CarterRacing A
CarterRacing A
CarterRacing A
BJ Carter was not sure. Chris Carter (a Robin argued, “and that means some things
sibling and business partner) was on the are not going to be under control. If you
phone and needed a decision. Should they run want to win, you have to take risks.
in the race or not? It had been a successful Everybody in racing knows it. The drivers
have their lives on the line, I have a career
season so far, but the Pocono race was
that hangs on every race, and you have every
important because of the prize money and TV
dime tied up in the business. That’s the thrill:
exposure it promised. This first year was hard beating the odds and winning.” Last night
because the team was trying to make a name for over dinner Robin had added to this argument
itself. They had run in a lot of small races to forcefully with Burns’ First Law of Racing:
get this shot at “the big time”. A successful “ Nobody ever won a race sitting in the
outing could mean more sponsors, a chance to pits.”
start making some profit for a change, and the
BJ, Chris and Robin had discussed Carter
luxury of racing only the major events. But if Racing’s situation the previous evening.
they suffered another engine failure on national This first season was a success from a racing
television… standpoint, with the team’s car finishing “in
the money” (one of the top five) in 12 of the
“These engine failures are exasperating,” 15 races it completed. As a result, the
thought BJ. The team’s car had failed seven sponsorship offers critical to the team’s
times in twenty-four outings this season, with business success were starting to come in. A
various degrees of damage to the engine and car. big break had come two weeks ago after the
No one could figure out why. It took a lot of Dunham race, where the team scored its
sponsor money to replace a $50,000 racing fourth first-place finish. Goodstone Tire had
engine, and the wasted entry fees were no finally decided Carter Racing deserved its
small matter either. BJ and Chris had sponsorship at Pocono -- worth a much
everything they owned riding on Carter Racing. needed $40,000 -- and was considering a full
This season had to be a success. season contract for next year if the team’s car
Pat Edwards, the engine mechanic, was finished in the top five in this race. The
guessing the engine problem was related to Goodstone sponsorship was two million a
ambient air temperature. When it was cold, year, plus incentives. BJ and Chris had
the different expansion rates for the head and gotten a favorable response from Goodstone’s
block seemed to be damaging the head gasket Racing Program Director last week when they
and causing the engine failures. It was below presented their plans for next season, but it
freezing last night, which meant a cold was clear that Goodstone’s support depended
morning for starting the race. on the visibility they generated in this race.
Robin Burns, the chief mechanic, did not “BJ, we only have another hour to
agree with Pat’s “gut feeling”. The data decide,” Chris said over the phone. “ At the
seemed to support Robin’s position (see end of the Dunham race, we were $80,000 in the
Exhibit 1) in that the gasket failures had hole. Since Dunham, we got the $40,000 from
occurred over the entire temperature range. Goodstone and paid the $30,000 Pocono entry
This suggested that temperature was not the fee. If we withdraw now, we can get back half
issue. Robin had been racing for twenty the $30,000 entry. We’ll lose Goodstone, they’ll
years and believed that luck was an want $25,000 of their money back, and we’ll
important element in success. “In racing, you end the season $80,000 in the hole. If we run
are pushing the limits of what is known,” and finish in the top five, we have Goodstone in
our pocket and can add another car next
BJ –
I got the data on the gasket failure problem from Pat. We’ve run 24 races this season, with temperatures
at race time ranging from 53 to 82 degrees. Pat had a good idea in suggesting we look into this, but as you
can see, this is not our problem. I tested the data for a correlation between temperature and gasket
failures, and found no relationship:
In comparison with some of the other teams, we have done extremely well this season. We’ve finished
62.5% of the races, and when we finished, we were in the top five 80% of the time. Our rate of blown
engines is 29%, but we are running fast, so we have to expect some difficulties. I’m not happy with the
engine problems, but I will take the four first-place finishes and 50% rate of finishing “in the money” over
seven engines any day. If we continue to run like this, we will have our pick of sponsors.