The Notebook Scriptt

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The Notebook Script

Scene 2: Dinner night or ball night /supposed to be carnival night

Scene 1: nursing home Noah: Who’s this girl with Sara?

Nurse: Excuse me. Fin: her name’s Allie Hamilton. She’s here for the summer with her
Nurse: Come on, honey, let's get you ready for bed. family. Dad’s got more money than God.
Duke: I am no one special, just a common man with common Sara: Hi, Fin!
thoughts. I've led a common life. There are no monuments Fin: Hi, honey. Look I won you a prize.
dedicated to me, And my name will soon be forgotten. But in one Sara: oh, Fin, Thank you!
respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. Noah: You want to dance with me?
Nurse: Looking good, Duke. Allie: No.
Duke: Feeling good. Noah: Why not?
Nurse: It's a lovely day outside. Let's take a walk. Allie: because I don’t want to.
Allie#2: I don't think so. Random man: Hey Allie, do you want to dance with me?
Nurse: Well, we've got to get you out of this room. Come on now, Allie: I’d love to.
honey. Some fresh air would do you good. Random man: All right. Excuse me. I'll just go to the restroom then
Duke: Hello. we'll dance.
Nurse: I'm sorry, it's not a good day. I don't think she's up for Sara: Noah Calhoun.
anything. Allie: What?
Allie#2: Hello? Sara: works down at the lumberyard with Fin.
Nurse: This is Duke, he’s come to read to you. Allie: oh. Did you see he was standing like two inches away from
Allie#2: Read? my face?
Nurse: Mmm-hmm. Sara: Yeah, I saw. That’s Noah, though. You know, I'm surprised he
Allie#2: No. I don’t know. even came over. I think he likes you.
Nurse: Oh, come on you’ll like him, he’s very funny.
Allie#2: Ahh... Scene 3: Dinner Table
Duke: All right, now. Where did we leave off?
Duke: Oh, yeah yeah it was dinner night. Noah was there with his Random man: Hey what... jerk...
friends Fin and Sara. Allie: Get off me, don’t touch me. Hey!
Allie#2: Noah? Random man: Hey you can’t do that!
Duke: That’s where they met. June 6th, 1940. Allie was 17 years Noah: I’m Noah Calhoun.
old. Allie: So?
Noah: so, it’s really nice to meet you.
Random man: Allie, who is this guy? Allie: You think you are so smart don’t you?
Allie: I don’t know, Noah Calhoun. Sara: That wasn’t funny Noah, you idiot.
Noah: I would really like to take you out. Allie: No, it’s okay. I’ll take care of this.
Random man: Friend! Do you mind?
Noah: Now, will you go out with me? Scene 4: Small talk part in town
Allie: What? No.
Noah: No? Noah: Do you remember me?
Allie: No! Allie: Yeah, sure. Mr. will you dance with me was it?
Noah: No? Noah: Oh yeah.
Random man: Hey pal, she just told you. Allie: How could I forget?
Noah: Why not? Noah: Yeah, I wanted to clear that up with you because I'm really
Allie: I don’t know, because I don’t want to. sorry about that. It was a really stupid thing to do. But I had to be
Noah: What? Well, you leave me no other choice then. next to you. I was being drawn to you.
Allie: Oh my God. Allie: /laughs in disbelief/ Oh, jeez what a line! You use that on all
Sara: I’m not kidding Noah. Stop fooling around. the girls?
Random man: What are you doing man? Noah: No.
Noah: I’m gonna ask you one more time. Will you or will you not go Allie: Right. I saw you the other night with little miss ribbons.
out with me? Noah: What are you doing tonight?
Sara: Noah, are you nuts? Come on! Allie: What?
Noah: God damn, my hand’s slipping. Noah: or tomorrow night, or this weekend, whatever.
Sara: Then get the hell down, you idiot! Allie: why?
Noah: not until she agrees. Noah: why? Our date.
Fin: Ah, go on out with him, honey. Allie: what date?
Allie: Okay, okay, fine. I'll go out with you. Noah: the date you agreed to?
Noah: What? No, don’t do me any favors. Allie: no
Allie: No, no I want to. Noah: yes, you did. You promised and you swore it.
Random man: you want to? Allie: Well, I guess I changed my mind.
Allie: Yes Noah: Look, I know you get some dirty guy coming up to you on the
Noah: Say it. street. You don’t know him, you don’t know me, but I know me. And
Allie: I want to go out with you. when I see something that I like, I gotta, I love it. I go, I mean crazy
Noah: Say it again. for it.
Allie: I want to go out with you. Allie: Okay, what are you talking about?
Noah: All right all right, we’ll go out. Noah: Well, you.
Allie: oh, you’re good. Noah: Hi.
Noah: what? Allie: Hi.
Allie: You’re good. Noah: It’s nice to see you again.
Noah: no. Allie: you too.
Allie: You’re good. You are. Noah: you look great.
Noah: no, you’re getting me wrong. Allie: oh, thanks
Allie: you’re fantastic. Noah: really, really great.
Noah: I’m not. Fin: you do look great. You look great. And I know, I look great, so
Allie: you really are. I’m impressed. could we please go see this movie?
Noah: I’m not usually like this, I’m sorry. Allie: The show’s about to start.
Allie: oh yes, you are. Noah: After you.
Noah: I can be fun if you want. Pensive, uh smart. Uh superstitious,
brave. And, uh, I can be light on my feet. I could be whatever you Scene 6: Road
want. You just tell me what you want and I’ll be that for you.
Allie: you’re dumb. Fin: That movie was great!
Noah: I could be that. Sara: It was indeed great, honey.
Noah: Come on, one date. What’s it gonna hurt? Noah: Wanna walk with me?
Allie: hmm, I don’t think so. Allie: Yeah.
Noah: Well, what can I do to change your mind? Noah: We're going to walk.
Allie: Guess you’ll figure something out. Fin: Okay
Sara: Be careful, Allie.
Scene 5: Cinema (closed curtain)
Allie: That was fun
Noah: Are you sure she’s coming? Noah: Mhmm-mhmm
Fin: Relax, pal, it’s all set up. We’re meeting her for the late show. Allie: I haven’t seen a movie in ages.
Look. Noah: really?
Fin: What did I tell you? Come on. Allie: mmm-mmm, not since I was a little kid.
Sara: Oh, my goodness, what a coincidence! Noah: what?
Sara: Look who’s here! Allie, you remember Noah, don’t you? Allie: no, uh I’m busy you know. I don’t have a lot of time.
Allie: Yes, I remember. Noah: you’re busy?
Sara: Yeah? Allie: mmm-mmm, I have a very strict schedule. My days are all
Fin: Come here. planned out. I get up in the morning, breakfast, math tutor, Latin
Sara: Fin. tutor, lunch, tennis lesson, dance lesson sometimes both, French
tutor, piano lesson then I eat dinner and after dinner I spend time down and watch the lights change and watch them go from green,
with my family, and then I, uh, catch up on some reading. to red, to yellow. You could try it, if you want to.
Noah: Wow. Sounds like the road to success. Allie: No.
Allie: oh, you bet. We’re applying to all these colleges, uhm Noah: why not?
Radcliffe, Sarah Lawrence, those are the ones we want. Allie: because I don’t know, will you just get up?
Noah: who’s we? Noah: That’s your problem, you know that? You don’t do what you
Allie: what? want.
Noah: you just said, “the ones we want.” Allie: Okay.
Allie: oh, mommy and daddy. We decide everything together. Allie: What happens if a car comes?
Noah: everything? Noah: we die.
Allie: no, not everything. But the important things, yes. Allie: what?
Noah: and then everything else, you get to decide all by yourself? Noah: Just relax, just trust. You need to learn how to trust.
Allie: Don’t be rude. Allie: Okay.
Noah: Just trying to figure out what you do for fun. Allie: Painting.
Allie: What do you mean? Noah: hmm?
Noah: I don’t know. I mean all those things are things you need to Allie: you asked me what I do for me.
do, right? So, what do you do because you want to? Noah: what now?
Allie: I just told you. Allie: I love to paint.
Noah: I don’t know, this surprises me. Noah: yeah?
Allie: Why? Allie: Mm-mhm.
Noah: I just always figured you were kinda… Allie: Most of the time, I have all these thoughts bouncing around
Allie: kinda what? my head but with a brush in my hand, the world just gets kinda
Noah: Just…free. quiet.
Allie: what?
Noah: free. Noah: Are you okay? Why are you laughing?
Allie: I am free. Allie: Oh, that was fun.
Noah: you don’t seem like it. Noah: Do you want to dance with me?
Allie: well, I am. Allie: Sure. Now?
Noah: come here, I want to show you something. Noah: mhmm-mhmm.
Allie: Noah, what are you doing? Allie: here?
Noah: Just come on. Noah: mhmm-mhmm.
Allie: you’re gonna get run over. Allie: not supposed to dance in the middle of the street.
Noah: by all the cars? My dad and I used to come out here and lay Noah: Who said dance in the street?
Allie: and we don’t have any music. Allie: and furniture.
Noah: well, we’ll make some. Noah: Yes, and furniture. But it’s right on the water. And there’s a
big old barn up there, I could turn that into my workshop.
Allie: You’re a terrible singer. Allie: Well, what about me? Now, don’t I get any say in this?
Noah: I know. Noah: You want a say in this?
Allie: but I like this song. Allie: Yes, I would.
Noah: What do you want?
Duke: Southern summers are indifferent to the trials of young love. Allie: I want a white house, with blue shutters and a room
Armed with warnings and doubts, Noah and Allie gave a remarkably overlooking the river so I could paint.
convincing portrayal of a boy and a girl, traveling down a very long Noah: Anything else?
road with no regard for the consequences. Allie: Yes. I want a big old porch that wraps around the entire
Allie2: They fell in love, didn’t they? house.
Duke: Yes, they did. Noah: woah, woah, woah.
Allie2: Good. I like this kind of story. Go on. Allie: We can drink tea, and watch the sun go down.
Noah: Okay.
Scene 7: Storytelling Allie: You promise?
Noah: Mhm, I promise.
Allie: Good.
Duke: After that night, Allie and Noah spent every waking hour Fin: Noah, Noah.
together and soon they were inseparable. Allie and Noah spent an Noah: What? Fin, get out of here.
idyllic summer together. one night, a week before Allie is to leave Fin: Look, I’m sorry, but Allie’s parents are going crazy. They got
town, she and Noah go up to an abandoned house called... every cop in town out looking for her.

Scene 8: The Windsor Plantation Scene 9: House Argument

Noah: The Windsor Plantation. It was built in 1772. Rumor has it Allie: You sent the police for me?
that Francis Marion, proposed to his wife right here, under these Allie’s Mother: Yes. It is 2:00 in the morning. We sent the police.
steps. Allie’s Father: Thank god you’re all right. Where you been?
Allie: Oh, this place is gigantic. Noah: Mr. Hamilton, all this is my fault.
Noah: Yeah, gigantic piece of crap. It is, but I’m gonna buy it one Allie’s Father: Would you give us a moment, please? I’d like to talk
day and I’m gonna fix it up. All it needs is a new floor and roof. to my daughter. Alone, young lady.
Allie: Is that all? Noah: Sir, it’s really not her fault. I lost track of time.
Noah: and plumbing and electric. Allie’s Father: Sit down.
Allie: I’m sorry, daddy. Allie: I love him.
Allie’s Mother: I’m sorry daddy?? Think you can bat your eyelashes Anne: You’re 17 years old, you don’t know anything about love.
at your father and get away with it? No. This time there’s going to Allie: Oh, and you do? You don’t look at daddy the way I look at
start being some rules around here. Noah. You don’t touch or laugh. You don’t play. You don’t know
Allie: Like what? anything about love.
Allie’s Mother: and if your father won’t enforce them, I will. Allie: Noah? Noah? Hey, hey. You leaving?
Allie: like what, Mother? Allie: I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say. I’m humiliated.
Allie’s Mother: You are gonna stop seeing Noah. Noah: It’s all right.
Allie: No. Allie: No, it’s not.
Allie’s Mother: She is out fooling around with that boy till 2:00 in the Noah: Yeah.
morning and it has got to stop. I didn’t spend 17 years of my life Allie: No, it’s not.
raising a daughter and giving her everything so she could throw it Noah: I’m gonna go.
away on a summer romance. Allie: No, I don’t want you to go.
Allie: Daddy, come on. Noah: I gotta think about some stuff.
Allie’s Mother: She will wind up with her heart broken or pregnant. Allie: What do you gotta think about, huh? Come here, talk to me.
Allie’s Father: Anne. Talk to me.
Anne: Now, he is a nice boy. He’s a nice boy but he’s Noah: about what? You want, You’re going away. You’re leaving.
Allie: He’s what? He’s what? Tell me. And I’m staying here. And I’m so happy that you’re doing that. But
Anne: He is trash, trash, trash. Not for you. you’re gonna have a million things to do.
Allie: Trash? Allie: No.
Anne: He’s a laborer. He’s a woodworker. Noah: You got so much ahead of you.
Allie: So, what? Allie: Don’t talk like that.
Anne: What are you gonna do? Are you gonna move down here, Noah: It’s true. I’m not gonna have nice things, fancy things. It’s
live in his father’s house and pop out a few kids? never gonna happen for me. It’s not in the cards for me.
Allie: Yeah, well I wouldn’t mind. Don’t touch me. Allie: I don’t have to go to school, okay?
Anne: Now, that is enough. You are not to see him anymore, and Noah: Yes, you do.
that’s final. Allie: I can stay here.
Allie: no, it’s not final. Noah: No. Do you see? That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Anne: Yes, it is. Allie: then you can come with me.
Allie: no, it’s not final. You’re not gonna tell me who I’m gonna love. Noah: to New York?
John: Love? Allie: Yes.
Allie: Yes, daddy. I love him. I love him. Noah: What am I gonna do in New York?
John: He’s not suitable for you, baby. Allie: Be with me?
Noah: Yeah, I don’t know. We don’t gotta figure all this out tonight, shooting stars. A spectacular moment of light in the heavens. A
you know? We’ll finish out this summer and we’ll see what happens. fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they’re gone. Allie
frantically tries to find Noah, but is forced to leave without saying
Allie: you saying you want to break it off? good-bye. The Hamiltons then send Allie to New York, where she
Noah: What I’m saying, we see how it goes later on. begins attending Sarah Lawrence College. Noah, devastated by his
Allie: Are you breaking up with me? separation from Allie, writes her one letter a day for a year, only to
Noah: I don’t see how it’s gonna work. get no reply as Allie's mother keeps the letters from her. Noah and
Allie: I see. Please don’t do this. You don’t mean it. Oh, hell, well, if Allie have no choice but to move on with their lives. Allie continues
you’re gonna do it, why wait until summer ends, huh? Why don’t to attend school, while Noah and Fin enlist to fight in World War II.
you just do it right now? Huh? Come on. Come on. Fin is killed in battle.
Noah: What are you doing?
Allie: Do it. Do it. Do it right now. You know what, I’m gonna do it.
It’s over. Okay? It’s over. Duke: Allie becomes a nurse for wounded soldiers. There, she
Noah: Come here. meets the wealthy Lon Hammond, Jr. (James Marsden), a well-
Allie: Don’t touch me. I hate you. I hate you. connected young lawyer who is handsome, sophisticated, charming
Noah: I’m gonna go. and comes from old Southern money. The two eventually become
Allie: Why don’t you? Why don’t you just go? Get out. Leave. Go. engaged, to the joy of Allie's parents, although Allie sees Noah's
Go. face when Lon asks her to marry him.
Allie: No, no just wait a minute. We’re not really breaking up, are
we? Come on. This is just a fight we’re having. And tomorrow it’ll be Scene 10: Marriage
like it never happened, right?
Allie2: Gone? Lon: See, Allie. I think you have to marry me. I think you need to
Duke: Gone. marry me.
Allie2: Well, she must have been devastated. Allie: I do?
Duke: She was. Lon: Yes, you do.
Allie2: He was only trying to do the right thing. Allie: I do, why?
Duke: Yeah. Lon: because if you do, your parents will always know the
Allie2: But what he really should have done is just told those unhappiness that you feel for not being able to disappoint them.
parents to go to hell. Just stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. Allie: I think you may have overlooked one minor detail.
Duke: Yeah, you’re right, probably should’ve. Lon: and what’s that?
Marga: The next day, Allie woke up to find her world completely Allie: well, you see, you have to get their permission first. And I
changed. Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons. But when think you may have overestimated their affection for you.
all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They are Lon: Is that right?
Allie: mmm-hmm. (mauuntog)
Lon: Oh, I don’t think so. Noah: You want to come in?
Allie: and why not? Allie: okay.
Lon: Oh, because I asked them already and they said yes. Allie2: This is a good story.
Allie: what? Duke: I'm glad you like it.
Lon: One more thing, I love you. Will you marry me, honey? I know I Allie2: I think I've heard it before.
kid around a lot, but I am crazy about you. Marry me? Make me the Duke: Yes.
happiest man in the world? Allie2: perhaps more than once?
Allie: yes, yes, yes. Nurse: Doctor needs to see you.
Allie2: me? Now?
Nurse: Excuse me, it’s time to eat. Lunch will be served in the Sun Nurse: no, him.
Room today. Allie2: but he hasn't finished reading the story.
Duke: The melon is good. I had a bite. Duke: I'll read some more when I'm through with the doctor. It
Allie2: Did they ever see each other again? Noah and Allie? shouldn't take too long.
Duke: now, you don’t want me to spoil the end of the story before I Allie2: All right.
get to the good part, do you? Duke: Don't you go away. I'll be right back.
Nurse: while you waiting, maybe you'd like to play the piano for a
Duke: When Noah returns home, he discovers his father has sold few minutes. You do like that.
their home so that Noah can go ahead and buy The Windsor Allie2: I do?
Plantation. While visiting Charleston to file some paper work, Noah Nurse: mhm.
witnesses Allie and Lon kissing at a restaurant, causing Noah to go Allie2: I don't know any tunes.
a little crazy, convincing himself that if he fixes up the house, Allie Nurse: You can read music.
will come back to him. Allie2: no kidding?
Nurse: mhm.
Scene 11: Seabrook
Scene 12: house.
Allie: Hello.
Allie: his name is Lon Hammond, Jr.
Allie: I saw your picture in the paper. The one with you and the
Noah: Hammond? As in Hammond Cotton.
house and I just wanted to come see if you were okay. I mean, I
Allie: As in Hammond Cotton.
wasn't in the neighborhood or anything. I just.... So are you okay?
Noah: Well, your parents must love him.
Allie: okay, good.
Allie: He's a really good man, Noah. You'd really like him.
Noah: You love him?
Allie: I'm a stupid woman, I shouldn't have come.
Allie: Yeah, I do. I love him very much. Nurse: The children are here.
Noah: Well, that's that. You marry Lon and we can be friends. Allie2: children?
Right? Nurse: not yours, his.
Allie: right. Allie2: oh.
Noah: Are you hungry? Do you want to stay for dinner? Duke: Do you mind?
Allie: um.... Allie2: oh, I'd love to meet them.
(nag-inuman) Duke: come over here.
Allie: I have to warn you, I'm a cheap drunk. A couple more of these Child1: Hi daddy.
and you're gonna be carrying me right out of here. Duke: Sweetheart, how are you?
Noah: Well, you go slow then, I don't want to have to take Child 2: hi daddy.
advantage of you. Allie2: Hi, I'm Allie.
Allie: You wouldn't dare. I'm a married woman. Child 2: Hi, I'm mary allen.
Noah: not yet. Allie2: mary allen. Nice to see you.
(shows ring) Child 2: nice to see you.
Allie: what? Why are you looking at me like that? Child 1: hi, ben.
Noah: just memories. This room. Allie2: hello ben, how are you?
Allie: this is, is this where? Is this the room.? Allie2: hi honey.
Noah: I'm full. Grandchild1: hi, davanee.
Allie: me too. Allie2: what a pretty name
(Outside) Grandchild1: thank you.
Allie: It was real, wasn't it? You and me? Such a long time ago, we Allie2: oh, my thank you.
were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn't Allie2: you know, I think I'll run on up and take my afternoon nap, all
we? right?
Allie: I should go. Goodbye. Nurse: come on, honey. Let's go.
Noah: Do you think you could go back in the morning? There's Duke: there you go. I'll read some more later.
someplace I'd like to show you. Please. Allie2: all right, thank you. I'm so happy to meet you all.
Allie: okay. Child 2: she seems good today.
Noah: okay. Duke: she is good.
Duke: She had come back into his life like a sudden flame, blazing Child 2: daddy, come home. Mama doesn't know us. She doesn't
and streaming into his heart. Noah stayed up all night, recognize you. She'll never understand.
contemplating the certain agony he knew would be his if he were to Child 1: we miss you. This is crazy, you living here. You know uh,
lose her twice. we'll all take shifts visiting. We'll all take care of mom.
Allie2: Oh, I do wish I could figure out the end of this story. Duke: look guys, that's my sweetheart in there. I'm not leaving her.
This is my home now. Your mother is my home.
Mother: Lon is on his way here. I'm afraid your father spilled the
Scene 13: next day. Boat scene. beans about Noah. And when Lon didn't hear from you again last
night, he decided to come.
Noah: well, we better get going, the rain's coming in. Allie: well, that's great. That's just terrific. You, me, Noah and Lon,
Allie: it's like a dream. one big happy family.
Noah: do you wanna feed them? Allie: tell me about the letters, mother. Is it true?
Allie: yeah. What are they all doing here? Mother: Yes.
Noah: I don't know. They're supposed to migrate to Guatemala Allie: you watched me cry myself to sleep for months and months
sound. and you never said anything. How could you do that?
Allie: they won't stay here? Mother: I'm sorry.
Noah: no. They'll go back where they came from. Allie: you're sorry? You're sorry?
Allie: You're different. Mother: yes, I am sorry.
Noah: what do you mean? Allie: because my entire life is ruined!
Allie: just the way you look, everything. Mother: okay, yes, I stole your letters. It was wrong but stop being
Noah: you look different too, but in a good way. dramatic and atleast take some of the responsibility. You came
Allie: you know, you're kind of the same though. down here. You knew what you were doing. You knew this would
Noah: yeah happen.
Allie: yeah and you really did it. Allie: oh, so now I'm a tramp? You are unbelievable. Unbelievable.
Noah: what? Duke: Allie's mother tells her about that time in her mother's life
Allie: everything. The house, It's beautiful what you did. where she could relate to Allie's present situation. She then hands
Noah: well, I promised you I would. her daughter the bundle of 365 letters that Noah had written to her.
Noah: all right, we gotta go.
Allie: why didn't you write to me? Noah: interesting morning?
Allie: why? It wasn't over for me. I waited for you for seven years, Allie: yeah, Lon's here in town
and now it's too late. Noah: he's here?
Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote to you everyday for a year. Allie: yeah, mom told me
Allie: you wrote to me? Noah: hmm, I see you got my letters. Finally.
Noah: it wasn't over. It still isn't over. Noah: What are you gonna do Al?
Hugs. Allie: I don't know
Duke: The next day, Allie's mother appears on Noah's doorstep. Noah: We're back to that? are we back there? What about the past
couple of days? they happened you know. It happened.
Scene 14: mother shiz Allie: I know that they happened and they were wonderful but they
are also very irresponsible. I have a fiancee waiting for me at a Allie2: wow who did all of this?
hotel who's gonna be crushed if he knows about this! Duke: I did, with a little help of some friends in the nursing staff
Noah: So you come here, bond with me and then you go back to Allie2: I've never seen anything so beautiful
your husband?? Was that your plan? Was that a test I didn't pass? Duke: neither am I, shall we?
Allie: No! I made a promise to a man, he gave me a ring and I gave (toasts)
him my word! Allie2: so what happened? in the story? which one did she choose?
Noah: You're bored!! you wouldn't come here if you didn't notice Duke: Allie drives to the hotel and confesses to Lon, who is angry
that something was missing but admits that he still loves her. He tells her that he does not want
Allie: you arrogant son of a bitch! to convince his fiancée that she should be with him, but Allie tells
Noah: Would you just stay with me? him he does not have to, because she already knows she should be
Allie: Stay with you? what for? look at us we're already fighting with him, and they lived happily ever after.
Noah: well, that's what we do! we fight, you tell me when I am being Allie2: who? who did?
an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are being a pain Allie2: oh yes, of course.
in the ass, which you are 99% percent of the time. I'm not afraid to (babalik si allie kay noah, magyayakapan)
hurt your feelings you have a 2 second rebound rate and you're Allie2: I remember now. It was us, it was us
back to being a pain in the ass again Duke; oh my darling I love you so much
Allie: so what Allie2: noah, what happened to me?
Noah: so it's not gonna be easy, we're gonna work this out Duke: nothing, you just went away for a little while
everyday and I'm not letting you go because I want you. all of you, Allie2: how much time do we have?
forever. you and me. everyday. will you do something for me? pls? Duke: I don't know, the last time was no more than 5 minutes. Hey,
could you just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years I brought along an old friend.
from now what's it look like? if it's with that guy, go. go! I lost you music plays, they dance.
once, i think I could do it again if I thought that's what you really Allie2: how are the children?
wanted but don't you take the easy way out. Duke: oh, they're fine.
Allie: what easy way? there is no easy way. Whatever I do Allie2: oh boy, how fast the time goes, it flies and go by
somebody gets hurt. Allie2: would you tell them I love them? and I'm sorry.
Noah: Stop thinking about what they want or what I want. think of Duke: I'll tell them sweetheart
what you want. what do you want?? Allie2: remember that story you read to me? maybe you think I
Allie: I have to go. could be her tonight? maybe we could drive out tonight and go
Allie2: It's a very beautiful story. Duke: I don't think so darling, not today.
Duke: It is. Allie2: why did you call me darling? who are you? I don't know you.
Allie2: I don't know why but it makes me feel sad. get off me!! nooo!
marga: Elderly Allie suddenly remembers her past before she and
Noah/Duke joyfully spend a brief intimate moment together, after
originally finding out about her illness, she had herself written their
story in the notebook with the instructions for Noah to "Read this to
me, and I'll come back to you." But soon Allie relapses, losing her
memories of Noah yet again. She panics, and has to be sedated by
the attending physician. This proves to be too difficult for Noah to
watch and he breaks down. The next morning, Noah is found
unconscious in bed and he is rushed to the hospital; he later returns
to the nursing home's intensive care ward. He goes to Allie's room
later that night, and Allie remembers again. The next moming, a
nurse finds them in bed together, having both died peacefully
holding each other's hands. The last scene shows a flock of birds
flying away.

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