Sem120 - Campus Journalism
Sem120 - Campus Journalism
Sem120 - Campus Journalism
● Take good notes discreetly. ● Use quotes often — bring the person to life
● Observe the surroundings. Look for details that ● Do not say “I asked” or “when asked” Q and A
set a mood,reveal personality. Reporter not part of the story; more object
provide citizens with the information they need to make NATIONAL NEWS - news that takes place within the
the best possible decisions about their lives, their country.
communities, their societies, and their governments. FOREIGN NEWS - news that takes place outside the
What is the importance of news to you as a student?
Newspapers bring ideas and current events to life. Many structure
children are aware of major world events, even if they STRAIGHT NEWS - news that consists of facts given
don't know or understand the details. Newspaper articles straight without embellishment.
about world events can be used as avenues to NEWS-FEATURE - it is also based on facts, but it
discussions about what' s going on in the world. entertains more than it informs.
answer questions conveniently in their own pace so that vote of the editorial board, the governing body of the
they can ponder and give thoughtful answers. However, newspaper made up of editors and business managers. It
through this interview there is no physical interaction is usually unsigned. Much in the same manner of a
between the interviewee and the interviewer. - lawyer, editorial writers build on an argument and try to
Interview by email persuade readers to think the same way they do.
3. This kind of feature writing are usually done in Editorials are meant to influence public opinion,
person where the writer can personally ask questions to promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people
the personality featured in the paper. - Interviews to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an
4. It is one of the most crucial step in writing a feature opinionated news story.
article where the writer seeks factual yet interesting
information about the interviewee. It is part of planning EDITORIALS MUST HAVE:
the entire article and making sure that everything is 1. Introduction, body and conclusion like other
relevant and factual. - Research and Planning news stories
5. These type of feature articles deal with the 2. An objective explanation of the issue, especially
personalities and events of the past. It is usually written complex issues
to disprove incorrect popular beliefs. - Historical 3. A timely news angle
Feature 4. Opinions from the opposing viewpoint that
6. Read the following statements carefully then choose directly refute the same issues the writer
the best answer. addresses
i. Feature articles also include more of the elements that 5. The opinions of the writer delivered in a
are used in traditional professional manner.
storytelling—description, scene-setting, quotes, and 6. Alternative solutions to the problem or issue
background information. being criticized. Anyone can gripe about a
ii. Both fiction and non-fiction writers often say their problem, but a good editorial should take a pro-
aim is to help readers paint a active approach to making the situation better
visual portrait in their minds of what's happening in a by using constructive criticism and giving
story. solutions.
iii. Whether it's by describing a place or a person, 7. A solid and concise conclusion that powerfully
setting a scene, or using colorful summarizes the writer's opinion. Give it some
quotes, a good feature writer does anything he or she punch.
can in order to get readers
engaged with the story.
All statements are true.
6. These are also called as “mini-features” These articles
are clever, attention getter, and story-tell events in a
chronological order. Featurettes
7. These kinds of interviews are interesting because of
the individual rather than the subject matter. Personal
Opinion Writing
8. Develops a total picture of the person. Gets facts from
is a type of writing in which the author
the person himself. Attempts to reveal personality
expresses their thoughts, views, opinions, or feelings on
through anecdotes. Looks at mannerisms, actions, dress,
a specific topic of their choosing. Opinion articles can
experiences. Talks to other people about the subject. -
sometimes be in response to other opinion pieces, but
Personality Sketch
they can also stand alone as their own opinion pieces.
To put simply, opinion writing is a formal piece
Week 10
of writing that requires your opinion on a topic. Usually,
opinion writing comes in the form of an essay, articles,
An editorial is an article that presents the
or informative pieces, but the skills of opinion writing
newspaper's opinion on an issue. It reflects the majority
Editorials of entertainment have two categories. One controversial trend, or event. It aims to persuade the
is the short humorous treatment of a light topic. The reader to reconsider their perspective about a particular
second is a slightly satirical treatment of a serious topic. - Editorial Writing
subject. (Satire is the use of sarcasm or keen wit to 10. It is a type of editorial article that focuses on the
denounce abuses or follies. While it ridicules or makes various causes of problem and suggests a solution. -
fun of a subject it has the intent of improving it.) Critical
11. It is a type of editorial article that shows
NEWS PEG/TOPIC CHOICE appreciation for a specific person or organization based
In writing the editorial, select only one specific idea to on an issue. - Critical
develop. Be sure the topic is of interest to the reader. 12. It allows the writer to promote their point while still
Organize your editorial in three parts: seeming fair. - Refutation
1. The introduction 13. It is the statements that supports the arguments
2. The body presented in an editorial article. These statements are
3. The ending. usually based on research, journals, and anecdotes. -
Newspeg contains:summary of the news item + stand 14. An effective claim or proposition begins with a
of the writer / publication strong opinion statement. To draft an informative yet
The news peg is found on the introduction part engaging opinion statement the writer needs the
of the article. Also known as the story hook, it is simply following: Debatable Topic and Focus
the reason a reporter chooses to report a news story. The 15. Before submitting an article, one must recheck the
peg makes the story timely, and thus defines the story as spelling, grammar, and overall
news. It builds a sense of urgency too. And, without contents of a piece making sure that it is professionally
timeliness, there cannot be any news. done. One can also have a colleague or adviser check
the article to find mistakes that the writer might miss out
Your topic should be arguable and have multiple points 16. It is the reasoning or the vindication behind an
of view. article. It presents the writer’s opinion and reasoning
1. Decide on a Topic behind their chosen stance that aims to change the
Your essay will reflect your personal bias or the minds of the readers. - Argument
bias of the group you are representing, so you
should expect some of your readers to disagree Week 11
with your stance. Sports Writing
2. Research your Topic For centuries, sports have been an integral part
Even though an editorial is opinion-based, it is of numerous cultures worldwide. Humans have used
still important to provide your readers with sports to improve their physical fitness, compete for
well- researched evidence to back up your coveted honors, or engage in community recreation
ideas. since the dawn of civilization. Even though sports have
3. Start to write been around for thousands of years, many of the
Once you finish the planning portion of writing organized sports we know, and love today were created
your editorial, start to write by adding details to in the last few hundred years. While the history of sports
your outline. is undeniably extensive, certain key events over time
4. Proofread have had a significant impact on their development.
Before submitting your editorial, proofread your Since its inception and initial implementation,
own work to make sure you have created a the definition of sports itself has undergone significant
professional, quality piece of writing. revision. At first, it was just simple athletic activities
without any contact or competitive intent. Nowadays,
WEEK 10 any kind of physical fitness can be said to be related to
9. It is a short essay that shares one’s opinion about a sports. Running, weightlifting, rowing, skiing, and
particular topic usually the latest social issue, bowling all fall under the category of athletic activities.
To be considered a sport and not just a leisure activity, person might be a rookie athlete rising in the
the athletic ability must be applied to the activity itself. ranks, or perhaps an influential coach. It could
be about their battle with depression and
Sports writing is a form of creative nonfiction or suicide, and how he used the same thing that
journalism that covers sports, athletes, or other sports- saved him, text messaging, to help others in the
related issues. A journalist who reports on sports is sports world
called a sportswriter. 4. Season Preview and Wrap-up Stories
Every sportswriter needs season previews and
Sports journalism/writing started in the early 1800s wrap-up stories in their collection. These stories
when it was targeted to the social elite and transitioned are published while the coaches and their teams
into an integral part of the news business with are preparing for the upcoming season, or after
newspapers having dedicated sports sections. The the season has ended— whether in victory or in
increased popularity of sports among-st the middle and defeat.
lower class led to the more coverage of sports content in 5. Columns
publications. A sportswriting column is the place where a
sportswriter shares their opinion. Sometimes
There are many different forms of sports journalism, these columns may include venting when a
ranging from play-by-play and team, player, or coach doesn’t meet
game recaps to analysis and investigative journalism expectations. Other times, they may write about
on important developments in what they admire in a team, player or coach.
the sport.
Essentials of sport writing
Due to its popularity sports only media emerge like
sports illustrations like magazines and sport channels ● Find The Human Interest Angle
seen in television. And due to the continued This is the most important element of writing a creative
advancement of technology and emergence of the piece about sports. Instead of an athlete’s statistics,
internet, sport related news can now be seen not only in readers of short prose or poetry want to know about the
print but also in our own devices through blogs and person: What obstacles did he or she overcome? What
tweets and other platforms of social media. sacrifices had to be made? How does the swimmer feel
5 Types of sport stories when he loses a race? What thoughts are going through
1. Straight-Lead Game Story the runner’s mind as she makes that last push for the
The most basic form of all sportswriting, the finish line? Which emotions does the baseball pitcher
straight-lead (also spelled straight-lede) game experience after throwing that last out?
story is an article using a straight-news format. ● Know Your Sports’ Specs
The article summarizes the main points of a Like any good sports scout, do your research. If you try
game: which team won or lost, the final score, to write about a sport without having any knowledge of
and what a star player did. the rules of play, your piece will seem inauthentic. You
2. Feature game story can’t write about how a corps-à-corps affected the final
The feature game story is a favorite tool for results of a fencing bout if you don’t know what the
professional sports writers because it gives fans term means.
and readers a different angle from the highlights ● Make The Call: Write In Your Voice
they have seen on TV. It gives a different sports writing has a journalistic tone: highlights and
perspective of the the game and the people team standings,maybe a few points of personal opinion,
involved, like their experience during the game, and the expectations for upcoming events. So if you’re
how they feel and sometime even the going to write a sports-centric creative piece, you’ll
background of the coach of the athletes. want to stand out from the competition. By writing in
3. Profiles your own voice, you’ll bring something unique to your
If in feature game story spotlights a game, manuscript.
profile features an individual character. This ● Practice. Practice. Practice.
To improve, an athlete trains every day—whether he includes working in the field of public relations (PR)
feels like it or not; even when she’d rather give up. It’s and as advisors for a sportsperson, club or federation,
the same for writers who want to succeed and get their and writing for a team or league publication.Editors and
work published. You need to write and rewrite; to edit reporters cannotbe sources who are assigned to
and proofread. Join a writing group, attend a conference, themselves. Behaving professionally entails remaining
maybe even find a writing mentor. loyal to the news organization for which one works.
3.Hospitality from sources and independence:
Sports news -Sports journalists should reject invitations and gifts
Sports journalism is a form of writing that reports on from teams or promoters that could call them into
matters pertaining to sporting topics and competitions. question and instrumentalise them as reporters acting as
Its purpose is to entertain the reader or give advice. For independent eyewitnesses. Likewise, they should not
example, an article about “The Ateneo Blue Eagles use their position as journaliststo obtain free tickets for
Women's Volleyball Team (WVT) is no stranger to any sports event from sources other than those which
winning. Having three major championships to its name customarily make passes or tickets available when a
with UAAP Season 76, 77, and the most recent coming performance has a clear bearing on the journalist’s job.
from Season 81, the team is hard at work making sure 4.News gathering and impartiality:
that its legacy continues.” This would be a hard news -Sports journalists should avoid developing a close
story. relationship with sports sources and maintain a critical
Sport feature distance, by seeking and using a varied and
These are the stories that go beyond scores and statistics representative number of arguments and facts on any
and are more than news and play-by-play. These stories issue, and presenting them appropriately without bias
capture the emotions that flow through sports: passion towards their audiences. They should also avoid
and pain, desire and dedication. For example, “Alyssa misconducts such as boosterism and nationalistic or
Valdez scores three consecutive spikes on the first line.” chauvinistic approaches. Impartiality entails being
Differences: professional, rather than behaving like fans.
The major difference between a news story and a feature 5. Factual reporting:
story is that a news story is time-sensitive. Media outlets -Sports journalists are committed to truthful and factual
want to publish news stories as quickly as possible after reporting. They should establish a clear distinction
an event occurs. Feature stories, however, are not as between facts and their personal opinions about them, as
time-dependent and contain no urgent content. well as between news and advertising or sponsored
content. Reinforcing methods of verification is essential
Principles of Journalism applicable to Sports to the fight against fake news, the pervasiveness of
Writing speculation and rumor in sports content, and to
1.Public functions and right to sports information: discarding sensationalism and trivialization in news
Sports journalists should report on all areas of sport. As reporting.
an essential part of their public-service approach, they 6.Journalistic quality and use of language:
should not only concentrate on mainstream disciplines Sports journalists are committed to journalistic quality
but also give exposure to underrepresented sports that and must therefore rely on a correct use of language as
generate news and have a large number of practitioners. their main working tool by which to enhance their
This can help to broaden the coverage and expand stories. Acquiring a vast vocabulary and developing the
citizens’ sporting culture. Media professionals should ability to use suitable words and phrases in referring to
not report on the private lives of sportspeople unless the any sportsperson are valuable assets towards improving
information is relevant to understanding the athletes’ content quality within the field.
performance. 7.Promotion of positive sports value:
-Sports journalists should contribute to the promotion of
2.Conflict of Interest: positive values, such as fair play, nondiscrimination,
-Sports journalists should avoid taking part in activities and international peace and understanding, through their
that lie outside of their professional realm or in coverage of sports events among citizens, with special
employment that may create conflict of interest. This attention for youth and children.