International Standard: Aircraft - Ground Support Electrical Supplies - General Requirements

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Second edition

Aircraft — Ground support electrical

supplies — General requirements
Aéronefs — Alimentations électriques de service au sol des avions —
Conditions générales requises

Reference number
ISO 6858:2017(E)

© ISO 2017
Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)


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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
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ISO 6858:2017(E)

Contents Page

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Technical basis......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Electrical characteristics............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.1.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.1.2 Alternating current (AC) power sources...................................................................................................... 5
5.1.3 Direct current (DC) power sources................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Interface connector.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
5.3 Electromagnetic interference...................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3.1 Utility interface................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.3.2 Aircraft interface............................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 AC steady-state output characteristics................................................................................................................................ 6
5.4.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.4.2 Steady-state AC load characteristics................................................................................................................ 6
5.4.3 Steady-state AC voltage performance............................................................................................................. 7
5.5 AC transient characteristics.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.5.2 Transient AC load characteristics....................................................................................................................... 8
5.5.3 Transient AC voltage...................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.5.4 Transient frequency....................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6 DC steady-state output characteristics............................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.1 Steady-state DC load characteristics................................................................................................................ 9
5.6.2 Steady-state voltage....................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.3 Voltage ripple....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.7 DC transient characteristics......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.7.1 Transient DC load characteristics (other than engine start-related).................................. 9
5.7.2 Transient DC voltage..................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.7.3 Engine starting output characteristics....................................................................................................... 10
6 Electrical protection.......................................................................................................................................................................................10
6.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 AC system protection....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.1 Overvoltage......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.2 Undervoltage..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.3 Frequency............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
6.2.4 Overcurrent and short circuits.......................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.5 Phase sequence............................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.6 DC content........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.7 Open neutral/phase conductors...................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.8 Earth/Ground fault...................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3 DC system protection...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.1 Overvoltage......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.2 Undervoltage..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.3 Reverse polarity.............................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.3.4 Reverse current............................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.5 Overcurrent and short circuits.......................................................................................................................... 12
7 Control circuit and supply........................................................................................................................................................................12
7.1 Control circuits..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2 Aircraft interlock supply for AC facilities....................................................................................................................... 12

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

7.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2.2 Interlock signal characteristics......................................................................................................................... 12
7.2.3 Maintenance mode....................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 Test requirements.............................................................................................................................................................................................12
9 Safety requirements.......................................................................................................................................................................................13
9.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2 Mechanical safety features......................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.1 Hot temperatures.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.2 Fuel tank................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
9.2.3 Exhaust................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.4 Foreign object ingestion.......................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.5 Control panel..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.6 Ergonomics......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
9.2.7 Fire fighting........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
9.3 Electrical safety features.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
9.3.1 Overload................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
9.3.2 Fault conditions.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
9.3.3 Trip switch.......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
9.3.4 Earthing................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
9.3.5 Facility with electrical supply............................................................................................................................. 14
9.4 Features to safeguard personnel........................................................................................................................................... 14
9.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
9.4.2 Electrical contact........................................................................................................................................................... 14
9.4.3 Anti-arcing protection............................................................................................................................................... 15
9.4.4 Noise......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
9.4.5 Vibration............................................................................................................................................................................... 15
10 General design features..............................................................................................................................................................................15
10.1 Environmental conditions........................................................................................................................................................... 15
10.2 Life expectancy..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
10.3 Manufacturing, service and support features............................................................................................................ 15
10.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
10.3.2 Material, parts and processes............................................................................................................................. 15
10.3.3 Moisture and fungus resistance........................................................................................................................ 16
10.3.4 Corrosion of metal parts......................................................................................................................................... 16
10.3.5 Workmanship................................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.3.6 Product enclosures...................................................................................................................................................... 16
10.3.7 Service access for adjustments and repairs........................................................................................... 16
10.3.8 Interchangeability and replaceability.......................................................................................................... 16
11 Installation, operation and maintenance.................................................................................................................................16
12 Labelling...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Annex A (normative) Acceptable test listing for AC facilities...................................................................................................26
Annex B (normative) Acceptable test listing for DC facilities...................................................................................................32
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC  20, Aircraft and space vehicles,
Subcommittee SC 1, Aerospace electrical requirements.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 6858:1982), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are:
— updated normative references, definitions and figures;
— new information regarding aircraft electrical load characteristics, facility capacity requirements
and ac power types;
— updated protection and safety requirements; and
— addition of new Annex A and B with acceptable test listings for ac and dc systems respectively.

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
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ISO 6858:2017(E)

The purpose of this document is to foster compatibility between the providers, distributors and users
of aircraft ground support electrical power. This update takes into account several recent trends in
aircraft electrical systems, including increase in nonlinear load content on aircraft.

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Aircraft — Ground support electrical supplies — General


1 Scope
This document specifies the electrical output characteristics and interface requirements between an
aircraft and ground support electrical supplies. This includes all external electric power generation
facilities, provided as part of a central source or in point-of-use application. Requirements for safety
features are also included. Performance and safety issues under regional control are not addressed in
this document. Requirements for ground traffic control purposes, such as towing points, identification
and warning lights, etc. are also excluded.
The electrical characteristics relate to nominal 28 V DC and either 115/200 V or 230/400 V three-phase,
400 Hz AC outputs measured at the aircraft attaching connector as indicated in Figure 1.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 461-1, Aircraft — Connectors for ground electrical supplies — Part 1: Design, performance and test
ISO 461-2, Aircraft — Connectors for ground electrical supplies — Part 2: Dimensions
ISO 1540, Aerospace — Characteristics of aircraft electrical systems
ISO 7137, Aircraft — Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment
ISO 12100, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
ISO 12384, Aerospace — Requirements for digital equipment for measurements of aircraft electrical power
ISO 13850, Safety of machinery — Emergency stop function — Principles for design
IEC 60204-1, Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines — Part1: General requirements
IEC 61140, Protection against electrical shock — Common aspects for installation and equipment

3 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO  1540 and ISO  461 and the
following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
alternator speed
nominal speed at which the alternator operates to produce 400 Hz

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

maximum height in feet above sea level at which the unit (3.24) needs to operate and maintain
characteristics within recommended limits
ambient temperature
temperature range in degrees Celsius in which the unit (3.24) needs to operate and maintain
characteristics within recommended limits
break transfer
mode of transferring the aircraft load from aircraft power source to ground power facility or vice versa
whereby power to the aircraft is momentarily interrupted
supply cable interface with the aircraft
constant power load
AC utilization equipment which contains active elements that result in an inversely proportional draw
of current to that of the applied voltage
dead front
area of equipment which operators access that has no live voltage potential
dielectric test
test where high voltages is impressed between a component and the chassis of the unit (3.24) to check
the insulation characteristics
emergency stop
manually activated switch that is placed in an easily accessible and highly visible position which when
depressed causes an immediate stop to the provision of electrical power from the nearby facility
(3.10) source
equipment designed to supply electrical power to an aircraft on the ground, including means for power
generation, conversion and distribution
Note 1 to entry: Two types of AC facilities are defined by this document. Type 1 is intended for use with more
recent aircrafts that have a large electronic load content while Type 2 is intended for use with legacy aircrafts
that have a large content of inductive motor loads.

ground power unit
external power unit
rotating or static source (or combination thereof) supplied by the ground facility (3.10) to source
electrical power while the aircraft is on the ground
Note 1 to entry: It may be either a point-of-use or centrally located ground power electrical supply in land-based
facilities, or a shipboard power supply in marine applications.

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
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ISO 6858:2017(E)

highest phase voltage limiting
means of limiting the highest phase voltage of the unit (3.24) output during any unbalanced load
line drop compensation
system of increasing the unit (3.24) output voltage in proportion to the current in the output cable(s)
such that the voltage is held constant at the aircraft receptacle
nominal voltage rating
root-mean-square, line-to-neutral and line-to-line voltage at which the unit (3.24) output is rated
Note 1 to entry: The unit is normally set such that output voltage is maintained at this value.

output terminals
terminals on the ground power unit side of the output-power feeders
overload rating
time-limited output capacity
Note 1 to entry: It is measured in kVA for an AC unit and in ampere for a DC unit.

prime mover
source of power for driving the alternator
Note 1 to entry: This generally refers to either a diesel engine (engine generator set) or a utility power-driven
motor (motor generator set) with respect to ground support equipment.

rated load
maximum continuous output in kVA for AC and maximum continuous current in ampere for DC
remote sensing
means of providing constant voltage at the aircraft receptacle(s) by sensing the voltage at the receptacle
with separate leads in the output cable
temperature rise
rise in degrees above ambient for components of the unit (3.24)
total life
hours of use from time of delivery of the equipment to the using activity until its identity is destroyed
by classifying it as salvage and/or subject to cannibalization
actuation of electrical switchgear to inhibit or stop the flow of current through the device
type of mounting
means of mounting the unit (3.24) and controls

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

complete power package
EXAMPLE Prime mover (3.17), alternator and all associated equipment and systems.

voltage transient recovery
time required for the output voltage to recover to and remain within the prescribed limits after load
application or removal

4 Technical basis
Limits defined in this document are based upon historical as well as near-term projected equipment
characteristics. They have been derived, following an analysis of ground power facilities, ground power
distribution systems, aircraft distribution systems and aircraft user equipment characteristics in an
effort to provide compatibility between ground power and the aircraft. These limits provide allowance
for typical power quality degradations as power moves downstream from the aircraft's ground power
connector (where this document applies) and arrives at the input terminals of user equipment (where
ISO 1540 applies).

5 Electrical characteristics

5.1 General

5.1.1 Overview

As illustrated in Figure 1, the combination of the facility, the interconnecting cable and the on-board
electrical network shall combine to provide electrical power at the aircraft user equipment input as
defined in ISO 1540. The characteristics viewed at the aircraft interfacing connector, when the facility
is supplying power to the aircraft, are those specifically defined in this document. These are generally
similar to those of ISO 1540 but account for items such as voltage drop in the aircraft network. Voltage
at the facility source terminals are not defined.
Because of the complex nature of the aircraft network, and often the power quality degrading effects of
aircraft user equipment, the characteristics defined by this document are likely to be inferior to those
which the facility source might provide when connected to a simple load simulation (e.g. a linear load
bank). Test conditions found in this document are therefore aimed at providing manufacturers with
reasonable ability to verify their equipment's performance prior to connection to an aircraft.
The AC voltage characteristics stated below apply to line-to-neutral quantities. Line-to-line
characteristics should be as a result of the specified line-to-neutral values. All AC voltages and currents
are rms values unless otherwise stated.
All DC values are mean values unless otherwise stated.
The stated capacity of the facility equipment shall be provided at the end of the aircraft interfacing
The facility equipment should be designed so that normal service maintenance will ensure the retention
of these specified characteristics throughout the full range of operational and environmental conditions
likely to be encountered in the location in which they are installed over its service life.

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

5.1.2 Alternating current (AC) power sources General

The AC power system shall be three-phase, with a four-wire, wye-connected output, a nominal voltage
of either 115/200 V or 230/400 V, a nominal frequency of 400 Hz and a phase sequence of A-B-C. The
neutral point shall be connected in accordance with the circuits shown in Figure 2. If tied to the chassis
ground, the tie shall be capable of withstanding maximum ground fault current for a minimum of 5 s.
The output voltage shall be sufficiently adjustable to allow the checking of overvoltage and undervoltage
protective devices in an unloaded condition.
NOTE AC facility performance can be measurably affected by the formation of the three-phase cable bundle
between the facility source and the aircraft. In addition to basic ampacity considerations, cabling is preferred
which maintains equal distances between any two phases and between each phase and neutral conductors. AC source rating

Two distinct AC source types, Type 1 and Type 2, are defined in this document. Type 1 AC sources are
defined to support all aircraft types and load suites. Type 2 AC sources are defined to support classical
aircraft with load conditions that are predominantly motor loads.
Each ground facility source shall indicate its continuous power capacity in kilo-volt-amperes (kVA).
Its short-term overload capacity shall be a function of its continuous capacity according to Table 1.
Continuous power capacity and source type (Type 1 or Type 2) shall be clearly marked for operator
Power factor and overload capability as a function of the type classification shall be as follows.

Table 1 — Minimum capacity requirements for AC facility sources

AC facility capacities Continuous
(% of rated kVA)
Type Power factor range (% of rated kVA) 10 min 5 min 10 s 2 s
0,8 lagging to unity 100 % 110 % 125 % 140 % —
0,7 to 0,8 lagging — — — 140 % 200 %
0,8 lagging to unity 80 % — 100 % — —
0,7 to 0,8 lagging 100 % — — 120 % 150 %
NOTE 1   Power factor range is the average three-phase power factor. Individual phase power factors can be different.
NOTE 2   Type 1 or Type 2 facility requirement is per aircraft manufacturer direction.
NOTE 3   Aircraft with multiple facility connections can assume that all are independent 90 kVA sources.

5.1.3 Direct current (DC) power sources General

The DC power system shall be a two wire system having a nominal voltage (at the aircraft plug) of 28 V,
the output of which shall be connected in accordance with the circuits shown in Figure 3. DC source rating

The continuous and engine start rating of the DC ground power facility, in amperes shall be clearly
marked for operator inspection.
Engine start rating, which is also used for wash and purge cycles, is required for a minimum of 30 s to
accommodate both a short-term, peak current inrush and an overload value during engine motoring.

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

The facilities’ peak current capability shall be adjustable, as required to coordinate with different
aircrafts. Recommended values for engine start rating, related to the continuous rating, are as follows.

Continuous rating Recommended engine start rating

a)   300 A between 600 A and 1 200 A

b)   350 A between 700 A and 1 400 A

c)   400 A between 800 A and 1 600 A

d)   600 A between 1 200 A and 2 000 A

e)   800 A between 1 200 A and 2 500 A

Declaration of any additional overload current capability, and the associated time period the facility
may provide, shall also be clearly marked for operator inspection.
NOTE Current levels listed above exceed those defined by ISO 461-1.

5.2 Interface connector

The interconnecting cable shall be terminated with a ground supply connector complying with the
requirements of ISO 461-1 and ISO 461-2 for all continuous ratings supported.
NOTE 230 V AC equipment is not defined by ISO 461–1 and ISO 461–2. Suitable styles for 230/400 V ground
connection plugs and sockets would need to be defined in the International Standards to support the usage of
higher voltage systems.

5.3 Electromagnetic interference

5.3.1 Utility interface

If the facility requires a utility power input, it shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of
the relevant national standard.

5.3.2 Aircraft interface

The facility shall be tested for conducted emissions in accordance with the requirements of ISO 7137,
Category B limits.

5.4 AC steady-state output characteristics

5.4.1 General

AC voltage characteristics are to be guaranteed at the mating interface between the ground facility
plug and the aircraft connector, as indicated in Figure 1, throughout the extremes of electrical loading
and environmental conditions stated in this document.

5.4.2 Steady-state AC load characteristics

Table 2 lists the range of AC steady-state aircraft load characteristics expected to be provided through
the aircraft connector(s) during normal (no failure) conditions.

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

Table 2 — Aircraft steady-state loading characteristics

Parameter Minimum Maximum Units Comment
Current draw 0 100 % Rated amperes Continuous, as per Table 1
Power factor Each phase PF is independent of the
0,7 lagging Unity —
other two phases.
0 1/3 — Facilities of up to 40 kVA
Current imbalance
0 1/6 — Facilities of more than 40 kVA
Rectifier load may be on any or all
rectifier load 0 1/9 Phase kVA rating
(6-pulse) rectifier 0 1/6 Output kVA rating —
load content
transformer 0 1/3 Output kVA rating —
rectifier (12-pulse)
rectifier (12-pulse) Type 1 facilities of
0 1/3 Output kVA rating
with constant more than 60 kVA
power load
NOTE 1   In all cases, additional load may be resistive.
NOTE 2   Conditions shown may appear simultaneously within the facilities capacity limitations.

5.4.3 Steady-state AC voltage performance General

AC ground power facility steady-state electrical characteristics at the aircraft connector shall be within
the limits of Table 3 for all load conditions identified in Table 2. In cases where there is more than one
aircraft connection with the ground power facility, all outputs shall be maintained within these limits.
Phase relationship between the three phases is as shown in Figure 4. Highest phase voltage limiting feature

Means shall be provided in any Type 1 ground power facility to limit the highest phase voltage to 124 V
(248 V for 230/400 V systems) at all aircraft connectors during unbalanced load conditions. Line drop compensation feature

Means shall be provided in the ground power facility to compensate for the reduction in AC voltage
between the ground power facility and the aircraft connector (due to voltage drop in the interfacing
cable) such that the characteristics of Table 3 are maintained during all steady-state loading conditions.
Sources with multiple outputs shall coordinate these regulation features to accomplish the performance
required in Table 3 during conditions of unequal loading of the individual outputs. Voltage regulation in presence of highly distorting loads

Means of voltage sensing for the regulation function shall maintain regulation during conditions of up
to 10 % voltage total distortion.

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ISO 6858:2017(E)

Table 3 — Steady-state limits for 115/200 V AC three-phase ground power systems

Limits at aircraft connector(s)
Steady state conditions (see 5.4.3)
0–rated load Rated load to overload
Phase voltages
3-phase average (Vrms) 112,0 to 120,5 110,0 to 120,5
Individual phase (Vrms) 109,5 to 122,0 106,0 to 122,0
Unbalance (Vrms) 4,0 —
Displacement (degrees) 117,5 to 122,5 —
Voltage modulation — —
Max peak-valley amplitude (Vpk) 3,5 —
Frequency components Figure 5 —
Voltage waveform  
Crest factor 1,31 to 1,51 —
Distortion factor 5 % total —
Individual comp. of distortion 4 % max per Figure 6 —
DC Component (V DC) −0,1 to +0,1 —
Frequency (Hz) 395 to 405 390 to 410
Frequency modulation Figure 7 —
NOTE 1    Limits for 230  V AC systems shall be 230/115 times as those shown above, except for values in
NOTE 2     See Table 2 for loading conditions which apply to these performance limits.

5.5 AC transient characteristics

5.5.1 General

AC ground power facility transient performance shall be within the limits stated herein for the
identified AC load characteristics.

5.5.2 Transient AC load characteristics

The following are the transient AC load characteristics expected through the aircraft connector(s)
during normal (no failure) conditions:
a) balanced three-phase load application or removals within the capacity limits of Table 1;
b) motor start load transient — base load plus low power factor (0,4 PF to 0,6 PF lagging typical) motor
current inrush, as specified for individual applications, not to exceed the rated output capability;
c) momentary parallel with on-board aircraft power sources during a no-break power transfer (NBPT);
d) very short duration (one to three cycles) of high (approximately 300  %) peak inrush currents,
decaying to steady-state levels within 150 mS when first energizing aircraft buses.

5.5.3 Transient AC voltage

Transient AC voltage surges produced by the ground power facility at the aircraft connector shall
remain within the limits of Figure 8 as a result of the transient AC load conditions identified in 5.5.2
within the capacity limits of Table 1.

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ISO 6858:2017(E) No-break power transfer limits

Type 1 facilities shall be able to operate in an uninterrupted fashion during NBPT and maintain voltage
and frequency within specified limits when out of synchronization with the on-board power source.
The ground and on-board power sources may be displaced by as much as   ±30° in phase,   ±2  Hz in
frequency and   ±10  Vrms for a maximum time duration of 100  ms. If the NBPT conditions are more
severe, the unit's protection device(s) may be activated.

5.5.4 Transient frequency

Transient AC frequency surges produced by the ground power facility at the aircraft connector shall
remain within the limits of Figure 9 as a result of the identified transient AC load conditions.

5.6 DC steady-state output characteristics

5.6.1 Steady-state DC load characteristics

DC ground power facility steady-state electrical characteristics at the aircraft connector shall be within
the limits of Table 4 for all load conditions between 0 and rated continuous current draw.

5.6.2 Steady-state voltage

The voltage at the aircraft connector shall be between 24  V and 29,5  V for any steady-state load
condition up to rated load.

5.6.3 Voltage ripple

The ripple on the DC supply shall be such that the maximum departure from the average DC level is
less than 2 V. The rms value of individual spectral components of the ripple shall not exceed the values
shown in Figure 10. These spectral components shall not result in a distortion factor that exceeds 3,5 %.

Table 4 — Steady-state limits for 28 V DC ground power systems

Limits at aircraft
Steady state conditions (see 5.6) connector(s) (0–rated
DC Voltage
DC voltage (V DC) 24 to 29,5
Voltage waveform
Voltage ripple (pk-Ave Volts) 2
Distortion factor 3,5 %
Individual comp. of distortion per Figure 10

5.7 DC transient characteristics

5.7.1 Transient DC load characteristics (other than engine start-related)

Transient requirements at the aircraft connector(s) during normal (no failure) conditions shall include
load application and removals up to rated continuous output current.

5.7.2 Transient DC voltage

Transient DC voltage surges produced by the ground power facility at the aircraft connector shall
remain within the limits of Figure 11 as a result of the identified transient DC load characteristics.

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5.7.3 Engine starting output characteristics

Transient voltages during the engine start will be a function of starter impedance and the applied
current, resulting in transient voltages that may exceed Figure 11. Minimum voltage during a maximum
current engine start condition shall be identified in the unit's standard documentation.

6 Electrical protection

6.1 General
The minimum protection to be provided shall meet the requirements in ISO 12100, IEC 60204-1,
IEC 61140 and of 6.2 and 6.3. These functions are intended to both protect the personnel and the ground
power facility (including distribution elements) as well as to ensure coordination with the aircraft's
protective functions. Means shall be provided for periodic checking of these minimum protective
circuits. When a protective circuit has operated, the facility shall remain disconnected from the aircraft
until manually reset.
NOTE Electrical protection requirements herein are intended to provide an overall selective protection
scheme between the facility and the aircraft, with each protecting their equipment area, preferably with the
aircraft protection acting first.

6.2 AC system protection

6.2.1 Overvoltage

A protective system shall be provided which disconnects the facility from the aircraft electrical system
before any line-to-neutral voltage exceeds the maximum voltage time limit of Figure 12.

6.2.2 Undervoltage

A protective system shall be provided which disconnects the facility from the aircraft electrical system
when the average line-to-neutral voltage drops below the minimum voltage time limit of Figure 12.

6.2.3 Frequency

A protective system shall be provided which disconnects the facility from the aircraft electrical system
when the frequency departs from the 380  Hz to 420  Hz range. A time delay of between 2  s and 3  s
should be employed to reduce nuisance tripping. For frequencies below 350 Hz, the time delay shall be
reduced to less than 0,2 s.

6.2.4 Overcurrent and short circuits

The overcurrent protective system shall automatically remove power from a facility output when
its time/load characteristic exceeds its rating. Overcurrent protection should have an inverse time
characteristic and should operate to protect the facility if a short circuit occurs within the ground
power source or its distribution system. A suitable minimum time delay shall be employed to reduce
the likelihood of nuisance tripping (e.g. at least five cycles in duration). Ground facility power is not
required to provide current to clear circuit breakers on the aircraft.
Overload protection on a multiple output facility shall function independently for all outputs. The
ground power facility shall only trip the output associated with the overcurrent condition. No current
limit associated voltage foldback mode shall be used; however, peak output currents shall be limited to
no more than 1 600 A.

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6.2.5 Phase sequence

A phase sequence protective system shall be provided which prevents the facility from being connected
to the aircraft electrical system when the phase rotation of the generated voltage is not consistent with
that of Figure 4.

6.2.6 DC content

Ground facilities that generate AC power through solid state means shall include protection for
DC content voltage. An inverse time-trip characteristic shall be provided to limit the voltage-time
characteristics below and shown in Figure 13.

6.2.7 Open neutral/phase conductors

Ground facilities that generate AC power shall include protection for open neutral conductors. The
facility shall remove its supply upon loss of the neutral conductor path.
It is encouraged that facility 400  Hz cable systems which employ multiple neutral conductors in an
individual harness have the ability to detect and identify individual open neutral conductors to avoid
power quality degradation during a latent failure condition.
NOTE Open phase conductor protection is assumed to be provided by the aircraft system and therefore, not
required of the facility, unless necessary for its own self-protection.

6.2.8 Earth/Ground fault

Utility supplied AC ground power facilities which are not grounding the AC neutral shall continuously
monitor the voltage potential between utility ground/chassis and 400  Hz AC neutral and provide
earth/ground fault protection. The facility shall remove its supply upon detection of a voltage potential
not to exceed 50 Vpk for a time period not to exceed one second. Means shall be provided to prevent
unintentional and intentional override of this protection.

6.3 DC system protection

6.3.1 Overvoltage

A protective system shall be provided which disconnects the facility from the aircraft electrical system
before the voltage exceeds the maximum voltage time limit of Figure 14.

6.3.2 Undervoltage

A protective system shall be provided which disconnects the facility from the aircraft electrical system
before the voltage exceeds the minimum voltage time limit of Figure 14. A time delay of between two
seconds and four seconds shall be provided to prevent nuisance tripping. If the facility has engine
start capability, the minimum voltage time limit shall be coordinated with the expected worst case
characteristics during engine start.

6.3.3 Reverse polarity

A protective system shall be provided which prevents the facility from being connected to the aircraft
electrical system when the polarity of the generated voltage is incorrect.

6.3.4 Reverse current

A protection system shall be provided which disconnects the facility from the aircraft electrical system
if the reverse current exceeds 5 % of the continuous rating of the facility. In no circumstances shall the
aircraft electrical system be permitted to motor the facility's prime mover.

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6.3.5 Overcurrent and short circuits

The overcurrent protective system shall automatically remove power from a facility output when its
time/load characteristic exceeds its rating. In order to ensure compatibility and reduce the likelihood
of aircraft equipment damage, DC ground power facilities used for engine starting shall have an output
current limit feature with an accuracy of at least ±10 %.

7 Control circuit and supply

7.1 Control circuits

Unless otherwise required by the relevant specification, the facility shall be capable of connection
through aircraft connectors having control circuits which are functionally equivalent to those shown in
Figure 2 for an AC facility or Figure 3 for a DC facility.

7.2 Aircraft interlock supply for AC facilities

7.2.1 General

When commanded on by an operator, facility power shall be provided to the aircraft for a minimum
of 2,5 s without the aircraft providing the interlock signal at Pin F. This time period allows on-board
aircraft controls to energize and may be met by automatic timer or continuous operator action. It
shall not be possible for the facility to supply power to the aircraft through this connection. Anytime
after the aircraft interlock (Pin F) has been provided, the facility shall remove its supply within 0,25 s
upon removal of the interlock signal. The facility should be tolerant of momentary interruptions in the
interlock signal of up to 50 mS duration.

7.2.2 Interlock signal characteristics

The voltage supply at Pin E, typically provided by the aircraft, will be consistent with the steady-state
and transient characteristics of 28  V DC power defined in ISO  1540. The current required from the
aircraft electrical system for this purpose shall not exceed 0,5 A.

7.2.3 Maintenance mode

An easily accessible tool or key-operated or cover-locked switch or control shall allow qualified
personnel the selection of either of the following two modes:
a) normal, for aircraft loads;
b) maintenance, for dummy loads or no load.
In maintenance position, the interlock circuit shall be inhibited with maintenance mode clearly
identified. If an interlock signal is present, the unit shall automatically return to normal mode.

8 Test requirements
Any supplier of a ground power facility that references this document shall provide, when requested by
someone intending to purchase such equipment, proof of conformity by means of electrical test results.
These tests shall include the stated electrical load conditions identified in Clause 5 and identification
of acceptably meeting the performance and protection requirements found in Clauses 5 and 6.
Performance measurements shall be made at the aircraft connector end. The external power cable (in
maximum length) is expected to be used in service. Maximum cable lengths successfully tested shall be
reflected in the nameplate data. Annex A shall be consulted for test requirements of AC facilities and
Annex B for DC facilities. Application of digital equipment to make measurements required in these
tests shall follow the methods outlined in ISO 12384.

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9 Safety requirements

9.1 General
Each ground support facility shall incorporate, when applicable, the following safety procedures.

9.2 Mechanical safety features

9.2.1 Hot temperatures

The ground supply facility shall include protections necessary (e.g. overtemperature) as necessary
to maintain the safety and reliabity of the operation and limit the exposure of the equipment to
potential damage.

9.2.2 Fuel tank

The fuel tank filler shall be accessible from the ground level and shall be located to minimize the
possibility of fuel impinging on electrical or engine components during filling operations.

9.2.3 Exhaust

The prime mover exhaust shall be routed clear of fuel and electrical system components. If routed
through areas where leakage of oil and grease or fuel could occur, the exhaust system shall be shielded
from direct contact with leakage.
The exhaust system shall be designed to minimize the emission of sparks.

9.2.4 Foreign object ingestion

Adequate guards shall be provided to prevent entry of foreign debris as a result of cooling air suction or
accidental acts of operating or maintenance personnel.

9.2.5 Control panel

There shall be unrestricted access to the controls and instruments on the control panel which shall
contain all controls necessary for the operation and control of the ground power facility. The panel
controls and instruments shall be adequately illuminated for night operation. Indicating instruments
shall be readable from the operator's normal position and controls shall be clearly identified. The layout
of the control panel shall be such that controls and instruments are grouped according to function, i.e.
prime mover, alternator, etc.
Adequate operating instructions shall be placed in close proximity to the control panel.

9.2.6 Ergonomics

The facility shall be easily operated by personnel possessing no special skills who have been given
training on the equipment. All operator controls and instruments shall be conveniently grouped at one
location. Operation shall be easily accomplished while wearing foul-weather clothing.

9.2.7 Fire fighting

All facilities shall be fitted with fire suppression equipment adequate to deal with an electrical fire and
contain any fire propagated by hazardous conditions such as a breakage in a prime mover's fuel supply
line. Equipment shall be acceptable to local and national standards upon installation.

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9.3 Electrical safety features

9.3.1 Overload

The facility shall observe the electrical performance and protection requirements of this document and
any other requirements warranted to prevent electrical overload.

9.3.2 Fault conditions

The main switch and any device which breaks the main supply under fault conditions shall be designed
that an operator cannot readily override the safety features.

9.3.3 Trip switch

All facilities shall incorporate a prominently situated emergency stop device at all control places, in
accordance with ISO 13850 category 0 or 1, to isolate the supplies to the aircraft and shut down the
facility immediately if a dangerous situation is observed.

9.3.4 Earthing

Earthing of the AC or DC facility outputs is selective in this document. Primary guidance should
be available from airframer instructions, national regulation or contractual specification for the
equipment. The facility shall provide means to earth the aircraft while connected to facility power.
Means shall be provided to earth the facility frame or chassis with a capability that supports maximum
earth fault currents. The AC neutral and DC negative outputs shall be electrically connected via
removable means to the facility frame or chassis. Provision shall be made, however, for isolating them
separately from the facility frame or chassis in consideration of alternative means to earth the aircraft.

9.3.5 Facility with electrical supply

The electrical supply for the drive motor or conversion circuitry and all associated operating and
monitoring equipment shall be electrically separated from that reserved for the circuits’ connection to
the aircraft. All possible precautions shall be taken to prevent interaction between the input and output
circuits. This shall include both physical separation, and in the case of alternating current sources with
static conversion means, a safety isolating transformer (e.g. IEC 61558-2-6).
The neutral of the utility provided electrical power shall not be earthed at the facility. Utility-supplied
ground conductor shall be bonded to the facility chassis or case.

9.4 Features to safeguard personnel

9.4.1 General

Ground support equipment shall offer safety to personnel operating the equipment or in its vicinity.
The safety of electrical equipment of ground support electrical supplies shall comply with ISO 12100,
IEC 60204-1, IEC 61140 and the requirements of this document.
Electrically live terminals, rotating parts and hot surfaces shall be protected against inadvertent
All rotating or moving parts shall be shielded to prevent accidental contact while unit is in normal
operating mode. Safety signs shall be provided.

9.4.2 Electrical contact

Control panel doors should be provided with locks to prevent entrance other than by authorized
personnel when practical. All controls, instruments, and wiring shall be mounted in a dead front
enclosure. Only authorized personnel shall be capable of operating the unit with control panel doors

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open. Inside the control panel, any voltage over 50 V shall be specially shielded or suitably interlocked
to prevent accidental contact. Load contactor(s) shall be provided so that the feeder cable(s) are not
energized except when engaged with the aircraft plug. Suitable warning labels or covers shall be
provided if internal voltages decay slowly after shutdown.

9.4.3 Anti-arcing protection

Load contactor(s) interlocked with the aircraft electrical system shall be provided so that the feeder
cable(s) do not remain energized except when engaged with the aircraft plug. Standard wiring diagrams
are given in Figures 2 and 3.

9.4.4 Noise

The overall noise level of a mobile facility shall not exceed 85 dB(A) at a distance of 7 m. Noise-attenuated
(insonorized) units shall not exceed 80 dB(A) at 3 m (10 ft).

9.4.5 Vibration

The unit shall be designed and constructed so that no parts will work loose in service. It shall be built
to withstand the stresses, shocks, vibrations, and other conditions/incidents in shipping, storage,
installation, and service.

10 General design features

10.1 Environmental conditions

Electrical ground support equipment shall be capable of withstanding or operating satisfactorily when
exposed to the following conditions with suitable derating:
a) ambient temperature range of −30 °C to +52 °C (−22 °F to +125 °F) when operating;
b) ambient temperature range of −40 °C to +60 °C (−40 °F to +140 °F) when not operating;
c) relative humidity of between 10 % and 100 % (noncondensing);
d) full operating performance up to an altitude of 3 050  m (10 000  ft) above sea level without any
derating unless noted in the nameplate data.

10.2 Life expectancy

Electrical ground support equipment shall be designed for a minimum life expectancy of 15 years with
routine service and periodic adjustment.

10.3 Manufacturing, service and support features

10.3.1 General

The ground support facility should be designed and manufactured so that normal service maintenance
will ensure the retention of characteristics specified in this document throughout life expectancy.

10.3.2 Material, parts and processes

All materials shall be new and suitable for the purpose intended.
No component shall be used in the assembly of the equipment that will be subjected to conditions in
excess of the original manufacturer's recommended operating limits. Components shall be suitably
selected to ensure a rated service life.

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No hidden or inaccessible fasteners shall be used unless adequately secured to prevent turning, i.e.
rivets, tapped threads, tack welded nuts, or studs.
Fire resistant and non-moisture absorbing materials shall be used wherever possible.

10.3.3 Moisture and fungus resistance

Equipment and controls that are exposed to the weather shall be weather-resistant type.

10.3.4 Corrosion of metal parts

Suitable and adequate corrosion protection shall be applied throughout the equipment.

10.3.5 Workmanship

Electrical ground support equipment, including all parts and accessories, shall be fabricated and
finished in a workmanlike manner. Particular attention shall be given to freedom from blemishes,
defects, burrs, and sharp edges; accuracy of dimensions, radii of fillets, and marking of parts and
assemblies; thoroughness of soldering, welding, brazing, painting, wiring, and riveting; and alignment
of parts and tightness of assembly screws, bolts, etc.

10.3.6 Product enclosures

Cabinet enclosures shall be designed to be suitable for the intended environmental conditions. The
components and subassemblies shall be mounted in such a manner that no damage will occur as a result
of transportation. Means shall be provided for easy access to the component parts contained therein.
The equipment shall be suitably primed and finished.

10.3.7 Service access for adjustments and repairs

Electrical ground support equipment shall be constructed such that maintenance personnel can easily
make adjustments and repairs.
Only standard tools shall be required for maintenance of any parts of the equipment.
Major assemblies and components shall be easily disconnected and removed from the equipment
without the necessity for extensive disassembly of the other components. Lifting eyes, forklift channels,
or other devices shall be provided where required. Adequate identification shall be provided for wiring,
terminals, and controls.

10.3.8 Interchangeability and replaceability

All parts having the same manufacturer's part number shall be directly and completely interchangeable
with each other with respect to installation and performance.

11 Installation, operation and maintenance

A complete manual shall be provided with each unit containing the following information in accordance
with the requirements of ISO 12100:
a) unit description and specification;
b) installation and pre-start procedures;
c) starting and operating instructions;
d) maintenance and troubleshooting instructions;

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e) replacement parts list;

f) schematics and point-to-point wiring diagrams;
g) engine manual (if applicable);
h) “Type” definition and cable maximum length of AC supply.
Manuals shall be provided concurrent with the delivery of first production unit.

12 Labelling
All ground power facilities shall be fitted with a metal or pressure-sensitive data plate displaying the
following minimum information:
a) manufacturer's name, part or model number, serial number, and revision status;
b) electrical supply requirements;
c) nominal output voltage or voltages;
d) output rating of the facility, including “Type” definition of an AC supply and maximum cable length
for which performance tests were successfully completed;
e) environmental restrictions (including non-overlap of requirements);
f) number of this document or unique specification.
All instruments and controls shall be suitably identified. Adequate operating instruction placards shall
be permanently affixed in proximity to all control panels.
A warning label shall be permanently affixed to each relevant service panel where high voltages are
Fuses and circuit breakers shall be suitably marked as to circuit designation.

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1 central facility source type
2 gate box
3 point-of-use source type
4 GPU stinger(s)
5 point-of-measurement for ISO 6858 power quality
6 user equipment connections (ISO 1540 measurement point)
7 on board aircraft generator

Figure 1 — Power quality measurement points for external and aircraft power

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1 typical AC ground supply 9 removable jumper
2 alternator (phase sequence A-B-C) 10 facility frame
3 “off” switch 11 earth reference
4 test switch 12 ground supply free socket
5 28 V DC control supply 13 aircraft fixed plug
6 GPU “on” switch (momentary) 14 to control
7 AC supply contactor 15 aircraft 28 V DC supply
8 fixed jumper

Figure 2 — Standard wiring diagram for three-phase AC plug and socket with Pin E/F interlock

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- - -
+ + +

1 typical DC ground supply 6 reverse polarity protection
2 ground supply free socket a To airframe.
3 aircraft fixed plug b To aircraft busbar.
4 on switch c To control.
5 off switch

Figure 3 — Standard wiring diagram for DC plug and socket

1 phase voltage (L-N)
2 direction of positive phase duration
3 line voltage (L-L)

Note Displacement factor calculations only examine the phase displacement between the fundamental
components of the voltage waveform.

Figure 4 — Diagram of line designations and normal phase sequence

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Figure 5 — Limits for spectral components of voltage modulation

140 139,26 9,2 10
133,25 4,6
120 1
100 0,1
100 400 1 000 10 000 16 000 100 000

Figure 6 — Limits for spectral components of voltage distortion

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Figure 7 — Limits for spectral components of frequency modulation

Phase voltage (Vrms)




0.001 0.01 0,1
0.1 0,150
0,01 1 10

1 normal transients

NOTE 1 Limits are for rms values. Peak values are a function of the values shown and the crest factor limits of
Table 3 (Vpk = crest factor × Vrms).

NOTE 2 Limits for 230 V are 230/115 times those shown.

Figure 8 — Envelope for normal AC voltage transients

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1 Normal transients
Overshoot Undershoot
480 Sec. Hz Hz
0,01 430 370
0,15 430 370
460 2,00 405 395
10,00 405 395

Frequency (Hz)

400 2 3 405



0 0,01 0,1 1 10
0,05 0,15 2 5

1 over frequency trip limit
2 normal transients
3 overload transients
4 under frequency trip limit

NOTE Frequency transients of less than the time periods shown are not identified.

Figure 9 — Envelope for AC frequency transients

Ac Ripple frequency limits
Voltage (rms) of each frequency component

Freq. Component
(kHz) (Vrms)
0,01 0,2
0,18 0,2/0,56
1,0 0,56/1,4
1 15,0 1,4
150,0 0,001 5



0,01 0,1 0,18 1 10 15 100 150 1 000

Figure 10 — Limits for spectral components of 28 V DC system ripple

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30 29,5
Volts DC



0,001 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25

Figure 11 — Envelope for normal DC voltage transients

1 Over voltage trip limit:
178,5 Vrms
Time (sec)
0,001 to 0,050
124,5 + 2,7 / T 0,050 to 5
Phase voltage (Vrms)

125 Vrms 5 to 10

2 125
100 104


0,001 0,01 0,1 0,150 1 10

1 overvoltage trip limit
2 normal transients
3 undervoltage trip limit

NOTE 1 Limits are for rms values. Peak values are a function of the values shown and the crest factor limits
(Vpk = crest factor × Vrms).

NOTE 2 Limits for 230 V are 230/115 times those shown.

Figure 12 — Envelope for AC voltage protection limits

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Abnormal d.c. content
Time (s) Level (Vd.c.)
0,01 to 0,025 20
20 0,05 10
0,1 5
5 to 10 0,1
> 10 0
Volts DC



0,01 0,025 0,1 1 10

Figure 13 — Envelope for DC voltage content on AC system

Over voltage trip limit:
44,0 V 0,001 s to 0,1 s
50 30,8 + 1,32 / t 0,1 s to 5 s
31 V 5 s to 10 s

Volts DC

30 31

20 20,5


0,001 0,01 0,1 1 7 10

1 overvoltage/undervoltage trip limits

Figure 14 — Envelope for DC voltage protection limits

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Annex A

Acceptable test listing for AC facilities

A.1 Capacity tests

Load the facility per the total load values and the time values shown in Table A.1. If the facility has
multiple outputs, one output shall be loaded at its rated capacity and the remaining system capacity
distributed amongst the remaining outputs.

Table A.1 — Capacity load versus time

Type 1 Type 2
Time % rated capacity PF % rated capacity PF
2 h 100 % 1,0 80 % Unity
10 min 110 % 0,8 lag, 1,0 N/A —
5 min 125 % 1,0 100 % 1,0
10 s 140 % 0,7 lag 120 % 0,7 lag
2 s 200 % 0,7 lag 150 % 0,7 lag

Monitor voltage at the aircraft connector to verify continued operation within acceptable limits during
the capacity tests.

A.2 Voltage adjustment test

Manipulate the voltage adjustment device and verify that overvoltage and undervoltage trips occur at
the aircraft connector in accordance with the limits defined in Figure 12.

A.3 Balanced linear load tests

Load the facility at the following power levels and power factors (applicable to both Type 1 and Type 2
facilities unless otherwise noted):
a) 0 %;
b) 25 % at 0,8 PF lagging and unity;
c) 50 % at 0,8 PF lagging and unity;
d) 80 % at 0,8 PF lagging and unity;
e) 100 % at 0,8 PF lagging;
f) 100 % at unity PF (Type 1 only).
Record and verify that the steady-state limits of Table 3 for voltage, frequency and total distortion are
maintained at the aircraft connector. If the facility accepts electrical power, verify that it meets the EMC
requirements of Clause 5.

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A.4 Unbalanced linear load tests

Load the facility at the phase current levels and power factors shown in Table A.2.

Table A.2 — Unbalanced load test points

Phase A load Phase B load Phase C load
Test Application Per unit PF Per unit PF Per unit PF
current current current
a) Type 1, 2 0 — 0 — U 0,8
b) Type 1, 2 0 — 0 — U 1
c) Type 1, 2 0 — U 0,8 U 0,8
d) Type 1, 2 0 — U 1 U 1
e) Type 1, 2 (1 − U) 0,8 (1 − U) 0,8 1 0,8
f) Type 1 only (1 − U) 1 (1 − U) 1 1 1
g) Type 1, 2 (1 − U) 0,8 1 0,8 1 0,8
h) Type 1 only (1 − U) 1 1 1 1 1
NOTE 1   In this table, U = allowed imbalance; 1/3 for facilities up to 40 kVA, 1/6 for facilities
above 40 kVA.
NOTE 2   According to the definitions in ISO  1540, per unit (PU) phase current for a 90  kVA
source = 90 000/115/3 or 261 arms.

Record voltage at the aircraft connector and verify that the steady-state limits of Table 3 for voltage,
frequency and distortion are maintained.

A.5 Nonlinear load tests

Load the facility with the variety of linear and nonlinear loads, at the power levels and power factors
shown in Table A.3 (applicable to both Type 1 and Type 2 facilities unless otherwise noted).

Table A.3 — Nonlinear load test points

Phase A Phase B Phase C
6-pulse 12-pulse 3Φ
1Φ 1Φ 1Φ
Linear 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ rectifier
Test 2-pulse 2-pulse 2-pulse
load rectifier rectifier constant
rectifier rectifier rectifier
load load power
load load load
Per unit PF Per unit Per unit Per unit Per unit Per unit Per unit
power power power power power power power
a) 1/2 0,8 1/6 0 0 0 0 0
b) 1/3 0,8 0 1/3 0 0 1/9 1/9
c) 1/3 1 1/6 1/3 0 0 0 0
d) 1/2 1 0 1/3 0 0 0 0
e) 1/3 1 1/6 0 0 1/9 0 0
f) 1/3 0,8 0 0 0 0 1/9 1/9
NOTE 1   The last two test points are only applicable to Type 1 facilities of more than 60 kVA continuous rating.
NOTE 2   6-pulse, 3Φ and 2-pulse, 1Φ loads can be constructed as defined in ISO 7137:1995, Clause 16.
NOTE 3   Constant power load implementation requires active control to cause this effect in addition to the rectifier

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
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ISO 6858:2017(E)

Table A.3 (continued)

Phase A Phase B Phase C
6-pulse 12-pulse 3Φ
1Φ 1Φ 1Φ
Linear 3Φ 3Φ 3Φ rectifier
Test 2-pulse 2-pulse 2-pulse
load rectifier rectifier constant
rectifier rectifier rectifier
load load power
load load load
Per unit PF Per unit Per unit Per unit Per unit Per unit Per unit
power power power power power power power
g) 1/3 1 0 1/3 0 1/9 1/9 1/9
h) 1/3 0,8 0 0 1/3 0 1/9 0
i) 1/6 1 0 0 1/3 0 0 0
NOTE 1   The last two test points are only applicable to Type 1 facilities of more than 60 kVA continuous rating.
NOTE 2   6-pulse, 3Φ and 2-pulse, 1Φ loads can be constructed as defined in ISO 7137:1995, Clause 16.
NOTE 3   Constant power load implementation requires active control to cause this effect in addition to the rectifier

Record voltage at the aircraft connector and verify that the steady-state limits of Table 3 for voltage,
frequency, modulation and distortion are maintained.

A.6 AC facility transient load tests

A.6.1 Step loads test
Apply the following step load and removals and observe that the transient frequency and voltage at the
aircraft connector remain within the transient limits specified in Clause 5:
a) 0 % to 25 % at 0,8 PF;
b) 0 % to 25 % at unity;
c) 0 % to 50 % at 0,8 PF;
d) 0 % to 50 % at unity;
e) 0 % to 100 % at 0,8 PF;
f) 0 % to 100 % at unity (Type 1 only);
g) 50 % to 0 % at 0.8 PF;
h) 50 % to 0 % at unity;
i) 100 % to 2 % at 0,8 PF;
j) 100 % to 2 % at unity (Type 1 only).

A.6.2 Motor start load test

Apply the pre-loads and motor start loads, as defined in Table A.4, and observe that the transient
frequency and voltage at the aircraft connector remains within the limits specified in Clause 5.

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)

Table A.4 — Motor start load tests

Type Test Pre-load Motor start load
Per unit Per unit Time
power power (S)
1 a) 0,65 0,9 0,8 0,5 10
1 b) 0,8 0,95 1,33 0,5 2
2 c) 0,33 1 1 0,5 10
2 d) 0,85 0,8 0,66 0,55 2

A.7 AC facility protection tests

Provide sufficient stimulus to cause conditions requiring exercise of the following protective functions
and verify appropriate responses:
a) overvoltage;
b) undervoltage;
c) frequency;
d) overcurrent and short circuits;
e) phase sequence;
f) DC content (if applicable);
g) open neutral/phase conductor(s);
h) earth/ground fault (if applicable).

A.8 AC facility example test data sheets

Suppliers wishing to show verification of meeting the AC facility test requirements of this document
shall prepare documentation of their test results. An acceptable example is shown in Table A.5.

Table A.5 — Acceptable test data sheets for AC facilities

Cover sheet
Facility type (1 or 2)  
Rating (kVA)  
Output voltage (115/200 or 230/400 Vrms)  
GPU-to-aircraft stinger style/length used for test  
Load equipment utilized  
Test date(s)  
Test location  
Test notes (if desired)  

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)

NOTE Data are not required in grey cell areas.

Figure A.1 — AC steady-state data sheet

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
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ISO 6858:2017(E)

Figure A.2 — AC transient data sheet

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
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ISO 6858:2017(E)

Annex B

Acceptable test listing for DC facilities

B.1 DC facility capacity tests

Load the facility per the total load values and the time values shown in Table B.1.

Table B.1 — DC facility capacity test conditions

Load Time
(% rated current)
25 % 10 min
50 % 10 min
75 % 10 min
100 % 2 h

Monitor steady-state and ripple voltage at the aircraft connector to verify continued operation within
acceptable limits during the capacity tests.

B.2 DC facility transient load tests

Apply the following step load and removals and observe that the voltage limits during the transients
are within the limits specified in Clause 5.
a) 0 % to 50 %;
b) 50 % to 100 %;
c) 100 % to 50 %;
d) 50 % to 0 %.

B.3 DC facility engine start tests

Apply a resistive load sufficient to draw the stated engine start current rating and verify that
the minimum voltage during the engine start does not fall below the voltage guaranteed by the

B.4 DC facility protection tests

Provide sufficient stimulus to cause conditions requiring exercise of the following protective functions
and verify appropriate responses.
a) overvoltage;
b) undervoltage;
c) reverse current;
d) overcurrent and short circuits;

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)

e) reverse polarity.

B.5 DC facility example test data sheets

Suppliers wishing to show verification of meeting the DC facility test requirements of this document
shall prepare documentation of their test results. An acceptable example is shown in Table B.2.

Table B.2 — Acceptable test data sheet for DC facilities

Rating (A DC)  
GPU-to-aircraft stinger gauge/length used for test  
Load equipment utilized  
Test date(s)  
Test location  
Test notes (if desired)  

B.1 DC facility capacity tests

Load Time Parameter Limit Actual
Steady-state voltage per Table 4
25 % 10 min
Ripple voltage per Table 4
Steady-state voltage per Table 4
50 % 10 min
Ripple voltage per Table 4
Steady-state voltage per Table 4
75 % 10 min
Ripple voltage per Table 4
Steady-state voltage per Table 4
100 % 2 h
Ripple voltage per Table 4
B.2 DC facility transient load tests
Load change Limit Pass/Fail
0 % to 50 % Voltage shall be
50 % to 100 % plotted to demonstrate
100 % to 50 % it does not exceed the
limits specified in
50 % to 0 % Figure 11.
B.3 DC facility engine start test
Load Minimum voltage limit Actual value
______ A ____ V DC
B.4 Protection tests
Parameter Limit Pass/Fail
per 6.3.1
Overvoltage (attach appropriate data
to demonstrate)
per 6.3.2
Undervoltage (attach appropriate data
to demonstrate)

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)

Table B.2 (continued)

per 6.3.3
Reverse current (attach appropriate data
to demonstrate)
per 6.3.4
Overcurrent and
Short circuits (attach appropriate data
to demonstrate)
per 6.3.5
Reverse polarity (attach appropriate data
to demonstrate)

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)


[1] IEC 61558-2-6, Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for
supply voltages up to 1 100 V — Part 2-6: Particular requirements and tests for safety isolating
transformers and power supply units incorporating safety isolating transformers

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Licensed to BERTOLI SRL / CRISTINA MENARDI ([email protected])
ISO Store Order: OP-667666 / Downloaded: 2023-02-20
Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited.
ISO 6858:2017(E)

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