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Negros Oriental State University

College of Teacher Education

Date: 03/24/2022
when the topic is
Name: Lendin T. Real

1. Discuss comprehensively the roles of teacher, classroom and students in MG


The main function of the multigrade teacher is to teach students by imparting

knowledge not just follow a curriculum. Teacher must be able to develop skills

and inculcate desirable values and attitudes among pupils. The teacher is

expected to be versatile and utilize different strategies to make learning

meaningful and effective for all students in his or her classroom, no matter what

individual differences may exist among the students. In the following section of

this web training content you will be able to get informed more specifically on

teaching and learning strategies referring to the multigrade setting. The teacher

should be able to understand differences between pupils, be able to motivate

them to learn and guide them though their learning materials. The teacher

should be able to do this for all grade levels in the classroom, no matter what

curriculum subject is being studied. The teacher should not only be a provider of

knowledge but should also be a facilitator of learning both at a group level and

on a one-to-one basis. Despite these limitations and challenges that the teachers

and pupils encountered in this multigrade school, they strived hard and tried

their best to be meaningful and productive.

A multigrade classroom simply means that there is more than one grade in the

room, working independently or together, with each student working towards

their individual curriculum goals for their grade level. They are learning

simultaneously, both together and apart. It sounds trickier than it really is.

Curriculum at each grade level, in some areas, is relative and sequential,

therefore allowing a process of basic to advanced skills to take form easily. In

other areas of the curriculum, the topics differ, however, each topic in itself is

relative under an overarching theme. Our integration of theme-styled learning

helps to blend these differences and find similarities and purpose to learning


For students, multigrade schools combine students of different ages and abilities

in one classroom, under the direction of one teacher. They take a variety of

organizational forms, ranging from a grouping of several formal grade divisions

under the direction of one teacher to a completely non-graded learning


2. Cite a situation in MG class wherein differentiated instruction is apapplied.

I really admire multigrade teachers who try their best to fit all the learners in a

one-size bed, the classroom. Different travellers and guests, somewhat like the

pupils with different pupils who have different abilities, skills, and needs to cater

to whom the multigrade teachers are handling. Despite the differences, the

multigrade teachers try to find solutions or answers to fit or suit learners’ needs.

With these challenges, differentiated instruction and methodology were born.

Differentiated materials are used to cope with the different abilities and needs of

the pupils. As multigrade teachers, they do everything to impart learnings

despite inadequate facilities, learning materials, and even lack of teachers to

cope with and achieve quality education as mandated by the Department of

Education. Curriculum at each grade level, in some areas, is relative and

sequential, therefore allowing a process of basic to advanced skills to take form

easily. In other areas of the curriculum, the topics differ, however, each topic in

itself is relative under an overarching theme. Our integration of theme-styled

learning helps to blend these differences and find similarities and purpose to

learning them. The teacher's role is to guide and engage each student in the

area of their grade level curriculum, while encouraging them to share

information and work together. Questioning, critical thinking, creativity,

collaboration, and listening are key contributors to making this learning

environment work. Examples of differentiating products at the elementary level

include the following: Giving students options of how to express required

learning (e.g., create a puppet show, write a letter, or develop a mural with

labels. Another example of differentiating instruction is creating literature circles.

While this sounds like an English concept, it can be applied in any class where

you can group students with leveled texts. Students could all be reading about

the Civil War, but they could be reading a text that is at their reading level.

Teachers who employ differentiated instructional strategies will usually adjust

the elements of a lesson from one group of students to another, so that those

who may need more time or a different teaching approach to grasp a concept

get the specialized assistance they need, while those students who have already

mastered a concept can be assigned a different learning activity or move on to a

new concept or lesson. In more diverse classrooms, teachers will tailor lessons to

address the unique needs of special-education students, high-achieving

students, and English-language learners, for example. Teachers also use

strategies such as formative assessment—periodic, in-process evaluations of

what students are learning or not learning—to determine the best instructional

approaches or modifications needed for each student. When teachers

differentiate instruction, they might give some students an entirely different

reading (to better match their reading level and ability), give the entire class the

option to choose from among several texts (so each student can pick the one

that interests them most), or give the class several options for completing a

related assignment (for example, the students might be allowed to write a

traditional essay, draw an illustrated essay in comic-style form, create a

slideshow “essay” with text and images, or deliver an oral presentation).

Differentiated instruction is a process of teaching and learning for students of

differing abilities in the same class. Teachers, based on characteristics of their

learners’ readiness, interest, learning profile, may adapt or manipulate various

elements of the curriculum (content, process, product, affect/environment).

3. Differentiate Assessment from evaluation of MG class and discuss their


Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning

and development of students. It is the process of defining, selecting, designing,

collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to increase students'

learning and development. Evaluation plays an enormous role in the teaching-

learning process. It helps teachers and learners to improve teaching and

learning. Evaluation is a continuous process and a periodic exercise. It helps in

forming the values of judgement, educational status, or achievement of student.

Evaluation in one form or the other is inevitable in teaching-learning, as in all

fields of activity of education judgements need to be made. Evaluation is

concerned with assessing the effectiveness of teaching, teaching strategies,

methods and techniques. It provides feedback to the teachers about their

teaching and the learners about their learning. In brief, evaluation is a very

important requirement for the education system. It fulfills various purposes in

systems of education like quality control in education, selection/entrance to a

higher grade or tertiary level. It also helps one to take decisions about success in

specific future activities and provides guidance to further studies and

occupation. Some of the educationists view evaluation virtually synonymous

with that of learner appraisal, but evaluation has an expanded role.

Classroom assessment is something all teachers do as part of their

responsibility for enhancing student learning and motivation, documenting

student performance, and reporting results for accountability purposes. There

are many different types of classroom assessments that can be used, each with

advantages and disadvantages. To the extent that teachers base their

assessments on known indicators of high quality, such as reliability and validity,

align their assessments with clear and appropriate learning objectives and

targets, use formative assessment with meaningful feedback, and grade student

work to provide meaningful summary indications of performance, student

learning and motivation will be enhanced, as well as documented. Evaluation

provides a systematic method to study a program, practice, intervention, or

initiative to understand how well it achieves its goals. Evaluations help

determine what works well and what could be improved in a program or


The most important purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve

student learning. Assessment and evaluations are important tools for designing

curriculum and instructional approaches as per need of students. It also plays

important role in understanding overall effectiveness of programs and revising

classroom practices. Well-designed assessments help students to use the

knowledge and skills they have learnt and indicate their level of performance. As

part of assessment, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that

guides their effort towards improvement. All the assessments are well aligned

with learning outcomes. The data collected through an assessment helps

teachers determine students’ strengths and weaknesses as well as their overall

understanding of subject. All departments adopted variety of methods to assess

students’ prior knowledge and skills. Most popular method to assess the

students are Formative and summative assessment. Evaluation is an important

part of an aligned curriculum and an overall teaching and learning strategy

because it is part of the feedback and development cycle that should be a part of

any responsive and up-to-date teaching and learning strategy or plan.

Evaluations give students opportunities to speak to the lecturer about their

experiences and impressions of the course content and the pedagogical

approaches that have been used, and it therefore gives lecturers valuable

insights into how the knowledge being taught and the teaching styles and

assessments have been managed by the students.

4. Discuss comprehensively D.O. 96, s. 1997.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution that the State shall protect and

promote the rights of all citizens to quality education at all levels and take

appropriate steps to make education accessible to all, it is a declared policy of

the DECS to build a school in school-less barangays where enrolment and

population growth trends warrant the establishment of new schools and to

organize multigrade classes to offer the complete six (6) grade levels to children

in the remote barangays. In support of this program, the following policies and

guidelines in the organization and operation of Multigrade Classes in the country

are being issued: A multigrade class is defined as a class of 2 or more grades

under one teacher in a complete or incomplete elementary school; Organization

of Multigrade Classes; Regional Directors and Schools Division Superintendents

shall organize Multigrade classes to provide access to schools for children in far-

flung barangays and to complete incomplete schools. The minimum enrolment

of 8 pupils and the maximum of 35 pupils per class shall be observed. Whenever

possible and when teachers and other facilities warrant, MG classes composed

of more than three (3) grades per class should be converted to at most 3 grades

to a class ;School Plant, Facilities, and Furniture of Multigrade Classes. Regional

Directors and Schools Division Superintendents give priority to multigrade

classes in: allocating 3-room school building to MG classes without standard

building or where the existing building is in need of total rehabilitation. The

existing standards for schoolbuildings shall apply to MG schools. The classroom

layout as well as furniture should facilitate multigrade teaching and learning. It

should allow for: grouping/regrouping of school children according to age, grade

level, ability level or interest; the creation of learning center or comers; and easy

circulation of both teachers and students. Suggested classroom layout of MG

classroom is found in Enclosure 1 while features of an effective MG

classroom/environment arc found in Enclosure 2.Minimum Multigrade

Instructional Package (MIP) for teachers which shall consist of: 1) Minimum

Learning Competencies for MG Classes (MLC-MG), 2) Budget of Work for MG

Classes (BW-MG). 3) Lesson Plan for MG Classes (LP- MG), and 4) Multigrade

Teachers Handbook (MG-HB). Allocating teacher items and/or assigning teachers

in assigning teacher items, priority should be given to schools with multigrade

classes having an enrolment of more than 35 per class and classes with more

than 3 grades to a class. The Multigrade Curriculum and Program. Multigrade

schools/classes shall offer the New Elementary Schools Curriculum (NESC) and

adopt any of the suggested class program. Divisions may use any of the

suggested program options found in Enclosure 3 on a tryout basis and report on

the findings of the experiment after one school year. Full implementation or use

of a program should be based on results of the tryout. Support, Welfare and

Incentive Program for Multi Grade Teachers.


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