TAXATION-Chapter 1
TAXATION-Chapter 1
TAXATION-Chapter 1
Taxation is the process/means by which the sovereign, through its law making body, - A government has its basic needs and rights which co-exist with its creation. It has
raises income to defray the necessary expenses of the government. the rights to sustenance, protection, and properties.
- The government sustains itself by the power of taxation, secures itself and the well-
being of the people its police power, and secure its own properties to carry out its
public services by the power of eminent domain.
- These powers are “natural”, “inseparable”, and “inherent” to every government. It is
presumed acknowledged and understood by the people from the very moment they
Primary Purpose Secondary Purposes establish their government.
Provide funds/ property with strengthen anemic enterprises
which promote the general welfare by giving tax exemptions
- the power of the state to enforce proportional contribution from its subject to sustain itself
and protection of its citizen; protect legal industries against
finance multifarious activities. foreign competitions o POLICE POWER
reduce inequalities in wealth & - general power of the State to enact laws to protect the well-being of the people
income by imposing progressively
higher tax rates
prevent inflation by increasing o EMINENT DOMAIN
tax rates; ward-off depression by - the power of the State to take private property for public use after paying just compensation
decreasing them
- The basis of taxation is found in the reciprocal duties of protection and support
between the state and its inhabitants
- The government t provides benefits to the people in form of public service, and
THEORY AND BASIS OF TAXATION the people provide the funds that finance the government.
Substantive due process The constitution favors progressive tax as it is consistent with the
- tax must be imposed only for public purpose, collected only taxpayer’s ability to pay. Progressive tax system aids in an
under authority of valid law and only by the taxing power equitable distribution of wealth to society by taxing the rich more
having jurisdiction
than the poor.
- an assessment without a legal basis violates the
requirement of due process
The Philippine government adopts free exercise of religion and Consistent with this constitutional recognition of education
does not subject its exercise to taxation. Consequently, the properties as a necessity, the NIRC also exempts government educational
and revenues of religious institutions such as tithes or offerings are not institutions from income tax and subjects to private
subject to tax. educational institutions to a MINIMAL 10% income tax.
This exemption, however, DOES NOT extend to income from
properties or activities of religious institutions that are proprietary or
commercial in nature. Concurrence of majority of all members of Congress for the
passage of a law granting tax exemption.
Tax exemption law counters against the lifeblood doctrine as it
Exemption of religious, charitable, or educational entities, non-profit deprives the government of revenues. Hence, the grant of tax
cemeteries, churches and mosques, lands, buildings, and improvements exemption must proceed only upon a valid basis.
from property taxes
Grant of tax exemption- Constitution requires the ABSOLUTE MAJORITY or
The Constitutional exemption from property tax applies for majority of all members of Congress, not relative majority or quorum
properties actually, directly, and exclusively used for charitable, majority, is required.
religious, and educational purposes.
Withdrawal of tax exemption- relative majority
The Philippine follows the doctrine of use wherein only properties
actually devoted for religious, charitable, and educational purposes are
exempt from real property tax.
Non-diversification of tax collections.
To support freedom of religion, the government should not Non-delegation of the power of taxation
favor any particular system of religion by appropriating public funds
or property in support thereof.
The principle of checks and balances in a republican state requires
Intended to highlight the separation of religion and the State. that taxation power as part of lawmaking be vested exclusively in
NOTE: Compensation of priest, imams, or religious ministers working with Congress.
the military, penal institutions, orphanages, or leprosarium is not considered
religious appropriation. Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in tax
Exemption from taxes of the revenues and assets of non-profit,
non-stock educational institutions including grants, The Supreme Court shall have to power to review, revise, reverse, or
endowments, donations, or contributions for educational modify or affirm on appeal or certiorari as the law or the Rules of
purposes. Court may provide, final judgements and orders of lower courts in all
cases involving the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, or toll, or
The Constitution recognizes the necessity of education in state any, penalty imposed in relation thereto.
building by granting tax exemption on revenues and assets of non-
profit educational institutions. This exemption, however, applies only
Notwithstanding the existence if the Court of Tax Appeals, all cases International comity pertains to mutual courtesy or reciprocity
involving taxes can be raised to and be finally decided in the Supreme between states. It is a basic principle of international law that all
Court of the Philippines. states are equally sovereign. Each state observes co-equal sovereignty
by not taxing the properties, income, or effects of fellow states.
Power of the President to veto any particular item or items in a
revenue or tariff bill Embassies or consular offices of foreign government in the Philippines
including international organizations and their non-Filipino staff are not
The President shall have the power to veto any particular item or subject to Philippine taxation.
items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall
National Internal Revenue Code- the income of foreign government and
not affect the item or items to which he does not object.
foreign government-owned and controlled corporations are not subject to
income tax.
Exemption: 1. Under the Constitution, local government units are allowed to exercise the
1. In income taxation, resident citizens and domestic corporations power to tax to enable them exercise their fiscal autonomy
2. Under the Tariff and Customs Code, the President is empowered to fix amount
are taxable on income derived within and outside the Philippines
of tariffs to be flexible to trade conditions
3. Other cases that require expedient and effective administration and
2. In transfer taxation, residents or citizens such as resident citizens, implementation of the assessment and collection of taxes.
non-resident citizens and resident aliens are taxable on transfers of
properties located within or outside the Philippines.
International Comity
Proportional in character
Aspects of Taxation Levied on persons, property, or the exercise of a right or privilege
Levied by the state which has jurisdictions over the subject or object of taxation
Levy or Imposition Levied by the lawmaking body of the state
Assessment and collection Levied for public purposes or purposes
The term “public purposes” includes the following:
a. construction of roads and bridges
LEVY OR IMPOSITION b. pensions to retired government employees and their widows
- this process involves the enactment of a tax law by Congress and is called “impact of and children
taxation” c. assistance to victims of calamities
- It is also referred to as the legislative act in taxation d. social welfare and healthcare projects
- deals with the provision of law which determines the person or property to be
- taxed,the sum or sums to be raised, the rate thereof, and the time and manner of CLASSIFICATION OF TAXES
levying, receiving, and collecting the taxes
As to subject matter or object
Congress is composed of two bodies:
1. The House of Representatives; and a. Personal, poll, or capitalization
2. The Senate - tax of a fixed amount imposed on individuals, whether citizens or not, residing within
a specified territory without regard to their property or the occupation in which they
Matters of legislative discretion in the exercise of taxation may be engaged (ex. Community Tax)
1. Determining the object of taxation
2. Setting the tax rate or amount to be collected b. Property
3. Determining the purpose for the levy which must be public use - tax imposed on property, whether real or personal, in proportion either to its value,
4. Kinds of tax to be imposed or in accordance with some other reasonable method of apportionment (ex. Property
5. Apportionment of the tax between the national and local government Tax)
6. Situs of taxation
7. Method of collection c. Excise Tax
- tax imposed upon the performance of an act, the enjoyment of a privilege, or the
ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION engaging in an occupation; any tax which does not fall within the classification of a
- the tax law is implemented by the administrative branch of the government poll tax or a property tax (ex. Income Tax, donor’s tax, estate tax)
- implementation involves assessment or the determination of the tax liabilities of tax
payers and collection
- constituted of the provisions of law which prescribes the manner of enforcing the As to who bears the burden
obligation on the part of those taxed to pay the demand thus created
a. Direct
- tax that is demanded from the person who also shoulders the burden of the tax (ex.
TAXES Income Tax, donor’s tax, estate tax)
- the enforced proportional contributions from persons and property levied by the law
making body of the State by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the b. Indirect
government and all public needs. - tax demanded from one person in the expectation and intention that he shall
Essential elements of a tax indemnity himself at the expenses of another (ex. Value-added tax and percentage
Enforced contributions taxes)
Generally payable in money
As to determination of amount b. Progressive
- tax rate of which increases as the tax base or bracket increases (ex. Income Tax,
a. Specific donor’s tax, estate tax)
- tax fixed amount imposed by the head or number, or by some standard of weight or -
measurement; it requires no assessment other than a listing of classification of the
subjects to be taxed (ex. Excuse tax on distilled spiraits, cigars, cigarettes) c. Regressive
- tax rate of which decreases as the tax base increases
b. Ad valorem
- tax of a fixed proportion of the value of the property with respect to which the tax is
assessed; it requires the intervention of assessors to estimate the value of such SITUS OF TAXATION
property before the amount due from each tax payer can be determined. (ex. Real
property tax) Situs is the place of taxation. It is the tax jurisdiction that has the power to
levy taxed upon the tax object. Situs rules serve as frame of reference in
gauging whether the tax object is within or outside the tax jurisdiction of the
As to purpose taxing authority.
a. National
- Tax imposed by the National Government (ex. Internal Revenue Taxes, customs
b. Municipal or Local
- Tax imposed by municipal corporations( Sand and gravel tax, occupation tax)
As to graduation or rate
a. Proportional
- tax based on a fixed percentage of the amount of the property, receipts, or other
basis to be taxed (ex. Value Added Tax)