general. The protection of liberty and human rights is enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, this is
cognizant to the fundamental need of an individual’s humanity, to live a life of dignity and a life that is
worthy of a human being. Liberty is not merely freedom from imprisonment or restraint. It ultimately
includes that measure of freedom which may be enjoyed in a civilized community, consistently with the
peaceful enjoyment of like freedom in others. The right to liberty guaranteed by the Constitution
includes the right to exist and the right to be free from arbitrary personal restraint deemed to embrace
the right of man to enjoy his inherent ability and power to do something with which he has been
endowed. Liberty means the opportunity to do those things which are ordinarily done by free men. In
the United States, whose Constitution has heavily influenced ours, jurisprudence on the meaning of
personal liberty is much more detailed and expansive. Their protection of the constitutional right to
privacy has covered marital privacy, the right of a woman to choose to terminate her pregnancy and
sexual conduct between unmarried persons.
The right to marry is a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person and the right to decide
who to marry is an intimate thing. A law that effects in hampering this enjoyment of this fundamental
right goes against the principle of upholding liberty and protection of human rights. In section 1, Article
XV of the constitution, The State recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation.
Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development. Moreover
Section 2 of the same Article states that Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of
the family and shall be protected by the State. The state further reiterates this in Article II Section 5. the
protection of life, liberty, and property, and promotion of the general welfare are essential for the
enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy. A country who enjoys the fruits of
democracy must make available to all its citizens the right to enjoy their freedom and right of choice. To
say that we cannot allow the marriage of two persons based solely on their chosen gender violates the
inherent freedom of LGBT citizens to marry and benefit from the legal contract of such union. Moreover,
in Article II Section 10. The State shall promote social justice in all phases of national development.
Adding further in Section 11. The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full
respect for human rights. Social justice means everyone's human rights are respected, protected, and
promoted. Everyone has access to equal opportunities and the resources necessary to thrive. This
doesn't guarantee a perfect society where everyone is always happy; however, everyone will have a
fighting chance at the life they want.
Children of same-sex couples are hurt and made lesser by the government's failure to recognize same-
sex marriage. As such, it violates the fundamental rights of parents, including the right to raise and
educate their children as they see fit. Because so many rights are tied to marriage, it is unfair to deny
these rights and protections based on a person's sexual orientation. This includes, if not above all, the
freedom to love and marry the person without discrimination due to sexual orientation.
What is wrong in marrying two persons of the same sex? Recent studies would tell us that arriage
improves individual and social well-being regardless of other demographic indicators. Domestic
partnership does not bestow the same social and symbolic meaning as marriage. Relationships and
relationship processes are very similar between same-sex couples and different-sex couples. Same-sex
parent families and children show the same levels of well-being and Permitting same-sex marriage will
not affect the stability of heterosexual marriage and does not affect the fundamental right that
heterosexuals have to marry. Contrary to arguments against same-sex marriage, studies indicate that
children raised by same-sex couples show no difference in psychosocial adjustment, romantic behavior,
or school outcomes, compared to children of opposite-sex couples.Children of same-sex couples benefit
from the positive outcomes from their parents’ being married,such as a more durable and stable
relationship and better psychological health. Recent data suggest that denying same-sex couples
marriage equality devalues and delegitimizes sexual minorities, which may motivate them to conceal
their sexual orientation.