Capital College and Research Center: Koteshwor, Kathmandu Botany (Grade Xii) - 5 Set Questions 2079
Capital College and Research Center: Koteshwor, Kathmandu Botany (Grade Xii) - 5 Set Questions 2079
Capital College and Research Center: Koteshwor, Kathmandu Botany (Grade Xii) - 5 Set Questions 2079
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
GROUP A [5×1=5]
A. Circle the correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. The original code ATCGGCATTCGA forms the mutant code ATCAGGCATTCGA. This kind of
mutation is -
a. Aberration mutation
b. Transversion mutation
c. Transition mutation
d. Frameshift mutation
2. The given anatomical structure contains numerous
vascular bundles scattered in ground tissue. Such
arrangement of vascular bundles is termed as
a. Eustele b. Atactostele
c. Bicollateral d. Concentric
3. An angiospermic tetraploid male plant and a diploid
female plant are crossed. The ploidy state of the endosperm formed is -
a. Triploid b. Tetraploid
c. Pentaploid d. Hexaploid
4. In plant hybridization procedure, anther is removed from the bisexual flower. This process is called
a. Emasculation b. Insemination
c. Tagging d. Deanthering
5. Bacteria cannot survive in a highly salted pickle because…..
a. Salt inhibits reproduction.
b. bacteria do not get enough oxygen for respiration.
c. the pickle does not contain nutrients necessary for bacteria to live.
d. they become plasmolysed and consequently gets killed.
GROUP B [4×4=16]
B. Give short answers to the following questions.
1. Which tissue initiates secondary growth in dicot stem? How is cork cambium formed during
secondary growth? Briefly explain the activity of cork cambium in secondary growth? [1+1+2=4]
2. Define megagametogenesis. Explain about development of embryo sac with well labeled diagram.
3. “Genetic engineering is alternately termed as recombinant DNA technology and gene cloning”.
Verify the above statement by describing briefly the technique of genetic engineering. [4]
4. In which pattern of inheritance, phenotype ratio is equal to genotype ratio? Explain it with a
suitable example. [1+3=4]
Define plasmolysis. List out six points showing the importance of plasmolysis. [1+3=4]
GROUP C [8×2=16]
C. Give long answers to the following questions.
1. Define semi-conservative method of DNA replication. Explain the process by which DNA
duplicates to form identical copies, along with neat diagram. [1+5+2=8]
Define colour-blindness. In what case female becomes victim in colour-blindness? Show the cross
and analyse the result briefly. [1+1+4+2=8]
2. Define photosynthesis. Why does the light reaction occur ahead of the dark reaction in
photosynthesis? Explain the various steps of light reaction occurring in plants. [1 + 1 + 6 = 8]
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
GROUP A [5×1=5]
GROUP C [8×2=16]
C. Give long answers to the following questions.
1. The X-linked characters occurring in male parent gets transferred to the grandson through F1
female. Which pattern of inheritance is this? Explain it with reference to the eye color of
Drosophila by using various genetic crosses and analyze its results. [1+5+2=8]
Who discovered mutation? Discuss the various types of gene mutation and chromosomal mutation
in brief. [1+3+4=8]
2. How are the light and dark reaction of photosynthesis linked? Describe the various steps of Calvin
cycle along with a neat flowchart. [2+3+3=8]
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
GROUP A [5×1=5]
A. Circle the correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. Test cross is the cross between recessive parents and hybrids. What is the test cross ratio of
Mendel’s monohybrid cross?
a. 1:2:1 b. 3:1
c. 1:1 d. 1:1:1:1
2. In the typical process of megasporogenesis,
a. All the megaspores of a tetrad become functional
b. Any two megaspores of a tetrad become functional
c. Only one megaspore of a tetrad become functional
d. Any three megaspores of a tetrad become functional
3. Dicot root differs from monocot root in having comparatively ________.
a. Fewer number of radial vascular bundle with small pith
b. Large number of radial vascular bundle with large pith
c. Fewer number of radial vascular bundle with large pith
d. Large number of radial vascular bundle with small pith
4. Bio-fertilizers are the living micro-organisms which can increase the fertility of soil. Which of the
following bio-fertilizers help in absorption of phosphate?
a. VAM
b. BGA
c. Azotobacter
d. Rhizobium
5. Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis by photolysis of water in which water is broken down
into hydrogen ion, electrons and oxygen. How many water molecules are required to produce one
molecule of oxygen during photosynthesis?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8
GROUP B [4×4=16]
B. Give short answers to the following questions.
1. Describe, with the help of a diagram, the successive stages of secondary growth leading to the
formation of annual rings in dicot stem? [2+2=4]
2. What is endosperm? Explain the different types of endosperm developed in angiosperms. [1+3=4]
3. Biotechnology is a new emerging discipline. Explain your views with its medical and agricultural
applications. [2+2=4]
4. Which is the smallest RNA? Describe its structure with labelled diagram. [1+1.5+1.5=4]
What is seed dormancy? Name the hormone that promotes seed dormancy in plants. List out any
four significances of seed dormancy. [1+1+2=4]
GROUP C [8×2=16]
C. Give long answers to the following question.
1. Inheritance is the transferring of characters to the next generation. It follows certain pattern which
may differ from plant to plant. Mendel did experiments in pea plants and proposed the laws of
inheritance. Describe the three major laws of inheritance proposed by Mendel. [2.5+2.5+3=8]
Crossing over is a necessary phenomenon which occurs during gamete formation. Define crossing
over and describe the mechanism of crossing over with necessary figures and also write two
important significance of crossing over. [1+3+3+1=8]
2. How are Glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle linked? Draw a detailed flowchart of the Kreb’s cycle and
describe it in brief. [2+3+3=6]
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
GROUP A [5×1=5]
A. Circle the correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. The first generation progeny of hybridization are
a. Pure lines b. Hybrid c. Synthetic d. Composite
2. Development of pollen tube, seeds, 3n endosperm and double fertilization is the characteristics of
a. Bryophytes b. Pteridophytes
c. Gymnosperms d. None
3. Vessels are found in
a. Most of the angiosperms and few gymnosperms
b. All angiosperms and some gymnosperms
c. All angiosperms, all gymnosperms and some pteridophytes
d. All of the above
4. In plant tissue culture, an excised piece of plant part that is cultured in an artificial nutrient medium
is called
a. Explant b. Callus c. Shoot d. Meristem
5. Electron carriers involved in photophosphorylation are located in
a. Outer chloroplast membrane
b. Inner chloroplast membrane
c. Stroma
d. Thylakoid membrane
GROUP B (4×4=16)
B. Give short answers to the following questions.
1. If a young root of a plant is cut and observed under the microscope, how would you ascertain
whether it is a monocot or a dicot root? Elaborate about bicollateral vascular bundle? [2+2]
2. What is pollination? Differentiate between self and cross pollination in any six points. [1+3]
3. Plant parts used in tissue culture is explants. Depending on explants, explain about different types
of plant tissue culture with significances. [2+2]
4. What is genetic code? Discuss the different properties of genetic code with example. [1+3]
Elaborate the similarities and differences between osmosis and diffusion. [2+2]
GROUP C [8×2=16]
C. Give long answers to the following question.
1. Colourblindness is an example of sex-linked inheritance in human beings. Define X-linked
inheritance and show the pattern of inheritance at least three different crosses with main features of
DNA is the basic biomolecule found in almost all living beings. Although slight variation is found
in the DNA of different organisms, every DNA is made of similar components. What are the
components found in the DNA? Describe the Watson and Crick model of DNA with neat and
labelled diagram. [2+3+3]
2. Define aerobic respiration. Which compound links glycolysis to the Kreb’s cycle? Describe the
steps of Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway along with its neat flowchart. [1+1+3+3=8]
Koteshwor, Kathmandu
GROUP A [5×1=5]
A. Circle the correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. The extra addition of which sex chromosome cause Klinefelter’s syndrome?
a. X b. Y c. X and Y d. none
2. An artificial mean of vegetative propagation, in which parts of two different plants are joined
together, is called
a. Layering b. Gootee c. Cutting d. Grafting
3. Which of the following methods is useful in fusion of two sexually incompatible plants?
a. Protoplast culture b. Meristem culture
c. Anther culture d. Micro propagation
4. Which of the following plant organ do not contain collenchyma?
a. Root b. Stem c. Leaf base d. All of the above
5. An albuminous seed showing hypogeal germination is
a. Bean seed b. Castor seed c. Gram seed d. Maize seed
GROUP B [4×4=16]
B. Give short answers to the following questions.
1. How can you identify the T.S. of stem from that of a root? Draw a well labelled diagram of the
transverse section of monocot stem. [1+3=4]
2. What is natural vegetative propagation? List out the various forms of natural vegetative
propagation with one suitable example of each. [1+3=4]
3. Define food security and food safety. Explain the principle of food safety given by WHO.
4. Plants losses water from plant body in two forms – gaseous and liquid. One form of water loss is
called transpiration in which water is lost in the form of water vapour (gaseous).
a. What is the other form of water loss called which occurs in the form of water droplets (liquid).
b. Name the pore through which this process of water loss occurs.
c. Differentiate this form of water loss from that of transpiration in any four main points.
Define somatic and germinal variation with example. Differentiate between clone and offspring in
four points. [1+1+2=4]
GROUP C [8×2=16]
C. Give long answers to the following question.
1. Define euploidy with its type. Explain the types of polyploidy giving one example of each.
What are linked genes? Explain, with the help of a suitable genetic cross, how linkage does not
follow Mendel’s law of independent assortment. [1+3.5+3.5=8]
2. What are C3 plants? List out any eight points of differences between C3 and C4 plants. Explain why
C3 plants are less efficient in photosynthesis compared to C4 plants. [1+4+3=8]