Goal: Solution: Let, X Be The Light Sleeper

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Consider the following knowledge base:

1. Gita likes all kinds of food.

2. Mango and chapati are food.
3. Gita eats almond and is still alive.
4. Anything eaten by anyone and is still alive is food.

Goal: Gita likes almond.

Solution: Convert the given sentences into FOPL as:
Let, x be the light sleeper.

1. ?x: food(x) ? likes(Gita,x)

2. food(Mango),food(chapati)
3. ?x?y: eats(x,y) ? ¬ killed(x ? food(y)
4. eats(Gita, almonds) ? alive(Gita)
5. ?x: ¬killed(x) ? alive(x)
6. ?x: alive(x) ? ¬killed(x)

Goal: likes(Gita, almond)

Negated goal: ¬likes(Gita, almond)
Now, rewrite in CNF form:

1. ¬food(x) V likes(Gita, x)
2. food(Mango),food(chapati)
3. ¬eats(x,y) V killed(x) V food(y)
4. eats(Gita, almonds), alive(Gita)
5. killed(x) V alive(x)
6. ¬alive(x) V ¬killed(x)

Finally, construct the resolution graph:

Hence, we have achieved the given goal with the help of Proof by Contradiction.
Thus, it is proved that Gita likes almond.

Semantic Netorks

Answer: Advantages: • Semantic networks are easier to read and understand by humans. • They are
easier to implement and can be more efficient (since they can use special purpose procedures). • They
can be more expressive than first-order logic in some regards (for instance, inheritance with exceptions).
Disadvantages: • They are less expressive than first-order logic in some regards (for instance, negation
and disjunction are problems). • Their semantics is often not well defined. • They have problems with
multiple inheritance of incompatible properties.

Draw the semantic network that represents the data given below:

 Mammals have fur.

 All mammals are animals.
 A bird is an animal.
 A cat is a mammal.
 Tom is a cat.
 Tom is owned by John.
Tom is ginger in colour.

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