ICAO Abbreviations and Codes: Ninth Edition, 2016

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Doc 8400


ICAO Abbreviations and Codes

Ninth Edition, 2016

This edition supersedes, on 10 November 2016, all previous editions of Doc 8400.


Doc 8400

ICAO Abbreviations and Codes

Ninth Edition, 2016

This edition supersedes, on 10 November 2016, all previous editions of Doc 8400.


Published in separate English, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the
999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard, Montréal, Quebec, Canada H3C 5H7

For ordering information and for a complete listing of sales agents

and booksellers, please go to the ICAO website at www.icao.int

First edition, 1964

Eighth edition, 2010
Ninth edition, 2016

Doc 8400, Procedures for Air Navigation Services —

ICAO Abbreviations and Codes
Order Number: 8400
ISBN 978-92-9258-089-6

© ICAO 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior
permission in writing from the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Amendments are announced in the supplements to the Products and Services

Catalogue; the Catalogue and its supplements are available on the ICAO website at
www.icao.int. The space below is provided to keep a record of such amendments.



Date Date Entered Date Date Entered

No. applicable entered by No. of issue entered by

1-32 Incorporated in this Edition.

33 8/11/18 — ICAO



Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................................... (vii)


Decode ................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1

Encode ................................................................................................................................................................. 1-19

Abbreviations for identifying aeronautical fixed service (AFS) messages

Encode ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-1

Abbreviations and terms to be transmitted as spoken words when used in radiotelephony

Decode ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1

Encode ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-3

Abbreviations and terms to be transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form when
used in radiotelephony

Decode ................................................................................................................................................................. 4-1

Encode ................................................................................................................................................................. 4-3

Designation of typical radiocommunication emissions .............................................................................................. 5-1

Signal reporting codes ................................................................................................................................................ 6-1

The NOTAM Code

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. 7-1

Second and third letters ................................................................................................................................... 7-7
Fourth and fifth letters ..................................................................................................................................... 7-12
Second and third letters ................................................................................................................................... 7-15
Fourth and fifth letters ..................................................................................................................................... 7-18


(v) 10/11/16

1. Introduction

This document contains abbreviations and codes approved by the Council of ICAO for worldwide use in the international
aeronautical telecommunication service and in aeronautical information documents, as appropriate, uniform abbreviated
phraseology for use in pre-flight information bulletins and ATS data link communications, with the status of Procedures for Air
Navigation Services (in abbreviated form the PANS-ABC).

This document is the outgrowth of study by the Air Navigation Commission in consultation with States in the matter of
controlling and coordinating abbreviations and codes. It brings together all abbreviations and codes for use in aircraft
operations with the following exceptions:

a) Designators for Aircraft Operating Agencies, Aeronautical Authorities and Services promulgated in Doc 8585.

b) Data designators and geographical designators for meteorological bulletins given in the Manual of Aeronautical
Meteorological Practice (Doc 8896).

c) Aeronautical meteorological codes given in the Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice.

d) Additional abbreviations for restricted use in aeronautical information services (AIS) documents given in the
Aeronautical Information Services Manual (Doc 8126).

e) Location Indicators given in Doc 7910.

f) Aircraft Type Designators given in Doc 8643.

Table A shows the origin of each edition of the PANS-ABC issued since 1964 and subsequent amendments thereto,
together with a list of the principal subjects involved, the dates on which the amendments were approved by the Council and
the dates on which they became applicable.

2. Principles for formulation of abbreviations

The principles applied in the formulation of ICAO abbreviations are:

a) that allocation of more than one signification to a single abbreviation should be avoided except where it can be
reasonably determined that no instances of misinterpretation would arise;

b) that allocation of more than one abbreviation to the same signification should be avoided even though a different use
is prescribed;

c) that abbreviations should make use of the root word or words and should be derived from words common to the
working languages except that where it is impracticable to apply this principle to best advantage, the abbreviation
should follow the English text;

d) that the use of a singular or plural form for the signification of an abbreviation should be selected on the basis of the
more common use;

(vii) 10/11/16
(viii) ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

e) that an abbreviation may represent grammatical variants of the basic signification where such application can be
made without risk of confusion and the desired grammatical form can be determined from the context of the

With respect to the latter principle, several variants are given for a number of abbreviations where it might not be
obvious that the variant is appropriate or acceptable.

3. Specifications governing the use of abbreviations

Specifications governing the use of abbreviations and codes are contained in the following ICAO Annexes and PANS:

a) use of abbreviations in the aeronautical information service: 1.3.4 of Annex 15;

b) use of the NOTAM Code: 5.2.6 of Annex 15;

c) use of abbreviations and codes in the international aeronautical telecommunications service: 3.7 of Annex 10,
Volume II;

d) use of abbreviations on aeronautical charts: 2.3.3 and 2.9 of Annex 4;

e) use of abbreviations in plain language meteorological messages: Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Appendices 1, 2, 3, 5
and 6 of Annex 3;

f) use of abbreviations in air-reports: 4.12 of Chapter 4 and Appendix 1 of PANS-ATM (Doc 4444);

g) use of abbreviations and designators in flight plans and other air traffic services messages: Chapters 11 and 16 and
Appendices 2, 3, 5 and 6 of PANS-ATM (Doc 4444).

4. Status

The PANS do not have the same status as the Standards and Recommended Practices. While the latter are adopted by
Council in pursuance of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and are subject to the full procedure of
Article 90, the PANS are approved by the Council and recommended to Contracting States for worldwide application.

5. Implementation

The implementation of procedures is the responsibility of Contracting States; they are applied in actual operations only after,
and in so far as, States have enforced them. However, with a view to facilitating their processing towards implementation by
States, this document has been prepared in a manner which will permit direct use by operational personnel.

6. Notification of differences

The PANS do not carry the status afforded to Standards adopted by the Council as Annexes to the Convention and, therefore,
do not come within the obligation imposed by Article 38 of the Convention to notify differences in the event of non-

No. 33
Foreword (ix)

However, the attention of States is drawn to the provision in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aeronautical
Information Management (PANS-AIM, Doc 10066) related to the publication in Aeronautical Information Publications of a
list of abbreviations and their respective significations used by the State in its Aeronautical Information Publications and in
the dissemination of aeronautical data and aeronautical information. Differences from ICAO abbreviations or their
significations should be identified.

7. Editorial presentation

For encoding purposes the abbreviations given in this document are divided among a “general” and several specialized
categories. For the convenience of the user, there is some duplication among these categories. Nevertheless, it may be
necessary to draw on the “general” category of abbreviations when composing messages using one of the specialized

Certain Q Code signals which through constant use have attained plain language status have been placed with their plain
language significations in the portion of this document which contains the “general” category abbreviations.

Throughout the document, decode material is printed on white paper, encode material on green paper.

Any errors, omissions or discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the Secretary General of ICAO,
999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard, Montréal, Quebec, Canada H3C 5H7.

Table A. Amendments to the PANS-ABC

Amendment Source(s) Subject(s) Applicable

1st Edition (1964) Air Navigation Study on the control and coordination of abbreviations and codes. 18 March 1964
Commission 1 November 1964

Amendment 1 MET/OPS Meeting Editorial and consequential amendments emanating from Amendment 44 to 7 June 1965
(1964); Fifth Meeting Annex 10, Amendment 9 to PANS-MET and Amendment 7 to PANS-RAC; 10 March 1966
of the Panel of addition and modification of meteorological abbreviations; amendment of
Teletypewriter abbreviations used on the AFTN.
Specialists (1963)

Amendment 2 ICAO Secretariat Consequential and editorial changes to the Foreword emanating from Air
Navigation Commission and Council action on various regulatory and service 25 August 1966

2nd Edition AIS/MAP Various changes to abbreviations and codes to reflect current operational 13 June 1967
(1967) Divisional Meeting requirements and practices. 8 February 1968
(includes (1966)
Amendment 3)

Amendment 4 Air Navigation Consequential changes to abbreviations used for air traffic purposes 4 April 1968
Commission emanating from Amendment 2 to the Eighth Edition of Doc 4444 4 April 1968

Amendment 5 Air Navigation Consequential changes to abbreviations used for plain language meteorology 28 June 1968
Commission messages, emanating from Amendment 14 to Doc 7605 (PANS-MET). 9 January 1969

Amendment 6 Air Navigation Changes arising from Assembly Resolution A16-19 and Amendment 54 to 23 January 1969
Commission Annex 3. 18 September 1969

No. 33
(x) ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Amendment Source(s) Subject(s) Applicable

3rd Edition Air Navigation Study of NOTAM composition resulting in expanded use of abbreviations and 19 March 1971
(1971) Commission codes in NOTAM Class I; changes in abbreviations emanating from revised 6 January 1972
(includes aeronautical meteorological figure codes introduced by WMO; changes
Amendments 7 introduced as a result of clarification of air traffic control terms contained in
and 8) ICAO regulatory documents.

Amendment 9 Air Navigation Consequential changes emanating from Amendment 1 to the Tenth Edition of 24 March 1972
Commission Doc 4444 (PANS-RAC). 7 December 1972

Amendment 10 Air Navigation Consequential amendments to abbreviations and their significations (QFE and 21 March 1973
Commission; QNH); changes to meteorological abbreviations introduced by WMO. 16 August 1973
Third Meeting
of the Obstacle
Clearance Panel (1971)

Amendment 11 Air Navigation Addition of abbreviations RNAV and STAR; deletion of abbreviation SIA. 29 May 1973
Commission; 23 May 1974
Seventh Air

Amendment 12 Air Navigation Inclusion of additional abbreviations for use in the NOTAM Code. 11 December 1974
Commission 9 October 1975

Amendment 13 Air Navigation Additions, deletions and changes in significations of abbreviations mainly 8 December 1975
Commission; emanating from amendments to Annex 3. 12 August 1976
Eighth Air
Conference (1974)

Amendment 14 Air Navigation Addition of abbreviations COP, INOP, MRP, RPS and WPT; change in 9 December 1977
Commission; signification of abbreviation ACP as a consequence of Amendment 30 to 10 August 1978
Ninth Air Annex 14.
Navigation Conference

Amendment 15 Air Navigation Additions and changes in signification of abbreviations. 26 February 1979
Commission 29 November 1979

Amendment 16 Air Navigation Additions, deletions and changes in signification of abbreviations emanating 11 March 1981
Commission from a study of abbreviations in common use in States’ aeronautical 26 November 1981
information publications.

Amendment 17 Air Navigation Extensive amendment of abbreviations and codes emanating from a proposal 14 December 1981
Commission submitted by the United Kingdom. 9 June 1983

Amendment 18 Air Navigation Extensive addition of abbreviations and codes consequential to a study of the 11 June 1982
Commission revision of the NOTAM Code; addition of abbreviations used in 9 June 1983
Doc 8168 (PANS-OPS).

Amendment 19 Air Navigation Consequential changes emanating from Amendments 64 and 65 to 15 March 1985
Commission; Third Annex 3, Amendment 14 to Annex 5, Recommendations 1/5 and 3/1 of 21 November 1985
Meeting of the ATS ADAPT/3, and a new ITU method of designating radio emissions.
Data Acquisition,
Processing and Transfer
(ADAPT) Panel (1981)

Foreword (xi)

Amendment Source(s) Subject(s) Applicable

4th Edition Air Navigation Additions, changes and deletions of abbreviations and codes to reflect the 24 February 1989
(1989) (includes Commission current operational requirements and practices; introduction of new sections 16 November 1989
Amendment 20) for abbreviations used in radiotelephony in a spoken form (Decode, Encode)
and for the Procedure signals used in aeronautical telecommunication service
(Decode); consequential and editorial amendments.

Amendment 21 Air Navigation Additions, changes and deletions of abbreviations and codes to reflect the 2 December 1992
Commission; current operational requirements and practices; consequential amendments 1 July 1993
Communications/ arising from Amendment 69 to Annex 3, Amendment 13 to Annex 5,
Meteorology/ Amendment 39 to Annex 14, Amendment 27 to Annex 15 and Amendment 13
Operations to PANS-OPS.
Divisional Meeting

Amendment 22 Air Navigation Consequential changes emanating from: 30 November 1995

Commission Amendment 70 to Annex 3 7 November 1996
Amendment 69 to Annex 10
Amendment 15 to Annex 12
Amendment 28 to Annex 15
Amendment 7 to PANS-OPS, Volume I.

5th Edition (1999) AIS/MAP Divisional Extensive amendments emanating from the AIS/MAP Divisional Meeting 26 February 1999
(includes Meeting (1998); (1998) and the Air Navigation Commission, including additions, changes and 4 November 1999
Amendment 23) Air Navigation deletions of abbreviations; addition and deletion of abbreviations and terms
Commission transmitted as spoken words; addition of abbreviations and terms transmitted
using the individual letters in non-phonetic form; addition of a NOTAM Code
for controller-pilot data link communications and automatic dependent
surveillance; deletion of Procedure Signals for use in the International
Aeronautical Telecommunication Service (Decode and Encode); deletion of
the Q-Code (Preface, Decode and Encode).

Amendment 24 Air Navigation Consequential changes emanating from Amendment 71 to Annex 3. 9 June 2000
Commission 2 November 2000

Amendment 25 Air Navigation Consequential changes emanating from Amendment 72 to Annex 3. 10 July 2002
Commission 28 November 2002

Amendment 26 Conclusion 40/51 b) of Consequential changes emanating from Amendment 32 to Annex 15. 23 July 2003
the European Air 27 November 2003
Navigation Planning
Group (EANPG) and
the Secretariat

Sixth Edition (2004) Global Navigation New abbreviations and updated specifications for the NOTAM Code related 6 May 2004
(includes Satellite System Panel to GNSS; and consequential changes emanating from Amendment 73 to 25 November 2004
Amendment 27) (GNSSP/4); MET Annex 3, Amendment 53 to Annex 4 and Amendments 13 and 12 to the
Divisional Meeting PANS-OPS, Volumes I and II, respectively.
(2002); Air Navigation

Seventh Edition Fourteenth Meeting of New abbreviations related to updated provisions in the PANS-OPS; the use of 3 August 2007
(2007) (includes the Obstacle Clearance ADS-B, ADS-C and RCP in the provision of air traffic services; consequential 22 November 2007
Amendment 28) Panel (OCP/14); Air changes emanating from Amendment 74 to Annex 3 and Amendment 34 to
Navigation Annex 15; and editorial amendments.
Commission; and the

(xii) ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Amendment Source(s) Subject(s) Applicable

Amendment 29 First working group of New abbreviations related to updated provisions in the PANS-OPS with 7 October 2008
the whole meeting of regard to the performance-based navigation (PBN) concept and ground-based 20 November 2008
the Instrument Flight augmentation system (GBAS) landing system.
Procedures Panel
Secretariat, with the
assistance of the
Required Navigation
Performance and
Special Operational
Requirements Study
concerning PBN

Eighth Edition Ninth meeting of the New abbreviations related to cockpit displays, unmanned aircraft, volcanic 23 July 2010
(2010) (includes Operations Panel ash information provided by volcanic ash advisory centres (VAAC), the 18 November 2010
Amendment 30) Working Group of the elimination of routine voice reports, completion of tropical cyclone advisories
Whole (OPSP/WG- in graphical format and the use of data link for meteorological information,
WHL/9); sixth meeting aerodrome observations and forecasts. Update of the NOTAM code.
of the Operations Panel
(OPSP/6); and the
Secretariat with the
assistance of the
Management Study
Group (AIS-AIMSG/1),
International Airways
Volcano Watch
Operations Group
Warnings Study Group
(METWSG/2), and
Observation and
Forecast Study Group

Amendment 31 Seventh, eighth, ninth, Amendment concerning procedure design criteria and charting requirements 7 March 2014
tenth and eleventh to support helicopter point-in-space (PinS) approach and departure operations 13 November 2014
meetings of the
Instrument Flight
Procedures Panel
Working Group
of the Whole
(IFPP/WG WHL/7, 8,
9, 10 and 11)

Foreword (xiii)

Amendment Source(s) Subject(s) Applicable

Ninth Edition Fifty-fourth Meeting of Deletion of abbreviations not in common use; addition of new abbreviations 5 May 2016
(2016) (includes the European Air consistent with common use in NOTAM associated with PBN 10 November 2016
Amendment 32) Navigation Planning implementation, AIM transition, meteorological warnings, PBCS and
Group (EANPG/54); SATVOICE implementation; and consequential changes emanating from
Meteorology (MET) Amendment 77-A to Annex 3.
Divisional Meeting
(2014); fifth meeting of
the Meteorological
Warnings Study Group
(METWSG/5); second
meeting of the
Operational Data Link
Panel (OPLINKP/2);
and the Secretariat.

Amendment 33 Second meeting of the Amendment concerning provision of space weather information; and change 29 June 2018
Meteorology Panel of references concerning PANS-AIM. 8 November 2018
(METP/2); twelfth
meeting of the
Information Services-
Aeronautical Information
Management Study
Group (AIS-AIMSG/12)


No. 33


A ADIZ† (to be pronounced “AY-DIZ”) Air

defence identification zone
A Amber ADJ Adjacent
AAA (or AAB, AAC . . . etc., in sequence) ADO Aerodrome office (specify service)
Amended meteorological message ADR Advisory route
(message type designator) ADS* Address (when this abbreviation is
A/A Air-to-air used to request a repetition, the
AAD Assigned altitude deviation question mark (IMI) precedes the
AAR Air to air refuelling abbreviation, e.g. IMI ADS) (to be
AAIM Aircraft autonomous integrity used in AFS as a procedure signal)
monitoring ADS-B‡ Automatic dependent surveillance —
AAL Above aerodrome level broadcast
ABI Advance boundary information ADS-C‡ Automatic dependent surveillance —
ABM Abeam contract
ABN Aerodrome beacon ADSU Automatic dependent surveillance unit
ABT About ADVS Advisory service
ABV Above ADZ Advise
AC Altocumulus AES Aircraft earth station
ACARS† (to be pronounced “AY-CARS”) AFIL Flight plan filed in the air
Aircraft communication AFIS Aerodrome flight information service
addressing and reporting system AFM Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is
ACAS† (to be pronounced “AY-CAS”) correct
Airborne collision avoidance AFS Aeronautical fixed service
system AFT . . . After (followed by time or place)
ACC‡ Area control centre or area control AFTN‡ Aeronautical fixed telecommunication
ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident network
ACFT Aircraft A/G Air-to-ground
ACK Acknowledge AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground
ACL Altimeter check location aids
ACN Aircraft classification number AGL Above ground level
ACP Acceptance (message type designator) AGN Again
ACPT Accept or accepted AIC Aeronautical information circular
ACT Active or activated or activity AIDC Air traffic services interfacility data
AD Aerodrome communications
ADA Advisory area AIM Aeronautical information management
ADC Aerodrome chart AIP Aeronautical information publication
ADDN Addition or additional AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation
ADF‡ Automatic direction-finding and control
equipment AIREP† Air-report

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

1-1 10/11/16
1-2 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

AIRMET† Information concerning en-route APV Approach procedure with vertical

weather phenomena which may guidance
affect the safety of low-level ARC Area chart
aircraft operations ARNG Arrange
AIS Aeronautical information services ARO Air traffic services reporting office
ALA Alighting area ARP Aerodrome reference point
ALERFA† Alert phase ARP Air-report (message type designator)
ALR Alerting (message type designator) ARQ Automatic error correction
ALRS Alerting service ARR Arrival (message type designator)
ALS Approach lighting system ARR Arrive or arrival
ALT Altitude ARS Special air-report (message type
ALTN Alternate or alternating (light designator)
alternates in colour) ARST Arresting (specify (part of) aircraft
ALTN Alternate (aerodrome) arresting equipment)
AMA Area minimum altitude AS Altostratus
AMD Amend or amended (used to indicate ASAP As soon as possible
amended meteorological message; ASC Ascend to or ascending to
message type designator) ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available
AMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment) ASE Altimetry system error
AMS Aeronautical mobile service ASHTAM Special series NOTAM notifying by
AMSL Above mean sea level means of a specific format change
AMSS Aeronautical mobile satellite service in activity of a volcano, a volcanic
ANC . . . Aeronautical chart — 1:500 000 eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud
(followed by name/title) that is of significance to aircraft
ANCS . . . Aeronautical navigation chart — small operations
scale (followed by name/title and ASPH Asphalt
scale) AT . . . At (followed by time at which weather
ANS Answer change is forecast to occur)
AO Aircraft operator ATA‡ Actual time of arrival
AOC . . . Aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by ATC‡ Air traffic control (in general)
type and name/title) ATCSMAC. . . Air traffic control surveillance
AP Airport minimum altitude chart (followed
APAPI† (to be pronounced “AY-PAPI”) by name/title)
Abbreviated precision approach ATD‡ Actual time of departure
path indicator ATFM Air traffic flow management
APCH Approach ATIS† (to be pronounced “AY-TIS”)
APDC . . . Aircraft parking/docking chart Automatic terminal information
(followed by name/title) service
APN Apron ATM Air traffic management
APP Approach control office or approach ATN Aeronautical telecommunication
control or approach control service network
APR April ATP . . . At (followed by time or place)
APRX Approximate or approximately ATS Air traffic services
APSG After passing ATTN Attention
APU Auxiliary power unit

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Decode 1-3

AT-VASIS† (to be pronounced “AY-TEE-VASIS”) BTL Between layers

Abbreviated T visual approach BTN Between
slope indicator system BUFR Binary universal form for the
ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone representation of meteorological
AUG August data
AUTH Authorized or authorization
AUTO Automatic
AUW All up weight C
AUX Auxiliary
AVBL Available or availability ...C Centre (preceded by runway
AVG Average designation number to identify a
AVGAS† Aviation gasoline parallel runway)
AWOS Automated weather observation C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)
system CA Course to an altitude
AWTA Advise at what time able CAA Civil aviation authority or civil
AWY Airway aviation administration
AZM Azimuth CAT Category
CAT Clear air turbulence
CAVOK† (to be pronounced “KAV-OH-KAY”)
B Visibility, cloud and present
weather better than prescribed
B Blue values or conditions
BA Braking action CB‡ (to be pronounced “CEE BEE”)
BARO-VNAV† (to be pronounced “BAA-RO-VEE- Cumulonimbus
NAV”) Barometric vertical CC Cirrocumulus
navigation CCA (or CCB, CCC . . . etc., in sequence)
BASE† Cloud base Corrected meteorological message
BCFG Fog patches (message type designator)
BCN Beacon (aeronautical ground light) CCO Continuous climb operations
BCST Broadcast CD Candela
BDRY Boundary CDN Coordination (message type
BECMG Becoming designator)
BFR Before CDO Continuous descent operations
BKN Broken CDR Conditional route
BL . . . Blowing (followed by DU = dust, CF Change frequency to . . .
SA = sand or SN = snow) CF Course to a fix
BLDG Building CFM* Confirm or I confirm (to be used in
BLO Below clouds AFS as a procedure signal)
BLW Below CGL Circling guidance light(s)
BOMB Bombing CH Channel
BR Mist CH# This is a channel-continuity-check of
BRF Short (used to indicate the type of transmission to permit comparison
approach desired or required) of your record of channel-
BRG Bearing sequence numbers of messages
BRKG Braking received on the channel (to be used
BS Commercial broadcasting station in AFS as a procedure signal)

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

1-4 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

CHEM Chemical CRM Collision risk model

CHG Modification (message type CRP Compulsory reporting point
designator) CRZ Cruise
CI Cirrus CS Call sign
CIDIN† Common ICAO data interchange CS Cirrostratus
network CTA Control area
CIV Civil CTAM Climb to and maintain
CK Check CTC Contact
CL Centre line CTL Control
CLA Clear type of ice formation CTN Caution
CLBR Calibration CTR Control zone
CLD Cloud CU Cumulus
CLG Calling CUF Cumuliform
CLIMB-OUT Climb-out area CUST Customs
CLR Clear(s) or cleared to . . . or clearance CVR Cockpit voice recorder
CLRD Runway(s) cleared (used in CW Continuous wave
CLSD Close or closed or closing
CM Centimetre
CMB Climb to or climbing to D
CMPL Completion or completed or complete
CNL Cancel or cancelled D Downward (tendency in RVR during
CNL Flight plan cancellation (message type previous 10 minutes)
designator) D... Danger area (followed by
CNS Communications, navigation and identification)
surveillance DA Decision altitude
COM Communications D-ATIS† (to be pronounced “DEE-ATIS”) Data
CONC Concrete link automatic terminal
COND Condition information service
CONS Continuous DCD Double channel duplex
CONST Construction or constructed DCKG Docking
CONT Continue(s) or continued DCP Datum crossing point
COOR Coordinate or coordination DCPC Direct controller-pilot
COORD Coordinates communications
COP Change-over point DCS Double channel simplex
COR Correct or correction or corrected DCT Direct (in relation to flight plan
(used to indicate corrected clearances and type of approach)
meteorological message; message DE* From (used to precede the call sign of
type designator) the calling station) (to be used in
COT At the coast AFS as a procedure signal)
COV Cover or covered or covering DEC December
CPDLC‡ Controller-pilot data link DEG Degrees
communications DEP Depart or departure
CPL Current flight plan (message type DEP Departure (message type designator)
designator) DEPO Deposition
CRC Cyclic redundancy check DER Departure end of the runway

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Decode 1-5

DES Descend to or descending to E

DEST Destination
DETRESFA† Distress phase E East or eastern longitude
DEV Deviation or deviating EAT Expected approach time
DF Direction finding EB Eastbound
DFDR Digital flight data recorder EDA Elevation differential area
DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator EDTO Extended diversion time operations
DH Decision height EEE# Error (to be used in AFS as a
DIF Diffuse procedure signal)
DIST Distance EET Estimated elapsed time
DIV Divert or diverting EFC Expect further clearance
DLA Delay or delayed EFIS† (to be pronounced “EE-FIS”)
DLA Delay (message type designator) Electronic flight instrument system
DLIC Data link initiation capability EGNOS† (to be pronounced “EGG-NOS”)
DLY Daily European geostationary navigation
DME‡ Distance measuring equipment overlay service
DNG Danger or dangerous EHF Extremely high frequency [30 000 to
DOF Date of flight 300 000 MHz]
DOM Domestic ELBA† Emergency location beacon — aircraft
DP Dew point temperature ELEV Elevation
DPT Depth ELR Extra long range
DR Dead reckoning ELT Emergency locator transmitter
DR . . . Low drifting (followed by DU = dust, EM Emission
SA = sand or SN = snow) EMBD Embedded in a layer (to indicate
DRG During cumulonimbus embedded in layers
DS Duststorm of other clouds)
DSB Double sideband EMERG Emergency
DTAM Descend to and maintain END Stop-end (related to RVR)
DTG Date-time group ENE East-north-east
DTHR Displaced runway threshold ENG Engine
DTRT Deteriorate or deteriorating ENR En route
DTW Dual tandem wheels ENRC . . . Enroute chart (followed by name/title)
DU Dust EOBT Estimated off-block time
DUC Dense upper cloud EQN Equatorial latitudes northern
DUPE# This is a duplicate message (to be used hemisphere
in AFS as a procedure signal) EQPT Equipment
DUR Duration EQS Equatorial latitudes southern
D-VOLMET Data link VOLMET hemisphere
DVOR Doppler VOR ESE East-south-east
DW Dual wheels EST Estimate or estimated or estimation
DZ Drizzle (message type designator)
ETA*‡ Estimated time of arrival or estimating
ETD‡ Estimated time of departure or
estimating departure
ETO Estimated time over significant point

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-6 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

EUR RODEX European regional OPMET data FLY Fly or flying

exchange FM Course from a fix to manual
EV Every termination (used in navigation
EVS Enhanced vision system database coding)
EXC Except FM From
EXER Exercises or exercising or to exercise FM . . . From (followed by time at which
EXP Expect or expected or expecting weather change is forecast to
EXTD Extend or extending or extended begin)
FMC Flight management computer
FMS‡ Flight management system
F FMU Flow management unit
FNA Final approach
F Fixed FPAP Flight path alignment point
FA Course from a fix to an altitude FPL Flight plan
FAC Facilities FPM Feet per minute
FAF Final approach fix FPR Flight plan route
FAL Facilitation of international air FR Fuel remaining
transport FREQ Frequency
FAP Final approach point FRI Friday
FAS Final approach segment FRNG Firing
FATO Final approach and take-off area FRONT† Front (relating to weather)
FAX Facsimile transmission FROST† Frost (used in aerodrome warnings)
FBL Light (used to indicate the intensity of FRQ Frequent
weather phenomena, interference FSL Full stop landing
or static reports, e.g. FBL RA = FSS Flight service station
light rain) FST First
FC Funnel cloud (tornado or waterspout) FT Feet (dimensional unit)
FCST Forecast FTE Flight technical error
FCT Friction coefficient FTP Fictitious threshold point
FDPS Flight data processing system FTT Flight technical tolerance
FEB February FU Smoke
FEW Few FZ Freezing
FG Fog FZDZ Freezing drizzle
FIC Flight information centre FZFG Freezing fog
FIR‡ Flight information region FZRA Freezing rain
FIS Flight information service
FISA Automated flight information service
FL Flight level G
FLD Field
FLG Flashing G Green
FLR Flares G... Variations from the mean wind speed
FLT Flight (gusts) (followed by figures in
FLTCK Flight check METAR/SPECI and TAF)
FLUC Fluctuating or fluctuation or GA General aviation
fluctuated GA Go ahead, resume sending (to be used
FLW Follow(s) or following in AFS as a procedure signal)

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Decode 1-7

G/A Ground-to-air H
G/A/G Ground-to-air and air-to-ground
GAGAN† GPS and geostationary earth orbit H High pressure area or the centre of high
augmented navigation pressure
GAIN Airspeed or headwind gain H... Significant wave height (followed by
GAMET Area forecast for low-level flights figures in METAR/SPECI)
GARP GBAS azimuth reference point H24 Continuous day and night service
GBAS† (to be pronounced “GEE-BAS”) HA Holding/racetrack to an altitude
Ground-based augmentation HAPI Helicopter approach path indicator
system HBN Hazard beacon
GCA‡ Ground controlled approach system or HCH Heliport crossing height
ground controlled approach HDF High frequency direction-finding station
GEN General HDG Heading
GEO Geographic or true HEL Helicopter
GES Ground earth station HF Holding/racetrack to a fix
GLD Glider HF‡ High frequency [3 000 to 30 000 kHz]
GLONASS† (to be pronounced “GLO-NAS”) HGT Height or height above
Global navigation satellite system HJ Sunrise to sunset
GLS‡ GBAS landing system HLDG Holding
GMC . . . Ground movement chart (followed by HLP Heliport
name/title) HLS Helicopter landing site
GND Ground HM Holding/racetrack to a manual termination
GNDCK Ground check HN Sunset to sunrise
GNSS‡ Global navigation satellite system HNH High latitudes northern hemisphere
GOV Government HO Service available to meet operational
GP Glide path requirements
GPA Glide path angle HOL Holiday
GPIP Glide path intercept point HOSP Hospital aircraft
GPS‡ Global positioning system HPA Hectopascal
GPU Ground power unit HR Hours
GPWS‡ Ground proximity warning system HRP Heliport reference point
GR Hail HS Service available during hours of
GRAS† (to be pronounced “GRASS”) Ground- scheduled operations
based regional augmentation HSH High latitudes southern hemisphere
system HUD Head-up display
GRASS Grass landing area HUM Humanitarian
GRIB Processed meteorological data in the HURCN Hurricane
form of grid point values HVDF High and very high frequency direction-
expressed in binary form finding stations (at the same location)
(in meteorological code) HVY Heavy
GRVL Gravel HVY Heavy (used to indicate the intensity of weather
GS Ground speed phenomena, e.g. HVY RA = heavy rain)
GS Small hail and/or snow pellets HX No specific working hours
GUND Geoid undulation HYR Higher
HZ Haze
HZ Hertz (cycle per second)

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-8 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

I ISA International standard atmosphere

ISB Independent sideband
IAC . . . Instrument approach chart (followed by ISOL Isolated
IAF Initial approach fix
IAO In and out of clouds J
IAP Instrument approach procedure
IAR Intersection of air routes JAN January
IAS Indicated airspeed JTST Jet stream
IBN Identification beacon JUL July
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization JUN June
ICE Icing
ID Identifier or identify
IDENT† Identification K
IF Intermediate approach fix
IFF Identification friend/foe KG Kilograms
IFR‡ Instrument flight rules KHZ Kilohertz
IGA International general aviation KIAS Knots indicated airspeed
ILS‡ Instrument landing system KM Kilometres
IM Inner marker KMH Kilometres per hour
IMC‡ Instrument meteorological conditions KPA Kilopascal
IMG Immigration KT Knots
IMI* Interrogation sign (question mark) (to be KW Kilowatts
used in AFS as a procedure signal)
IMPR Improve or improving
IMT Immediate or immediately L
INA Initial approach
INBD Inbound ...L Left (preceded by runway designation
INC In cloud number to identify a parallel runway)
INCERFA† Uncertainty phase L Litre
INCORP Incorporated L Locator
INFO† Information L Low pressure area or the centre of low
INOP Inoperative pressure
INP If not possible LAM Logical acknowledgement (message type
INPR In progress designator)
INS Inertial navigation system LAN Inland
INSTL Install or installed or installation LAT Latitude
INSTR Instrument LCA Local or locally or location or located
INT Intersection LDA Landing distance available
INTL International LDAH Landing distance available, helicopter
INTRG Interrogator LDG Landing
INTRP Interrupt or interruption or interrupted LDI Landing direction indicator
INTSF Intensify or intensifying LEN Length
INTST Intensity LF Low frequency [30 to 300 kHz]
IR Ice on runway LGT Light or lighting
IRS Inertial reference system LGTD Lighted

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Decode 1-9

LIH Light intensity high MAP Aeronautical maps and charts

LIL Light intensity low MAPT Missed approach point
LIM Light intensity medium MAR At sea
LINE Line (used in SIGMET) MAR March
LM Locator, middle MATF Missed approach turning fix
LMT Local mean time MATZ Military aerodrome traffic zone
LNAV† (to be pronounced “EL-NAV”) Lateral MAX Maximum
navigation MAY May
LNG Long (used to indicate the type of MBST Microburst
approach desired or required) MCA Minimum crossing altitude
LO Locator, outer MCTR Military control zone
LOC Localizer MCW Modulated continuous wave
LONG Longitude MDA Minimum descent altitude
LORAN† LORAN (long range air navigation MDF Medium frequency direction-finding
system) station
LOSS Airspeed or headwind loss MDH Minimum descent height
LPV Localizer performance with vertical MEA Minimum en-route altitude
guidance MEDEVAC Medical evacuation flight
LR Last message received by me was . . . MEHT Minimum eye height over threshold (for
(to be used in AFS as a procedure visual approach slope indicator
signal) systems)
LRG Long range MET† Meteorological or meteorology
LS Last message sent by me was . . . or Last METAR† Aerodrome routine meteorological report
message was . . . (to be used in AFS as (in meteorological code)
a procedure signal) MET
LTA Lower control area REPORT Local routine meteorological report (in
LTD Limited abbreviated plain language)
LTP Landing threshold point MF Medium frequency [300 to 3 000 kHz]
LV Light and variable (relating to wind) MHA Minimum holding altitude
LVE Leave or leaving MHDF Medium and high frequency direction-
LVL Level finding stations (at the same location)
LVP Low visibility procedures MHVDF Medium, high and very high frequency
LYR Layer or layered direction-finding stations (at the same
MHZ Megahertz
M MID Mid-point (related to RVR)
MIFG Shallow fog
...M Metres (preceded by figures) MIL Military
M... Mach number (followed by figures) MIN* Minutes
M... Minimum value of runway visual range MIS Missing . . . (transmission identification)
(followed by figures in (to be used in AFS as a procedure
METAR/SPECI) signal)
MAA Maximum authorized altitude MKR Marker radio beacon
MAG Magnetic MLS‡ Microwave landing system
MAHF Missed approach holding fix MM Middle marker
MAINT Maintenance MNH Middle latitudes northern hemisphere

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-10 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

MNM Minimum N
MNPS Minimum navigation performance
specifications N No distinct tendency (in RVR during
MNT Monitor or monitoring or monitored previous 10 minutes)
MNTN Maintain N North or northern latitude
MOA Military operating area NADP Noise abatement departure procedure
MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required) NASC† National AIS system centre
MOCA Minimum obstacle clearance altitude NAT North Atlantic
MOD Moderate (used to indicate the intensity of NAV Navigation
weather phenomena, interference or NAVAID Navigation aid
static reports, e.g. MODRA = NB Northbound
moderate rain) NBFR Not before
MON Above mountains NC No change
MON Monday NCD No cloud detected (used in automated
MOPS† Minimum operational performance METAR/SPECI)
standards NDB‡ Non-directional radio beacon
MOV Move or moving or movement NDV No directional variations available (used in
MPS Metres per second automated METAR/SPECI)
MRA Minimum reception altitude NE North-east
MRG Medium range NEB North-eastbound
MRP ATS/MET reporting point NEG No or negative or permission not granted
MS Minus or that is not correct
MSA Minimum sector altitude NGT Night
MSAS† (to be pronounced “EM-SAS”) Multi- NIL*† None or I have nothing to send to you
functional transport satellite (MTSAT) NM Nautical miles
satellite-based augmentation system NML Normal
MSAW Minimum safe altitude warning NN No name, unnamed
MSG Message NNE North-north-east
MSH Middle latitudes southern hemisphere NNW North-north-west
MSL Mean sea level NO No (negative) (to be used in AFS as a
MSR# Message . . . (transmission identification) procedure signal)
has been misrouted (to be used in AFS NOF International NOTAM office
as a procedure signal) NONSTD Non-standard
MSSR Monopulse secondary surveillance radar NOSIG† No significant change (used in trend-type
MT Mountain landing forecasts)
MTOM Maximum take-off mass NOTAM† Notice distributed by means of
MTU Metric units telecommunication containing
MTW Mountain waves information concerning the
MVDF Medium and very high frequency establishment, condition or change in
direction- finding stations (at the same any aeronautical facility, service,
location) procedure or hazard, the timely
MWO Meteorological watch office knowledge of which is essential to
MX Mixed type of ice formation (white and personnel concerned with flight
clear) operations

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Decode 1-11

NOTAMR Replacing NOTAM OPS† Operations

NOV November O/R On request
NOZ‡ Normal operating zone ORD Order
NPA Non-precision approach OSV Ocean station vessel
NR Number OTP On top
NRH No reply heard OTS Organized track system
NS Nimbostratus OUBD Outbound
NSC Nil significant cloud OVC Overcast
NSE Navigation system error
NSW Nil significant weather
NTL National P
NTZ‡ No transgression zone
NW North-west P... Maximum value of wind speed or runway
NWB North-westbound visual range (followed by figures in
P... Prohibited area (followed by identification)
PA Precision approach
O PALS Precision approach lighting system
(specify category)
OAC Oceanic area control centre PANS Procedures for air navigation services
OAS Obstacle assessment surface PAPI† Precision approach path indicator
OBS Observe or observed or observation PAR‡ Precision approach radar
OBSC Obscure or obscured or obscuring PARL Parallel
OBST Obstacle PATC . . . Precision approach terrain chart (followed
OCA Obstacle clearance altitude by name/title)
OCA Oceanic control area PAX Passenger(s)
OCC Occulting (light) PBC Performance-based communication
OCH Obstacle clearance height PBN Performance-based navigation
OCNL Occasional or occasionally PBS Performance-based surveillance
OCS Obstacle clearance surface PCD Proceed or proceeding
OCT October PCL Pilot-controlled lighting
OFZ Obstacle free zone PCN Pavement classification number
OGN Originate (to be used in AFS as a PCT Per cent
procedure signal) PDC‡ Pre-departure clearance
OHD Overhead PDG Procedure design gradient
OIS Obstacle identification surface PER Performance
OK* We agree or It is correct (to be used in PERM Permanent
AFS as a procedure signal) PIB Pre-flight information bulletin
OLDI† On-line data interchange PJE Parachute jumping exercise
OM Outer marker PL Ice pellets
OPA Opaque, white type of ice formation PLA Practice low approach
OPC Control indicated is operational control PLVL Present level
OPMET† Operational meteorological (information) PN Prior notice required
OPN Open or opening or opened PNR Point of no return
OPR Operator or operate or operative or PO Dust/sand whirls (dust devils)
operating or operational POB Persons on board

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

1-12 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

POSS Possible QTA Shall I cancel telegram number . . .? or

PPI Plan position indicator Cancel telegram number . . . (to be
PPR Prior permission required used in AFS as a Q Code)
PPSN Present position QTE True bearing
PRFG Aerodrome partially covered by fog QTF Will you give me the position of my
PRI Primary station according to the bearings taken
PRKG Parking by the D/F stations which you control?
PROB† Probability or The position of your station
PROC Procedure according to the bearings taken by the
PROP Propeller D/F stations that I control was . . .
PROV Provisional latitude . . . longitude (or other
PRP Point-in-space reference point indication of position), class . . . at . . .
PS Plus hours (to be used in radiotelegraphy as
PSG Passing a Q Code)
PSN Position QUAD Quadrant
PSP Pierced steel plank QUJ Will you indicate the TRUE track to reach
PSR‡ Primary surveillance radar you? or The TRUE track to reach me
PSYS Pressure system(s) is . . . degrees at . . . hours (to be used
PTN Procedure turn in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code)
PTS Polar track structure
PWR Power

Q ...R Right (preceded by runway designation

number to identify a parallel runway)
QDL Do you intend to ask me for a series of R Rate of turn
bearings? or I intend to ask you for a R Red
series of bearings (to be used in R... Radial from VOR (followed by three
radiotelegraphy as a Q Code) figures)
QDM‡ Magnetic heading (zero wind) R... Restricted area (followed by identification)
QDR Magnetic bearing R... Runway (followed by figures in
QFE‡ Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome METAR/SPECI)
elevation (or at runway threshold) R* Received (acknowledgement of receipt) (to
QFU Magnetic orientation of runway be used in AFS as a procedure signal)
QGE What is my distance to your station? or RA Rain
Your distance to my station is RA Resolution advisory
(distance figures and units) (to be used RAC Rules of the air and air traffic services
in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code) RAG Ragged
QJH Shall I run my test tape/a test sentence? or RAG Runway arresting gear
Run your test tape/a test sentence (to RAI Runway alignment indicator
be used in AFS as a Q Code) RAIM† Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
QNH‡ Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain RASC† Regional AIS system centre
elevation when on the ground RASS Remote altimeter setting source
QSP Will you relay to . . . free of charge? or I RB Rescue boat
will relay to . . . free of charge (to be RCA Reach cruising altitude
used in AFS as a Q Code) RCC Rescue coordination centre

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Decode 1-13

RCF Radiocommunication failure (message RPLC Replace or replaced

type designator) RPS Radar position symbol
RCH Reach or reaching RPT* Repeat or I repeat (to be used in AFS as a
RCL Runway centre line procedure signal)
RCLL Runway centre line light(s) RQ* Request (to be used in AFS as a procedure
RCLR Recleared signal)
RCP‡ Required communication performance RQMNTS Requirements
RDH Reference datum height RQP Request flight plan (message type
RDL Radial designator)
RDO Radio RQS Request supplementary flight plan
RDOACT Radioactive (message type designator)
RE Recent (used to qualify weather RR Report reaching
phenomena, e.g. RERA = recent rain) RRA (or RRB, RRC . . . etc., in sequence)
REC Receive or receiver Delayed meteorological message
REDL Runway edge light(s) (message type designator)
REF Reference to . . . or refer to . . . RSC Rescue sub-centre
REG Registration RSCD Runway surface condition
RENL Runway end light(s) RSP Responder beacon
REP Report or reporting or reporting point RSP‡ Required surveillance performance
REQ Request or requested RSR En-route surveillance radar
RERTE Re-route RSS Root sum square
RESA Runway end safety area RTD Delayed (used to indicate delayed
RF Constant radius arc to a fix meteorological message; message type
RFFS Rescue and fire fighting services designator)
RG Range (lights) RTE Route
RHC Right-hand circuit RTF Radiotelephone
RIF Reclearance in flight RTG Radiotelegraph
RIME† Rime (used in aerodrome warnings) RTHL Runway threshold light(s)
RL Report leaving RTN Return or returned or returning
RLA Relay to RTODAH Rejected take-off distance available,
RLCE Request level change en route helicopter
RLLS Runway lead-in lighting system RTS Return to service
RLNA Requested level not available RTT Radioteletypewriter
RMK Remark RTZL Runway touchdown zone light(s)
RNAV† (to be pronounced “AR-NAV”) Area RUT Standard regional route transmitting
navigation frequencies
RNG Radio range RV Rescue vessel
RNP‡ Required navigation performance RVA Radar vectoring area
ROBEX† Regional OPMET bulletin exchange RVR‡ Runway visual range
(scheme) RVSM‡ Reduced vertical separation minimum
ROC Rate of climb [300 m (1 000 ft) between FL 290 and
ROD Rate of descent FL 410]
RON Receiving only RWY Runway
RPDS Reference path data selector
RPI‡ Radar position indicator
RPL Repetitive flight plan

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

1-14 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

S SHF Super high frequency [3 000 to 30 000

S South or southern latitude SI International system of units
S... State of the sea (followed by figures in SID† Standard instrument departure
METAR/SPECI) SIF Selective identification feature
SA Sand SIG Significant
SALS Simple approach lighting system SIGMET† Information concerning en-route weather
SAN Sanitary and other phenomena in the
SAR Search and rescue atmosphere that may affect the safety
SARPS Standards and Recommended Practices of aircraft operations
[ICAO] SIMUL Simultaneous or simultaneously
SAT Saturday SIWL Single isolated wheel load
SATCOM† Satellite communication (used only when SKED Schedule or scheduled
referring generally to both voice and SLP Speed limiting point
data satellite communication or only SLW Slow
data satellite communication) SMC Surface movement control
SATVOICE† Satellite voice communication SMR Surface movement radar
SB Southbound SN Snow
SBAS† (to be pronounced “ESS-BAS”) SNOCLO Aerodrome closed due to snow (used in
Satellite-based augmentation system METAR/SPECI)
SC Stratocumulus SNOWTAM† Special series NOTAM notifying the
SCT Scattered presence or removal of hazardous
SD Standard deviation conditions due to snow, ice, slush or
SDBY Stand by standing water associated with snow,
SDF Step down fix slush and ice on the movement area,
SE South-east by means of a specific format
SEA Sea (used in connection with sea-surface SOC Start of climb
temperature and state of the sea) SPECI† Aerodrome special meteorological report
SEB South-eastbound (in meteorological code)
SEC Seconds SPECIAL† Local special meteorological report
SECN Section (in abbreviated plain language)
SECT Sector SPI Special position indicator
SELCAL† Selective calling system SPL Supplementary flight plan (message type
SEP September designator)
SER Service or servicing or served SPOC SAR point of contact
SEV Severe (used to qualify icing and SPOT† Spot wind
turbulence reports) SQ Squall
SFC Surface SQL Squall line
SG Snow grains SR Sunrise
SGL Signal SRA Surveillance radar approach
SH . . . Shower (followed by RA = rain, SN = SRE Surveillance radar element of precision
snow, PL = ice pellets, GR = hail, approach radar system
GS = small hail and/or snow pellets or SRG Short range
combinations thereof, e.g. SHRASN = SRR Search and rescue region
showers of rain and snow) SRY Secondary
SS Sandstorm

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Decode 1-15

SS Sunset TCAC Tropical cyclone advisory centre

SSB Single sideband TCAS RA† (to be pronounced “TEE-CAS-AR-AY”)
SSE South-south-east Traffic alert and collision avoidance
SSR‡ Secondary surveillance radar system resolution advisory
SST Supersonic transport TCH Threshold crossing height
SSW South-south-west TCU Towering cumulus
ST Stratus TDO Tornado
STA Straight-in approach TDZ Touchdown zone
STAR† Standard instrument arrival TECR Technical reason
STD Standard TEL Telephone
STF Stratiform TEMPO† Temporary or temporarily
STN Station TF Track to fix
STNR Stationary TFC Traffic
STOL Short take-off and landing TGL Touch-and-go landing
STS Status TGS Taxiing guidance system
STWL Stopway light(s) THR Threshold
SUBJ Subject to THRU Through
SUN Sunday THU Thursday
SUP Supplement (AIP Supplement) TIBA† Traffic information broadcast by aircraft
SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures TIL† Until
SVC Service (message type only) TIP. . . Until past (followed by place)
SVCBL Serviceable TKOF Take-off
SW South-west TL . . . Till (followed by time by which weather
SWB South-westbound change is forecast to end)
SWX Space weather TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area
SWXC Space weather centre TMA‡ Terminal control area
SWY Stopway TN . . . Minimum temperature (followed by
figures in TAF)
TNA Turn altitude
T TNH Turn height
TO . . . To (followed by place)
T Temperature TOC Top of climb
...T True (preceded by a bearing to indicate TODA Take-off distance available
reference to True North) TODAH Take-off distance available, helicopter
TA Traffic advisory TOP† Cloud top
TA Transition altitude TORA Take-off run available
TAA Terminal arrival altitude TOX Toxic
TACAN† UHF tactical air navigation aid TP Turning point
TAF† Aerodrome forecast (in meteorological TR Track
code) TRA Temporary reserved airspace
TA/H Turn at an altitude/height TRANS Transmits or transmitter
TAIL† Tail wind TREND† Trend forecast
TAR Terminal area surveillance radar TRG Training
TAS True airspeed TRL Transition level
TAX Taxiing or taxi TROP Tropopause
TC Tropical cyclone

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-16 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

TS Thunderstorm (in aerodrome reports and UIC Upper information centre

forecasts, TS used alone means UIR‡ Upper flight information region
thunder heard but no precipitation at ULM Ultra light motorized aircraft
the aerodrome) ULR Ultra long range
TS . . . Thunderstorm (followed by RA = rain, UNA Unable
SN = snow, PL = ice pellets, UNAP Unable to approve
GR = hail, GS = small hail and/or UNL Unlimited
snow pellets or combinations thereof, UNREL Unreliable
e.g. TSRASN = thunderstorm with rain UP Unidentified precipitation (used in
and snow) automated METAR/SPECI)
TSUNAMI† Tsunami (used in aerodrome warnings) U/S Unserviceable
TT Teletypewriter UTA Upper control area
TUE Tuesday UTC‡ Coordinated Universal Time
TURB Turbulence
T-VASIS† (to be pronounced “TEE-VASIS”) T visual
approach slope indicator system V
TVOR Terminal VOR
TWR Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome ...V... Variations from the mean wind direction
control (preceded and followed by figures in
TWY Taxiway METAR/SPECI, e.g. 350V070)
TX . . . Maximum temperature (followed by VA Heading to an altitude
figures in TAF) VA Volcanic ash
TXL Taxilane VAAC Volcanic ash advisory centre
TXT* Text (when the abbreviation is used to VAC . . . Visual approach chart (followed by
request a repetition, the question mark name/title)
(IMI) precedes the abbreviation, e.g. VAL In valleys
IMI TXT) (to be used in AFS as a VAN Runway control van
procedure signal) VAR Magnetic variation
TYP Type of aircraft VAR Visual-aural radio range
TYPH Typhoon VASIS Visual approach slope indicator systems
VC . . . Vicinity of the aerodrome (followed by
FG = fog, FC = funnel cloud,
U SH = shower, PO = dust/sand whirls,
BLDU = blowing dust, BLSA =
U Upward (tendency in RVR during previous blowing sand, BLSN = blowing snow,
10 minutes) DS = duststorm, SS = sandstorm,
UA Unmanned aircraft TS = thunderstorm or VA = volcanic
UAB Until advised by . . . ash, e.g. VCFG = vicinity fog)
UAC Upper area control centre VCY Vicinity
UAR Upper air route VDF Very high frequency direction-finding
UAS Unmanned aircraft system station
UDF Ultra high frequency direction-finding VER Vertical
station VFR‡ Visual flight rules
UFN Until further notice VHF‡ Very high frequency [30 to 300 MHz]
UHDT Unable higher due traffic VI Heading to an intercept
UHF‡ Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz] VIP‡ Very important person

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Decode 1-17

VIS Visibility WIE With immediate effect or effective

VLF Very low frequency [3 to 30 kHz] immediately
VLR Very long range WILCO† Will comply
VM Heading to a manual termination WIND Wind
VMC‡ Visual meteorological conditions WIP Work in progress
VNAV† (to be pronounced “VEE-NAV”) Vertical WKN Weaken or weakening
navigation WNW West-north-west
VOL . . . Volume (followed by I, II . . .) WO Without
VOLMET† Meteorological information for aircraft in WPT Way-point
flight WRNG Warning
VOR‡ VHF omnidirectional radio range WS Wind shear
VORTAC† VOR and TACAN combination WSPD Wind speed
VOT VOR airborne equipment test facility WSW West-south-west
VPA Vertical path angle WT Weight
VPT Visual manoeuvre with prescribed track WTSPT Waterspout
VRB Variable WWW Worldwide web
VSA By visual reference to the ground WX Weather
VSP Vertical speed WXR Weather radar
VTF Vector to final
VTOL Vertical take-off and landing
VV . . . Vertical visibility (followed by figures in X
X Cross
XBAR Crossbar (of approach lighting system)
W XNG Crossing
XS Atmospherics
W West or western longitude
W White
W... Sea-surface temperature (followed by Y
figures in METAR/SPECI)
WAAS† Wide area augmentation system Y Yellow
WAC. . . World Aeronautical Chart — ICAO YCZ Yellow caution zone (runway lighting)
1:1 000 000 (followed by name/title) YES* Yes (affirmative) (to be used in AFS as a
WAFC World area forecast centre procedure signal)
WB Westbound YR Your
WBAR Wing bar lights
WDI Wind direction indicator
WDSPR Widespread Z
WED Wednesday
WEF With effect from or effective from Z Coordinated Universal Time (in
WGS-84 World Geodetic System — 1984 meteorological messages)
WI Within
WID Width or wide


† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.



A Aerodrome closed due to snow (used in

Abbreviated precision approach path Aerodrome control tower or aerodrome
indicator (to be pronounced control TWR
“AY-PAPI”) APAPI† Aerodrome flight information service AFIS
Abbreviated T visual approach slope Aerodrome forecast (in meteorological
indicator system (to be pronounced code) TAF†
“AY-TEE-VASIS”) AT-VASIS† Aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by
Abeam ABM type and name/title) AOC . . .
About ABT Aerodrome office (specify service) ADO
Above ABV Aerodrome partially covered by fog PRFG
Above aerodrome level AAL Aerodrome reference point ARP
Above ground level AGL Aerodrome routine meteorological report
Above mean sea level AMSL (in meteorological code) METAR†
Above mountains MON Aerodrome special meteorological report
Accelerate-stop distance available ASDA (in meteorological code) SPECI†
Accept or accepted ACPT Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids AGA
Acceptance (message type designator) ACP Aerodrome traffic zone ATZ
Acknowledge ACK Aeronautical chart — 1:500 000
Active or activated or activity ACT (followed by name/title) ANC . . .
Actual time of arrival ATA‡ Aeronautical fixed service AFS
Actual time of departure ATD‡ Aeronautical fixed telecommunication
Addition or additional ADDN network AFTN‡
Address (when this abbreviation is used Aeronautical information circular AIC
to request a repetition, the question Aeronautical information management AIM
mark (IMI) precedes the Aeronautical information publication AIP
abbreviation, e.g. IMI ADS) (to be Aeronautical information regulation and
used in AFS as a procedure signal) ADS* control AIRAC
Adjacent ADJ Aeronautical information services AIS
Advance boundary information ABI Aeronautical maps and charts MAP
Advise ADZ Aeronautical mobile satellite service AMSS
Advise at what time able AWTA Aeronautical mobile service AMS
Advisory area ADA Aeronautical navigation chart — small
Advisory route ADR scale (followed by name/title and
Advisory service ADVS scale) ANCS . . .
Aerodrome AD Aeronautical telecommunication network ATN
Aerodrome beacon ABN After (to be followed by time or place) AFT . . .
Aerodrome chart ADC After passing APSG
Again AGN

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

1-19 10/11/16
1-20 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Airborne collision avoidance system (to Altocumulus AC

be pronounced “AY-CAS”) ACAS† Altostratus AS
Aircraft ACFT Amber A
Aircraft accident, notification of ACCID Amend or amended (used to indicate
Aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring AAIM amended meteorological message;
Aircraft classification number ACN message type designator) AMD
Aircraft communication addressing and Amended meteorological message AAA (or AAB,
reporting system (to be pronounced (message type designator) AAC . . . etc., in
“AY-CARS”) ACARS† sequence)
Aircraft earth station AES Amendment (AIP Amendment) AMDT
Aircraft operator AO Answer ANS
Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed Approach APCH
by name/title) APDC . . . Approach control office or approach
Air defence identification zone (to be control or approach control service APP
pronounced “AY-DIZ”) ADIZ† Approach lighting system ALS
Airport AP Approach procedure with vertical
Air-report AIREP† guidance APV
Air-report (message type designator) ARP Approximate or approximately APRX
Airspeed or headwind gain GAIN April APR
Airspeed or headwind loss LOSS Apron APN
Air-to-air A/A Area chart ARC
Air-to-ground A/G Area control centre or area control ACC‡
Air to air refuelling AAR Area forecast for low-level flights GAMET
Air traffic control (in general) ATC‡ Area minimum altitude AMA
Air traffic control surveillance minimum Area navigation (to be pronounced
altitude chart (followed by name/title) ATCSMAC . . . “AR-NAV”) RNAV†
Air traffic flow management ATFM Arrange ARNG
Air traffic management ATM Arresting (specify (part of) aircraft
Air traffic services ATS arresting equipment) ARST
Air traffic services interfacility data Arrival (message type designator) ARR
communications AIDC Arrive or arrival ARR
Air traffic services reporting office ARO Ascend to or ascending to ASC
Airway AWY Asphalt ASPH
Alert phase ALERFA† Assigned altitude deviation AAD
Alerting (message type designator) ALR As soon as possible ASAP
Alerting service ALRS At (followed by time at which weather
Alighting area ALA change is forecast to occur) AT . . .
All up weight AUW At (followed by time or place) ATP . . .
Alternate or alternating (light alternates Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome
in colour) ALTN elevation (or at runway threshold) QFE‡
Alternate (aerodrome) ALTN Atmospherics XS
Altimeter check location ACL At sea MAR
Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain ATS/MET reporting point MRP
elevation when on the ground QNH‡ Attention ATTN
Altimetry system error ASE At the coast COT
Altitude ALT August AUG

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Encode 1-21

Authorized or authorization AUTH Broken BKN

Automated flight information service FISA Building BLDG
Automated weather observation system AWOS
Automatic AUTO
Automatic dependent surveillance —
broadcast ADS-B‡ C
Automatic dependent surveillance —
contract ADS-C‡ Calibration CLBR
Automatic dependent surveillance unit ADSU Call sign CS
Automatic direction-finding equipment ADF‡ Calling CLG
Automatic error correction ARQ Cancel or cancelled CNL
Automatic terminal information service Cancelling NOTAM NOTAMC
(to be pronounced “AY-TIS”) ATIS† Candela CD
Auxiliary AUX Category CAT
Auxiliary power unit APU Caution CTN
Available or availability AVBL Celsius (Centigrade), degrees C
Average AVG Centimetre CM
Aviation gasoline AVGAS† Centre (preceded by runway designation
Azimuth AZM number to identify a parallel runway) ...C
Centre line CL
Change frequency to . . . CF
Change-over point COP
Channel CH
B Check CK
Chemical CHEM
Barometric vertical navigation (to be BARO-VNAV† Circling guidance light(s) CGL
pronounced “BAA-RO-VEE-NAV”) Cirrocumulus CC
Beacon (aeronautical ground light) BCN Cirrostratus CS
Bearing BRG Cirrus CI
Becoming BECMG Civil CIV
Before BFR Civil aviation authority or civil aviation
Below BLW administration CAA
Below clouds BLO Clear air turbulence CAT
Between BTN Clear(s) or cleared to . . . or clearance CLR
Between layers BTL Clear type of ice formation CLA
Binary universal form for the Clearway CWY
representation of meteorological data BUFR Climb-out area CLIMB-OUT
Blowing (followed by DU = dust, Climb to or climbing to CMB
SA = sand or SN = snow) BL . . . Climb to and maintain CTAM
Blue B Close or closed or closing CLSD
Bombing BOMB Cloud CLD
Boundary BDRY Cloud base BASE†
Braking BRKG Cloud top TOP†
Braking action BA Cockpit voice recorder CVR
Broadcast BCST Collision risk model CRM
Broadcasting station, commercial BS Completion or completed or complete CMPL

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

1-22 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Commercial broadcasting station BS Crossing XNG

Common ICAO data interchange network CIDIN† Cruise CRZ
Communications COM Cumuliform CUF
Communications, navigation and Cumulonimbus (to be pronounced
surveillance CNS “CEE BEE”) CB‡
Compulsory reporting point CRP Cumulus CU
Concrete CONC Current flight plan (message type
Condition COND designator) CPL
Conditional route CDR Customs CUST
Confirm or I confirm (to be used in AFS Cyclic redundancy check CRC
as a procedure signal) CFM*
Constant radius arc to a fix RF
Construction or constructed CONST D
Contact CTC
Continue(s) or continued CONT Daily DLY
Continuous CONS Danger or dangerous DNG
Continuous climb operations CCO Danger area (followed by identification) D...
Continuous day and night service H24 Data link automatic terminal information
Continuous descent operations CDO service (to be pronounced “DEE-
Continuous wave CW ATIS”) D-ATIS†
Control CTL Data link initiation capability DLIC
Control area CTA Data link VOLMET D-VOLMET
Control indicated is operational control OPC Date of flight DOF
Controller-pilot data link Date-time group DTG
communications CPDLC‡ Datum crossing point DCP
Control zone CTR Dead reckoning DR
Coordinate or coordination COOR December DEC
Coordinated Universal Time UTC‡ Decision altitude DA
Coordinated Universal Time Decision height DH
(in meteorological messages) Z Degrees DEG
Coordinates COORD Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) C
Coordination (message type designator) CDN Delay (message type designator) DLA
Correct or correction or corrected (used Delay or delayed DLA
to indicate corrected meteorological Delayed (used to indicate delayed
message; message type designator) COR meteorological message; message
Corrected meteorological message CCA (or CCB, type designator) RTD
(message type designator) CCC . . . etc., in Delayed meteorological message RRA (or RRB,
sequence) (message type designator) RRC . . . etc., in
Course from a fix to an altitude FA sequence)
Course from a fix to manual termination Dense upper cloud DUC
(used in navigation database coding) FM Depart or departure DEP
Course to a fix CF Departure (message type designator) DEP
Course to an altitude CA Departure end of the runway DER
Cover or covered or covering COV Deposition DEPO
Cross X Depth DPT
Crossbar (of approach lighting system) XBAR Descend to or descending to DES

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

Abbreviations — Encode 1-23

Descend to and maintain DTAM Effective immediately or with immediate

Destination DEST effect WIE
Deteriorate or deteriorating DTRT Electronic flight instrument system (to be
Deviation or deviating DEV pronounced “EE-FIS”) EFIS†
Dew point temperature DP Elevation ELEV
Diffuse DIF Elevation differential area EDA
Digital flight data recorder DFDR Embedded in a layer (to indicate
Direct (in relation to flight plan cumulonimbus embedded in layers
clearances and type of approach) DCT of other clouds) EMBD
Direct controller-pilot communications DCPC Emergency EMERG
Direction finding DF Emergency location beacon — aircraft ELBA†
Displaced runway threshold DTHR Emergency locator transmitter ELT
Distance DIST Emission EM
Distance from touchdown indicator DFTI Engine ENG
Distance measuring equipment DME‡ Enhanced vision system EVS
Distress phase DETRESFA† En route ENR
Divert or diverting DIV Enroute chart (followed by name/title) ENRC . . .
Docking DCKG En-route surveillance radar RSR
Domestic DOM Equatorial latitudes northern hemisphere EQN
Doppler VOR DVOR Equatorial latitudes southern hemisphere EQS
Double channel duplex DCD Equipment EQPT
Double channel simplex DCS Error (to be used in AFS as a procedure
Double sideband DSB signal) EEE#
Downward (tendency in RVR during Estimate or estimated or estimation EST
previous 10 minutes) D (message type designator)
Do you intend to ask me for a series of Estimated elapsed time EET
bearings? or I intend to ask you for a Estimated off-block time EOBT
series of bearings (to be used in Estimated time of arrival or estimating
radiotelegraphy as a Q Code) QDL arrival ETA*‡
Drizzle DZ Estimated time of departure or estimating
Dual tandem wheels DTW departure ETD‡
Dual wheels DW Estimated time over significant point ETO
Duration DUR European geostationary navigation
During DRG overlay service (to be pronounced
Dust/sand whirls (dust devils) PO European regional OPMET data
Duststorm DS exchange EUR RODEX
Every EV
Except EXC
E Exercises or exercising or to exercise EXER
Expect or expected or expecting EXP
East or eastern longitude E Expect further clearance EFC
Eastbound EB Expected approach time EAT
East-north-east ENE Extend or extending or extended EXTD
East-south-east ESE Extended diversion time operations EDTO
Effective from or with effect from WEF Extra long range ELR

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-24 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Extremely high frequency [30 000 to EHF Fog FG

300 000 MHz] Fog patches BCFG
Follow(s) or following FLW
Forecast FCST
F Freezing FZ
Freezing drizzle FZDZ
Facilitation of international air transport FAL Freezing fog FZFG
Facilities FAC Freezing rain FZRA
Facsimile transmission FAX Frequency FREQ
February FEB Frequent FRQ
Feet (dimensional unit) FT Friction coefficient FCT
Feet per minute FPM Friday FRI
Few FEW From FM
Fictitious threshold point FTP From (followed by time at which weather
Field FLD change is forecast to begin) FM . . .
Final approach FNA From (used to precede the call sign of the
Final approach and take-off area FATO calling station) (to be used in AFS as
Final approach fix FAF a procedure signal) DE*
Final approach point FAP Front (relating to weather) FRONT†
Final approach segment FAS Frost (used in aerodrome warnings) FROST†
Firing FRNG Fuel remaining FR
First FST Full stop landing FSL
Fixed F Funnel cloud (tornado or waterspout) FC
Flares FLR
Flashing FLG
Flight FLT G
Flight check FLTCK
Flight data processing system FDPS GBAS azimuth reference point GARP
Flight information centre FIC GBAS landing system GLS‡
Flight information region FIR‡ General GEN
Flight information service FIS General aviation GA
Flight level FL Geographic or true GEO
Flight management computer FMC Geoid undulation GUND
Flight management system FMS‡ Glide path GP
Flight path alignment point FPAP Glide path angle GPA
Flight plan FPL Glide path intercept point GPIP
Flight plan cancellation (message type Glider GLD
designator) CNL Global navigation satellite system GNSS‡
Flight plan filed in the air AFIL Global navigation satellite system (to be
Flight plan route FPR pronounced “GLO-NAS”) GLONASS†
Flight service station FSS Global positioning system GPS‡
Flight technical error FTE Go ahead, resume sending (to be used in
Flight technical tolerance FTT AFS as a procedure signal) GA
Flow management unit FMU Government GOV
Fluctuating or fluctuation or fluctuated FLUC GPS and geostationary earth orbit
Fly or flying FLY augmented navigation GAGAN†

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Encode 1-25

Grass landing area GRASS High frequency [3 000 to 30 000 kHz] HF‡
Gravel GRVL High frequency direction-finding station HDF
Green G High latitudes northern hemisphere HNH
Ground GND High latitudes southern hemisphere HSH
Ground-based augmentation system High pressure area or the centre of high
(to be pronounced “GEE-BAS”) GBAS† pressure H
Ground-based regional augmentation Higher HYR
system (to be pronounced “GRASS”) GRAS† Holding HLDG
Ground check GNDCK Holding/racetrack to a fix HF
Ground controlled approach system or Holding/racetrack to a manual
ground controlled approach GCA‡ termination HM
Ground earth station GES Holding/racetrack to an altitude HA
Ground movement chart (followed by Holiday HOL
name/title) GMC . . . Hospital aircraft HOSP
Ground power unit GPU Hours HR
Ground proximity warning system GPWS‡ Humanitarian HUM
Ground speed GS Hurricane HURCN
Ground-to-air G/A
Ground-to-air and air-to-ground G/A/G

H I have nothing to send to you or none NIL*†

Ice on runway IR
Hail GR Ice pellets PL
Hazard beacon HBN Icing ICE
Haze HZ Identification IDENT†
Heading HDG Identification beacon IBN
Heading to a manual termination VM Identification friend/foe IFF
Heading to an altitude VA Identifier or identify ID
Heading to an intercept VI If not possible INP
Head-up display HUD Immediate or immediately IMT
Heavy HVY Immigration IMG
Heavy (used to indicate the intensity of Improve or improving IMPR
weather phenomena, e.g. heavy In and out of clouds IAO
rain = HVY RA) HVY In cloud INC
Hectopascal HPA Inbound INBD
Height or height above HGT Incorporated INCORP
Helicopter HEL Independent sideband ISB
Helicopter approach path indicator HAPI Indicated airspeed IAS
Helicopter landing site HLS Inertial navigation system INS
Heliport HLP Inertial reference system IRS
Heliport crossing height HCH Information INFO†
Heliport reference point HRP Information concerning en-route weather
Hertz (cycle per second) HZ and other phenomena in the
High and very high frequency direction- atmosphere that may affect the safety
finding stations (at the same location) HVDF of aircraft operations SIGMET†

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-26 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Information concerning en-route weather K

phenomena which may affect the
safety of low-level aircraft operations AIRMET† Kilograms KG
Initial approach INA Kilohertz KHZ
Initial approach fix IAF Kilometres KM
Inland LAN Kilometres per hour KMH
Inner marker IM Kilopascal KPA
Inoperative INOP Kilowatts KW
In progress INPR Knots KT
Install or installed or installation INSTL Knots indicated airspeed KIAS
Instrument INSTR
Instrument approach chart (followed by
name/title) IAC . . . L
Instrument approach procedure IAP
Instrument flight rules IFR‡ Landing LDG
Instrument landing system ILS‡ Landing direction indicator LDI
Instrument meteorological conditions IMC‡ Landing distance available LDA
Intensify or intensifying INTSF Landing distance available, helicopter LDAH
Intensity INTST Landing threshold point LTP
Intermediate approach fix IF Last message received by me was . . . (to
International INTL be used in AFS as a procedure
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO signal) LR
International general aviation IGA Last message sent by me was . . . or Last
International NOTAM office NOF message was . . . (to be used in AFS
International standard atmosphere ISA as a procedure signal) LS
International system of units SI Lateral navigation (to be pronounced
Interrogation sign (question mark) “EL-NAV”) LNAV†
(to be used in AFS as a procedure Latitude LAT
signal) IMI* Layer or layered LYR
Interrogator INTRG Leave or leaving LVE
Interrupt or interruption or interrupted INTRP Left (preceded by runway designation
Intersection INT number to identify a parallel runway) ...L
Intersection of air routes IAR Length LEN
In valleys VAL Level LVL
Isolated ISOL Light (used to indicate the intensity of
weather phenomena, interference or
static reports, e.g. light rain =
Light or lighting LGT
January JAN Light and variable (relating to wind) LV
Jet stream JTST Light intensity high LIH
Light intensity low LIL
July JUL Light intensity medium LIM
June JUN Lighted LGTD
Limited LTD
Line (used in SIGMET) LINE

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Encode 1-27

Litre L Maximum temperature (followed by

Local or locally or location or located LCA figures in TAF) TX . . .
Local mean time LMT Maximum value of wind speed or runway
Local routine meteorological report visual range (followed by figures in
(in abbreviated plain language) MET REPORT METAR/SPECI and TAF) P...
Local special meteorological report May MAY
(in abbreviated plain language) SPECIAL† Mean sea level MSL
Localizer LOC Medical evacuation flight MEDEVAC
Localizer performance with vertical Medium and high frequency direction-
guidance LPV finding stations (at the same location) MHDF
Locator L Medium and very high frequency
Locator, middle LM direction-finding stations
Locator, outer LO (at the same location) MVDF
Logical acknowledgement (message type Medium frequency [300 to 3 000 kHz] MF
designator) LAM Medium frequency direction-finding
Long (used to indicate the type of station MDF
approach desired or required) LNG Medium, high and very high frequency
Longitude LONG direction-finding stations (at the same
Long range LRG location) MHVDF
LORAN (long range air navigation Medium range MRG
system) LORAN† Megahertz MHZ
Low drifting (followed by DU = dust, Message MSG
SA = sand or SN = snow) DR . . . Message . . . (transmission identification)
Low frequency [30 to 300 kHz] LF has been misrouted (to be used in
Low pressure area or the centre of low AFS as a procedure signal) MSR#
pressure L Meteorological or meteorology MET†
Low visibility procedures LVP Meteorological information for aircraft in
Lower control area LTA flight VOLMET†
Meteorological watch office MWO
Metres (preceded by figures) ...M
M Metres per second MPS
Metric units MTU
Mach number (followed by figures) M... Microburst MBST
Magnetic MAG Microwave landing system MLS‡
Magnetic bearing QDR Middle latitudes northern hemisphere MNH
Magnetic heading (zero wind) QDM‡ Middle latitudes southern hemisphere MSH
Magnetic orientation of runway QFU Middle marker MM
Magnetic variation VAR Mid-point (related to RVR) MID
Maintain MNTN Military MIL
Maintenance MAINT Military aerodrome traffic zone MATZ
March MAR Military control zone MCTR
Marker radio beacon MKR Military operating area MOA
Maximum MAX Minimum MNM
Maximum authorized altitude MAA Minimum crossing altitude MCA
Maximum take-off mass MTOM Minimum descent altitude MDA
Minimum descent height MDH

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-28 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Minimum en-route altitude MEA N

Minimum eye height over threshold (for
visual approach slope indicator National NTL
systems) MEHT National AIS system centre NASC†
Minimum holding altitude MHA Nautical miles NM
Minimum navigation performance Navigation NAV
specifications MNPS Navigation aid NAVAID
Minimum obstacle clearance (required) MOC Navigation system error NSE
Minimum obstacle clearance altitude MOCA New NOTAM NOTAMN
Minimum operational performance Next NXT
standards MOPS† Night NGT
Minimum reception altitude MRA Nil significant cloud NSC
Minimum safe altitude warning MSAW Nil significant weather NSW
Minimum sector altitude MSA Nimbostratus NS
Minimum temperature (followed by No or negative or permission not granted
figures in TAF) TN . . . or that is not correct NEG
Minimum value of runway visual range No change NC
(followed by figures in No cloud detected (used in automated
Minus MS No directional variations available (used
Minutes MIN* in automated METAR/SPECI) NDV
Missed approach holding fix MAHF No distinct tendency (in RVR during
Missed approach point MAPT previous 10 minutes) N
Missed approach turning fix MATF No name, unnamed NN
Missing . . . (transmission identification) No (negative) (to be used in AFS as a
(to be used in AFS as a procedure procedure signal) NO
signal) MIS No reply heard NRH
Mist BR No significant change (used in trend-type
Mixed type of ice formation (white and landing forecasts) NOSIG†
clear) MX No specific working hours HX
Moderate (used to indicate the intensity No transgression zone NTZ‡
of weather phenomena, interference Noise abatement departure procedure NADP
or static reports, e.g. moderate Non-directional radio beacon NDB‡
rain = MODRA) MOD Non-precision approach NPA
Modification (message type designator) CHG Non-standard NONSTD
Modulated continuous wave MCW None or I have nothing to send to you NIL*†
Monday MON Normal NML
Monitor or monitoring or monitored MNT Normal operating zone NOZ‡
Monopulse secondary surveillance radar MSSR North or northern latitude N
Mountain MT North Atlantic NAT
Mountain waves MTW Northbound NB
Move or moving or movement MOV North-east NE
Multi-functional transport satellite North-eastbound NEB
(MTSAT) satellite-based North-north-east NNE
augmentation system (to be North-north-west NNW
pronounced “EM-SAS”) MSAS† North-west NW

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Encode 1-29

North-westbound NWB Originate (to be used in AFS as a

Not before NBFR procedure signal) OGN
Notice distributed by means of Outbound OUBD
telecommunication containing Outer marker OM
information concerning the Overcast OVC
establishment, condition or change Overhead OHD
in any aeronautical facility, service,
procedure or hazard, the timely
knowledge of which is essential to P
personnel concerned with flight
operations NOTAM† Parachute jumping exercise PJE
November NOV Parallel PARL
Number NR Parking PRKG
Passenger(s) PAX
Passing PSG
O Pavement classification number PCN
Per cent PCT
Obscure or obscured or obscuring OBSC Performance PER
Observe or observed or observation OBS Performance-based communication PBC
Obstacle OBST Performance-based navigation PBN
Obstacle assessment surface OAS Performance-based surveillance PBS
Obstacle clearance altitude OCA Permanent PERM
Obstacle clearance height OCH Persons on board POB
Obstacle clearance surface OCS Pierced steel plank PSP
Obstacle free zone OFZ Pilot-controlled lighting PCL
Obstacle identification surface OIS Plan position indicator PPI
Occasional or occasionally OCNL Plus PS
Occulting (light) OCC Point-in-space reference point PRP
Ocean station vessel OSV Point of no return PNR
Oceanic area control centre OAC Polar track structure PTS
Oceanic control area OCA Position PSN
October OCT Possible POSS
On-line data interchange OLDI† Power PWR
On request O/R Practice low approach PLA
On top OTP Precision approach PA
Opaque, white type of ice formation OPA Precision approach lighting system
Open or opening or opened OPN (specify category) PALS
Operations OPS† Precision approach path indicator PAPI†
Operator or operate or operative Precision approach radar PAR‡
or operating or operational OPR Precision approach terrain chart (followed
Operational control is the control by name/title) PATC . . .
indicated OPC Pre-departure clearance PDC‡
Operational meteorological (information) OPMET† Pre-flight information bulletin PIB
Order ORD Present level PLVL
Organized track system OTS Present position PPSN
Pressure system(s) PSYS

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-30 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Primary PRI Reach or reaching RCH

Primary surveillance radar PSR‡ Reach cruising altitude RCA
Prior notice required PN Receive or receiver REC
Prior permission required PPR Received (acknowledgement of receipt)
Probability PROB† (to be used in AFS as a procedure
Procedure PROC signal) R*
Procedure design gradient PDG Receiver autonomous integrity
Procedure turn PTN monitoring RAIM†
Procedures for air navigation services PANS Receiving only RON
Proceed or proceeding PCD Recent (used to qualify weather
Processed meteorological data in the phenomena, e.g. recent rain = RERA) RE
form of grid point values expressed in Reclearance in flight RIF
binary form (in meteorological code) GRIB Recleared RCLR
Prohibited area (followed by Red R
identification) P... Reduced vertical separation minimum
Propeller PROP [300 m (1 000 ft) between FL 290
Provisional PROV and FL 410] RVSM‡
Reference datum height RDH
Reference path data selector RPDS
Q Reference to . . . or refer to . . . REF
Regional AIS system centre RASC†
Quadrant QUAD Regional OPMET bulletin exchange
(scheme) ROBEX†
Regional supplementary procedures SUPPS
R Registration REG
Rejected take-off distance available,
Radar position indicator RPI‡ helicopter RTODAH
Radar position symbol RPS Relay to RLA
Radar vectoring area RVA Remark RMK
Radial RDL Remote altimeter setting source RASS
Radial from VOR (followed by three R... Repeat or I repeat (to be used in AFS as a
figures) procedure signal) RPT*
Radio RDO Repetitive flight plan RPL
Radio range RNG Replace or replaced RPLC
Radioactive RDOACT Replacing NOTAM NOTAMR
Radiocommunication failure (message Report or reporting or reporting point REP
type designator) RCF Report leaving RL
Radiotelegraph RTG Report reaching RR
Radiotelephone RTF Request or requested REQ
Radioteletypewriter RTT Request (to be used in AFS as a
Ragged RAG procedure signal) RQ*
Rain RA Request flight plan (message type
Range (lights) RG designator) RQP
Rate of climb ROC Request level change en route RLCE
Rate of descent ROD Request supplementary flight plan
Rate of turn R (message type designator) RQS

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Encode 1-31

Requested level not available RLNA S

Required communication performance RCP‡
Required navigation performance RNP‡ Sand SA
Required surveillance performance RSP‡ Sandstorm SS
Requirements RQMNTS Sanitary SAN
Re-route RERTE SAR point of contact SPOC
Rescue and fire fighting services RFFS Satellite-based augmentation system (to
Rescue boat RB be pronounced “ESS-BAS”) SBAS†
Rescue coordination centre RCC Satellite communication (used only when SATCOM†
Rescue sub-centre RSC referring generally to both voice and
Rescue vessel RV data satellite communication or only
Resolution advisory RA data satellite communication)
Responder beacon RSP Satellite voice communication SATVOICE†
Restricted area (followed by Saturday SAT
identification) R... Scattered SCT
Return or returned or returning RTN Schedule or scheduled SKED
Return to service RTS Sea (used in connection with sea-surface
Right (preceded by runway designation temperature and state of sea) SEA
number to identify a parallel runway) ...R Sea-surface temperature (followed by
Right-hand circuit RHC figures in METAR/SPECI) W...
Rime (used in aerodrome warnings) RIME† Search and rescue SAR
Root sum square RSS Search and rescue region SRR
Route RTE Secondary SRY
Rules of the air and air traffic services RAC Secondary surveillance radar SSR‡
Runway RWY Seconds SEC
Runway (followed by figures in Section SECN
Runway alignment indicator RAI Selective calling system SELCAL†
Runway arresting gear RAG Selective identification feature SIF
Runway centre line RCL September SEP
Runway centre line light(s) RCLL Service or servicing or served SER
Runway(s) cleared (used in Service available during hours of
METAR/SPECI) CLRD scheduled operation HS
Runway control van VAN Service available to meet operational
Runway edge light(s) REDL requirements HO
Runway end light(s) RENL Service (message type only) SVC
Runway end safety area RESA Serviceable SVCBL
Runway lead-in lighting system RLLS Severe (used to qualify icing and
Runway surface condition RSCD turbulence reports) SEV
Runway threshold light(s) RTHL Shall I cancel telegram number . . .? or
Runway touchdown zone light(s) RTZL Cancel telegram number . . . (to be
Runway visual range RVR‡ used in AFS as a Q Code) QTA
Shall I run my test tape/a test sentence?
or Run your test tape/a test sentence
(to be used in AFS as a Q Code) QJH
Shallow fog MIFG

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-32 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Short (used to indicate the type of Special series NOTAM notifying the
approach desired or required) BRF presence or removal of hazardous
Short range SRG conditions due to snow, ice, slush or
Short take-off and landing STOL standing water associated with snow,
Shower (followed by RA = rain, SN = slush and ice on the movement area,
snow, PL = ice pellets, GR = hail, by means of a specific format SNOWTAM†
GS = small hail and/or snow pellets Speed limiting point SLP
or combinations thereof, e.g. showers Spot wind SPOT†
of rain and snow = SHRASN) SH . . . Squall SQ
Signal SGL Squall line SQL
Significant SIG Stand by SDBY
Significant wave height (followed by Standard STD
figures in METAR/SPECI) H... Standard deviation SD
Simple approach lighting system SALS Standard instrument arrival STAR†
Simultaneous or simultaneously SIMUL Standard instrument departure SID†
Single isolated wheel load SIWL Standard regional route transmitting
Single sideband SSB frequencies RUT
Slow SLW Standards and Recommended Practices
Small hail and/or snow pellets GS [ICAO] SARPS
Smoke FU Start of climb SOC
Snow SN State of the sea (followed by figures in
Snow grains SG METAR/SPECI) S...
South or southern latitude S Station STN
Southbound SB Stationary STNR
South-east SE Status STS
South-eastbound SEB Step down fix SDF
South-south-east SSE Stop-end (related to RVR) END
South-south-west SSW Stopway SWY
South-west SW Stopway light(s) STWL
South-westbound SWB Straight-in approach STA
Space weather SWX Stratiform STF
Space weather centre SWXC Stratocumulus SC
Special air-report (message type Stratus ST
designator) ARS Subject to SUBJ
Special position indicator SPI Sunday SUN
Special series NOTAM notifying by Sunrise SR
means of a specific format change in Sunrise to sunset HJ
activity of a volcano, a volcanic Sunset SS
eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud Sunset to sunrise HN
that is of significance to aircraft Super high frequency [3 000 to
operations ASHTAM 30 000 MHz] SHF
Supersonic transport SST
Supplement (AIP Supplement) SUP
Supplementary flight plan (message type
designator) SPL
Surface SFC

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Encode 1-33

Surface movement control SMC Thunderstorm (in aerodrome reports and

Surface movement radar SMR forecasts, TS used alone means
Surveillance radar approach SRA thunder heard but no precipitation at
Surveillance radar element of precision the aerodrome) TS
approach radar system SRE Thunderstorm (followed by RA = rain,
SN = snow, PL = ice pellets, GR =
hail, GS = small hail and/or snow
T pellets or combinations thereof,
e.g. thunderstorm with rain and
Tail wind TAIL† snow = TSRASN) TS . . .
Take-off TKOF Thursday THU
Take-off distance available TODA Till (followed by time by which weather
Take-off distance available, helicopter TODAH change is forecast to end) TL . . .
Take-off run available TORA To (followed by place) TO . . .
Taxiing or taxi TAX Top of climb TOC
Taxiing guidance system TGS Tornado TDO
Taxilane TXL Touch-and-go landing TGL
Taxiway TWY Touchdown and lift-off area TLOF
Technical reason TECR Touchdown zone TDZ
Telephone TEL Towering cumulus TCU
Teletypewriter TT Toxic TOX
Temperature T Track TR
Temporary or temporarily TEMPO† Track to fix TF
Temporary reserved airspace TRA Traffic TFC
Terminal area surveillance radar TAR Traffic advisory TA
Terminal arrival altitude TAA Traffic alert and collision avoidance
Terminal control area TMA‡ system resolution advisory (to be
Terminal VOR TVOR pronounced “TEE-CAS-AR-AY”) TCAS RA†
Text (when the abbreviation is used to Traffic information broadcast by aircraft TIBA†
request a repetition, the question Training TRG
mark (IMI) precedes the Transition altitude TA
abbreviation, e.g. IMI TXT) (to be Transition level TRL
used in AFS as a procedure signal) TXT* Transmits or transmitter TRANS
This is a channel-continuity-check of Trend forecast TREND†
transmission to permit comparison of Tropical cyclone TC
your record of channel-sequence Tropical cyclone advisory centre TCAC
numbers of messages received on the Tropopause TROP
channel (to be used in AFS as a True (preceded by a bearing to indicate
procedure signal) CH# reference to True North) ...T
This is a duplicate message (to be used in True airspeed TAS
AFS as a procedure signal) DUPE# True bearing QTE
Threshold THR Tsunami (used in aerodrome warnings) TSUNAMI†
Threshold crossing height TCH Tuesday TUE
Through THRU Turbulence TURB
Turn altitude TNA
Turn at an altitude/height TA/H

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
1-34 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Turn height TNH Variations from the mean wind speed

Turning point TP (gusts) (followed by figures in
T visual approach slope indicator system METAR/SPECI and TAF) G...
(to be pronounced “TEE-VASIS”) T-VASIS† Vector to final VTF
Type of aircraft TYP Vertical VER
Typhoon TYPH Vertical navigation (to be pronounced
Vertical path angle VPA
U Vertical speed VSP
Vertical take-off and landing VTOL
UHF tactical air navigation aid TACAN† Vertical visibility (followed by figures in
Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz] UHF‡ METAR/SPECI and TAF) VV . . .
Ultra high frequency direction-finding Very high frequency [30 to 300 MHz] VHF‡
station UDF Very high frequency direction-finding
Ultra light motorized aircraft ULM station VDF
Ultra long range ULR Very important person VIP‡
Unable UNA Very long range VLR
Unable higher due traffic UHDT Very low frequency [3 to 30 kHz] VLF
Unable to approve UNAP VHF omnidirectional radio range VOR‡
Uncertainty phase INCERFA† Vicinity VCY
Unidentified precipitation (used in Vicinity of the aerodrome (followed by
automated METAR/SPECI) UP FG = fog, FC = funnel cloud,
Unlimited UNL SH = shower, PO = dust/sand whirls,
Unmanned aircraft UA BLDU = blowing dust, BLSA =
Unmanned aircraft system UAS blowing sand, BLSN = blowing snow,
Unreliable UNREL DS = duststorm, SS = sandstorm,
Unserviceable U/S TS = thunderstorm or VA = volcanic
Until TIL† ash, e.g. vicinity fog = VCFG) VC . . .
Until advised by . . . UAB . . . Visibility VIS
Until further notice UFN Visibility, cloud and present weather
Until past (followed by place) TIP. . . better than prescribed values or
Upper air route UAR conditions (to be pronounced
Upper area control centre UAC “KAV-OH-KAY”) CAVOK†
Upper control area UTA Visual approach chart (followed by
Upper flight information region UIR‡ name/title) VAC . . .
Upper information centre UIC Visual approach slope indicator systems VASIS
Upward (tendency in RVR during Visual-aural radio range VAR
previous 10 minutes) U Visual flight rules VFR‡
Visual manoeuvre with prescribed track VPT
Visual meteorological conditions VMC‡
V Visual reference to the ground, by VSA
Volcanic ash VA
Variable VRB Volcanic ash advisory centre VAAC
Variations from the mean wind direction Volume (followed by I, II . . .) VOL . . .
(preceded and followed by figures in VOR airborne equipment test facility VOT
METAR/SPECI, e.g. 350V070) ...V... VOR and TACAN combination VORTAC†

† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33
Abbreviations — Encode 1-35

W Will you indicate the TRUE track to

reach you? or The TRUE track to
Warning WRNG reach me is . . . degrees at . . . hours
Waterspout WTSPT (to be used in radiotelegraphy as a Q
Way-point WPT Code) QUJ
We agree or It is correct (to be used in Will you relay to . . . free of charge? or I
AFS as a procedure signal) OK* will relay to . . . free of charge (to be
Weaken or weakening WKN used in AFS as a Q Code) QSP
Weather WX Wind WIND
Weather radar WXR Wind direction indicator WDI
Wednesday WED Wind shear WS
Weight WT Wind speed WSPD
West or western longitude W Wing bar lights WBAR
Westbound WB With effect from or effective from WEF
West-north-west WNW With immediate effect or effective WIE
West-south-west WSW immediately
What is my distance to your station? or Within WI
Your distance to my station is Without WO
(distance figures and units) (to be Work in progress WIP
used in radiotelegraphy as a Q Code) QGE World Aeronautical Chart — ICAO
White W 1:1 000 000 (followed by name/title) WAC . . .
White type of ice formation, opaque OPA World area forecast centre WAFC
Wide area augmentation system WAAS† World Geodetic System — 1984 WGS-84
Widespread WDSPR Worldwide web WWW
Width or wide WID
Will comply WILCO†
Will you give me the position of my Y
station according to the bearings
taken by the D/F stations which you Yellow Y
control? or The position of your Yellow caution zone (runway lighting) YCZ
station according to the bearings Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is
taken by the D/F stations that I correct AFM
control was . . . latitude . . . longitude Yes (affirmative) (to be used in AFS as a
(or other indication of position), procedure signal) YES*
class . . . at . . . hours (to be used in Your YR
radiotelegraphy as a Q Code) QTF


† When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted as spoken words.
‡ When radiotelephony is used, the abbreviations and terms are transmitted using the individual letters in non-phonetic form.
* Signal is also available for use in communicating with stations of the maritime mobile service.
# Signal for use in the teletypewriter service only.

No. 33

Abbreviations for use as the first word of the text of a message


Aircraft Accident Notification Messages Meteorological Messages

Data designators for meteorological

Notification of an aircraft accident ACCID bulletins are given in the Manual
of Aeronautical Meteorological
Practice (Doc 8896)
Air Traffic Services Messages
Other messages
Acceptance ACP
Alerting ALR Notice distributed by means of telecom- NOTAM
Arrival ARR munication containing information
Coordination CDN concerning the establishment,
Current flight plan CPL condition or change in any
Delay DLA aeronautical facility, service,
Departure DEP procedure or hazard, the timely
Estimate EST knowledge of which is essential to
Flight plan cancellation CNL personnel concerned with flight
Logical acknowledgement LAM operations
Modification CHG Special series NOTAM notifying the SNOWTAM
Radiocommunication failure RCF presence or removal of hazardous
Request flight plan RQP conditions due to snow, ice, slush or
Request supplementary flight plan RQS standing water associated with snow,
Supplementary flight plan SPL slush and ice on the movement area,
by means of a specific format
Service (to be used by AFS stations only) SVC


2-1 10/11/16


ACARS (to be pronounced “AY-CARS”) Aircraft FRONT Front (relating to weather)

communication addressing and FROST Frost (used in aerodrome warnings)
reporting system
ACAS (to be pronounced “AY-CAS”) Airborne GAGAN GPS and geostationary earth orbit
collision avoidance system augmented navigation
ADIZ (to be pronounced “AY-DIZ”) Air GBAS (to be pronounced “GEE-BAS”) Ground-
defence identification zone based augmentation system
AIREP Air-report GLONASS (to be pronounced “GLO-NAS”) Global
AIRMET Information concerning en-route weather navigation satellite system
phenomena which may affect the GRAS (to be pronounced “GRASS”) Ground-
safety of low-level aircraft operations based regional augmentation system
ALERFA Alert phase
APAPI (to be pronounced “AY-PAPI”) IDENT Identification
Abbreviated precision approach path INCERFA Uncertainty phase
indicator INFO Information
ATIS (to be pronounced “AY-TIS”) Automatic
terminal information service LNAV (to be pronounced “EL-NAV”) Lateral
AT-VASIS (to be pronounced “AY-TEE-VASIS”) navigation
Abbreviated T visual approach slope LORAN LORAN (long range air navigation
indicator system system)
AVGAS Aviation gasoline
MET Meteorological or meteorology
BARO-VNAV (to be pronounced “BAA-RO-VEE- METAR Aerodrome routine meteorological report
NAV”) Barometric vertical navigation (in meteorological code)
BASE Cloud base MOPS Minimum operational performance
CAVOK (to be pronounced “KAV-OH-KAY”) MSAS (to be pronounced “EM-SAS”) Multi-
Visibility, cloud and present weather functional transport satellite
better than prescribed values or (MTSAT) satellite-based
conditions augmentation system
CIDIN Common ICAO data interchange network
NASC National AIS system centre
D-ATIS (to be pronounced “DEE-ATIS”) Data NIL None or I have nothing to send you
link automatic terminal information NOSIG No significant change (used in trend-type
service landing forecasts)
DETRESFA Distress phase NOTAM Notice distributed by means of
telecommunication containing
EFIS (to be pronounced “EE-FIS”) Electronic information concerning the
flight instrument system establishment, conditions or change
EGNOS (to be pronounced “EGG-NOS”) in any aeronautical facility, service,
European geostationary navigation procedure or hazard, the timely
overlay service knowledge of which is essential to
ELBA Emergency location beacon — aircraft personnel concerned with flight

3-1 8/11/18
No. 33
3-2 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

OLDI On-line data interchange SPECI Aerodrome special meteorological report

OPMET Operational meteorological (information) (in meteorological code)
OPS Operations SPECIAL Local special meteorological report (in
abbreviated plain language)
PAPI Precision approach path indicator SPOT Spot wind
PROB Probability STAR Standard instrument arrival

RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity TACAN UHF tactical air navigation aid
monitoring TAF Aerodrome forecast (in meteorological
RASC Regional AIS system centre code)
RIME Rime (used in aerodrome warnings) TAIL Tail wind
RNAV (to be pronounced “AR-NAV”) Area TCAS RA (to be pronounced “TEE-CAS-AR-AY”)
navigation Traffic alert and collision avoidance
ROBEX Regional OPMET bulletin exchange system resolution advisory
(scheme) TEMPO Temporary or temporarily
TIBA Traffic information broadcast by aircraft
SATCOM Satellite communication (used only when TIL Until
referring generally to both voice and TOP Cloud top
data satellite communication or only TREND Trend forecast
data satellite communication) TSUNAMI Tsunami (used in aerodrome warnings)
SATVOICE Satellite voice communication T-VASIS (to be pronounced “TEE–VASIS”)
SBAS (to be prounounced “ESS-BAS”) T visual approach slope indicator
Satellite-based augmentation system system
SELCAL Selective calling system
SID Standard instrument departure VNAV (to be pronounced “VEE-NAV”) Vertical
SIGMET Information concerning en-route weather navigation
and other phenomena in the VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in
atmosphere that may affect the safety flight
of aircraft operations VORTAC VOR and TACAN combination
SNOWTAM Special series NOTAM notifying the
presence or removal of hazardous WAAS Wide area augmentation system
conditions due to snow, ice, slush or WILCO Will comply
standing water associated with snow,
slush and ice on the movement area,
by means of a specific format




Abbreviated precision approach path APAPI European geostationary navigation EGNOS

indicator (to be pronounced “AY- overlay service (to be pronounced
Abbreviated T visual approach slope AT-VASIS Front (relating to weather) FRONT
indicator system (to be pronounced Frost (used in aerodrome warnings) FROST
Aerodrome forecast (in meteorological TAF Global navigation satellite system (to be GLONASS
code) pronounced “GLO-NAS”)
Aerodrome routine meteorological METAR GPS and geostationary earth orbit GAGAN
report (in meteorological code) augmented navigation
Aerodrome special meteorological SPECI Ground-based augmentation system GBAS
report (in meteorological code) (to be pronounced “GEE-BAS”)
Airborne collision avoidance system ACAS Ground-based regional augmentation GRAS
(to be pronounced “AY-CAS”) system (to be pronounced
Aircraft communication addressing and ACARS “GRASS”)
reporting system (to be pronounced
“AY-CARS”) Identification IDENT
Air defence identification zone (to be ADIZ Information INFO
pronounced ‘‘AY-DIZ”) Information concerning en-route SIGMET
Air-report AIREP weather and other phenomena in the
Alert phase ALERFA atmosphere that may affect the
Area navigation (to be pronounced RNAV safety of aircraft operations
“AR-NAV”) Information concerning en-route AIRMET
Automatic terminal information service ATIS weather phenomena which may
(to be pronounced “AY-TIS”) affect the safety of low-level aircraft
Aviation gasoline AVGAS operations

Barometric vertical navigation (to be BARO-VNAV Lateral navigation (to be pronounced LNAV
pronounced “BAA-RO-VEE-NAV”) “EL-NAV”)
Local special meteorological report (in SPECIAL
Cloud base BASE abbreviated plain language)
Cloud top TOP LORAN (long range air navigation LORAN
Common ICAO data interchange CIDIN system)
Meteorological or meteorology MET
Data link automatic terminal D-ATIS Meteorological information for aircraft VOLMET
information service (to be in flight
pronounced “DEE-ATIS”) Minimum operational performance MOPS
Distress phase DETRESFA standards
Multi-functional transport satellite MSAS
Electronic flight instrument system EFIS (MTSAT) satellite-based
(to be pronounced “EE-FIS”) augmentation system
Emergency location beacon — aircraft ELBA (to be pronounced “EM-SAS”)
National AIS system centre NASC

3-3 8/11/18
No. 33
3-4 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

None or I have nothing to send you NIL Special series NOTAM notifying the SNOWTAM
No significant change (used in trend- NOSIG presence or removal of hazardous
type landing forecasts) conditions due to snow, ice, slush or
Notice distributed by means of telecom- NOTAM standing water associated with
munication containing information snow, slush and ice on the
concerning the establishment, movement area, by means of a
conditions or change in any specific format
aeronautical facility, service, Spot wind SPOT
procedure or hazard, the timely Standard instrument arrival STAR
knowledge of which is essential to Standard instrument departure SID
personnel concerned with flight
operations Tail wind TAIL
Temporary or temporarily TEMPO
On-line data interchange OLDI Traffic alert and collision avoidance TCAS RA
Operational meteorological OPMET system resolution advisory (to be
(information) pronounced “TEE-CAS-AR-AY”)
Operations OPS Traffic information broadcast by TIBA
Precision approach path indicator PAPI Trend forecast TREND
Probability PROB Tsunami (used in aerodrome warnings) TSUNAMI
T visual approach slope indicator T-VASIS
Receiver autonomous integrity RAIM system (to be pronounced “TEE–
monitoring VASIS”)
Regional AIS system centre RASC
Regional OPMET bulletin exchange ROBEX UHF tactical air navigation aid TACAN
(scheme) Uncertainty phase INCERFA
Rime (used in aerodrome warnings) RIME Until TIL

Satellite-based augmentation system (to SBAS Vertical navigation (to be pronounced VNAV
be pronounced “ESS-BAS”) “VEE-NAV”)
Satellite communication (used only SATCOM Visibility, cloud and present weather CAVOK
when referring generally to both better than prescribed values or
voice and data satellite conditions (to be pronounced
communication or only data ‘‘KAV-OH-KAY’’)
satellite communication) VOR and TACAN combination VORTAC
Satellite voice communication SATVOICE
Selective calling system SELCAL Wide area augmentation system WAAS
Will comply WILCO




ACC Area control centre or area control MLS Microwave landing system
ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment
ADS-B Automatic dependent surveillance — NDB Non-directional radio beacon
broadcast NOZ Normal operating zone
ADS-C Automatic dependent surveillance — NTZ No transgression zone
AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication PAR Precision approach radar
network PDC Pre-departure clearance
ATA Actual time of arrival PSR Primary surveillance radar
ATC Air traffic control (in general)
ATD Actual time of departure QDM Magnetic heading (zero wind)
QFE Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome
CB (to be pronounced “CEE BEE”) elevation (or at runway threshold)
Cumulonimbus QNH Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain
CPDLC Controller-pilot data link communications elevation when on the ground

DME Distance measuring equipment RCP Required communication performance

RNP Required navigation performance
ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating RPI Radar position indicator
arrival RSP Required surveillance performance
ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating RVR Runway visual range
departure RVSM Reduced vertical separation minimum
[300 m (1 000 ft) between FL 290
FIR Flight information region and FL 410]
FMS Flight management system
SSR Secondary surveillance radar
GCA Ground controlled approach system or
ground controlled approach TMA Terminal control area
GLS GBAS landing system
GNSS Global navigation satellite system UHF Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz]
GPS Global positioning system UIR Upper flight information region
GPWS Ground proximity warning system UTC Coordinated universal time

HF High frequency [3 000 to 30 000 kHz] VFR Visual flight rules

VHF Very high frequency [30 to 300 MHz]
IFR Instrument flight rules VIP Very important person
ILS Instrument landing system VMC Visual meteorological conditions
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range


4-1 10/11/16


Actual time of arrival ATA High frequency [3 000 to 30 000 kHz] HF

Actual time of departure ATD
Aeronautical fixed telecommunication AFTN Instrument flight rules IFR
network Instrument landing system ILS
Air traffic control (in general) ATC Instrument meteorological conditions IMC
Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain QNH
elevation when on the ground Magnetic heading (zero wind) QDM
Area control centre or area control ACC Microwave landing system MLS
Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome QFE
elevation (or at runway threshold) No transgression zone NTZ
Automatic dependent surveillance — ADS-B Non-directional radio beacon NDB
broadcast Normal operating zone NOZ
Automatic dependent surveillance — ADS-C
contract Precision approach radar PAR
Automatic direction-finding equipment ADF Pre-departure clearance PDC
Primary surveillance radar PSR
Controller-pilot data link communications CPDLC
Coordinated universal time UTC Radar position indicator RPI
Cumulonimbus (to be pronounced CB Reduced vertical separation minimum
“CEE BEE”) [300 m (1 000 ft) between FL 290
and FL 410] RVSM
Distance measuring equipment DME Required communication performance RCP
Required navigation performance RNP
Estimated time of arrival or estimating ETA Required surveillance performance RSP
arrival Runway visual range RVR
Estimated time of departure or estimating ETD
departure Secondary surveillance radar SSR

Flight information region FIR Terminal control area TMA

Flight management system FMS
Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz] UHF
GBAS landing system GLS Upper flight information region UIR
Global navigation satellite system GNSS
Global positioning system GPS Very high frequency [30 to 300 MHz] VHF
Ground controlled approach system or Very important person VIP
ground controlled approach GCA VHF omnidirectional radio range VOR
Ground proximity warning system GPWS Visual flight rules VFR
Visual meteorological conditions VMC


4-3 10/11/16

Type of modulation Supplementary Abbre-

of main carrier Type of transmission characteristics viation
None Continuous wave — NON
Amplitude Telegraphy without the use of a modulating audio — A1A
modulation frequency (by on-off keying)
Telegraphy by the on-off keying of an amplitude- — A2A
modulating audio frequency or audio frequencies, or by
the on-off keying of the modulated emission (special
case: an unkeyed emission amplitude modulated)
Telephony Double sideband A3A
Single sideband, reduced carrier R3E
Single sideband, full carrier H3E
Single sideband, suppressed J3E
Two independent sidebands B7E
containing quantized or digital
Two independent sidebands B8E
containing analogue information
Facsimile (by sub-carrier frequency modulation) — A4
Single sideband, reduced carrier R3C
Single sideband, suppressed J3C
Television Vestigial sideband C3F
Multichannel voice-frequency telegraphy Single sideband, reduced carrier R7B
Cases not covered by the above, e.g. a combination of Two independent sidebands B9W
telephony and telegraphy
Frequency (or phase) Telegraphy by frequency shift keying without the use of a — F1A
modulation modulating audio frequency: one of two frequencies
being emitted at any instant
Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a frequency- — F2A
modulating audio frequency or by the on-off keying of a
frequency-modulated emission (special case: an unkeyed
emission, frequency modulated)
Telephony — F3E
Facsimile by direct frequency modulation of the carrier — F1C
Television — F3F
Four-frequency diplex telegraphy — F7B

5-1 10/11/16
5-2 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Type of modulation Supplementary Abbre-

of main carrier Type of transmission characteristics viation
Pulse modulation A pulsed carrier without any modulation intended to carry — P0N
information (e.g. radar)
Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a pulsed carrier — P1D
without the use of a modulating audio frequency
Note.— Emissions where the main character is directly modulated by a signal which has been coded into quantized form (e.g. pulse
code modulation) should be designated by the appropriate emission under amplitude or frequency modulation, above.
Cases not covered by the above in which the main carrier WXX
is pulse modulated

Note.— For additional assistance, see ITU Radio Regulations, Appendix 1 and Recommendation ITU-R SM.1138.



Codes for use in the international aeronautical telecommunication service

for the preparation of messages relating to monitoring,
propagation disturbance and radio interference reports


1. A signal report shall consist of the code word SINPO or SINPFEMO followed by a five- or eight-figure group
respectively rating the five or eight characteristics of the signal code.

2. The letter X shall be used instead of a numeral for characteristics not rated.

3. Although the code word SINPFEMO is intended for telephony, either code word may be used for telegraphy or
telephony as may be desired.

SINPO signal reporting code

Degrading effect of
Rating Signal Interference Noise Propagation readability
scale strength (QRM) (QRN) disturbance (QRK)
5 Excellent Nil Nil Nil Excellent
4 Good Slight Slight Slight Good
3 Fair Moderate Moderate Moderate Fair
2 Poor Severe Severe Severe Poor
1 Barely audible Extreme Extreme Extreme Unusable

SINPFEMO signal reporting code

Degrading effect of Modulation
Rating Signal Interference Noise Propagation Frequency Overall
scale strength (QRM) (QRN) disturbance of fading Quality Depth rating
5 Excellent Nil Nil Nil Nil Excellent Maximum Excellent
4 Good Slight Slight Slight Slow Good Good Good
3 Fair Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Fair Fair Fair
2 Poor Severe Severe Severe Fast Poor Poor or Nil Poor
1 Barely audible Extreme Extreme Extreme Very fast Very poor Continuously Unusable


6-1 10/11/16

(See and Appendix 3 of the PANS-AIM.)

1. Introduction

The NOTAM Code is provided to enable the coding of information regarding the establishment, condition or change of radio
aids, aerodromes and lighting facilities, dangers to aircraft, or search and rescue facilities. The NOTAM Code is a
comprehensive description of information contained in NOTAM. It serves as an important criterion for storage and retrieval
of information, as well as for deciding whether an item is of operational significance or not. It also establishes the relevance
of the NOTAM to the various types of flight operations and determines whether it must therefore be part of a pre-flight
information bulletin. In addition, it assists in specifying those items which are subject to immediate notification processes.
The NOTAM Code also standardizes the presentation of the related plain-language text required at Item E) of the NOTAM
Format as contained in Appendix 3 of the PANS-AIM. Thus, the NOTAM Code is the basis for determination of the
qualifiers TRAFFIC, PURPOSE and SCOPE used in the Q (Qualifiers) line and the related text to appear in Item E) of the
NOTAM Format.

2. Procedures

The transmission of NOTAM over the international aeronautical telecommunication service is governed by the appropriate
sections of Annex 10, Volume II, Annex 15 and the PANS-AIM. The former contains information on the acceptability of and
priority to be accorded to NOTAM for transmission over the aeronautical fixed service (AFS), the latter full instructions on
the textual format and contents of NOTAM.

3. Composition


3.1 All NOTAM Code groups contain a total of five (5) letters. The first letter of the code group is always the letter Q
to indicate that it is a code abbreviation for use in the composition of NOTAM. The letter Q has been chosen to avoid conflict
with any assigned radio call sign.

3.2 The second and third letters identify the subject reported upon and the fourth and fifth letters denote its status of
operation. The code identifying the subject or denoting its status of operation is, whenever possible, self-evident. Where more
than one subject could be identified by the same self-evident code, the most important subject is chosen.

3.3 If the subject of the NOTAM is not listed in the NOTAM Code, insert “XX” as the second and third letters.

3.4 If the condition of the subject is not listed in the NOTAM Code, insert “XX” as the fourth and fifth letters.

3.5 When a NOTAM is issued containing a checklist of valid NOTAM, use KKKK as the second, third, fourth and fifth
letters. When a NOTAM containing operationally significant information is issued in accordance with Chapter 6 of Annex 15
and Chapter 6 of the PANS-AIM, and when it is used to announce the existence of AIRAC AIP amendments or supplements
(trigger NOTAM), insert “TT” as the fourth and fifth letters.

7-1 8/11/18
No. 33
7-2 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Classification by subject (second and third letters)

3.6 Facilities, services and other information which require coding have been classified by subject into sections and
subsections. The second letter of the code group, which may be any letter of the alphabet except Q, indicates the subject
subsections as follows:

AGA (Aerodromes)

..... LIGHTING facilities —L

..... MOVEMENT and landing area —M
..... FACILITIES and services —F

ATM (Air Traffic Management)

..... AIRSPACE organization —A

..... air traffic and VOLMET SERVICES —S
..... air traffic PROCEDURES —P

CNS (Communications, Navigation and Surveillance)

..... COMMUNICATION and radar facilities —C

..... INSTRUMENT and microwave landing systems —I
..... GNSS services —G
..... terminal and en-route NAVIGATION facilities —N

Navigation Warnings

..... airspace RESTRICTIONS —R


Other Information

..... OTHER information —O

Classification by status (fourth and fifth letters)

3.7 The fourth letter of the code group, which may be any letter of the alphabet except Q, indicates status subsections
as follows:



H HAZARD conditions


XX Other

The NOTAM Code — Preface 7-3

3.8 The following fourth and fifth letters of the NOTAM Code should be used in NOTAM cancellations:






4. Significations/uniform abbreviated phraseology

The significations/approved uniform abbreviated phraseology assigned to NOTAM Code groups, as required for use in
Item E) of the NOTAM Format (PANS-AIM, Appendix 3), are to be amplified or completed where necessary by the addition
of appropriate location indicators, name of station, geographical coordinates, abbreviations, frequencies, call signs, figures
and plain language. ICAO abbreviations are to be used in preference to plain language wherever possible. In order to
facilitate the dissemination of NOTAM by reducing the transmission time over telecommunication channels, eliminate
translation and provide a suitable pre-flight information bulletin entry, the approved uniform abbreviated phraseology
assigned to each signification of a two-letter combination in the NOTAM Code — Decode part is to be used in preference to
significations wherever possible.

Note.— In addition, to meet certain requirements, a State may wish to provide a translation of the approved uniform
phraseology in another language.

5. Text in parentheses

The information necessary to complete a signification/uniform abbreviated phraseology, as indicated between parentheses,
shall be given as applicable.

6. Amplification of significations/uniform abbreviated phraseology

The following is applicable to amplification of significations/uniform abbreviated phraseology:

a) amplifications relating to significations/uniform abbreviated phraseology of the second and third letters (subject of the
NOTAM) must precede signification/uniform abbreviated phraseology of the NOTAM Code;

b) amplifications relating to significations/uniform abbreviated phraseology of the fourth and fifth letters (status of
operation) must follow signification/uniform abbreviated phraseology of the NOTAM Code.

Examples (as applicable to Item E) of the NOTAM Format)

a) The touchdown zone lights of RWY 27 are not available due to power failure.


No. 33
7-4 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

b) The taxiway edge lights of taxiway B are obscured by snow.


c) On the strip of RWY 09/27 snow banks to a height of 15 ft exist.


d) The minimum sector altitude in the sector 90° to 180° inbound VOR ident DOM changed to 3 600 ft MSL.


7. Use of NOTAM Code groups

7.1 Five-letter NOTAM Code groups are to be used in conjunction with the NOTAM Format (Annex 15, and
PANS-AIM, and Appendix 3). They also constitute the basis for determination of the qualifiers Traffic, Purpose and
Scope. Both NOTAM Code groups and NOTAM qualifiers are to be inserted in the Q (Qualifiers) line of the NOTAM

Note.— The most commonly used NOTAM Code groups and their respective relation with the qualifiers Traffic, Purpose
and Scope are presented in the NOTAM Selection Criteria tables (Doc 8126 — Aeronautical Information Services Manual,
Appendix B to Chapter 6).

7.2 Five-letter NOTAM Code groups are formed in the following manner:


The letter Q (see 3.1).


The appropriate combination of two letters selected from the Second and Third Letters section of the NOTAM Code to
identify the facility, service or danger to aircraft being reported upon. (See 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6.)


The appropriate combination of two letters selected from the Fourth and Fifth Letters section of the NOTAM Code to
denote the status of operation of the facility, service or danger to aircraft reported upon. (See 3.4, 3.5 and 3.7.)


Note.— In the examples of NOTAM below, the letters Q to G inclusive, each followed by a closing parenthesis, identify
an item in the NOTAM Format (PANS-AIM, Appendix 3).

a) The distance measuring equipment (DME), at Paris/Orly, will not be available from the 31st day of March 1992 at
2359 UTC until the 1st day of April 1992 at 0600 UTC.

No. 33
The NOTAM Code — Preface 7-5


A) LFPO B) 9203312359 C) 9204010600

Meaning of NOTAM:

Item Q):

— LFFF: ICAO location indicator identifying Paris FIR in which the facility reported on is located;

— QNDAU: The letter “Q” identifies the five-letter code group as the NOTAM Code group. Second and third letters
“ND” identifying “distance measuring equipment” and fourth and fifth letters “AU” denoting that the facility is “not

— IV: Letters identifying that the information affects both IFR and VFR traffic;

— BO: Letters identifying that NOTAM is selected for pre-flight information bulletins entry and that it is operationally
significant information for IFR flights;

— AE: Letters identifying that facility is serving a dual purpose as terminal and en-route aid.

Item A):

— LFPO: ICAO location indicator identifying Paris/Orly, the location of the facility being reported on.

Item B):

— 9203312359: Date/time group of the beginning of the period of validity in which the facility is not available.

Item C):

— 9204010600: Date/time group of the end of the period of validity in which the facility is not available.

Item E):

— DME NOT AVBL: Plain-language entry using ICAO abbreviations.

b) With immediate effect, the VHF omnidirectional radio range on frequency 116.9 MHz at New York/La Guardia will be
out of service until approximately the 13th day of November 1992 at 0900 UTC.


A) KLGA B) 9211020615 C) 9211130900 EST
E) 116.9 MHZ VOR U/S

Note.— In the above example, the amplification (i.e. VOR frequency 116.9 MHz) relating to the second and third letters
precedes the NOTAM Code signification.

7-6 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

c) Runway 30 at Stockholm/Bromma is permanently closed for VFR operations.


A) ESSB B) 9210221430 C) PERM

d) The VHF omnidirectional radio range on frequency 116.30 MHz station VOZICE in PRAHA FIR will be out of service
from the 10th day of November 1992 at 0800 UTC until the 13th day of November 1992 at 0900 UTC.


A) LKAA B) 9211100800 C) 9211130900
E) VOZ 116.30 MHZ VOR U/S

Note.— In the above example, the amplification (i.e. station identification VOZ and VOR frequency 116.30 MHz)
relating to the second and third letters precedes the NOTAM Code signification.

e) In the Montreal FIR, gun firing will take place on the 21st day of February 1993 from 0800 UTC until 1100 UTC within
an area of 10 NM radius around the location 45°37´ North, 74°00´ West from the surface up to an altitude of 6 100 m
(20 000 ft) MSL.


Q) CZUL/QWMLW/IV/BO/W/000/200/4537N07400W010
A) CZUL B) 9302210800 C) 9302211100
F) SFC G) 6100 M (20000 FT) MSL




Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

Lighting facilities (L)

LA Approach lighting system (specify runway and type) als

LB Aerodrome beacon abn
LC Runway centre line lights (specify runway) rcll
LD Landing direction indicator lights ldi lgt
LE Runway edge lights (specify runway) redl
LF Sequenced flashing lights (specify runway) sequenced flg lgt
LG Pilot-controlled lighting pcl
LH High intensity runway lights (specify runway) high intst rwy lgt
LI Runway end identifier lights (specify runway) rwy end id lgt
LJ Runway alignment indicator lights (specify runway) rai lgt
LK Category II components of approach lighting system (specify runway) cat II components als
LL Low intensity runway lights (specify runway) low intst rwy lgt
LM Medium intensity runway lights (specify runway) medium intst rwy lgt
LP Precision approach path indicator (specify runway) papi
LR All landing area lighting facilities ldg area lgt fac
LS Stopway lights (specify runway) stwl
LT Threshold lights (specify runway) thr lgt
LU Helicopter approach path indicator hapi
LV Visual approach slope indicator system (specify type and runway) vasis
LW Heliport lighting heliport lgt
LX Taxiway centre line lights (specify taxiway) twy cl lgt
LY Taxiway edge lights (specify taxiway) twy edge lgt
LZ Runway touchdown zone lights (specify runway) rtzl

Movement and landing area (M)

MA Movement area mov area

MB Bearing strength (specify part of landing area or movement area) bearing strength
MC Clearway (specify runway) cwy
MD Declared distances (specify runway) declared dist
MG Taxiing guidance system tgs
MH Runway arresting gear (specify runway) rag
MK Parking area prkg area
MM Daylight markings (specify threshold, centre line, etc.) day markings
MN Apron apron
MO Stopbar (specify taxiway) stopbar
MP Aircraft stands (specify) acft stand
MR Runway (specify runway) rwy
MS Stopway (specify runway) swy

7-7 10/11/16
7-8 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

MT Threshold (specify runway) thr

MU Runway turning bay (specify runway) rwy turning bay
MW Strip/shoulder (specify runway) strip/shoulder
MX Taxiway(s) (specify) twy
MY Rapid exit taxiway (specify) rapid exit twy

Facilities and services (F)

FA Aerodrome ad
FB Friction measuring device (specify type) friction measuring device
FC Ceiling measurement equipment ceiling measurement eqpt
FD Docking system (specify AGNIS, BOLDS, etc.) dckg system
FE Oxygen (specify type) oxygen
FF Firefighting and rescue fire and rescue
FG Ground movement control gnd mov ctl
FH Helicopter alighting area/platform hel alighting area
FI Aircraft de-icing (specify) acft de-ice
FJ Oils (specify type) oil
FL Landing direction indicator ldi
FM Meteorological service (specify type) met
FO Fog dispersal system fg dispersal
FP Heliport heliport
FS Snow removal equipment sn removal eqpt
FT Transmissometer (specify runway and, where applicable, designator(s) of transmissometer
FU Fuel availability fuel avbl
FW Wind direction indicator wdi
FZ Customs/immigration cust/immigration

Airspace organization (A)

AA Minimum altitude (specify en-route/crossing/safe) mnm alt

AC Control zone ctr
AD Air defence identification zone adiz
AE Control area cta
AF Flight information region fir
AH Upper control area uta
AL Minimum usable flight level mnm usable fl
AN Area navigation route rnav rte
AO Oceanic control area oca
AP Reporting point (specify name or coded designator) rep
AR ATS route (specify) ats rte
AT Terminal control area tma
AU Upper flight information region uir
AV Upper advisory area uda
AX Significant point sig
AZ Aerodrome traffic zone atz

The NOTAM Code — Decode 7-9

Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

Air traffic and VOLMET services (S)

SA Automatic terminal information service atis

SB ATS reporting office aro
SC Area control centre acc
SE Flight information service fis
SF Aerodrome flight information service afis
SL Flow control centre flow ctl centre
SO Oceanic area control centre oac
SP Approach control service app
SS Flight service station fss
ST Aerodrome control tower twr
SU Upper area control centre uac
SV VOLMET broadcast volmet
SY Upper advisory service (specify) upper advisory ser

Air traffic procedures (P)

PA Standard instrument arrival (specify route designator) star

PB Standard VFR arrival std vfr arr
PC Contingency procedures contingency proc
PD Standard instrument departure (specify route designator) sid
PE Standard VFR departure std vfr dep
PF Flow control procedure flow ctl proc
PH Holding procedure hldg proc
PI Instrument approach procedure (specify type and runway) instr apch proc
PK VFR approach procedure vfr apch proc
PL Flight plan processing, filing and related contingency fpl
PM Aerodrome operating minima (specify procedure and amended minimum) opr minima
PN Noise operating restrictions noise opr restrictions
PO Obstacle clearance altitude and height (specify procedure) oca och
PR Radio failure procedure rdo failure proc
PT Transition altitude or transition level (specify) ta/trl
PU Missed approach procedure (specify runway) missed apch proc
PX Minimum holding altitude (specify fix) mnm hldg alt
PZ ADIZ procedure adiz proc

Communications and surveillance facilities (C)

CA Air/ground facility (specify service and frequency) a/g fac

CB Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast (details) ads-b
CC Automatic dependent surveillance — contract (details) ads-c
CD Controller-pilot data link communications (details) cpdlc
CE En-route surveillance radar rsr
CG Ground controlled approach system gca
CL Selective calling system selcal

7-10 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

CM Surface movement radar smr

CP Precision approach radar (specify runway) par
CR Surveillance radar element of precision approach radar system sre
(specify wavelength)
CS Secondary surveillance radar ssr
CT Terminal area surveillance radar tar

Instrument and microwave landing systems (I)

IC Instrument landing system (specify runway) ils

ID DME associated with ILS ils dme
IG Glide path (ILS) (specify runway) ils gp
II Inner marker (ILS) (specify runway) ils im
IL Localizer (ILS) (specify runway) ils llz
IM Middle marker (ILS) (specify runway) ils mm
IN Localizer (not associated with ILS) llz
IO Outer marker (ILS) (specify runway) ils om
IS ILS Category I (specify runway) ils cat I
IT ILS Category II (specify runway) ils cat II
IU ILS Category III (specify runway) ils cat III
IW Microwave landing system (specify runway) mls
IX Locator, outer (ILS) (specify runway) ils lo
IY Locator, middle (ILS) (specify runway) ils lm

GNSS services (G)

GA GNSS airfield-specific operations (specify operation) gnss airfield

GW GNSS area-wide operations (specify operation) gnss area

Terminal and en-route navigation facilities (N)

NA All radio navigation facilities (except . . .) all rdo nav fac

NB Non-directional radio beacon ndb
NC DECCA decca
ND Distance measuring equipment dme
NF Fan marker fan mkr
NL Locator (specify identification) 1
NM VOR/DME vor/dme
NN TACAN tacan
NO OMEGA omega
NT VORTAC vortac
NV VOR vor
NX Direction-finding station (specify type and frequency) df

The NOTAM Code — Decode 7-11

Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

Navigation Warnings
Airspace restrictions (R)

RA Airspace reservation (specify) airspace reservation

RD Danger area (specify) ..d..
RM Military operating area moa
RO Overflying of . . . (specify) overflying
RP Prohibited area (specify ) ..p..
RR Restricted area ..r..
RT Temporary restricted area (specify area) tempo restricted area

Navigation Warnings
Warnings (W)

WA Air display air display

WB Aerobatics aerobatics
WC Captive balloon or kite captive balloon/kite
WD Demolition of explosives demolition of explosives
WE Exercises (specify) exer
WF Air refuelling air refuelling
WG Glider flying gld fly
WH Blasting blasting
WJ Banner/target towing banner/target towing
WL Ascent of free balloon ascent of free balloon
WM Missile, gun or rocket firing missile/gun/rocket/frng
WP Parachute jumping exercise, paragliding or hang gliding pje/paragliding/hang gliding
WR Radioactive materials or toxic chemicals (specify) radioactive materials/toxic
WS Burning or blowing gas burning/blowing gas
WT Mass movement of aircraft mass mov of acft
WU Unmanned aircraft ua
WV Formation flight formation flt
WW Significant volcanic activity significant volcanic act
WY Aerial survey aerial survey
WZ Model flying model fly

Other Information (O)

OA Aeronautical information service ais

OB Obstacle (specify details) obst
OE Aircraft entry requirements acft entry rqmnts
OL Obstacle lights on . . . (specify) obst lgt
OR Rescue coordination centre rcc



Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

Availability (A)

AC Withdrawn for maintenance withdrawn maint

AD Available for daylight operation avbl day ops
AF Flight checked and found reliable fltck okay
AG Operating but ground checked only, awaiting flight check opr but gnd ck only, awaiting fltck
AH Hours of service are now . . . (specify) hr ser
AK Resumed normal operation okay
AL Operative (or reoperative) subject to previously published limitations/ opr subj previous cond
AM Military operations only mil ops only
AN Available for night operation avbl ngt ops
AO Operational opr
AP Available, prior permission required avbl, ppr
AR Available on request avbl o/r
AS Unserviceable u/s
AU Not available (specify reason if appropriate) not avbl
AW Completely withdrawn withdrawn
AX Previously promulgated shutdown has been cancelled promulgated shutdown cnl

Changes (C)

CA Activated act
CC Completed cmpl
CD Deactivated deactivated
CE Erected erected
CF Operating frequency(ies) changed to opr freq changed to
CG Downgraded to downgraded to
CH Changed changed
CI Identification or radio call sign changed to ident/rdo call sign changed to
CL Realigned realigned
CM Displaced displaced
CN Cancelled cnl
CO Operating opr
CP Operating on reduced power opr reduced pwr
CR Temporarily replaced by tempo rplcd by
CS Installed instl
CT On test, do not use on test, do not use

10/11/16 7-12
The NOTAM Code — Decode 7-13

Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

Hazard Conditions (H)

HA Braking action is . . .
1) Poor
2) Medium/Poor
3) Medium
4) Medium/Good
5) Good ba is...
HB Friction coefficient is . . . (specify friction measuring device used) friction coefficient is
HC Covered by compacted snow to a depth of cov compacted sn depth
HD Covered by dry snow to a depth of cov dry sn depth
HE Covered by water to a depth of cov water depth
HF Totally free of snow and ice free of sn and ice
HG Grass cutting in progress grass cutting inpr
HH Hazard due to (specify) hazard due
HI Covered by ice cov ice
HJ Launch planned . . . (specify balloon flight identification or project code launch plan
name, launch site, planned period of launch(es) — date/time, expected
climb direction, estimated time to pass 18 000 m (60 000 ft), or reaching
cruise level if at or below 18 000 m (60 000 ft), together with estimated
HK Bird migration in progress (specify direction) bird migration inpr
HL Snow clearance completed sn clr cmpl
HM Marked by marked by
HN Covered by wet snow or slush to a depth of cov wet sn/slush depth
HO Obscured by snow obscured by sn
HP Snow clearance in progress sn clr inpr
HQ Operation cancelled . . . (specify balloon flight identification or project code opr cnl
HR Standing water standing water
HS Sanding in progress sanding inpr
HT Approach according to signal area only apch according signal
HU Launch in progress . . . (specify balloon flight identification or project code launch inpr
name, launch site, date/time of launch(es), estimated time passing
18 000 m (60 000 ft), or reaching cruising level if at or below 18 000 m
(60 000 ft), together with estimated location, estimated date/time of
termination of the flight and planned location of ground contact, when
HV Work completed work cmpl
HW Work in progress wip
HX Concentration of birds bird concentration
HY Snow banks exist (specify height) sn banks hgt
HZ Covered by frozen ruts and ridges cov frozen ruts and ridges

7-14 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Uniform abbreviated
Code Signification phraseology

Limitations (L)

LA Operating on auxiliary power supply opr aux pwr

LB Reserved for aircraft based therein reserved for acft based therein
LC Closed clsd
LD Unsafe unsafe
LE Operating without auxiliary power supply opr aux wo pwr
LF Interference from interference fm
LG Operating without identification opr wo ident
LH Unserviceable for aircraft heavier than u/s acft heavier than
LI Closed to IFR operations clsd ifr ops
LK Operating as a fixed light opr as f lgt
LL Usable for length of . . . and width of . . . usable len.../wid...
LN Closed to all night operations clsd to all ngt ops
LP Prohibited to prohibited to
LR Aircraft restricted to runways and taxiways acft restricted to rwy and twy
LS Subject to interruption subj intrp
LT Limited to ltd to
LV Closed to VFR operations clsd vfr ops
LW Will take place will take place
LX Operating but caution advised due to opr but ctn advised due to

Other (XX)

XX Plain language




Signification Code Signification Code

AGA Movement area MA

Lighting facilities (L) Parking area MK
Rapid exit taxiway (specify) MY
Aerodrome beacon LB Runway (specify runway) MR
All landing area lighting facilities LR Runway arresting gear (specify runway) MH
Approach lighting system (specify runway and LA Runway turning bay (specify runway) MU
type) Stopbar (specify taxiway) MO
Category II components of approach lighting LK Stopway (specify runway) MS
system (specify runway) Strip/shoulder (specify runway) MW
Helicopter approach path indicator LU Taxiing guidance system MG
Heliport lighting LW Taxiway(s) (specify) MX
High intensity runway lights (specify runway) LH Threshold (specify runway) MT
Landing direction indicator lights LD
Low intensity runway lights (specify runway) LL AGA
Medium intensity runway lights (specify runway) LM Facilities and services (F)
Pilot-controlled lighting LG
Precision approach path LP Aerodrome FA
indicator (specify runway) Aircraft de-icing (specify) FI
Runway alignment indicator lights LJ Ceiling measurement equipment FC
(specify runway) Customs/immigration FZ
Runway centre line lights (specify runway) LC Docking system (specify AGNIS, BOLDS, etc.) FD
Runway edge lights (specify runway) LE Firefighting and rescue FF
Runway end identifier lights (specify runway) LI Fog dispersal system FO
Runway touchdown zone lights (specify runway) LZ Friction measuring device (specify type) FB
Sequenced flashing lights (specify runway) LF Fuel availability FU
Stopway lights (specify runway) LS Ground movement control FG
Taxiway centre line lights (specify taxiway) LX Helicopter alighting area/platform FH
Taxiway edge lights (specify taxiway) LY Heliport FP
Threshold lights (specify runway) LT Landing direction indicator FL
Visual approach slope indicator system (specify LV Meteorological service (specify type) FM
type and runway) Oils (specify type) FJ
Oxygen (specify type) FE
AGA Snow removal equipment FS
Movement and landing area (M) Transmissometer (specify runway and, where FT
applicable, designator(s) of
Aircraft stands (specify) MP transmissometer(s))
Apron MN Wind direction indicator FW
Bearing strength (specify part of landing area or MB
movement area) ATM
Clearway (specify runway) MC Airspace organization (A)
Daylight markings (specify threshold, MM
centre line, etc.) Aerodrome traffic zone AZ
Declared distances (specify runway) MD Air defence identification zone AD

7-15 10/11/16
7-16 ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (PANS-ABC)

Signification Code Signification Code

Area navigation route AN Obstacle clearance altitude and height PO

ATS route (specify) AR (specify procedure)
Control area AE Radio failure procedure PR
Control zone AC Standard instrument arrival PA
Flight information region AF (specify route designator)
Minimum altitude (specify en- AA Standard instrument departure PD
route/crossing/safe) (specify route designator)
Minimum usable flight level AL Standard VFR arrival PB
Oceanic control area AO Standard VFR departure PE
Reporting point (specify name or coded AP Transition altitude or transition level (specify) PT
designator) VFR approach procedure PK
Significant point AX
Terminal control area AT CNS
Upper advisory area AV Communications and surveillance facilities (C)
Upper control area AH
Upper flight information region AU Air/ground facility (specify service and CA
ATM Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast CB
Air traffic and VOLMET services (S) (details)
Automatic dependent surveillance — contract CC
Aerodrome control tower ST (details)
Aerodrome flight information service SF Controller-pilot data link communications CD
Approach control service SP (details)
Area control centre SC En-route surveillance radar CE
ATS reporting office SB Ground controlled approach system CG
Automatic terminal information service SA Precision approach radar (specify runway) CP
Flight information service SE Secondary surveillance radar CS
Flight service station SS Selective calling system CL
Flow control centre SL Surface movement radar CM
Oceanic area control centre SO Surveillance radar element of precision approach CR
Upper advisory service (specify) SY radar system (specify wavelength)
Upper area control centre SU Terminal area surveillance radar CT
VOLMET broadcast SV
ATM GNSS services (G)
Air traffic procedures (P)
GNSS airfield-specific operations GA
ADIZ procedure PZ (specify operation)
Aerodrome operating minima (specify procedure PM GNSS area-wide operations (specify operation) GW
and amended minimum)
Contingency procedures PC CNS
Flight plan processing, filing and related PL Instrument and microwave landing systems (I)
Flow control procedure PF DME associated with ILS ID
Holding procedure PH Glide path (ILS) (specify runway) IG
Instrument approach procedure (specify type and PI ILS Category I (specify runway) IS
runway) ILS Category II (specify runway) IT
Minimum holding altitude (specify fix) PX ILS Category III (specify runway) IU
Missed approach procedure (specify runway) PU Inner marker (ILS) (specify runway) II
Noise operating restrictions PN Instrument landing system (specify runway) IC

The NOTAM Code — Encode 7-17

Signification Code Signification Code

Localizer (ILS) (specify runway) IL Navigation Warnings

Localizer (not associated with ILS) IN Warnings (W)
Locator, middle (ILS) (specify runway) IY
Locator, outer (ILS) (specify runway) IX Aerial survey WY
Microwave landing system (specify runway) IW Aerobatics WB
Middle marker (ILS) (specify runway) IM Air display WA
Outer marker (ILS) (specify runway) IO Air refuelling WF
Ascent of free balloon WL
CNS Banner/target towing WJ
Terminal and en-route navigation facilities (N) Blasting WH
Burning or blowing gas WS
All radio navigation facilities (except . . .) NA Captive balloon or kite WC
DECCA NC Demolition of explosives WD
Direction-finding station (specify type and NX Exercises (specify) WE
frequency) Formation flight WV
Distance measuring equipment ND Glider flying WG
Fan marker NF Mass movement of aircraft WT
Locator (specify identification) NL Missile, gun or rocket firing WM
Non-directional radio beacon NB Model flying WZ
OMEGA NO Parachute jumping exercise, paragliding or hang WP
VOR NV gliding
VOR/DME NM Radioactive materials or toxic chemicals WR
VORTAC NT (specify)
TACAN NN Significant volcanic activity WW
Unmanned aircraft WU
Navigation Warnings
Airspace restrictions (R) Other Information (O)

Airspace reservation (specify) RA Aeronautical information service OA

Danger area (specify) RD Aircraft entry requirements OE
Military operating area RM Obstacle (specify details) OB
Overflying of . . . (specify) RO Obstacle lights on . . . (specify) OL
Prohibited area (specify) RP Rescue coordination centre OR
Restricted area RR
Temporary restricted area (specify area) RT




Signification Code Signification Code

Availability (A) Hazard Conditions (H)

Available for daylight operation AD Approach according to signal area only HT

Available for night operation AN Bird migration in progress (specify direction) HK
Available on request AR Braking action is . . . HA
Available, prior permission required AP 1) Poor
Completely withdrawn AW 2) Medium/Poor
Flight checked and found reliable AF 3) Medium
Hours of service are now . . . (specify) AH 4) Medium/Good
Military operations only AM 5) Good
Not available (specify reason if appropriate) AU Concentration of birds HX
Operating but ground checked only, awaiting AG Covered by compacted snow to a depth of HC
flight check Covered by dry snow to a depth of HD
Operational AO Covered by frozen ruts and ridges HZ
Operative (or reoperative) subject to previously AL Covered by ice HI
published limitations/conditions Covered by water to a depth of HE
Previously promulgated shutdown has been AX Covered by wet snow or slush to a depth of HN
cancelled Friction coefficient is . . . (specify friction HB
Resumed normal operation AK measuring device used)
Unserviceable AS Grass cutting in progress HG
Withdrawn for maintenance AC Hazard due to (specify) HH
Launch in progress . . . (specify balloon flight HU
Changes (C) identification or project code name, launch
site, date/time of launch(es), estimated time
Activated CA passing 18 000 m (60 000 ft), or reaching
Cancelled CN cruising level if at or below 18 000 m
Changed CH (60 000 ft), together with estimated
Completed CC location, estimated date/time of termination
Deactivated CD of the flight and planned location of ground
Displaced CM contact, when applicable)
Downgraded to CG Launch planned . . . (specify balloon flight HJ
Erected CE identification or project code name, launch
Identification or radio call sign changed to CI site, planned period of launch(es) —
Installed CS date/time, expected climb direction,
On test, do not use CT estimated time to pass 18 000 m (60 000 ft),
Operating CO or reaching cruising level if at or below
Operating frequency(ies) changed to CF 18 000 m (60 000 ft), together with
Operating on reduced power CP estimated location)
Realigned CL Marked by HM
Temporarily replaced by CR Obscured by snow HO
Operation cancelled . . . (specify balloon flight HQ
identification or project code name)

10/11/16 7-18
The NOTAM Code — Encode 7-19

Signification Code Signification Code

Sanding in progress HS Limited to LT

Snow banks exist (specify height) HY Operating as a fixed light LK
Snow clearance completed HL Operating but caution advised due to LX
Snow clearance in progress HP Operating on auxiliary power supply LA
Standing water HR Operating without auxiliary power supply LE
Totally free of snow and ice HF Operating without identification LG
Work completed HV Prohibited to LP
Work in progress HW Reserved for aircraft based therein LB
Subject to interruption LS
Limitations (L) Unsafe LD
Unserviceable for aircraft heavier than LH
Aircraft restricted to runways and taxiways LR Usable for length of . . . and width of . . . LL
Closed LC Will take place LW
Closed to all night operations LN
Closed to IFR operations LI Other (XX)
Closed to VFR operations LV
Interference from LF Plain language XX

— END —


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