensing. Collateral
termed ‘‘sleep attacks’’, constitute a unique history from the spouse or another close
entity or they are merely an extreme relative may be helpful, and it is important
manifestation of hypersomnolence. They to distinguish EDS from other related
have been classically described in patients symptoms such as fatigue, lack of energy,
circumference and sex (table 3), has been Questionnaires assessing sleep quality
shown to improve its sensitivity significantly.
SDB is associated with poor subjective sleep
When applied to .4,000 community-based
quality. Longitudinal assessment of sleep
participants in the Sleep Heart Health Study,
quality may be performed in patients with OSAS
STOP-Bang had a sensitivity of 87% in the
to gauge symptomatic response to treatment.
identification of subjects with moderate–
The best studied instrument in this field is the
severe SDB (Silva et al., 2011). Moreover, it
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).
may also have a role in predicting severity of
underlying OSAS (Farney et al., 2011), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index The PSQI is a
thereby facilitating triage of patients self-administered questionnaire that
attending sleep clinics. measures sleep quality over a 1-month time
period. It consists of 19 questions on sleep
quality, symptoms and hygiene, which are
Table 3. The STOP-Bang questionnaire. combined into seven component scores,
1) Do you snore loudly? each rated 0–3, giving a global score of 0–21
2) Do you often feel tired, fatigued or sleepy
(Buysse et al., 1989). A score of o5 may be
during the daytime? suggestive of some form of underlying sleep
disorder, but PSQI scores do not correlate
3) Has anyone observed you stop breathing significantly with formally measured on PSG
while you sleep? sleep abnormalities (Buysse et al., 2008).
4) Do you have or are you being treated for Consequently, it has utility in assessing
high blood pressure? subjective quality of sleep, but is deficient as
5) BMI o35 kg?m-2? an objective measure of this.
6) Age o50 yrs?
7) Neck circumference o40 cm? Further reading
8) Male? N Abrishami A, et al. (2010). A systematic
review of screening questionnaires for
High risk of OSAS: answering yes to three or obstructive sleep apnea. Can J Anaesth;
more items; low risk of OSAS: answering yes to
57: 423–438.
fewer than three items.
Maria R. Bonsignore
In the clinical assessment of patients with et al., 2010). However, the clinical
suspected SDB, anatomical and functional significance of asymptomatic OSA in elderly
predisposing factors should be carefully subjects is unclear (Launois et al., 2007).
assessed. In addition, several diseases may
Sex Men are more susceptible to SDB than
increase the risk of developing SDB through
women, but the sex difference becomes
various mechanisms. Table 1 summarises
attenuated in old age (Lindberg et al., 2010),
predisposing conditions that should alert
suggesting that hormonal factors may play
the physician and suggest SDB as a possible
some role. Women are relatively resistant to
upper airway collapse during sleep (Lin et al.,
General predisposing factors 2008; Kirkness et al., 2008). Central
apnoeas are also less frequent in women
Age OSA occurs at all ages and its than in men due to differences in ventilatory
prevalence increases with ageing (Lindberg control (lower apnoea threshold and
ventilatory overshoot after apnoeas in
women) (Lin et al., 2008).
Key points
Race Although data are scarce, Asians and
N Several conditions predispose to African-Americans appear to be at higher
development of SDB. risk of developing OSA than Caucasians
(Villaneuva et al., 2005), a finding at least
N Anatomical and functional factors are partly explained by differences in craniofacial
central to the pathogenesis of upper structures (Lee et al., 2010).
airway obstruction, alone or in
association with other pathological Anatomical abnormalities
Several conditions can decrease the
N Obesity is the risk factor most dimensions and patency of the upper airway
frequently found in OSA patients, by affecting bony structures or soft tissues
sometimes associated with endocrine of the face and neck. Clinically, in any
disorders. patient with suspected SDB, it is advisable
N Other diseases also predispose to to record the Mallampati score, a simple
SDB and should be carefully way to evaluate the patency of
investigated in the clinical assessment oropharyngeal airways (Nuckton et al.,
of patients with suspected OSA. 2006). Craniofacial structure and upper
airway morphology are genetically
N Chronic HF predisposes to Cheyne– determined and explain racial differences in
Stokes breathing during sleep, prevalence of OSA. Increased fat deposition
through complex mechanisms in the neck is a common finding in OSA
involving central and peripheral patients (Schwab et al., 2003), and neck
control of breathing, but is often circumference correlates with OSA severity.
associated also with OSA. The following conditions predispose to
development of OSA.
Nasal obstruction This can be associated Hypertrophy of uvula, soft palate and tonsils A
with deviation of the nasal septum or ‘‘crowded’’ oropharynx can be found in OSA
hypertrophy of turbinates. Classically, it is patients, in part secondary to fat deposition
considered a predisposing factor for upper in the neck associated with obesity and in
airway collapse through increased nasal part resulting from snoring-associated
resistance and development of markedly vibrations and inflammation of soft tissues
negative pressure during inspiration. (Gaudette et al., 2010).
According to a recent meta-analysis nasal
obstruction increased the risk of snoring but Macroglossia In both adults and children, an
not of OSA (Kohler et al., 2007). enlarged tongue is a predisposing factor of
SDB. In adults, macroglossia is a feature of
Micrognathia A small retropositioned acromegaly, but is also common in obese
mandible, such as in patients with Pierre patients; in paediatric patients, macroglossia
Robin syndrome, reduces the can be found in Down’s syndrome,
retropharyngeal area considerably (Gaudette mucopolysaccharidosis type VI and other
et al., 2010). genetic diseases (Gaudette et al., 2010).
Hyoid bone displacement The hyoid bone is Upper airway shape and length Profound
an anchoring site for pharyngeal muscles. alterations in the shape of upper airways
Its downward displacement alters the have been documented in OSA patients, in
position of the tongue, favouring upper particular an elliptical shape of the airway
airway collapse (Gaudette et al., 2010). with increased anteroposterior dimension
Obesity is by far the most frequent disease Chronic kidney disease may predispose to
predisposing to OSA, especially in subjects OSA through the mechanisms of volume
showing central fat distribution (Gaudette overload and nocturnal shift of fluid from
et al., 2010). Obesity explains, at least in peripheral tissues (Mavanur et al., 2010).
part, the increased frequency of SDB found
in many other diseases, such as Down’s The role of gastro-oesophageal reflux
syndrome or hypothyroidism. The close disease (GERD) in OSA is debatable.
relationship between obesity and OSA is Improvement of OSA was shown in subjects
confirmed by the changes in OSA severity with documented pathological proximal pH-
associated with weight changes. metry after proton pump inhibitor
treatment, but no randomised controlled
Endocrine disorders can be associated with trial is available on this topic (Karkos et al.,
SDB (Attal et al., 2010). Approximately 10% 2009). Given the high prevalence of both
of obese patients with suspected OSA show OSA and GERD, it is advisable to enquire
subclinical hypothyroidism. Acromegaly about GERD symptoms in patients with
modifies upper airway structure by affecting suspected OSA.
both soft tissues and bones, and about two-
thirds of acromegalic patients show OSA.
Further reading
Diabetes is often associated with both
central and obstructive events during sleep N Attal P, et al. (2010). Endocrine aspects of
(Rasche et al., 2010). The polycystic ovary obstructive sleep apnea. J Clin Endocrinol
syndrome also carries a high risk for OSA Metab; 95: 483–495.
(Nitsche et al., 2010). N Gaudette E, et al. (2010). Pathophysio-
logy of OSA. Eur Respir Monogr; 50: 31–50.
Chronic HF predisposes to central apnoeas, N Guilleminault C. (1990). Benzodiaze-
and especially to Cheyne–Stokes breathing pines, breathing, and sleep. Am J Med;
(McKay et al., 20110; Naughton et al., 2010). 88: 25S–28S.
OSA is also frequent and should be N Karkos PD, et al. (2009). Reflux and
suspected in overweight/obese patients with sleeping disorders: a systematic review.
chronic HF with a clinical history of snoring J Laryngol Otol; 123: 372–374.
(Naughton et al., 2010). Identification of N Kirkness JP, et al. (2008). Contribution of
these patients is important, since untreated male sex, age, and obesity to mechanical
OSA increases cardiovascular risk. instability of the upper airway during
sleep. J Appl Physiol; 104: 1618–1624.
Stroke is often associated with SDB (Ramar N Kohler M, et al. (2007). The role of the
et al., 2010). According to epidemiological nose in the pathogenesis of obstructive
studies, OSA often precedes stroke and sleep apnoea and snoring. Eur Respir J;
could be a risk factor. Many patients show 30: 1208–1215.
N Launois SH, et al. (2007). Sleep apnea in
severe OSA after a stroke, but CPAP
the elderly: a specific entity? Sleep Med
treatment is problematic in these patients
Rev; 11: 87–97.
and often not accepted. Central apnoeas N Lee RW, et al. (2010). Differences in cranio-
and CSR have been shown to occur quite facial structures and obesity in Caucasian
commonly in the acute phase of stroke, but and Chinese patients with obstructive sleep
spontaneously resolve with time and rarely apnea. Sleep; 33: 1075–1080.
need treatment, unless concomitant chronic N Lin CM, et al. (2008). Gender differences
HF is found. It should be noted that stroke in obstructive sleep apnea and treatment
can be associated with several other sleep implications. Sleep Med Rev; 12: 481–496.
disorders, such as insomnia, hypersomnia, N Lindberg E. (2010). Epidemiology of OSA.
circadian rhythm disturbances and periodic Eur Respir Monogr; 50: 51–68.
leg movements during sleep or restless leg
The gold standard for the diagnosis of bands and oximetry (respiratory
OSAH is attended PSG, but this is time- polygraphy). Different national
consuming and expensive. The prevalence, recommendations also endorse this
morbidity and mortality of OSAH, as well as strategy, including the excellent French
the increasing awareness of the problem in guidelines (Société de Pneumologie de
both the medical community and the Langue Française, 2010). Nowadays,
general population, have increased the however, some other important aspects
demand for consultations and diagnostic must be taken into account, as the whole
studies in recent years. There is, therefore, a diagnostic management picture is about to
growing interest in alternative diagnostic change in several important ways and, in
methods and approaches. The American fact, some changes can already be noted.
Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) The most significant of these are the
recommends home diagnosis with portable involvement of different fields or levels of
monitoring devices in patients with a high medicine, the search for strategies that
pre-test probability of moderate-to-severe guarantee cost-effectiveness, the
OSAH but no significant comorbidities development of telemedicine (Masa et al.,
(Collop et al., 2007). A negative result 2011a, b) and, finally, the current re-
should lead to a PSG. Of the four systems examination of the real role of the diagnostic
for OSAH evaluation available (level 1: sleep procedure for level 4 (one or two respiratory
laboratory PSG; level 2: unattended PSG; variables) (Thornton et al., 2012). Before
level 3: respiratory polygraphy; level 4: one or moving onto a description of the different
two respiratory variables), the AASM’s strategies applied to diagnostic
minimum recommendation proposed the management, a few points need to be
use of a type 3 portable monitoring device considered.
that includes airflow, thoracoabdominal
1. At present, the typical population in
need of OSAH evaluation is quite
Key Points different from that of a few years ago
(table 1). This change in the population
N There has been a shift from laboratory affects diagnosis strategies because
PSG to home portable monitoring in some patients are more difficult to
patients with a high pre-test probability diagnose and, therefore, full PSG is
of OSAS. mandatory in a significant number of
N Two groups of patients need to be
2. Most patients, at least in some
evaluated: i) those with symptoms;
countries, are controlled by the sleep
and ii) those with risk factors for OSAS.
clinic of a fully equipped reference
N A network approach is likely to be the hospital (Hernández et al., 2007), which
best care model for managing the means that only a minority are
growing sleep medicine caseload. controlled in primary medicine (fig. 1a).
It is important to consider this aspect
because when a disease is prevalent, all All three of these points needed to be taken
medical levels must be involved and into consideration in our approach to the
equipped with the appropriate diagnostic management of OSAH patients.
technology to screen or diagnose
patients, or at least severe ones. Regardless of the strategy chosen for OSAH
diagnosis (as discussed later), figure 2 shows
3. Finally, as a consequence of points 1 a summary of the various aspects and steps
and 2, and the prevalence of the that must always be followed in every case. As
disease, a network system is needed for can be seen at the top of figure 2, two groups
the management of these patients of patients need to be evaluated.
(fig. 1b), because a network optimises
the use of knowledge emerging from 1. Those patients with symptoms (we plan
interactivity. In other words, the whole to treat the symptoms).
network is more than the sum of its 2. Those patients with risk factors (we
individual parts. plan to treat the risk factors) for OSA,
a) At present Future b)
Reference hospital
Nonreference hospitals
Figure 1. a) Left: the current situation. Most patients are managed by the reference hospital. Right: the
most reasonable follow-up approach when a disease is common. All the medical levels should be involved
and when sleep apnoea is mild, family medicine should be implicated. b) Intercommunication between
the different levels is the optimal way of working. As mentioned in the text, a network optimises the use of
knowledge emerging from interactivity. Orange: reference hospitals; light blue: nonreference hospitals;
dark blue: family physicians; red: other medical levels.
Sleep study
If discordance between
symptoms and RP
Figure 2. The three steps that should always be followed when sleep apnoea is suspected: detection
(patients to be evaluated); clinical assessment for the differential diagnosis and assessment of the clinical
severity of the disease; and, finally, the sleep study, which should be undertaken on the basis of a pre-test
possibility of sleep apnoea and the presence or otherwise of known comorbidity. AF: atrial fibrillation; RLS:
restless legs syndrome; Hb: haemoglobin; RP: respiratory polygraphy.
despite the absence of classical (Barbé et al. 2010). In contrast, the role
symptoms. In this case, some of CPAP treatment in all spectrums of
uncertainty exists over aspects of the patients with asymptomatic OSA and
treatment. Of course, these patients metabolic syndrome is not clear at
need to be evaluated, but the effects of present (Sharma et al., 2011; Lam et al.,
treatment with CPAP have not been fully 2012). In these cases, more long-term
demonstrated in every part of the interventional trials are still needed
situation presented in figure 2. In (Lam et al., 2012).
patients with refractory hypertension, it
is clear that they can be asymptomatic Therefore, the key point in deciding whether
and that treatment of OSA with CPAP a sleep study is performed is the history of
significantly improves blood pressure symptoms obtained by the physician. This
will also determine the type of test chosen are the major OSAH symptoms but they are
and the urgency of its application. In the sometimes confusing as they can have
case of high-risk patients with no major different causes, which must also be well
symptoms or no symptoms at all, a sleep understood. The most important of these
test is mandatory in patients with alternatives are insufficient sleep time and
noncontrolled hypertension or heart disease depression. Moreover, the severity of the
with an ejection fraction ,40%, or in those symptoms must be checked. As regards
who are truncally obese professional drivers. somnolence, in addition to the classic
questionnaires, which of course must be
The next step is the clinical assessment of used, two simple questions need to be
OSAH, as shown in figure 2. First of all, a asked: whether sleepiness induces
good differential diagnosis should be drowsiness that hinders work or social life
reached. Table 2 shows the basic entities (especially in the morning) and whether the
that any professional working with OSAH patient experiences somnolence while
needs to know: differential diagnosis, how to driving. Choking episodes during the night
diagnose, management and the basic can also be very stressful. On the basis of all
features of treatment, as well as differential these data, the appropriate type of sleep
diagnosis taking into account other causes study can be chosen along the lines shown
of somnolence and daytime fatigue; these in figure 2. This procedure is advocated by
Special patients (known diseases, insomnia,
depression, or suspicion of neurological entities)
Sleep unit
Reference hospital
Sleep unit Difficult Multidisciplinary team
Nonference hospital patients
SAHS suspicion Fully equipped
Family physicians
or other specialist Can diagnose and manage a
significant number of patients
Figure 3. A summary of the various diagnostic strategies on offer. Although this will depend on the
characteristics of each centre or country, (b) is probably the most well-balanced. Reference and
nonreference hospitals are involved in two types of sleep test. a) is the most classical approach. It is only
performed in reference centres and sometimes all patients are studied via a full PSG. Finally, c) represents
what could happen in the future when a family physician or nonhospital specialist may use simple
technology to play an important role in screening and even diagnosis. In the latter case, in particular, this
will occur when sleep medicine has become well understood and incorporated into the daily routine of non-
hospital physicians. RP: respiratory polygraphy.
several sleep societies, including the Spanish management model. Some groups use only
Sleep Network (Lloberes et al., 2011). full PSG for OSAH diagnosis, although a
number of centres use respiratory
Moving more specifically onto the different polygraphy when patients show a high
diagnosis strategies on offer, figure 3 possibility of having OSAH but do not
summarises the various possibilities, present any notable comorbidity. All these
illustrating the maxim that when a disease is procedures, however, are performed in
common, almost all medical levels must be reference hospitals and, therefore, as can be
involved. This means a networking seen in table 1, these centres are
approach, in which each patient is managed overcrowded. Figure 3b shows what would
at the appropriate medical level, such as a perhaps be the most adequate approach to
reference or nonreference hospital or a diagnosis management nowadays, with
family physician. All these levels probably nonreference hospitals handling a
need to be involved, especially during follow- significant number of patients, always in
up, but also in the diagnosis strategy. accordance with the guidelines of figure 2.
Figure 3a shows the classic diagnosis When full PSG is needed, patients should be
Maria R. Bonsignore
Quality of life is defined as ‘the overall state medical field, analysis is usually restricted to
of well-being that individuals experience as health-related quality of life (HRQoL), i.e.
assessed by subjective and objective the aspects more strictly correlated with the
measures of functioning, health and health status of patients with regard to the
satisfaction with the important dimensions effects of their disease. The instruments for
of their lives’ (Reimer et al., 2003). HRQoL assessment are usually in the form
Assessment of quality of life in patients with of questionnaires developed according to
SDB or other sleep-related pathological the most common complaints associated
conditions is an important issue, since it with poor health in different domains of life
allows us to appreciate the real effects of the (Reimer et al., 2003; Weaver, 2001).
disease on several domains of patients’ lives
(Reimer et al., 2003; Weaver, 2001). Evaluating HRQoL helps to understand the
effects of a given disease on patients
Quality of life includes many complex items, compared with healthy individuals from the
such as the level of satisfaction related to general population, but is even more
housing conditions or current job. In the important in evaluating the effects of
treatment. An effective treatment for a
certain disease should not only normalise or
Key points improve a chosen disease indicator but also
cause tangible improvement in the daily life
N HRQoL measures the impact of a of patients, since the latter is the real reason
disease on several domains of life of that leads patients to seek medical care.
the patients and is an important Hence, large randomised clinical studies
outcome in the evaluation of commonly include evaluation of HRQoL
treatment. among their outcomes, since a positive
effect of treatment on HRQoL is of utmost
N HRQoL can be measured by generic importance for patients and for assessment
and disease-specific instruments, of cost/benefit ratios of healthcare.
which are generally in the form of
questionnaires. Both types have been There are several questionnaires available
used in patients with OSAS or other for evaluation of HRQoL, but the main
sleep disorders. distinction is between ‘generic’ and ‘disease-
N OSAS significantly affects HRQoL and specific’ instruments. The former are useful
CPAP treatment causes improvement to assess HRQoL in heterogeneous
in several domains. populations and compare the effects of
different disease states; however, they can
N The effects of OSAS on HRQoL are be relatively insensitive to the effects of a
limited in elderly patients, in whom specific disease or its treatment. Conversely,
HRQoL appears more linked to disease-specific questionnaires have been
occurrence of comorbidities than developed based on complaints reported by
to SDB. affected patients and provide valuable, in-
depth information on the effects of the
Maria R. Bonsignore
SACS: Sleep apnoea clinical score; PSAP: perioperative sleep apnoea prediction.
Maria R. Bonsignore
Comorbidities are frequent in OSA patients OSA (Smith et al., 2002). Such
and contribute to increased health costs in comorbidities include: hypertension,
the five years preceding the diagnosis of congestive HF, cardiac arrhythmias,
coronary artery and peripheral arterial
disease, COPD and depression. The high
prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities
Key points highlights the potential role of OSA in
accelerating establishment and progression
N Assessment of comorbidities should of atherosclerotic lesions (Drager et al.,
be part of the diagnostic workup of 2011; Grote et al., 2010). Moreover, the
patients with OSA. common association of OSA with obesity
N Since untreated OSA is associated increases the risk of type II diabetes,
with increased cardiovascular dyslipidaemia and metabolic syndrome.
morbidity and mortality, special care Since OSA may independently contribute to
should be given to assess the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders
hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy and (Bonsignore et al., 2012), a modern clinical
other cardiovascular diseases, such as approach to OSA patients should aim at
coronary or vascular problems. assessing and correcting major comorbidities
that might contribute to the increased
N Assessment of COPD in smokers is cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in
advisable, since co-existence of OSA severe untreated OSA (Marin et al., 2005).
and COPD (overlap syndrome)
worsens respiratory function. Systemic hypertension
N Depression is common and often Although about 50% of OSA patients are
overlooked in OSA patients and may known to be hypertensive at diagnosis, as
improve with OSA treatment. shown by several studies in both clinical
N Metabolic abnormalities represent an series and the general population
important clinical topic. Assessment (Bonsignore et al., 2010), assessment of
of the metabolic syndrome by clinical blood pressure profile during sleep and
criteria is simple and inexpensive, wakefulness should be routinely obtained in
and allows risk stratification in the the diagnostic workup of all patients. It has
clinical setting. been convincingly shown that masked
hypertension, i.e. normal office blood
N There are no formal guidelines on the pressure but increased 24-h blood pressure
assessment of comorbidities in OSA level, is frequent in untreated OSA patients.
patients, and information in this Baguet and coworkers obtained ambulatory
section should be considered blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) for 24 h
suggestive, not mandatory, and based in 111 OSA patients, and found that normal
on current knowledge and medical blood pressure, masked hypertension, and
common sense. office hypertension each accounted for
about one-third of cases, whereas ‘‘white
coat’’ hypertension, i.e. high office blood patients is not evidence-based or currently
pressure with normal 24-h blood pressure recommended by any guideline.
level, was rarely observed (Baguet et al.,
2008). Therefore, ABPM should be obtained A dose–response effect between OSA
in OSA patients with normal office blood severity, in particular the degree of nocturnal
pressure in order to detect unknown hypoxaemia, and degree of left ventricular
hypertrophy, has been found in studies in
hypertension. ABPM should also be
OSA patients free from clinically evident
obtained in known hypertensives
cardiovascular abnormalities (Baguet et al.,
undergoing treatment, to check whether
2009). OSA appeared to be associated with
blood pressure is adequately controlled by
cardiac remodelling and altered diastolic
treatment. OSA is frequently associated with
function, and to exert an additive effect to
resistant hypertension, defined as lack of
that of increased blood pressure in patients
normalisation of blood pressure despite use
with both OSA and hypertension (Drager
of three or more anti-hypertensive
et al., 2007).
medications. Finally, because poorly
controlled blood pressure is associated with Most of the studies on the effects of CPAP
increased organ damage (left ventricular on cardiac abnormalities found significant
hypertrophy, vascular dysfunction, renal improvement of cardiac function, especially
damage), detecting abnormal blood diastolic, after OSA treatment (Noda et al.,
pressure values should prompt the 1995; Shivalkar et al., 2006). A recent long-
physician to extend assessment, and to term follow-up study documented a
monitor return towards the normal range of progressive improvement in cardiac
cardiovascular variables after initiation of remodelling in OSA patients on CPAP
CPAP treatment. treatment for a year and good compliance to
treatment, i.e. nightly use .4.5 h (Colish
Cardiac structure and function et al., 2012). These results are in line with
those obtained by a randomised controlled
Several studies have assessed the role of
study in patients with an average nightly use
OSA in causing cardiac hypertrophy with
of CPAP .6 h (Arias et al., 2005). However,
variable results, possibly explained by the
unchanged systolic and diastolic functions
concomitant effects of hypertension and
were found in patients with poor compliance
obesity. Interestingly, echocardiographic
to CPAP treatment (Akar Bayram et al., 2009).
studies suggest that cardiac hypertrophy
In patients with HF and OSA, there is evidence
involves not only the left but also the right that CPAP treatment improves left ventricular
ventricle (Baguet et al., 2008; Hanly et al., ejection fraction (Kasai et al., 2011).
1992), indirectly suggesting a role of OSA in
pulmonary hypertension. Therefore, Periodic assessment with ECG and
echocardiography appears clinically useful echocardiography might also be indicated in
and informative, although its use in OSA OSA patients with atrial fibrillation who fail
hepatic steatosis, liver function should also of metabolic changes independently linked
be investigated by ultrasound and to OSA. It is also worth underlining that
measurement of hepatic enzymes, although most randomised controlled studies on the
the latter are not sensitive for the diagnosis effects of CPAP on metabolism were short-
of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). term, and changes may require a longer time
to become evident. In addition, the
The metabolic syndrome, according to the
characteristics of the patients (i.e. the
simple clinical criteria National Cholesterol
percentage of diabetic or obese subjects in
Education Program (NCEP)-Adult Treatment
the different studies) probably contribute to
Panel III (ATP III) (table 1), should be
assessed in all patients as a surrogate variability of results.
marker of cardiovascular and metabolic risk,
since most studies to date have
documented progressive metabolic Assessment of comorbidities is increasingly
worsening with OSA severity (Bonsignore important in the management of OSA
et al., 2012; Lam et al., 2010). patients. The evaluation of these subjects
The role of CPAP treatment in reversing should aim at correcting not only SDB, but
metabolic abnormalities is unclear also the potential sources of increased risk,
(Bonsignore et al., 2012; Lam et al., 2010). especially in young patients. Table 2
Most studies to date have failed to show suggests a possible chart to use in the
improvement in insulin resistance or diagnostic workup and during follow-up; in
metabolic variables after short-term OSA the absence of clinical guidelines, repetition
treatment. It is possible that glycosylated of tests during follow-up should be limited
haemoglobin is a more sensitive marker for to patients with initial abnormal values (in
metabolic improvement after CPAP, but parentheses in the table) in order to limit
more studies are necessary to obtain further costs. A full assessment of OSA patients at
evidence on this point. It is likely that weight diagnosis is crucial to define the best
loss during CPAP treatment or compliance therapeutic options for OSA, and motivate
to CPAP may modulate metabolic variables the patient to lose weight or adhere to
in OSA patients, complicating the analysis CPAP treatment.
Renata L. Riha
A1 Right eye–A1
Figure 1. Placement of electrodes for sleep staging Figure 2. AASM (2007) electrode placement.
according to R&K (1968).
of thoracic and abdominal compartments
The electrodes at the outer canthus of the (two-compartment model of thoracic cage)
right eye (ROC) are offset by 1 cm above the using two bands: one placed around the
horizontal plane and, likewise, the LOC at thorax and one around the abdomen. In
the outer canthus of the left eye is offset by each coil, there is an inductive band whose
1 cm below the horizontal plane. The ROC is electromagnetic properties depend on the
usually referenced to A1 and the LOC is area enclosed by the band. This allows for
generally referenced to A2. Additional assessment of the magnitude of a
electrodes can be placed; for instance, when hypopnoea or apnoea. However, the major
the patient is undergoing multiple sleep practical problem arises from positioning of
latency testing, when the capture of REM the bands on the body. Thoracoabdominal
sleep is particularly important. bands can be used to semiquantitatively
assess the magnitude of the inspiratory
The EMG effort in upper airway obstruction, and
analysis is undertaken of the amplitude of
Up to three EMG electrodes can be placed swing movements of thoracic and
on the face to allow for an alternative abdominal compartments, and comparison
electrode should one malfunction. The tone of synchrony between both movements. The
of the mentalis and submentalis muscles is measurement is semiquantitative. Other
monitored, and is essential to the diagnosis technology used to measure
of REM sleep. An electrode can sometimes thoracoabdominal movement includes
be placed over the masseter muscle to strain gauges, piezoelectric transducers and
record bruxism. pneumatic bands. Oesophageal monitoring
Sensors and associated monitoring
Table 1. Example of an instruction series prior to
A variety of electrodes can be used to record
commencing the PSG recording.
the EEG, EOG and EMG. For the EEG, types
that can be used include gold-cup, silver-cup 1) With eyes open, look straight ahead for
and disposable electrodes. Collodion-soaked 30 s
gauze has been one method used 2) With eyes closed, look straight ahead for
extensively in the past to attach electrodes 30 s
to the scalp. 3) Holding head still, look to the left and
right; up and down
When applying sensors, the aim is to keep
impedances ,5 kV. The ECG is acquired using 4) Holding your head still, slowly blink your
electrodes placed in standard configuration. eyes five times
5) Grit your teeth; clench your jaw
Measurement of rib cage and abdominal
movements can be undertaken using a 6) Inhale and exhale
variety of techniques. Inductive 7) Hold your breath for 10 s
plethysmography is one such technique and 8) Flex your right foot; flex your left foot
examines the change in cross-sectional area
is quite invasive and is not used routinely in to the temperature changes in flow at the
the assessment of sleep disordered airway (room air temperature during
breathing on a clinical level. inspiration and at 37uC at expiration). The
signal is semiquantitative, has a poor
Various techniques have also been developed dynamic response and there is a nonlinear
in order to assess flow. For a very long time, relationship between electrical signal and
thermistors and thermocouples were used airflow dependent on exact position at the
almost exclusively in measuring flow. They airway opening. These devices cannot
comprise small sensors whose electrical accurately quantify magnitude of flow but they
characteristics (resistance and voltage) can detect apnoeas. In many respects, they
depend on their temperature. The device is have been superseded by nasal prongs, which
placed close to the airway opening and flow is record pressure at the nostrils. The
detected by measuring the variation in the equipment comprises conventional prongs
electrical properties of the sensor as exposed connected to a pressure transducer. Airflow
EEG α waves
Figure 3. Wake stage (stage W). Note a-waves Figure 5. Stage N3 sleep (stages 3 and 4). Note
on EEG. slow, high-amplitude d-waves.
EEG Sawtooth waves
EEG Spindle K complex
EMG Phasic twitch
256 µV
Mix L–Cz
256 µV
Mix R–Cz
256 µV
128 µV
128 µV
64 µV
2.05 µV
turbulence at the nostrils induces pressure oximeter makes are alike and the oximeter is
that is directly related to the magnitude of the subject of continual technological
flow. There is an excellent dynamic response. evolution. Interestingly, no minimum
The relationship between pressure and flow is technical specification or standardisation of
nonlinear and may result in overestimation of signal processing is available internationally
flow magnitude. Unfortunately, the or nationally for oximeters. The minimum
drawbacks are lack of detection of mouth standard criteria set by AASM are a sample
breathing, poor signal with a blocked nose rate of 25 Hz with averaging of three values.
and increased resistance with prongs of A resolution of 0.1% is desirable but not
inadequate size. However, they are vastly specified. Oximetry is discussed in greater
superior to thermistors and thermocouples detail later.
and are recommended for detecting airflow in
modern montages. Measurement techniques
62.5 µV
20 mV
20 mV
Figure 8. 5-min page of PSG showing obstructive respiratory events (ObA) accompanied by desaturations
and arousals. THOR RES: thoracic respiratory band; ABDO RES: abdominal respiratory band; F: front;
B: back; L: left side; R: right side.
2.5 mV
15.6 µV
250 µV
250 µV
250 µV
mmHg 50
31.3 µV
20 mV
20 mV B
Figure 9. 5-min page of PSG showing hypopnoeas (Hyp) accompanied by desaturations on the oxygen
saturation trace. THOR RES: thoracic respiratory band; ABDO RES: abdominal respiratory band; F: front;
B: back; L: left side; R: right side.
62.5 µV
20 mV
20 mV F
Figure 10. 10-min page of PSG showing central apnoeas showing a Cheyne–Stokes respiratory pattern.
THOR RES: thoracic respiratory band; ABDO RES: abdominal respiratory band; F: front;
B: back; L: left side; R: right side.
recording the PSG (see Spriggs, 2008). The designated according to the AASM (2007)
recording speed of the EEG is generally scoring manual and the R&K (1968)
10 mm?s-1 with epochs of sleep historically equivalent in brackets. Please consult the
scored as 30 s of sleep per page. After the AASM and R&K manuals as detailed and
electrode and monitor applications are exhaustive guides on scoring sleep and
complete, physiological calibrations to assess associated events.
proper electrode functioning are imperative. A
number of instruction series are available that EEG arousals
should be performed prior to the start of every An arousal appears in the EEG as a brief
PSG (table 1). This testing ensures that interruption of sleep continuity. The current
electrodes are placed appropriately and also AASM definition is an abrupt shift in EEG
allows for baseline data to be collected for frequency, for instance from h to a or
comparison during sleep scoring. .16 Hz. An arousal should be o3 s
Scoring the sleep EEG duration and should be preceded by o10 s
of stable sleep. In stage R, the EMG will be
Each sleep stage is assigned a 30-s epoch. elevated with respect to the arousal.
Each epoch is assigned a single state or Arousals in non-REM sleep do not require a
sleep stage. The sleep stage that comprises rise in EMG tone to be scored as such. EEG
the greater part of the epoch is assigned. arousals are scored in any stage of sleep
Events can be described within or across except wakefulness using the central and
epochs. The sleep stages are shown in occipital EEG. Arousals cannot be scored on
table 2–6 and figures 3–6 with the stage changes in submental EMG alone.
While sleep staging has been standardised Movements in sleep encompass a large
since 1968 and again more recently in 2007, variety of phenomena, including periodic
an international attempt to standardise limb movements, excessive fragmentary
respiratory events recorded during sleep and myoclonus, bruxism, rhythmic rocking
other movement disorders was only movement disorder and REM sleep
published in 1999 and again in 2007. behaviour disorder.
Table 7 details the definitions and types of
Please consult the AASM (2007) manual as
sleep related respiratory events commonly
detailed and exhaustive guide on scoring
recorded. Figures 8–10 represent the most
sleep associated movements.
commonly scored respiratory events.
Evaluating the ECG
Please consult the AASM (2007) manual as
a detailed and exhaustive guide on scoring In general, during PSG, a single modified
respiratory and associated events. ECG lead II is used with torso placement,
but this can be modified as necessary
The severity of sleep apnoea is classified depending on the type of study being
using the AHI, which comprises the total undertaken. Sinus tachycardia in sleep is
number of apnoeas and hypopnoeas scored defined as .90 beats?min-1 for adults and
during sleep divided by the total sleep time bradycardia as ,40 beats?min-1.
(in hours) as recorded using the EEG. Sleep
apnoea severity is classified as mild if the Please use Hampton (2008) as a detailed and
AHI is 5–15 events?h-1, moderate if the AHI exhaustive summary of normal and abnormal
is .15 but ,30 events?h-1 and severe if the ECG traces, and the AASM (2007) manual
AHI is .30 events?h-1. However, the AHI as an exhaustive guide on cardiac rules
must be interpreted in the context of actual during sleep.
sleep efficiency (the less sleep time, the Interpretation of PSG
smaller the denominator, with artificial
elevation of the AHI) and in the context of PSG is used in the diagnosis of sleep
age and sex. The older individual may have disorders, including obstructive sleep
greater number of events with no adverse apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome, narcolepsy,
impact on health at all. periodic limb movement disorders and
Central apnoea +5
Obstructive apnoea +5
Mixed apnoea +5
Hypopnoea +5
Unsure +5
Sound +5
Leg movements +10
PLMs +10
Heart rate
Figure 11. PSG report in a person without a sleep disorder, demonstrating normal sleep architecture, sleep
progression and sleep cycling. PLM: periodic limb movement.
PLMs +10
Snoring +5
Figure 12. PSG report consistent with severe sleep apnoea. The hypnogram shows an absence of short-wave
sleep (SWS), poor sleep cycling and sleep fragmentation. There is severe arterial oxygen desaturation
associated with repetitive obstructive events. PLMs: periodic limb movements.
Renata L. Riha
MSLT is designed to objectively assess The patient wears a standard EEG montage
sleepiness and is used for the assessment and is asked to lie down and sleep in a
and diagnosis of disorders of excessive darkened room on four to five separate
occasions. Each nap opportunity is 20 min
long and 2 h apart over the course of the
Key points day. Sleep is recorded and the time taken to
fall asleep is averaged over the number of
N The Multiple Sleep Latency Test naps taken.
(MSLT) is used to objectively test Figures 1 and 2 show a PSG performed the
propensity to sleepiness in disorders night before daytime testing of sleepiness
of daytime somnolence. using the MSLT in a narcoleptic patient.
N The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test
Potential drawbacks of the MSLT include
(MWT) measures ability to stay
awake for a defined period in a individual clinical interpretation of
standardised environment. instructions which may lead to variation in
the conducting and reporting of the test.
N The OSLER Wake Test is a This has major implications for diagnosis,
behavioural version of the MWT in disease classification and treatment (see
which subjects respond to a timed Carskadon et al., 1986 for more detail).
light stimulus.
Maintenance of wakefulness test
N Although they are useful
diagnostically, no test of sleepiness The MWT works on the opposite premise of
can reliably predict sleepiness and the MSLT, in that it measures the ability to
performance in real-life situations stay awake for a defined period of time in a
with certainty. standardised stimulus-free environment.
The ability to maintain wakefulness should
Time 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am
Hrs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Epoch 1 121 241 361 481 601 721 841 961
23:00.11 07:00.11
Hypnogram 1
Body position P L
CnA +5
CbA +5
Mx.A +5
Hyp +5
PLM +10
Snorng +5
Figure 1. PSG for a narcoleptic patient; note the early onset REM-sleep and excessive sleep fragmentation.
Figure 2. MSLT in narcolepsy showing a sleep latency of ,8 min and four sleep-onset REM periods
pathognomonic for the condition.
Figure 3. OSLER test showing a mean sleep latency of 21 min. The subject fell asleep on three of four runs.
Full nocturnal PSG in the sleep laboratory is since: 1) the signals recorded are not
the gold standard for diagnosis of sleep calibrated and scoring is based on
disorders, including OSA. However, full PSG recognition of qualitative patterns; 2)
is not free from limitations (Kuna, 2010), scoring of sleep and respiratory events show
some problematic points, even after the
revision of criteria by the American Academy
Key points of Sleep Medicine (AASM) (2005); 3) the
results of PSG correlate poorly with clinical
N Ambulatory management of OSA symptoms of OSA and measures of
patients has been shown to be as cardiovascular risk; and, consequently, 4)
effective as traditional, laboratory- there is no evidence-based threshold for AHI
based management in symptomatic or other variables to be used in comparative
patients with severe OSA free studies between different diagnostic or
from comorbidities. therapeutic management strategies (Kuna,
2010). In addition, the in-hospital PSG is not
N Portable monitoring devices should carried out under ‘normal’ sleep conditions,
include respiratory signals with the with subsequent alterations in sleep quality
same sensors as those recommended and/or frequency of apnoeic events. Full PSG
for PSG; however, devices based on entails a high cost in both equipment and
different technology (i.e. PAT) have personnel, and its limited availability with
been found to reliably identify OSA. respect to the increasing demand for sleep
N Limited monitoring (1–3 signals) is tests causes long waiting lists.
not recommended by current A full PSG is also indicated for CPAP
guidelines; however, according to titration, further increasing the time between
recent data, identification of OSA is diagnosis of OSA and institution of
possible by using nasal pressure and/ treatment. These problems have led to the
or oximetry signals. acceptance of ‘split-night’ studies (Epstein
N Actigraphy has been suggested as a et al., 2009), in which the first part of the
possible tool to better define sleep PSG is used for diagnosis and the second
time, but is not recommended by part to titrate CPAP in patients with severe
current guidelines and more studies OSA (AHI .20–40 events?h-1). Such
are necessary to ascertain its efficacy procedures are reasonably accurate
in ambulatory management of OSA. (Khawaja et al., 2010).
N Monitoring of PtcCO2 provides useful Alternative ambulatory methods have been
information in patients with developed for more efficient use of
hypoventilation during sleep. healthcare resources. For diagnosis of OSA,
Technological advancement have several devices are currently available to be
made measurement of PtcCO2 easier worn at home by patients during sleep.
and more reliable than in the past. Sleep monitoring devices are classified
according to completeness of the signals
Figure 1. Respiratory polygraphy. Summary graphics regarding total recording time in a patient with OSA.
From top to bottom: body position, activity (moving and continuous signal), oxygen saturation (events
and continuous signal), pulse (lower and higher values of heart rate), snoring (events and continuous
signal), and obstructive, central and mixed events with their duration in seconds (s). Desat.: desaturation.
diagnosis of OSA is that they vary in the type objective of an effective management
and number of sensors. Moreover, lack of strategy, such studies assessed whether the
standardisation makes it difficult to results of both procedures were comparable.
compare results obtained with different These studies, summarised in table 2,
devices or analyse results of different indicate that ambulatory management is not
studies by meta-analyses. inferior to the traditional diagnostic pathway
used for OSA diagnosis and treatment
Portable monitoring devices have been used (Mulgrew et al., 2007; Berry et al., 2008;
in ambulatory OSA management protocols, Antic et al., 2009; Kuna et al., 2011b; Masa
including CPAP titration. In these studies, et al., 2011a). Interestingly, both inclusion
traditional in-laboratory management, based criteria and diagnostic methods varied
on full diagnostic PSG and manual CPAP among the studies (table 2). Masa et al.
titration during PSG, has been compared to (2011a) enrolled patients with moderate
an ambulatory protocol, using portable clinical OSA severity and found that portable
monitoring devices and automatic positive monitoring showed better diagnostic cost-
airway pressure (APAP) ventilators at home effectiveness than PSG. In addition, they
to establish the pressure level needed by the also tested the feasibility and results of a
individual patient. Some recent randomised telemedicine application, concluding that it
controlled trials tested whether clinical bore similar overall costs to the ambulatory
outcomes were comparable between management, since the costs of informatics
patients studied by type 3 portable were compensated for by the costs
monitoring or in-laboratory PSG-based sustained by the patients to travel to and
management. Since CPAP titration and from the laboratory (fig. 3) (Masa et al.,
follow-up after CPAP initiation are the final 2011b). Future studies can be expected to
Figure 2. 3-min respiratory polygraphic recording in a patient with OSA. Note the obstructive apnoeas,
consequent desaturations and their durations in seconds (s). Signals include, from top to bottom: nasal
pressure (cannula), nasal flow (cannula), thoracic movement (inductive band), abdominal movement
(inductive band), oxygen saturation (pulse oximeter), heart rate (pulse oximeter), snoring (nasal cannula)
and body position (sensor).
further focus on the diagnostic yield and been estimated to occur in 17% of cases
costs associated with widespread use of (Collop et al., 2007). The results of Pietzsch
information technology applied to et al. (2011) have been critically reviewed by
ambulatory management of OSA patients. Ayas et al. (2011), with special emphasis on
the multiple assumptions to be considered
The recent Canadian Thoracic Society 2011 in modelling studies, especially since
guideline update reviewed evidence-based evidence-based data derived from
data regarding outcomes of portable randomised controlled studies are not
monitoring and PSG-based management of available. This is an area of major interest
OSA patients. Although the AHI values that is in a state of continuous evolution,
obtained by portable monitoring devices and more studies can be expected to
and PSG were different, no difference was address and refine cost analysis of
found between the two management ambulatory systems for diagnosis of SDB in
strategies for: residual sleep apnoea, the near future.
sleepiness and quality of life; CPAP
adherence; CPAP pressure; patient Interpretation of cardiorespiratory
satisfaction; or neurocognitive function polygraphy
(Fleetham et al., 2011).
There are some problems in the
Despite these promising results, Pietzsch interpretation of cardiorespiratory
et al. (2011) reported that ambulatory polygraphy (Kuna, 2010; Collop et al., 2007;
management was not advantageous Ahmed et al., 2007; Kuna et al., 2011b),
compared with in-laboratory PSG. This which need to be known by the physician
finding was due to the need to repeat using portable devices instead of in-
recordings whenever ambulatory tracings laboratory full PSG. These problems concern
were technically unsatisfactory or resulted scoring of apnoeas and hypopneas and the
negative in patients with high clinical assessment of OSA severity.
probability of OSA, requiring further
assessment. False negative tests in patients N The exact duration of sleep and the AHI,
with high pre-test probability for OSA have i.e. the number of events divided by sleep
Mulgrew et al., RCT, single 68 patients AHI on CPAP, Parallel design: No difference at
2007 centre with high ESS, SAQLI home oximetry/ 3 months in AHI on
clinical score, CPAP APAP (n533); CPAP, ESS, SAQLI
probability of adherence at hospital PSG/CPAP score; CPAP adherence
moderate-to- 3 months (n535) better in the ambulatory
severe OSA managed group
Berry et al., RCT, Veterans 88 patients CPAP Parallel design: Similar CPAP adherence
2008 Affairs Medical with EDS and adherence, home 4-channel at 6 weeks, mean
Center high clinical ESS, FOSQ at monitoring#/APAP nightly use; decrease in
probability of 6 weeks (n545); hospital ESS, FOSQ; CPAP
OSA PSG/CPAP (n543) satisfaction in both
Antic et al., RCT, 3 195 patients ESS, CPAP Parallel design: Similar CPAP adherence
2009 academic sleep with suspected adherence at home oximetry/ at 3 months, mean
centres, moderate-to- 3 months APAP (n5100); nightly use; decrease in
Australia severe OSA hospital PSG/CPAP ESS; lower cost (the
(n595) home programme was
led by nurses)
Kuna et al., RCT, 2 223 FOSQ and Parallel design: Home management not
2011b Veterans consecutive CPAP home RP/APAP clinically inferior to the
Affairs Medical patients with adherence at (n5113); hospital laboratory management
Centers suspected OSA 3 months PSG/CPAP of OSA
Masa et al., Multicentre 348 patients Therapeutic Cross-over design: RP performed well in
2011a RCT, Spanish with decision on home RP/hospital severe OSA (AHI
Sleep Network intermediate- CPAP PSG o30 events?h-1), less
to-high prescription well in moderate OSA
probability of (AHI 15–30 events?h-1)
RCT: randomised controlled trial; RP: respiratory polygraphy. #: Watch-PATTM 100 (Itamar Medical Inc.,
Norwood, MA, USA).
Therapeutic strategies for patients with episodes of apnoea or hypopnoea. The final
OSAS may be categorised into three general goal is to establish a stable oxygen curve
groups: behavioural, medical and surgical. and ventilatory pattern, abolish snoring,
Treatment decisions should be based on the eliminate sleep fragmentation due to upper
effect of OSAS on daytime symptoms, airway (UA) collapse and enhance alertness
cardiovascular and metabolic function during the daytime.
rather than on the absolute number of
Patient education
PWV: pulse wave velocity; IMT: intima-media thickness; CT: computed tomography; Hb: haemoglobin.
present, only the lipase inhibitor orlistat is considered, such as attention deficits and
available and its long-term effects are early cardiovascular changes (table 2).
limited. The best weight loss results with Regarding this latter point, it would seem
pharmacotherapy are obtained when appropriate to use subclinical cardiovascular
medication is used as an adjunct to an markers, since they have been demonstrated
intensive diet and lifestyle-change as predictors of future cardiovascular
programme, and the effects of these morbidity. CPAP treatment could be
strategies are additive. Overall, the target indicated when OSA is associated with
weight does not need to be the normal cardiovascular disorders, regardless of the
weight, which is usually an unrealistic presence of related symptoms. This is of
objective for severely obese patients. paramount importance in mild or
Arresting the accumulation of weight can asymptomatic OSA, given its frequency.
already be a significant initial result. The Identification of cardiovascular phenotypes
morbidly obese can be referred to a bariatric may be helpful in difficult therapeutic
surgeon. Added metabolic benefits may be decisions. Effects of other therapies, like oral
achieved with weight reduction, including appliances, on cardiovascular and metabolic
improvements in insulin resistance, high- outcomes remain to be further evaluated.
density lipoprotein cholesterol, and visceral
and subcutaneous abdominal fat, which are Although CPAP is effective regarding
associated with a reduction in cardiovascular sleepiness, daytime functioning and blood
risk. Moreover, the association between OSA pressure, it is also obvious that most
and traffic accidents or metabolic disorders chronic consequences of OSA may not be
could broaden the scope of the indication of fully reversed by CPAP alone. The degree of
CPAP treatment, because physicians could be blood pressure reduction achieved by
tempted to opt for treatment with CPAP, treatment in hypertensive OSA varies
despite the absence of OSA-related symptoms. between the therapies, with a b-blockers
being the treatment of choice in one study.
Overall, cardiovascular comorbidities are However, antihypertensive drugs are far
related to OSA severity, including AHI and more effective than CPAP at controlling
oxygen desaturation severity indices. This is blood pressure, although there is a
true, both in general and clinical beneficial effect when combining CPAP with
populations, regarding arterial hypertension, the angiotensin II receptor antagonist
nocturnal arrhythmias, ischaemic heart valsartan compared with CPAP alone. In
disease and stroke. This is also found with addition, residual excessive daytime
regard to vascular subclinical markers, such sleepiness is relatively prevalent in OSA,
as carotid intima-media thickness and pulse despite adequate CPAP treatment, which
wave velocity. Additional outcomes could be may require use of wakefulness stimulants,
Anita K. Simonds
when comparing algorithm-designed fixed the patients studied had relatively severe,
level CPAP followed by self-adjustment at symptomatic OSA: the results cannot be
home with standard titration. West et al. readily translated to individuals with mild
(2006) compared three methods of CPAP OSA, although they should at least
delivery over 6 months. In this study of 98 provide a useful guide to set-up in the
patients with an SaO2 .4% dip rate of majority of patients.
.10 events?h-1 and ESS of .9 were
randomised to: 1) Autotitration CPAP PAP adherence
(Autoset Spirit; ResMed, San Diego, CA,
Optimal CPAP use has previously been
USA) throughout the study period; 2)
defined as use for .4 h for .70% of nights.
Autotitration CPAP (Autoset Spirit) for
However, a linear relationship has been
1 week followed by remaining period with
shown between CPAP use and improvement
CPAP fixed at 95th centile of pressure in first
in ESS up to 5 h, and improvement in
week; and 3) fixed CPAP level set using
memory was significantly greater in those
Oxford algorithm. Outcome measures
using CPAP for .6 h per night compared
assessed at 1 and 6 months were ESS,
with ,2 h (Weaver et al., 2007). The
OSLER wake test, 24-h blood pressure, SF-
relationship between CPAP ‘dose’ and
36 health status score, sleep apnoea-related
subjective and objective sleepiness and
quality of life and CPAP compliance. The
functional outcomes is shown in figure 1.
authors found no difference in any of these
Barbé et al. (2010) found the reductions in
variables, nor in the CPAP monitoring data
blood pressure were seen only with CPAP
between the groups. The 95th centile
pressure levels in the 6-month autotitration used for .5.6 h per night in hypertensive
and 1-week autotitration groups were higher
than in the algorithm-generated pressure 0.7
group, although mean pressure was lower in 0.6 ■ ■
Normal values %
All of these studies confirm that complex FIGURE 1. Dose of CPAP and effects on sleepiness
laboratory PSG manual titration does not and functional outcomes. Cumulative proportion
offer advantages over autotitrating devices of participants obtaining normal threshold values
or simple algorithm set-up. This is clearly an on the ESS (squares), MSLT (triangles), and
important finding from a cost-efficiency Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire
viewpoint, and useful for those managing (diamonds). Reproduced from Weaver et al.
clinical pathways. It should be noted that (2007), with permission from the publisher.
Winfried Randerath
Optimal treatment for patients with CSA is Central apnoea associated with
still under investigation. However, a clear hypoventilation
definition of the disease and diagnosis of
Central apnoea associated with
underlying diseases forms the basis of any
hypoventilation appear in patients with
therapeutic approach.
insufficient respiratory drive or reduced V9E
due to neuromuscular or thoracoskeletal
disorders. For these patients, NIV is the
Key points treatment of choice. It normalises V9E and
may also improve survival (Aboussouan
N NIV is the therapy of choice in central et al., 2001; Bourke et al., 2006).
disturbances associated with CSA associated with hyperventilation
hypoventilation, if there are no
sufficient options to treat the There is currently a lack of evidence proving
underlying disease in those patients. a survival benefit under treatment of CSA
associated with hypoventilation. However,
N The therapeutic approach to patients many studies have shown that survival of
with central disturbances associated patients with cardiovascular disorders is
with hyperventilation begins with significantly reduced when associated with
optimal treatment of any underlying central breathing disturbances (Yumino
disease, including pharmacological or et al., 2008). In addition, CSA is a marker of
interventional cardiac or cerebral poor outcome in patients with stroke and
options. renal failure. Therefore, it can hardly be
accepted from a clinical point of view to
N There is limited evidence showing leave CSR in patients with cardiovascular
effectiveness of treatment with oxygen diseases or central breathing disturbances
or pharmaceutical agents in patients with stroke or renal failure
(theophylline, acetazolamide). untreated. In addition, it is unclear to what
degree central breathing disturbances impair
N After optimal treatment of underlying quality of life or daytime functioning in
diseases, the application of positive patients with underlying cardiovascular
airway pressure, especially CPAP, diseases or organ failure. Therefore, diagnosis
should be trialled. The evidence for bi- and evaluation of treatment efficacy during
level therapy is limited. titration and follow-up must be based on PSG
analysis of central respiratory disturbances in
N There is growing evidence that these patient groups.
adaptive servo ventilation normalises
The overwhelming majority of CSA is
ventilation, improves cardiac function
associated with the aforementioned
and quality of life in CSA patients if
disorders, so the first step of treatment is
CPAP fails.
the abolition of these causes. This includes
pharmaceutical or surgical improvement of
<7.35 >7.35
Nocturnal Remained
SaO2 hypercapnic
(or PG/PSG)
Yes No
Increase O2 addition
IPAP (or increase)
Trial of NIV/cough
Ventilatory support assist
Disease progression
Disease progression
Withdrawal of Ceiling of non-invasive
ventilation support (patient choice)
Tracheostomy - IPPV
Disease progression
FIGURE 2. Suggested respiratory management algorithm for motor neurone disease/ALS. Reproduced
from Simonds (2007), with permission from the publisher.
(i) Decrease of ventilatory (ii) Residual obstructive (iii) Leaks
command events
100 SpO2
02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00
SpO2 07 11 07 84 94 96 91
(i) Leaks (ii) Insufficient pressure support
Figure 3. Evaluating adequacy of ventilatory support and problem-solving. Oximetry traces from a patient
on overnight NIV. (a) shows recurrent episodic dips in SpO2. (b) shows persistent periods of desaturation.
The further data below each example show thoracoabdominal activity, flow and ventilator pressure
demonstrating, how the underlying cause of the events can be determined, e.g. leaks, inadequate pressure,
upper airway obstruction or desynchrony with ventilator. Reproduced from Janssens et al. (2011), with
permission from the publisher.
Dirk Pevernagie
N Limit time in bed for sleeping; lying awake in bed weakens sleep
N Get out of bed when you are not feeling sleepy
N Improve environmental conditions of the bedroom (noise, light and temperature)
N Take a light snack before going to bed but avoid consuming large beverages
N Avoid too much alcohol and stimulants (e.g. nicotine and caffeine)
N Schedule stressful activities so that they occur a long time before bedtime; unwind and
relax in the hours prior to going to sleep
N Do not check your alarm clock at night
N Restrict the use of sleeping pills
should be sufficient sleep time for the situational insomnia. For this indication,
patient to feel rested during the day. hypnotics are prescribed to be taken nightly
for a couple of weeks. Some caveats must be
As insomnia is associated with increased borne in mind when hypnotics are
somatised tension, relaxation training is considered for treatment of chronic
indicated in some patients. Several insomnia. While successful in the short
techniques have been described, including term, the effect of hypnotic drugs may wear
alternating tensing and relaxing of muscle off over time. As habituation takes effect,
groups, concentrating on abdominal incremental doses may be necessary to keep
breathing, and guided imagery. up the initial pharmacotherapeutic results.
Therefore, hypnotics carry an intrinsic risk of
CBT for insomnia (CBT-I) is the collective
tolerance, and physical and psychological
name for a combination of the
dependence. The latter problem may occur
aforementioned techniques with a
especially in patients with a history of drug
psychotherapeutic method to restore
or alcohol abuse. Increased sleeplessness is
appropriate cognitive pathways. The aim is
a frequent complaint following abrupt
to identify disbeliefs about sleep and to turn
discontinuation of hypnotic treatment. This
these cognitions into positive and realistic
condition, known as rebound insomnia, may
concepts. There is ample scientific evidence
be accompanied by other symptoms of
that CBT-I is beneficial, and that the positive
withdrawal, e.g. anxiety and agitation. These
effects on sleep quality are durable.
drawbacks are the prime reasons why
Pharmacological treatment In contrast to hypnotics may not be suitable for long-term
nonpharmacological treatment, there are no use. One way to circumvent the problem of
established guidelines on pharmacotherapy tolerance is to prescribe hypnotics for
for chronic insomnia. While effectiveness of intermittent use, and to restrict intake to
hypnotic medications has been confirmed in three times per week, at maximum.
randomised controlled trials (RCTs), none of
these studies has been designed to assess Many hypnotics, especially those with long
the superiority of one medication over elimination half-lives, may have a carry-over
another in terms of efficacy and safety. effect and cause unwanted sedation in the
Neither is there any systematic study morning. Long-acting hypnotics should not
comparing hypnotics with be prescribed in patients who drive motor
nonpharmacological interventions. vehicles. Short-acting drugs avoid this
complication but may be inefficacious at
Hypnotic drugs are the first-line treatment in controlling sleep maintenance insomnia.
the acute setting, i.e. in patients with There are several accounts of inappropriate
Dose to be reduced in the elderly and those with hepatic or renal failure; pregnancy and lactation are contraindications. tmax: time to maximum concentration of the drug; t1/2: half-life; TCA:
Generic side-effects of BZD
Hepatic; inactive
Hepatic; inactive
tricyclic antidepressant; HCA: heterocyclic antidepressant; NA: noradrenaline; 5HT: 5-hydroxytrypamine (serotonin); M: muscarinic; H: histamine.
Dose to be reduced in the elderly and those with hepatic or renal failure; pregnancy and lactation are contraindications. tmax: time to maximum concentration of the drug; t1/2: half-life.
drowsiness, confusional
normal levels, whereas with modafinil, this
Generic side-effects of
Generic side-effects of
arousal, constipation
effect is less pronounced. Side effects are
Nausea, headache,
highly variable among patients and are dose-
dependent. Methylphenidate and
amphetamines are associated with classical
monoaminergic side-effects, including
insomnia, loss of appetite, tremor,
irritability, headache, palpitations and
inactive metabolite(s)
Hepatic and minimal
Hepatic and variable
elevated blood pressure. Within the
Hepatic; inactive
recommended dose range, the risk of
renal clearance;
renal clearance
tolerance and dependence is low in
narcolepsy and IHS, and there is no need to
schedule ‘drug-free holidays’. In higher than
recommended dose ranges, patients should
be monitored carefully with respect to
developing mental problems and
Duration of
hypertension. Modafinil has been studied action
more extensively than the other stimulants.
It has a good benefit-to-risk ratio with fewer
and milder side-effects. Because of its safety
t1/2 h
and long-acting profile, modafinil has been
recommended by the American Academy of
tmax h
narcolepsy. Therapeutic efficacy is usually
NA and dopamine
Sodium oxybate
Dose to be reduced in the elderly and those with hepatic or renal failure; pregnancy and lactation are contraindications. tmax: time to maximum concentration of the drug; t1/2: half-life.
importance for making the correct
appropriate treatment.
Miscellaneous sleep disorders
Parasomnias Parasomnias are
Hepatic; inactive
Renal clearance
Renal clearance
Hepatic; active
Hepatic; active
Hepatic; active
t1/2 h
receptor subtype)
RLS is characterised by an irresistible urge Only one study performed PSG in RLS
to move the legs while resting (Innes et al., patients (a small simple size of 27 patients;
2011). This urge is usually accompanied by Kallweit et al., 2009). 10 of the patients
uncomfortable sensations (creeping or reported EDS assessed by the ESS; they had
burning) in the legs. Symptoms begin or lower sleep latency on the MSLT and longer
worsen during periods of inactivity, are total sleep time, but no differences between
partially or totally relieved by the movement, PLMs. Further studies are needed to better
and are worse in the evening or at night. The understand this sleep disorder, which seems
prevalence of RLS varies from 4 to 29% in not to lead to objective sleep impairment.
the general population. RLS can be primary
or secondary: primary RLS often appears RLS is a treatable disease. Once RLS is
before the age of 20 yrs and has a familial diagnosed, medication is given (usually
component; secondary RLS is usually dopaminergic agonists). These medications
associated with disorders such as peripheral have proven effective, with improvement in
neuropathy. There is a higher incidence of quality of life (Giorgi et al., 2006).
The scope of this section is to describe the low-voltage and rapid EEG, inhibited EMG
dramatic changes that occur in the first and burst of saccadic and rapid eye
months and years of life regarding sleep movements, associated with rapid and
organisation and breathing control, and to irregular respiratory and heart rates. In
use this as a background to explain the contrast, QS is characterised by high-voltage
pathophysiology of apnoea and apparent and slow EEG, inhibited EMG and rare eye
life-threatening events (ALTEs) in infants. movements, associated with slow and
Circadian sleep/wake rhythms are already regular respiratory and heart rates. Thus, AS
present in utero, observed during the last shares some features with the future REM
trimester of gestation. These fetal rhythms sleep and QS shares some features with the
are lost at birth but re-appear during the first future NREM sleep, sleep states that are
weeks and months of life. The organisation observed in adults.
of sleep/wake rhythms is driven by both an
endogenous biological clock and numerous In the first month of life, sleep duration lasts
external factors such as day/night variations nearly 16–17 h?day-1, structured upon an
and parental/social factors. These may at ultradian rhythm with alternate diurnal and
least in part underlie the large variability nocturnal sleep. Newborns begin to sleep in
observed with regard to sleep development AS, which occupies a high percentage of
and characteristics among individuals. sleep (50% of total sleep time). Sleep cycles
with alternate AS and QS last approximately
Development of sleep in the first years of life 50 min. No early- and late-night differences
in AS/QS distributions are observed.
Sleep and wakefulness states can be
identified in utero from the beginning of the Significant changes in sleep characteristics
third trimester of gestation. In human and organisation are observed in the first
newborns, sleep is divided into two 6 months of life, with development of the
differentiated states: active sleep (AS) and main features of adult sleep. Beyond the first
quiet sleep (QS). AS is characterised by few months of life, the proportion of AS/
REM sleep decreases significantly whereas
QS/NREM sleep increases and differentiates
Key points
into stages 1, 2 and 3 sleep with specific EEG
waveforms. Sleep onset no longer occurs in
N Breathing irregularities are common REM sleep after age 6 months. Organisation
in infancy but resolve spontaneously of sleep following a circadian rhythm is
by 3–6 months. established by age 1 yr.
N Breathing and cardiovascular control
With increasing ages, mean duration of total
are inextricably linked and should be
evaluated together. sleep time per day decreases progressively
(average 14–15 h at age 6 months, 13–14 h
N ALTEs are not benign and may impact at 1 yr, 12–13 h at 3 yrs, and 11 h at 6 yrs).
on long-term outcome. Diurnal sleep time shows greater reduction
than nocturnal sleep time. The
Similarly, upper airway, lung and respiratory Apparent life-threatening events An ALTE is
muscle disease may further modify central ‘an episode that is frightening to the
drive via altered sensory feedback, and observer due to combination of apnoea,
exacerbate central irregularities. colour change (cyanotic or pallid), change in
muscle tone (marked limpness), choking, or
Clinical aspects of apnoea Control of gagging’. The mixture of breathing,
breathing is inextricably linked with circulatory and neuromuscular symptoms
cardiovascular control, particularly during makes separating coexisting and causative
sleep. Dysfunction in one affects the other factors difficult. ALTEs occur more
and vice versa, and can rapidly lead to a frequently in infants with pronounced
dangerous or fatal downward spiral of periodic breathing or apnoea and are often
events (see below). In clinics, the two heralded by repetitive apnoea, desaturations
systems should be carefully evaluated in and slow circulatory changes in the
tandem. Thus, duration and frequency of preceding hours. Clinical management
central, obstructive and mixed apnoea must should focus on excluding serious
be linked with concomitant changes in underlying causes such as seizures, cardiac
blood gases as well as in heart rate and diseases, bacterial infection, metabolic
blood pressure. Brief apnoea is often disorders and central hypoventilation.
regarded as physiological, but if frequent Subsequent investigation should include
and associated with significant blood gas cardio-respiratory function, blood gases,
and circulatory changes (e.g. bradycardia) polysomnography/polygraphy, and
may compromise health (fig. 1). (preferably) long-term home monitoring.
Anita K. Simonds
In children with chronic lung disease (Meijer et al., 1995). Circadian variation in
associated with limited pulmonary reserve, lung function including reduction in peak
the normal physiological changes in sleep flow during sleep, decreased lung volume,
can cause significant gas exchange and possible allergen exposure to dust mites
abnormalities. Furthermore, these episodes in bedding, are factors. Nocturnal asthma is
can fragment sleep, as can problems with associated with impaired attention and
cough, wheeze, nasal blockage, chest wall cognitive performance in the day which
asynchrony and side-effects from medication improve on optimising asthma control.
(Gaultier, 2000), with consequent adverse Enhancement of mood and improvement in
effects on daytime function. daytime behaviour can also be achieved
after interventions to improve nocturnal
asthma control (Stores et al., 1998).
Sleep disturbance is common in children However, some deficits may remain in
with asthma; both objective and subjective children with well-controlled asthma. This is
measures confirm decreased total sleep likely to be related to the fact that therapies,
time, and increased nocturnal awakenings. such as corticosteroids and theophylline,
Reduced slow-wave sleep and increased cause sleep disruption and there are case
daytime sleepiness may occur. In a survey of reports of insomnia as a side-effect of
8–9-yr-old children, 32.6% of those with leukotriene inhibitors. The situation is
asthma reported sleep disturbance at least complicated by the fact that asthma is an
once a week and one-third experienced independent risk factor for SDB in children.
nocturnal cough once a week or more Redline et al. (1999), showed that a history
of asthma was associated with an odds ratio
of 3.83 (95% CI 1.39–10.55) for SDB, whereas
Key points the odds ratio for persistent wheeze was 4.71
(95% CI 1.3–16.76), with both ratios
N Chronic respiratory disorders such as adjusted for race and obesity. The
cystic fibrosis and interstitial lung underlying mechanisms are speculative.
disease can be associated with OSA/H syndrome is associated with swings
worsening gas exchange overnight. in intrathoracic pressure which may provoke
N Asthma and rhinitic symptoms can reflux and increased bronchial
fragment sleep. hyperreactivity, and heighten cholinergic
tone. Furthermore, improved asthma
N Asthma is an independent risk factor control was seen in asthmatics with OSA/H
for SDB. treated with CPAP therapy. The dynamic is
N Improvement in control of asthma likely to be complex and bidirectional, as
and rhinitis usually leads to an sleep deprivation can worsen OSA/H, and
improvement in sleep quality. both asthma and OSA/H are associated with
activation of pro-inflammatory cascades.
For instance, in our own cohort (Paris, For those children who will receive
France), all of the patients (100%) pharmacotherapy from a very young age, but
complained of EDS, which was the first also in adolescents, training and education
symptom to occur (97% of the cases) are crucial to enhance the benefit of the
besides weight gain. Clear-cut cataplexy was treatment. Having to be treated on a daily
reported or observed in 82% of the cases at basis represents a challenge for many
the first evaluation. Furthermore, hypnologic youngsters, who may be reluctant to take
hallucinations and sleep paralysis were medication every day. Most medications are
reported in 33% of the subjects. prescribed during the daytime period and
given during main meals. However, recent
Narcolepsy is believed to be caused by the treatments, such as sodium oxybate,
selective loss of a population of although not yet approved in children and
hypothalamic neurons producing the adolescents, are given at bedtime and 4 h
neuropeptide hypocretin-1 (Nishino et al., after sleep onset, requiring specific and
2000). Since 1983, it has been demonstrated operant strategies from the child as well as
that narcolepsy is associated with the efficient supervision from the parents (Aran
human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allele of the et al., 2010).
HLA-DQ gene, HLA-DQB1*0602. Because
of this close HLA association, the disorder Although no studies demonstrating their
has been suggested to be autoimmune. In effectiveness are available, measures aimed
August 2010, the Medicinal Product Authority at enabling one or more daytime sleep
(MPA) in Sweden announced a special periods are generally recommended. One to
investigation regarding narcolepsy following two routine naps of 20–30 min increase
the influenza virus A H1N1 outbreak. During daytime wakefulness and psychomotor
the summer of 2010, the MPA received, in performance. Nutritional advice, regular
total, 22 reports of narcolepsy as an adverse meal times and physical activity should also
reaction after (A)H1N1 vaccination. The be encouraged at an early stage in children
reports concern children aged 12–16 yrs and adolescents, in order to avoid weight
where symptoms were compatible with gain and to help maintain regular growth.
narcolepsy, were diagnosed after thorough Counselling or brief psychotherapy is often
medical investigation, and had occurred 1– required to enable the child to accept the
2 months after vaccination. This particular loss of their previous healthy state and
topic is currently under investigation and progressively accept the reality of a disabling
could add to the understanding of the chronic condition.
autoimmune hypothesis of narcolepsy
(Dauvilliers et al., 2010). Idiopathic hypersomnia (IHS) IHS is a
primary hypersomnia. IHS is a rare and
To date, the treatment of narcolepsy has poorly defined sleep disorder, an essential
been essentially symptomatic, with no feature of which is chronic EDS despite
prospect, at the present time, of a definitive undisturbed nocturnal sleep. IHS is difficult
cure or even remission for subjects who are to diagnose in children and adolescents,
obliged to take psychotropic medication on where the condition seems to fluctuate
a long-term basis. Considering the across time and developmental stages. IHS
repercussion of the disorder and its in children may be defined as fulfilling the
dramatic consequences in children and/or following criteria: chronic EDS for
adolescents, medication is often required at .6 months; absence of cataplexy; no other
a very early stage of the disease and, in evident cause of EDS, such as sleep apnoea,
Sleep history and clinical assessment of the infant’s sleeping environment, bedtime
an infant routines and parental expectations.
Insomnia due to medical conditions is
Sleep problems during infancy (ranging mainly caused by infant colic; otitis;
from 1 to 12 months of age) are among the gastrointestinal problems, such as
most prevalent problems presented to regurgitations, vomiting, diarrhoea,
paediatricians, in terms of disorders of abdominal cramps and bloating that may be
initiating and maintaining sleep. Insomnia a manifestation of gastrooesophageal reflux;
during infancy may be subdivided into two and cow’s milk allergy or lactose intolerance.
main categories: behavioural insomnia and Information about sleeping arrangements, if
insomnia related to diseases. Behavioural the baby sleeps in the parent’s room or bed,
insomnia commonly occurs in 20–30% of or in an infant crib in a separate room, the
infants, and, if left untreated, bedtime baby’s position while sleeping (on his/her
problems and night awakenings may result back, side or belly) and environmental
in behavioural, emotional, and learning tobacco smoke exposure are very important.
difficulties, persisting into the preschool and Bed routine should be investigated in order
school-aged years. History should focus on to understand if good sleep hygiene is
present. Is it crucial to know the sleep/wake
Key points pattern of the baby, and if the baby has
difficulty falling asleep, or whether frequent
and prolonged night-time awakenings are
N Insomnia during infancy can be
reported by caregivers. Physical examination
classified into: behavioural insomnia
and insomnia related to a specific of an infant with sleep disorders should
medical condition. include an initial visual examination of the
baby, noting any dysmorphic features or
N An ALTE is a frightening and obvious malformations. Height, weight and
unexpected change in an infant’s head circumference measurements should
breathing behaviour that needs a be reported on appropriate growth charts.
careful evaluation. Signs of respiratory infections, or ear and
N PSG is indicated when OSAS or urinary tract infections should be
congenital central alveolar investigated.
hypoventilation syndrome, ALTE,
If a suspected apparent life-threatening
or sleep-related hypoventilation
event (ALTE) has occurred, history should
are suspected.
focus also on the skin colour at the time of
N On physical examination signs the event, duration of the event, sleep
commonly associated with SDB, position and type of sleeping arrangement
such as ‘‘adenoid facies’’, may (chair, lounge, crib, car seat, bed), clothing,
result from oral breathing due to presence of abnormal movements, including
enlarged adenoids. abnormal eye movements, muscle tone,
presence of blood or bloody fluid at the
Untreated OSA may be related to delayed diagnosed and treated in order to prevent
somatic growth, learning problems, daytime the development of complications.
sleepiness, hyperactivity and adverse effects
Apnoeas in infants
from the cardiovascular system such as
hypertension. Thus, it is of importance that Apnoea of prematurity and OSA unrelated to
respiratory disorders during sleep are prematurity are the most common SDB
patterns in infancy that have been described.
Apnoea of prematurity (gestational age
,37 weeks) has been defined as pauses in
Key points
airflow of at least 20 s in duration, or shorter
but accompanied by oxygen desaturation of
N A variety of interventions are used for haemoglobin and bradycardia. Apnoeas may
the treatment of OSA in infancy, such be of the central, obstructive or mixed type
as methylxantines, and they usually disappear by 36–40 weeks
adenotonsillectomy, orthodontic postconceptional age.
appliances, CPAP and tracheostomy.
It is unclear whether apnoea of prematurity
N Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is a
has long-term adverse effects, such as
frequent cause of OSA in otherwise
unfavourable neurodevelopmental
healthy children, but fewer than 30%
outcomes, because of the many other
of them achieve a normal AHI
confounding factors in the early pre-term
(,1 event?h-1) after
period. After secondary causes of apnoea
are excluded (i.e. infection, intracranial
N Oral appliances and functional haemorrhage, hypoxaemic-ischaemic
orthopaedic devices are effective in encephalopathy, seizure disorder, anaemia),
cases of maxillary constriction or potential therapeutic interventions are prone
mandibular retrusion with positioning with neck elevation by 15u,
associated OSA. administration of methylxanthine
(theophylline, caffeine), CPAP and nasal
N Long-term home ventilation is required
intermittent positive pressure ventilation
for children with central hypoventilation.
(table 1). Doxapram, kinaesthetic
N NIV in neuromuscular disorders stimulation and red blood cell transfusion in
should be initiated when symptomatic cases of anaemia are among the
nocturnal hypoventilation develops. interventions that have been used for the
treatment of apnoea of prematurity with
N NIV improves quality of life, morbidity
unclear benefit.
and mortality in many stable or
slowly progressive neuromuscular OSA not related to prematurity may be the
disorders, and may be considered to result of a variety of pathogenetic
palliate symptoms in other more mechanisms, i.e. congenital craniofacial
progressive conditions. deformities, nasal or laryngeal obstruction
(choanal atresia, congenital nasal pyriform
aperture stenosis, laryngomalacia, vocal old, but most ENT surgeons would operate
cord paralysis, subglottic stenosis), on children older than 1 yr. CPAP may be a
neurological disorders (spinal muscular useful stabilising measure but it is frequently
atrophy, cerebral palsy), gastro-oesophageal tolerated poorly and it is associated with sleep
reflux and adenotonsillar hypertrophy (age disruption. In cases of severe laryngomalacia,
.6 months). Acute viral upper respiratory removal of the lateral edges of the epiglottis
infection may deteriorate the clinical picture and of redundant mucosa covering the
of all the above conditions temporarily. arytenoids along with incision of the
Endoscopic examination of the upper and aryepiglottic folds can relieve upper airway
lower airway is an important diagnostic tool obstruction effectively (supraglottoplasty).
to determine the exact site(s) of obstruction. Tracheostomy is applied to secure the upper
airway while awaiting more permanent
The severity of upper airway obstruction in therapeutic solutions.
infancy requiring treatment has not been
defined. Moreover, there is not always Congenital craniofacial deformities cover a
consensus regarding the type of therapy wide and complex range of diseases, in
indicated in each case, but a stepwise particular affecting newborns and infants
treatment approach moving from the less to and resulting in narrowing of the airway due
the more invasive therapeutic intervention is to midface hypoplasia (e.g.
summarised in table 1 according to the craniosynostosis) and/or mandibular
cause of airway obstruction. hypoplasia (e.g. Pierre Robin sequence).
Adenotonsillectomy for OSA in infants has a Congenital craniofacial deformities can be
higher frequency of post-operative regarded as a model for sleep apnoea in
complications and residual SDB compared infancy, and their high association with OSA
with the same procedure in older children. It suggests that PSG should be performed
is accompanied by appreciable acceleration promptly even if nocturnal symptoms are
in somatic growth. The procedure has been not reported. Cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) is
performed in infants as young as 5 months a common congenital malformation
The efficacy of RME has been demonstrated CPAP treatment Children with OSA and
in non-obese children suffering from nasal obesity, those with residual disease after
breathing and OSA, but without enlarged adenotonsillectomy or sleep apnoeic
tonsils or adenoids. 4 months after children with cerebral palsy or craniofacial
completion of the orthodontic treatment, all abnormalities are candidates for CPAP,
children had normal anterior rhinometry and which is usually effective in ameliorating
a significant decrease in AHI. The effects of apnoeas and hypopnoeas. During sleep, the
RME were also evaluated in another group child receives continuous airflow delivered
of non-obese children with OSA and dental by the CPAP ventilator via a mask (nasal
malocclusion i.e. ogival palate associated mask in most cases or facial mask) in order
with deep bite, retrusive bite or crossbite. to maintain positive airway pressure.
RME was applied for 12 months. By the end Compliance with this type of treatment can
of treatment, AHI decreased significantly be improved dramatically by gradual
compared with baseline, reaching normal acclimatisation and introduction of the
values in most patients. An improvement in mask as the child sleeps, as well as by
clinical symptoms was reported by parents, continued gentle and intensive family
such as less snoring, oral breathing, sleep support. The pressure level that is necessary
apnoeas, and daytime sleepiness and to ‘‘stent’’ the pharyngeal airway so as to
tiredness. Beneficial effects of RME persisted prevent the collapse of its walls is determined
even 2 yrs after its completion. In summary, in the sleep laboratory prior to prescribing the
results of these studies suggest that CPAP ventilator. The recommended starting
orthodontic therapy should be encouraged in pressure level during the titration procedure
paediatric OSA, and that its early is 4 cmH2O and the goal of treatment with
implementation may permanently modify CPAP is to lower AHI below 5 episodes?h-1. In
nasal breathing and respiration, thereby patients with OSA and concomitant alveolar
preventing obstruction of the upper airway. hypoventilation due to neuromuscular
ANS (autonomic nervous system) 13
sleep-related changes see under sleep
anticonvulsant drugs, insomnia treatment 180, 182
motor vehicle see motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) antidepressants
workplace, increased risk in OSA patients 191 cataplexy management 70, 71, 185
acetazolamide therapy insomnia management 180, 181, 182
central sleep apnoea 165 OSA treatment 154
obstructive sleep apnoea 154 antihistaminics 182
acetylcholine sweat-spot test 14 antihypertensives 155
achondroplasia 206 antipsychotics, insomnia treatment 180, 182
acid maltase deficiency 50 APAP (autotitrating positive airway pressure) devices 139,
acromegaly, SDB association 96, 98 141, 157, 158
actigraphy 143 Apert syndrome 206, 230, 231
in children 220 apnoea
circadian rhythm evaluation 74, 75 central see central apnoea
free-running circadian disorder 76 definition 21
insomnia assessment 57 in infants see under infants
active sleep (AS) 200 obstructive see obstructive apnoea
polysomnography 223 presentation 22
acute insomnia 55 apnoea of prematurity 228
adaptive servo ventilation (ASV) 162, 165, 166–167 apnoea threshold 97
“adenoid facies” 219 central sleep apnoea 43
adenoid hypertrophy 219, 220, 229 apnoea–hypopnoea index (AHI) 21
adenotonsillectomy 152, 230–231 upper airway anatomy and 7, 8
infants 229 apparent life-threatening events (ALTEs) 203–204
ADHD see attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) definition 203
adherence, CPAP therapy 160–161 sleep history 218–219
adipose tissue 37 appetite regulation, sleep and 18
adjustment insomnia 55 arousal disorders 63–64
advanced sleep phase syndrome (ASPS) 75, 76 classification 63
age diagnosis 64
effect on sleep cycle 3–4 epidemiology 63
as obstructive sleep apnoea risk factor 26, 95 pathophysiology 63
algorithms treatment 64, 187
diagnostic 100–105 arousals
nocturnal hypoventilation management central sleep apnoea pathophysiology 43–44
neuromuscular/skeletal disorders 172 EEG 126
obese patients 169, 171 in children 222
Oxford 160 arterial blood gas (ABG) sampling 143, 144
for setting CPAP level 159–160 arterial hypertension see hypertension
allergic rhinitis, in children 211 asphyxia, infants 201
Alzheimer’s disease 62, 64 ASPS (advanced sleep phase syndrome) 75, 76
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) 115–116 asthma, in children 210
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) ASV (adaptive servo ventilation) 162, 165, 166–167
electrode placement 120, 121 atherosclerosis, assessment in OSA patients 117, 118, 155
home diagnosis recommendations 100, 137 atrial fibrillation
hypopnoea scoring 141 CSA patients 40
manual for scoring of sleep 120, 126 OSA patients, assessment 116–117, 118
sleep disordered breathing definitions 21, 23 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 213, 215
aminophylline 154 restless legs syndrome and 215–216
amitriptyline 180, 182 sleep disordered breathing and 216
amphetamines autonomic nervous system (ANS) 13
hypersomnia treatment 183–184 sleep-related changes see under sleep
narcolepsy 71 autonomic ‘stress tests’ 14
side-effects 184 autotitrating positive airway pressure (APAP) devices 139,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 50, 144, 170, 172 141, 157, 158
anaesthesia risk assessment, obstructive sleep apnoea 111–113
bariatric surgery
CAD see coronary artery disease (CAD)
OSA patients 111, 112, 152–153 Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index (SAQLI) 109
beneficial effect 153 capnography, nocturnal 143–144
techniques 153 carbon dioxide application, central sleep apnoea 165
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) 109 carbon dioxide sensitivity, infants 201
behavioural disorders, paediatric OSA patients 208 cardiac function, assessment in OSA patients 116–117, 118
behavioural insomnia, infants 218 cardiac hypertrophy, assessment in OSA patients 116, 118
benzodiazepine therapy cardiac resynchronisation therapy 165
arousal disorders 64 cardiac structure, assessment in OSA patients 116–117, 118
effect on sleep structure 179 cardiorespiratory monitoring
insomnia 179–181 children 225
restless legs syndrome 186 OSA patients see under obstructive sleep apnoea
Berger, Hans 1 syndrome (OSAS)
Berlin Questionnaire 32–33, 92, 93, 112, 113 cardiorespiratory polygraphy 137
bi-level positive airway pressure ventilation 157, 158, 162 interpretation 140–142, 143
central sleep apnoea treatment 165, 166 scoring 138–140
nocturnal hypoventilation management in obstructive cardiovascular changes, sleep-related see under sleep
lung disease 173, 174 cardiovascular disease (CVD)
sleep hypoventilation syndrome management central sleep apnoea and 40, 46–47, 98
neuromuscular/skeletal disorders 171–173 obstructive sleep apnoea and 35–37, 98, 155
obesity hypoventilation syndrome 169, 171 cataplexy, narcolepsy with 67, 68, 69, 70, 86
sleep hypoventilation syndrome management in children management 70, 71, 183, 184–185
234–235 prevalence 213
central hypoventilation 235 symptoms 213–214
neuromuscular disorders 236 see also narcolepsy
biliopancreatic derivation technique 153 central apnoea
blood pressure monitoring 14–15 in childhood/adolescence 225
ambulatory 115–116 definition 224
breathing healthy infants 224
control of see breathing, control of see also central sleep apnoea (CSA)
monitoring 120 central hypoventilation syndromes 7, 48–49
periodic see periodic breathing management 235
during sleep see under sleep see also congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
sleep history 85 (CCHS)
at wake/sleep transition see wake/sleep transition central respiratory event, definition 124
see also entries beginning respiratory central sleep apnoea (CSA) 21, 22–23, 39–47
breathing, control of 6–7 clinical aspects 22–23, 45
development 201–202 consequences 46–47
asphyxia and 201 cardiovascular 46–47
breathing and sleep 202 neurobehavioural 46
carbon dioxide and 201 definition 21, 39
hypoxia and 201 obstructive sleep apnoea vs 39
plasticity 202 pathophysiology 21, 42–44
sleep and 202 apnoea threshold 43
upper airway 201–202 arousals 43–44
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome pathophysiology 30 hyperventilation 42
during sleep 6–7 hypoventilation 42
at wake/ sleep transition 7 hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory response 43
breathing, sleep disordered see sleep disordered breathing loop gain 42–43
(SDB) prevalence 40
bronchiectasis 174 risk factors 40
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) 212 see also sleep disordered breathing, predisposing factors
Brouillette questionnaire 207 symptoms 22–23, 45
treatment 164–167
adaptive servo ventilation 162, 165, 166–167
carbon dioxide 165 irregular sleep/wake syndrome see irregular sleep/wake
CSA associated with hyperventilation 164–165 syndrome (ISWS)
CSA associated with hypoventilation 164 treatment 74, 76
oxygen 165 circadian rhythmicity 74
pharmaceutical options 165 effect on metabolic regulation 17, 18
positive airway pressure treatment 47, 165–166 Circadian Type Inventory (CTI) 75
cephalometry 8 CLOCK gene 74
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, narcolepsy 68, 69 clomipramine, cataplexy management 71
chemosensitivity 6, 7 clonazepam therapy
sleep-related reduction 10, 11 arousal disorders 64
chest wall disorders 50, 170 REM behaviour disorder (RBD) 63
see also neuromuscular/skeletal disorders sleep-related movement disorders 186, 187
Cheyne–Stokes respiration (CSR) 23, 39, 40, 98 codeine therapy, sleep-related movement disorders 187
see also central sleep apnoea (CSA) cognitive behavioural therapy, CPAP compliance and 148
children cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) 82,
clinical assessment 218–220 178, 196
child 219–220 cognitive performance, OSA patients 191
indications for further investigation 220 paediatric 207–208
infant 218–219 comorbid insomnia see under insomnia
physical examination 218, 219 congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) 7,
development 48–49, 208–209
control of breathing see under breathing, control of management 235
sleep development in first years of life 200–201, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy
224–225 157–162
diagnostic techniques 221–226 adherence 160–161
assessment of daytime sleepiness 226 algorithms for setting level 159–160
cardiorespiratory monitoring 225 alternatives 162
oximetry 207, 220, 225–226 central sleep apnoea 47, 165–166
polysomnography see polysomnography (PSG) adaptive servo ventilation vs 162, 166, 167
nonrespiratory sleep disorders 213–216 children 232–233
ADHD 215 assessment of facial development 159
hypersomnias of central origin 213–215 infants 229
restless legs syndrome 215–216 comorbidity and 161
SDB and 216 interfaces 158–159
sleep disordered breathing see sleep disordered breathing machines 157–158
in children obesity hypoventilation syndrome 169
see also infants obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome 102
chloral hydrate 182 alternatives 162
cholinergic neurons 1, 2 cardiovascular effects 36, 116
chronic kidney disease 98 children 232–233
chronic lung disease, in children 212 cost-effectiveness 193–194
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) infants 229
assessment in OSA patients 117, 118 metabolic effects 37, 118
nocturnal hypoventilation 51, 174 neurobehavioural effects 35
indications for initiation of nocturnal NIV 172, 174 patient education 148
chronic respiratory insufficiency, nocturnal hypoventilation positional therapy vs 149
and 48 quality of life effects 108, 109
management 174 surgical patients 112, 113
circadian rhythm disorders 74–78 weight effects 148
evaluation tools 74, 75 principles 157
jet lag see jet lag disorder (JLD) problem solving 161
shift work disorder see shift work disorder (SWD) titration 159–160
sleep/wake rhythm disorders 76–77 unattended autotitrating device 159–160
advanced sleep phase syndrome 75, 76 COPD see chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
delayed sleep phase syndrome 75, 76 core body temperature, circadian rhythm evaluation 74, 75
free-running circadian disorder see free-running coronary artery disease (CAD), OSA patients 35–36
circadian disorder (FRD) assessment 117, 118
corticosteroids, intranasal, OSA management in children drug treatment
231 central sleep apnoea 165
cortisol 17, 18 hypersomnias of central origin 183–185
cortisol levels, circadian rhythm evaluation 75 narcolepsy 70, 71, 183–185, 214
cost-effectiveness insomnia 178–182, 195
CPAP therapy 193–194 obstructive sleep apnoea 153–154
restless legs syndrome treatment 195 restless legs syndrome 65, 185–187, 195
costs, sleep disorders 189 see also specific drugs
see also healthcare costs Duchenne muscular dystrophy
costs, healthcare see healthcare costs cardiorespiratory monitoring 225
CPAP therapy see continuous positive airway pressure hypoventilation 48, 50, 162, 170, 209
(CPAP) therapy treatment 171–172, 235–236
craniofacial disorders
congenital 229–230, 232
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and 29, 34, 205–206
management 230, 231
ECG (electrocardiography) 120
craniofacial procedures 231 evaluation of ECG traces 127
craniosynostosis 229, 230 OSA patients 116, 118
critical closing pressure see under upper airway echocardiography, OSA patients 116, 118
Crouzon syndrome 206, 230, 231 economic impacts
cystic fibrosis (CF) 174, 211 insomnia 195–196
obstructive sleep apnoea 192–194
daytime dysfunction, insomniacs 53, 54
restless legs syndrome 195
education see patient education
daytime sleepiness central sleep apnoea risk 40
assessment in children 226 sleep cycle 4
see also excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) electrocardiography see ECG (electrocardiography)
daytime symptoms, sleep history 85–86 electroencephalography see sleep EEG
delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) 75, 76, 187 EMG (electromyography) 121
treatment 187–188 paediatric 221
depression sleep stages 122, 123
Beck Depression Inventory 109 emotions, sleep and 82
insomnia and 80–81 endocrine disorders, SDB-associated 98
psychological intervention 82–83 diabetes see diabetes
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and 35 endoscopy, sleep 151
assessment 117 EOG (electrooculography) 120–121
treatment 156 paediatric 221
development sleep stages 122, 123
control of breathing see under breathing, control of epiglottoplasty, obstructive sleep apnoea 152
sleep 200–201, 224–225 epilepsy 64
dextroamphetamine 184 Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) 33, 84, 91–92
diabetes, SDB association 98 paediatric 207
assessment in OSA patients 117, 118 ergot preparations, restless legs syndrome management 186
diagnostic algorithms 100–105 excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) 182
dietary interventions, obstructive sleep apnoea 147–148, 152 assessment 88–90, 131–135
difficulties initiating sleep (DIS) 53 in children 226
difficulties maintaining sleep (DMS) 53 MSLT see multiple sleep latency test (MSLT)
dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) 74, 75 MWT see maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT)
diurnal sleep, young children 200–201 OSLER test 90, 133, 134
dopamine agonists, restless legs syndrome management test limitations 135
65, 186 causes 87, 88, 131
dopaminergic neurons 1 CSA patients 46
Down’s syndrome 96, 97–98, 231 differential diagnosis 87–90
driving licence regulations OSA patients 35, 87, 88
insomnia patients and 197 assessment 33, 89
OSA patients and 191 treatment 185
presentation 88 restless legs syndrome 195
questionnaires 91–92 heart failure
Epworth Sleepiness Scale see Epworth Sleepiness Scale central sleep apnoea and 40, 43, 46, 47, 98
(ESS) CPAP vs adaptive servo ventilation 162
Stanford Sleepiness Scale 92 obstructive sleep apnoea and 36
sleep history 85–86 heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFprEF) 36
see also hypersomnias of central origin heart rate variability (HRV) analysis 14, 15
expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) 162 high spinal injuries 50
obesity hypoventilation syndrome management 169 histaminergic neurons 1, 2
HLA DQB1*0602, narcolepsy association 68, 70, 214
facial development, assessment in children on long-term
home monitoring, obstructive sleep apnoea 100
in children 207
human leukocyte antigen gene complex, narcolepsy associa-
CPAP therapy 159 tion 68, 70, 214
failure to thrive, OSA patients 208 hyoid bone displacement 96
fatigue, excessive daytime sleepiness vs 88 hyoid bone surgery, obstructive sleep apnoea 152
fluoxetine, cataplexy management 71 hyperarousal 55
flurazepam 180 hypercapnic ventilatory response
free-running circadian disorder (FRD) 76 central sleep apnoea 43
evaluation 74, 75, 77 obesity hypoventilation syndrome 50
full-face CPAP mask 158, 159 during sleep 10, 11
Functional Outcome of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ) hypersomnias of central origin 67–72
108–109 in children 213–215
idiopathic see idiopathic hypersomnia (IHS)
GABAergic neurons 2, 3
narcolepsy see narcolepsy
primary 67, 68
recurrent see recurrent hypersomnia
gabapentin therapy secondary 67, 68
insomnia 180, 182 sleep disordered breathing and 216
sleep-related movement disorders 186, 187 treatment 182–185
galanin 3 nonpharmacological 183
gastric bypass 153 pharmacological 183–185
see also bariatric surgery see also excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) 98 hypertension
Gélineau, Jean-Baptise-Edouard 67 OSA patients 18, 25, 32, 36
gender see sex assessment 115–116, 118, 155
genioglossus, reduced activity 11 paediatric 208
ghrelin 17, 18 treatment 155
glossopexy 230 pulmonary 48, 50
glucose metabolism hyperventilation, central sleep apnoea
OSA patients 37 pathophysiology 42
assessment 117, 118 treatment 164–165
sleep and 18 hypnogram
glutaminergic neurons 2 typical overnight sleep pattern 3
growth hormone (GH) 17, 18 see also polysomnography (PSG)
Guillain–Barré syndrome 51, 62 hypnotics 178–182
contraindications 179
health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
effect on sleep structure 179
hypocapnia 40, 43, 97, 144
hypocretin (orexinergic) neurons 1, 2
definition 107 hypocretins, narcolepsy and 67–68, 69, 70, 183, 214
questionnaires 107–109 hypopharynx 7
disease-specific 108–109 hypopnoea
generic 108 definition 21, 124, 224
healthcare costs periodic limb movement disorder vs 186–187
insomnia 195–196 presentation 22
obstructive sleep apnoea 192–194 hypothyroidism, SDB association 98
hypoventilation syndromes 21, 23, 48–51 nonorganic 56–57
central see central hypoventilation syndromes nosological classification 55–57
characteristics 23, 48 organic 56–57
in children see under sleep disordered breathing in paradoxical 55–56
children pathophysiology 55, 56
neuromuscular/skeletal disorders see neuromuscular/ perpetuating factors 55, 56
skeletal disorders precipitating factors 55, 56
obesity hypoventilation syndrome see obesity predisposing factors 55, 56
hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) prevalence 54, 195
treatment see under nocturnal hypoventilation primary 54, 55–56
see also nocturnal hypoventilation psychiatric disorders and 54, 56, 80–83
hypoxaemia, post-operative 113 depression 80–81
hypoxic ventilatory response psychological intervention 82–83
central sleep apnoea 43 psychophysiological 55
infants 201 rebound 178
SDB and 54, 58–59
idiopathic hypersomnia (IHS) 71–72, 183
secondary 54, 56
Spielman (3P) model 56
treatment 58, 177–182
in children 214–215 comorbid OSA and 182
narcolepsy vs 72 economic impact 196
treatment nonpharmacological 82–83, 177–178, 196
nonpharmacological 183 pharmacological 178–182, 196
pharmacological 183–185 work disability 196
see also hypersomnias of central origin insulin resistance 117, 118
idiopathic insomnia 56 insulin sensitivity, effect of sleep deprivation 18
imipramine, cataplexy management 71 intermittent hypoxia, effect on sympathetic activity 17
infants International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
apnoea 202–203 Health (ICF) 108
aetiology 202 International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2)
clinical aspects 203 hypersomnia 68
diagnosis 202 idiopathic 71
management 228–230 insomnia 55–57
see also apparent life-threatening events (ALTEs); parasomnias 63
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in children sleep disordered breathing 21
clinical assessment 218–219 interstitial lung disease, in children 211–212
periodic breathing see periodic breathing intranasal corticosteroids, OSA management in children 231
sleep cycle 200, 201, 224 iron deficiency, restless legs syndrome and 65, 185–186, 216
sleep development 200–201, 224–225 irregular sleep/wake syndrome (ISWS) 76–77
sleep problems 218 evaluation 75
see also children; sleep disordered breathing in children
inflammation, airway 9, 97
insomnia 52, 53–59, 80, 195
adjustment (acute) 55
jet lag disorder (JLD) 78
assessment 57–58 evaluation 75
behavioural, in infants 218 treatment 78
comorbid 54, 56
therapeutic aspects 182
daytime dysfunction 53, 54
diagnosis 53–54, 195
K complexes 17, 122, 123
due to drug/substance 56 in children 222, 223
economic consequences 195–196 Kleine–Levin syndrome 67, 68, 215
emotions and 82
epidemiology 195
idiopathic 56
lateral sleeping position, obstructive sleep apnoea therapy
legal aspects 196–197 148–149
medical consequences 195 legal aspects
increased motor vehicle accident risk in OSA patients 191 narcolepsy 71
insomnia patients and vehicle accidents 196–197 OSA patients 185
leptin 17, 18 Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) 75
levodopa therapy, restless legs syndrome 186 motor neurone disease (MND) 170, 172
Lewy body disease 62 motor symptoms, sleep history and 86
lifestyle management, OSA patients 147–148, 152, 155 motor vehicle accidents (MVAs)
children 233 increased risk in OSA patients 189, 190, 191–192
liver function, assessment in OSA patients 118 economic impact 193
loop gain 97 legal aspects 192
central sleep apnoea pathophysiology 42–43 insomnia patients and 196–197
lormetazepam 180 movement disorders, sleep-related
lung disease periodic limb movement disorder see periodic limb move-
chronic, in children 212 ment disorder (PLMD)
interstitial, in children 211–212 restless legs syndrome see restless legs syndrome (RLS)
obstructive, nocturnal hypoventilation 174 treatment 185–187
see also specific diseases movements
lung volumes, influence on upper airway geometry 8 scoring in sleep 127
sleep history 85
macroglossia 96
Muenke syndrome 230
multi-system atrophy 62
multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) 89, 131, 133, 134
magnesium sulfate 186 in children 220, 226
maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT) 89–90, 131, 133 disadvantages 131
in children 226 guidelines 132
Mallampati score 219 idiopathic hypersomnia 72
mandibular advancement devices (MADs) 149–150, 162, narcolepsy 68, 69, 70, 133, 134
231 technique 131
mandibular distraction osteogenesis 231 Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ) 75
mandibular plane–hyoid (MP–H) distance, measurement 8 muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), effect of inter-
Marshall syndrome 230 mittent hypoxia 17
maxillofacial surgery, obstructive sleep apnoea 152 MWT see maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT)
MCTQ (Munich Chronotype Questionnaire) 75 myasthenia 50
Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short-form health survey myotonic myopathy 50
(SF-36) 108
melatonin therapy
jet lag 78
REM behaviour disorder (RBD) 63
naltrexone 154
metabolic disorders narcolepsy 67–71, 183
assessment in OSA patients 117–118, 155 with cataplexy see cataplexy, narcolepsy with
see also specific disorders in children 213–214
metabolic syndrome diagnosis 68–70
definition 37 multiple sleep latency test 68, 69, 70, 133, 134
diagnosis 116 idiopathic hypersomnia vs 72
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and 37–38 pathogenesis 67, 214
assessment 116, 118 hypocretins 67–68, 69, 70, 183, 214
methadone therapy, sleep-related movement disorders 187 prevalence 67, 213
methylphenidate, side-effects 184 secondary 67, 69
methylphenidate therapy, hypersomnia 183, 184 symptoms 67, 69, 213–214
narcolepsy 71 treatment 70–71, 214
micrognathia 96 nonpharmacological 183
microneurography 16 pharmacological 70, 71, 183–185, 214
midazolam 180 see also hypersomnias of central origin
midface advancement 231 nasal CPAP mask 158, 159
Milijeteig–Hoffstein method 159, 160 nasal obstruction 96
mirtazapine 154, 180, 182 clinical assessment in children 219
mixed apnoea, definition 124, 223–224 nasal plugs, CPAP interface 158, 159
modafinil, hypersomnia treatment 183, 184 nasal pressure, measurement 22, 137–138, 142
in children 221, 224 in children see under children
nasal surgery, obstructive sleep apnoea 151, 152 see also specific disorders
nasopharyngeal surgery noninvasive ventilation (NIV)
obstructive sleep apnoea 152 negative pressure ventilation, sleep hypoventilation
see also adenotonsillectomy syndrome management in children 234, 235
nasopharynx 7 positive pressure see positive airway pressure (PAP)
NBBRAs (non-benzodiazepine receptor agonists) 179, 181 therapy
negative pressure ventilation, sleep hypoventilation nonorganic insomnia 56–57
syndrome management in children 234, 235 nonrestorative sleep (NRS) 53
neural regulation noradrenergic neurons 1, 2
breathing during sleep 6–7 Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) 108
NREM and REM sleep 1, 2, 3 NREM sleep
wakefulness 1, 2 abnormal behaviour see arousal disorders
neurobehavioural sequela neural regulation 1, 2, 3
central sleep apnoea 46 normal vs abnormal events 61, 62
obstructive sleep apnoea 35 polysomnography 122, 123
neurobiology, sleep 1–4 in children 222, 223
neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) 6 respiratory mechanics and ventilation 10, 11
neuromuscular/skeletal disorders 50–51 stages 3
in children 209 see also wake/sleep transition
management 235–236 NREM–REM cycle see sleep cycle
management 170–174
algorithm 172
in children 235–236
sleep cycles 200 adipocyte activity 37
see also infants obstructive sleep apnoea and 26, 27, 32, 98, 152
NHP (Nottingham Health Profile) 108 assessment 117–118
‘night owl’ pattern of sleep 76, 78 surgical considerations 111, 112
night terrors 63–64 upper airway effects
nitrazepam 180 anatomy 7, 8
nocturnal capnography 143–144 critical closing pressure 9
nocturnal hypoventilation see also bariatric surgery; metabolic syndrome
central sleep apnoea associated with obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) 23, 49–50
pathophysiology 42 treatment 169–170, 171
treatment 164 obstructive apnoea
in children 208, 209 definition 21, 124, 223
chronic respiratory insufficiency and see chronic respira- infants 224
tory insufficiency see also obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS)
identification of high-risk cases 170 obstructive lung disease
in obstructive lung disease 174 nocturnal hypoventilation 174
COPD see under chronic obstructive pulmonary see also specific diseases
disease (COPD) obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) 21–22, 25–38,
cystic fibrosis 174, 211 190
treatment 169–174 cardiorespiratory monitoring 136–144
algorithms 169 actigraphy 143
in children 234–236 interpretation of cardiorespiratory polygraphy 140–142
evaluation 173, 174 nocturnal capnography 143–144
management plan 170 polygraphy scoring 138–140
in neuromuscular/skeletal disorders 170–172, 174 portable devices 137, 138, 139, 140, 141
in obese patients 169–170, 171 pulse oximetry see oximetry
in obstructive lung disease 174 central sleep apnoea vs 39
see also hypoventilation syndromes in children see obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in
nocturnal seizures 64 children
nocturnal symptoms, sleep history 85, 86 clinical aspects 32–34, 103
non-benzodiazepine receptor agonists (NBBRAs) 179, 181 comorbid insomnia see under insomnia
nonrespiratory sleep disorders 52 comorbidity assessment 115–118, 155
cardiac structure and function 116–117, 118 questionnaires 92–93
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 117, 118 Berlin Questionnaire see Berlin Questionnaire
coronary artery disease and peripheral arterial disease Epworth Sleepiness Scale see Epworth Sleepiness Scale
117, 118 (ESS)
depression 117, 118 pre-operative screening 112, 113
obesity and metabolic disorders 117–118 quality of life assessment see under health-related qual-
systemic hypertension 115–116, 118 ity of life (HRQoL)
comorbidity management 154–156 STOP-Bang questionnaire 92–93, 112, 113
consequences 25, 32, 35–38, 189 STOP questionnaire 92
cardiovascular 35–37 risk factors 26–27
in children 207–208 age 26, 95
metabolic 37–38 obesity 26, 27, 32, 98, 152
neurobehavioural 35 sex 26, 27
definition 21 upper airway abnormalities 27, 96–97
diagnosis 21, 23, 100–105 see also sleep disordered breathing, predisposing factors
in children 206–207, 220 surgical and anaesthesia risk assessment 111–113
steps 101–103 symptoms 32–33, 103
strategies 104–105 in children 206
epilepsy and 64 see also excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
hypertension and see under hypertension “typical” vs actual patients 100, 101
management 147–156 upper airway anatomical abnormalities and 7–8, 27, 29,
ambulatory 139–140, 141 96–97
bariatric surgery 111, 112, 152–153 as predictor of therapeutic interventions 9–10
comorbidities 154–156 surgery 150–152
CPAP see continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) upper airway and 96–97
therapy critical closing pressure 9, 30, 97
drug treatment 153–154 inflammation 9, 97
economic impact 193 influence of lung volumes on geometry 8
network system 101 reflex activation responses 8
oral devices 149–150, 162 obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in children 205–208
patient education 147–148 associated complications 207–208
perioperative 112–113 clinical presentation 206
positional 148–149 diagnosis 206–207, 220
reference hospitals 100, 101 epidemiology 205
upper airway anatomy as predictor of response to infants 228–230
therapy 9–10 management 230–234
upper airway surgery 150–152 indications 233
weight loss 147–148, 152, 155 in infants 228–230
medicolegal and economic aspects 190–194 stepwise approach 229, 233, 234
economic consequences 192–194 pathophysiology 205–206
increased motor vehicle accident risk 189, 190, occupational accidents, OSA patients 191
191–192 oesophageal pressure, measurement 22
professional performance and work disability 190–191 children 221
pathophysiology 21, 25, 29–30, 205–206 Ondine’s curse see congenital central hypoventilation
autonomic nervous system assessment and 17 syndrome (CCHS)
central respiratory control mechanisms 30 opioids
craniofacial morphology 29, 205–206 central sleep apnoea risk and 40, 112, 113
see also craniofacial disorders effect on respiratory rhythm-generating neurons 6
function/dysfunction of upper airway muscles 30 restless legs syndrome treatment 186, 187
upper airway morphology 29, 206 oral devices, obstructive sleep apnoea treatment 149–150
see also sleep disordered breathing, predisposing factors in children 231–232
perioperative complications 111–112 orexinergic neurons 1, 2
perioperative management 112–113 orexins (hypocretins), narcolepsy and 67–68, 69, 70, 183,
physical examination 33–34 214
pre-operative screening 112, 113 organic insomnia 56–57
prevalence 26, 190 orlistat 155
in children 205 oronasal CPAP mask 158, 159
oropharyngeal exercises 232 PHOX2B gene, mutations 49
oropharyngeal surgery physical examination
obstructive sleep apnoea 152 children with sleep disorders 219
see also tonsillectomy infants with sleep disorders 218
oropharynx 7 obstructive sleep apnoea 33–34
orthodontic procedures, OSA management in children Pickwickian syndrome 49
231–232 see also obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS)
orthopnoea, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 50 Pierre Robin syndrome 34, 96, 97, 205–206, 230
OSLER test 90, 133, 134 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) 93
otolaryngological surgery, obstructive sleep apnoea 151, 152 plasticity, development of breathing control 202
Oxford algorithm 160 poliomyelitis 50
oximetry 124, 137, 142 polyalanine repeat mutations (PARMs) 49
in children 207, 220, 225–226 polycystic ovary syndrome, SDB association 98
oxygen therapy polygraphy (PG)
central sleep apnoea 165 cardiorespiratory see cardiorespiratory polygraphy
cystic fibrosis 211 insomnia 59
obesity hypoventilation syndrome 169–170 polysomnography (PSG) 120–129
arousal disorders 64
PAP see positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy
in children 220, 221–225
interpretation and reporting 225
normative data 224–225
paradoxical insomnia 55–56 obstructive sleep apnoea 206–207
parafacial respiratory group (pFRG) 6, 7 scoring breathing 223–224
parasomnias 61–65 scoring EEG 222–223
definition 61 sensors 221–222
diagnosis 61 circadian rhythm disorders 75
primary 61 ECG evaluation 127
non-REM-related see arousal disorders EEG see sleep EEG
REM-related see REM behaviour disorder (RBD) EMG see EMG (electromyography)
secondary 61 EOG see EOG (electrooculography)
nocturnal seizures 64 hypersomnia
treatment 187 idiopathic 72
trigger factors 61 narcolepsy 68, 69
see also restless legs syndrome (RLS) instruction series 121, 126
Parkinson’s disease 62, 69, 88, 103, 109 interpretation 127–129
PARMs (polyalanine repeat mutations) 49 in infants/children 225
paroxetine 154 limitations 136
patient education measurement techniques 124, 126
obstructive sleep apnoea treatment 147–148 nocturnal seizures 64
sleep hygiene 82 normal PSG 128
Period genes 74 obstructive sleep apnoea 100, 102, 104–105, 128
periodic breathing 202, 203, 224–225 in children 206–207
definition 224 portable monitoring vs 138, 139–140, 142, 143
periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) 65, 85, 86, 185 REM behaviour disorder 62
hypopnoeas vs 186–187 restless legs syndrome 65
treatment 185, 186, 187 scoring
perioperative complications, obstructive sleep apnoea EEG arousals 126
patients 111–112 movement in sleep 127
perioperative management, obstructive sleep apnoea patients respiratory events see respiratory events
112–113 sleep EEG see sleep EEG
peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) 15–16, 138 SDB-plus patients 59
peripheral artery disease (PAD), assessment in OSA patients sensors and associated monitoring 121–122, 124
117, 118, 155 in children 221–222
Pfeiffer syndrome 230, 231 portable monitoring devices, obstructive sleep apnoea 137,
pharmacological treatment see drug treatment 138, 139, 140, 141
Phox2b 6, 7 positional treatment, obstructive sleep apnoea 148–149
positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy 157–162 Epworth Sleepiness Scale see Epworth Sleepiness Scale
adherence 160–161 (ESS)
autotitrating devices 139, 141, 157, 158 Stanford Sleepiness Scale 92
bi-level see bi-level positive airway pressure ventilation quetiapine 180, 182
central sleep apnoea 165–166 quiet sleep (QS) 200
continuous see continuous positive airway pressure breathing and 202
(CPAP) therapy polysomnography 223
expiratory see expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP)
interfaces 158–159
machines 157–158
principles 157
race, as SDB predisposing factor 95
titration 159–160 ramelteon 180, 182
positive pressure ventilation via tracheostomy 234, 235, 236 rapid maxillary expansion (RME) 231–232
post-operative hypoxaemia 113 rebound insomnia 178
pramipexole, restless legs syndrome treatment 186, 187 recurrent hypersomnia 67, 69, 88, 183
cost 195 in children 215
pre-ejection systolic period (PEP) 15 see also hypersomnias of central origin
preBötzinger Complex (preBötC) 6, 7 reflex activation, upper airway dilator muscles see under
primary insomnia 54, 55–56 upper airway
see also insomnia relaxation training, insomnia treatment 178
professional performance, OSA patients 190–191 REM behaviour disorder (RBD) 61–63
protriptyline classification 62
adverse effects 154 diagnosis 62
cataplexy treatment 71 pathophysiology 62–63
OSA treatment 154 presenting features 62
PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) 93 prevalence 62
psychiatric disorders, insomnia and see under insomnia treatment 63, 187
psychological interventions, insomnia 82–83, 177–178 REM sleep
psychophysiological insomnia 55 neural regulation 1, 2, 3
psychosomatic disorders, treatment of sleep disturbances normal vs abnormal events 61, 62
188 polysomnography 123
pulmonary congestion 43 in children 222
pulmonary hypertension 48, 50 respiratory mechanics and ventilation 10–11
pulse oximetry see oximetry see also sleep
pulse transit time (PTT) 15, 129 resistant hypertension 116
pulsus paradoxus 15 respiration
monitoring 120
quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) 189–190
sleep history 85
see also breathing
respiratory disturbance index (RDI) 92, 141, 143, 151
CPAP therapy 193–194 respiratory drive, instability 97
restless legs syndrome treatment 195 respiratory effort-related arousals (RERAs) 22, 224
quality of life 107–109 respiratory events
assessment see health-related quality of life definitions 124
definition 107 scoring 125–126, 127
Quebec Sleep Questionnaire (QSQ) 109 in children 223–224
questionnaires 84, 91–93 respiratory mechanics, during sleep 10–11
circadian rhythm assessment 75 respiratory pacing 235
OSAS screening 92–93 respiratory polygraphy (RP), obstructive sleep apnoea 100,
Berlin Questionnaire see Berlin Questionnaire 102, 104, 105
STOP-Bang questionnaire 92–93, 112 in children 207
STOP questionnaire 92 respiratory rhythm, developmental aspects 202
paediatric 207 restless legs syndrome (RLS) 64–65, 85, 86, 185, 194
quality of life assessment see under health-related quality attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and 215–216
of life (HRQoL) in children 215–216
sleep quality assessment 93 classification 65, 194
sleepiness assessment 91–92 diagnosis 64–65, 185
economic consequences 195 peripheral arterial tonometry 15–16, 138
epidemiology 65, 194 pulse transit time 15
iron deficiency and 65, 185–186, 216 breathing during 6–11
medical consequences 194 control of 6–7
pathophysiology 65, 216 developmental aspects 202
treatment 65, 185–187 pathophysiology of ventilatory changes 48
economic impact 195 respiratory mechanics and ventilation 10–11
nonpharmacological 185 development in first years of life 200–201, 224–225
pharmacological 65, 185–187, 195 diaries see sleep logs/diaries
retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) 6, 7 disorders see sleep disorders
rhinitis, in children 211 emotions and 82
RME (rapid maxillary expansion) 231–232 history see sleep history
ropinirole, restless legs syndrome treatment 186, 187 hygiene see sleep hygiene
Roth, Bedrich 71 logs see sleep logs/diaries
rotigotine, restless legs syndrome treatment 186, 187 metabolic changes 17–18
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 153 appetite regulation 18
R–R interval analysis 14, 153 glucose metabolism 18
neurobiology 1–4
Saethre–Chotzen syndrome 230
non-REM see NREM sleep
questionnaires see questionnaires
REM see REM sleep
SAQLI (Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index) 109 requirements 3, 4
Scopinaro technique 153 Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index (SAQLI) 109
SDB see sleep disordered breathing sleep apnoea
secondary insomnia 54, 56 central see central sleep apnoea (CSA)
see also insomnia obstructive see obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
seizures, nocturnal 64 (OSAS)
selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors sleep attacks 88
cataplexy treatment 71, 185 sleep cycle 3
OSA treatment 154 effect of ageing 3–4
‘selfish brain’ theory 37 infants 200, 201, 224
sensory symptoms, sleep history and 86 sleep deprivation, effects 3
serotonergic neurons 1, 2 appetite regulation 18
sex, as SDB predisposing factor 95 glucose metabolism 18
central sleep apnoea 40 sleep disordered breathing (SDB)
obstructive sleep apnoea 26, 27 in children see sleep disordered breathing in children
SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short-form health CSA see central sleep apnoea
survey) 108 definitions 21–24
shift work disorder (SWD) 77–78 diagnostic algorithms 100–105
evaluation 75 insomnia and 54, 58–59
health impacts 78 OSA see obstructive sleep apnoea
management 78 predisposing factors see sleep disordered breathing,
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) 204 predisposing factors
skeletal disorders see neuromuscular/skeletal disorders quality of life and see health-related quality of life
sleep (HRQoL)
arousal from 1 SDB-plus 59
autonomic and cardiovascular changes 13 sleep-related hypoventilation see hypoventilation
obstructive sleep apnoea 17 syndromes
physiological data 16–17 sleep disordered breathing in children 205–209
autonomic and cardiovascular changes, assessment 13–16 clinical assessment 219–220
autonomic ‘stress tests’ 14 comorbid nonrespiratory disorders 216
blood pressure monitoring 14–15 comorbid respiratory disorders 210–212
heart rate variability analysis 14, 15 allergic rhinitis 211
methodological issues 13–14 asthma 210
microneurography 16 bronchopulmonary dysplasia 212
OSA patients 17 chronic lung disease 212
cystic fibrosis 211 in infant/child 222–223
interstitial lung disease 211–212 see also polysomnography (PSG)
obstructive sleep apnoea see obstructive sleep apnoea sleep endoscopy 151
syndrome in children Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) 108
sleep hypoventilation syndromes 208–209 sleep history 84–86
congenital central hypoventilation syndrome see children 219–220
congenital central hypoventilation syndrome daytime symptoms 85–86
(CCHS) infants 218–219
management 234–236 insomnia assessment 57
neuromuscular and related conditions see nocturnal symptoms 85, 86
neuromuscular/skeletal disorders questionnaires see questionnaires
see also children sleep/wake pattern 85
sleep disordered breathing, predisposing factors 95–98 sleep hygiene
age 95 inadequate 56
anatomical abnormalities 95–97, 96 recommendations for insomnia patients 88, 177, 178
congenital syndromes 97–98 sleep hygiene education (SHE) 82
hyoid bone displacement 96 sleep logs/diaries 84
hypertrophy of uvula, soft palate and tonsils 96 circadian rhythm evaluation 74, 75
macroglossia 96 insomnia assessment 57, 58
micrognathia 96 sleep monitoring devices, classification 136–137
nasal obstruction 96 sleep-onset REM periods (SOREMPs) 89
upper airway shape/length 96–97 definition 89
associated diseases 96, 97–98 idiopathic hypersomnia 72
chronic kidney disease 98 narcolepsy 69
endocrine disorders 98 sleep quality, questionnaires 93
gastro-oesophageal reflux disease 98 sleep questionnaires see questionnaires
heart failure 98 sleep-related hypoventilation
obesity 98 definition 224
stroke 98 see also hypoventilation syndromes; nocturnal
functional factors 96, 97 hypoventilation
airway inflammation 97 sleep-related movement disorders
increased upper airway collapsibility 97 periodic limb movement disorder see periodic limb
instability of respiratory drive 97 movement disorder (PLMD)
race 95 restless legs syndrome see restless legs syndrome (RLS)
sex 95 treatment 185–187
sleep disorders sleep requirements 3, 4
medicolegal and economic aspects 189–197 sleep restriction
costs 189 effects 4
see also healthcare costs insomnia treatment 177–178
QALY assessment see quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) sleep spindles 122, 123
nonrespiratory 52 in children 222, 223
in children see under children sleep stages
psychiatric aspects 80–83 normative data across lifespan 127
depression 80–81 polysomnography 122, 123, 126
psychological interventions 82–83 sleep state misperception 56
role of emotions 82 sleep/wake rhythm disorders see circadian rhythm disorders
in somatoform disorders, treatment 188 sleepiness, daytime
see also sleep disordered breathing (SDB); specific disorders assessment in children 226
‘sleep drunkenness’ 71 see also excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
sleep EEG 120 sleepwalking 63
arousals 126 snoring 32, 85, 86
in children 222 in children 205, 207
electrode placement 120, 121 clinical assessment 219
historical aspects 1 sodium oxybate 70, 71, 184–185
paediatric 221 soft palate, hypertrophy 96
scoring 222–223 somatoform disorders, treatment of sleep disturbances 188
scoring 122, 123, 126 somnambulism 63
Spielman model of insomnia 55, 56
spinal injuries 50
stage 1 sleep, polysomnography 122
upper airway 7–10
in children 222 anatomy 7–8, 9
stage 2 sleep, polysomnography 122, 123 in obstructive sleep apnoea see under obstructive sleep
in children 222 apnoea
stage 3/4 sleep, polysomnography 123 as predictor of therapeutic interventions 9–10
in children 222 critical closing pressure 8–9
stage R sleep obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome 9, 30, 97
polysomnography 123 in development of breathing control 201–202
in children 222 effect of mandibular advancement 150
see also REM sleep examination, obstructive sleep apnoea 34
stage W (wake stage), polysomnography 122, 123 inflammation 9, 97
in children 222 influence of lung volumes on geometry 8
Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) 92 reflex activation of dilator muscles 8
Stickler’s velocardiofacial syndrome 230 in obstructive sleep apnoea 30
stimulants, hypersomnia treatment 183–184 surgery, in obstructive sleep apnoea 150–152
narcolepsy 70, 71 three-dimensional reconstruction 8, 9
stimulus control, insomnia treatment 177 volume, men vs women 8
STOP-Bang questionnaire 92–93, 112, 113 upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) 22, 205
STOP questionnaire 92 uvula, hypertrophy 96
stroke 98 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 152, 231
central sleep apnoea and 40, 98
obstructive sleep apnoea and 35, 36, 98
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 204
surgery, bariatric see bariatric surgery
valerian 182
surgical risk assessment, obstructive sleep apnoea 111–113 valsartan 155
α-synucleinopathy 62 venlafaxine 71
systemic hypertension see hypertension ventilation
during sleep 10–11
temazepam 180
see also breathing
ventilatory response (VR)
hypercapnic see hypercapnic ventilatory response
tetraplegia 50 hypoxic see hypoxic ventilatory response
theophylline therapy infants 201
central sleep apnoea 165 ventrolateral pre-optic area (VLPO) neurons 3
obstructive sleep apnoea 154 ventrolateral respiratory column (VRC) 6, 7
thermistors 122, 142, 221 video-polysomnography, in children 220
3P (Spielman) model of insomnia 55, 56
tongue size
measurement 8
sleep apnoea and 29, 96
wake/sleep transition 3
tongue surgery, obstructive sleep apnoea 152 breathing
tonsillectomy 152, 230–231 changes in lung mechanics 10
in infants 229 control of 7
tonsils, hypertrophy 96, 229 wake stage see stage W (wake stage)
Total face mask 158 wakefulness, neural regulation 1, 2
tracheostomy ‘wakefulness drive to breathe’ 7
obstructive sleep apnoea 152 weight loss, OSA patients 147–148, 152, 155
in infants 229 work disability
sleep hypoventilation syndromes in children 234, 235, 236 insomnia patients 196
trazodone 180, 182 OSA patients 190–191
triazolam 181
tricyclic antidepressants
cataplexy treatment 185
insomnia treatment 180, 182
zaleplon 179, 181
OSA treatment 154 zolpidem 179, 181