Inflammation 1
Inflammation 1
Inflammation 1
ELSEVIER Journal of Ethnopharmacology 55 (1996) 69 75
We studied the effects of aqueous, chloroform, and ethanol extracts of Aloe vera gel on carrageenan-induced edema
in the rat paw, and neutrophil migration into the peritoneal cavity stimulated by carrageenan. We also studied the
capacity of the aqueous extract to inhibit cyclooxygenase activity. The aqueous and chloroform extracts decreased the
edema induced in the hind-paw and the number of neutrophils migrating into the peritoneal cavity, whereas the
ethanol extract only decreased the number of neutrophils. The antiinflammatory agents indomethacin and dexam-
ethasone also decreased carrageenan-induced edema and neutrophil migration. The aqueous extract inhibited
prostaglandin E 2 production from [~4C]arachidonic acid. The chemical tests performed in the aqueous extract for
anthraglycosides, reductor sugars and cardiotonic glycosides were positive. In the ethanol extract, the chemical tests
performed for saponins, carbohydrates naftoquinones, sterols, triterpenoids and anthraquinones were also positive. In
the chloroform extract, the chemical tests performed for sterols type A 5, and anthraquinones were positive. These
results demonstrated that the extracts of Aloe vera gel have antiinflammatory activity and suggested its inhibitory
action on the arachidonic acid pathway via cyclooxygenase.
1. Introduction
The fresh leaves of Aloe vera are used to obtain under reduced pressure, in a rotavapor. The dried
two components: (1) a bitter yellow juice (exudate) extracts were freshly dissolved in propylene glycol
with high content of 1,8 dihydroxyanthraquinone or saline solution before administration.
derivatives (aloe emodin) and their glycosides The aqueous extract was prepared with 1 g
(aloins), which are used for their cathartic effects powder in 20 ml of saline solution (0.45%), mixed
(Fairbairn, 1980) and (2) a mucilaginous gel from for 20 rain at 40°C and centrifuged at 100 x g for
the parenchymatous tissue, which has been used 10 rain; the supernatant was adjusted to pH 7.4.
for topical treatment of skin burns and wounds before administration and contained 40 mg/ml of
(Rovatti and Brennan, 1959). Some chemical con- extract material.
stituents with immunomodulatory and lectin-like
properties have been isolated from the extracts of 2.3. Animals
Aloe vera gel (Holdsworth, 1972; Winters et al.,
1981). These reports have stimulated research on Male Wistar rats (180 200 g) grown in our
the chemical, biochemical and pharmacological animal house and fed on standard chow diet and
properties of these compounds as well as on other water ad libitum were used for the experiments
medical uses (Grindlay and Reynolds, 1986). In (groups of 5 8) at 20 25°C.
spite of these data, there is no clear correlation
between the pharmacological properties of the 2.4. Antiinflammatory acti~ity
Aloe vera gel and its constituents.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether 2.4. I. Carrageenan-induced edema
the extracts of Aloe vera gel showed antiinflamma- The antiinflammatory activity of extracts was
tory activity and to analyze some of its chemical studied in groups of 6 8 rats. Edema was induced
constituents. according to the method described by Van Arman
et al. (1965). Briefly, 0.1 ml of 1% carrageenan
(type ll, Sigma, St Louis, MO) in sterile saline,
2. Materials and methods was injected into one hind paw, under the plantar
aponeurosis. A similar volume of saline solution
2.1. Preparation of the gel was injected into the other hind paw. The paw
volume was measured before injection of car-
Fresh Aloe vera leaves were collected (14 kg) rageenan or saline by the mercury displacement
from the Municipality of Apaxco, State of Mex- method (Van Arman et al., 1965) and the time
ico, in March, 1990. The plant was identified in the course of edema formation was followed over 8 h.
herbarium of the Department of Botany of the In separate groups of animals, either in-
Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionales Izta- domethacin (Sigma, St Louis, MO) 10 mg/kg or
cala, U.N.A.M., where a specimen was deposited dexamethasone (Merck-Sharp and Dohme) 0.5
under accession number RBP 9052. The gel was mg/kg were administered subcutaneously (s.c.) as
harvested from the green leaves, minced, homoge- standard drugs, saline solution and propylene gly-
nized, dried at 35°C and weighed. col as solvent controls. Different amounts of the
extracts or solvents were administered intraperi-
2.2. Preparation of extracts toneally (i.p.) 60 rain before carrageenan injection.
The volume increase (A volume) of the inflamed
The powder (l kg) was fractionated successively paw was estimated by subtracting the volume of
with n-hexane, benzene, ethyl acetate, chloroform, the contralateral paw. The antiinflammatory effect
acetone and 96% ethanol (Merck and Backer) in a of the drugs was evaluated as the degree of edema
Soxhlet extractor; to give the hexane (1.5 g), inhibition. Since the aqueous, chloroform and
benzene (2.0 g), chloroform (12.0 g), ethyl acetate ethanol extracts showed more antiinflammatory
(90.0 g), acetone (150.0 g) and ethanol (282.0 g) effect than the other extracts, the following studies
the solvent was evaporated at low tem]~erature, were done with these extracts.
B. V{tzque: el al. ,' Journal O/Ethnopharmacology 55 (1996) 69 75 71
2.4.2. Neutrophil migration into peritoneal cavity method. Authentic prostaglandin standards were
Rats were injected with 3 ml of carrageenan used to identify retention times of prostaglandin
(100/~g/ml prepared in sterile saline solution) into E,. The concentration of the PGE 2 was estimated
the peritoneal cavity, and 4 h later the abdominal by densitometry after the autoradiography.
cavity was washed with 10 ml of phosphate
buffered saline solution containing 5 U/ml of 2.5. Ph vtochemieal analysis
heparin (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and 5% of bovine
serum albumin. Only 5 ml were withdrawn for cell Chemical tests were done on the Aloe vera gel
counts; the total cell counts were done in a Neu- for the detection of alkaloids, cardiac glycosides,
bauer chamber and differential cell counts were flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, anthraquinones,
performed by the technique reported by Souza saponins, sterols and triterpenes (Dominguez,
and Ferreira (1985). The results are expressed as 1973: Harborne, 1984). Thin layer chromatogra-
number of cells/ml of collected fluid. One hour phy of the extracts with biological activity was
before the carrageenan injection, the experimental performed on silica gel 60 G plates (Merck), with
groups were treated orally with 200 mg/kg of the ethyl acetate/methanol/water, 100:16.5:13.5 (v/v)
chloroform extract, 400 mg/kg of the aqueous or benzene/methanol 4:1 (v/v); the chro-
extract and 50, 200 and 600 mg/kg of the ethanol matograms were observed with an ultraviolet
extract. The control groups were also given saline lamp at 254--300 nm, to detect the separated
or propylene glycol by the oral route and the fractions which were marked and eluted from the
standard reference groups were treated subcuta- plate. The chemical tests were performed on the
neously with indomethacin (10 mg/kg) or dexam- eluted fractions.
ethasone (0.5 mg/kg).
2.6. Statistical ana@sis
2.4.3. Incubation of aqueous extracts with ram
seminal vesicles (RSV) microsomes Significant differences were assessed by Stu-
A RSV microsomal powder was prepared as dent's t-test for unpaired samples and values of
described previously by Laniado et al. (1989) and P < 0.05 were considered significant.
kept at - 7 0 ° C . The incubation was made ac-
cording to the method described, aqueous extract
(1, I0 and 100 /~g), 2 td ['4C]arachidonic acid 3. Results
(specific activity 58 mCi/mmol) obtained from
Amersham Corp., were incubated with the RSV The edema induced by carrageenan in the hind
cyclooxygenase preparation (500 Izg of protein), paw lasted for more than 8 h; the maximum effect
in the presence or absence of glutation (GSH) 0.1 was seen at the 4th hour (Fig. 1). The aqueous
mM for 10 rain. (Sigma, St Louis, MO). In con- and chloroform extracts showed antiinflammatory
trol experiments, incubations were done in the activity preventing the formation of edema after
presence of indomethacin (1 /lg). Arachidonic administration of carrageenan, i.e. carrageenan
acid metabolism was terminated by addition of 1 increased paw volume by 160 /L1 whereas car-
N citric acid to decrease pH to 4 5. Arachidonic rageenan administered concomitant with aqueous
acid metabolites were extracted with two volumes or chloroform extracts increased paw volumes to
of ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate extract was 75 and 62 ILl, respectively (Fig. 1). Moreover, the
concentrated to dryness under nitrogen and resus- use of two well known antiinflammatory agents,
pended in 300 /L1 of methanol and applied to indomethacin and dexamethasone, also prevented
Silica Gel G plates (Merck). The plates were the carrageenan-induced increase in the paw vol-
developed in methanol/chloroform/acetic acid'wa- ume of the rat (Fig. 1). The aqueous chloroform
ter, 16:18:2:16 (v/v). For the separation of and ethanol extracts decreased the number of
prostaglandins, the thin layer chromatography neutrophils migrating into the peritoneal cavity
plate was examined by the autoradiographic (Fig. 2). The aqueous extract decreased migration
72 B. V/Izquez el al. Journal o/ Ethnot#~armacolo:(v 55 (1996) 69 75
300 * t~
..j 5
tu~ 3
i.t. o 2
_ ~
0 I I t I I
1 2 3 4 5 ~ 0
SAL 50 200 600 DEX IND
TIME (hours) A. V E R A ( m g / K g )
Fig. I. Effects of aqueous and chloroform extracts of the Aloe Fig. 3. Dose-dependent effect of ethanol extract of the Aloe
~vra gel on the edema induced by carrageenan (100 pg in 0.1 cera gel on neutrophil migration. Increasing doses of Aloe vera
ml); administered intraplantarly, • • control group 0.1 ml (ethanol extract) were administered (v.o.) and compared with
(i.p.) propylene glycol: 10 mg/'kg indomethacin; • • vehicle control (SAL), dexamethasone (DEX) (0.5 mg/kg, s.c.)
0.5 mg/kg dexamethasone: • • 100 mg/kg (i.p.) aqueous or mdomethacin (10 mg/kg, s.c.). Values are the mean ±SE
extract of Aloe ~era gel: 7i 100 mg/kg (i.p.) chloroform t\)r the number of animals used ( n - 6). *P < 0.05 when com-
extract. Values are the mean ± SE for the number of animals pared vs. saline-treated.
used (n = 7). P < 0.05 when compared vs. treated groups.
k n o w n a n t i i n f l a m m a t o r y agents, d e x a m e t h a s o n e
by 28.6% and the chloroform extract by 42.9%. and i n d o m e t h a c i n , we observed that dexam-
The ethanol extract decreased the average neu- ethasone inhibited migration by 71.4% and in-
trophil migration in a dose-dependent fashion and d o m e t h a c i n by 36%.
the m a x i m u m effect was 48% and was o b t a i n e d I n c u b a t i o n of the RSV with 14C-AA, p r o d u c e d
with 600 mg/kg (Fig. 3). W h e n we used two well several radioactive metabolites. A c c o r d i n g to the
retention time of authentic p r o s t a g l a n d i n s stan-
dard, the m a i n metabolite was P G E > and incuba-
tion of the microsomes with i n d o m e t h a c i n gave a
significant decrease in the P G E : p r o d u c e d from
0 4 ~
6.2% to 2.3% of arachidonic acid converted/rag
p r o t e i n / m i n . This suggested that induced arachi-
u.I donic acid metabolism was mediated via cy-
z 1
I.i. o
clooxygenase products. I n c u b a t i o n with 100 mg
of the A l o e z'era a q u e o u s extract also significantly
decreased the PGE~ p r o d u c t i o n fi'om 6.2% to
3.2% (Fig. 4).
,~ o- The phytochemical analysis of the A l o e vera gel
z SAL PG AQ CHL DEX a n d its extracts revealed the presence of an-
t h r a q u i n o n e s , sterols, sterols type A s, s a p o n i n s
Fig. 2. Effects of 400 mg/kg (AQ) aqueous and 200 rng/kg
chloroform extracts (CHL) of the Aloe vera gel, orally admin- and c a r b o h y d r a t e s (Table 1). The a q u e o u s a n d
istered, on neutrophil migration into the peritoneal cavity ethanol extracts had a pH of 5. The aqueous
induced by carrageenan (300 l~g). Saline solution (SAL) and extract showed high a m o u n t s of mucilagus com-
propylene glycol (PG) were used as vehicle control whereas p o n e n t s and pectins whereas in both extracts the
dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg s.c.) was used as standard anti-
a n t h r a q u i n o n e s were either free or b o u n d to car-
intlammatory. Values are the mean +_SE for the number of
animals used (n = 8). *P < 0.05 when compared vs. saline- or bohydrates. The c h l o r o f o r m extract was only sol-
propylene glycol-treated groups. uble in propylene glycol at 30°C.
B. Vdzquez et al. Journal o / E t h n o p h a r m a c o l o g v 55 (1996) 69 75 73
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and Toiletries 98. 105 108. in vitro. Economic Botany 35, 89 95.
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H.H. (1965) Some details of the inflammations caused by ioka, I. (1982) Antibradykinin active material in Aloe
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