Manajemen Produk
Manajemen Produk
Manajemen Produk
A. Definition of Product Management
Product management is the process of overseeing the development and life cycle of a product,
from conception to removal from the market. It involves defining the product vision and strategy,
conducting market research and analysis, working with cross-functional teams, and continuously
refining the product based on customer feedback and market trends.
Product is the first and most important element in marketing. Product strategy requires
coordinated decisions regarding product mix, product lines, types of products and services.
Every product that is thrown into the market can be observed at three levels; The core of the
product is the intrinsic benefit that the buyer is actually buying. Product form is the
characteristics, style, quality, brand and packaging that make up a product. While the perfected
product is a combination of product form with various accompanying services, such as
guarantees for free installation, maintenance and delivery.
In classifying products several kinds of schemes can be put forward. For example, products can
be grouped according to their durability (durable goods, non-durable goods and services).
Consumer goods are usually classified based on consumer buying habits (convenience needs,
groceries, specialty goods and unsought goods). Meanwhile industrial goods are generally
grouped in terms of their role in the production process (materials and spare parts, capital goods,
supplies and services).
In the business world, most companies deal with more than one type of product and the product
mix has its own width, length, depth and consistency. The four dimensions of the product mix
are tools for developing the product strategy of the company. The various lines that make up the
product mix need to be reviewed periodically for greater growth and profit opportunities. A
better product line should have more support facilities; Weak lines can be reduced or even
discontinued from circulation, and now it is better to introduce them so that the profit gap can be
Each product line consists of several types of products. A product line manager should study the
sales and profit contribution of each product line to the entire product line. Apart from that, you
also have to know how each product eye is placed in the face of a competitor's product eye. All
of these provide the necessary information in the decision-making process regarding product
lines. The problem of spanning a product line will involve the decision whether a particular line
will be extended downwards, upwards or in both directions. The product line filling problem
involves the decision about whether a particular product line should be added to the current
product line scale.
Meanwhile, modernization of product lines will answer questions about whether a particular line
needs a new pattern and whether the new pattern will be completed partly or entirely at once.
Decisions about other product features will answer the question of which product line to feature
in order to promote the entire line. Meanwhile, the decision to reduce the product line will
involve the problem of how to identify and attract weak products from circulation.
B. Importance of Product Management
Product management plays a crucial role in bringing successful products to market. By focusing
on the needs of the customer and the market, product managers ensure that products meet the
needs of customers and drive business success. Effective product management also involves
collaboration with cross-functional teams and continuous refinement of the product, which helps
to ensure that the product remains relevant and in demand.
Each company should develop its own brand policies for the eyes of the product in the hope line.
They must make decisions about whether the product should be branded; whether it is factory
brand or own brand, how high quality should be applied to the brand; each product is given a
brand name separately or together; whether there is a need for brand extension in new products,
whether several competing brands should be removed; and whether there is a need for re-
Physical or tangible products require packaging to create certain benefits such as protection,
convenience, economic benefits and promotion. Marketers should develop a packaging concept
and then test it in terms of function and psychology, so that the goals to be achieved are
achieved, and in accordance with government policies or regulations. Besides that, physical
products also need labels for the purposes of identification, level determination, explanatory
descriptions and promotions.
Any company must devise and develop the customer service that its customers really want.
These services must also be effective in winning the competition. So here several decisions must
be made, such as decisions about the main types of services to be offered, how complete each
service will be presented, as well as the form of each of these services. This service mix can be
coordinated by departments or sections within the company that specifically handle all
complaints and adjustments, credit issues, maintenance, technical assistance and information for
Several developed countries, especially the United States, are moving rapidly towards a service
economy structure, so every marketer must know more about service marketing management.
What is meant by services are activities or benefits offered, and which are truly intangible
physically, and do not result in the ownership of something. In essence, services have intangible,
inseparable, changeable and perishable characteristics. In terms of the application and use of
marketing concepts, research has shown that the service industry is lagging far behind the
manufacturing industry, despite the recent increase in attention and interest.
C. Overview of the Essay
This essay will provide a comprehensive overview of product management, including its
definition, importance, and key components. The essay will also explore the role of product
managers, the skills and competencies required for effective product management, and the
challenges that product managers face. The essay will conclude with a discussion of the future of
product management and the trends that are shaping the industry.
So from the facts above, it is important for a product to be prepared to be marketed to the public,
where the role of a team manager who manages marketing strategy is needed. So then the writer
is interested in conducting related research in the field of marketing. Marketing strategy refers to
a plan that describes the company's expectations about the effect of various marketing activities
or programs on product demand in certain target markets. Companies may use simultaneously
two or more marketing strategies of advertising, product promotion, personal selling, customer
service and product development, giving different effects. To carry out a comprehensive effort,
they need a mechanism where marketing programs can be well coordinated and well integrated
into a synergistic plan. This mechanism is known as a marketing strategy. In general, the best
marketing opportunities are obtained by expanding primary demand, while the best growth
opportunities are obtained by expanding selective demand
D. The Four Major Phases of the Product Lifecycle
Stage first most important after create A product is stage introduction . Stage This often known
with term product launching , its function For announce And introduce product new to society .
However not rarely , activity This need very budget big .
In matter This sales that took place Still very low , because the market Still narrow . But along
walk time enhancement sale will happened . For Keep going push sales , the company Also need
do study And development product , experiment product to consumers , as well required
marketing moment launching . Suite activity beginning the need costs that are not little , the
goal For penetrate competition growing market solid .
When the company capable penetrate competition market , opportunity the company For defeat
competitors become open . By Because that , stage introduction become important from product
life cycle .
2. Stage Growth
On stage growth , a product means has experience enhancement enough sales significant And
the company have too earn profits. Because , the profit is results from determination scale
economy production , profit margin , and so on , so the total profit the more increase .
If condition the happened , then the company get more sources of funds Lots For do marketing ,
use increase sale in period long time . Besides it , too For optimizing production product on stage
growth . So stage growth become important from product life cycle .
3. Stage Maturity
Stage maturity is the stage where the makers product or producer will face challenge For guard
stability share market , which has develop with all efforts made before .
period like This is the time at which the product the company must compete strict with other
products . So from that 's important for the company invest profit For cost marketing. The
company Also must Keep going think For do innovation For do repair product on activity
production next . So that become important for the company For know stage third in product life
cycle .
4. Stage Decline
Stage final from product lifecycle called with stage decline . In stage this , product experience
caused shrinkage by starting market saturated . In other words, the target market the company
has do purchase your product sell . Besides that , can Also consumer more choose switch For
buy type other products .
Although stage decline product This difficult avoided by business people , including the
company, however No mean this time become end from everything. The company Still own
opportunity For get profit with try method friendly production budget And promote product with
more price low from before .
Stages product lifecycle the is part from strategy production for you Can get profit in short time .
Besides it , the company Also Keep going increase amount interested consumers buy product of
the company .
If You has succeed push consumer For do transaction , then furthermore You must make an
effort convenience the transaction to be they do . You need think about system possible
transactions direct done through website . This intended for candidates buyer the company can
direct pay the order moment That also . For accommodate reception payment through various
method , the company need use payment gateway services such as Xendit .
Accept payment in accordance with preference customer can increase sale for business the
company. With Xendit , the company can accept payment through e-wallets, virtual accounts
(bank transfers), cards credit /debut, retail outlets and instalment without card credit . List Now
without imposed cost arrangement And care , only pay in accordance usage .
Dalam dunia bisnis, kita menyebut sebuah perusahaan sebagai pesaing ketika
mereka menawarkan hal yang sama dengan perusahaan kita. Perusahaan tersebut
memiliki ukuran yang sama dan membuat produk serupa. Jika produk suatu perusahaan
bisa menjadi barang subtitusi bagi produkmu di pasaran, berarti ia adalah rival bisnis.
Contoh merek dagang yang paling terkenal akan kompetisinya, yaitu Coca-Cola dan
Pepsi. Kedua raksasa produsen minuman bersoda tersebut menjadi pesaing berat satu
sama lain. Produknya identik dan bisa menyubstitusi satu sama lain. Pesaing tidak
hanya membuat produk yang sama persis, tetapi menjual produk tersebut dengan harga
yang sama pula. Hingga akhirnya pemasaran menjadi faktor penentu untuk
memengaruhi keputusan pembeli.Pesaing merupakan bagian penting dalam
perekonomian, terutama dalam pasar bebas. Kehadiran mereka dalam suatu industri
membuat harga barang dan jasa menjadi turun yang sangat menguntungkan dari sisi
pelanggan karena bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dengan lebih murah. 5 cara dalam
menghadapi competitor:
a. Amati Pasar Dan Kenali Pesaing Anda
Dalam menghadapi KOMPETITOR, terlebih dulu lihatlah potensi pasar yang ada.
Cari tau siapa pesaing yang kompeten saat ini, sehingga Anda tidak salah langkah
dalam menentukan strategi. Dengan mengetahui siapa pesaing Anda, secara tidak
langsung menentukan bagaimana cara menghadapinya. Perubahan minat dan
kebutuhan para konsumen, tentunya menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang perlu
Anda perhatikan.
b. Ciptakan Produk Yang Berbeda
Inovasi sangat penting. Dengan menciptakan produk yang unik dan belum ada
dipasaran, maka produk Anda memiliki nilai lebih dimata konsumen. Produk
yang unik dan berbeda, memiliki ciri khas tertentu dan daya tarik tersendiri bagi
para konsumen. Sehingga mereka lebih mengenali produk Anda, dan memilih
produk tersebut dibandingkan produk lainnya yang ada dipasaran.
c. Tonjolkan Keunggulan Produk
Dengan cara mempertahankan kualitas produk atau pelayanan prima selama ini
maka Anda dapat menawarkan produk kepada konsumen, sehingga loyalitas
konsumen terhadap produk Anda, akan semakin meningkat.
d. Pelajari Kelebihan Dan Kelemahan Pesaing
Dengan mengetahui ilustrasi menghadapi persaingan pasar kelebihan apa yang
dimiliki pesaing Anda, dan memanfaatkan kelemahan pesaing sebagai peluang
untuk memenangkan persaingan pasar. Ciptakan produk yang tidak diciptakan
pesaing Anda, atau berikan pelayanan yang tidak disediakan oleh pesaing Anda.
Sebab dengan menawarkan apa yang tidak dimiliki pesaing, maka peluang Anda
untuk memenangkan pasar semakin terbuka.
e. Berani Ambil Resiko
Untuk menarik minat konsumen, banyak pelaku usaha yang mengambil
tantangan besar untuk meningkatkan daya saing bisnisnya. Strategi ini bisa
dijalankan para konsumen dengan menawarkan inovasi-inovasi baru yang belum
pernah ditemui para konsumen. Misalnya saja seperti memproduksi barang atau
jasa unik yang belum ada di pasaran, atau bisa juga mengadakan event promosi
besar-besaran yang melibatkan para konsumen
Bovee and Thill define marketing as the process of planning and executing the
conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create and
maintain relationships. McDaniel, Lamb, and Hair (2011:3), marketing has two aspects.
First, it is a management philosophy, attitude, perspective, or orientation that emphasizes
customer satisfaction. Second, marketing is the activity and process used to implement this
Marketing is a process or activity to carry out the conception, pricing, promotion and
placement of goods or services and the exchange of offers that have value to meet the
needs or desires of individuals or society at large. Marketing Channels Pride, Hughes, and
Kapoor (2008: 465) say that marketing channels are sequences of marketing organizations
that direct products from producers to end users. Also in McDaniel, Lamb, and Hair
(2011:417), a marketing channel is a set of interdependent organizations that facilitate the
transfer of ownership as products move from producers to business users to consumers.
The marketing channel is the way products go from producers to consumers. McDaniel,
Lamb, and Hair retailers are channel intermediaries who sell primarily to consumers.
McDaniel, Lamb, and Hair, retail is all that relates directly to the sale of goods and services
to final consumers for personal, non-business use. Retailers are people/communities or
places/organizations as channels to sell products to end consumers.
The first modern retail presence in Indonesia was the Sarinah Department Store
which was founded in 1962 1970s to 1980s, the business format continued to grow. The
early 1990s was a milestone for foreign retailers to enter Indonesia. This is marked by the
operation of the largest Japanese retail 'Sogo' in Indonesia. Several types of modern
retailers, namely; modern markets, department stores, specialty stores,
malls/supermalls/plazas, and trade centers. goods at the supplier can be done in large
quantities. Strong bargaining power provides many advantages for the modern retailer.
1. Product quality
Product is the basic and important element of the marketing mix. It is said to be
important because with the product, the company can set prices, distribute products through
the company's distribution channels and get the right promotion. Products are the focal point
of marketing activities because products are the result of company activities that can be
offered to the market to be purchased, used or consumed to satisfy consumer wants and
needs. According to Assauri "Product quality is a statement of the level of ability of a
particular brand or product in carrying out the expected functions".
Meanwhile, according to Kotler and Armstrong, product quality is the characteristic
of a product or service that has the ability to meet stated or implied customer needs. Kotler
and Armstrong (2016: 164) also state: Product quality is the ability of an item to produce
results or performance that match or even exceed what the customer wants. Based on the
concepts stated above, researchers can understand that product quality is the ability and
character of the product or brand itself to fulfill customer desires.
Kotler said that if a company wants to maintain a competitive advantage in the
market, the company must understand what dimensions are used by consumers to
differentiate the company's products from competitors' products. This dimension includes
form, performance, product characteristics, accuracy or suitability, and reliability.
Furthermore, according to David Garvin in Tjiptono's book product quality has eight
dimensions as follows: performance, features, reliability, specification reliability, durability,
serviceability, aesthetics, and perceived quality. Meanwhile, according to Mowen and Minor
in Dinawan, it provides several dimensions of product quality, including: performance,
reliability, durability, security. From these dimensions, researchers took several factors
relevant to this study, including Style and Durability.
Based on some of the definitions above, it can be seen that product quality is the ability
of a product to meet consumer desires. Consumer wants include product durability, product
constraints, ease of use, and other valuable attributes that are clear of flaws and defects.
Products that have the quality and advantages that consumers expect from thrift goods
include superior product styles and good relationship management with product providers. In
everyday life we often talk about fashion issues, for example about various products. Product
quality is something offered by a seller that has more value than competing products.
Therefore, companies must focus on product quality and products offered by companies with
a better appearance compared to the quality of competitors' products. However, a product is
not only about the best or highest appearance, if the appearance is not in accordance with
what the market wants, then the product will find it difficult to dominate the market.
C. Ensuring Alignment with the Overall Business Strategy
Before starting to run a marketing program, human resources in the field of marketing
need to formulate a marketing strategy for the products to be marketed. The marketing
strategy will affect product determination (including name or brand and packaging), pricing,
and product placement in online media (digital presence).
The marketing strategy includes setting market targets for products to be marketed
according to existing market segments. Then determine the position of the product in the
market against other products or competitors. The three processes for preparing this marketing
strategy are abbreviated as STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning).
An example of a smartphone product will be made and marketed in one of the market
segments based on income. For example, there is a lower market segment (low income
group), a middle segment (medium income group), and an upper segment (high income
group). Targeting is choosing one or several existing segments, for example choosing the
bottom segment. Products of the lower segment do not require high quality, but low prices.
Positioning in the market can focus on easy-to-repair after-sales service in many places, to
differentiate from competitors of similar low-priced products that are weak in after-sales
Marketing strategy according to Philip Kolter is a series of views and mindsets in
marketing that will be used to achieve what is a marketing goal. This mindset contains a
detailed strategy regarding the target market or target market, where it is positioned, the mix
and budget for marketing. Kotler & Keller (2006) outlines the strategic options for each
position as follows:
1. Market Leader Strategy
The market leader is the largest market share in the industry and usually controls
the market through price changes, introduction of new products, distribution coverage,
and promotion intensity. As a market leader, companies must take action in three ways.
First, the company must develop ways to increase total market demand. Second, the
company must protect its current share of the market with effective defensive and
offensive means. Third, the company must always increase its market share, even though
the size of the market is relatively constant. The marketing strategies available to market
leaders are:
a. Total market expansion
Is developing a total market (total market) which can be done through three ways,
1. New Users, namely finding segments that have not used certain products so that
the demand for these products increases.
2. New Uses, namely looking for new uses for certain products so that the demand
for these products increases.
3. Using more (More Usage), namely encouraging current consumers to use more
with various reasons. Drinking eight glasses of mineral water a day is good for
health. If consumers believe this appeal, then the total market for drinking water.
b. Defensive strategy
Is to maintain the market position that has been achieved by the market leader so that
it is not disturbed or taken over by competitors. Marketing is the same as war. The
market leader can maintain its position through the following strategies:
1. Position defense, is controlling and maintaining the most profitable market space
in the minds of consumers, so that the strength of the brand is almost unbeatable.
2. Flank defense is a strategy to protect the weak side of a product. If this weak side
is not protected, it will be used as a point of attack for competitors.
3. Pre-emptive defense (defense ahead), is an aggressive movement to attack before
being attacked by competitors.
4. Counteroffensive defense (the company counterattacks), is carrying out
counterattacks when a competitor attacks, either frontally, or attacks in the heart
of the opponent's defense.
5. Mobile defense is a defensive strategy in two ways, namely market broadening by
shifting to generic needs, and market diversification by shifting to industries that
are not surprised to be related to the original industry.
6. Contraction defense is an action when market leaders feel that they no longer need
to defend a region, aka withdrawing from certain areas that are considered weak
and focusing resources on strong areas.
c. Increase market share
Is a strategy to seize market share from competitors. Or in another way, the market
leader may acquire a competitor's brand so that its market share directly increases
from controlling two or more brands.
2. Market Challenger Strategy
The strategies available to market challengers are:
a. Frontal attack (frontal attack), is a direct attack on the terms of product, advertising,
price, and distribution of competition. In a frontal attack, the principle of force
applies, which states that the party with the greater resources will win the fight.
b. Flank attack is an attack that can be shown on a geographic dimension or on a
segment dimension where the dimension is the weak point of the market leader. Side
attacks usually require less resources than frontal attacks, and have a higher success
c. Encirclement attack, is an attack on several fronts carried out at once.
d. Bypass attack is an indirect attack strategy by taking shortcuts in three ways, namely
diversifying into unrelated products, diversifying into new markets, and making
technological leaps so that competitors' products become outdated.
e. Guerrilla warfare (guerrilla attacks), are small and intermittent attacks to weaken
competitors, by using conventional and unconventional methods that ultimately
control narrow areas.
Strategies that are more specific to market challengers and can be carried out several
alternatives at once are:
1. Price discount.
2. Offers goods at lower prices.
3. Offering goods with prestige or luxury.
4. Offers a wide variety of goods.
5. Doing product innovation.
6. Develop distribution innovation.
7. Reducing production costs.
8. Intensive advertising and promotion.
2. Slow Growth , at this stage sales are still increasing, but with declining
growth, most are focused on strengthening and maintaining market position
and building consumer and dealer loyalty.
c. Maturity stage _
1. Growth Maturity , namely sales growth begins to decrease due to the maturity
of the distribution.
2. Stable Maturity , namely sales to level off caused by market saturation. Some
potential consumers have tried the new products offered by the company.
d. Decline Stage _
That is the period when sales show a declining direction and profits dwindle. At
this stage there are several alternatives that must be done, namely:
1. Increase investment in order to dominate or occupy a good competitive
Sales Volume
Every company has an economic goal, namely to get maximum profit. In order for the
maximum profit to be obtained, the company must try to increase sales volume on an ongoing
basis. Sales volume is the number of products sold by a company to consumers in a certain
period, meaning that the more products that are successfully offered to consumers, the greater
the profit (profit) for each period.
To increase sales volume, there are five concepts that companies can choose from,
namely production concept, product concept, sales concept, marketing concept and
environment-oriented marketing concept. Of these five concepts, companies generally often use
the marketing concept in achieving their goals.
The marketing concept (the marketing concept) assumes that the key to marketing
success lies in the company's ability to determine target markets and study consumer needs and
wants and then produce products that can better meet consumer needs.
Success in the marketing program is greatly supported by sales. This means that sales
hold a central position to achieve success. Sales are interpreted in a positive sense and achieve
the goals desired by a person or company. With sales will produce something that benefits all
parties, both buyers and sellers. Sales that are carried out positively have a long-term effect and
can maintain the existence of the business in the future. Meanwhile, the definition of sales
volume according to Wiens Anorga states that sales volume is the amount seen from the cost
relationship within the company can estimate the sales unit target to obtain the specified profit.
Factors that affect sales volume:
a. Goods Quality
A decrease in the quality of goods can affect sales volume, if the quality of the
goods traded decreases, it can cause buyers who are already customers to feel
disappointed so they turn to other goods of better quality.
b. Consumer tastes
Consumer tastes are not fixed and can change at any time, if consumer tastes for
the goods we sell change, sales volume will decrease.
c. Service to customers
The customer satisfaction strategy causes competitors to try hard and require high costs
in their efforts to win over a company's customers. Customer satisfaction is a long term that
requires commitment, both in terms of funds and human resources.
The change in the market paradigm towards long-term partnerships emphasizes RM as a
change in the marketing paradigm within the company as a function that is not solely the role
and responsibility of marketing (marketing department), but rather becomes a cross-functional
management within the company that carries out marketing principles in various functions.
V. Conclusion
A. Recap of the Key Points
Operations Management provides a systematic perspective in seeing the processes in the
organization and so that the company understand what operations managers do so that we can
carefully increase profit opportunities and services in society and are able to organize
ourselves in productive companies. That it is very important to know how Operations
Management activities work so that we understand what operations managers are doing so
that they can carefully increase profit and service opportunities in society and are able to
organize themselves in productive companies.