2023 Robertson County Fair Commercial Heifer Show: Pen Heifer Record Book
2023 Robertson County Fair Commercial Heifer Show: Pen Heifer Record Book
2023 Robertson County Fair Commercial Heifer Show: Pen Heifer Record Book
Instruction Sheet
Exhibitor should provide adequate records to support the detailed information shown on the
Summary of Expenses and the figures shown on the Summary of Expenses are accurate and
mathematically correct.
Section A
Section B
Adequate records would include supporting invoices or evidence or payment (ex: receipt)
for all veterinary supplies/service which indicate the name and address of both the
buyer and seller, reflect actual date purchased/performed, describe supplies/services
and detail cost.
List each service on separate line
Copy of vaccination paper
Copy of State Health Certificate (Proof of Palpation/Toothing)
Section C
Adequate records would include supporting invoices or evidence of payment (ex: receipt)
for all feed that is purchased. Receipts should include the name and address of both
buyer and seller and reflect actual date purchased.
You should include receipts for hay, feed, and pasture rent in this section.
Section D
Adequate records would include supporting invoices or evidence of payment (ex: receipt)
for all miscellaneous expenses that occur. Miscellaneous expenses may include and
are not limited to fence repair, tack, etc.
For sections B-D if you need to add additional pages you may do so.
Section E
Bring each total over to the summary page. Make sure that mathematics are done correctly.
Completed record book must be signed by the Exhibitor and a Parent in order to be consid-
ered a completed record book.
Essay Questions
Use only space provided for questions 1 & 2. Question 3 may be a maximum of 3 pages.
Pictures of heifer
Anything else that you wish to include
Copy of sale flier sent to prospective buyers
Robertson County Fair Commercial Heifer Show
Pen Heifer Record Book
Name: Charles Eddie Payne Wilson Birth Date: August 24, 2006
A. HEIFERS: All heifers must be purchased prior to October 29, 2022 and be tagged in during the offi-
cial tag-in on October 29, 2022.
Total Dis-
Subtotal $1,848.32
Eddie Wilson
Cost of Embryo Plus Cost of Feeding, Medicating and Preventative and Diagnostic Veterinary Care of Recipient Cows
Cost of Embryo Plus Cost of Feeding, Medicating and Preventative and Diagnostic Veterinary Care of Recipient Cows
Cost of Hay Each Round Bale of Hay purchased at $65.00
Hay November 4 weeks $26.00
Hay December 5 weeks $32.50
Hay January 5 weeks $32.50
Hay February 4 weeks $26.00
Hay March 5 weeks $32.50
Hay April 5 weeks $32.50
Hay November 4 weeks $26.00
Hay December 5 weeks $32.50
Hay January 5 weeks $32.50
Hay February 4 weeks $26.00
Hay March 5 weeks $32.50
Hay April 5 weeks $32.50
Total for Hay $364.00
4 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $8.75 $35.00
Valbazen lot 4610625 exp Date: 06/2024. drenched September 19,
2 $1.68 $3.36
2 Ultrabac 8 s4098956 exp. 15 May 2023 injected September 19, 2022 $0.44 $0.88
TOTAL $47.84
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :211
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :2/1/2023
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
31 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $10.50 $325.50
2 TriVib 5L 8760320b exp 15May 2023 injected January 29, 2023 $0.90 $1.80
TOTAL $389.40
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :303
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :3/15/2023
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
8 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $10.50 $84.00
2 TriVib 5L 8760320b exp 15May 2023 injected March 5, 2023 $0.90 $1.80
2 Valbazen 28 mL LOT 299631 exp 05/2022 drenched March 5, 2023 $2.24 $4.48
TOTAL $90.28
Clostridium Chauvoei-Septicum-Haemolyticum-Novyi-Sordellii-Perfringens Types C & D Bacterin-Toxoid
U.S. Vet. Lic. No.: 190
Description: ULTRABAC® 8 consists of killed, standardized cultures of Cl. chauvoei, Cl. septicum, Cl. haemolyti-
cum, Cl. novyi, Cl. sordellii, and Cl. perfringens types C and D, with an adjuvant.
Indications: For use in healthy cattle and sheep as an aid in preventing blackleg caused by Clostridium chau-
voei, malignant edema caused by Cl. septicum, bacillary hemoglobinuria caused by Cl. haemolyticum, black disease
caused by Cl. novyi, gas-gangrene caused by Cl. sordellii, and enterotoxemia and enteritis caused by Cl.
perfringens types B, C, and D. Although Cl. perfringens type B is not a significant problem in North America, immunity is
provided by the beta toxoid of type C and the epsilon toxoid of type D.
Directions: Shake well.
Cattle: Aseptically administer 5 mL subcutaneously, followed by a second dose 4-6 weeks later. In accordance with
Beef Quality Assurance guidelines, this product should be administered subcutaneously (SC) under the skin.
Sheep: Aseptically administer 2 1/2 mL subcutaneously, followed by a second dose 4-6 weeks later. For Cl. haemolyti-
cum, repeat the dose every 5-6 months in animals subject to reexposure. Annual revaccination with a single dose is
Precaution(s): Store at 2°-7°C. Do not freeze.
Use entire contents when first opened.
Caution(s): As with many vaccines, anaphylaxis may occur after use. Initial antidote of epinephrine is recommended
and should be followed with appropriate supportive therapy.
Warning(s): Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter.
For veterinary use only.
Presentation: 10 dose, 50 dose, and 200 dose plastic vials. Color coded labels.
CPN: 3690025.2
Boehringer Ingelheim
Campylobacter Fetus-Leptospira Canicola-Grippotyphosa-Hardjo-Icterohaemorrhagiae-Pomona Bacterin
For vaccination of healthy cattle as an aid in the prevention of Campylobacter fetus, Leptospira pomona, hardjo, grippotyphosa,
canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae infections. Killed, concentrated cultures of Campylobacter fetus var. venerealis and Leptospira
pomona, hardjo, grippotyphosa, canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae organisms suspended in a special oil adjuvant.
DOSE: Cattle, 5 mL. Inject subcutaneously under aseptic conditions in the neck or behind the shoulder. In non-infected herds and
susceptible animals a second dose should be administered 2 to 4 weeks later. The last injection should precede the breeding sea-
son by 4 to 8 weeks. Revaccinate annually.
CAUTION: Store in the dark at 2° to 7°C (35° to 45°F). AVOID FREEZING. SHAKE WELL. Use entire contents when first opened. Do
not vaccinate within 60 days before slaughter. In case of anaphylactoid reaction, administer epinephrine. Thimerosal added as pre-
servative. For Veterinary Use Only © 2002 Fort Dodge Animal Health
50 mL 10 Doses 1065J
250 mL 50 Doses 1067I
TOTAL $1245.34
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :908
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :10/1/2022
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
4 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $8.75 $35.00
Valbazen lot 4610625 exp Date: 06/2024. drenched September 19,
2 $1.68 $3.36
2 Ultrabac 8 s4098956 exp. 15 May 2023 injected September 19, 2022 $0.44 $0.88
TOTAL $47.84
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :1003
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :11/1/2022
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
1.5 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $10.50 $15.75
TOTAL $53.25
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :1125
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :12/1/2022
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
22.5 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $10.50 $236.25
TOTAL $273.75
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :1
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :1/1/2023
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
23.25 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $8.75 $203.44
TOTAL $297.29
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :211
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :2/1/2023
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
31 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $10.50 $325.50
2 TriVib 5L 8760320b exp 15May 2023 injected January 29, 2023 $0.90 $1.80
TOTAL $389.40
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :300
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :3/1/2023
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
5 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $8.75 $43.75
TOTAL $68.35
N. J. Payne
6994 Deep Well Road Invoice No :303
Bryan, Tx 77808 Date :3/15/2023
(979) 589-2884 Customer ID :CEPW
8 Schulte Farm Services White Tag (50 lbs sack) $10.50 $84.00
2 TriVib 5L 8760320b exp 15May 2023 injected March 5, 2023 $0.90 $1.80
2 Valbazen 28 mL LOT 299631 exp 05/2022 drenched March 5, 2023 $2.24 $4.48
TOTAL $90.28
Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), aerial part, fresh
Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value
Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values
(samples) used
Manganese mg/kg DM 73 69 78 2
Zinc mg/kg DM 44 40 47 2
Copper mg/kg DM 8 7 9 2
The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.
Alibes et al., 1990; Arieli et al., 1989; Arthington et al., 2005; Aumont et al., 1991; Babayemi et al., 2006; Butterworth, 1963; Caceres et al., 1986; Campos et al., 2010; CIRAD, 1991; Gill, 1970; Holm, 1971; Hussain,
2009; Khanum et al., 2007; Krueger et al., 2008; Mlay et al., 2006; Naik et al., 1998; Nasrullah et al., 2003; Prado et al., 2004; Sultan et al., 2007; Xandé et al., 1989
The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.
Alibes et al., 1990; Arieli et al., 1989; Arthington et al., 2005; Aumont et al., 1991; Babayemi et al., 2006; Butterworth, 1963; Caceres et al., 1986; Campos et al., 2010; CIRAD, 1991; Gill, 1970; Holm, 1971; Hussain,
2009; Khanum et al., 2007; Krueger et al., 2008; Mlay et al., 2006; Naik et al., 1998; Nasrullah et al., 2003; Prado et al., 2004; Sultan et al., 2007; Xandé et al., 1989
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your request. If there are 136 originals(68 printed pages) the
cost for something like this would be $76.19. If there are only 68 original
pages that will be printed double sided for 34 pages the cost will be
$39.47. Thanks.
Keith Truett
General Manager
Copy Corner
Section E
Robertson County Fair Commercial Heifer Show
Pen Heifer Record Book
Summary of Expenses
This year for my Commercial Heifer project, I leased 2.6 acres from my
Grandmother, N. J. Payne. We call this area the Feedlot and the Wing. The lease
terns stated if I continue to help feed her cattle during the Fall and Winter and help
maintain fence on the entire property year-round, I would be able to use the land
and all equipment needed rent free.
The water provided for my heifers came from a well on the property. An in-
cluded diagram shows the line from the well to the spigot on the property. The
spigot is in the ground and covered to protect it from freezing and to reduce the
chance of cattle breaking it when they rub against a typical above ground water
pipe and spigot. Attached to the spigot is a five-foot water hose. The hose supplies
water from the spigot to the plastic Little Giant Trough O Matic float valve. The
float valve controls the water supply to the Rubber Made 100 gallon water trough.
Land and Equipment Leased
The Feedlot area is enclosed by Priefert Bull Tuff panels and barb wire fence
using steel post and cedar posts for support braces. There are some trees to pro-
vide shade during the warm months and thicket on the north east side to provide a
wind break during the colder months.
The Wing has native pasture grasses as well as Coastal Bahia coming in from
the Hay Meadow. There are several large Oak trees for shade and there is a wind-
break on the outside of the fence to the North. The fence around the perimeter of
the Wing is barbed wire with steal posts and cedar posts.
The pens where I corralled my Commercial Heifers for vaccinating and de-
worming as well as delousing are welded steel pipe and rod. I used the Priefert
squeeze chute and head gate to contain the heifers during injections, drenching and
pouring external parasite exterminator on them.
I used a 13-year-old covered mineral feeder to let my cattle have free choice
salt and mineral. The mineral feeder is a pressure treater lumber frame and base
covered with corrugated tin. When it was raining, I fed my heifers out of the min-
eral feeder. When it was not raining, I used an eight head Behlan feed trough made
of hard plastic molding on a steel frame. The Behlan feeder has been on the prop-
erty since 2016.
For haying my cattle, I used Coastal Bahia round bales. To reduce the waste
of hay—which is very precious to all ranchers in our area—I used a steel hay ring
to contain the hay. My Dad used the tractor to bring the bales to the hay ring and he
and I used our pocket knives to cut the twine off of the bale before feeding it to the
cattle. I was trusted to learn to drive the standard transmission feed truck. Maybe,
soon they will trust me enough to learn to drive the tractor.
My Mom bought an in-chute portable scale to weigh the cattle and I was able
to use it for weighing the heifers.
Buying feed in bulk allows for better pricing. My grandmother and I
calculated how much feed we need annually and contracted a booking through
Schulte’s Farm Services this past October. We store the feed in an old refrigerated
cargo trailer that no longer operates. Due to an over infestation of mice, we used
the concrete slabbed metal building to store bagged feed this year
Having the responsibility of cattle means there is fence to repair or cat-
tle to work. Fencing pliers, hammers and a fence stretcher are available for me to
repair fence. There is always bailing twine and wire to make things stay still if
they are moving and should not. As for working the cattle, we use Hauptner 50cc
syringes—which are older than me—and needles for vaccinations and worming,
ear tag pliers and ear tags for identification and drench guns for oral medications.
Robertson County Fair Commercial Heifer Show
Pen Heifer Record Book