Final Art Lesson Plan

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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Emma Halberg
SCSU Course: Art
Date: 4-13-23
Lesson Title: Scrap Monsters
Grade Level:3
Subject Area: Art
Unit of Study: Creating a piece of artwork from recycled material.
How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to
subsequent lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)
Students will be learning about artists that use different recycled materials to create something new.
We will be using recycled construction paper to create a monster. Which is similar to at an artist
named Derek Gores.

Language Function (Highlight one or both):
 Syntax OR  Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…):
 Scrap Presentation visual
Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
 Foreground – Things in the front of the piece (the “main event”)
 Background- Any things added behind the “main event” of the piece.

Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

 Collage – Gluing things together to make something else.
Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to create a Measurement Tool(s):

: Create: Generate and scrap monster using the scraps Use of more than one color
develop original ideas: Modify an provided. Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
original idea for a work of art. Using at least 3 colors to bring
monster to life.
Means of Feedback to Student:
Making sure to be creative.
MN Content Standard: : Students will be able to create Measurement Tool(s): Create: Generate and unique details to their art to make Adding unique pieces within
develop original ideas: Modify an it personal to them. their art background or to make
original idea for a work of art. their artwork personal.
Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
Adding at least 3 things that are
unique to your piece. (things
teacher did not demonstrate)
Means of Feedback to Student:
Think about a life for a monster
Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to verbal Measurement Tool(s):
Standard for Academic Lang.: express components of their Discussion at the end Explain their own ideas artwork and explain their ideas. Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
and understanding in light of a Students accurately explaining
discussion their piece of artwork in a
discussion setting
Means of Feedback to Student:
Doing a brief explanation of each
part of their work.
 Scrap Monster Presentation
 Colored pencils/crayons/markers
 Construction paper
 Scrap paper


Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this
2-5 T: “Today we will be creating “scrap monsters” out of (having the scrap paper previously
Minutes construction paper scraps.” But before we do that we are glued so they will just be adding
going to learn a little about an artist named Derek Gores details with markers or colored
who is known for his collage artwork. He uses recycled pencils.)
materials like new papers and labels to create artwork
like this. This relates to our project with us using scraps of
a different project we created in the past to create a new
5-10 T: Goes over slides and explains each step of the piece.
minutes S: Working along side the slides as we go.
5-10 T: “Okay now that we have created our monster I want
minutes you to spend about 5-10 minutes adding any unique
details to the piece and don’t forget everyone should
make sure they name their monster.”
S: Students add any personal details to make their
monster personalized.
10 minutes T: “Now that everyone is finished if anyone would like to
share their monster. If you’d like to share I would like you
to tell us their name and explain some of the items in your
artwork piece.

(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)
The students will have a chance to share their individual projects and some personal aspects they created to
make it personalized to them.


Show them an example of Derek Gores work. This shows them a real life example of a famous artist using
recycled things to create something new.


(Complete after teaching)

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