Everything is relative and depends on perspective. Like the “half empty, half full” parable, the
same application could be seen by one as providing a need for switchgear, and by another
for a switchboard. This article will delve into that world of uncertainty and attempt to
straighten it out just a little.
I. Switchgear Vs Switchboards
Our first target will be the common anxiety of whether to apply switchgear or switchboards.
It seems intuitive that switchgear is larger and more expensive but more reliable than
switchboards. In order to transition from the intuitive to the real world we established five
application case conditions to be compared for analysis. The results are outlined in Table 1.
Though this relatively small basis of analysis does not claim to be statistically precise, it was
structured towards maintaining a fair comparison. The system configurations are detailed in
the table and its notes. To maintain a common field of reference between the two types of
equipment we kept the main the same in each (WavePro, drawout) and all the feeders sized
at 800A (WP individually-mounted in the switchgear; Molded-case group-mounted in the
switchboards). We investigated 480V as well as 208V systems and main bus capacity sizes
varying from 2000 to 4000 amperes.
Though actual costs are not shown, net results are represented on a per-unit basis, at a
multiple of the lowest item of reference within its grouping. The results are in line with
expectations and indicate that, for the cases surveyed, switchgear costs anywhere from 50
to 100% more than its counterpart in group-mounted switchboards. This naturally begs the
question of value returned for the added cost of switchgear.
The best source of reference to investigate this matter is IEEE-493-1990 (The Gold Book, Ref
1). Based on extensive failure data evaluations, Table 10, Chapter 3 of that standard,
summarizes the statistical failure rate per unit-year of a variety of power system equipment.
Though switchgear is not directly compared to switchboards, fixed low-voltage breakers
(600V and below, including molded case), as used in group-mounted applications like
switchboards, can be compared to low voltage metalclad drawout type breakers, as used in
switchgear. The failure rate of switchboards is approximately 156% of switchgear, with an
average downtime of four hours per occurrence. Though the basis of the data is historic, the
writers believe it is a valid reflection on the production and design philosophies of each
Molded case protective devices are intended to meet a market need as economically as
possible. Steel framed switchgear was developed for those applications that require
reliability and continuity of service. When the above statistics are combined with the
anticipated per-event power outage costs for various industries (commercial = $2,299;
industrial = $61,710; institutional = $53,455; Ref 2), it is clear why applications concerned with
reliability and safety would design around switchgear. Elimination of one failure event within
the lifetime of the gear more than provides payback for the increased initial investment.
A surprising result in Table 1 is the floor space requirements for each type of equipment.
Conventional wisdom would anticipate switchboards to always be significantly smaller than
switchgear. These results indicate otherwise. They are effectively comparable for the cases
modeled. This is due to the main protective device selected, which plays a significant factor
in the footprint of the gear and whether it requires rear access. As a rule-of thumb, any gear
depth greater than 45” typically requires rear access and rear working clearances in
accordance with NEC 110.26. Had an insulated case main breaker been specified, the 4000A
main section dimension could have been reduced to 45” from 50.” Even so, it is noteworthy
that the group-mounted switchboard lineups remain wider in most cases, and significantly
so (62% longer) for some. The lesson to be learned is the importance of properly selecting
frame sizes in order to optimize footprint. For example, an 800A rated breaker utilizes the
same frame size as a 1200A breaker. Both therefore require the same height spacing and
must be single-mounted in a 40” wide enclosure. A 600A breaker, however, can reduce that
height spacing by 33% and may be double-width mounted in the same size enclosure.
Therefore, in restricted switchboard locations, there is a definite advantage in applying more
600A rather than 800A breakers, or fewer 1200A rather than 800A feeders to downstream
sub-distribution panels. More such details can be investigated in the switchboard application
publication GET-8032, and DET-196 for switchgear.
Table 2 incorporates the results of twenty-six application case conditions, with variations in
switchboard design, which were modeled for analysis. These cases are grouped into five
substation sizes ranging from 500 to 2000kVA (three at 480V, two at 208V), each with its
resulting short-circuit and continuous current levels defined. Each grouping consists of five
case conditions, except the first group, which has six. All cases have been selected to be
fairly typical so that the results may be most widely applicable. Each case condition was
evaluated as a switchboard design based on slight variations in its make-up specification,
then priced and sized. The resulting costs and sizes were per-unitized (PU) on the basis of its
substation grouping, as done in Table 1, so the data could be quickly evaluated. It must be
understood that these case conditions are only representative for this evaluation. Each
application should be evaluated with its unique design requirements taken into account.
Fuses Vs Breakers
The flexibility of switchboards has been improved to a level where they are now available in
either bolt-on or plug-in construction. In the bolt-on design the protective devices are solidly
bolted onto the main electrical distribution bus work. The plug-in construction incorporates a
removable module to which the protective device is mounted and permits it to clamp onto
the main distribution bus. That connection is made with spring reinforced high tension jaw
clamps designed to hug the bus even tighter under high fault conditions (ref. DE-168). The
major advantage to plug-in construction is a rapid removal of that protective device from the
board without a need to unbolt the breaker (or switch) from the main bus. Though a bus
outage is required for safety purposes, this feature minimizes that outage time. Table 2
shows this function only adds about 2% to the cost of the board and has no impact on
overall gear footprint size.
Series-rated gear can provide economy in high short-circuit applications. Such economy
was not evident for the short-circuit levels included in the case conditions modeled here. If,
however, series-rated equipment had been specified for the project and provided, the
equipment and application would be subject to certain restrictions and special labeling and
handling requirements as specified in NEC 110.22 and 240.86. The clear lesson to be learned
is, if series-rated equipment provides no cost or size advantage, do not request it since added
expense in labeling, installation and limitation of application could result. Further insights are
available on series ratings in application publication DET-008.
For applications of 1200A or lower, the main protective device can be individually-mounted
or group-mounted with the feeders. One special case condition was included in the first
substation grouping, Case 3A, to illustrate the possible ramifications of this option. Group
mounting the main, in this case, only saves about 4% in cost but results in elimination of one
entire enclosure stack thereby decreasing the footprint by 43%! Caution, however, should be
exercised here. There are advantages in retaining a separate cable-entry section. These
include ease of installation, cooler long term operation of the feeder section (which translates
to extended equipment life), and complete isolation of power from the feeder section when
the main is opened. These are significant benefits for a mere 4% cost adder, but only if floor
space permits.
The case conditions and comparisons evaluated here demonstrate how seemingly minor
variations in design and specification can have significant impact on a project’s economics
and space efficiency. They have further served to illustrate how general perceptions may be
out of line with the reality of any given application since each is unique and merits its own
All evaluations presented in this article are based on the use of GE type AKD Switchgear and
GE type Spectra Switchboards, configured as detailed within the referenced tables and within
the notes provided for those tables. Results may vary with other types of equipment and/or
varying configurations and options.
1. IEEE Std 493-1990, “Design Of Reliable Industrial And Commercial Power Systems”, Chapter 3, pp 54,
Table 10.
2. Chowdhury, A. A., Koval, D. O., “Balancing Society’s Cost Of Electric Grid Blackouts And The Worth Of
Improved Electric Grid Reliability”, Keynote Presentation and Paper at the 16th International
Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, pp 4, Upcoming July 29, 2004, Baden-
Baden, Germany.
Table 1
Switchgear Vs Switchboard - Comparison Of Sizes And Cost
1. In all cases mains are elect operated Wave-Pro CB's, drawout, LSI (with GF at 480V only); feeders are manually operated, rated 800A,
LSI ( with GF at 480V only).
2. The switchgear includes all drawout units; Switchboard construction includes group mounted feeders. All boards are rated 65kAIC.
3. Capacity of feeder circuits equals approximately 200% of substation capacity, ie: 4000A gear includes qty 10 800A feeders.
4. Each line-up incorporates main bus CPT, CT's, PT's, power quality main meter, 200kA TVSS.
A Deeper Look into Switchgear and Switchboards
5. Footprint comparison assumes main depth x lineup width. Though group-mounted stacks are shallower than mains, that space
remains unsalvageable. Page 4 of 5
6. Cost comparison is based on budgetary net project values.
7. WP = Wave-Pro steel frame breakers; MCCB = Molded-Case Circuit Breaker.
Table 22
Switchboard Analysis - Comparison of Sizes
Main Breaker Feeder Per Unit Line-up Dim'ns (in.) Per Unit
Case # Voltage Sub kVA Sh Ckt kA Type Amp Rating Type Plug-In/Bolt-On Net Cost W D Footprint
1. All BPS (Bolted Pressure Switches) and HPC (High Pressure Contact Switches) include Blown Fuse and Phase Failure protection.
2. All mains are 100% rated, stationary, manually operated, include GF at 480V only. Main CB trip units also include LSI functions.
3. All mains are individually mounted, all feeders are group mounted; except case # 3a which is totally group mounted.
4. Each lineup includes a power quality meter, 200kA/mode TVSS, heat rated CU bus, CPT, service entrance label.
5. Each linup is fully rated except where feeders are noted 'CB-Series Rtd.'
6. Amount of feeders based on 150% of bus rating with mix as follows:1200 bus = 6-100A, 2-200A, 2-400A; 1600A bus = 4, 2, 4; 2000A bus = 2500 bus = 6, 4, 6.
7. Price evaluation based on budgetary user net market values as of June 2004.
8. Footprint evaluation based on switchboard length, and depth of deepest section.