Canada and World Studies Module Three Essay Outline

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Canada and World Studies Module Three

Essay Outline

Name:Marco Antonio Rubino Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2021

Introduction (includes topic sentence, highlighted thesis and brief description of arguments)
Since the beginning of World War 1, several countries around the world have developed
Significantly. Countries have brought in larger artilleries, bulkier gross economies, and an overall
Growth of the country. Canada's role on the global stage has expanded since 1914
because of
the G7, Pierre Trudeau’s ministry and the support of the British Commonwealth.
Discussions in the G7 allow for values of countries to be expressed whilst keeping in an open
Mind. Trudeau's time in office helped set the stage for Canada for the many years of sovereignty
to come. And we cannot forget about the British, as the commonwealth alongside the British
The Empire did help Canada in the shaping of its country.

POINT: Argument One (first statement supporting thesis, expressed as a proposition)

The relation between Canada and Britain has certainly assisted Canada in its global development

PROOF: Supporting Evidence for argument One (How do you know it’s true? Provide
historical facts, quotes, stats)
▪ Remember to include some indication of which point require citation (i.e. source and pg #)

1.a “ Canada and the UK work closely together in many international organizations. Ours
are the only two countries that are members of NATO, the G7, the G20, and the
Commonwealth. Through the United Nations, World Bank, and other organizations, Canada
and the UK continue to promote our shared values and commitment to international
development. We work very closely in areas like gender equality, health, and education.”

1.b Canada and Britain have fought together in every war and almost all conflicts around
the world. Our allegiance in times of war and conflict is as a “brotherhood” would be.
Canada joined WW1 to support Canada. Canada joined WW2 to also support Britain in
supplying artillery and transportation vehicles such as planes.
1.c “Canada and the UK work closely together in many international organizations. Ours
are the only two countries that are members of NATO, the G7, the G20, and the

1.d Canada and Britain share the same sovereign (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II). Almost
all things that high ranking officials do have to go through the Queen. Moreover,
Government officials and new citizens swear an oath under the Queen. She is more known
in the land of Britain but still has an important role on expanding Canada on the global
stage because she is such a prominent figure in the world

Analysis: Connect this argument to your thesis and provide an explanation for why this point is
important, significant.

Overall, the Canadian and British ties are clear. We support one another in many different ways
that assist one another. Britain has a strong allegiance to Canada. We rely on one another to be
there when help is needed most.

POINT: Argument Two (second statement supporting thesis, expressed as a proposition)

Pierre Trudeau is one of the most successful Canadian Prime Ministers for rational reasons.

PROOF: Supporting Evidence for argument One (How do you know it’s true? Provide
historical facts, quotes, stats)
▪ Remember to include some indication of which point require citation (i.e. source and pg #)

2.a In 1980 Trudeau took plans to reform Canada's constitution (constitutional rights) He accomplished this
by making the Constitution act of 82’. This included the charter rights, and the independence of Canada
from Britain. “For the past 35 years, the Charter has helped build a country where people from
all over the world can come together as equals and create opportunities for one another.”
2.b The Trudeau government sought to abolish the Indian act and instead help give land to first Nation
Peoples. Most knowingly Nunavut. Expanding on the global does not have to be national, creating more
provinces and places for people to live in your country adds up to a bigger picture. This goes the same for
the act of 82’. Human rights are the most important thing in a person's life.

2.c As a French-Canadian man himself, Pierre Turdeau fought long and hard for unity between English
and French Candians. The official languages act was placed in the books in 1968. This is concrete proof
that Canada is a bilingual country and that both languages in the country should be respected and not
frowned upon. This act is a step in the right direction for unity between the English speaking and french.

2.d Canada's multiculturalism policy 1971. Multiculturalism is more of a recognition of diversity

rather than a pitiful government policy. Immigration and refugee status rose in Canada. Citizens of
the world were going to Canada because something good was brewing in that country. P.M.
Trudeau was the mastermind in this process. He knew what he was doing and executed it very

Analysis: Prime Minister P.Trudeau is a critical figure in Canadian history. He was the people's
leader. By taking care of the citizens of Canada he made a better country that bounded together.
With immigration at an all time high at the time, new pupils came into Canada with dreams.
Canada now was a larger country that was independent and had an impression on itself for being
a country that welcomes all.

POINT: Argument Three (Third statement supporting thesis, expressed as a proposition)

The G7 is an influential committee that brings together some of the world's largest countries to
provide a take on global issues and how to fix them.

PROOF: Supporting Evidence for argument One (How do you know it’s true? Provide
historical facts, quotes, stats)
▪ Remember to include some indication of which point require citation (i.e. source and pg #)

3.a The G7 allowed Canada to communicate to leaders of major countries about politics, social
justice, and any ongoing events at the time of meetings. The G7 allows Canada to broaden its
presence on the global stage because of the importance the G7 has. The most recent meeting
took place in Cornwall. The main topic was of course the Covid-19 pandemic. Leaders discussed
how a prosperous future can be achieved by overcoming this pandemic.

3.b The impact of the G7 is sometimes overlooked in Canada. Prestigious countries such as
Japan, United States, and Russia are some of the 6 other countries in the association. These
countries are not to be taken lightly as they have some of the biggest economies. Canada is
fortunate to be a part of this group.

3.c One of the main reasons Canada was added to the G7 was because of Pieere Trudeau. His
values and thoughts on equality and inclusion were recognized by the existing members of what
was the G6. This can be seen with the many acts and policies Trudeau put in place that lifted
Canada to a new point on the global stage

Analysis: Connect this argument to your thesis and provide an explanation for why this
point is important, significant.

Furthermore, the G7 is an exclusive committee that is valued by many. Huge countries that carry
huge responsibilities because of l;arge they are. Canada being one of them makes them a star on
the global stage. Canada has the potential to help millions because of their position on the global

Conclusion (restatement of thesis, summary of arguments made and “so what?” statement)

Canada's role on the global stage has expanded since 1914 because of the G7, Pierre
Trudeau’s ministry and the support of the British Commonwealth. Multiple factors went
into the process of not only becoming a large presence on the global stage but keeping
that importance and making it well known to countries that Canada is a country that
should be respected and thought upon as a dominant presence on the global stage.
Final reference list of ALL sources used in final essay: (minimum of six)
Includes ALL of the sources you have consulted and cited for your final essay and be in
proper Chicago style format. This will be your bibliography.

1. Branch, Legislative Services. “Consolidated Federal Laws of Canada, Canadian

Multiculturalism Act.” Canadian Multiculturalism Act, November 25, 2021.

2 .“Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21.” Canadian Multiculturalism Policy, 1971

| Pier 21. Accessed December 9, 2021.

3. “PM Pierre Trudeau Introduces Bill on Official Bilingualism - CBC Archives.”

CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada. Accessed December 9, 2021.

4.“Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the 35th Anniversary of the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Prime Minister of Canada. Accessed December 9,

5.Government of Canada, Foreign Affairs Trade and Development Canada. Canada

and the United Kingdom relations, October 19, 2021.

6. Gerson, Jen. “How Exactly Does the Commonwealth Work Anyway?” nationalpost.
National Post, October 8, 2013.

7. “Canada Act.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. Accessed

December 9, 2021.

8. Canada, Global Affairs. “Canada and the Commonwealth.” GAC, June 11, 2021.
Module Three Evaluation
Thesis 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Focused, thematic, justifiable, decisive,
concise, well written
● Evidence of refinement
● Scope is appropriate to course
Proper Introduction 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Includes thesis
● Properly introduces topic
● Engages reader
Arguments 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Stated as a proposition
● Are concise and explicit
● Thesis supported, reflects topic
● Represents comprehensive understanding of
Evidence 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Accuracy of information
● Relevance to thesis and arguments
● Represents comprehensive understanding
Conclusion 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Summary of arguments and thesis
Analysis 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Connects arguments to Thesis.
● Draws ideas to logical conclusions
● Offers insight.

Sources 1- 1 1+ 2- 2 2+ 3- 3 3+ 4- 4 4+
● Variety, sufficiency and relevancy
● Format
● Evidence of citations to be used

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