Decommissioning Programme
Decommissioning Programme
Decommissioning Programme
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Table of Contents
3.1 Organisation 8
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7 COSTS 45
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1 Introduction
The Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm (SSOWF) will comprise 88 wind turbine generators (WTG)
and will have a total capacity of 315MW. The wind farm will be located approximately 17km to 23km
offshore from the coastal town of Sheringham on the north Norfolk coast, and approximately 5km
north of the sand bank known as Sheringham Shoal. The SSOWF project will cover 35km2. The
associated landfall for the onshore works will be located in Weybourne Hope, on the north Norfolk
The owners of Scira Offshore Energy Limited (Scira), are the two Norwegian energy companies Statoil
(50%) and Statkraft (50%) To follow-up the installation of the wind farm, Statoil has established an
internal project organisation called “Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm Project”.
The Environmental Statements (ES) for the offshore and onshore elements of the development were
approved in August 2008 through the respective consents according to the Energy Act 2004 (Section
36), The Coast Protection Act 1949, the Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985, as well as the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Elements related to decommissioning were briefly discussed in
the Environmental Statements. Upon issue of the Section 36 consent for the SSOWF, a notice under
Section 105(2) of the Energy Act 2004 was also issued, regarding the requirement to prepare and seek
approval for a decommissioning programme for the project prior to commencement of construction.
This Decommissioning Programme has been produced in accordance with the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI) (now the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC)) guidance document
“Decommissioning of Offshore Renewable Energy Installations under the Energy Act 2004 – Guidance
Notes for Industry”.
Installation of offshore foundations is scheduled to start mid April 2010, while the scour protection
(rock installation) at the foundations is starting early March 2010.
2 Executive summary
The Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm (SSOWF) is currently under development and the
fabrication and installation Contracts are awarded. The SSOWF consists of 88 wind turbine generators
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(WTG), two offshore electrical substations, marine infield cables and marine export cables. Production
of electricity is planned to start in year 2011/2012. The Crown Estate has given a lease of 50 years.
The wind farm has a design life of 20 years, at the end of which the condition of the installation will
be evaluated with respect to the possibility for further production lifetime.
The Energy Act 2004 requires that Scira prepares and eventually carries out at the appropriate time a
decommissioning programme for the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm prior to commencement
of construction.
The Environmental Statement and Appropriate Assessment presented during the consenting process
provide the current baseline of conditions in the physical, biological and human environment. The full
Environmental Statement and Non-Technical Summary can both be found at the website
The scope of the decommissioning works described in this document is determined by the legislation
in place at the time of writing and involves all accessible installed components of the wind farm. This
includes Offshore Substations (both topsides and foundation structures); all components of the WTGs
(i.e. blades, nacelles, towers, transitions pieces and associated components); the WTG foundations and
sections of the export cables and inter-array cables close to offshore structures. Cable sections
planned to be removed, will be those from the J/I tubes on the WTG structures to the grade-in point
of cable burial. The Table 2.1 below summarises the decommissioning proposals for the separate
components of the SSOWF.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance management will be central to the
decommissioning process. HSE risks will be identified and mitigated during the whole process,
embedded in the contract philosophy and carried out through evaluation of decommissioning
contractors and the planning and execution of the work. Specific evaluation criteria for evaluation
of future decommissioning contractors, will be established in due course.
As per the DTI guidance notes (2006) the proposed method of removal for the separate
components will have regard to:
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• The Best Practicable Environmental Option, the option which provides the most benefit or
least damage to the environment as a whole, at an acceptable cost, in both the long and
short term;
• Safety of surface and subsurface navigation;
• Other uses of the sea; and
• Health and safety conditions
Decommissioned material, such as metal, will be recycled wherever possible. Hydraulic oil will be
returned to the supplier for reuse. Unused and/or remaining chemicals will be returned to the
supplier for reuse or satisfactory treatment. The need for emptying fluid systems prior to
decommissioning will be assessed and planned prior to decommissioning. Equipment such as
motors, cranes, transformers etc, may be returned to the supplier for possible re-use and/or
It will be both appropriate and necessary to review the decommissioning programme throughout
the lifetime of the wind farm as legislation, regulatory requirements and current approaches
change overtime. Such reviews will also need to reflect advances in knowledge and understanding
of the marine environment, changes in working practices and technological advances.
Consultation throughout the decommissioning process will be similar to that undertaken during
the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process but will also incorporate changes and
amendments made overtime to the requirements within the regulatory consultation process.
Costs and financial security provisions have also been provided within this document as per
requirements set out in the DTI guidance notes (2006). These are provided within Appendix 4 and
• Decommissioning of Offshore Renewable Energy Installations under the Energy Act 2004:
Guidance notes for Industry, DTI, December 2006
• Guidelines and Standards for the Removal of Offshore Installations and Structures on the
Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone, International Maritime Organisation (IMO),
19th October 1989
• Guidance Notes for Industry: Decommissioning of Offshore Installations and Pipelines under the
Petroleum Act 1998, DTI,
• Review of the Current State of Knowledge on the Environmental Impacts of the Location, Operation
and Removal/Disposal of Offshore Wind-Farms, OSPAR, 2006, ISBN 978-1-905859-15-3,
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• Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management, Defra, September 2002,
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3 Background Information
3.1 Organisation
The owners of Scira Offshore Energy Limited (Scira), are the two Norwegian energy companies Statoil
(50%) and Statkraft (50%). To follow-up the installation of the wind farm, Statoil has established an
internal project organisation called “Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm Project”.
The electrical transmission system will be part of the new OFTO-system. The future appointed OFTO
for the Sheringham Shoal project will be responsible for decommissioning of the transmission
system. Scira will be responsible for decommissioning of those parts of the Wind Farms that are not
part of the transmission system.
The SSOWF was consented in August 2008 as part of the Round Two site allocation process. The
following consents were awarded at that time:
• Section 36 Electricity Act 1989 (construction and operation of the wind turbines, offshore
transformer stations and met masts; granted by DTI);
• Section 5 Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 (installation of foundations of offshore
structures, rock armouring, scour protection etc; granted by DEFRA);
• Section 34 Coast Protection Act 1949 (obstruction to navigation works; granted by DEFRA);
• Section 36 Energy Act 2004 (navigation extinguishment declaration; granted by DTI); and
• Planning permission has also been received under Section 57 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 for the onshore works at Weybourne Hope.
The various pre-construction licence conditions are being followed up by the project.
The decommissioning program was sent to the listed consultees and made public available July
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SSOWF covers 35km2 and is sited approximately 17km to 23km offshore from the coastal town of
Sheringham on the north Norfolk coast, and approximately 5km north of the sand bank known as
Sheringham Shoal. The depth is 15 – 22 m. The associated landfall for the onshore works is located
in Weybourne Hope, on the north Norfolk coast. The electrical connection will be located at an
existing electricity substation at Salle near Cawston, which is owned by EDF Energy (EDFE).
The location of the wind farm site and the export cable route corridor is as shown in Figure 3.1 and
Table 3.1.
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The wind farm will consist of 88 3.6MW wind turbine generators (WTG). The WTGs will be connected
via a network of inter-array cables to two offshore substations. Six strings, connecting 7-8 WTGs in
series, will be connected to each substation. The infield cables will have two different sizes, 36 kV
3x400 m2 and 36 kV 3x185 m2, where the largest cables are closest to the substations. One fibre
optic element will be included to each cable. Each offshore substation is connected to the onshore
substation in Salle via a submarine export cable, coming onshore near Weybourne, and underground
cables from Weybourne to Salle. The main section of the submarine export cable is a 145 kV
3x1x630 mm2 cable and the landfall section is a 145 kV 3x1x1000 mm2. Both sections include one
fibre optic element. Cable burial depth is 1m. At the Salle substation the underground export cables
will connect the wind farm to the regional distribution network, and further via overhead power lines
connect it to the UK transmission network at Norwich.
The wind turbines themselves will be constructed of steel monopiles with a diameter of 6m which
will be driven into the seabed by means of a hydraulic hammer on a jack-up barge. Depending on
the outcome of the currently ongoing assessment of the ground conditions, a smaller number of
foundations will be drilled. There may be the need for added protection around some of the
monopile bases to prevent scour. The scour protection could be made up of rock, gravel or frond
mats as deemed appropriate.
The area adjacent to the SSOWF site has a range of ongoing activities and uses which may change
over the lifetime of the wind farm. At present and in the near future they may include:
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Due to changes in use over time it may be necessary to review these key activities prior to
decommissioning taking place. Following confirmation of other activities and uses in the area at
the time of decommissioning a programme of consultation and communication with the relevant
stakeholders will be developed. Predicted possible activities and uses are outlined below.
It is likely that there will be other wind farm operators in the area adjacent to SSOWF over the
project lifetime. Currently Scira is aware of a number of other existing and potential wind farms in
the vicinity of the SSOWF and these are described in Table 3.2 and their positions relative to the
project are shown in Figure 3.2.
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Figure 3.2 Potential and existing wind farms in the vicinity of Sheringham Shoal Offshore wind farm
The southern North Sea is an important area for oil and gas extraction dominated by offshore gas
fields. The sector is regulated by the DECC though its licensing process. The SSOWF site falls
partially within block 21 and 27 of quadrant 48. Block 21 is currently under licence to Warwick
Energy Exploration Ltd. It is unlikely that the area will be subject to future prospecting or drilling
due to the limited prospects.
Block 27 of quadrant 48, located to the west of the proposed site, has been awarded to Bridge E&P
at the 23rd licensing round, which closed on 9th June 2005. Other activity includes two wells
drilled in 2005, due north of Cromer by Century Oil.
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There are no oil or gas pipelines traversing the proposed site or cable routes, at present the
nearest pipeline is over 15km away to the north and east, terminating respectively at the gas
terminals at Theddlethorpe and Bacton.
Aggregate extraction activities are licensed by The Crown Estate following a positive Government
View regulated by DEFRA. There are currently no licensed aggregate extraction areas close to the
proposed wind farm site. A number of licensed areas exist to the north-west, the closest being
South Inner Dowsing (Area 107) owned by British Dredging Limited (RMC Marine) and Area 440
owned by Westminster Gravels Ltd. Both areas are 25km from the site.
There are no marine disposal sites located within the vicinity of the SSOWF or any areas nearby
subject to capital or maintenance dredging activities.
There are two discharge consent sites within 250m of the landfall site at Weybourne Hope. These
are presently operated by Anglian Water Services Ltd and are identified as Sewage Discharges -
Final/Treated effluent.
Telecommunications cables have been laid in the southern North Sea at numerous locations.
Concentration of cables run from the East Coast directly across to the Netherlands. The SSOWF lies
within an area of low density cabling with no active cables passing directly through the site. A
marine communications cable passes just to the east of the landfall site, which comes ashore at the
Weybourne car park. This cable is not in service but should be treated as live (Openreach Sub-sea
Operations Group).
A survey of merchant vessel activity in the vicinity of the SSOWF identified six main routes. Three of
the routes pass to the south of the SSOWF and three to the north-west. The routes were further
examined for the Closest Points of Approach (CPA) which showed that the route closest to the
SSOWF had the lowest number of vessels per day passing by compared to the other five routes.
The maritime traffic survey established that there were low levels of recreational activity during the
period of the survey. To establish whether this was accurate, discussions were held with the Royal
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Yachting Association and the Cruising Association. These discussions confirmed that the SSOWF is
outside the main sailing areas and cruising routes but is partially within a racing area.
The survey of dredging vessel activity observed that the vessels mainly passed to the south of the
SSOWF, either side of Sheringham Shoal and in avoidance of other shallows in this area such as the
Race Bank.
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The maritime traffic survey carried out indicated that there is presently limited fishing in the area
mainly by small inshore vessels. More detailed studies of fishing activity levels in the area further
indicated that the wind farm site does not encompass primary fishing grounds with the main
fishing activity within the wind farm area being predominantly by local North Norfolk based boats
with occasional activity from Lowestoft long-liners.
The study concluded that based on the available evidence there is little scope for any substantial
increase in the numbers of locally based vessels or in their fishing effort or landings. Similarly there
is sufficient stability and long term commitment amongst the local potting fleet to suggest that
there is unlikely to be any dramatic decline in vessel numbers or effort levels within the foreseeable
Currently there are no military practice and exercise areas (PEXA) within the vicinity of the SSOWF.
The north Norfolk Coast and the adjacent sea area have, however, been subject to considerable
military activity in the past, in particular from activities during World War II. Specific activities in the
locality include.
• Sea mines;
• Naval gun ammunition, depth charges and torpedoes;
• Air delivered bombs;
• Aircraft machine gun ammunition and rockets;
• Land based defence gun ammunition;
• Land and ship based anti aircraft gun ammunition;
• Munitions on wrecks from attacking aircraft, ships and coastal artillery;
• Munitions in the holds of wrecks; and
• Munitions from the holds of wrecks broken up by the sea and weather.
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Whilst many of the hazards will have been removed after WWII, ordnance has been washed
ashore and dealt with in the past 60 years and unexploded ordnance may still remain buried in
the seabed and the beaches.
Prior to the start of offshore installation work, an UXO-survey of the offshore wind farm area
has been undertaken. This survey information will also be available to inform the future
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International nature conservation designations relevant to the SSOWF site include: Special Protection
Areas (SPAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Ramsar sites.
The SSOWF site is not within any designated sites but there are designated sites close to the landfall
area. The site is however, within an area used by populations for which the site has been designated.
The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC and the North Norfolk Coast SPA are the sites of most
relevance to the offshore components of the wind farm and are discussed further below (where the
habitats and species are of relevance to the project). However, when referring to the European
marine site, all the designations that form it are considered as integral.
The Wash and North Norfolk Coast SAC qualifies as a SAC for the following Annex I habitats,
as listed in the EU Habitats Directive:
The Wash and North Norfolk Coast also qualifies as a SAC for the following Annex II species,
as listed in the EU Habitats Directive:
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The North Norfolk Coast SPA qualifies under the EU Birds Directive for the following features:
Ramsar criteria 1,2,5,6 have been applied for the justification of the North Norfolk Coast Ramsar
• Relating to Ramsar Criterion 1: The site is one of the largest expanses of undeveloped
coastal habitat of its type in Europe. It is a particularly good example of a marshland coast
with intertidal sand and mud, saltmarshes, shingle banks and sand dunes. There are a
series of brackish water lagoons and extensive areas of freshwater grazing marsh and reed
• Relating to Ramsar criterion 2: Supports at least three British Red Data Book and nine
nationally scarce vascular plants, one British Red Data Book Lichen and 38 British Red Data
Book invertebrates.
• Relating to Ramsar criterion 5: Assemblages of wildfowl of international importance. Over
winter the area regularly supports 91,536 waterfowl (5 year peak mean 1991/92-1995/96).
• Relating to Ramsar criterion 6: Breeding and over wintering bird species of international
importance, as identified at designation.
In order to inform the decommissioning programme summaries of the physical characteristics of the
site are provided in the following sections and are mainly taken from the Project’s Design Basis. As
input for the offshore installation activities and design of the offshore parts of the windfarm, further
geophysical survey work was carried out in 2008. This survey data will now also go towards
informing the decommissioning process in the future.
Wind data is provided in Table 3.4. The estimated mean wind speed in the centre of wind farm is
9.2 m/s at 80m.
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In summary, the turbulence measurement from Docking Shoal can be used to describe the
turbulence intensity at SSOWF. The average ambient turbulence intensity at a wind speed at 15m/s
is estimated to 6.1%.
Table 3.3 Summary of measurement results used in the update of wind resource assessment
Station Period Mean wind speed [m/s]
Lynn & Inner Dowsing (43 m) Sept 1999 - Nov 2007 8.2
Race Bank (80 m) June 2006 - Nov 2007 9.5*
Docking Shoal (80m ) June 2006 - Nov 2007 9.3*
SSOWF (80 m) Estimated long term 9.3 (9.2)**
* Corrected values using linear regression with L&ID measurement mast as a reference station. Extrapolated
values from 90 m to 80 m using wind shear coefficient •=0.1. These values are not corrected for over
speeding effect (1.5% is anticipated here) due to the mounting arrangement of the 90 m top sensors.
** Mean wind speed value for the most exposed turbine is given in bold, while 9.2 refer to the centre of the
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3.6.4 Waves
3.6.5 Currents
The 50-year extreme surface current is 1.5m/s in the NW end of the wind farm area and 1.8m/s in
the SE end of the wind farm area.
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The model was correlated to the 2006 Borehole campaign and the Site survey from 2005. The
model has been further refined following the 2008 borehole campaign leading to an updated
distribution of soil units for the turbine and substation locations.
Table 3.6 Geological summary. All depths are approximate and refer to metres below seabed
(BSB) /9/
Unit Formation Description Distribution
1a Holocene sands Loose fine to medium sand with shell In the centre and to the southeast of
fragments the survey area
1b Holocene sands Slightly clayey, gravelly, shelly sand Veneer on the seabed over remainder
and gravels of survey area
2 Botney Cut Laminated clays with silts, peats and Two north/south trending channels
fine sands infilling channels that cut through the centre with a smaller
into the underlying unit northwest/southeast trending channel
in the north of the survey area
3 Bolders Bank Firm to stiff slightly gravelly sandy Blanket deposit seen throughout the
sand with pockets of sand and gravel. survey area to a maximum depth of
Occasional boulders may be 14m BSB
4 Egmond Ground Dense to very dense slightly gravelly Expected over the entire survey area to
silty fine to medium sand with a maximum depth of 19m BSB
occasional flint gravel with some stiff
gravelly clay bands
5 Swarte Bank Hard sandy gravelly clay, with some Infills channels cut into the chalk
layers of gravel and very dense sand. running NNW/SSE and east/west, up to
1.2km wide and 150m deep.
6a Weathered Chalk Weak structureless chalk composed Underlies the whole survey area
of sandy silty fine to coarse gravel
with a clayey sandy silty matrix
(Grade Dm/Cm Chalk)
6b Chalk Weak, low to medium density (Grade Underlies the whole survey area
B5 to B3 chalk)
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Figure 3.3 presents the expected layer thicknesses at each individual turbine location. The
locations are grouped into three characteristic profiles for illustration ; (1) turbine locations at infill
channels with thickness of soft clay larger than 1.5m, (2) turbine locations in areas with top of
chalk above anticipated depth of pile penetration and/or influence depth for foundation resistance
and (3) turbine locations where chalk material is not present within influence depth of the
The basis for Figure 3.3 is the interpretation of the geophysical survey at each turbine location and
the 5 existing boreholes from 2006. When the 7 new boreholes from 2008 are tied in with the
same model some adjustments should be expected, particularly with respect to the top of chalk
interface. Field results suggest that this interface is deeper at the edge of the erosion channels
cutting into the chalk plateau.
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Figure 3.3 Sequence of soil Units for all wind turbine locations
Where the backshore is low, the shingle beach forms a barrier ridge and is the main defence
against backshore flooding.
At the end of the SSOWF’s economic lifetime, decommissioning will take place. Towards the end of
the initial lifetime, of 20 years, an assessment of the technical conditions of the installation and its
continuing economic potential will be made. The lease period from The Crown Estate is 50 years and
within this time, it is possible that the project could be re-powered.
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When planning the decommissioning of the wind farm, the possibility of recycling material and/or
reuse of plant elements will be considered. Prior to decommissioning a contract strategy will be
established, defining number of contracts and scope of work for each contract. Through the
contractual process, reuse and or recycle of plant items, handling of Health, Safety and Environment
(HSE) during working operations, principles described in the decommissioning program and
applicable laws and regulations at the time of decommissioning will be assessed.
Decommissioning will need to be performed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
current at that time. In the following the expected decommissioning is described based on
requirements, guidelines and practices at the time of writing.
Effective management of HSE issues is central to the owners of Scira and, as such, prior to the start
of decommissioning, detailed plans including HSE risk assessments and mitigation will be developed.
The onshore and offshore Environmental Statements described the environmental impacts related to
construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of the SSOWF. The environmental impacts of
the decommissioning are considered to be temporary and either within or of lower magnitude and
significance than those described for the construction and operation of the SSOWF. (See website
Decommissioning will generally be a reverse of the order of installation. Figure 4.1 illustrates the
decommissioning process. Prior to decommissioning, the power will be cut off and disconnection
from the grid system will occur. The electrical transmission system will be part of the new OFTO-
system. The appointed OFTO for Scira project will be responsible for decommissioning of the
transmission system. In the following sub-chapters decommissioning activities for the different
offshore part of the wind farm are discussed. In addition, appendix 3, contain a rough preliminary
evaluation (pros and cons) of decommissioning activities made for some criteria.
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The wind farm consists of 88 Siemens SWT-3.6-107 WTGs including towers, which gives a hub
height of 81.75m, each of the three rotor blades are 52 m long and weigh 20 tonnes
Prior to the start of decommissioning of the WTGs, the system will be de-energised. Liquids like gear
oil and motor oil and possible other chemicals present, will be collected and removed from the
structures and subsequently returned to the relevant supplier or recycled / disposed of in an
appropriate and satisfactory way. Any loose items will also be removed. Cables will be cut at the
grade-in point between the J/I tubes at the base of the WTGs and the point of burial.
A jack-up barge/vessel will be used for the decommissioning work. The capacity and reach of the
crane will be such that it can lift the nacelle including the hub in one lift from the top of the tower,
weight of unit including rigging is 205 tonnes.
If the vessel is of self-propelled type and with a good deck carrying capacity, the vessel may store
units on own deck and return to agreed harbour for dismantling of the units. A smaller jack-up may
be used together with a barge or vessel for transportation to shore.
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The decommissioning programme for the WTGs will be in the reverse order of the installation:
There will be one vessel involved in the decommissioning operation of the WTG. In addition there
may be vessels involved in transportation of the decommissioned WTGs. Figures 4.2 and 4.3
illustrate examples of installation and transportation of WTGs.
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The 90 foundation structures, which are made of steel, will be removed (see Figures 4.4 and 4.5).
The proposed decommissioning procedure is based on the general principle of removing all parts of
the WTG foundation above seabed level. Consequently the mono-pile and the cable connections will
be cut off directly beneath the mud-line and the loose foundation part will be lifted off and
subsequently transported to the base harbour for demolition, re-use and/or deposition. It is
anticipated that the small hollow in the seabed left after the foundation automatically will be filled up
by natural deposition of sand materials. The type of crane vessel to be used for the
decommissioning work can be a floating crane type, a standard jack-up vessel or a special type
offshore unit with stabilising legs.
The possible sequence for decommissioning of the offshore foundations is presented in Table 4.1
and is discussed in greater detail below.
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Before the demolition of the foundation can be initiated the cable connections from the foundation
to the WTG tower must be disconnected at the bolted flange between the tower and the transition
piece in level +21.00 and the tower and the individual WTG elements must be removed.
Subsequently the switch gear and other electrical equipment located in the top part of the
foundation structure must be removed.
The internal platforms will be removed giving access to the interior part of the mono-pile
foundation. Following the necessary excavation inside the pile (approx. to 4 m below the seabed
level), a tailor made support/cutting tool will be installed for cutting the pile approx. 2 m below
mud-line. The tool will be fixed in the correct level inside the pile activating a system of hydraulic
The cutting will be executed using a mechanical water jet abrasive system remote controlled and
guided by horizontal rails following the internal circumference of the pile.
After cutting the crane will be able to lift off the loose part weighing approx. 400T. During and
immediately after the cutting process the cutting tool will support and stabilize the pile
horizontally at the cutting level.
The loose part of the foundation will now be lifted out of the water, the cutting tool will be
disconnected ready for reuse and the foundation part will be sea-fastened to allow for the
subsequent transport to the base harbour.
The grout material used in the connection between the mono-pile and the transition piece will be
demolished into minor parts to be transported to a dumping ground for deposition. Likewise the
steel structures will be cut into transportable units to be scrapped.
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Due to expected erosion at some of the J-tubes at the foundations, there is need for scour
protection like rock installation. The requirements set for stones are typically that they shall have a
high density and also have a certain strength (in order to not later get pulverized). The scour
protection is in accordance with what is described in the Environmental Statement.
Generally the Project during its assessments want to minimize the need for scour protection, but it is
concluded that there is a need for scour protection at 77 of the 90 foundations. The requirement for
scour protection and where it is needed, has been assessed by the Project and its contractors, taking
into account the different seabed conditions and tidal flows in the area. The assessment reveals
which of the foundations that need “scour protection” and the extent of it. This assessment (scour
protection) has been presented to MFA as a response to the relevant FEPA licence condition.
In relation to the circumstances set out in the DTI guidance where non-removal may be considered
acceptable, it is considered that “the installation or structure will serve a new use … through the
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enhancement of a living resource”. It is also stated that entire removal would involve an
unacceptable risk to personnel.
The decommissioning of the two offshore electrical substations may be carried out by a jack-up
vessel. (See Figure 4.6 for example of typical substation). Prior to the start of the
decommissioning, the system will be de-energised, any liquids chemicals present will be emptied
and removed and loose items will be removed. The marine infield and marine export cables will be
cut at the grade-in point of burial. When this step is finalised, preparation for rigging and lifting of
each of the two substations will take place. The substations are then expected to be transported
from the wind farm area to a yard for recycling and/or possible re-use of components. Prior to
commencement of operations, special procedures for the work including checklists will be developed
and followed-up.
The two marine export cables (outer diameter, approx. 205mm) will each be approximately 20km
long (see Figure 4.7). Close to the point of landfall the two marine export cables will be installed
within two casings, pre-installed by a horizontal directional drilling (HDD) rig as part of the
onshore transmission works. The marine export cables will be joined to the onshore cables in a
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transition pit, located within the Muckleburgh Collection on the north Norfolk coast, to the north of
the village of Weybourne.
From the landfall, the marine export cables will be laid and buried in a route towards their
respective offshore substation in the area of the wind farm. Cable burial will proceed via a
simultaneous laying and ploughing technique. Target burial depth is 1m below the level of the
seabed. Leaving cables in-situ beneath the seabed may be considered to be the best practical
environmental option in order to minimise disturbance to the marine habitats and species that may
have substantially colonised the areas. The buried cables will pose no threat to navigation or
commercial fisheries.
The infield cables consist of Type 1 (OD approx. 132mm), Type 2 (OD approx. 105mm), with a total
length of 25km and 57km, respectively. The infield cables comprise unit lengths between 400m
and 1400m and are laid and buried between the WTGs, see Figure 4.8. The cables will be buried by
a mechanical trenching device, with a target burial depth of 1m.
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Figure 4.7 Route of the marine export with corresponding landfall drill and junction pit
The submarine cables, export cables and infield cables will be buried during installation, and the
intention is that they are left in-situ. At the time of decommissioning, the cables will be left in their
trench but will have to be cut at the grade in point of cable burial. No cables is planned left on the
seabed surface. The cables themselves consist of three power cores (copper conductors) with water
blocking compound and insulation, and armouring. The cut sections will be removed with minimal
disruption of the seabed.
The sediment along the submarine export cable routes consists mainly of sand and sand waves with
a mixture of other sediments (locally gravelly, with occasional whole shells, and gravelly shelly sand
underlain by stiff clay, which can also be silty or slightly sandy). The methodology and tools for the
installation/burial of the submarine export cables have been selected based on knowledge of the
seabed and subsurface geology and to ensure burial protection over the life of the project. The
infield cables will be trenched down to approximately 1m.
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With the target burial depth of 1.0 m, the submarine cables will not be visible on the seabed. The
cables may be even further protected by moving sand waves generated over the lifetime of the wind
farm. Removal of submarine cables will disturb the seabed as it has to be pulled out of the trench,
jetted and/or excavated. This will leave deeper seabed sediments on the seafloor, and is considered
to be detrimental to the seabed. Other technical challenges and unforeseen problems may be
involved with work associated with excavating the sandbank.
Further, leaving the well protected cables in buried conditions is not considered to have any new
environmental or pollution impacts. And it is not considered to pose safety risks to mariners.
In accordance with Clauses 4f and 5a of the Sheringham Shoal consent under Section 36 of the
Electricity Act 1989, Scira will ensure that the appropriate marks and lighting are displayed during
the decommissioning of the wind farm. Navigational marking in the construction phase has been
discussed and agreed with the authorities. In the decommissioning phase, a similar navigational
marking and lighting as for the construction phase is expected.
With regards to aviation safety, the shape, colour and character of the lighting will be compliant with
the Air Navigation Order 2005 (or as otherwise directed by the Civil Aviation Authority).
For navigational safety, lights and marks will be agreed with Trinity House, in consultation with the
Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Trinity House will be consulted prior to decommissioning to
specify any obstruction marking that may be required during the removal operations. Should any
obstruction be left on site that could be considered to present a hazard to navigation, Scira will
provide the necessary markings specified.
Prior to start planning for decommissioning an authority plan will need to be prepared addressing
the applications and notifications needed to be performed prior to the stopping of electricity
production and during the decommissioning. Reference is made to the authority plan prepared for
the installation project. Consultation will be carried out with the relevant regulatory authorities at the
time of decommissioning. Some of the notifications will include notification to Mariners and
fishermen. Further to ensure safety for third parties at sea, temporary safety zones around the
installations during decommissioning will be applied for.
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A Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) has been prepared and discussed with English Heritage. For
the construction phase, some archaeological construction exclusion zones have been identified. It is
expected that these also may be relevant for the decommissioning, and information about these will
then be communicated to a future decommissioning contractor and followed-up by Company
Decommissioning involves heavy lifting activities, electrical work, offshore working, entering of the
WTGs and offshore substations from the sea, offshore transportation etc. As already pointed out
thoroughly planning will be carried out prior to the commencement of decommissioning. Risk
activities will be identified and mitigating measures will be addressed and followed-up. This relates
to the Contract requirements, mechanical and electrical checking prior to lifting and
decommissioning activities offshore and at possible yard.
Prior to decommissioning and during decommissioning several safety mitigating measures will need
to be addressed. Such safety mitigating measures may include the following:
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The intention of the decommissioning process will be to remove the wind turbines and the monopile
foundations to either sea bed level or 1m below sea bed level. Scour protection is planned to be left
in-situ.. It is intended that the cabling will remain buried in-situ. It is currently estimated that the
decommissioning process will take approximately six months.
The SSOWF ES and subsequent studies undertaken to inform pre-construction baseline represents
Scira’s current understanding of the site and impacts. Both the ES and the further studies undertaken
would be used in the preparation of applications to decommission the SSOWF. It is further anticipated
that a full EIA will be required prior to the decommissioning of the wind farm and this will focus on
the same list of of key criteria as the original EIA together with any issues that may have arisen in the
interim. Those key criteria are expected to be:
Some of these key criteria may change in emphasis over time and the EIA will need to recognise and
examine such changes.
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During the EIA and consenting process consultation took place with statutory and non-statutory
bodies representing key interests and user groups in the north Norfolk area and the wider area during
the Scoping Study. Initial consultation included a description of the project proposals and invited
comments and requested relevant data or information. Detailed formal and informal consultation has
continued throughout the EIA via correspondence and meetings. All comments received were taken
into consideration during the EIA.
The statutory consultees and non-statutory organisations involved in the EIA and consenting process
will also be involved in the decommissioning process. The list of consultees may develop and change
overtime, but at present the key consultees are anticipated to be inter alia:
These consultees were consulted July 2009 prior to submitting this document to DECC February 2010.
The comments and answers to comments from the different consultees are listed in the table below.
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Table 6.1 Summary of comments from the consultees and Scira’s answer
Cable removal – we recommend complete removal of the The cables are at present planned left
cables from the seabed once they are not to being used. in-situ. Refer OSPAR guidelines for
However, in case where this is not practically feasible, we cables and pipelines.
recommend as a secondary option which is to leave them
in situ subject to them being buried at safe and adequate
Royal Yachting Association The RYA notes that the turbine structures and OK
foundations will be removed to seabed level or below and
would therefore pose no future risk to surface navigation.
The RYA notes that cables will be left in situ. This could Noted.
pose a potential risk to craft who may anchor along the The cables planned burial depth is 1 m.
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12. Sea bed clearance No reference to over trawling of the The results of the seabed clearance,
site or the presence of an independent observer during can be made available to the
site clearance operations. authorities, refer chapter 11.
Survey should be at least to UKHO Order 1 standard as Comment regarding survey noted.
required for consent.
Trinity House Lighthouse Service I can advise that Trinity House concurs with the general Noted.
approach taken by Scira Offshore Energy and the Refer chapter 4.4 and table 4.1.
proposals summarized in the Executive Summary at
section 3 of the Report. It is however our view that if the
foundations of the structures in the wind farm are not
completely removed they should be cleared to at least 1
metre below seabed level.
The commitment to provide any marking that is Noted.
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The consultation process for the decommissioning phase will be scheduled to begin early enough
so that initial responses can be adequately assessed and any concerns or queries addressed
and/or mitigated in advance of the proposed timing of the decommissioning.
Once decommissioning is due to begin a Notice to Mariners will be issued as well as other
navigational warnings as per Clauses 5c and 5d of the Sheringham Shoal consent under Section
36 of the Electricity Act 1989. Appropriate notification on the progress and completion of the
works will be supplied to the UK Hydrographic Office.
7 Costs
Only an estimate of the decommissioning costs can be made at this stage. This cost estimate is
given in Appendix 4. The estimate is of course provided at a very early stage. Prior to
decommissioning, the estimate will be updated to reflect the decommissioning contract strategy.
8 Financial Security
See appendix 5.
9 Schedule
In approximately 20 years time the wind farm will be approaching the end of its design lifetime.
However, the actual technical status will be regularly assessed and a operation and maintenance
system is expected to be in place, in order to prolong the lifetime of the plant. Further since the
lease period with the Crown Estate at time being is 50 years, there is also the possibility for re-
powering of the wind farm. The possibility to extend the lifetime of the wind farm is in a lifetime
perspective positive with respect to the environment.
Scira plan to undertake internal reviews of the decommissioning programme. It is proposed that
DECC is consulted at the following times:
• After 2 years of operation
• After 15 years of operation
• 2- 5 years prior to decommissioning
Prior to decommissioning, Scira will establish a project that will execute and follow-up the
following main activities with the following roughly anticipated duration:
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Guidance provided by DECC suggests that at that time the programme should provide
information on how the Operator will manage the implementation of the decommissioning
programme and provide verification to Government concerning progress and compliance. This
should include a commitment to submit a report, detailing how the programme was carried out.
The guidance suggests that this report should generally be submitted within four months of
completion of the decommissioning work.
11 Sea-bed Clearance
Following the completion of the decommissioning of the wind farm, surveys is expected to be
carried out to check that the site has been cleared. The purpose of the surveys will be to identify
any debris located on the sea-bed which may be associated with the wind farm’s construction,
operation, maintenance or decommissioning and that may pose a risk to navigation, other users
of the sea or the marine environment. The type of surveys to be carried out (side scan etc) and
the technical requirements will be specified in due course prior to decommissioning.
The area to be covered by the survey will be determined prior to decommissioning taking into
account the results of the “as-laid” surveys and other surveys performed in the operation phase.
The decommissioning surveys may be part of the scope of work for the future decommissioning
contractor(s) or as separate contracts. Scira also understands that DECC will expect to see an
element of independent third party involvement in providing evidence that the site has been
cleared and therefore propose that the survey reports can be made available to the authorities as
• Cutting the foundations to below the seabed and ensuring that they are made safe and
adequately covered; and
• Ensuring that cables and cable ends are adequately buried
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Based on present day conditions and knowledge the following assessments have been made:
• The risk of exposure of the foundations (the part of foundation located below seabed) or
cabling is assessed to be low due to the depth to which the foundations will be cut and
also the burial depth of the cable coupled with the relative stability of the sea bed in the
• The risk of debris falling overboard at any time is relatively low as offshore work
associated with operations and maintenance is low and contained within the turbine
• The risk to legitimate users of the sea is considered to be low as the area is not heavily
fished and recreational use of the area is low.
The parameters used in the above assessment may change overtime and so will need to be re-
visited closer to decommissioning and therefore any possible monitoring survey strategy will
need to be confirmed at that time.
14 Supporting studies
At present the supporting studies used for this decommissioning plan are the studies already
carried out in connection with the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Windfarm Environmental Statement
(May 2006). In addition to these studies there are geological surveys performed by the Project
(2007/2008), pre-construction, during construction and post-construction monitoring
programmes either already underway or scheduled to be undertaken at the appropriate time
according to the FEPA licence. These monitoring studies will also feed into the assessment and
final form of the decommissioning plan.
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15 References
1. Brown, Burn, Hopkins & Way. 1997. The Habitats Directive: Selection of Special Areas of
Conservation in the UK. JNCC Report, No. 270.
2. Burd, F. (1989) The Salt Marsh Survey of Great Britain. An Inventory of British Salt Marshes.
Research and Survey in Nature Conservation No. 17, Nature Conservancy Council,
4. Dixon, MJ. and Tawn, JA (1994). Estimates of extreme sea conditions: extreme sea levels
at the UK A-class sites: site by site analyses. Internal Document 65, Proudman
Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston.
5. Envision (2005). Accoustic, video and grab sample survey of Sheringham Shoal Offshore
Wind Farm. Envision Mapping Ltd report prepared for Scira.
6. Food and Environmental Protection Act 1985 - licence 33369/08/0 (issued by Defra
August 2008)
7. Section 36 consent under the Electricity Act 1989 (issued by DTI, August 2008)
1 Map of the location of the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm devlopment
2 List of abbreviations
3 Preliminary evaluation (pros and cons) of decommissioning activities made for some
4 Decommissioning costs
5 Financial security
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For the foundations, cutting below seabed is the planned decommissioning activity.
Criterion Complete removal Cutting below seabed
No harm to people This alternative is assessed Fewer activities to be
to represent a much higher undertaken over a shorter
risk towards personnel. time period offshore,
minimising the risk to
Consideration of the rights Disadvantages to other users No risk presented providing
and needs of legitimate of the marine environment cutting is at sufficient depth
users of the sea include disruption over a and site is monitoring post
longer time period whilst the decommissioning.
works are undertaken and
remaining scour holes
associated with excavation.
Minimise environmental Excavation pits over a wide Considerable reduced works
impact area causing significant footprint relative to complete
impact to marine removal. Works would take
environment. place over reduced time
Associated dumping of period and involve less
excessive volume of waste equipment. Seabed recovery
material also required. time shorter than complete
Disturbance would take removal scenario. Some
place over long time period. artificial reef habitat may be
Some artificial reef habitat lost, but long term risk of
may be lost, but long term decay and pollution will be
risk of decay and pollution eliminated.
will be eliminated.
Commercial viability Not commercial viable. Less expensive alternative to
Excavation and extreme complete removal, involving
lifting involves major minimal excavation.
equipment requirements
over longer periods of time.
Practical integrity Not a practical solution as Expected to be more
the following are expected: standard procedures and
High risk associated with equipment. The
heavy lift, considerable decommissioning is
excavation needed with expected to re reverse of the
possible associated storage construction.
of disposal of large volumes
of waste
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For the offshore substations (platforms), removal is the planned decommissioning activity.
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For the marine cables, leave in-situ is the planned decommissioning activity.
Marine cables
Criterion Complete removal Leave in-situ
No harm to people Some risk to personnel as all No decommissioning
possible decommissioning activity, hence no risk to
activities represent a HSE personnel
Consideration of the rights No risk assumed, except No risk assumed from
and needs of legitimate temporarily during possible leaving buried cables in-situ.
users of the sea removal operation The situation is expected to
be unchanged from what will
be experienced in the future
operational phase.
Minimise environmental Given the considerable Benign – no environmental
impact length of cable and the need impact associated with long
for jetting techniques, term disintegration of buried
removal would cause cables
considerable damage and
disruption to the seabed and
established communities.
These impacts could be
considered large relative to
the environmental gains
from removal.
Commercial viability Extensive operation, offset Costs limited
to some extent by copper
re-sale value
Practical integrity Possible to undertake. Likely N/A
to cause disturbance to the
marine environment.
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Scour material
Criterion Complete removal Leave in-situ
No harm to people Removal is labour intensive Reduced risk for contractor
and involves a risk to personnel
personnel involved in
Consideration of the rights
and needs of legitimate
users of the sea
Minimise environmental Removal will cause Habitat for established
impact considerable damage and communities retained, no
disruption to the seabed and short or long term
established communities. detrimental effects on
Associated equipment and marine environment
vessels will generate anticipated.
disturbance and additional
noise. Materials gathered
would need to be dumped
Commercial viability Expensive, labour intensive, Costs limited
high volume of operation
Practical integrity High reliance on manual N/A
work, labour intensive.
Possible, but not practical
For scour material, leave in-situ is the planned decommissioning activity.